Animate Lines in Adobe After Effects (Trim Paths)

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in this video I'm going to show you this really simple and really quick way of animating lines inside of Adobe After Effects so let's get into it the basics of animating lines in Adobe After Effects is to use trim paths so if we go into the pencil and we make sure the stroke is enabled and the fill is removed if we just create an endpoint and out point you can see we've just got this basic line so now if we go into that layer we go into add and then we go into trim paths if we go into that layer we can pull the end down to zero percent create a brand new keyframe on end move over and then increase to 100 and now you can see that is going to animate this line on now there's a lot that you can do to get fancy so we can convert these keyframes so right click keyframe assistant easy ease and that is going to change how that looks it really slowed down into that final point now if you wanted to you could round off these edges so if we go into the shape layer go into shape stroke one you can see we've got line cap and line join so if we go to line cap we can change that to round cap and that's just going to round off those those edges for you so we've got this really cool line animation now of course as well trim pass can be applied to basically any mask so if we were to change this so if we go back to the pencil and we create a point in the middle you can see it's now going to work even though the shape has changed so trim parts can work on a really basic shape like this or alternatively you could actually create some really complex shapes so maybe we're creating this graph animation you can see it's just going to animate like this the cool thing is as well if the shape changes so if the animation changes throughout the trim part is still going to work as long as it is active so if we click shape layer we go into path one select path one if we create a brand new keyframe on the stopwatch a path at the beginning we move over towards the end of the action and then we make some changes to that so this goes up this goes down and then this drops again at the end you can see it's going to change and animate the trim part at the same time so if you were creating some logos for example this could be a really cool way of animating your logos in trim pass is really essentially just the backbone of any sort of line based animation so you've got a line you've got a shape you want to animate something on trim parts is the tool that you're going to use inside of Adobe After Effects to complete that it's quite a unique tool because there's nothing like this inside of Adobe Premiere so this really is an After Effects exclusive tool in the whole Adobe video editing Suite so hopefully you enjoyed watching this video hopefully you learned something and if you did then please consider checking out one of my other After Effects tutorials just up there so see you in the video
Channel: Brooker Films
Views: 19,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brooker films, brookerfilms, chris brooker, chris brooker films, tutorial, how to edit, filmmaking tutorial, how to make videos
Id: Z84O5ZkOrxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 3sec (183 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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