Satanist to Catholic - Zachary King

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welcome to SJ ENTV today's topic folks might be a little dicey for the children I would ask that you please let them find another game as you view this program my name is matt log man in studio today with Zachary King and today's topic is about Satanism welcome to SJ ENTV we have a great program today for you my name is matt log 'men and my guest today is Zachary King Zach welcome to the program thank you for having me folks you might find this a bit disturbing when we start asking Zachary why he's here and the story that he has it's almost unbelievable but I think you'll find it inspirational you'll find it heaven-sent by the time we finish don't you think pretty close oh I have heard you speak before Zachary and you normally start around the age of 10 how come why is 10 that the magic age because that 10 years old that's when I had seen so many of the fantasy movies and that's when my magic started that that's when I really started getting curious as to whether magic was really something I could do or if it was fake and can you tell the people that we're not talking card tricks you know there's two different types of magic there's ma GIC which is sleight of hand and illusion card tricks things like that and then there's ma GIC kay and it was changed in the way it was spelling by Aleister Crowley who wanted to make there to be a such thing as satanic magic or sleight of hands age of 10 and you're already practicing the K in magic well I guess but I wanted magic to work I I was so fascinated with levitation and levitation is where Satan got me because Superman can levitate you know I associated flying with levitation so I wanted to be able to do that and you know the first day of school in the fifth grade and I was ten years old this kid came up to me and he said meet me in the bathroom at the first break so that was at 10:20 in the morning and I went into the bathroom there's 49 other children in there boys and girls and they say we're gonna turn off the lights and chant a phrase into the mirror and if we do it right the spirit of a burn victim will show up in the mirror and you know I thought okay I mean you know I'm a little naive kid sure let's do this and see what happens and we did the phrase the lights are out we chant this phrase X number of times and suddenly the scary face appears and 49 kids run screaming out of the bathroom and there was one one idiot I can call him an idiot because it was me decided I did this I said a phrase 11 times and suddenly this scary face appeared and I thought it was a spirit of a burn victim I didn't know anybody I didn't know it was a demon I thought I made this happen this is the coolest thing ever but notes got sent home because kids started getting hurt I mean we're like in a panic to get out of the bathroom doors only so big he had the doors only so big and there's 50 of us so you know they send notes home and say that you know if you're caught playing this you'll be suspended for three days yeah I had to take that note to my dad and he wasn't too happy that the note got sent home and I lied and said no I never do that and then I started playing the game at home because you know that's so much safer to bring the demon into your house and you know when I was at school I played it once a day but now that I'm playing it at home I'm playing it every chance I get and I'm playing it as a result about 25 times a day Zach was the face always the same yes all the same Damon he was the same demon it was a very dark skinned snarling I mean I I didn't know any better that it wasn't a spirit of a burn victim because it looked like somebody that had been blackened in a fire so your youth you were brought up in the Baptist faith is that correct that is correct and at no time did you think what you were doing was okay or was wrong um kept it from your folks obviously right well you know you don't let your parents know everything and you know my Baptist preacher we had been taught that Jesus defeated the devil 2,000 years ago on the cross and the devil is no threat and we were also taught that the devil was afraid of the Baptist Church you know so I mean if if you don't think the devil is attacking you then whatever satanic attack you're getting it's open season for you I mean that's happening to you every day but you're not believing it's the devil doing it so you think you just have a spirit of a burn victim yeah spirit of a burn victim and everything's okay all right so let's continue from there you're still 10 years old I'm still 10 years old and I'm really you know I'm also I'm playing Dungeons and Dragons every weekend and I'm always the wizard or the sorcerer in that and magic consumes me I want this to be real but I don't know if it is and finally I thought all right I'm gonna do a magic spell in real life you know yeah it'll it always works in the game but that's a game and it always works in the bathroom when I'm doing the chant but I don't know if that's a magic spell or not so I thought I've got to do a magic spell in real life I you know I don't like my weekly quiz but I don't want to hurt anybody I just thought you know if I could get some cash that would be cool so I did a spell for money and and I got my spells out of the D&D book I thought if I did this in real life I mean maybe it'll work so I did a magic spell for money and the next day I went out and I found a can of tennis balls with a $5 bill in it and I thought all right that's kind of cool I mean this is 1976 so comic books are 15 to 20 cents candy bars are 20 cents penny candy as a penny I thought you know five dollars I can get a good amount with that a little bit high on the hog yep but this could have been a coincidence so the next Friday I did the spell again and the next day I went out and I found a $10 bill on the side of a road I'm pretty excited in eight days I got $15 and you know I'm thinking I can ickle and I'm my way up to being a millionaire but you know still could have been a coincidence so I did it one more time and I thought if I do it this last time and it works I'll be convinced magic is real so but I did it in my bathroom because I did the magic spell about halfway into it I stopped I did the Bloody Mary chant and then when the face showed up I made sure it knew I was doing a spell for money you know I thought I don't know what this face is but maybe I can harness this maybe I can move this talk or at least voice anything nothing it just appears it just appears and it's just kind of like just floating in the mirror they doesn't guarantee I was stupid you know I didn't know I was supposed to be scared and so I you know I made sure it knew I was doing this spell for mummy and then I finished out my money spell and then the next day I went out and I'm playing and I was in a large unpaved parking lot and I found what looked like monopoly money rolled up tighten rubber bands so I stuck that in my pocket and I went about playing and later that night everybody's in bed asleep you know I'm in my bedroom and I've got a sheet up over my head and the flashlight in my mouth and I'm just like all excited what is this treasure that I've got and I unravel a bunch of rubber bands and it looked like been ah Polly money because I had never seen a $100 bill it will a unraveled everything I had ten $100 bills and I mean knowing that I'm worth a thousand dollars all my stuff that I want to buy is they're cheap and I can do this spell every day so what did you do with the money I hid it in my room I had a piggy bank in my room but my parents would never open up because they know there's just nickels and dimes and quarters in it so you know they don't need the money that's in there and my piggy bank was about this tall was tall red plastic it was a giant pink and I put it in that and then I bought whatever I wanted every day yeah I'm worth $1,000 plus I could do the spell as often as I want so you have a lot of material goods coming into the house how does that get played off well my parents had money so I had you know my mom had bought me like 20 pairs of shoes so now I have 25 pair you know I had a leather jacket but now I have two you know I have jeans that I want and belts that I want I a I had a giant walk-in closet so did like a best friend that you shared are you this with as far as yes going on okay yeah I am because I thought that was cool it's not it's no fair it's not fun to have a bunch of stuff if you can't tell somebody or brag or brag yeah I mean you want to be able to tell plus a lot of my friends now see I mean I was all a nerdy kid so I didn't have a lot of friends I mean I played D&D all the time so all my friends their older kids and um suddenly I have money all the time I have anything I want whenever I want it and and they know my parents don't do that they buy me what I need know what I want but I've always got money to go get a candy bar multiple candy bars a box of candy bars you know I can buy pizza for my friends you know I now have more friends than I've ever had because I have money oh yes you know they're not really my friends but you know I'm a little nerdy kid what about the face in the mirror did your friends did you tell them that you see this obviously 49 other kids knew it was possible right but my method of of doing this was that I told my friends that I could do something for them too I could get them money and or I could get them things but I didn't tell them what I did they just knew that suddenly they had money or I had money and they would give me a percentage of it so I working your spells for they write entrepreneur yes but they didn't know what I actually did all right so let's continue on now you're ten years old fifth grade living high on the hog yes and and thinking that you know I could do this you know my favorite car at that time was a Lamborghini Countach and that's what I wanted I wanted a Lamborghini Countach and you know I'm not thinking how do I get to the Lamborghini store how do I get my Lamborghini back home my dad has to drive the car there's insurance i I'm not thinking of any of that I'm just thinking you know I'm looking at it from a ten-year-olds mentality I'm gonna give someplace and buy this car and that's gonna be my car for the rest of my life and you know I thought you know I can do this and and I was doing you know I talked about that being my my spell you know where I got a thousand dollars but I was doing those spells almost daily it didn't matter that I had a thousand dollars in my piggy bank I know that eventually I'm going to run out of money so I was constantly doing those spells to see what else I could get now when I was a kid a thousand dollars is the most I ever got I usually got 10 bucks or five bucks but that doesn't stop you I mean you know the devil makes a promise to you kind of like you know that if you're doing what the devil wants the devil will give you something but it's never fair a little bit of the truth for the big lie yeah and you know he he's telling you that you know yes you're gonna get rich doing this but you don't you know you're you're doing everything you can do but he's giving you five dollars short dollars twenty dollars so we got some poor choices going on here though Souls is only now you're being led into I guess a group of people that you admired from far when I was this kid I used to play D&D with a large group of kids and one of the kids that I played with I used to go to school with and then he stopped going to school and he stopped playing D&D and I thought he moved we just stopped having any contact with him and then when I was 12 years old the this kid came back you know we were like hey where did you go and he said he was being homeschooled and you know I didn't even know there was such thing as homeschool you know he's being homeschooled and he said that he plays D&D with a group that thinks magic is real well I kind of you know I kind of intrigued me because I know magics real I know this is something you can really do and he tells me about this place like my house we've got a 19 inch color TV in the living room and a 13 inch black-and-white TV in my bedroom over there he tells me about they have this 50-inch projection screen TV and you know at my house you know I've heard about ways that you can watch movies at any time but even at that time it wasn't called a VCR and you know we don't have one of those devices I think it's a reel-to-reel we don't have one but this place they do you know at my house or we can watch TV like we can watch a lot of Disney stuff so we that's a g-rated movie anything that's PG rated my dad has to vet it first it has to make sure that it's okay for the kids but over at this other house you want to watch a PG rated movie an r-rated movie that's fine you know and they have x-rated movies and x-rated movies in it with kids and at my age so there's adults and our kids yeah at this house yes is it my family or just like a commune or it's a satanic coming but I'm not realizing that's what it is so it's like it's sort of like a youth center for the town and it's not an official youth center I mean it's not like you know that the city or the whatever you know they haven't officially said this is where you can go to hang out but there's so many adults there all the time and there's kids there all the time some of the kids are the kids of the adults that are members and some of them are just kids that go there to hang out I mean we had like I said my parents had money but there were kids there that they sometimes would show up and say we don't have food in our house and so these people would take groceries to the house or somebody can't make their mortgage payments or they can't make their car payment or they need a car and these people would donate money to them or help them out there was always something I mean if I had a fight with my parents I could come here and they would help me like the council me you know and talk me into going back home you know your parents are not bad people you know they just have this is their style their way of raising you you know but my parents as I explained my parents are the no police no matter what I wanted to do the answer was always no you know the Moody Blues are coming in town can I go see him no there's a new movie coming out can i no you know I'd like to do this no dad no you know it didn't matter what I mean I I sometimes think that if I had asked my dad can I live strictly on vegetables he would have said no just because I wanted to do it what part of the world country state where'd you grow up at Florida Florida okay so it's not the Midwest cuz I think a lot of Midwest people would think you know I'm not letting my kid hang out there if I don't know these people but yeah things were different back then and they learn I mean this is before the Internet this is you know TV shows weren't that bad so you know my parents talked about how horrible things were but I mean the worst we had back then was like Three's Company you know which if you look at Three's Company versus any show we have now it was very innocent so you have access to movies they shouldn't be watch right people who think magic is real right so how do things progress from here well you know I had been a victim of a sexual assault when I was 11 and that was at the hands of a female teacher at school you know nowadays hear about this stuff almost every day but when I was 11 that was 1977 and you didn't hear about that kind of stuff so when that happened to me and I was told you know it would be my fault if I said anything I would be in trouble I'd be expelled I'm going to prison you know it was my idea to do it and obviously I enjoyed it so you know if I'm caught I'm getting in all these all this trouble and so what gave me comfort and solace was magic you know but there was no one I could tell yeah there's nothing I could tell about that so then when I'm 12 years old and I start going to these these other coven meetings which I don't know as a coven but you know I'm practicing magic and I'm I'm doing I'm eating potato chips and candy bars every day because they're saying yes you know and I'm going to concerts and I'm going to movies and you know at 12 members we had I went to one of the largest baptist churches in town and we had I think 12 kikianus 11 of my deacons belong to the Freemasons and 11 of my deacons belonged to my satanic common so when my parents would drop me off they know all the Deacons they know most of the kids hang out with because I go to school with them they know pretty with all the adults the the women everybody that's there is somebody that's known by everybody in town sounds like the whole town was in on it there's a good number I mean it was um my coven Hatton between a hundred and twenty and a hundred and fifty members at any given time and my entire town has between three and five thousand people in it so I mean it's it's in a sense not a huge coven in some ways in other ways considering how many people were in the town is a good percentage of them are in the Kelvin and we had more than one common we had to Kevin's in the town and one of them had mean kids in it and I knew them I've been bullied by them I knew not to belong to that Kevin yeah and this Kevin I mean I'm I'm being told that if I want to be in movies like what happened to me when I was 11 was terrible but now I can get my power back which we don't have no one has power but you know I was told that I could get my power back that I can have sex with anybody I want nobody can tell me no I can tell anybody know that I feel uncomfortable with you know and plus I'm being given everything that I want and you know so I'm participating in a lot of nefarious things and at some point an older kid told me that I was a member of a satanic coven and I thought no I'm not buying that I've seen all the creepy movies you know and there's creepy music that plays and when the bad guys on the screen you know like when you watch the old Adam West Batman series when the bad guys on the screen the screen tilts the bad guys are crooked you know and then when Batman is on the screen you know then it's back to seeing how things really are you know and I thought I'm not seeing anybody crooked I'm not seeing the bad guy you know Satan's letting me candy bars and pizza for dinner every night and I can come over for sleepovers whenever I want and my parents are okay with these people of course I'm not telling my parents what's really going on but you know I'm everything's acceptable everything's okay so you don't believe it's a coven and then you ask someone yeah I got after a couple of weeks of then starting to notice what's happening how some people dress some stuff that they do there's a Vince that happens sometimes late at night that I'm not allowed to come to and I'm asking why now I hadn't asked before I didn't care but now that somebody told me it's a satanic coven now I'm like well maybe that's why I can't come late at night because there's why didn't you run cuz snicker bars are my favorite food in the world and he'll let me have all of my wine you know let me do anything I want to do you know I went up to an adult that I trusted and I said hey you're gonna laugh but I heard this is a satanic coven crazy right and I kept I'm waiting for him to burst out laughing but instead he confirms that it's a satanic coven and you know then I was scared you know and I was like am i a member no would you like to be see and now's the moment where I'm thinking about running but not seriously you know I'm addicted to porn at the age of 12 at the age of 12 hey slippers bars you know and snicker bars yes so I'm addicted to porn and you got to be 18 years old to buy foreign I'm 12 you know I'm smoking cigarettes almost every day gotta be nineteen to buy cigarettes I'm still 12 you know I'm I'm drinking almost every damn getting drunk almost every weekend and you got to be 21 to buy booze I'm still 12 and I'm taking illegal drugs at least on the weekend I don't know where to get that and if I stop going I'm having sex every weekend I'm liking having sex every weekend if I quit this coven I'm not gonna get to do any of this stuff now the people that they supplied for this were they adults over they kid your age or for drugs sex for the sex adults bought it I mean I you know I'm thinking I'm winning I'm I'm having sex every weekend and this is the coolest thing in the world and all my friends school are wishing they were having I mean kids were making up lies about stuff during they probably didn't believe you at first well I didn't brag on that a lot because I didn't want to get caught I didn't want anyone to say well Zach I heard you were having sex all this time you know I didn't want somebody to come and actually confirm that something like that was happening so I I wasn't I wasn't bragging on that but you know though there were some of the girls at school knew me from the coven and they would flirt with me openly in in front of everybody you know they would kiss me in the hallway you know or hug me or do something that they shouldn't do you know and all my friends were like whoa what's going on there isn't he geeky nerdy kid it was right right you know and suddenly I'm cool like the coven knew what they were doing they're kind of reeling you in giving me all these things at a twelve-year-old boy in America would even though they know what's wrong right right so so um you know when when I thought about everything I would lose yeah I'm losing all my privileges if I quit you know I was like all right so what has to happen what what do I have to do and they told me there was 13 steps involved and I had done almost everything already so when I had left to do I had to slice my left thumb because it's closer to your heart and you have to bleed onto a document and then you have to sign the document in three places in your blood so the blood of Jesus washes away all sin but not mine and I sign that Jesus died for everybody but not me and I sign that and on the final page of a five page document I agreed to sell my soul to the devil that's impossible to do I mean if there's anybody out there that thinks I can't be redeemed because I sold my soul to the devil you didn't sell your soul to the devil because it's impossible to sell what you don't own but I was 13 years old and didn't know any better so I agreed to sell my soul to the devil and then I went to a coven meeting where the entire coven was there and I was in a white robe it signifies you're losing your innocence and you're baptized full submersion in a vat of human blood pig's blood and human urine you come up out of that you go into another room and take a shower and come out in a black robe and it signifies being baptised into a world of darkness you sit you in a chair and they give you a wheel it's about this big around and it has a crucifix in it and they read off the document you sign the night before you show your thumb to show that it is your thumb that you're sliced it is your blood then you spin the crucifix upside down signifying human sacrifice you put your arm your hands on the arms and then you break them downward supposedly this denounces Christ and then we have a party to celebrate that I'm now a Satanist accept the reality is that you're celebrating one day you're gonna die and burn in hell and you had no apprehension to just jump into a pool of this stuff that most kids would think no way well I mean on the one hand it's gross and on the other hand I didn't see anybody urinate in the thing I was just told us what was in there and it's blood clearly that's blood because I mean it's blood it's big bad bout of blood but you know I watched horror movies I wasn't grossed out by it it smell like blood and I cut my own thumb too you know to join in on these guys and you know it was at a time when we used to watch cowboys and Indians movies where people would bond with each other by slicing their hands and and then become blood brothers and that was no big deal that was in so many of the movies the westerns that I watched and you know watching that I now I have to be baptized in the blood well we got to hear about being baptized in the blood every Sunday at church and you were how old at this satanic bat I was 13 and did you share this news with anybody or just your coven months just my coven friends I thought that if somebody found out that I got baptized into a mat of blood that might go poorly were you still going to Baptist services I was I was because I didn't have a choice my parents took me and my brother every Sunday and at times every Wednesday as well and then there were events that happened sometimes on Friday night or on Saturday night you know my parents wanted me to have as much God in my life as I could and I didn't like going it seemed to me that every sermon no matter what the Bible verse was had to do with money it wasn't just the the offertory it was I mean if I read Jesus wept yeah and I remember the sermon Jesus wept because he saw the state the future state of the church and saw that people didn't donate enough money you know and finally when I was about 15 years old our our church service with broadcasts live on the radio and I told my dad one day I said if I go in and there's one more sermon about money you don't have to bother to come pick me up I'll be home in like 15 minutes I'll just walk home I don't want to be part of that anymore I can't stand it you know why is every sermon got to be about money there's no way that entire Bible is about donating money to somebody yeah and especially not the Baptist Church since the Baptist weren't even around back in the Old Testament when this was written you've got the magic to conjure it up right right and so one day when I was about 15 I got home I walked home and my mother said your father is really mad at you as why is he mad at me I didn't make the Baptist preachers that tell the sermon about donating money and then when I walked inside my dad was telling me that I was shallow as it I'm the shallow one I'm not the one that did another sermon about money to the church you know and I never went back you were watching SJ ENTV jaggery King is our guest today my name is Matt log Minh brothers and sisters who now realize that we're talking about a Satanist and I promise you that we'll get better as he experiences the mercy of God that that's the best way I can put it from the story that I did hear but a lot of people know what would when I ask you lots of questions like okay you're in a covenant Satan type what kind of things are you seeing that might be supernatural what are people are they just being desecrating and and and filthy nasty and moral or here are you do you see things like people being possessed anything along those lines possession is a regular thing in the coven they they believe that if you can get possessed it makes your magic stronger and I was scared to get possessed and I had seen some crazy creepy movies and I saw possession and I didn't want any part of that but you know I I was tempted by it because my magic was pretty good you know I mean I'm I'm able to so what wasn't a requirement it wasn't a requirement but but you know they they tease you with it you know like your magic is good but wouldn't you like your magic to be stronger you know wouldn't you like to be more successful you know but it's it's in a way it's hard to tease you with something after they've already given you like everything you know like I mean I'm I was having sex until I was 16 and then I grew a mustache and I aged out of porn because up until then I looked innocence I looked young you know as fresh-faced and all that so it had you starring in the porn movies like they were manipulating you and making money off of you and feeding you candy bars right and then you know that's how I didn't get fat I don't and then and then you know eventually I grew a mustache and then suddenly no one wants to see me perform anymore and that's a that's depressing I was I had I had attempted suicide when I was 13 and again when I was 17 and even in the coven even in in the coven because I went from being in demand to nobody wanting my films anymore like you know nobody wanted to see me anymore and I went from being super popular to being unpopular but no more unpopular than I was prior to the coven I just wasn't as popular as I used to be doesn't sound like good popularity here though but right it's it's not a positive thing but you know you things are happening especially bad things are happening to you you're not studying them you're not seeing what what's the underlying root cause here you know what's really happening you're not looking at any of that you think of magic what other spells besides the money which I understand although I would not go that route to get it right but what other spells were you doing that were successful that you could say my maggot magic is good I did magic spells for sports teams now I only did them because I was gambling I was betting on them and you know when you're contacting like a bookie I was using an adult to do it because um 13 14 years old and I sound like I'm nine you know so I don't have the voice to talk to an adult and say I need you know or whatever put down on this team or you know whatever what is the spread on this or whatever you know but I've got an adult that's doing it for me but I mean if I'm going to truly gamble some money I'd like to win you know so everybody likes to win so so I'm doing magic spells for certain teams and this was taught to you how do you come up with a magic spell for winning sports team the same way you do magic for anything else you just modify your magic spell to fit what you're doing what you want but you know I also I liked things I liked my first album I ever got was school's out by Alice Cooper and I think that was $6.99 that's I'm giving away my age now you know $6.99 for an album the next thing I bought from that I think was kiss alive too and you know it was a double album cent there's before CDs and kiss was like the coolest rock band in the world to me I mean all these guys wearing costumes and and makeup and they just fit into I wanted stuff you know and that's I so many of the magic spells I did I mean I even did I got on Atari my parents bought me an Atari as my first gaming system but they only got me tank and something I was like the two games that came with it they never bought me anything else so I went out and bought like every game that I could I enjoyed tank I do recall that one huh I'm a couple years older than you the tank was fun especially when you bounced the missiles off the walls and destroy the tanks and all right so you're doing magic winning money off of sports teams gambling right things obviously get darker quicker right what happened you know I had I was told that we were going to have a sex party and it was gonna be all the males aged 12 to 15 and a female coven member that was 19 and the purpose was to make her pregnant and we're going to do an abortion about eight or nine months later and I said cool and then I went home because I didn't know what abortion was and you know I had to look it up and the dictionary I had was so old it didn't have the word abortion in it and so I went to the library and I looked up books on abortion and I found two and both were about two inches thick you know and like I say I I used cliffnotes to get through Shakespeare I am NOT going to read two inches of material to find out what the word abortion means so I went back to my Satanic coven and I said ain't I heard I've got to do an abortion I don't know what that means and the guy said well you're killing a baby in the womb you know and I was like that's not legal they specifically said that you had to do this abortion there me got all these kids that are partaking in this act I'm one of the main magic practitioners of my covenant so when everybody joins the coven when you start out joining you're in the white robe and everybody then progresses when you're officially a member then you're in a black robe and most people that were the black robe there's a red inverted pentagram on it and everybody wants that everybody wants to be an official member but the robe I wanted was a red robe and that's the person that does the magic and anybody can do magic but if you're wearing the red robe then you do the official match when somebody comes to your coven to say I want to hire this coven to do a magic spell for me it's the guy in the red robe that does that official magic spell and that's what I wanted to do magic is the coolest thing I'm consumed by it and that red costume looks so much cooler to me than the black alright so you know I'm wanting to do that and the party ensues and then eight months later they say you know now I'm in a big room there's like a hundred and fifty members of the coven there now there's a separate part of the house where there's there's children in that room but they're not part of the common meeting their job is they having a contest to see who can be up till 3:00 a.m. because midnight is the witching hour 3:00 a.m. is the devil's hour and they wanna if you can stay up till 3:00 a.m. you win a special prize and I mean you're winning like we're children these are under 12 yes because the 12 the 15 year olds are obviously adults and the client's eyes right oh so I don't know of anybody staying up to 3m or not that's I'm not with them in this room which is like I think it's called a great room in the great room there's there's a bathroom at the end of the hall or at the end of the room and then and that's where we can take showers and things like that but at one end of the room is a bunch of men that are chanting and saying incantations and their job is to keep Christians away from us so they're saying things spells or incantations to the devil to please him to keep us to keep the Christians the cops whoever from showing up there's 50 women that are on the floor that are swaying saying Our Bodies Ourselves and it's just a chant that they have going the entire time then there's the 13 members is 13 high priests and priestesses they stir it off around a Baphomet statue and then they end around surrounding the woman that's on the birthing table and there's me and I've got the red robe and a surgical mask and gloves on and I've been practicing for a few weeks with like a ball of play-doh an orange or an apple and a scalpel now although I have this stuff I don't really know what I'm gonna do and my job is to get blood on my hands it could be the woman's blood or the baby's blood but again I there's not like a video I can watch that shows me what I'm supposed to do thank you I've just been told you know this is what you have to do you have to get blood on your hands okay and then there's an abortion doctor an abortion nurse there and there's full medical equipment so I mean it all looks official to me I don't know I at that point I'd never been in an abortion clinic so I didn't know if this was actual you know equipment or things like that and at some point we did the doctor performed a late-term abortion and I'll spare your audience because it is a disgusting procedure and and then he ripped the baby apart and threw it out to the women on the floor who cannibalized it and I my legs were like rubber I had gotten blood on my hands but I still didn't even know if I was doing the right thing you know and we had done that there's a spell that works up to this and then once the spell is complete then you do the abortion so we did the spell we did the abortion and then the event is over and you're the magic guy so what was the spell you were doing up to this point there was a guy in the town council that wanted to pass something and he had tried every legal Avenue and nothing worked and he said this is what I need to get done the woman that that the 19 year old though that we had sexual relations with she was what's called a breeder she intentionally gets pregnant so that she can have an abortion because eventually eventually I mean you a person could only have so many abortions before their body gives out and doesn't allow them to have any more babies so her purpose is to have as many abortions as you can to get a higher status in the synthetic cover well the lady that's just unfortunate so the spell did it work yes okay so the guy got his bill passed through right and you had to get the blood on your hands for the magic to work right okay so you sounds like you've been in doctor and you know and I guess that's kind of hard to put words to what they're having you do and you said your legs were kind of wobbly yeah I mean there anytime were you thinking this is nuts you know I should run now well you know once again snicker borrow some potato chips and pizza okay you know and money whenever I want and you know I'm having sex as much as I want and you know I'm I'm not thinking that what I'm doing is necessarily wrong or bad I mean I heard my parents whisper the word abortion once so I thought abortion was a dirty word but I didn't know what it was you know and even when that happened I mean I remember asking my dad I was probably 17 or 18 years old and I asked my dad what it was his stance on abortion and he looks so shocked that I said the word and I was kind of internally I thought it was funny because my dad was shocked by the word you know but then he said that he thinks he's against it but he's not positive it depends on why the woman would want it you know and I thought okay so it's a conditional thing it's not wrong all the time I mean you respect your father right I get that all right so that's all done with you've had your first abortion and we won't jump ahead but you ended up with quite a few and we'll get to that point so what's next for Zachary King well I just I kept doing magic I did a few more abortions like maybe four or five total while I was in high school and then I was graduating from high school and you know I was going off to college and you know this is before the internet you know I mean you you could find message boards but a message board back then was not an internet place it was you'd go to like an adult bookstore and buy a magazine especially magazine and sometimes I mean there would be Satanic magazines and they would have swingers ads in them and places where you could meet up with covens but you know I I didn't in those kind of places are kind of creepy and well I just I didn't want to meet a group of people like that do you consider yourself brainwashed to a point that you would even consider graduating from high school and going off to college and trying to find another coven I'm having fun it's still a good time for me you know I'm not considering now looking back at myself yes but when you're in it no well Lord does have a tendency to bless us with 20/20 vision for hindsight right right you know and you know my concern was that I'm not gonna find a satanic coven because they're not gonna advertise it in the town square you know but then I found it because they advertised it in the town square you know I was just like it was you know with my school had the Student Union and there was the Baptist and the Catholic Student Union the Republican the Democrat and the monarchy Party Student Union and we had the Satanic Student Union they just said it like that come join the Satanic Student Union yeah I mean there's like tables and chairs recruiting statements stations all over the Student Union you know and you just go up to whatever place you're interested in and talk to them or you know read their brochures and go to one of their meetings you know and these are kids away from home for the time with no adult supervision and think that the devil is all about taking drugs getting drunk and having sex the people come to the coven's expecting to see like magic and let's say supernatural events I didn't know what to expect because I mean it's a satanic coven and they're established but when I got there it was it was like a party setting there was maybe 20 people there and these people talked about being in a satanic coven but they liked made-up magic spells on the spot they were practicing a lot of like hocus pocus not real magic and talked about what they were doing but they weren't doing anything nefarious and for them you know they would go to the coven meeting on Saturday and then on Sunday they'd go to church regular Christian Church and this their coven meeting was more like a club it was just right tonight we're gonna get drunk until they were there for the free booze and their cigarettes and drugs and whatnot right yeah I been around children and when I chaperoned and I was kind of cautioned they said you know when they come out with the monstrance the Blessed Sacrament be aware for certain types of sound like what you know I didn't really understand what they were talking about and nothing happened they said if you see something this is the person you bring the attention to they'll know what to do turns out a year later when I didn't go my son was there and there was an attachment and when the monstrance came down the aisle the child you know reacted to it and they knew what to do they got him calmed down it happened again later after they thought it was just a one-time occurrence and someone saw says that's enough I'm calling the person who could take care of it right so I'm surprised that these people were in this coven what not getting attachments in their going out to a Christian Church you know I mean you know I I could understand possibly but I know the Catholic Church when you're near the real presence see it's not gonna like that right right you know and I went to a couple of these meetings and I thought this isn't what I'm looking for you know like I had heard that there was a satanic covens out there that wanted to rule the world you know and that's what I want I wanted to rule the world I don't even know if that's real but I want to know I want to find out you know it was sort of like when I was younger and I did the magic spell to see if magic was real you know if I'd have done the magic spell man it had not worked we'd been an accountant by now and I wouldn't have been in this satanic coven I wouldn't have wasted my time you know and so I called my first coven and I said you know what I've heard that this coven exists where do I go and so they gave me an address and they gave me a phone number you know and they said the name of the church it's Satan's World Church or World Church of Satan it was like really that's legitimately the name of it okay all right so I went to this place and it's a warehouse about the size of a super Walmart except back then I don't think Super Walmart existed and you know I went into this place it's like 15,000 people just wall-to-wall people having a massive party and you know let's go back to me being thirteen at a sleepover one night I woke up to go to the bathroom get a drink of water and I saw this guy in a tuxedo so he's wearing a black tuxedo and he's got a a wand and a top hat and corpse paint on his face he looks like a member of KISS wearing a tuxedo and I thought that is the coolest look ever know who God is but so the next day I was like hey I saw this guy last night what is that and they were like you're dreaming you didn't see that oh all right so this is adults lying to me one day I'm gonna find out what that is I'll just store that away in the back of my head somewhere so one day happened when I was 18 and I was at this party and I saw not the same guy but the same look and I just think I want to do that whatever that is I want to do that and I grab somebody close to me I said who is that was that how can I do that and they said well what was your coven like like who was in charge and so we had a really big satanic coven it had 120 to 150 members and we had 13 high priests and priestesses yeah and and they said okay well we are run by a CEO and a board of directors playing a what we have you know a chief executive officer well yeah I got that CEO and I'm like and a board of directors like the CEO can't make a decision without the Board of Directors approving it but also the board of directors can't make a decision without the CEO joining in on that I was like okay that seems like a lot of work you know and they said well it is the system of checks and balances everything's equal like that okay I said what about the guy that the rock star I said that's the high wizard I never heard of a high wizard and the high wizard does the official magic of the coven on that position I recognized because I wore the red robe and that's the same position to me so so was he just visiting the guy who saw when you were a child he was visiting my coming my coven had been an OT o coven so his or die template or e auntie which is probably the second-largest satanic Govan in the world mine was just a subsidiary branch of that so it was an OT o coven Anna was a Diablo sex coven coven's that embrace the name Diablo sex are involved in child prostitution child pornography and human trafficking and it all sounds terrible it is and my second coven was also a Diablo sex Coen but they're our covens that just identify strictly has a hablo sex you know so I the the second coven is also Diablo sex coven so I thought I would feel at ease there because they're doing the same thing that my first Kevin did and you know I'm really wanting to be the high wizard and I don't know how to get that they the guy said that it's rumored that the devil hand picks the high wizard okay so all I gotta do is get the devil's attention I don't know quite how to do that but I'm thinking more abortions that seems like the way to go hmm abortions would be the way to get the devil's attention so I started putting the feelers out there that I've done assisted abortions before and I'm more than willing to participate in whatever you guys want me to do like I do magic I've been doing magic since I was ten years old you know now I'm 18 so I've been doing magic for eight years and I've participated in abortions I started when I was 14 and I've done like four or five of them and whatever you want me to do I'm willing to do this so I did this for a few years when I turned 21 I got a letter in the mail that summoned me before the CEO and the board of directors but everybody that I ever heard that they can be good right everybody that ever that happens to they're never heard from again well I'm not thinking I'm being chosen to be the high wizard I'm thinking I did something wrong or stupid this would be a good place to pause folks this is Zachary King we're talking about his conversion story from Christianity to Satanism and that's why I want to tease that we'll find out if he gets his job as the high wizard which if correct me if I'm wrong is like our Catholic pope to a to a point it's the highest level and you're more like a cardinal because okay because there's more than one right there's more than one and a and a cardinal can move up to be the Pope the high wizard can't move up beyond line 1 so hold that thought we've got a few more questions for Zach ball here the rest of his story and we'll be right back this is SJ ENTV and Rebecca this is SJ ENTV my name is matt log man and today I am talking with Zachary King interesting story I'm sure you believe so already as we're talking about this man who was manipulated and taken advantage of by a satanic cult but he embraced it because you couldn't tell him anything at the time and as we left on break you had just got the call for the position that you've been like earning for you what happened well I went out and I bought a handgun and a bunch of ammo cuz I thought these guys are gonna kill me I didn't know what I had done but I didn't know I was being summoned to be the high wizard and I wasn't gonna just die just like that and I walked in there holding a six-hour in my lower back with like a hundred rounds of ammo on me and instead they handed me a very hokey handbook that said the high wizard handbook and they showed me nine versions of a costume that was basically a tuxedo with a top hat and a wand or a cane and corpse paint on my face and said that I could customize my own look and when you open up the handbook the first thing it says no one can tell you what to do awesome that's what I want this is this position I've lived for you know no one can tell me what to do now what that means is that somebody's going to come to my coven and look at hiring me to do magic and once they pay the money it's up to me to say yes or no yeah although you know I kind of felt like if you're willing to pay big money you get a spell and did you ever say no to a spell once once once I must have been really bad give up the one spell that I turned down and I didn't know all the details it was the the murdering of a pope and they wanted me to do a spell that would clear the road so that something could happen to a pope and I grew a Baptist I don't really know anything about the Catholic Church but of the things that I do know it don't mess with a pope well I'm glad you said no that up I was like you know and they want me to do something to a pope and I'm like mm-hmm No so what they say when you said no we'll go find another wizard what well yeah there's between two and five of us in the world in the world and the number could be as low as one or as high as 10 which is an ego trip a half but you know whatever you say I mean if you say no the answer is no and yeah then they'll just go talk to somebody else but you know I don't know anything about the Pope at this point I remember I own the comic book the the comic book on Pope John Paul the second I own that as a kid I thought that was a whole cool comic book I thought he was a cool Pope I didn't know anything about him and so when they're saying they want me to do this magic spell and it's to clear the path to murder a pope who then you're in I don't even have to think about it it's like no in hindsight was this one the attempted assassination happened was no okay I just wanted to clear that out no but yeah I was like I don't know I just even looking back I was like man I wasn't stupid all the things that I did do that I was stupid about wasn't stupid about the Catholic Church you know I was like mmm all right so you haven't witnessed or seen the error of your ways yet you're in living this rock star mentality life you're working spells you're seeing people be possessed right and and I'm seeing you know I'm doing things that you know this is before the internet for a lot of these things so I don't realize that you know there's a place called Bohemian Grove out in California I get to go there I find out that the there's an organization called the Illuminati you know and I get to work for them I hope rockstar sell their souls through the Illuminati you know and I'm thinking you know this is such an easy job you know there's so much stuff to do but I mean I get to meet rock stars I get to party with rock stars I'm meeting actors you know and everybody that meets me they meet me I'm in the costume and so they don't really know who I am now I'm meeting billionaires I'm meeting kings and queens and monarchs and presidents and and I get to travel everywhere but you know without a passport so how does that happen sometimes without a passport I eventually did have to have a passport but you know after the 9/11 happened you know then then I had to get myself a passport but prior to that you know yeah I mean it was it was like when I first got it and and I equate it many times to working in a candy store you know and not just a candy store in the mall but like a free-standing building where you're looking at tens of thousands of pieces of candy and you're wondering how long is it gonna take you to try every piece of candy now not the licorice because no he wants that but the regular candy and and that is the sins how many sins are there in the world not every sin because some sends disgusting you don't want to do every sin but the sins you want to do how long does that take well after six months you've tried all your favorite candy at least once and after a year you've tried the candy you swore you'd never try so after a year you've done the sins that you swore you'd never do but you know when you can set all you want sins get boring after a while you know so but then you know when you first start working there there's these red tiles on the walls on the floor that are beautiful and bright and cheerful make you happy when you look at them but after a while they're dull lists you can never get them as clean as they did that first day on the job you know so that's kind of like that's not as exciting as it used to be so where's your family during all this time they think you're out there college and have a new job they're a girlfriend involved or I guess you didn't um I don't want to get into your personal life but there's um multiple girlfriends at this time you know my my parents I had a my brother with special needs and he required much of my parents attention so and my brother would never tell on me no matter what I could do anything and my brother could have caught me doing it and he wouldn't tell and you know which was to me a plus you know hey my brother's not telling that's great and you know my parents kind of suspected that I was up to no good but they didn't catch me and my dad is really big on you know you've got to catch somebody doing something wrong for them to be doing something wrong and if you're not catching them then maybe they're really good or they're not doing anything wrong right right you know and and I'm sure he's suspecting the whole time that I was up to no good it would be hard to hide all that money and monetary goods although they they you are not liking growing up right alright so I go ahead so um you know I'm getting to I'm getting to I get to travel I get to meet rock stars I get to do all this stuff that's fun but after a while you have to travel you have to send because it's expected of you you have to meet these people you have to do magic spells for them you know I I don't want to do this stuff but you know let's go back to there's three ways to escape I can kill myself I can be murdered I can die of natural causes and all three of those methods I end up in Hell you know and I don't want to die and I don't want I mean you know when I was a kid and I signed my soul away it was you know super cool I'm gonna die when I'm 19 years old and I've got time to change my mind and you know and all of that but at some point you're like wait I don't actually know what I'm gonna die you know I'm not ten foot tall and bulletproof like I would think that it would be like the Mafia when you try to leave no you're not gonna leave right right and and any time you think about getting out somebody stops buying your house and drops a hint that they know what you're thinking about paranoia telling kicks it great paranoia kicks in you know and you're being watched all the time there's always somebody coming by your house even as a high wizard even as I was older watch Iceman I wasn't there watching everything you do you know and you have to write reports on stuff that you're doing your magic stuff everything has a report and you know you start thinking okay I've got two bank accounts one has 85 million dollars in it and one of them has 12 million dollars now the bank amount the bank account that's really mine has two hundred and sixty-five dollars in it but you have access to the other ones I have access but everybody watches if any money comes out like there's there's accounts that that are that my bills go to but my real bills I've had times when I've balanced checks and I'm not I'm worth negative money you know because my account has 200 and so your names on it it's my husband's account right it's the coven's account I have a house I have I have a house at one time when I lived in Tallahassee Florida I lived in an area of town called French town it's the ghetto it's it's like I'm the closer wouldn't let you stay in your house well because the house that I live in in Tallahassee is not a cover town Tallahassee is where I really live so that's my real place but if you went to Atlanta I have a condo if you went to Manhattan I lived in a high-rise if you went to California I have a place in Calabasas I have a nice mansion although if they go to the coven yeah all of these places play paid for by the coven and this is where like Satan is all about using your illusion you know if you see me at one of those places I'm wearing an Armani suit if you see me at my house I'm wearing cutoff jeans and a metallic shirt because that's my real clothes you know I have a garage in Calabasas that has 12 cars in it and they're all nice they're all super nice and fast and you know and all of that but my real car is a Nissan Sentra and it's not even a new Nissan Sentra it's older you know and it's got stance wise they let you drive a Nissan Sentra when all these cars are there because that's my real car right I don't have the precise give you a new real car and they could but but there's no fun in that for them you know it's a business it is like a business entering in in Tallahassee right I'm being used in in Tallahassee that's where the real me lives that's where I'm not putting on airs I'm not acting like I'm something that I'm not but in these other places it's all about everybody wants to be the high wizard and this is what the high wizard has he has these cars I'm not house following money into the coven and Satan's Church but I would think that they're gonna throw you a bone so you don't bounce it well I I get gifts sometimes I get I had it one time I had the Conan the Barbarian pinball machine which if you've ever seen it the pinball the ball itself is the size of a bowling ball and the rest of the game is equally that large I have not seen it it's it was a wonderful pinball machine and you know I had video games and I had I had my regular car and then sometimes one of the places I did a spell for they gave me a Land Rover it was very nice to have it but I couldn't really afford it because the insurance on a Land Rover it was kind of expensive day that's just amazing that all that monies are and they let you but then that's Satan all right okay I get it so it sounds like you've done all the sins eating all the candy and right you're getting tired you know maybe if you're looking for a change of scenery but you don't know how to get out right so I decide that I'm gonna pilfer a little money even out of my own account I'm just a sin sorry I just I just want I have to like take it out a little bit per month embezzling your own account as a Satanist for a few months Zackary you're killing me and no spells oh I just need I need to take out like twelve to fifteen hundred dollars it's my own money but I can't just take it all out at once because they'd be like what's he doing with that you know it's got to be like I'm gonna take twenty bucks out here thirty bucks there eventually I have a nice little amount of money and I make a doctor's appointment at a satanic doctor because everybody we know is the Satanist and I make an appointment and I Drive that way I'm on the interstate so if they're looking at you he's going at a doctor I'm going on the doc I understand it now cuz I heard you say this before the talk and I'm like I don't get it yet and the doctor's appointment is at 5:00 p.m. it's the last appointment of the day so I'm gonna get on the interstate and I'm gonna head that way but instead of getting off where I'm supposed to I kept going and I drove out of town and I drove till I ran out of gas I can't believe it I mean you must have been so paranoid looking at their real ones weird I won't know good grief and then try it you're running for your life right and you know I drove till I ran a gas I spent the night in my car and the next day I hitchhiked to the next town I sold my car for scrap and about a grand bus ticket and I tried to go into Canada and I got rejected at the border and so they told me I could go anywhere in the United States that Greyhound goes and I kind of opened up the United States Atlas closed my eyes and just put my finger down and landed on Oklahoma and I was like okay go on Oklahoma and I went there I lived off the grid for almost three years and then I bought another car how did you survive off the grid just job odd jobs what were you doing for your hardy money I mean cuz yeah I mean you got probably many addictions at that point marijuana cocaine and booze for my favorite drugs of choice and they're not free they're not free so I guess you were living a life of crime to make ends meet maybe um I was I was a bouncer in a few of the bars there oh yeah and then I also got a job working at at one time Walmart and all the time Kmart so there was no iodine so you're able to use an alias yeah so since Julie I changed my name when I got to Oklahoma since you flew the coop I mean we concerned about cuz you always hear stories you leave and we've got your family well I didn't have I mean I had given up on my family years before I stopped contacting them I didn't want my parents drug into any of this and you know I made sure that there was nothing traceable to my parents and how old are you now at this time and that time off the grid I was about 33 years old and you were a high wizard for how long so we can count on us to get 12 years there's a high wizard it sounds 21 to 30 3 I would imagine 12 years as a high wizard you could get the book it's a lifetime folks this book is by Zachary King it's called abortion is a satanic sacrifice you probably will get no arguments out of the pro-lifers that I know but the fact that Zachary knows it's a satanic sacrifice in a nutshell I mean people will either believe you or he's making it up how can we tell the people that it's a cynic no I mean yeah maybe but not all of them but or I mean I've heard you make reference before that there's probably one coven member every you know places they do these every abortion clinic usually has at least one common member and they can deny that oh sure but you know I know from going into them that is true they would invite you to come in to get blood to have a good powerful spell and then just move on right that's just amazing and the women had no idea that they were being used as a devilish spell some of them did some of them did well alright so you realize I guess maybe the error of your ways yet I mean obviously you're running I'm yeah and the folks this has a good ending trust me I am I bought a car and I tried to make it into Canada again I got rejected again at the border no passport and no passport and a friend told me that there was a crossing near Vermont where there was no border guard the journal all of us oh that's a long drive it was and I tried I had gone from Oklahoma to mein and I was going to go to I think it's called prison Prince Edward Island I had met a friend there and so I was going to escape and go there and then I couldn't I got rejected so I was heading back across the United States so you still have all your powers able to do spells right so you're still in with the devil right okay I I'm I don't belong to an official satanic coven but I'm still doing all the magic still say I don't do abortions anymore but I'm still doing all the magic because I'm addicted yeah I I still love doing it and so I Drive to this this border crossing near Vermont and on the way there I'm just a couple of hours away I am so sleepy I've got to pull over and take a nap so I do that I have over it at a rest stop and I take a nap and when I wake up it's the next day like I didn't think I was tired enough to sleep the entire night I thought I was just gonna sleep for like an hour to a little divine intervention maybe possibly when I woke up and I'm like well it's the next day what difference does it make I was driving across now so I drove a couple of hours and I get there and I'm driving across the border and this border guard pulls me over and you know I'm like what there's not supposed to be anybody here and I pulled my car over and I get out of the car and he tells me that he's gonna have to search my car inside and out top to bomb I'm like okay whatever and there's no water there's no station there there's nothing there's no place in you know contraband or anything in your car we're just worried about count but Barney Fife does his thing Barney Fife does its thing he's really nice really nice man and he tells me how that he's been trying to get this job for three years and this is his very first day on the job and you had to sleep 16 hours so this guy could stop you how does that play into God's plan here I'm thinking God's got a sense of humor I know that if I would have driven across the border yesterday scot-free I'd be in Canada now and but instead here we are so I get rejected at the border and learn to around and yep I'm worth $18 and I've got half a tank of gas so I Drive to Burlington Vermont and I get a job my first day in town as a dishwasher how to place called nectars and then I ended up being a head of security there and then I ended up getting another job as a head of security at another Klaus still under your alias names yep and and I got a job as the GM and then from there I started I went into retail and I was always a manager at a retail store and I eventually got a job at a place called Pearson pagoda and one night I did a magic spell the next day I went to work and you knows the manager piercing we go done this woman came up and she wants to buy a pair of gold hoop earrings and I present her with the perfect pair and then she says well actually I'm shopping with my daughter and when I'm done I'll come back and I'll make the purchase everybody that says that means I'm gonna go find it cheaper someplace else but she had an honest face I knew she was really coming back and sure enough in three hours she comes back we do the transaction and at the end of the the deal I said if you call the 800 number on this receipt and take a survey you might win a thousand dollars and I was I was really happy dealing with her she was just fantastic personality lovely lady and she said I've got something for you to probably thinking watchtower no pamphlets I was actually thinking Jack Chick pamphlet I thought she's gonna be one these evangelical types and you know tell me I'm sinning and I mean to drop to my knees and beg for forgiveness and luckily she didn't do the evil spirit come out that just saying you know everything that that I was expecting her to do you know I was like man because I've had evangelical types follow me home to evangelize to me you know and I'm like okay so I'll just swear I'm gonna be like the devil maybe 99% truth on 1% lie almost swear I'm gonna read this pamphlet I'm gonna read the cover and I'm gonna throw in the trash and instead she pulls out a little gold colored piece of tin very cheap now I work at piercing pagoda I recognize cheap jewelry cuz we sell cheap jewelry and I know that this is a gold calling a piece of ten I don't know what it is it's a miraculous metal but I don't know that at the time and we sold miraculous medals but I didn't know what they were and they weren't titled and they didn't have names on me I'm like an MMO I don't know what to answer and she pulls this thing out and she says the weirdest thing I've ever heard you know I partied with rock stars you know you put unlimited booze and drugs into somebody that can write a song and they'll say some weird stuff you know and she said the Blessed Mother is calling you into her army I grew up Baptists oh you don't know that song that's interesting I grew up Baptist we've gotten the name Mary we don't have any titles I don't know who the Blessed Mother is I'm thinking Isis Gaia I have no clue and then she says it's really powerful Christians don't bless anything so this woman represents some female deity cult Clara probably got your interest though again it well it did in some ways but you know in other ways I was thinking you know I came from two big cults not interested in yours I'm not looking at becoming another high wizard of another coven and it's so many coven magic so many covens are connected mmm I can't afford to join a common and then find out they're connected to Satan's world try that they'll find him and then they'll find me yeah I don't want this to have did you change your look or anything no I had well I did I had a dreadlock I had long hair but I had long hair before I grew a beard sometimes a mustache or a goatee because when you're a high wizard you don't have any face paint because you don't have face hair because of the face paint so um see I'm not quite sure what I'm dressed pretty nice as a manager and so you're supposed to join the army okay yeah but but I'm thinking how does it that the crazy people always find me why here it is she's talking on and on about all this stuff that I need to do I'm not even paying attention I'm just like I gotta do something to change the way I look or the way I act something about how I look must say that I need saving the doctor is in and and and I need I need to do something different and you know she says again it's really powerful and now I'm taking that as a challenge like no no I'm the high wizard you know now for the people that I want to what was your percent you had a percent there was a number to it of success with your magic I was ninety-one percent accurate ninety-one percent accurate for Sega now to get that percentage your magic spells have to take place within 90 days anything that takes a lot longer than 90 days you don't get credit for kit unless it's a spell that's supposed to take place in five years and then if it's a time spell you get automatic credit because it's not fair that that credit that goes against you because it's okay you know you're ninety-one percent accurate now most likely that's gonna come true okay so we've got the Blessed metal you don't know what it is don't hog it on because I want to make sure that we get this in and then we got to talk about what you learned about the Rosary so um yeah so you know I'm thinking I I don't I don't want to take this thing whatever it is but when she challenged me whether it's very powerful there's no way I could have been the 1i wizard out of seven billion people in the world there's no way that that got a worthless gold colored piece of tin can touch me and then stuck my hand out and she was all giddy because oh my gosh oh he's gonna he's willing to take the medal and she drops it in my hand and i clenched my fist around it my plan is cuz I could feel anything used in a magic spell and I could tell you that was used in a protection spell that was used in a death spell your friend found this at a garage sale and made up a story about it you know and I know I'm gonna feel nothing and I'm gonna toss it on the floor slamming on my counter and tell her it's worthless and if she wants to return the gold and get her money back that's fine and if she wants to call my boss and complain my boss will never believe that I had bad customer service cuz I make my days my weeks my months my quarters in my year so you know do whatever you want to do but I'm gonna tell her if this is worthless and she drops it in my hand and I clench my fists already to tell her this stuff except that when I clench my fist my store and my mall completely disappeared but you're still conscious I'm still conscience but everything's gone I'm standing in a darkened void it's me and the woman that gave me the metal and she tells me about the magic spell I did the night before and says and that's of the devil and she tells me about the one hundred-plus assisted abortions I've done and that's of the devil and the one hundred-plus Baptist Church's I help split around the world and that's of the devil and she does about ten more sins but nobody knows I did in this town and she ends everything with and that's of the devil very similar to the Lord with the woman at the well he tells her life story she's like how does he know this and I'm terrified let's go back yeah I could have been the one hi wizard a 7 billion people I don't have the magic to transport two people to a dark and void and no all of one of them since levitation that's nothing man this is a good stuff here right her magic is stronger than mine I don't know what to do I want to let go but what happens if I let go and I fall through this dark and void what happens if I don't find my way back to my store I don't know what to do I'm sweating and she says again the Blessed Mother is calling you into her army but this time when she said that I knew that was the mother of God and when I knew it was the Mother of God Mary showed up and she smiled then the same lady like transformed or no it was Mary it was the Blessed Mother that was the lady those talking to you the whole time in disguise no no that woman that was Mary Ann Whitman okay was the one held her in the middle right but the Blessed Mother showed up the Blessed mode show DUP and this is like the prettiest woman I've ever seen in my life and she smiled at me and I knew I did not deserve that smile I was acutely aware of my hundred and forty six assisted abortions and it was just the most incredible incredible happening and she takes me by the hand that has the medal in it and she turns me around and divine mercy Jesus was standing behind me and I've got these rays of light going around me and under me and through me and I don't know what divine mercy is I don't know what these rays of light mean did you know that this was Christ I mean okay yeah I mean it was just at one time yeah I knew was Jesus but I didn't know what divine mercy Jesus writes you know and and I knew instantly that I did not sell my soul to the devil when I was 13 you know I knew that all my new age and Satanism and occultism and magic was fake you know and I knew that everything Catholic was truth well I think your next book ought to be called from Saul to Paul this is great Zachary I'm finally glad for the listeners as well that we are getting to the point where God's love because you know everybody likes to hear about God's law and just right it's it's inspiring all right the the Blessed Mother told me my job was to help her end abortion and I opened my hand and I was back in my store this woman is still talking to me she tells me did you do one of these you know I could look at her al what happened here and she tells me where she goes to Mass and gives me the address and she told me that she was father Joseph Whelan's personal assistant in the Saint Raphael healing oil ministry and I don't no idea who these people are and while she's talking to me her cell phone rings and she looks at it she goes oh this is father Joe I've got to take this call you know so well you just said he's the busiest priest you met and all that go ahead and take the call and so at that time father Joe was going deaf and he talked like everybody was going deaf and she takes the phone call she's like father Joe what can I do for you can you hand the phone to the young man you're talking to you know and she's like oh you could hear this right I can hear that she hands me the phones I'm shaking like Ozzy Osbourne and I'm like hello welcome to the faith and the phone back to Mary Anne say oh thank you Father and then we got like two more phone calls like that then her daughter comes up to the counter and she says would you bring this man one of each of everything and her daughter disappears and she comes back and one of each of everything you know there's like I don't know 200 lighthouse Catholic media discs and pamphlets why do Catholics do this or believe that and I got a Catholic Bible and and then the next day I went to daily Mass for the first time I took a friend with me and at the consecration I saw Jesus I thought everybody in the room saw the same thing I thought wow this is like the best kept secret from me ever you know like and I turned to my friend I said you see that Jesus it what I said that guy of there just what guy I said the guy on the stage she was that's the priest I said no the other stage I like that for the altar come look it is it the other guy and she's I don't see another guy that's it you don't see it because you're not Catholic because I thought everybody in the room was Catholic everybody could see Jesus at the consecration it was still a few days before I found out that I was the only one seeing this stuff you know and then finding out that there was a place called Perpetual Adoration where I could go and and and see Jesus anytime and then I was like is there like a sign-up sheet for that do I have to like add my name to a list and then eventually they'll call me when it's my turn to go you know she's like no you just go anytime you know which didn't make any sense to me there's a line to get in to see Elvis and he's been dead for 40 years so you know I I go and shock number one our car was the only other car in the parking lot shock number two is no there's no line to get in shock number three we enter the the chapel and it's me and my assistant and Jesus and it is the best kept secret is that in this woman yeah and and this woman looks som like a deer in the headlights and packs her stuff as fast as she could go her hours up I mean if this was an Olympic event she got gold and then she just announced you can't leave till someone else comes in and bam she's out the door him and I'm thinking why would I leave I'm in a room with God you know that became my normal hangout anywhere from 1 to 18 hours a day so this led you into our CIA yes cuz obviously they're taking care of you right and the power is amazing the the they got me a spiritual director my first director was father Anthony Gramlich he's the director for the National Shrine of divine mercy in Stockbridge Massachusetts and he said I at least needed a deliverance and I might need an exorcism so I went back to Monsignor and that was the priest that was bringing me into the church and I told him this is what father Anthony says and he said well one thing he was you're sitting in front of the Blessed Sacrament for 18 hours a day there's no demon willing to do that right the goodies and second of all he said at your conversion Mary and Jesus showed up he was that scared the hell out of anything that was with you he said so he did he did a deliverance on me but I didn't get an exorcism and and I had satanic gifts that I didn't know that I had and they left when I got my deliverance I no longer had them and this happened in January of o8 I officially entered the Catholic Church in May of oh eight and I worked a little bit with Saint Raphael for a couple of years and then the blessed mother told me I had to start my own ministry and you know come up with a cool name so it's like okay so I I had taken Benedict as my confirmation name my Saint and so I really liked Saint Benedict but I really liked Padre Pio as well he's a rock star and and then I really like blessed Bartolo Longo and you know and then I had a true devotion to the Blessed Mother you know but I'm thinking the Saint Benedict Padre Pio Blessed but all along go Blessed Mother ministry doesn't roll off the tongue and then I started thinking about well we're all about inclusion in this country so I should do All Saints Catholic ministry so I started that in 2010 and it's been a wild ride so far but definitely working for God is so much better than working for the devil Oh amen brother so I would have to guess from some of the things I've heard and just assuming that you would be still using an alias because you don't want the bad guys to write alright cuz I remember I saw a jihadist that had converted to Christianity and he had a bodyguard with him all time you know nobody said it was a bodyguard but when I saw him talk at the church I'm like that guy's honor my dad was an FBI so you know all right so you converted to Catholicism did you tell your parents I did tell my parents when I converted to Catholicism and I really thought that they would disown me because my mother had inverted from she had grown up Catholic and she converted to being Baptist she could marry my dad and then my dad when I was a little kid when I was between 1st and 3rd grade my dad would give me a ride to school and I would walk home and both ways I passed a Catholic Church I never knew what this building was I mean I knew it's got stained glass windows same as my Baptist Church and they've got a crucifix we've got a cross I didn't know the difference and they've got this big Bell that you hear ringing X number of times a day and every once in a while I mean at the Baptist Church the preacher wore suit and his wife wore a flowery dress well side these places there's like a man wearing a black shirt and a black jacket sometimes and bought tuxedos and and sometimes it like he was joining foot pajamas I don't know what that was about and then these women were dressed in blue brown or black dress they went from the top of their head down to the ground couldn't tell which woman was married to what man and one day I was walking past and there was a nun out there I didn't know there were priests and nuns but this nun up there looked like love if you looked up the word love in the dictionary her picture would have been there and I ran up to give her a hug and she bent down she knelt down and she gave me a hug back was a really long hug and then after a while I looked up and saw my friends way off in the distance so I ran off to be with them but the next day when my dad's giving me a ride past I got to know what this building is got a burning desire yeah I was like dad dad dad dad dad what's that this is the Catholics I'm eight years old I can read the sign it says Gavin Church what's a Catholic it doesn't matter they're all going to hell so that's the knowledge I had a very Catholic Church my entire life is that one day I was gonna go to hell and I would see all the Catholics act so you might as well just sell your soul to the devil make it official yeah you know just I'll beat you there all right so explain to the people that you have a hundred and forty-six assisted suicides I'm sorry assisted abortions but you tried a hundred and three extra ones hey I did I tried 149 149 so three fails right and I thought it was interesting that you said even high Wizards have paperwork right and you guys keep records and and listen that and well anybody would want how what did I do wrong so you got all the paperwork and there was one common denominator there yeah had you of baffled you because you were the man right and 146 is not even close to the the most abortions done by a high wizard but everything I mean I'm ninety-one percent accurate and three of my abortions failed and at one of my abortions most of our abortions happen if they're going to happen in an actual clinic they happened after hours my three failed ones happen during the day so is during regular business hours and I go into this place and I have an entourage with me we're going to do a magic spell and the woman's there she's a breeder she knows why she's there yeah she's given up her baby too you know for this abortion and I'm standing up there with my handler my handlers who brings me my sins basically and we're standing there there's these large jealousy windows with a huge crank and everybody's ready for the abortion but I'm looking out across the street we have a satanic biker gang on our side of the street and they're flicking cigarettes over on the other side and there's people standing over there just being silent and using prayer beads prayer ropes worry beads and these are all the things that I called them I didn't know what they were and at one point they all these people across the street dropped down to their knees and they pull out these worry beads and you know just to go into town on them you know one bead after another and we can hear them but we can't make out what they're saying so I used the jealousy crank and crank the window open so I can hear what they're saying and I repeat back what I'm hearing and I'd never heard anything Catholic so I'm listening to hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus none of that made any sense to me and then my handler said the other part Holy Mary Mother of God how we burst out laughing because who can be the mother of God and then we repeated it a couple more times and then I closed the window and I went over it's time to do the abortion and as we're getting ready to do everything and my mask is on my gloves are on I've got my high wizard costume on and the doctor says wait you're not even dilated this is a waste of time why are we here like perhaps we can come back tomorrow hey unless it not me I got other stuff to do tomorrow so I'm out of here and the woman starts cussing both of us out that were stupid you know the baby's in the birth canal it's time to go you know it's time to rock and roll you know and she tells me is this your first rodeo too doesn't saw like her first rodeo no not hers you know and she asked me if it's mine and I was like no she was we need to check cuz I'm dilated and I said I'm not a doctor I don't I couldn't tell you if you're dilated or not and the doctors like she's not trust me and so you know she tells me you need to get down there and get to business you know and I'm like you know I'm not the doctor I'm not the guy that does this you know and she's yelling at him some more I asked him are you sure can you check one more time he checks again she said she's not dilated we talked for like another 20 seconds and we hear a baby crying and we both looked down and the baby came out well out of the womb murder we're not gonna kill the baby at this point the baby came out so it's gonna be a social worker a nurse and an attorney that comes in and gets the baby adopted to a regular family and there's people that want these babies and it's a non Satanist and now we're done you know we walk out and I've got to do more paperwork or divine intervention I've got to do more paperwork because I've got a failed abortion but then this time this was my third one and so when I got back to the office I said I need you to pull all the high wizard reports on failed abortions I want to read them all I want to see what's the common denominator but reading them all every report said something about there being people there that were protesting and that and and that was a common denominator but none of those people belong to the same it didn't say that they belong to the same church or the same organization some of them didn't even belong to church all we come from all over and and that there were people praying Jesus beads Jesus rope worry beads all kind of different titles but nobody called it a rosary and learning something new every day and it wasn't until like I've been you know on this side of things and I saw people praying rosaries and I was you know it was like you know the light bulb goes off oh my gosh it's a rosary that's what it was that's what caused the abortions to fail you know I never knew that's why if if Jesus or if God had put it in my head that it was a rosary we would have probably stopped doing abortions during regular business hours because that's when you guys show up with your rosaries not enough evidently because you know there's a lot more kids we could save out there so what's your opinion about the new laws that are coming out this year abortion seems to be kind of slipping from our pro-life grasp and it's frustrating well you know in my book I that the way that we fight abortion in this country is Einstein's definition of insanity you know it's doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different results you know we you know in 1973 we decided hey let's send some people to march in Washington DC and and let's change some laws and see what we can do you know and when we first started we sent a few thousand people this year we sent a million people now you have to go in March cuz you have to present to the world that this is unacceptable but you can't keep marching and think that's going to work because we keep doing it and then the next year abortion is illegal as long as it always is and then what do we do we send more people to march and we write new laws Christianity's majority and catholic is the majority of that and they go in they're proud of their faith and they pull that curtain and vote for the enemy right right that's why well I was like 40% of the people that voted for Obama or Catholic yeah it was like the most abortion friendly president we've had and you know why they they continued to do that because the church won't tell them what they're doing what they're jeopardizing and it's black and white to me no pun intended but if you're voting for anyone that is pro-choice you're voting for Satan's right it's just you know and why don't they know that you know they kind of got their hands tied I understand there's a lot more laws and rules you know that I don't know but it's enough to make me angry and I'll fight run along this idea I appreciate you coming out is there anything else you need to make sure that that people find out here know about Zachary King do you have time to read the the letter in the in the back of the book it's like the final two pages April 3rd 2017 yes to whom it may concern for the past several years I have known mr. Zachary King and have been impressed by his testimony of how God rescued him from the kingdom of darkness and brought him into the kingdom of light from the service of Satan to the service of the true God and from supporting abortion to supporting the protection of every life born and unborn I praise God for Zachary's testimony and urge everyone to listen to it for those who serve the Lord it will be a blessing of encouragement for those unsure of their path in life it will be a guiding light for those who still are trapped in darkness it will be a clear summons to come to Christ my prayer is that both Zachary and all those who hear his story will enjoy the fullness of God's protection and life very nice sincerely father Frank Pavone so the spiritual warfare any hints suggestions for those who need to join the battle because you were asked not everybody gets the Blessed Mother to fight them to the army so you know that the spiritual warfare you know I think that's why I was asked to do this because I'm intrigued by it you know I mean it's one of those things and not everybody's comfortable with and you know Here I am son may Lord you know what can I do weave my CD set came out in December 2015 and we have shut down 39 abortion clinics around the world including in Louisiana there's two abortion clinics left first God so we've we've what we're doing the best we can you know but if somebody wants to check out my website it's All Saints ministry org and I have videos on my youtube channel and you know if you don't want to buy the CD set or buy the book I have videos that tell you the different steps for how to shut down an abortion clinic through spiritual warfare or you can call me directly and ask me and I'll tell you so how long have you lost your sight I started going blind in 2012 and completely gone now I mean I know you have a handler and a cane and it's tough to get around but yeah wow the Lord is obviously running your life and you're happy and at peace I mean I've talked to you a couple times now and that's noticeable you know I mean even though you have you know troubles with you know our senses right but you know my life is so much better working for God than it was working for the devil a minute and you know I I know who wins in the end hi so does the Blessed Mother an echo she's a cool lady that's beautiful well Zack came here I'm gonna shake your hand thank you for coming in and spending a little time with us and explaining that folks no matter what you think you've done this man here can tell you that he can beat you at doing things that he shouldn't have done and and bad stuff but as the prodigal son was coming God ran and met him and now he's using this soldier and spiritual warfare and it's fantastic so the sacraments get back to confession you can and will be forgiven doesn't matter what you've done now did you have a problem with that thinking how they gonna possibly forgive me no I truly believed that God could forgive anything wearing a baptized before or did you get that - no I was baptized no that nice though get that blood stuff off you know fantastic well until we do this again thank you again that's Zachary king my name's Matt Laughlin this is Jess SJ ENTV or it's a good day to be Catholic [Music] [Music]
Channel: Saint Joseph Radio - St. Joseph Evangelization Network
Views: 236,415
Rating: 4.784091 out of 5
Keywords: St. Joseph Radio, Evangelization, Satan, Occult, Satanism, Zachary King, zachary king ex satanista, zachary king sensus fidelium, satanist, blessed virgin mary, Roman Catholic, Conversion, Satanic Conversion
Id: MW-2ti4DOD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 22sec (6742 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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