Full Volcom Pipe Pro 2018 Final Heat

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Brah, he stuffed the turkey

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/heynicetree 📅︎︎ Feb 07 2018 🗫︎ replies
the horn has blown we are off and running this is the finals for the Volcom Pipe pro cam Richards in red Joshua Moniz in blue Jamie O'Brien in white Wesley Dantas in green who will draw first blood is that an actual question that's a question I'm gonna go Jamie O'Brien he's done it so many times over and over he's quick to get a start he's a smart competitor in fact everybody in his camp no matter what they're doing they all ran over here for that semifinal and they gave up on everything just to watch him and mr. Dantas again this is exactly where as taping off and pretty much the outcome of half of the waves in the semi final so he's taking that gameplan of the inside there you go Jamie O'Brien on his backhand perfectly placed in the barrel comes out no worries he's loving it great start for Jamie O'Brien and you can tell this guy is gay well I shouldn't even say rare form because he does this every day my friends might have been a huge mistake not going on that wave if you've made it to the finals you've made it to the big game it's all about throwing yourself over that ledge mr. Moniz I'm not gonna I shouldn't second-guess you and your talent I'm not sure what you saw right there but let's see what Jamie O'Brien saw as he dropped into a beautiful pipeline barrel he's been doing this for seven years straight right he's been pulling into perfect pipeline in the Volcom Pipe row he said up-and-down results he had the big win the first year this event ran and you know he wants that crown back he's been doing this since the day he was born his dad Nick O'Brien a lifeguard here at pipeline had him out there in his diapers and I mean that is just that's a thing of beauty the judges are really gonna have to assess that wave and kind of think into consideration what we have we know we have time for multiple rides so Jamie O'Brien with a 7 4 3 to start that is exactly what any Heat tactical expert will tell you to do get a good wave in the first two minutes of the heat give yourself an easier road to the win he just flanked his opponents and came in crashing through with a great ride 7 for 3 on the 4 amazing tactical yet practical approach to this final you can see a change in motivation for Jamie O'Brien I feel like he is coming to this event after a couple awkward results a couple you know not so stellar years here at the Volcom Pipe row an event that he should be considered a favorite every tiny enters and even he said it he almost forgot to enter this contest he did yes he did forget to enter this contest and that's why he was in my heat in the Volcom Last Chance Qualifier he has gone since the very early round all the way to the final but you know what to your point I think he's been so mad at his dismissed his past result resource the past few years and instead of just retiring a salty old dog you said you know what I'm gonna get myself in shape I'm gonna get it in gear and I am going for that checkered flag that is an incredible story right there coming all the way from the Vulcan Last Chance Qualifier Wesley Dantas I mean you you uh stand next to this guy and the beach and you really realize how much of a specimen he is dude it is like a linebacker but I tell you he's light on his feet he's unafraid to take a just pounding out here at pipeline in his semifinal he went out of 50 50 50 percent perfect pipeline rides another 50 percent absolute thrashings will see if his stamina will hold up for the next 26 minutes you think just by adding five extra minutes to the clock for the final paper doesn't look like much but I tell you I have extra minutes in any heat throughout this entire contest would have been a huge difference for our surfers you know that is a extra five minutes that these guys are gonna put the full use I would have said that five extra seconds would have got Jack Robinson into the semi-finals he broke his board and broke two boards in his quarterfinal he was able to make it back into the lineup and then as the horn blew some of the biggest waves of the day rolled in right there 25 minutes now things just calm me down a little bit after a quick start from Jamie O'Brien Wesley Dantas getting slammed on his first wave let's talk camp Richards a surfer from South Carolina who has been on an absolute dream run he said the past two years here at the Volcom Pipe row he's had to wait on the beach as third alternate did not get into the contest this year he went out there on the qualifying series made it a point to get enough points to get the entry level that you need to get to get in the Volcom Pipe row and he's made again full use of getting into this contest he said the best $250 he's ever spent in his life East Coast cam is coming in full throttle what a story and you know what we've always had somebody do extremely well from the East Coast so maybe it should it be a surprise in years past guys like gnarly Brett Varley we're the guy going all the way from the early rounds up into these last ones but cam Richards you can't say enough about him especially performing on this back hand at backdoor joshua Moniz he has been doing it again since day one this young stellar surfer from the island of Oahu comes from a long line of incredible surfers there's the pit crew and really cheering for Josh Moniz what are his strengths out here at my place let's just say he has zero weaknesses let's put it that way the guy knows this waves he knows competition all the way since the early days his dad was one of the best in Hawaii in the 80s he's speaking of one of the best right here and now Jamie O'Brien Jamie O'Brien just deep enough hiding himself through another pipeline wave again just the perfect approach to this wave and here we have a paddle from josh Moniz so that will be interesting in terms of priority looks like he made a pretty solid effort to get into that wave and he'll have to get back into the lineup and most likely be at the back of the line as Jamie O'Brien is just prowling around it almost looks like Jamie O'Brien's out there by himself he has his pick of waves today Jamie O'Brien looks like that when there's a hundred guys out there he is so good at finding great waves and positioning himself underneath he's got these super super long arms and a fearless approach to this wave known as pipeline this is a perfect medium insider wave at night line and again tactical surfing very smart packing a backup putting that one on the shelf for possible later use that is money in the bank right there what this is going to allow Jamie O'Brien to do is actually sit out the back and wait for one of the bigger waves Vaughn Blake he was saying you know I don't know if backdoor is gonna come into play and I think that's because the biggest waves of the day are more pipeline and the judges know bigger is better so a 5-1 7 for Jamie O'Brien puts him way out into the lead clock winding down going fast with 22 minutes 25 seconds to go now Moniz and Richards yet to get involved Dantas with just a one point one and so far Jamie's tactics are paying off he's just a couple of gems calm down of course the swell is uh as predicted then just pulsing all day biggest surprise I think to everybody the wind it has stayed so calm and so perfect throughout this entire day that was the biggest worry that worry is gone we know for the next twenty-one minutes and 50 seconds we are gonna get into the crime pipeline conditions you didn't just say that what we've got we were extremely fortunate that it stayed overcast today and we actually got a little blessing from above with a little rain shower that allowed these conditions to persist it is as good as it gets not only on the rights but also on the left's of pipeline perfect perfect waves on his front side camera turns here we go ken Richards and Egon detonate it so you feel like you gotta eat your trigger finger right there had to go with you know already that much time elapsed in the heat so we'll see he'll get reset and here's our first look at Josh Modi is Bobby we be coming out with the spit and a crap all right for Joshua Moniz and sis made it down there she is two-time world champion here movies that was by far the best barrel that we've seen so far that was super deep super late looking into it he disappears it still comes out you see this that breakneck speed he's just hooks it under the lip humpy on his back hand using that rail to hold himself up and into the pit look at that I mean that right there is as technical as surfing gets a backside grab rail pump is among the hardest things you can do on a surfboard a backside pump is the hardest thing to do but he did two of them at least in that way you can read the emotion on his face that is the heart of a champion never giving up well now it's up to the judges who are definitely watching the intricacies every subtle movement that these surfers make you know an added pump some padded flair of grabbing the rail stalling just right the judges want to be wowed just like us just like you guys at home watching and looking at the scores coming across the board I think they are indeed excited about what they saw from Joshua Moniz it's a couple of big numbers coming across the line 19 minutes 42 seconds to go I'll tell you somebody who's not impressed by that score and those cheers it's Jamie O'Brien exactly and he here's the number an eight point eight three still living room still leaving rooms yes is one and a half points available above that it all comes down to who's willing to put themselves in harm's way yeah well you think of the equation all right if the way it was a little bigger if the Barrow was a little that's how you do it and here we go back to that Chaucer mony is can he make an escape he cannot he goes down valiant effort Darrin I loved the idea of getting right back into that cycle you got that way paddling back out from that huge score somehow sneaky not way from under the rest of the competitors in this final ham riches with the one six dawn to someone one slow start for red and green now priority shakes up we've got Dantas sitting in top priority and here's the last wave from Josh Moniz hypoid is notorious for this waves will actually because it's so deep outside this reef they'll roll in underneath the competitors it's very unique that you'll sit in the lineup and not even see one of those waves go by that thing was an absolute sledgehammer as it comes down interesting double overhead on the end six inches the reverse grower effect 18 minutes 15 seconds to go Jamie O'Brien still in the lead Josh Moody's now knocking on the door with an eight point eight three camera turds Dantas struggling to find their opening rides and as the final lions into the razor's edge all surfers trying to get themselves in position there's the O'Brien camp that's I wonder how that is for Jamie looking directly back in at your house and that's exactly the peak takeoff point a pipeline yeah here you see the Moonies camp the numbers are growing over in the Moonies area you've got coaches friends families fellow surfers the clouds in the mix there you know what I saw over there a lot of Hawaiians that's right give it up for the boys best tailgate party ever Wesley Dodge is now pumping beautiful way the five watch out goes to the air so that was our first real look a wiggly Wesley Dantas this guy is an absolute powerhouse and I just looked at I had an interview with him just a little bit ago and the look on his face told me everything I needed to know he is here to win he is ultra serious isn't he I tried to get an interview with him himself but he actually kind of scared me I said you know what I got to use the bathroom I'll be right back and I just actually just ran away well the theme of the day yesterday was carnage and glory today I think it's all about glory you know it's definitely gonna you know every sense has to be firing if you want you know win this event because these guys have taken a beating every surfer in this final has had at least one brutal wipeout on the day so by no means easy and although it is perfect out there these guys have paid their dues to get to this point and it is so fitting that the trophy for the Volcom Pipe Pro is a warrior helmet every single one of these gentlemen has put in a lot of work and definitely left a bit of skin on this reef as well it is a battle and here we go looming on the horizon a set but an inside sneaks by the crowd and it's going to be Josh Moniz cranking it off the bottom straight into the para with the spit the cheers go up on the beach local surfer in blue is fired up no doubt getting a solid backup score there started with an eight point eight three trying to get rid of a one point six three no doubt did it with that last wave we'll see if he made the right choice got the best of that exchange here we go cam rich or top in a paddle he's gonna be laid to the drop rolls in nicely comes around this section through the foam up into the barrel camera Richards now with the score on the board South Carolina's threat to take out this event finally in the mix here with half way to go in this final that was a huge pipeline wave super-late down to the bottom off the reverb into the barrel and kam Richards kicks out with more swagger than Mick Jagger so this you know usually you thinking of the second wave of the set being the more groomed of the the sets right but the first wave looked like it was just absolutely perfect this one right here the one that snuck into the inside portion of that Reed now why does it sometimes I switch on I think the second wave was actually good Jamie O'Brien didn't go on it but so this is the first wave of the set with mr. Moniz the second wave was actually Jamie O'Brien but he ditched his board not going for it so this one of mr. Moniz phenomenal backup score coming out clean to the screams of the crowd but it's that one sent a bit of reverberation out the second wave sent more and then cam Richards actually took off on the third wave of the unlucky number three it was still a good wave once a charred but not here at pipe one well the score comes through for Josh Moniz a six nine seven that means Joshua Moniz takes over the lead Jamie O'Brien drops to second Wesley Dantas in third Kim Richards and fourth his first score of no comes through a four point two seven and I think this is going to end up being a battle of eight nine potentially tens as you see the score start to incrementally increase as we go into the final 13 minutes 40 seconds the beach is packed we talked about peaking it's right now that you want a peak speaking of peaking in the final off the peak Jamie O'Brien KOB his low scoring 5 1 7 that wave right there most likely be just in that range and here we go we could have a backdoor Anna pipeline split peak situation Dantas perfectly done at pipeline and we'll see to cam Richards sneak out of the doggy door that's what you love a goofy footer making the call to go right at that most dangerous of spots backdoor pipeline and something great could have just happened there on the other side of Wesley Dantas is right well let's find out right here huge cave wow that was a do-it-yourself man cave right here mr. Dante's doing a little interior decorating inside paints the walls he says I like it myself but can't Richards on his backyard that was great positioning a goofy footer looking at another goofy footer said hey I know he's not going to go on his back end but I will well that was the most demented looking wave we've seen of this final that was a throaty big back door just beast of a wave and I feel like the the risk that cam threw down right there is has to get him right up in that score line looking at both of cam Richards top scoring waves both of them were covered in foam both of them had tons of reverb coming back up it's it's like going okay I'm gonna go Tokyo Drift right down the street but there's a bunch of curbs there's a bunch of spikes no big deal I got this covered and I think right now the judges are basically watching backdoor and pipeline it looked like length of tube pretty even between those two surfers you gotta figure that it's harder to do it on your back and at that door than to go frontside at pipeline on a wave like that so the judge is still deliberating as to what to give kam Richards and Wesley Dantas on that last wave 11 minutes 30 seconds to go Josh Moniz with priority female Brian second wave a 6.33 I feel that kam Richards wave might warrant a better score than mr. Dante's wave perhaps but does not matter cuz I don't think it's better than Jamie O'Brien's or mr. mo niece's wave yes it gets him into the conversation but we'll see we're just armchair judges at this moment you know this for this spot in the contest for camera tour this is where you know he's gone through all the emotions of disbelief shock I can't believe I keep making the third Heat he said it himself he's got to get back into this final headspace wise and just think you know what you've got here you've got a perfect ten you've got nine throughout this entire event keep the pedal to the metal and you can win this thing camera Church you've just got to keep doing what you've been doing you just got to make it back out into the lineup cam Richards got absolutely smoked inside a back door I only see three competitors out right now in another set coming through and score comes through for camera two two six five seven a five nine three four Dantas so as we expected a little bit higher for cam Richard going back door you know now we're looking for cam to get himself back into the line it with ten fifteen to go Josh Moody's has priority the end points Wesley Dodds is flying from the sky landing on the flat bottom and getting axed she's like a stepping razor don't you watch her sighs she's dangerous pipeline always in charge Jamie O'Brien blade drop into the pen again and stays in jittery O'Brien with a double tube ride and stands up crowd goes wild that is the Jimmy O'Brien we know and love are you kidding me he just turned this final on its head crowd still going wild that cheer from the crowd shook the island of Oahu Jamie O'Brien throwing caution to the wind that was fast if the judges knowing full well what to throw out Jamie with the perfect 10 huge drops super-late over the foam ball but if just when he thought he was gonna come out puts on the brakes goes for the extra bonus round well he knows it 10 right away and so do the judges that was the fastest 10 I've ever seen thrown out Speedy Gonzales shoots through that giant gaping section and then throws on the brakes this is a pipe master being able to not only overcome mother nature but to toy with her right here sticking to the wall like a fly putting on the brakes this is total commitment there is no more intense of a ride than this right here Jamie O'Brien on his backhand I mean that's an absolute miracle that any human can do that and Jamie O'Brien has done it over and over and over and the judges see clearly they're a perfect ten and that was thrown out in about five seconds that was an easy call for the judges pipeline did her best at every point on that wave to knock him off his feet tens across the board so the KMC wheels team rider gets yet another set of KMC wheels congratulations to Jamie O'Brien and guess what folks he's not done yet he still got seven minutes 45 seconds to go so here's what needs to happen for Josh Moniz he needs an eight point six one wesley Dantas and kam Richards both combo'd at this point meaning they need combination of two scores in that excellent range to get back into the conversation to take over the lead from Jamie O'Brien and the number two that I'm looking at is the 743 because that's where he has room to grow I love that the fact that Jamie O'Brien got a perfect 10 and gets those KMC rims because I know deep down in my heart he's just gonna end up giving him away to somebody who is deserving he already gave away a set earlier this year to somebody who's charging super hard Benji brand and speaking of giving things away pipeline is giving back to all of us here now but you know what I did seconds ago we had a break in between the semis the final I ran over to a youkai beach park loaded up two bags of goods and I'm gonna give those away as I do every year in the name of my friend Sara baliker recovering from that ferocious c-word we love you Sara keep fighting that good fight keep you posted on the social aspect of that later basically anybody comes to my social media throws out something to make her smile you'll be walking home with a whole bunch of Volcom Pipe Pro merch directly here from a hooka Beach Park what a guy dumped well the money goes back to the community I like it the smile goes on around the world TV bosses in a giving mood and I feel like the judges are too and they basically are wanting to throw out ten they just want these surfers that earn them email Brian earned it right there will Joshua Moniz be the next to get that perfect ten we know he's got the skill we know the waves are here now it all has to come down to timing and positioning at this point Joshua Moniz stands the best chance of catching Jamie O'Brien who's been absolutely unleashed in this final you talked about when and where to peek Jamie O'Brien is peaking at the right time the right place with five and a half minutes to go in the final at the 2018 Volcom Pipe row he does not want to welcome a new winner into that illustrious group of four he wants to keep it to four Kelly Slater so Lee Bailey John John Florence and Jamie O'Brien the only four surfers in history to win this event we could be looking at a repeat from Jamie O'Brien but we got five minutes to go okay Josh Moniz needs about a nine to overcome Jamie O'Brien what if he posts a ten do you think Jamie or Brad's gonna give mister money is that set of rims and hit subscribe you might earn it himself here goes Josh only needs in the barrel goes up in the left stick Wow I mean now we're seeing it just about a duel between masters surfing in the now Jamie O'Brien Josh abilities both making it to each other Dantas he's still battling kam Richards as well can't say they have six five seven but both Dantas and Richards need two ways to be in contention for the win we'll see if this one was enough to get Joshua knees over Jamie O'Brien this could definitely shorten the requirement especially if he stuck that maneuver I don't even know what that thing was called absolutely stuff being the turkey in the oven mr. Moniz is the hottest thing since sliced bread well the fans on the beach love a big ultimate pull out like that Josh money he's putting on a show and you see when he came out of that barrel with that much confidence oh the judges are gonna react you know they are definitely going to be looking at that wave again he's low score in eight six nine seven and again focus on that number Jamie O'Brien seven four three he's got to replace that score if he wants to fend off Josh Oh manie's who's obviously charging hard and he needs an 8 6 1 or better that's gonna be close Dave I'm still trying to wrap my head around what mr. money's just did the room is spinning from all the awesomeness what is that called a double grab backside alley something what is it is it basically a backside cork 540 you see him going upside-down and kind of the way he flew out of the back it kind of took any trick name out of the equation because it just came up it became a pullout but uh you saw the intent here you know we saw Kelly Slater in the early days or not the early days but ten years ago attempting what he called a rodeo clown and kind of a similar outcome there but you know basically you got backside rodeos you've got moves that came from skateboarding and snowboarding and most of all the full rotations you see it can be considered 540 so had Josh Moniz pulled that there'd be a different story as to what we would call it but I'll tell you the judges they don't care about that and trick take care about the tube ride and they give him the score and 873 we've got a new leader Joshua Bunny's back on top Jamie O'Brien now needs a seven five six this is the contest with in a contest cam Richards definitely made it back into the lineup but nowhere near the conversation a minute 50 left just just when we thought we were gonna hand it over to Jamie O'Brien the same thing that happened to Jamie with John John Florence may have just happened again with Josh Moniz I think that everybody on the beach right now is holding their breath minute 30 to go Dantas has priority Jamie O'Brien will have second priority looks like we would see something on the horizon it's gonna take a big deep barrel to say the least Jamie O'Brien definitely knows this line up just looking at what he saw outside of the lineup he knows exactly where to position himself will it be enough do you see anything in that picture telling you that a way it could come in time here's the thing because it's so deep outside something could actually swing underneath Jamie O'Brien with those extra long arms you know that he will be able to catch it as the time ticks down it's not on his side that's for sure 45 seconds to go we could be crowning a new champion here at the Volcom Pipe Pro Joshua Moniz with 30 seconds to go on his road to glory Jamie O'Brien China will a wave 30 seconds to go an incredible turn of events for Josh o Moniz who had his back against the wall Jamie O'Brien with that perfect 10 midway through the heat there's Wesley Dantas looking over it Josh going you may have just gotten this buddy will the king of pipeline have to deep throat himself and hand over the crown to mr. Moniz left there it is and gentleman and torch has officially been handed over we have a new champion v surfer to ever win the Volcom Pipe row is Joshua Moniz and the beach is going absolutely berserk a great look at their dad on the right Grado stagecoach on the left two proud Hawaiians just embracing as this young man has sealed his fate and manifested his old destiny here at the Volcom Pipe row so tell me where Joshua Bunny's comes from and I'll tell us how he got here to this moment Joshua needs comes from town he grew up surfing small waves on the south shore but in the backdoor shootout Jamie O'Brien beat a moenay's to take the win and so it has flip-flopped right here a sea of Hawaiians coming to congratulate the young man who has realized his destiny what a tremendous accomplishment and I'm sure just the beginning look at this crew wait well you know we know what they're actually doing there you know the chat and pass you know where you kind of chat somebody up to pass him in line but there you see Joshua Moniz I mean he just got the who's who of the surfing world patting him on the back a well-earned and well-deserved victory he has been putting in so much time over here on the North Shore probably hasn't seen his home in years because he dedicates everything he's got the waves over here on the seven-mile miracle the North Shore of Oahu and you know make no no qualms about it he means business on the qsr as well so he's just earned 3,000 points a solid check and more importantly he has the now name recognition has one of five surfers on the planet to have won the Volcom Pipe row white the dubious distinction for young mr. Moniz with his blood family on land and his extended family in the water inside that chest beats the heart of a champion I was afraid I said it too early when he got that wave to kick it off but he just took it and ran mister Moniz you are the champion of the world absolutely stuffing the turkey in the oven mr. Moniz is the hottest thing since sliced bread well they're fans on the beach love a big ultimate pull out like that Josh money is putting on a show and you see when he came out of that barrel with
Channel: Red Bull Surfing
Views: 1,350,303
Rating: 4.8088846 out of 5
Keywords: red bull, redbull, action sports, extreme sports, Volcom Pipe Pro, Jamie O'Brien, jamie obrien, barrel, surfing, surf, waves, hawaii, job, pipeline, volcom, pipe pro, wave, red bull tv, ocean, big waves, pipe, competitive surfing, jaws, rip, slab, break, breaks, gnar, peahi, surf warm up, in house, vacation, volcom house, ride, north shore oahu, maui, surfers, big wave, finals
Id: vNB-mpVBsM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 35sec (1955 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2018
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