Freemasonry - Fr Mitch Pacwa SJ

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] well it's great to be back it's been a long time since I've been able to be in Australia and I'm delighted to be back here with you let's begin with the prayer name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit Lord we praise you and bless you you've called us to a church that is true a church that teaches what you have left her a gospel of salvation and we ask Lord that you fill us with the wisdom that you have given us in Sacred Scripture and sacred tradition by the same Holy Spirit who inspired them inspire us to understand them so that we might direct everything in our minds and hearts and wills to give glory to you and so we pray our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil amen hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death amen glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end amen Our Lady of Mount Carmel st. Simon stock name of the Father the Son the Holy Spirit even tonight I've been asked to deal with two subjects both of which are sources of a fair amount of controversy and I'll do my best to do so with as much honesty and respect as I can the first is Scientology the second is Freemasonry now in terms of Scientology let's deal with that probably a bit more quickly I don't know any of you here belonged to Scientology but maybe that maybe maybe you don't want to say it but at any rate it was founded by l ron hubbard hubbard was the author of a number of be quality science fiction books and he did you know okay by them but he had a famous quote saying that you can make more money starting your own religion than you can your own corporation your own business so he started a religion called Scientology and there are a number of basic beliefs some people tried to say that these are you know similar to his science fiction worldview I don't know that I've never read any of his novels but well I do know from former members of Scientology as well as from the literature I've read about Scientology that the basic belief is this there was another planet in which which was inhabited the planet blew up and the souls of all the people that live there came hurtling through the outer space when they came into our planet in order to take on bodies on earth these Souls picked up something called engrams and these are the vibrations or ways they might explain it which caused them because people on earth to be mentally unbalanced if not outright crazy now the goal of Scientology is to get you clear of the engrams and clear is one of their standard phrases or under standard words to explain the state of your being once you are free from the influence of engrams now how do they know you have engrams there is a little device that they have the number of ways that they they do this they'll start off with psychological testing I remember being at a play I was living in New York City at the time and there was a an off-broadway play that I wanted to go see as a college student I could get tickets for two dollars I like the price so so I went to go see the play and while we're waiting in line the they tried it they offered to do a psychological test fortunately I was with another Jesuit who is himself a psychologist and he started taking the tests - we thought that well they stay posed as college kids and they're trying to do this survey and they want us to help them while we were college students so he said sure we'll help you out well he looked you started answering this and he said this test is totally bogus let's get out of here so we got back in line and got our tickets and saw the play which was not all that good as it turned out but one of the things that they had to do is get you into that test and saying well we see that there's a certain problem here and then they'll have you go and do it an Engram meter now what it is is a small machine and there'll be what looks like two tin cans and you put your hands on the ends of two electrodes you don't get shocked or anything it's not but you put on there and see and sure enough the Engram meter will go up now as I've been told this Engram meter is the same thing as a lie-detector machine how does a lie-detector machine work when you tell a falsehood your body you can't help it your hands will sweat and so that will make the electricity you know they'll be that you become a conductor and and the ground and the media will go up showing that you're not telling the truth at that point you say a falsehood okay now if your hands are inside to ten cans what are they going to do sweat so inevitably inevitably the Engram meter will go up now there's a course that you can take to get rid of those engrams what's they offer it's a basic course and of course if you're under dollars and then there are other courses and the courses get more and more expensive so that eventually you can end up paying two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to go through all the courses however at the earlier stages you graduate and you become a teacher of the lower courses and the money that you get for teaching those lower courses goes for you to pay for your next level course so it would be something of a a pyramid approach that you can keep going up the scale and be able to take these courses and eventually get yourself clear now another characteristic of the Scientologists is that they develop their own language for instance the word clear if there was a movie I can't remember the name of it I'd never saw it but it was starring a very famous Scientologists actor John Travolta and in it he had been someone who is mentally deficient they did some sort of us procedure on him and he became absolutely brilliant and in that movie he would keep on saying oh now I see it's all clear to me and he kept using that word clear and he was communicating some of his own Scientology lingo but there are a lot there's a lot of other lingo they do now in most groups in most groups there are ways to have no inside language I mean everybody does that as a matter of fact your whole continent has a lot of insight languages I don't understand and I'm still trying to learn some of it some of it I do better at than others but you know I can't remember all of them now but at anybody everybody has slang of course we have slang and in words in the United States and those things change over time that's for sure but one of the reasons you can also develop a whole language is so that you can keep a certain amount of control over a group and that is the fear that some critics have of Scientology that they develop this kind of language in order to have them have their members speaking among themselves as a group who is in the note this is very attractive I know what these words mean and if somebody else-- like myself uses a word like clear they'll have this sort of knowing smile like he thinks he knows what clear means but he doesn't really know what clear and that that'll be true with any other use of the language said you'll be considered to be something like a little monkey who imitates them but doesn't really understand it because you haven't gone through the process of getting yourself clear okay so that would be one of the senses that they have now this is something of part of the problem because it keeps a lot of people out the more you get into it you the more you can learn about what the meanings of the words are and you get into this other world view and it is truly a world view and they consider themselves to be religion now during his life l ron Hubbard ran into a lot of difficulties because he called us a religion however our an Internal Revenue Service the IRS which collects our income taxes did not quite understand what he meant by religion and they thought that their definition of religion and his were different so he ended up having to live on a yacht in international waters for the rest of his life he couldn't come back to land because he was severely wanted for income tax evasion so that and he was never convicted he was just wanted for income tax evasion now this is as part of the Corbin people like John Travolta and who's the other guy Tom Cruise both of them were raised Catholic and Tom Cruise has apparently no interest in fact he was in the seminary for a short while but they have apparently no interest he has no interest in Catholicism but somebody like John Travolta has oftentimes said there's nothing inconsistent about being a Scientologist and a Catholic I'm a Catholic and I'm a Scientologist and it's all okay well it's not it's not you cannot be a good Catholic and a Scientologist because for one thing a core difference is that we believe as Catholics that the soul of each individual is created at the moment of conception and is unique to that person reincarnation on any form including from other planets is unacceptable as a Catholic that each human being is unique and as was created by God directly as a matter of fact that's one of the great honors that women have you know physical matter is no longer being created you can have according to the laws of Newton matter may change form but there's no new matter created you can change something into carbon by burning it but it doesn't disappear it just changes into carbon and then it can change from carbon back to something else if it lands and someplace where it can grow into a plant it becomes another form of carbon and the white variety things can happen but there's just alteration of the matter there's no creation of new matter but women women are privileged because the last aspect of creation goes on in the womb of women not during the act of procreation but sometime later when a sperm and an ovum unite it's the woman alone with God and at that moment God does something he does nowhere else in the physical universe he creates a soul and this is why alice von Hildebrand speaks of women's wombs as being like a holy of Holy's because it's something that God is acting very powerfully well if Scientology were correct that would not be the case that there would not be these creation of new souls it's using old souls and that in itself is maduk for a catholic secondly we don't believe in engrams i mean there's nothing that we that the church has for or against engrams i mean a scientists found these things that would be up to scientists but what we do believe is that you cannot be redeemed from sin by hanging on to engrams or by losing them that has nothing to do with the salvation of your soul this is where the death of Jesus Christ on the cross is determinative and that reconciliation with God has everything to do with the reconciliation that Jesus Christ works so this is something that's very very crucial for us to keep very much in mind that this is one of the things that we have to pay close attention to so I don't know that there's much more that I want to say about Scientology I accept as Catholics you may not be a Catholic in good standing and join I wouldn't experiment with it I don't think that it's a safe experimentation Scientology is very wealthy Scientology has in fact bought a very large amount of real estate in Tampa Florida Tampa st. Pete and they they owned a lot of buildings there and they are very very successful but there are a lot of stories you can read books by people who were Scientologists and got out of it and you can get some idea of who l ron hubbard was and various literature but hopefully that would not be too much of a concern for you um and i hope that nobody feels a temptation to either join or to stay within it and order to be a good Catholic now the second top it is something that is probably more to the point for a lot of people because this is something that is quite vibrant and is of a different nature than Scientology and that is the Masonic Lodge or Freemasonry Freemasonry claims its roots in those Masons stonemasons who form guilds as builders of the great cathedrals of Europe and other monuments you know when you build a cathedral the old cathedrals were not built by big corporations the old cathedrals were built by the folks in the parishes that's why they sometimes took hundreds of years people would go to the quarries and cut stone to be brought and then bring them themselves then they would also form the stone and cut it on the site but the people who were working on these cathedrals were butchers and bakers and candlestick makers they were the people who did all the other jobs in the city and so stonemasons would be part of a mobile guild a guild was a group of professionals who had various norms for membership you would start off usually as an apprentice than a journeyman and then you'd be a member of the guild and a full member and that wasn't just for the guild of Mason's this was the Guilford cloth makers tailors and many other skilled works that they would have these guilds and the guilds would especially the guild of Mason's was known because they had a lot of secret signs you might have somebody who says oh yeah I'm a Mason and this was risky because the Masons had travel around to the different building sites they didn't have job in the one town like the other guilds did the cloth maker guild knew everybody in the city so if you were an apprentice everybody knew it if you were journeyman everybody knew it because you lived and worked with those people but Mason's had to travel from one place to another and so they would develop secret symbols and secret handshakes in order to let other master masons know who was an apprentice who was a journeyman who was a full-fledged member as a Master Mason Mason and that was part of their the quality of their itinerant work now this is something that the Pope's have brought out is a great irony is that the guild that built the great cathedrals of Europe which are still some of the most wonderful buildings you can go to see how many of you have been to Europe how many of you made sure that all of your trips to Europe include sightseeing of factories how about Bank buildings cathedrals right exactly I mean these these cathedrals of Europe are still wonders it's like lace made out of stone and so many of these especially in the French cathedrals but the the English and Germans are also just phenomenal phenomenal and it's ironic that those Mason's who built those beautiful cathedrals and works of faith have been usurped by an organization that is anti-catholic now the theoretical Masons though those are the Masons who are not the practical Masons but the ones who are you know when the organization we now know as Freemasonry they formed in 1770 in England it was a number of Protestant pastors and laymen who started these groups using some of the handshakes and symbols of the practical Masons in order to form a secret society and they developed within it just like in the old guild the first levels were three stages of apprentice journeyman and master and when what's known as the book Blue Lodge which is the most basic Lodge you have those three degrees and every Mason has to go through those three degrees in order to become a Master Mason now beyond that there are many other degrees depending on what kind of Lodge you belong to the two most popular well first of all masonry is most popular in the english-speaking world where it began in England and her colonies and former colonies that would include Australia of course the United States it was very popular there the first Lodge in the United States also started in the 1700s I don't know when masonry got started here in Australia but it was probably fairly early on and the different English forms of the Masonic Lodge have two main groups one is known as the York Rite the other is known as the Scottish Rite it's in the Scottish Rite that you have the 33 degrees of the Masonic Lodge when the Scottish in the York right they have different kinds of degrees and one of the things that happened after the 32 degrees that the 33rd degree was developed oh that these were all no fascinating and interesting but after a while they got kind of boring one of the ways that you know the Masonic Lodge developed is that since there really wasn't that much spiritually going on at the lower degrees they kept making more degrees and some of the lodges had even more than 33 degrees and then their groups beyond it like the Shriners the Shriners were started by a circus clown I'm serious I'm serious he was a circus clown and comedian he was the most popular comedian in the United States back in the 1880s when he started the Shriners and this was meant to be a benevolent society oh but they would do a lot of things to have fun it was kind of slapstick a little bit you had to be a Mason to get into the Shriners but it had a sort of slapstick quality to it they would play all kinds of tricks and make you do absurd things dressed in women's clothes and you know just stuff be made a fool of and then you can join the the Shriners and they're famous in the United States I don't know about here but in the United States are famous for their hospitals for children so that's one of the things they do and they have you know now they have these little cars and little motorcycles they're certainly small and these rather unfortunately large men who really could do with a diet usually are riding around these little cars and funny hats and clothes and and they're having fun and they use that as a way to promote the Shriners and to promote donations to their Hospital okay and hospitals so that's another degree that gets developed now one of the things that we then have to keep in mind what is it that they teach there are three main points that is consistent in the Masonic Lodge belief the first most basic belief is what we usually call fob fog bomb fog fog bomb stands for the Fatherhood of God brotherhood of man okay so fog bomb and that's a good way to remember it all right now the third believed so that's the first belief is that God is the father of everybody the second belief is that all men are brothers and a third belief is that of the immortality of the soul according to most Masonic lodges nobody can be a Mason unless he believes in God and they also must believe in the brotherhood of all men but they also will accept people from any and all religions you need to you can have any religion that you want to believe in and you can follow any religion so that there are Christians Jews Muslims Oh Farsi the zero estrogens what they mean by that Hindus Buddhists doesn't matter but they don't want in general they don't want a theists now some lodges do accept atheists there's some Lodge is to accept atheists but for the most part they don't want a theist because that goes against the most basic doctrine of the Fatherhood of God and then they also believe in the immortality of the soul and that the soul does have life after death and that every mason is going to be following this Masonic work in order to get to the immortality the soul and live it live out to the best of their possibilities so that's that's what you have to going on there now what is the Catholic Church's stance to all this well we believe in the Fatherhood of God you know I'm a problem with that we don't have a real problem of looking upon all human beings as having a certain type of Brotherhood and we also believe in the immortality of the soul so does the Catholic Church have any problems with the Masonic Lodge absolutely yes as a matter of fact the Catholic Church has repeatedly made it clear from 1738 just 21 years after the first Lodge was founded in England Pope Clement the 12th and his successors Benedict the 14th Pius the seventh Leo the 12th Gregory the 7th and Leo the 13th have all made it very clear that no Catholic may join the Masonic Lodge under pain of excommunication and no Catholic can receive the sacraments if they have joined the Masonic Lodge and if a non Catholic marries a Catholic woman that he must declare that he's a Mason before that marriage can be done and that no Mason because it's considered a foreign religion it's not a Christian religion this is a very serious sin and there was a certain rumor that belonging to the Masonic Lodge was now permitted by the Catholic Church that was absolutely false the Vatican made it undeniably clear that no Catholic may receive the sacraments if he has joined the Masonic Lodge and any Catholic who has done so has to either publicly if he's publicly known to be a Mason he must publicly reject his Masonic membership in order to come back to the sacraments if he's only privately and secretly known to be a Mason then he can secretly improbably renounce it but never go back to it and be part of it again now this is the situation for the Masonic Lodge the question is if the Catholic Church believes in the Fatherhood of God and in the brotherhood of man why is there a problem why should we be have it well first of all the most basic problem is that when then when the Masonic Lodge talks about Fogg bomb the Fatherhood of God God Brotherhood a man they do it on the basis of a naturalistic religion the Masonic Lodge buys into the ideas of the 18th century enlightenment in the 18th century the Enlightenment wanted to make human reason the norm of all reality in all truth and nature is the book of Revelation in the 18th century it was typical that people would believe in God there were some atheist but not too many but they believed in the God of nature and they believed in a law of nature that you can discover just by the use of your reason and you can discover everything you need to know about God by reason that was what we mean by a naturalistic religion a religion of nature so this is going to be one of the problems because then if your religion is based on what you can find by reason and by nature then you do not need revelation and at that point the Masonic Lodge necessarily teaches that the Christian doctrine of the Blessed Trinity that God is your father but God is also of the Son and the Holy Spirit these become negotiable as far as the Masonic Lodge is concerned you do not have to believe in the Trinity to be a Mason if you're a Muslim that's fine with them if you are a Buddhist who is basically agnostic does the core of Buddhism is agnosticism they don't say there is a God they don't say that there isn't Buddha didn't know that wasn't his concern so you can be a Buddhist or it can be a Hindu who is a pantheist believing in many many gods any one of those is equally acceptable so long as you take the naturalistic approach to the Fatherhood of God that is key to the Masonic Lodge in order to be a member of it and this is something that no Catholic can't afford to do you cannot treat the Blessed Trinity as negotiable it is not our salvation depends on God being a God of love without the Trinity you don't have a God of love because who would be doing the loving who would be loved who would be the love itself the Trinity is necessary for God to be loved because it has to be someone who from all eternity is loved and is loving and that that wonder of the bus's Trinity reveals that plus the incarnation of Christ would be negotiable to a Mason they don't need to believe that Christ became man and they don't need to believe that it's God who took on flesh that Jesus Christ is not just a moral teacher and this is wasn't one of the problems that the Masonic Lodge falls into it tries to teach treat Jesus as a great teacher which he is we don't deny that he's a great teacher but his teaching authority does not come because he simply was able to read what it says in nature it's rather that he is God made flesh and his authority is the authority of God himself and that we accept his teaching and the authority of his gospel because of the incarnation of God in the womb of the Virgin Mary the atonement is very negotiable to the Masonic Lodge because in the Masonic Lodge you save yourself by doing good deeds and by doing those good deeds you are able to get to this immortality of the soul and be in the celestial dwelling place made by the great architect because what they do is they if they're masons well they may call God their father of all mankind they also treat God as the Great Architect because they use this imagery from the Masonic building skills whereas we believe that God is not only loving from all eternity but God loves us so much that he took on flesh and he redeemed us from sin Christ is God made flesh who died on the cross for us and that we don't have reconciliation with God just because we do good deeds this is something that is not part of our Catholic faith that that would be the basis of our getting to heaven it's rather we are sinners who needed to have atonement made by the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ and infinite sacrifice offered for our sins because our sins are not just little peccadilloes that we just say all of us just don't big deal to God it's rather that because of God's Majesty being offended our sins have an infinite quality and only infinite God on the cross for the sake of our reconciliation with God is able to make up for our sins this is not a negotiable for any Catholic and that only is that not negotiable neither is baptism st. Peter tells us in 1st Peter chapter 3 baptism now saves you it is not something that is can be slid by it's not negotiable it's not something we neglect if the scripture says that baptism saves you we need to be saved and we accept that gift of baptism in order to be saved and that's a non-negotiable for the Masonic Lodge it obviously is negotiable because non baptized members share fully and all the spiritual claims that the Masonic Lodge makes and the role of the church is not only negotiable they look upon the church as an intimate enemy there's an inimical relationship with the Catholic Church that goes back now I would say this the Masonic Lodge of the Orient the French Masonic Lodge of the Orient is far more anti-clerical and hates the church more vehemently but you go through Albert Pike and the other basic writers and commentators on the Masonic Lodge and you will see that their rejection of the Catholic Church is just as strong and it's not only a few writers here and there in my own country the United States members of the Masonic Lodge have gotten into our Supreme Court especially since a Mason namely Franklin Delano Roosevelt stacked the court with more Masons and they did everything they could to isolate the government and public life from the church it was a Masonic judge Hugo black who before he was a supreme justice in the United States wrote a law to make Catholic schools illegal in the state of Oregon and his goal was to make Catholic schools illegal in that state and then in all the states over they took it to the Supreme Court before he was on the court and then and they won later when he was on the Supreme Court he wrote decisions that tried to alienate the Catholic schools from any kind of aid and he came up with a phrase that is not in our Constitution at all but it is in the teaching of the Masonic Lodge and one of its other presidential members Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson had written that there's a wall of separation between the church and the state now when he wrote that he actually wrote it to say that the church needs to be and can be protected from interference by the state but justice Hugo black who not only was a Mason but especially as was true of the Masonic Lodge of that period which was very racist he was also a member of the Ku Klux Klan the Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan of the state of Alabama back in the 1930s right before he was put on to the Supreme Court by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and this gentleman know did a lot of work in order to get Catholicism in particular but other religions as well separated from the church excuse me from the government and throughout the 1940s 50s and 60s decisions were made by these Masonic judges to increase the separation between the church and the state and to make the role of the church very much reduced in public life now that was just a small thing we're still strong in the United States but it cannot compare to the wickedness perpetrated by the Masonic Lodge against the Catholic Church with an open violent bloody and murderous persecution of the Catholic Church in Mexico in Mexico the Masonic Lodge dominated the government since the 1860s probably even 1850s not long after the liberation from Spain and by the early 1900's they began a persecution of the Catholic Church they even went so far as to make wine illegal in Mexico to make sure the mass could not be celebrated and anybody caught with a bottle of wine could be arrested and put in prison because they suspected it would be used for mass and they were usually right but a number of Catholics laymen religious and clergy by the thousands were martyred at the hands of the Masonic government because they looked upon the Catholic Church as an enemy now that's our first objection to the Masonic Lodge our second objection is that a mason also has to take a series of OHS they take a number of o's first of all of secrecy now I've read frequently the various ceremonies of the Masonic Lodge why is that because they're not that good at keeping the secret and you can read this in all kind of places lots of masons have made these known but these OHS would not be considered valid for any Catholic to take because some of the oaths are blood ODEs they take an oath that if they break the secrecy of the lodge they make a sign from ear to ear across their neck across their stomach and then down the stomach to show that if they break these oaths they can be cut from ear to ear the neck will be cut and they can be cut open and disemboweled now no Catholic can take such an oath that is a sinful ode to take to keep some silly secret and I would call this secret silly after have after I've read them then you don't swear to kill yourself or conversely potentially even take part in killing somebody else for breaking the oath now in fact there are not many killings of Mason's for breaking the olds I don't know of too many there's some cases here and there a couple times they're even doubtful but whether it's done or not it is still illegitimate for Catholic to take such an oath and also to protect these paths words and such and in secret grips and handshakes that that is a vain and rash swearing of an oath and no Catholic may do this now along with that too well there is another quality that I would object you in the Masonic owes and that is that these promises that they make to keep these various secrets include owes to protect a brother Mason at any cost no matter what the Mason has done except murder and treason so that if you know that a Mason has done some crime then and your brother Mason you may not testify against him if a brother Mason is on a trial and you were part of the jury you may not vote to convict him even if you know that he's guilty now that's not legitimate that's not a love of truth that's a protection of your own at any cost but that is not acceptable for a Catholic if you know somebody to be a criminal and you are called upon to testify you have an obligation when you swear a legitimate oath to tell the truth in a trial you have an obligation to tell the truth if you perjure yourself you've done two sins one you've taken a vain oath to protect the mason and two you've taken a little edge it iment oath in a courtroom and you lie under oath that is breaking the eighth commandment in two different ways and that is unacceptable for any Christian yet alone a Catholic so this is something that nobody may take part in and that these this is one of the things that is very much a concern that we have with the Masonic Lodge and then the third issue that I would bring up is the especially in Europe the Masonic Order has done a lot to try to destroy the Catholic Church so that there would be a purely secular society and that they want to have easy divorce laws the abolition of camp rocío schools as I already mentioned they especially tried to promote cremation and suppression of religious orders especially my own order the Society of Jesus and they also have as I mentioned before a separation of the church and the state that was not part of our Constitution United States I don't know about your Constitution the only two constitutions I know of that had separation of church and state was the French Constitution and the Soviet Union's Constitution I don't want to model a Constitution on either one now these are some of the problems that we have as Catholics and we have to remember that the church does not prohibit membership in groups there's nothing wrong with belonging to a group a society that's benevolent we have lots of them inside the church st. Vincent de Paul Society how many of you work for the same Vincent de Paul Society few of you here do you have any secret oaths no the only thing that you do is you help the poor what a wonderful thing and there's not enough hands went up for that that's a good thing to join in the United States we have the Knights of Columbus I'm a knight at Columbus and we don't have any secret oaths the only thing that we do is we promise that we won't tell non-members what goes on in the initiation so that they can experience it for themselves not because it's a secret we want them to experience it firsthand without having you know the preparation so I didn't know until I became a knight but haven't gone through the nights I was very alert to this is this some sort of a secret oath not at all and we don't take an oath by the way we just promise that we won't you know reveal what happens you know in the initiation levels but there are no secret doctrines as a matter of fact the only doctrines of the Knights of Columbus are the doctrines of the Catholic Church and you have down here Knights of the Southern Cross I believe and the nice how many are Knights it's on the cross and you and remembers here not justice on the cross and again do you have any secret oaths absolutely not see he's adamant and I suspect not enough Knights not enough hands went up for that either do you welcome any new members and it's it's a great thing because this is one of the organizations in the United States the Knights of Columbus I'm sure it's time here that the men in the parishes work together to help build up the church to evangelize to help the poor and a wide variety of other things it's a good thing to be part of these groups but we don't have any secret doctrines we don't have any blood oaths you know they give Knights of Columbus swords not us priests I don't know if they think they were extra clumsy or what but when I had gotten my fourth degrees at night at Columbus I just come in in the from hunting a wild game and maybe they thought that I'd been dangerous enough already so they didn't want to give you another weapon but be that as it may it you know the that the Knights of Columbus don't have any secret oaths and you can join these groups but no Catholic in good standing may join the Masonic Lodge that is forbidden that is something that is a serious sin and means that a person who does so may not may not receive the sacraments so that's something that we have to keep very clear [Music] can both men and women be members of Masons no the Masonic Lodge is limited to men but there are women's auxilary groups and the I forget to cut off age I think it's 18 or I'm not positive but there is a youth group as well so that you can belong to a group before your Mason and then you can join full Masonic Lodge as an adult it is join the toys oh okay so the question is this gentleman has a couple brothers who are Masons they say that they do a lot of good work hospitals and other things can we go against the good work there's no need to go against their their good work if it's good then it's just no need to go against it however that that's not enough of a reason to belong to the Masonic Lodge and I don't believe that that's their main reason if they wanted to do good work they would join the st. Vincent de Paul Society and they and the other point the other point I would make is that I don't again I don't know the Masonic Lodge here in Australia but in the United States there was a huge scandal because over 90 percent of the money collected did not get to the hospitals that it was used by the Masonic Lodge for entertainment to raise the money and less than 10% actually got to the hospitals now I have no idea what it's like here have none at all but I do know that if you give money to some work that nuns are running the money gets to where it's going or they'll grab you by the earlobes and take it to the sacristy to wear you out you know so so you've got a much better chance of the money getting to the good work if it's being done in under Catholic auspices and even secular organizations admit that groups like bread for the world which is not a religious group and not a Catholic group but they themselves will say that you have a much better chance of getting money with religious groups Christian religious groups to make sure the money gets to the people who need it rather than other groups in need i say more so than governments let me let me deal with the second question that's that's easier the question or the wondering whether judaism had anything to do with the origin of Mormonism I can come back to the morris because they're very influenced by the masons their liturgy comes from the Masonic Lodge but if there's the Jews and the Masonic Lodge that's nonsense absolutely NASA it was started by Christian ministers and laymen and that's where it has read out Jews were early welcome on but they didn't found it they had nothing to do with it and the Mossad the Masons who built the cathedrals were hardly Jewish though they had to be Catholics to be in the Guild's so that's that's just nonsense in terms of the Illuminati the problem with dealing with the Illuminati is that they become a catch-all for any foolishness that goes on and so I have heard mention of the Illuminati being associated with Illuminati we started by next priest named vice helped but they were such a short-lived group and they gained a certain amount of mythic quality and I I don't know that they'd be possible for them to do all the damage that they actually did their credit was starting communism and Masonic laws and lots of other things that are incompatible with each other so I don't unless I get concrete evidence and I want to see the direct evidence I don't pursue it whenever I'm dealing with something show me the data I don't and this is something that actually is important because in dealing with a lot of different groups for instance when I was here speaking against the New Age movement a lot of questions came up well is the New Age movement part of the Masonic Lodge no do they have a lot of ideas in common absolutely but they don't have the same ideas in common because they're the same organization it's rather that they're part of the Enlightenment influenced culture that we live in and so you don't necessarily have to see that just because some ideas are the same that therefore they're the same group they're part of the post-enlightenment society that we all live in and they pick up a lot of the same ideas so and that's what I suspect is going on with the Illuminati - okay what reasons are given that they want to persecute and remove the influence of the Catholic Church it's because they don't agree with us you know that their form of religion is contrary to that of the of Catholicism so they don't want know what the Catholic Church believes in to be dominant in society they want a naturalistic religion and so they that the Catholic Church is the biggest kid on the block you know in the United States of America right now on another issue this is not a masonic issue but it's another issue namely abortion and homosexual marriage the sexual issues the secular people are so strongly against Catholicism because we're the biggest religion on the block and we are the only ones who can really stand up to them the Protestant mainline churches in my country are dying and the the evangelical churches are splintering we now have 42,000 different denominations because they keep splitting off from each other and so they don't they lose the power of having a voice to speak out in unison Catholics still have that that are using so the question is how did the if they started in 1717 how did the freemasons become so influential of presidents senators and Supreme Court justices the whole government of Mexico the leadership of the government of Italy Garibaldi and and his associates were all freemasons so how did they do that well for one thing they appeal to being elitist and there was a song way back in the 60s when I was a kid called I'm in with the in-crowd well that's part of the appeal is that you're part of the in-crowd and it builds up on itself when you get wealthy Englishmen who started it and then wealthy Americans who also want to be part of an elite I know we are well no no but that but you cannot underestimate the desire to be part of the inner circle now you also keep in mind when I said before that they have a naturalistic religion and that that also was popular in the 18th century and an appeal to naturalistic religion where the Enlightenment mentality that reason is the be-all and end-all this is a group that's promising that you can have that kind of and you know you're part of the intelligentsia I was approached by one of my aunts ex-husbands while they were still married my aunt had a number of ex-husbands and number none of them as we say in Alabama some of them their cornbread wasn't cooked this was one of the least cook of the cornbread but he invited me to be a Mason he said look and this is what he said to me you sounded to me like a significant person if you joined the Masonic Lodge we'll make sure that you end up becoming a bishop or an archbishop I said no thanks I took an oath I took a vow not no but I took a vow against being a bishop only my boss can make me that is the Pope so you know that kind of appeal though they said you know that you are a special person and you are significant therefore you join us and we'll help you to fulfill that desire to be significant so that's how they made their appeal when you see something on the internet I would be automatically suspicious that you know because that's easy to do remember I work in television I know how an editing machine works you don't have to have the Pope's hand there and my question is who took this photograph of Tony Blair and who took the footage of them doing that now I want to see exactly that and what's that that's on you - there you go there's a source have you noticed the Vatican saying anything about it no the wait wait wait answer my question has the Vatican said anything denying it no because it's not an even an issue and I guarantee you that this is not what was going on I know I'm just telling you I guarantee that he's not a Mason what is the connection between the Mason the Masonic Lodge and the New World Order first of all they do promote a new world order of a secularized society of naturalistic religion where everybody is a brother and God is their father and you have a mortal's belief in immortality of the soul they want that and they want a society that will run on naturalistic rational basis and they want it to be a happier society a better society that's that's the goal now what that specifically means is not always clear because you can use New World Order in so many different ways and I and you can make that a catchphrase and then into a boogeyman catchphrase you got to be careful of that because this is not something that should just be there to scare you show me what you mean and in my country for instance we have a new world order in which the government is taking over our medical so our medical care I am flat against it they can barely get the mail delivered and and we're they're going to be there ready causing problems for our medical services and they just started the first implementation is started that kind of new order is just incompetency and that's why I'm against it they were they thought it that it would be more efficient I don't think I my fact already the evidence is shown that it's not going to be so you know this is the kind of thing they have to be very specific about what they mean and which Mason you're talking about see that's you know do you think that they all agreed they don't I mentioned the three basic beliefs Fatherhood of God brotherhood of man and mortality the soul they would generally agree on that but they don't agree on how many different degrees there are what those degrees might be they don't agree on a lot of other doctrines and they would not agree on the new world order either so that's why you have to ask anybody who brings that up what do you mean by that and then we'll talk as to whether I agree with you or disagree now the excessive nationalism is something anybody who's a Christian should reject that the nation is also subject to the judgment of God and that the rules and the laws of the nation are subject to God's laws not that I want the church to run the government nor do I want the government to run the church I think we have to have a pair a kind of parallel role influencing each other to be sure and in no way do I want to see the state running being run by the church that's that's a disaster too but neither should the government isolate itself from the church and that isolation of the government from the influence of the church that would be very explicitly Masonic doctrine in at least in my country that's very explicitly Masonic and that's a very wrongheaded way to approach life and government so we need to you know make sure that we are in favor not of separation of church and state but balance and integration of church and state that would be my own kind of model so that the critique of immoral laws for instance in my country the lost slavery racist laws they were critiqued by the church a lot of people don't know this but the Pope's beginning with Eugene the fourth condemned the slave trade from the first year it began and every century the Pope's we condemned the slave trade nobody listened to them that was a big mistake especially for the poor slaves but also for the rest of the folks as well everybody suffers from that kind of oppression even if they're the oppressors so the church should be able to have influence in World War one the church was the strongest voice telling all of the different empires to cease and desist the march toward war pies the tenth tried to stop it Benedicta 15th tried to stop it and then at the end of the war it was Benedictus 15th the lone voice in europe saying we need to avoid punishing the Axis powers don't punish Germany and Austria and Hungary and Turkey rather reintegrate them into the family of Nations nobody listened the Pope was right and all that they did was start the seeds of a new war this kind of integration of the faith and the morals is what we have to do without allowing the church to run the state and that kind that would be the approach I would take all right let me give you a blessing Lord we praise and bless you we ask that you fill us with your Holy Spirit to lead us and guide us in all things man mighty God bless you cause his face to shine upon you direct all of your ways toward him and lead you by the paths of his peace and name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: ParousiaMedia
Views: 128,833
Rating: 4.7158251 out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, Fr Mitch Pacwa, Freemasonry, Scientology, Faith, Hope, Love
Id: fx7b3hiXdgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 24sec (4224 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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