Voron Switchwire Build - Livestream Pt1 - Mechanicals

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] hello happy boxing day to everyone how you all doing i hope you had a great holidays hope you all stayed safe stayed home followed all your government rules and whatnot regarding the vid but uh welcome we are building a switch wire today moses already 25 super chat oh shoot mr message hope you had a great christmas i did much smaller than previous years um for those that don't know i live in ontario canada we are in lockdown mode up here so was very small very quiet it was actually really nice but now i have a week and a half where i have nothing to do because i can't really do much else so those that weren't here last week uh last week we put together the frame at the end of the stream um didn't think i'd get that far and turn apart the old switch wire but i did so we built the frame you didn't really miss much if you need to know how to build the frame you can go back a week at the end of the stream there but in the meantime box of parts we got a box of motors somewhere box motors got a frame let's build a switch wire yes everything is super organized let me catch up on chat how's everyone doing uh gain is too high uh there might be a little bit more echo than normal there's not much i can really do i was hoping to do some work on the room today actually and finish the bench like the wall of printers unfortunately everything is in full-on lockdown curbside pickup only order online even like home depot so i can't really go and uh order stuff uh the music yes the music there there we go some low-fi christmas beats so for those that don't know this is the music i use for streaming uh harry seller i don't get copyright dmc8 when i play this during streams so got some lo-fi christmas beats because it's christmas until uh new year so you can keep your christmas stuff up and say merry christmas until new year's after new year's january 2nd and that's all done uh where's my legacy um i don't have a legacy uh there's only three in existence right now and i do not have one quick question which stepper motor brand do you suggest ldo steppers online um i've been using steppers online uh for the longest time all my printers have been using stepper online uh this is the first printer that i'm building with ldo motors um yeah ldos are good so can we have a chat overlay yeah they're in the chat overlay it's right here it's right there i don't know i still need to set up streamlabs properly i still have the demo version but yes there is a chat overlay but yeah omc basically are cheap good they're fine ldos are better but they are a bit more but functionally they work fine okay so for those that have never built a switch wire um these are all the printed parts you need in a pile so i would actually recommend you know taking the time and organizing stuff before doing your build we don't do that but it's not a complicated build um tonight i am hoping to have all the mechanical portion of the assembly done um minus the afterburner tool head we might even get that done we'll see how long it goes i might do a four hour stream tonight we'll see see how everyone's doing i've never had this close to 100 people this quick into the stream so welcome everyone um i know joel did his little christmas giveaway there um the feedback from people on the stream seemed pretty enthused about switch wire so i'm assuming some of you are here through that but uh oh actually is that working yeah that is working the overlay is working so anyways uh switch wire so as of right now the switch wire and the legacy although the legacy one is coming are the only borons without a manual but you do have the cad okay so this is what we will be building so i'm hoping to have pretty much everything built except for the afterburner tonight um because literally the afterburner is the most complex part of this build everything else is like two or three printed parts and some bearing stacks it's it's really a simple build so the first thing we're going to do is mount our rails um it's what i usually start with so i still have our rails here and for those that don't know um this is a rebuild this printer was fully built and i took it apart so we could rebuild it on stream plus uh near cube and ldo hooked me up with some fancy rails and motors so i have a reason to rebuild it so for those that don't know um it's all mgn 12. you need four mgm 12 rails they're all the same length and for mounting them there are these little printed guides let's see which angle is this camera at that good enough so we have printed guide here so you have guides for mounting it to 20 20 and 20 and 30 30. so for the verticals and we're going to start with the gantry first you're going to need these ones and it's a relatively simple install they pretty much just drop in the center of them with the doodads and then you tighten it down and that's how you install the rails now there are these little spacers on top and the bottom here this keeps your carriage from flying out it also keeps everything aligned so you have three of these and then you also have your key back on the one side here and the key back is the magic that keeps everything from flying off so i know um i try to keep track of chat during this stream but i got a feeling tonight's going to be a lot chat will be a lot quicker than it normally is or what i'm used to so i'll do what i can we shall see how well that goes uh will i be adding a different hot end or will i keep it the firefly no i'll be using a dragonfly but yes i will be keeping the dragonfly in it um i liked it enough during testing that i figured i'd keep it in um just to see how it handles a little bit longer because one thing i didn't get to doing with it was testing dual extrusion so i'm going to keep this with the setup with the dual extrusion and i'm hoping that uh let me fix the color on this camera um that'll perform that it will perform pretty good with dual extrusion properties for your video it's always the white balance that goes off with this camera there we go okay so mounting your rails is really simple on this build your stopper in i only have um peanuts every other hole on the extrusions and that's all you really need you don't need to go you can't go every hole but every other hole is perfectly good enough for what we're doing here uh will that mean i'll be upgrading to dual m4s yes i do have to print and assemble two m4 extruders i won't be reusing the jet packs though but uh what's it gonna say the oh i say something i can't remember [Music] so that one is there so i need another one of the stoppers i got famous overnight you were here before it was cool i was always cool just not everyone knew about it yet yeah i do have to print the dual m4s but uh i gotta this is all i have left of the orange i was cutting it real real close with the orange that's why my rear skirts are in the accent color because i want to save some orange because i'm probably going to do the m4 with the same color scheme but i'll probably have the blue as the primary and the orange as the accent because i'm running kind of low on this and if i need to replace any parts down the line i'd have to buy another spool so yeah okay so that's one random one and then you pretty much do the same on the other side but you only have one stopper at the top find it [Music] and at the bottom you have the the key back base holding it up [Music] cowboy one 25 thank you man appreciate it you know for the cool kids thank you man appreciate it hope you enjoy the stream tonight doing this because of you guys i had no plans to rebuild it so you can all thank near cute if he's in chat for uh kind of pushing me to do this by providing me with shiny objects to build it with so for those that don't know this is an ldo frame ldo motors if you're in canada you can get them from printed solid uh if you're in or correct it if you're in canada again from sparta3d if you're in the us you can get them from printed solid and uh in europe they have a few vendors i think i can't remember off the top of my head who the vendors are in europe but they do have options in europe to get it there too [Music] yeah i was hoping today to head up to home depot so i can get some stuff so i can build like a temporary overhead cam rig and uh get the bench going because right now i'm hoping to extend the bench all across the back there for printed but uh ontario is in full lockdown mode so unless it's something essential like food or medicine um you're not allowed to be open for customers so you have to buy it online and go pick it up can't even go on a home depot even the crappy tires are closed okay there we go so we have this rail on and now on this rail at the bottom we have the key back now the key back is the magic sauce of what makes the switch wire work okay so for it to work uh where is it you have this wonderful little housing it goes in and that acts like your end stop as well for the rail so then they come flying off the uh your carriage doesn't come flying off the rail uh tim hortons is essential business so here's the thing you talk to any true canadian who lives up here tim hortons is dead to us the only reason it's still around is because it's everywhere tim hortons isn't even canadian anymore it's owned by a brazilian company okay so where is my housing i know what printed it one half and there's the other half oh yeah and the delivery gods grace me and now i've got plenty of those because you are going to need a lot of uh heat set inserts for this build let's play with sun because we are going to be using the soldering iron a lot thick [Music] so i should have prepped and heated that up for him but i did thrasher hey how you doing the nice thing about timmy's is everywhere it's no two stores make the same consistent coffee that's true and even the same store if you go 20 minutes later it could be uh great or it could be garbage like i i try to avoid timmy's now i honestly mcdonald's coffee is where it's at for your generic generic drive-through coffee so yeah so tonight we're gonna be putting in a lot of heat set inserts too and for those that don't know get yourself like a cheap uh soldering iron don't use your good one and you just want it like hot enough to melt the insert into the plastic you don't want to burn the plastic i set mine for 220. and i'm gonna keep this on all night and hopefully not burn anything uh contributing to the fun for another spool of orange thank you man appreciate it um i i think it's still in stock i just have to buy it but i think i'll be okay i need to stock up on filament i'm running low so this is a key back this is the magic sauce that makes the switch wire work and literally all it is is a retractable uh key retainer okay you would clip it on your belt now i have this little plastic dongle on it because back in the early design of this you had to cut off what came on here now there's a printed part that allows you to un use this unmodified you just have to take a little part that clips onto your belt off however i built my switch wire before this became standard so i don't have that anymore so i have to use this little printed part but basically you would use the same thing you would just hook it into this plastic part and attach the plastic part to the thing but uh yeah this is the key back and then it pretty much only goes in one way due to uh the way it's designed that's it you screw it together uh what brand of linear rails do you have there these are cna i use cna rails off aliexpress [Music] because that's just what i use i haven't had any issues with them i'm very if i don't have issues with it i won't go hunting for a replacement that's placing allen keys all night now if your key back makes noise this one ain't too bad like it's still going to make noise obviously but uh if it makes like a really like loud like noise like it's hard to explain i wish it would still make that but i fixed it but if there's a noise that i would make you can oil it you can pop it open you gotta be very careful though because it has a uh the springs like helical it's like a wound up spring so you have to be very careful when you open it you can put a few drops of oil because it's like a plastic bearing that the rope runs on and it rubs against plastic and it's like a really grating noise it doesn't affect functionality in any way but you can oil it if it makes that noise to kind of give your ears a chance and then that just mounts right there uh what is the oh yeah so what the feedback's used for so for those that don't know um switch wire is core xz okay so if you were to take a core xy printer okay um hey look i have one right here okay so you take a core xy printer and you flip it vertical okay that is the gantry on switch wire okay so instead of the head moving around and the x and y like this it's now look vertical and it's your z and y okay so corex said yeah x and z yeah so the problem is this is a v0 it's light as all hell but on a bigger printer like a v2 for example um what happens is under gravity the gantry just falls okay it won't stay in position every time you turn off the power it'll drop and the motors are constantly fighting to keep the gantry up so what the key bag does is it acts basically like a counterweight um this one is a 13 ounce and i think you can get a 20 ounce one too um and what it does is basically comes up loops around some bearings and then comes down and hangs off the gantry and it just takes the weight of the gantry off of the motors or a good portion of the weight so that way when you turn the power off the gantry just stays worth that you mean z zed dead z is dead i flip between the two because i know it annoys people okay so we got the key back installed hide panels so we got our rails on so let's finish putting on the uh the other guns on the frame so let's do the idler so for the idlers they're very simple the xy or xz idlers are really simple here or actually these are just not the xz these are just said idlers these are the accent diagrams down here down here but anyways two printed parts two bearing stacks easy peasy so got one here and where's my other one adam all hmm i don't know i put them both in the box oh there's one part i'm gonna have to do this like blues clues and point a camera at the pile of parts and just have you guys find them for me where is it do you see the idler dang it i'm being blind aren't i where is the idler hopefully they drop it another one of these i had them both together because i was checking something no no no no no no no back in the grill no this is embarrassing do you see the idler oh there it is okay so these are the printed parts that you need for the upper idlers and you're basically building a bearing sack on each so for the screw i should be calling out screw sizes but it's a 40 mil m5 and for bearing stacks with borons the rule of thumb is every bearing stack is a washer two bearings and a washer okay and these are the uh the f695s flanged and then a washer okay and now another bearing stack so you would put another washer two bearings and then another washer and that is basically the bearing stack and that is it and then you simply put it on your printer now you'll see which side it goes on uh because the belts have to come up from the bottom so if you look see how there's a little notch there no notch there so with no notch that's got to go up so this one would go right here and then you just face it right at the edge so it just make it flush with the edge of the extrusion let me catch up on chat here oh uh blade scraper 20 thank you man appreciate it uh just wanted to say thanks for all your videos got my 2.4 going along with everyone else in the discord pit being cool thank you man appreciate it very much that's why i do the videos i know they help people a lot with their builds so i'll keep doing them [Music] okay so you tighten everything up make sure your bearings still move nothing's bound up that's one [Music] same thing uh when is the manual expected um when it gets done i'm not involved in the manuals um because my artistic skills end at ms paint and stick figures but basically there's just a lot of stuff going on right now [Music] so luckily you'll now have a video to reference along with the cat [Music] oh and if i goof up on camera angles just let me know i know i forget let's change cameras often okay so that is your upper idler stun that's it uh as a way to install a filament run out sensor uh does voron need one um you can put a filament run out sensor on any boron you just need to have it somewhere in the filament path um unlike the direct feed ones like the v2s here um i got direct feed afterburners you can put it on the back um you can put it anywhere between the spool and the hot end basically so okay so we've got the upper idlers on let's do the motor mounts i guess so they are down here and again it is one two three printed parts for each one and then the motor so then also acts this is your tensioner here so what you would do is you would loosen these two screws tighten or loosen this screw and that moves the whole assembly up and down and that tensions your belt so that's how you do your belt tensioning as well uh for the corex set so now when you print these um there is a left hand and a right hand side so you need to make sure you have the right ones dom g i just finished just push first just now push first plastic out of my new 2.4 build your videos and live stream tips really helped much appreciate it thank you man i'm glad they helped and congrats on getting that printer printing [Music] for now lose them [Music] and let's get our ldo motors out ooh shiny so if you get the ldl motor pack um it comes with four motors so you have three bigger ones these are for your xyz um they're all the same you can put them wherever and then you get a smaller pancake one that is for your uh afterburner if you're going with direct feed so we'll only need the two for now uh running pressure advanced tuning out of my 2.4 right now still no enclosure winning on phone tape there's always a garbage bag if you really need it now for routing the wires um if you look i think originally on mine actually i still have them assembled yeah i ran my wires in board so i ran the wires because there's really you don't want the wires coming down um so if this is your your fitting here you don't want it coming down because you'll hit your extrusion you don't run running out because if you ever panel it it's sticking outside so you have to run them facing in towards the bed that's the easiest way to do it we'll do uh here this one is [Music] and we're also going to need some gear so we're going to need some 22. [Music] there see here should have gotten orange panels i'm not going to enclose this printer actually um i don't enclose my uh my switch wires well my switch wire i have two v2s fully enclosed for abs when i need to print abs so uh these are pretty much test bed for like tla and stuff so i'm kind of cheating here because i already have a pre-assembled one that i took off that's before i rebuilt so i'm going to use this to kind of figure out my spacing for my 22th gear um you guys of course will have to go through and space it out depending on where the belts are and whatnot just to make sure your alignment's correct and you do have access so you can't adjust these if you need to so if you want to get really stingy you can check the cat for that but uh i'm just kind of eyeballing it based off of what i have available at least to get it started and i probably will be adjusting these so i'm not gonna i'm not gonna put uh loctite on them right now because i probably will be moving these once i start playing around with alignment and then we are going to have to put the hooks in too at this point now for the hooks you are going to have to put some heat sets in there [Music] because the heat sets uh they don't you know rip the thread up basically and use these for adjusting your attention yep and then for the screws they are you're going to need m3 40s and these are for uh the tension portion so what it does is the tensioner kind of sits in there and it gets sandwiched between so what you can do is you can kind of get it sized right now so that way it's ready to go once it's installed basically then you also need i think they're 30 mils see here these are and this is for attaching the motor yeah m330s for attaching the motor [Music] so that goes like that that goes like that like that and actually i will show you because i know i'm just i kind of know what most of the screw sizes are because i'm literally pulling these out of a pile of screws that i took off but for those that don't know if you need to figure out screw sizes um and you have the cad wrong button this is another problem when you use like three different cad programs you forget the shortcuts if you click on an object and hit v it hides it so if you need to figure out the screw sizes use inspect and then just click on the end of the screw and the bottom of the head and there you go it's 29.785 but i didn't click the end so it's a 30 millimeter screw that's how you figure out screw lengths if you uh only have the cad just makes it a little bit easier or you could just do what most people do and just put the screw in and see which one sticks out enough because that works too [Music] i'm pretty sure these are the longer ones yeah so for attaching these to the actual frame though you're going to need m5 15 or 16 actually [Music] so when you put it in a little uh hook here make sure you have that hooked into the extrusion before you uh screw these in i remember breaking one of them during beta because i didn't have it quite lined up and i screwed it down and it just snapped it let's make sure you have it pre-hooked in the extrusion [Music] and these you do not have to have tight right now uh simply for the fact you're going to be tensioning these so what i do is i just kind of get them in position snug them up by hand and then that's it for now you'll be coming back to these later after you get everything assembled belts on because you're going to be adjusting the tensioning and whatnot so normally what i would actually do at this point is have them moved up a bit because right now just sitting on the extrusion so actually move it up pretty much all the way and then tighten them down that way you have something to pull on when you go to actually you know tighten your belts okay let's do the other one uh the screws are named correctly okay then yeah you can just click on the screw name in the uh in the uh see if you click that screw there so what gantry x motor yeah okay i'm 340. so yeah everything's called out there i'm used to the cad program i use at work where you have to measure stuff that gets really annoying by the way so like you have your slicer that uses certain keys to move around zoom in zoom out move objects and then you have this fusion 360 and it has its own shortcuts and keys and everything and then i also have the cad software i use at work that has all its own stuff as well it gets confusing sometimes i'm actually missing screw where's my 40 mil there's my 40 mil that one near the top okay says yeah you can't always trust the naming call outs for uh those screws unfortunately use a bigger hammer here the trick is you just order m350s in a sort of like 400 of them and a hacksaw and you just cut them to size as you go that way you don't run out of screws and you have every size you would need [Music] [Music] sounds terrible i'd say it was a smart idea i just said it was an idea so you never have to worry about running out of screws and having the right size okay so there we go got the motors mounted now so that is pretty much it for the gantry minus c x beam um so let's put our put the bet on [Music] i remember which one i used for the x and which one for the the z or the y i don't think it matters these are all good rails yeah let's go with this one for the bed so i'm hoping i can just slide this back on [Music] again i have all the stuff pre-attached to the rails because i just split them off when i took this apart and again every other bowl has a t-nut there we go okay so there's no point centering this yet little guides make sure everything's lined up squared so we have a front idler and a motor we've got to map to this so very simple our motor goes in the back here it is two printed parts and it attaches to the 2020 and then we have our idler which is two printed parts a bearing stack and it attaches to the 2020. as i said this is a very simple build so let's do uh let's see that one let's see the front idler so these are the two printed parts right here now you have to be kind of a little bit careful because it does screw into plastic here so you don't want to overdo it when it comes to tightening it down and let's see what is that screw uh m530 oh uh robert bieber 50 thank you man appreciate it uh just wanted to say thank you for the streams your earlier ones just got me through my first v0 build awesome man that's good to hear appreciate it and uh as always that's why i do these because i know they help people especially the v0 that could be a little tricky one so there is a notch here so you know exactly where to line it up on your extrusion i don't want to go black let's go flat do i have black screw no i'm all out okay silver it is then we got our bearing stack that's a bad bearing okay [Music] now this screws into plastic so you have to be careful here you don't have to over tighten it this is just to kind of hold everything in place because it's all there's no pull force on this at all it literally just keeps it in location [Music] so pretty much just screw it down until it's snug and you're done that's it and then it just mounts to the front wait i need regular m5 and it's okay if this is kind of on an angle or whatever once the belt's on it and pulling it back it'll be all good okay now that we have that on we can go ahead and tighten our rail down because now we have a reference point and you're gonna want the rail referenced off the front it's not a huge deal if you have referenced off the back but it's better to have it referenced off the front when it comes to tightening your belt because you use a screwdriver for that you'll see why later i'm regularly great still waiting on the uh a little cheap uh hdmi capture card to come in so that i can put the proper camera okay so now we're gonna do our motor mount which again is two plastic parts and the motor and uh you're gonna put a gear on the motor one tooth so we got this part and this part that and how does this go oh wait i got it upside down yeah it goes like this right yep so it goes just like that and what screw is 40 mil yep 40 mil or actually 35's [Music] [Music] made a misplaced one okay i guess we're using black screws i need to restock my screws because right now i got like a mishmash of different nickel and black black oxide ones let's hope i have enough of one color come on really yeah there we go there we go okay motor and then the motor i believe i had it i take it apart i think i took it apart i did yeah i had it going forward so i had it mounted the wire is going forward that's personal preference however you want to do your cable management as it doesn't interfere you can have the wires coming off in any direction uh what is the estimated cost of a switch wire versus a 2.4 the switch wire is definitely going to be cheaper in terms of cost you can build if you source all the parts yourself a switch wire cheaper than you can buy a prusa mark iii s plus whatever version they're on right now [Music] then for your 22 it's easier to line it up once you have everything on because you're going to be lining it up with your uh your extrusion and you can get at it easily to adjust it so for mounting this guy [Music] same as before you just put it on and it's one screw holding it order one there we go [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] yep the motors are on so what you can do now at this point is actually run your belts [Music] let's see here so i'm reusing the belts from previously because they're they're gates belts they're still good so i'm not going to throw them out so that's xy then and the belts for those that have ever played with a reality style printer uh the belts run in the 2020 extrusion basically you just feed it through the extrusion channel basically happy holidays ian let's see if i can slip that in there like that yeah just do that [Music] [Music] okay so let's adjust the location of this guy so right now i'm lining up the rear 22 pulley that's on the belt or on the uh motor actually i'm gonna have to flip this guy upside down [Music] [Music] get it kind of close and then you can adjust it once the belts are on good enough for now i'll play with it [Music] later [Music] so for mounting the belts uh you're gonna need this is the part right here pull up the cat here so let me hide the gantry so we don't need the gantry okay i have the bed dang it i don't need to put a hole there all right center yeah i keep screwing up my shortcuts v i don't want to sketch oh my god what i do here i don't want to sketch how do i exit sketch oh my god damn you fusion 360. i just sketch sure okay so this is the part right here so your belts run in this channel and then they come out into this part and this part right here is what mounts to your bed carriage okay so this transfers the belt motion up to the carriage and it rides on your other carriage here so this part is relatively easy to put on we are going to have to put a heat set insert into it and actually i got to trim this guy because a little too close to the bed when i printed it a little bit too much smoosh this happens no biggie okay so i'll do it on this camera because i don't think i'll be able to get a good view on that camera but i think i got on the wrong side yeah the right way around so you have these two little nubbins here these actually ride in the channel so this forces the belt up and out so the belt path is straight let's put this heat set in you feed your belts through and it's okay to have plenty of slack on the belts right now honestly the more slack you have on your belt right now the easier your life will be when you do this part of the uh assembly so let's see i don't know if i can actually get it on this camera better basically back here the belts come out through here and then across like that and then there's a clamp that clamps them and then that will sit like that and then the bed sits on top and attaches it all together essentially and then your little clamp piece is let me find it here this guy right here or actually which one is it i printed extra ones okay i printed an extra one for no reason and then basically try and tighten it as best as you can before clamping the clamp down all the way obviously but there is another way of clamping it once you get this so basically do it the best you can with this method and then there's another step you do to get that final snugness in make sure your belts are lined up everything's good before you finally clamp it down okay and then i'm just going to make sure my 22 pulley back here is lined up perfectly so you can just move it around make sure it's not binding or rubbing now i forgot a step here but they also if you are running with a micro switch for your y end stop you need to attach it onto the carriage right here okay now if you're running with um oh is it stall guard or whatever whatever the built-in tmc version is uh you don't need to do that so i don't know where i put my end stop there it is so i'm going to put it back on just because i have everything set up for it and you can you know if you forgot and you're at this point right now you can just flip it down install it and move on with your life so i'm going to do that right now brian b 6.99 thank you man appreciate it uh thank you for the videos thank you for enjoying them [Music] actually been kind of busy i don't think i mentioned it but for those that don't know any donations to the stream to the channel um through either super chats or becoming a member of the channel or through my patreon links are all below for all that stuff everything goes right back into funding projects and helping out the channel itself um your support over the past year guys has been like blowing me away and has allowed me to do a lot more than i ever planned on doing so thank you okay got that back on there actually i forgot is that impact yeah i'm using the wrong type of screws i forgot you need to use uh like flat heads or they rub although they might have fixed the clearance issue on the newest parts i'm not 100 sure where are my self-tappers michael i am trying to find carbon fiber that is good up here if you could find me a link to good carbon fiber up here i will buy it i've looked for it but nothing that i can find i'm super i think will be good because i am going to be printing um toasty boy out of cf nylon i want to use cf nylon on toasty boy i just don't want to buy crappy cf nylon and i've asked a few people and uh i haven't found or somebody hasn't pointed me into the good stuff yet plus i was waiting on holiday sales too just to order from filmmatrix for some reason it won't let me okay for some reason you linking that won't let show up in youtube there we go okay so that's good there you can vouch for the east sun stuff but you got to draw the crap out of it a 3d extent carbon pa okay so hey maker viking yeah believe me i am buying some i am buying some i just need to i don't want to buy crap essentially okay so now we're ready to put the bed carriage on now for the bed carriage this is one thing that you actually have to modify um i think i printed it yes no yes i did so for the bed carriage here's the thing with the switch wire everything on this is pretty much stock the only thing you really have to modify is a bed carriage now this is the prusa mark 3 bed carriage right so this is um i can't remember where i got i think this one i bought off bisec ldo carries them to a few different vendors um if you're using you can use any barrett bed carriage basically as long as you can fit this template on it and drill four holes and then two offset okay as long as you can do that you can use that bed carriage okay so you can reuse an ender bed carriage some random whatever chinese bed carriage you found okay it's we designed it with this in mind but as long as you have the room to drill these holes you can reuse that bed carriage and actually i think i forgot to uh yeah i forgot shoot i gotta put more heat sets in this guy [Music] [Music] [Music] now i gotta flip this over because i forgot to put some heat sets in awesome you need to put heat sets on this guy right here underneath because the screws come down to mount it yeah for the uh what size are these screws it doesn't say okay whatever size screw those are so uh filler matrix cf nylon i'll take a look after the stream um i was going to try the the esun stuff because i think that stuff's only about fifty dollars a spool up here um but the problem is like i didn't want to spend like eighty dollars on a spool that is crap [Music] so i don't want to waste that much money on because i've been burned on crappy filament in the past okay i'm unplugging the iron for a bit because it's getting really hot can i turn this off no it doesn't have an off switch uh your son wants to pour me around 120 filling matrix is 6 55 at school let me give you okay you know what i'll write that down no pad okay i will buy a school of filler matrix cf nylon after the stream promise put this back up there that goes there so right there is the y assembly i got the end stop installed you don't need to install the end stop if you're using a stall guard for your end stop but i prefer mechanical end stops personally so there we go so that is the whole y assembly done um and now the super special trick did i play you have one might not have one i don't know where i put it that might work um the final belt tent so you tighten the belts as best as you can by hand and then what you do is you loosen the rear m5 bolt on the motor housing you get a flat head screwdriver put in the gap there you pry back a little bit and you tighten down the motor mount again and now your belt is tensioned good there you go so the y-axis is done mechanically so i guess let's do the gantry now michael it's fine i'll take care of it don't worry about it that was more than generous and uh i know i've been delaying so i'll make sure i take care of it where'd i put the how do i misplace a rail where my other rail go oh there's so let me zoom out here and bring everything back uh gantry country there we go okay so the gantry the gantry is really simple it's pretty much you mount your rail you got your xz idlers and then you got your afterburner tool head the afterburner tool head is the most complicated part okay so we're going to put these bearing stacks together adults and again you have a left hand or right hand side here and you can tell by the spacers which goes where and basically these are just two bearing stacks and pieces sandwiched together real simple uh is there a way to probe the bed to see how level it is without actually doing a qgl um if you're talking there is a bed mesh you can run you can run a traditional bed mesh to see how flat your bed actually is because qgl is just doing four corners of the entry don't lose the carriage [Music] oh george one second i can't see there we go okay uh what did i miss george 100 damn man thank you appreciate it i hope you're enjoying the stream i hope you're learning a lot uh we're being entertained or thank you thank you okay i don't know people do that it throws me off you guys are awesome okay so mounting your rail on the gantry simple just space it centered so just get a scale and just scale it to the center remember it's like 20 mil off each side or something like that yeah but it's it's 20 millimeters in set from each side just get a scale double check make sure it's as centered as you can get it it doesn't need to be super bang on if you're off like half a melody at the end of the world i don't even think that would matter put your little guides on it and tighten it down and what i do is i just go one way snugging them up and then i go back actually twerking them never torque with the ball end of a ball and allen key very easy to strip the screws and break the ball off and you don't know pain until you break the ball off of an allen key on a one inch bolt at the bottom of a seven inch hole and you have to get it out so we're going to leave our uh guides on so that it doesn't fall off while we get our exit idlers ready okay we got four pieces here and the easiest way to see is you'll see this little fancy feature here detail on the front that's how you know it's the front piece the back piece doesn't have this little cutout here this little notch so you can use that as a reference to find out which uh which ones you're left and which ones you're right essentially that and then you just match up the pair and again these are the kind that they screw into plastic don't be overzealous with tightening these bolts pretty much just tighten them enough that you're good and then that's it that's all you need you don't need to go crazy on them and just line everything up with the edge of the extrusion for now it's a decent enough reference point [Music] that's the right size there so we need four of these david ran 999.99 a bunch of people are buying switch wire parts tonight from me so i assume it's because of your stream so thanks to 100 because i didn't want to do it too short thank you uh for those that don't know uh mr uh yeah where did i lose my mouse uh david is the owner operator mate the main guy for printed solid um so if you need printed part or 3d printer parts uh go see him because he's a very nice dude thank you man i appreciate it uh absolutely ninety-eight it's one of another beautiful blue frame and one of the true reprap building channels thank you man i appreciate it near you one dollar thank you man you don't need to give anything you provided the frame you guys are awesome holy sh i can't say naughty words or youtube will uh strike the channel but you guys are awesome thank you so yes if you need printed parts printed solid david is awesome you guys shipped to canada yet because i know a while ago i was looking for ldo stuff and you guys didn't ship to canada is that still a thing [Music] okay so for the build by the way it's uh two bearing stacks um so washers two bearings washer easy peasy [Music] [Music] and again you're screwing into plastic here so be gentle you basically just need to have it tight enough that there's no slop in it so i just screw down until the uh the screw head sits flush and then that's it that's all you need you don't need to go crazy with tightening these you're just holding the bearing stack in position essentially [Music] and we put our front one in trying to get canada set up still still talking to shipping companies right now 30 dollars for a spool of filament and that's crazy yep david um it's not even better in country like when i was doing printed ford um to ship a box with all the voron v2 printed parts to like bc was roughly about 20 30 depending on where in bc and that's within canada like our shipping in canada is horrible unfortunately like i find it's it's not so much it doesn't get so much pricey when it gets heavy it's more just the initial price is high to start off with there we go let's get there slop out okay so we're good there so that's that guy done hey everyone tim's here everyone say hi to tim uh what's the build size this is a stock size uh switch wire so it is i want to say build volumes it's technically 250 by 250 ish by i think it is 250z um i have to check the firmware but uh the problem is you're limited on the y because it uses a prusa mark 3 bed so the actual printable area on the bed i think it's only like 235 or 240 millimeter and then on the zed uh you have to limit it to i think either 240 or 235 simply because there is a drag chain if you look um so you will you can travel the full 250 all the way up the problem is depending on your drag chain here and how the loop is coming out of the top if it touches your belts up here if it touches your xz belts you'll have issues the defect so most of us limit it to about 230 240 but it's more print volume than a prusa mark 3 i believe now you can always just extend order you know 10 millimeter longer extrusions if you're worried about that everyone say hi to tim peck too my one bearing short or one uh washer short am i missing a washer nope there's one i gotta order more shims running low kind of disappointed i used to have a hookup at work uh with a fasten all rep good fasten all supplies the shop i work at and i used to be able to just animal list then he would make it happen and i'd be able to get anything for cost but unfortunately due to rona and everything that kind of isn't the case anymore oh that one's too short i'm a little disappointed there oh yeah that one's too short okay so big got these i mean i'm missing one yeah 30 mil 25. that's where i put it shoot oh this is going to suck i use the i mixed up a 25 and a 30 in my motor mount so i gotta swap these this ain't the first time by the way there we go okay let's fix back in business [Music] there [Music] right that's all right that's tight okay okay take guides off don't need them [Music] okay so now you have this little block you have to mount [Music] so [Music] okay let me just do this the old-fashioned way all right everything so we have this little block here okay this block right here bounce to your carriage and then the tool head mounts to this block um it doesn't mount directly to the carriage like on the v2s or the v1 for example so it's this block right here okay this guy right here and you need to put some heat set inserts into it and then mount this to your carriage so let me plug this back in let that heat up let me catch up on chat because i'm trying to follow chat tonight but you guys like this is busy [Music] uh let's see here yeah like people underestimate i'm pretty much done the brain like we're gonna put this in and then um it's like put on the afterburner which if you need instructions for the afterburner you can find that on any of the the boron manuals right now except for the v0 um and that's pretty much it wiring uh yeah okay so hopefully that should be fine now i wish i had a proper overhead cam for this by the way just waiting on the uh the usb dongle to show up then i'll fab something up temporarily for now [Music] watch the camera too watch me put heat sets in even better okay so when it comes to actually installing that though if you look at it there's a notch at the bottom for the channel for your uh your probe and then you have these two little notches at the top so that's your orientation there so the big notch in the trench that faces down so you wanna make sure you mount this correctly otherwise you're gonna have a bad time and it uses uh what size screws are these [Music] m38 i had to buy a whole bunch of them i ran though 3 8. here we go uh do i recall the print time um i don't remember it's not a crazy amount of time i started printing the parts on monday and i had them all done by wednesday that was on a single v2 250 and that was you know work in the holidays and whatnot okay so we got that guy mounted and now we'll build the afterburn last our afterburner last but we are going to mount it right now so you have these two blocks here and they mount to the back of the extrusion and then the blocks mount to your carriages and there's one that's slightly different and it'll have two parts or two holes for heat set inserts this is the side that your key back is on so they are different so we gotta mount and then the other side here so yeah so one has the holes two holes for mounting your key back mount and the other one has holes for mounting your drag chain so you have to print off whichever one you're using if you're using like generic chain or the iges chain you have to print off the correct one so more heat sets uh what filament did i print i printed all my parts in abs [Music] yeah we recommend abs you can print it in other stuff if you want to get fancy but we just across the board recommend abs for all four on parts because they withstand the uh the temperatures because all borons are designed to be fully enclosed so we take that in account and then they also take the stresses that uh are put on the parts better than most other plastics i gotta clean that off i've seen my share of petg borons bail his petg isn't as great of plastic as some other uh 3d printer youtubers will lead you to believe [Music] there's a reason it's only used for plastic bottles outside of 3d printing pretty much not even they use p-e-t p-e-t-g was only in 3-d printing i'm unplugging this guy for this i uh what do you think of printing them petg and then reprinting um i did that on my original v1 and uh it can be done but it's kind of a pain to rebuild everything completely after building it so if you can go abs right from the start that's the best way of doing it but if not you can do it that way if that's the only option you have how am i missing so many screws i kept all the screws for when i took it apart and put them in a pile and now i'm putting it back together and i'm missing a whole bunch of screws that even happen [Music] [Music] the math does not make sense [Music] luckily i have a ton of m3 though not a big deal [Music] okay so this one goes on this side [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so any scratches yet on the frame um i probably have some on the bottom but you don't see those but so far i've been babying this thing as much as i can i really don't want to ding it up that is such a nice color [Music] yeah those two are on now you need m5 40s uh socket head actually mount the gantry this build is actually going together really well i'm surprised but i'm not surprised i just for those that watch my streams though i usually run into a hiccup or two because i usually forget something and yes i know i just set myself up to forget something so uh let's see here and he suggested mods for a quieter fan setup perform the controller fans are quite loud you can just buy quieter fans like i use um and this guy yeah i'm sorry together right i use uh what is it the 60 millimeter noctua fractal fans um you can just buy cheaper fans they're quieter fans i buy cheap fans because i don't care um but you can get quieter fans for the controller fans um and then uh for those that think printing abs is hard remember this pile of scrap parts in a cardboard box prints abs just fine if you if you're having trouble with abs eson abs plus is cheating because it's such an easy abs to print okay so i'm trying to get this on camera but basically we are going to put our gantry on come on cardboard box don't fail me now for mounting a camera trying to line everything up that one's good there so mount your uh your x gantry a few blocks what i do is i just get everything stubbed up so that's it's in position but you can still move it i use the plastic bag mod i printed my original v2 parts actually my uh when i upgraded my v1 from petg to abs i literally just threw a garbage bag over it okay so now you just shift it so that it is centered there we go and tighten it down yeah as you can see um drops like a rock but we got it on so now we're gonna fix the dropping like a rock part so we already have our key back on okay so we have our key back here and you just need to put this little guy together up here and all it is is a little printed plastic piece and a bearing stack nothing fancy yeah what size screw is that [Music] [Music] [Music] and then for spacing uh 18 millimeters in [Music] although i honestly don't think it matters that much longer it's kind of in the right spot get some screws here and then you would take your key back that camera ain't gonna catch it basically it loops up over and then you just screw it to your gantry [Music] so you would be normally using this printed piece here focus anyways you wouldn't normally be using this printed piece here and you would put the actual like nubbin that's on the end of the rope in there and then that will mount to your part here however i cut mine off because that's what we originally did in beta um so i have to use this printed plastic piece here which works just fine it's just a different way of doing it and i would actually highly recommend that you wear safety glasses at this point um because you really don't want this to come flying off and take out your eye believe me we we nobody's been hurt building a war on yet severely um and we don't want anyone to be the first so you mount that to your gantry and now [Music] in magic [Music] okay so yeah that's pretty much it for building it that is what's different um 117 minutes now obviously we're not done i'm gonna what i'm not i'm not gonna do the after burner today what time is it anyways oh my god it's only 10. um what i'm going to do i'm going to put the skirts on and basically wrap up the switch wire specific part of the build and then next week i'll do the afterburner i might even do the afterburner off stream because it's an afterburner you've seen it um or i might do it on stream we'll see um but i will do wiring next stream i already have most of the wires already done i'm reusing the looms i have them all right here so it's basically putting everything back in so let's put the skirts on it make it look kind of presentable so before that though i'm going to put the feet on now it calls out for printed tpu feet but you can use any sort of rubber feet you want really [Music] what fans do you use on your 2.4 hot end i use um i have them right here because i use the same fans for all of them um i use 3ds way 4020 i think and just gd stein 4010s i use cheap aliexpress fans my printers run in their own room in the basement um like this room right here so i really don't care about noise too much so i don't splurge on super fancy fans um because i really don't care about noise i work in a tool shop i'm already deaf anyways uh do on screen please yeah you know what i will do the afterburner on screen because it is the uh dual extrusion variant with the y splitter but that will be next week i tried i'm trying to keep the screens to the actual like a four hour or three hour so another tidbit of information for those that don't know um the switch wire is bigger than it needs to be um if you're looking at the frame here you you would notice it could end here and it could pretty much end here the reason these extrusions of 30 60s are that long is because that cutting kit encompasses the entire travel of the bed so when you want to enclose this printer and let me bring it up here zoom out when you want to enclose the printer because the bed will move all the way up to here and all the way back to here so when you want to enclose the printer all you need to do i have everything open right now collapse collapse collapse um where is it you just put panels on it that's how you enclose a switch wire you just literally can slap panels on all the extrusion sides with some fancy printed hinges and whatnot the the switch wire is bigger than it needs to be for a reason so if you really want to if you're never going to enclose it and you don't care you literally can just have your extrusions end right here and right here okay and it'll work it'll work just fine um it's just the frame is that long so you can easily enclose it because all waron printers are designed to be fully enclosable from the start i mean it's it's you know 20 20 it's the future you're gonna be putting our printers in ikea furniture anymore come on doesn't even work that good [Music] or an ikea next generation the lacks are so cheap except legacy so the thing with legacy is legacy is legacy right it's meant to be a throwback to the original v1 which to be fair the original v1 was also designed to be within the bounds of the frame now the parts stick outside the frame it's just you need a top hat for it so it's still within the original design of on the x and the y it's enclosable is just you need a hat on top of it which if you look at you know the current v 1.8 it just has a built in hat essentially uh raymond still shocks me how lacking something exactly like bonsai right like here's switch wire okay there's all the electronics right everything is still within the bounds of this printer the only thing that sticks out past it is the umbilical and the bowden tube everything else is within the bounds of the printer then you got my bonsai which is you know it's a nice little design off thingy burst but like just look at it and it doesn't even have the power supply the power supply just kind of plugs in and sits over here oh yeah skirts okay so let's do the rear skirt first well we are gonna have to put more heat set inserts and things yay so oh we get one up there there um yeah all the heat set inserts and up top there so let's get back in oh my okay we have 180 people holy crap so make sure you hit that like button subscribe if you're not subscribed if you want to support the channel there's a patreon link below and yada yada youtuber stuff what's the other one what's the one everyone says now oh yeah uh uh the the thing shows that 80 of you aren't subscribed to the channel who watch this make sure you're you're currently subscribed so you're notified or whatever the other current thing is which actually by the way it's like 50 for this channel like half the people who watch my stuff are subscribed that's much more than the average channel so you guys are awesome [Music] yeah lax tables yeah that's another problem with the lax tables remember when you're enclosing a printer you want the enclosure to be as small as possible because there's a smaller air volume to heat bell that smash button yes bell the smash button i need to get emojis and stuff that pop up on screen when people subscribe gotta feel be that dopamine response by the way i am really happy with these colors by the way like these colors turned out a heck of a lot better than i thought because originally i wasn't gonna do the blue right remember we were gonna do i think charcoal asa and then as soon as i started printing the orange and actually had the first batch of lauren's parts i looked at him like yeah we're going with blue the youtube guilt trip yes you gotta feed those metrics justify my existence it's funny because everyone's like oh those are so annoying they don't work but they do work it's like um ltt linus tech tips did a good video on it because a couple years back they switched to using thumbnails they used to do like what i do for thumbnails where it's just you know picture of object with text right like afterburner tool head how to build and then a picture of it and then they switched to moving to using you know bright colors people going in the pictures and whatnot and everyone complained and he pulled up the statistics that show yeah it's dumb as all hell but you know what it works and you kind of have to follow the trend on youtube um to be successful on youtube that's how it works right gotta play the game luckily this is all hobby for me so relying on you know youtube to pay my bills so this pays for itself pretty much at the best [Music] [Music] i'll put the screen on too so we can see what the screen looks like oh and i got i forgot i gotta put the panels on too because you have to put the panels on before you put the bed on i believe with this guy [Music] i forgot about the bottom panels crud i might have to take the mirror job unplug that i'm digging the music you know what i really like this music parents heller it's on spotify it's basically i found it because i was looking for royalty-free music that you can stream and not get you know dmc-8 so there we go bottom panels so you have to put the bottom panels on actually um i scooped up you should be putting these bottom panels on actually relatively early in your build as if i'm not mistaken yeah so you have to take the carriage off you can't have the bed carriage on to mount the panic [Music] [Music] um the hundred packs from ali that's what i buy and i bought three of them so far and i tended to buy a fourth just because i'm paranoid of running out again literally just buy a ton of them just buy tunnels you know what you'll use them for something one day because they're they're great 100 should be enough i believe though for one build [Music] so carriage off oh yeah that's sexy before i had a chloroplast bottom plate so i need to put there there there okay [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] come on oh yeah these panels are nice thank you steve [Music] yeah okay [Music] oh i gotta put another one in there just for that so don't forget okay put that there everyone say thank you steve well you got to make sure you thank nerf q too because he's the one who provided the frame if i had just got panels i wouldn't be rebuilding it uh i've seen composite aluminum panels for sale around will i get weird residences i haven't used them um i think you would be okay if you gasket them like use like um like really external panels if you use you know like the the gasket we recommend you should be okay my the reason i have the resonance issues on uh that guy um v226 there is because my panels are mounted directly to the frame like they are mounted literally hard mounted to the frame and it's a 1 8 inch thick aluminum sheet so it ain't it's definitely not spec okay so we got the panels on so pretty sure the power came in on that did it coming on that side they came in on that doesn't really matter so when you're putting together your skirts uh the front and rear skirt basically put the three pieces together very loose slide them into position and then tighten everything down i found that's the easiest way to do it um less mucking about that's that oh um and then for those that don't know uh these panels are technically structural they do help a little bit um with the motor mount for the y and your idler your front idler they're not really required but they are structural and then if you do have a little bit of a gap with them um mine worked ever so slightly it's not it happens um what you do is you get yourself some uh black aluminum tape and you just run it strip down it and that hides the gap little couple pieces here these are orange on the front the reason they're blue on the back is simply for the fact that uh i was running low on orange filament uh tried navigating through extrude misumi to get the extrusions for my 2.4 build order status on hold they usually put it on hold for a couple days but um they might it might be because of the holidays honestly um but yeah is there a misumi canada no but misumi usa does ship to canada and honestly it's pretty dang reasonable because they pretty much charge exchange rate and then 20 for shipping and then they pay the duties up front so as far as you know buying stuff from the states goes um ordering from misumi is pretty much about as painless as you can get just make sure you pick ups and not fedex for the love of god don't ever order anything um from the us with fedex if you're canadian they will uh make sure you order a can of super lube with it put it that way printer really needs some rgb i am i'm bad none of my printers have internal lighting like i legit just take shop lights and leave them on top of my printers that's how i light up my printers never order anything through fedex if you're in america there you go we're not the only ones okay that's the rear skirt let's do the front skirt i'm gonna flip it over and put t-nuts in for the bottom still that one warped all hell so that one's gonna go there okay and then also um sparta 3d in canada does carry ldo now so if you're looking for one of the ldo kits um they're out of stock of pretty much everything at the moment but i believe they are getting a reorder soon so those guys and for those in canada uh we finally do have somebody that carries ldo in country um but they're they're new at it so their stock is kind of low [Music] explain what the super loop would be used for uh ask your ask your parents [Music] stream will get demonetized okay [Music] [Music] there we go almost there i swear this probably goes together quicker than some people can put an ender together i should have painted those panels orange you know what though i guarantee they wouldn't come out good i guarantee they wouldn't be good unfortunately blue would be better the thing is though the bed is going to be like the bed's black right the belt they're black so there's already black in it there's no way you cannot have the black in it uh it's fascinating all business only or something um in canada no like you can walk into a fast and all and order stuff it's just their their main storefront is business related so if you just walk in they're expecting to see their whole stock and inventory and they're not set up that way they're they're set up to supply businesses but if you go in there saying i need the following items and you have item numbers and whatnot yeah you can order from them um i don't think you can order online though i think you can only do it like if you have a basketball store in your area [Music] um uh 3d group claims their product allows printing abs without enclosure or heated bed well here's the problem with that claim sure it may stick to the bed however it will not stop delamination a good example of that is a couple weeks ago um i printed that rancor model that a lot of people were printed for that fangs challenge um and i have it over here now i printed it on tallboy tallboy is tall and it's only enclosed with chloroplast and it's not enclosed great so my actual abs temperatures near like the top of the chamber aren't the greatest so near the bed it's fine but once you start getting up above here it's only about like 30 or 40 c it isn't enclosed that great so where is it [Music] and also i had the band going which probably not so explain to me how a material that will keep your abs attached to the bed will prevent um cracking of the abs because it's not properly heated because this guy is uh thoroughly cracked through delamination and that's with a enclosed printer i also now granted i had the fan running higher than i probably should have if i had no fan i probably wouldn't have this issue but but yeah so it may help stuff stick to the bed but it won't fight that with abs and like a lot of plastic you have to remember a lot of plastics should be printed hot because the longer it takes for it to set the better okay so you want the plastic to basically cool as one homogenous blob of plastic to get the best strength out of it so even abs like if you can print abs in a 70c enclosure it turns out better than in a 40c enclosure right the hotter you can bridge it the better your results will be to an extent so being able to keep it on the bed yeah that's good but it's not going to let you print abs properly on it closed captioning not available doom doom i'm not doing doom by the way at least not yet i'm doing a traditional v1 um in a bit i gotta get everything lined up for that and talk to some suppliers who are potentially gonna be supplying material for the build because honestly borns are cheap it would be a lot easier if i it was a uh i centered around building like enders or other like reality or cheaper 3d printers as the main go-to to my print channel because like centering a channel around hey let's build borons when are not the cheapest printers out there it adds up quite quickly especially when you really don't need that many printers brian b69 doom doom doom internal was a very good game though i will say that okay let's flip this guy over hook the bottom of the skirts up and we shall put the screen on too i guess okay flipping time okay so at this point you can tighten up those uh those screws that you don't have tight or your skirt and then you can also shift it around if you need to center them a bit better for aesthetics so okay now oh yeah i gotta put it [Music] do i have more yeah uh tater fpv donated 10 thank you man appreciate it uh i pick up a lot the good info here from everyone appreciate it hey man that's why we're all here we're all here to learn we could be better at doing this everyone benefits when everyone knows more whoops yep now conversely having a flip like this is great for working on the electronics so it's all like right here okay um screen let's put the screen on so we got a we're using a one uh what is it the fizzac mini one two eight six four panel is the screen we're gonna be using and it's gonna be in a blue case [Music] in longer screws are you guys talking about things you shouldn't be talking about in chat yeah i'm hoping so the next stream we'll be doing the wiring and then streaming three will be getting it up and running most likely um i'm hoping the wiring doesn't take too long because it's already the looms are already done so it'll just be kind of getting everything hooked back up and making it look all pretty and whatnot because you have to have proper wire management right i know raymond i'm just razzing ya that now what size screws did i need i have two of that size screw no yes yes any longer screws on that there we go and i'm doing this upside down so like it's a reveal when i pull it down okay let's see how it looks i forgot to print a knob so i'll put the old one back on for now so that's where we're at right now pretty good 10 10 40. voila i think that's as far as we're gonna go on the build today uh simply for the fact that uh the next part is the afterburner tool head that itself is gonna take a little bit um so i got to redo a bunch of stuff because i got to build a new we're doing a new probe on it so that's going to be a little bit different but that is that or that phone died miss anything exciting uh we got the mechanical portion of the switch wire done closer so you guys can see i don't know why i printed an ordered one so x carriage and belts yeah we'll be doing the afterburner tool head um next week and then yes i gotta print it off do on screen uh golden j where i'll do it next week on next saturday's stream um because i try to keep the streams to three hours and we're at 2 hours of 40 minutes right now do i um to do an afterburner right now no i i got i got to take apart all the old ones still get all the fans out and everything because the old one is literally still together for the most part i'll do it next week 24 hour stream no i am not doing a 24 hour stream i like sleep i like sleep now what's the matter hackers abs compared to the e sun um so i didn't go through and do a full tune of it um but i figured hey it's it's abs it should be fine um i should have um i find it's a little bit more warp happy than eson abs for example or even the kodak abs um and it doesn't do as clean overhangs and bridges now i didn't go through and spend a lot of time tuning it i pretty much just kind of use the same profile my generic abs profile which handles most stuff fine um but i did have some issues with it everything's still printed well you know fine but um like for example throughout a lot of them like i went through like four of these before i finally had one where the r the little little part in the middle of the r actually stayed in one piece um i had a lot of them where it broke off or it just came out poopy so that um i had some skirts fail and warped to all hell and back so yeah so i did have some issues unfortunately um it wasn't as great as i would hope but it's still like like there's a great skirt just a little a little warped like it when it printed fine it printed fine it's just i did have some issues with it i'm sure if i spent you know more time tuning it instead of just you know hey this works for everything let's go um it'll probably perform better and i probably will spend the time and actually try and tune it properly um because i do have some quite a bit more of it but or just load and go it didn't perform as good as i hoped [Music] uh if you're looking for the manual just wind back two hours and follow along pretty much where are you getting your build info from um i have some parts coming from but i haven't been able to find a build guide yet uh shooting star i'm uh an admin on the voron discord and a member of the dev team um in terms of testing and helping along with design so i was like present for the design process of this printer um this is actually a rebuild of switch wire number two which is the second not rcf designed one so this was like the third switch wire in existence we're rebuilding right now so plus we have the cat here so if you have the cad data you can see where everything goes and sizes and everything so this makes it a lot easier i put that on the right side yes i did okay good is that a lulzbot set of allen wrenches no uh pectin i don't know i got them off amazon with legacy out you guys planning a war on live um i don't know i'm not i don't i'm not the one who runs the bar on lives um that's doc and uh i know right now with the holidays everyone's kind of everywhere right now so i'm not too sure uh if you do have any questions about legacy though there is a section in the board on discord now for it uh foreign legacy questions so you have questions you can ask there yeah maybe next year i know i might have some guys pop in the stream at some point oh streams um so this week i have off because hey holidays and due to the fact i live in a red zone where everything is locked down um i can't go anywhere so on either monday or tuesday probably tuesday and i'm thinking around two in the afternoon est eastern standard time i'm gonna try and do a daytime stream what will i be doing uh stupid printer tricks we're going to be doing speed runs uh trying to do benchy speed runs on v2 26 back here um so probably tuesday um i will be doing a daytime stream um i don't know how long it'll be two maybe three hours but we are just going to be fiddling around and trying to do that speed bench challenge thing that the keyboard guy started and then i did and now it's apparently it's an actual competition i don't know i don't think we're gonna be i'm gonna be aiming for 10 minutes ish i don't know if i'll be able to hit that but i did 14 minutes with what i ran at and the actual settings that you're supposed to use now are actually more lenient than what i was using so that shaves off like two minutes right there so we're going to try for 10 minute benching um but you have to remember like the right now the current speed is under 10 minutes and that's with an idex and this is correct by slinging around a direct feed tool head with a full size nema 17 pancake stepper on it so we do have a little bit more heat to deal with um but i will be putting the um high flow dragon in so i'm gonna be swapping out to a high flow dragon so at least we'll have high flow and i'm going to stick up a ceiling or not a ceiling fan i don't know where i put it i'm going to put a desk fan in front of the printer so we are going to put some a little bit extra cooling so is the lcd open yes the lcbo is open because it's an essential service um yeah same with all the pot stores those are open too yay canada because you know i can't go into home depot to get a 2x8 but um the government figures it's better to have those that are dependent on their fix get their fix because if they don't bad things happen which you know whatever okay no blob just run fan hundred percent kilo cubit i did run fan 100 on my 14 minute run and i need more fan overclock the desk fan put the fan into the afterburner mode i'm literally just gonna have the door open with a fan sitting in front of it and then i might even hot wire another 40 20 and just have it sitting in front yeah so for those that don't know um when i finish the stream i usually leave it open for like another 20 minutes while i clean up so i'm gonna right now it's like 10 47 i'm gonna let it run till 11 so just open for them with any questions and whatnot and again for those that did donate during the stream you guys are awesome uh your support goes a long way for helping set everything up and whatnot um because now that i'm actually like investing into this it's like oh my god it's tough expense i did you know i bought two lights there goes like 150 bucks i'm like holy hell paint for this room was like 50 bucks else actually what i should be doing right now putting heat set inserts in so i don't have to do it next thing but i'll do that later because i already cleaned up put it outside in the snow i would be tempted to if i wasn't a condensation issue i live in southern ontario so our weather is very cold and wet with high humidity in the winter so i would be worried about condensation on electronics if running it outside plus honestly there's so much heat being put off by the bed unless it was really cold and windy i don't think you would see that big of a advantage yeah i got to take apart all this stuff so and then for the pro oh yeah so right now previously it was running a generic uh was it a protect pl 05n i have an omron b stock that i'm going to be putting in so this will be the new bed probe if the focus is the light up there doesn't focus anymore because i got no light next to the camera but uh it's an omron tl q5mc2z focus yeah anyways that's what we're going to be using for the bed bro yellow knife is negative 40. i've been in negative 40 it sucks kennedy i did have input shaper running i do have input shaper tuned on that guy yeah input shaper is magic that's gonna be i'm gonna it's gonna be fun putting input shaper on here just to see how fast we can get this guy going for bedflinger uh is there advantage of the omron so the reason to go with the omron is there like there's the omron there's another one i can't remember what it's called it's like another panasonic one i think off digikey um they're all basically the same type of probe in the same form factor so they're pretty much interchangeable for the most part um more reliable than the the pl 05 or o8 um now the reason to go with an 05 over an 08 um an 08 has an eight millimeter sense distance and oh five is a five millimeter sense distance the thing is the rate of pulling is the same on both so what that means is think of like a waveform on a pl08 and a pl05 they have the same number of waves but on an 08 it's stretched out more okay so you will get more accuracy on an o5 than an o8 the difference is though is on an 05 you only have five millimeters of sense distance now on steel that's fine but if you're trying to probe an aluminum bed you need 08 because once you have the aluminum and then you have your pei on top of that and then you have your nozzle sitting below the bed you actually might not have enough room for the probe to sense that with a pl05 probe to sense the aluminum uh before your nozzle crashes so [Music] my b 2.4 spells inside uh that could be glue depth that could be the stanky glue um depending on the bed or the heater um the glue the adhesive glue when it starts to fail starts to stink uh it could be the glue holding your bed heater on it could be the glue holding your pei on or the magnet on it depends on what magnet heater and whatnot you have if you have good quality stuff it shouldn't stink too much um but if you got like some random generic aliexpress silicone bed mat that was like five dollars it might not have legit uh 468 mp adhesive on it energetic i've never had my energetic stuff stink like i don't know if it's because i run my beds typically at 100 to 105 instead of like 110 but i've never noticed any bad smells in all my printers like the v2 the v0 bonsai they all have energetic beds on them um and i've never had a magnet fail or the glue fail on me yet are you able to still use babysitter yeah you can still baby step with the pl08 like that the probe has nothing to do with baby step and yeah your your probe is only used on now on a switchbar the probe is your z end stop okay but on like the v1 and the v2 your probe is only used to level your gantry okay so it doesn't matter what your offset is as long as it's consistent among all the pro points it does it doesn't matter because then it switches off the micro switch um to get your actual z offset any interest in building kinematics besides core xy um right now i'm pretty invested in core xp obviously um but bonsai is like a traditional i3 printer that i have this is corex said um the thing is i've i have five printers i'm looking to build number six that will be toasty boy i really don't even need that many printers for my own personal use like i could get by with one honestly um my hobby is building the printers for the most part and playing around with them and now with the youtube channel like i use them for content obviously but i would but i i would need a valid reason to invest the time and money into it other than shiny new thing so advantages disadvantage for hbot hbot is very prone to racking um it's an older not really older you don't see hbot around as much because of the issues it has has anyone tried the whole g10 like g10 gear light like um for the bed material what's toasty boy uh toasty boy is basically just a super insulated v 1.8 i'm building a stock b 1.8 i'm going to chop down the z height to 200 instead of 250 xy is going to be 250. um the whole outside is going to be insulated with actual insulation like the reflectix insulation uh high temp belts high temp motors basically trying to do bring get as far as you can with a stock printer that's you know not outrageous custom design so it's going to be a stock printer pushed as far as it can in terms of heat generation okay so uh the problem with like using gear light or a bed that doesn't require heat um is you still need to heat a lot of materials it's like abs you need to heat to get it to stick to the bed but you also need the heat to keep it from delaminating um so if you can print you know materials on a bed that doesn't require heat but the material still needs a heated chamber okay then you just got to put a heated chamber in there so then why you're you're solving a problem of creating another problem so like pei on a heated bed works just fine for a ton of plastics and you're getting the heat that you need for a lot of those plastics too uh what temperature goal is 70c i'm trying to get to 70. which uh it can be done actually came out really nice i am really happy with the colors on this guy i got that now i got the bed here but i got all the wires on it so i'm not going to throw it on but just to put in perspective uh where's my dots [Music] yeah so this will be kind of like that ah oh yeah that'll be good that will be very good uh poly iso insulation i should i'll take a look into that but right now reflectix seems to be the go-to because it's easy cheap to use trying to cut the heat of bed because most of some of those reasons make school safety peeps oh yeah if you're in a school setting don't get me wrong if you're in a school setting the rules are completely different like at that point it makes perfect sense to have no heated bed you know run dc only no mains voltages yes in a school setting the rules are completely different why is my phone blowing up uh can i explain the term racking for the uninitiated i have a video on my channel that goes over how to de-rack but essentially what racking is is you have your gantry right so your gantry right it moves up and down what racking is is right now at the top these are equal spaced okay so think of it as a square okay you have a square and you have a beam that moves up and down through the square when it gets to the top and the bottom of the square you want both ends touching evenly okay what can happen is it's called racking where that beam your gantry isn't perfectly par or perpendicular right yeah perpendicular to your y-axis and it can be twisted okay and if it's twisted it's called rat right the gantry is wrapped and what that'll mean is you won't print square objects right everything will be like uh off okay so you can fix racking by basically loosening everything up and like making sure everything's square and then tightening it up or adjusting belt tension there's a few different things but on an h-spot because of the way it's designed it's very easy and very common for it to be wrapped so what that means is when it's traveling it's not traveling in perfectly square lot or perpendicular lines when it needs to but yeah basically not moving square to the frame [Music] um that racking video helped me a ton that's good blade that's that video actually is one of the ones i've done that has done really well um but yeah that has helped a lot of people uh why are the limits uh switches placed on moving parts burst stationary parts seemed like it would make wiring easier on here on the switch wire the reason it was put here on the carriage um was simply for the fact that you already had all the wires coming off here um instead of putting it here i i can't remember the exact design choice but it was like oh we already have wires coming off the bed so you might as well attach it on the bed um you know a lot of people are just running um with it collision detection or stahlgirt or whatever and then your y end stop or your xn stop is on the tool head because then you would have to have a wire here going somewhere by itself so it's just easier to have it there and then z is just the road so really the only limit switch is kind of in a weird spot on the switch wire is on the bed and that's just so it's it's on the bed where all the other wires are so you're already running you know heater wires and whatnot through a drag chain down under here so this just kind of prevents you from having to pop another hole in your bed impossible to turn staggered on for 2.4 not for homing but to reduce um the problem with stall guard on corex y is it gets very finicky because it's two motors and you get a lot of false positives um and on the zed you have four motors um so i don't i've never run stall guard and i think i've only ever had a major crash once and that was due to operator error um i flipped the printer over and my end stop pin fell out that was my own fault for not putting it back um so as long as everything's set up right you shouldn't really have crashes um yeah and then having it used for like an actual end stop on a core xy is a problem because of the accuracy and false positive issue okay so my headphones just gave me the low battery warning so that means we are near the end of the stream so i'm going to call it there um for all that watch the stream tonight thank you for spending your time we've built most of the switch wire mechanically i haven't scratched the frame yet thank god because pretty i don't want to ruin it next week on next saturday's stream we will be doing the tool head and wiring this up um running the belts as well for the x said motion um also next week on probably tuesday i will be doing a daytime stream around 2pm eastern time it will be doing dumb speed tricks on a v2 we're going to do speed benchies and just see how fast we can print a benchy um so i'll post to my twitter um at nero3dp or at 3dp nero uh is my twitter follow me there you get all the updates and whatnot i'll take some pictures of this guy and put it up too so you can actually see some proper pictures um if you would like to support the channel if you like what you see make sure you're subscribed so you can follow along ring the bell um comment like yadda yadda if you want to support the channel in other ways there are options below i have affiliate links with matter hacker banggood um i think those two um there's an only bench or only benchies i keep saying only benches if you go to onlybenchies.com you're going to find some great benchies by the way um i have patreon as well if you want to support me that way or you can buy me a coffee or you know just watching the channel liking the content commenting being a member of the community that that's all you really need to do though so i hope you all had great holidays they're not done yet new year's coming up hope you had a great boxing day for the canadians out there you know everything was closed and i sat at home and ordered a milwaukee drill on homedepot.com so invigorating so be safe out there wash your hands and i will see you next time have a good day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: NERO 3D
Views: 35,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: voron, voron design, v2, v2.4, v2.1, v24, v2.2, v2.0, vzero, v0, v1, serial, request, cereal, overview, intro, 3d, printer, 3d printer, corexy, core, xy, abs, enclosed
Id: omIBe5ra3HQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 14sec (11174 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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