Determination of Death (2002) | Full Movie | Veronica Hamel | Michele Greene | John Ratzenberger

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foreign [Music] [Music] cash in my wallet where is it how should I know where is it you can't keep gambling away everything I work for race huh what's wrong with trying to save something don't ever touch my money again [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] yeah I checked it out everything's gonna work fine okay [Music] hello hey Charlie it's Reese how you doing you're fine what's up where you been Katie said you've been gone a couple of days uh yeah I've been been busy been doing a couple little business deals listen uh Charlie we still going uh hunting tomorrow well sure if you want to oh yeah I do I'm looking forward to it all right look read the range around eight uh we'll get an early start all right I'll see you then [Music] come on [Music] oh hey okay fine that's not what I meant I know what you meant I'll be okay it's gonna be different Katie I promise it's the last time there's no reason for me to do that to you and I know that so it stops as of now I didn't mean to hurt you I just you know sometimes my temper gets away from me I didn't mean to hurt you I swear it I know tell me you understand I understand foreign I understand I've understood every time it's happened Charlie you don't have to do this if you don't want to you know no no no that's okay the seasons wanting to do a close anyway when we used to ask me to take him hunting it gave me an excuse to go probably hit you up for money again yeah yeah well he usually does oh the Market's up it's okay hey Dad hey yeah tiger guess what I'm gonna go to the nursery with Aunt Kate and help plant trees and things oh yeah well don't you think you better ask her first to see if it's okay Grandma said it was I did um I didn't think she'd mind well you ask her anyway she'll be here any minute okay okay foreign wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute let's go over things I want to make sure you know what to do hey I'm counting on you Kate you've gotta act apart you can do it know you can do it I don't know you're okay just watch the mail there's gonna be a postcard with nothing on it but a return post office box number and a date that way you'll know I'm hiding and I'll send it as soon as I think it's safe no you can I believe in you okay all right let's go come on okay go go hey hey Rhys nothing is a branch bastard hit you again don't say anything don't spoil it hey big fella maybe we ought to take you hunting with us you'd like that wouldn't you big fella and I'm not old enough to hunt good to see you counselor well maybe uh your Uncle Reece saw to teach you how'd that be Jenny would that be all right maybe some other time wreath Joey go get your stuff I'm gonna take you to the nursery come on Joey let's go hey Charlie you think you're spending enough time with the kid sort of seems to me like he's kind of missing a father figure what did you say well I was just I was just expressing an opinion I'll see you later babe okay be careful hey don't worry there's extra ammo in the saddlebags gentlemen and water in the canteens good man Kenny Weather Channel's got high winds on the Bluffs later today so be extra careful up there what a couple old ladies Reese cookie gets spoken Highway and so be extra gentle with them out there make sure identify your target there's a lot of hunters out today got it I got it let's ride foreign I'm fine then why are you so nervous I'm not nervous you've got to do something about him you can't go on like this do what leave him divorce him get a restraining order to keep him away from you I don't want a divorce I don't want your help okay you hated the idea of me and Reese being together from the very beginning you don't even like to see it Jenny he is really going to hurt you one of these days do you understand that it's not your business not anymore this is none of your business either Kenny yes ma'am Kenny I'm going into town I have some work to do yes ma'am [Music] come on baby come on ah damn I almost had that one you okay you seemed a little uptight yeah Kaden me had a little argument that's all yeah I noticed what the hell is that first your wife now you is between Kate and me well you're never going to convince ginnia that I don't have to I'll tell you something else it's none of her business it's none of yours either well Greece regardless of what you think of my wife I think she's a nosy I think she's jealous of her sister you just don't know when to quit do you Reese are you gonna teach me when to quit Charlie yeah yeah yeah I'm going to teach you a little bit more than hunting how about right now I'm ready to learn come on you need counseling buddy I'll tell you something man I'm not the one that needs the counseling and I don't need you or your wife teach me how to treat Kate hey slow down foreign [Music] foreign body so this is where you think he went off I don't know the exact spot where he went over I I didn't see that I saw him floating down by the Rocks I I saw him you don't know whether he was alive it was floating face down Jenny Jenny what happened tell me he's okay please tell me he's okay maybe I'm sorry I'm so sorry oh my God oh my God Mrs Williams I'm sorry the divers are going to keep at it till it gets dark and then tomorrow listen there is always a chance if they don't find a body there is always a chance you and Mr Williams came up here to go hunting this morning is that correct I've got a license it's okay did you hunt with Mr Williams often no no this was his first time he he called said he wanted to learn so this was all his idea yeah yeah he called uh said he'd been thinking about taking up the sport to want to give it a try you know so I lined it up for today so if he was all new with this what was he doing riding on ahead of you we had had a little disagreement he got angry and rode off I took off after him by the time I reached the spot he you want to tell me what the argument was about I was offering some brotherly advice that saw he didn't want to hear it Sergeant my sister and her husband had an argument last night it was nothing unusual nothing out of the ordinary couples have arguments all the time do you mind if I take my sister home okay I'll call you if the situation changes thank you foreign what are you doing with that he's cleaning it why that one it wasn't used needed oiling hasn't been fired recently no way to tell for sure why don't you leave those two with me and I'll clean them up as well yes of course something wrong sir well they're going to be a lot of questions an investigation I just don't want any Loose Ends thought Mr Williams fell he did one of the rifles have to do with anything Mrs Holleran may have taken some ammunition for target practice she didn't I'd have known [Music] thank you thank you okay what a surprise hi Jenny Alice hi Kate I hope I'm not interrupting anything important no sit we're just having coffee I wanted to talk to you about a legal matter I can go back to the office deal no I'd just as soon you stay and take notes uh if it's a legal matter then we want to make sure that everything's done properly what's up Kate can I get you anything man oh coffee please I'll be right back this is a huge policy I had no idea Reese took it out a couple of years ago after he won being in Vegas he was in one of those let's take care of Katie you need an official determination of death for the insurance company to pay off on this I was hoping that you would know what to do well I can orchestrate the procedures and do all the paperwork but I can't guarantee the outcome I know that there'll be a full investigation as to what happened of course um do you know how long that takes hard to say I'll move things along as fast as I can but only after there's been a private hearing and everyone is satisfied with the results will a judge issue a determination of death ruling and then the insurance company will pay after the ruling the insurance company has no choice what do you think there's no body but we have a witness in Charlie who saw the body floating in the water look I'll do whatever I can Kate um let me keep this and as soon as I get back to the office uh I'll take care of it uh let's start a file we'll do a letter to solar State life this afternoon uh requesting the process begin okay I'll get right on it thanks Jenny taking a little bit more water hey cake someone wants to see you come on I'll give you a ride thanks you know you haven't stopped working for three hours there'll be nothing left for the rest of us to do just seems that the harder I work the less I think about things yeah I know it's been tough all the waiting not knowing I keep expecting him to drive up keep thinking that somehow to solve a mistake he's gonna show up here and pick me up at the end of the day yeah well work is a tonic but you know there's no use killing yourself with it is there I mean no matter what happens you got to keep going thanks Martha sure see you later can I help you gentlemen Catherine Williams investigators McAfee and Logan with solar State life we're here about your husband's policy we're sorry about your loss Mrs Williams thank you uh did you know about your husband's policy Kate do you mind if I call you Kate yes I knew about the policy and no I don't mind if you call me Kate Reese told me about the policy when he took it out five million that's a lot of money especially for someone whose income was less than steady do you know how your husband was able to afford such a policy he bought it at a time that he had a lot of cash and he prepaid the premiums do you know where he got the money to buy the policy I didn't ask him that well maybe he was after a winning streak in Vegas well I guess you guys have found a few things out already well it's not uncommon for someone with a history of gambling to take out a big policy I mean sometimes they feel that's insurance against a losing streak his habits were well documented among the various casinos down there I see were you aware that he lost quite a bit in the last few months I didn't keep tabs on him I'm afraid that it's true I mean he was deeply in debt I think it's even safe to say that he might have been desperate for money what exactly are the two of you trying to say it wouldn't be the first time that someone tried to Stage their own death to collect insurance money my brother-in-law saw Reese floating face down in the water we're not trying to imply anything or insult your husband's memory we have a job to do we're trying to do it then do whatever you have to do but my husband is dead and work is about the only thing that keeps me going these days so if you will excuse me gentlemen uh Kate we might have to talk to you again would that be all right of course right when did you get so polite what are you talking about back there don't even say it I can read what's going on in that little p brand of yours like it was a neon signed flashing on the Vegas Strip oh is that so yeah that she's a good-looking babe that she makes the last date you had looked like a Boston Terrier Boston Terrier oh and wouldn't it be a darn shame if she was up to her neck and something crooked and that's what I'm thinking huh well when you get to be doing this long as I have young Master Logan you get to read in the signs you treat your girlfriends as good as you do this car well you know we'll take care of her she takes care of you perfect relationship and no wonder you don't have a girlfriend you know what I am thinking huh you're full of it the Swami knew that too oh my gosh can I be done I want to watch TV okay half an hour and then you do your homework all right all right hey Grandma do you want to watch that new show I was telling you about yeah I'll catch up with you okay I'd like to propose a toasts Katie Katie you're in our hearts and we pray for you every day may your world be one of happiness and love from sunrise to Sunrise forever you're here um two investigators from solar State life insurance came to see me at the nursery today how did it go okay we sure had a lot of people fooled didn't he full oh well five million dollar life insurance policy sure fooled me Kate I hope you don't mind I told Charlie about the policy he bought it on a whim when he was flush with gambling money oh yeah but he could have canceled that contract at any time assuming of course that he remembered that he had one but I don't see a guy like Reese forgetting about five million bucks why is it so hard to believe that he kept that Paul for my sake in case something like this ever did happen no offense Katie but it just wasn't exactly his style he never gave a thought to anybody but himself I have to go why don't you stay here for tonight don't go back to that Empty Apartment honey no no I'll be fine okay you sure you know it's funny because the only honorable thing that Reese ever did to get that insurance policy from me now that he's dead no one wants to give him credit for it I was only asking the same questions those investigator guys are going to be asking Charlie you're the key witness you saw the body floating face down in the water I know and it makes me nervous they don't care what you think they don't care what I think they're only going to be listening to those Insurance guys they're going to be watching her like a fox watches chickens I know what you're thinking do you no I don't think you do hmm [Music] I hated that bastard and you know I think I even hated myself more for not doing anything about it [Music] well people should understand that but I know what he was doing to her I begged her to leave him oh Mom anything anything to stop the beatings yeah but that wasn't your responsibility why not I am so happy that you girls are this close something that I wished for but gently there is nothing you can do to change what happened Katie's gonna have to go through this on her own she'll survive it and then she'll come through it and maybe someday find someone else God willing and all of this will just seem like a bad memory to her [Music] hey you I have a date with Joey [Music] I love you both [Music] you're my girl and nothing is going to split aside nothing never no [Music] I've practiced this jump a dozen times [Music] [Music] I don't care we get to you my boss two days right over those mountains you think we'll make it don't know bad storm they need more parties rattlesnakes all ahead of us you're very good with children aren't you Mr Logan isn't he yes he is I I have a lot of nieces and nephews oh well you should have kids if you're wrong because you have the magic you know children know when you mean them well or mean them hun um we have to ask some questions about your daughter and the accident that killed your son oh guess what I don't mind Kate said that she came over here that day and that she was with Joey all afternoon yes that's right the reason Charlie had gone hunting up at the bluff and she was going off to the nursery for the day so I suggested that she take Joey with her how's Joey reacting to his uncle's accident well as I said children know when a person means them well or means them harm and he had a Mean Streak of course it's none of my business what happens between a husband and wife well that's right no Kate and Joey were together all afternoon as I told you the whole afternoon I I believe my daughter's waiting to see you I thank you for your time welcome you're welcome soup is getting thicker what all we did was confirm that the boy was with her all afternoon hold this could be the old lady is lying to protect your daughter notice how Mama started to wriggle after she dropped that nugget about what it means so and so the deceased was if Kate had taken Joey with her to the nursery then it should be fairly easy let me have that to find eyewitnesses or something well maybe the first thing I learned in this business well the human beings are capable of anything it doesn't have a damn thing to do with how nice they look I don't know I I just don't see this uh this woman committing murder for the sake of insurance money okay you're probably right is that again I've seen stranger things than that listen John why don't we split up uh you talked to the hallorans and on those around out here with the ranch hands I know they're expecting two of us tell her I'm sick you don't want to speak with a tolerance I read the transcripts huh well maybe I'll uh get him to loosen up I doubt it you don't think that I can interrogate without you looking over my shoulder she's a lawyer she started the paperwork they're not going to say anything that could jeopardize your sister's chance at the insurance money we'll see 20. you're on okay Mrs Holleran I'm from solar state oh yes how do you do we were expecting you my husband will be joining us shortly please thank you please have a seat thank you so I understand that you initiated the paperwork yes I did I would like to see it resolved as quickly as possible my sister has been under a considerable strain now is there anything that you can tell us about that day I saw a recent Cape when she dropped him off at the house to go hunting with my husband then she left and I went into town to my office I had some work to do and that's where I received the call that there had been an accident now I would assume there's someone downtown that can verify that you were at the office you make it sound like a criminal investigation no I'm sorry I didn't mean to imply that no it's it's okay um we have a sign-in log at the building and if you need some character references I'm sure I could rustle up a few I'm sure it'll be just fine would you care for some lemonade sure why not foreign mister my name's Mack McAfee I'm an investigator with solar State Insurance Company you've been working here long a couple years you knew the fellow got killed the other day nobody liked him much did they I guess it was because of how he beat up on her yeah you shouldn't have done it I mean I sure as hell wouldn't treat her like that you like her yeah sure I like her what happened I bet you treat her a lot better than Williams did wouldn't you you think I had a thing for her don't you give me a motive wouldn't it yeah no she never looked my way I watch things around here pick things up something's bugging you isn't it son why don't you tell me about it can't hurt why do you make it feel better I'm gonna find out all the answers sooner or later it's what I do well after they brought Toki back doki's the horse Williams was riding I was putting up the saddle and I couldn't find the Cantina loaded up now see I fixed everything up for Mr Mrs holler when they go on a hunt so they don't have to do Mrs Holland hunts too sometimes Hell she's a better shot than any of them not that day though said she had work to do anyhow there was no canteen in the saddlebags but why is that significant you're the investigator you figure it out oh here he is gorgeous [Music] Mr Holleran uh John Logan solar State life Mr Logan now I understand that uh you were the one who saw the body in the water yeah yeah Reese was wearing a tan vest so I could see him fairly clearly Where I Stood on the cliff and you said you saw him floating face down looking like he was dead well he looked dead to me but you never actually saw him float away or get carried away by the tide well no I had a choice to make I could stay there and watch the body all day or I could go call for help you see to do that I needed to go to the horse and get the cell phone from the saddle bag and those few minutes the body disappeared I think my husband made the right decision don't you Mr Logan yes I do um now uh you indicated that on the day of the accident you heard a gunshot there were Hunters up on those Bluffs we heard dozens of shots but you never actually saw Mr Williams fall oh no no you see he raced on ahead of me and by the time I got there I saw his horse by itself and I sense something was up and when I looked over the edge I could see Lisa's body floating in the water below that's all I can tell you hmm okay that's it for me thank you for talking to us certainly thank you pleasure have a nice day thank you us what was he talking about what do you mean well he said thank you for talking to us so who's us well his partner wasn't feeling very well so he said that he would wait for him out in the car so so what so what'd you learn from the ranch hand don't touch anything you might scratch the call well one of the guys that I talked to was a kid named Kenny evering I worked here a couple of years we ought to run a check on him okay and why are we running a check on Kenny evering because he looked at me funny as we were walking by scientific how did you fare with the hallorans learn anything new and hot all right you win thank you so what did we learn about Kenny evering Williams canteen was missing when they brought the horse back so what does that tell you I mean he went over the cliff for the canteen well if he's riding fast on a precarious ledge why does he take out a canteen all right he he stopped and he had a drink of water I mean he he got off the horse with a canteen in his hand he fell over the cliff with him well if he's dismounted and standing there then why does he fall because he walks through the edge of the cliff he's peering over and he loses his footing Charlie says that they were only a part for maybe a minute two at the most so guy rides off in a huff fuming then less than a minute later he's off his horse taking a leisurely stroll on the edge of the cliffs having a sip of water from his canteen loses his balance I don't think so but even if he did wouldn't he throw the canteen away and grab her something to hold on to think so so if that happened then the canteen would be on the ground somewhere nearby only it ain't there no canteen and what does that tell you nothing maybe or maybe it tells me there's something that doesn't smell quite right about all of this there clean as a whistle enjoy your sleep sound asleep mom too in the same chair I didn't have the heart to wake her don't wake her you know how she loves falling asleep in that chair coming to bed you okay you seem preoccupied lately I was about to tell you exactly the same thing business with Kate and Reese I think it's making us all a little crazy I'm glad he's dead God what an awful thing to say he was a miserable son of a that ruined a lot of lives you've been holding that one in a long time haven't you do you think those Insurance investigators really believe it was an accident why shouldn't they believe you you said so yourself there were other Hunters other gunshots what if it didn't happen exactly the way I told the police that it did what do you say what's that shot Jenny I just keep hearing that shut over and over again in my head Jenny what nothing [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] Mr Logan would you like to come inside I can offer you something to drink there's no point in sitting out here all by yourself am I that noticeable let's just say you were hard to miss well I'm kind of new at this job it's it's temporary actually here let me have that I'm I'm going to teach high school music I'm a musician but uh see I I need money and I I saw this notice music why don't you teach music and that's what my friend said they said if you want to play play you want to teach teach they're right if you have a dream you ought to pursue it oh yeah well dreams cost money I got bills oh wow this is nice you have a terrific sense of style thank you my husband is um well he was good with carpentry and I did all the decorating and Landscaping well that's what you do isn't it Landscaping yeah I'm a landscape architect can I offer you something to drink Mr Logan you want a beer or wine uh iced tea if you haven't uh I'm not supposed to drink on the job well you're not a cop you work for an insurance company yeah well you know the company has rules and I I sort of like to play by the rules well that's refreshing thank you my friends call me John you're in my house because your partner are trying to prevent solar State life from paying my husband's insurance policy so I don't think we qualify as friends well if there's nothing to prove that I'm sure that solar State life would be more than happy to make good on their obligations in fact if there's no complications I'm here to ensure that they pay off in a timely manner and I'd still love it if you call me John Virginia I was going to come by and see you yet how's your sister that was a terrible thing that happened actually that's what I wanted to talk to you about oh her husband bought a huge policy about six years ago five million dollars she's going to need a determination of death ruling she's on her own now she's going to need every penny she can get so what would you like me to do pick up the hearing off the docket well I need someone I can trust obviously solar is going to bulk at that amount of money I can't say I blame him but you know I can't influence the outcome of course not I'd never ask you to do that I just want to make sure that Kate gets a fair Shake that's all I don't want to see them drag it on week after week if there's no reason not to pay Loki I'll have my clerk watch out for the paperwork I enjoy keeping those Insurance boys honest well I better get back to my guests always nice seeing you Virginia thank you Eugene I really appreciate it so okay you're welcome bye-bye bye-bye judge did you ever go hunting with everyone else no they asked but I never wanted to don't believe in hunting for sport huh it's not correct I was raised around guns you know my mom and dad are career military and Jenny won a junior National Rifle reward when she was a teenager really she's an expert marks woman she won all these trips to travel and compete all over the place Europe everywhere God I was as jealous as hell you don't strike me as someone who would enjoy shooting guns I'll tell you I would have shot anything if it meant the opportunity to travel I wanted to go to Rome and Venice you know places like that I just never got the chance to do it five million dollars would sure buy a lot of airline tickets [Music] formal interrogation or should I have legal representation present I'm sorry I didn't mean anything by that [Music] I guess it's obvious I'm kind of new at this job [Music] yeah it's really obvious yeah you don't really strike me as the private investigator type you know what happened is I uh I entered this job ad and it sounded kind of romantic you know like like Fred McMurray in uh double indemnity you've never seen this move oh this is a great movie I've seen it about a million times Fred McMurray and Barbara Stanwick see Fred McMurray plays this um private insurance investigator and uh he falls for this sultry blonde Stanwick and uh she's this gorgeous murdering Widow and she I'm sorry I did it again I'm sorry it's okay it's okay it's getting kind of breezy oh no no no put it on [Music] thank you [Music] nice dirt Brian from the city you got to keep it off the Finish or it works its way in where were you earlier well I don't know I was out running around or something doing some errands I'm sure of that sand and salt water also causes damage out here you know anything about engines yeah my uh my dad was a mechanic he said when I was 16 if I wanted a car I'd have to build it from spare parts good for him I always had a squad car boys in the motor pool always did the work yeah you were a cop 15 years well that would explain it then explain what why you're so good with this stuff oh yeah I'm great you never lose your nose for the liars and the scumbags once you've smelled them stays that way for life why'd you stop being a cop long story morbid Nostalgia I need food food hey look you're here will ya check out these bank accounts each one is in Rhys Williams name three of them right and only one jointly with Kate so Mr Williams was hiding money from the little lady our heroine seems to instill secrecy in her men and check out these deposits right here no where's a guy like this get that kind of cash but gambling well it wouldn't be so regular this looks like a payment so this is like um blackmail or extortion could be you still think this guy accidentally fell over a cliff maybe not Hey listen to this you know that stable boy Kenny evering he and Rhys Williams got into a fight three months ago and Reese beat the hell out of this kid and Kenny knew where they would be hunting he packs the horses loads the weapons and keeps track of the ammo oh somebody else just arrived at the party you know what this is just like an egg of the Christie novel isn't it foreign [Music] [Music] hey there is uh is Kenny evering around uh he was here a minute ago then he just all of a sudden mounted up and took off hmm do you know where he's headed no all I know is he's supposed to be here supervising this job uh when you see him tell him to call one of us would you uh numbers on the card there yeah well next time you guys see him let him know that I could use a little help around here I don't think it was a coincidence somebody didn't want to do much talking so did you know him personally colonel oh yeah as a matter of fact I was on the trial board at his court martial Court martial yeah he got a dishonorable discharge in a six-month sentence for beating The Living Daylights out of a bunk mate and do you remember what happened well I retired son Let's see it all started when uh Williams got the General's married daughter pregnant General's daughter Brigadier General Harmon mcelvey he was a head honcho at the base when Williams was stationed here you know this goes back a few years General's dead now but he was a great man Armand McKelvey was a soldier soldier as great as a rod and he did not like finding out that his daughter was being done on a regular basis by one of his enlisted men while her husband was on assignment in Europe so I would assume that Williams was not well liked not well like it's just grass green nobody had a good word to say for the son of a so what's that got to do with beating a fellow Soldier Williams was having the girl Pam to keep things quiet while he could arrange an abortion only the bunk mate found out about it and blew the whistle on him Williams uh didn't take too kindly to it he beat the guy to within an inch of his life now whatever happened to the girl uh messy divorce then she went to Switzerland until things died down around here General McKelvey uh met us throughout the Book of Williamson Switzerland isn't that where they make cuckoo clocks come on Kate's never been to Switzerland all about anything Kate who's Kate the General's daughter wrong daughter Virginia McKelvey they call her Jenny sisters their purple pass revealed just kidding okay let's track this Williams figures that he can romance his way up the ranks huh but he blows his first chance when he gets greedy so he figures the General's pregnant daughter has got to be worth some quick cash yeah and maybe he needs the money to cover his gambling only his buddy blows the lid off and Williams winds up with no girl no money at six months in the brick and Jenny gets sent off to Switzerland for a safe abortion and the mckelveys they have to stay here and they have to keep things as quiet as possible until Williams returns and decides to go for double and nothing whoa what if there was no abortion the boy belongs to Rhys Joey yeah you think Kate knows I don't know what do you think you're the expert on all matters knock it off how am I supposed to know that okay look the boy is a living reminder of everything that happened in the past I'd say people might be lining up to get back at this guy check this out I found it in the bushes about 50 yards from where Williams supposedly fell over the cliff now a shotgun couldn't reach that far but a 30-06 no problem you can't prove anything with this there's got to be hundreds of hunters up there somebody shot the guy John well I can feel it I can taste it we're talking murder here where you been I was checking out his hind leg to make sure it was healing properly those two Insurance investigators were here to see you I didn't talk to him no you took off when you spotted them I was watching what's the matter Kenny nothing I didn't say anything look it was kind of stupid to run unless you have something to hide I was looking out for you and Mrs holler Kenny Mrs hotter and I appreciate your concern but we don't want you running from the investigators only makes things look a lot worse I think somebody pushed Reese off that cliff maybe shot him off they're only fishing for answers because they don't want to pay Kate what they owe her now I know you had nothing to do with it and that's the only thing that counts yes sir [Music] foreign foreign [Music] what's this you planning a vacation Mac Oh not me boy oh your lady friend where'd you get this those are exact duplicates of brochures discovered by a little professional snooping when she broke into her house it's called investigating sir the woman trusts me and you broke into her house what if she had come back I've done this a few times you know you've been following us you don't get it do you boyo this sweet young thing just might have killed her husband for the insurance money it's happened before you know and not just in the movies and you're acting like you two are going to some promac you don't know her I know what these brochures tell me I know that she's not planning on sticking around here once she's got our company's money in her delicate little hands well maybe she's planning a trip you know maybe she wants to get away forget her troubles you know no law against that at least the last time I looked will you listen to yourself you sound like a little puppy dog I'm trying to keep you from from following Reese Williams over that same little cliff thank you very much Mac I can take care of myself I can't believe you came all the way up here just to Lug these things around things weigh a ton how are you take advantage of the fact that I'm here well I can't pay you wait a second it's my card I owe you one free dinner that's payment enough so how'd you get into Landscaping well well Ginny was off winning those rifle rewards I was wandering around the post making friends with the Landscaping Crews I became sort of like their mascot oh yeah so uh did you know Reese yeah he was dating Jenny at the time did you know about the two of them I know all about them Court martial Joey and what are you looking for motives no no just I'm trying to figure out how uh how someone like you would end up with someone like Reese psychologists would say that it was um a sibling rivalry I was jealous of Jenny and I wanted what she could no longer have would the psychologist be right to a degree it's a time when Reese and I were happy we were fixing up [Music] messing up making plans for the future he was he was a different person then and that was before anyway do you have everything that you need or just something else you'd like to ask me well I'd like to think that we're friends Reese's death the insurance policy your job none of those things are going to go away until after this investigation is over one way or the other there are all kinds of questions in your head I can hear them I can feel them every time you look at me [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] ah he passed out in the kitchen last night why didn't you just finish me off you have to get this shoulder treated I'm supposed to be dead remember I can't very well show up at some doctor's office forget about the money Reese badly wounded not forgetting about anything everybody thinks I'm dead and we're going to keep it that way do you understand it's going to be true if that wound gets infected yeah I'm not gonna die from it I survived the shot in the fall I've been living out in the woods for days with this damn thing in me we're too close to quit now you're gonna take this bullet out of me Reese I can't do that I'm not a doctor I'll make you a list of supplies I know what to do I've trained for this remember you can do it Katie you can do this you could have killed me when I passed out you had the chance God damned she set me up who who whose idea to think this whole insurance scam was in the first place what do I know about legal rulings this was Jenny's idea from the get-go the double crossed me I don't believe you nobody else knew what I was going to be doing on that Cliff that day nobody but the three of us you me and that lady lawyer if you want me to take that bullet out then I have to go get supplies that was near death out there using every trick I knew to survive and the only thought on my mind was about the money and the fact that you or your sister double-crossed me you try anything you say anything to anybody you do anything and I swear I will kill Joey I'll be back I'll be back Jenny Kade what are you doing here what the hell is going on what are you doing I'm talking about Reese what about right she showed up last night how do you think I got this I was sitting down to work and the next thing I know Reese is there and he's slamming me around the room and he wants to know why I double crossed him why I tried to kill him what are you talking he thinks that you shot him Jenny he's going on and on about it that I shot him it's a miracle that he survived now what the hell is going on okay listen to me don't let him do this to us don't let him turn us against one another okay why didn't you kill me I did not shoot him I shoot him you've got to believe me give me a minute to think hi Kate everything all right Jenny yeah fine see you tomorrow Alice bye look try to accelerate the process maybe get a ruling in a week or two but you've got to keep Reese out of sight are you still stay quiet he wants the money he'll do anything he has to to get it thanks all I know is there's a whole truckload of people who wanted to have this guy Dead starting with his wife whom he beat the hell out of on a regular basis She Didn't Do It Mac okay you know have it your way what about his sister-in-law Jenny old news why kill him now stuff like this is never old news she sees it every time she looks at her son or her new husband she knew about the hunt she waits for the right moment blam past eradicated okay the problem is her office building is a County facility with a sign-in sheet there's a 24 7 security guard out front he signs her in he signs her out okay now suppose Charlie Halloran decides to take matters into his own hands huh all right I mean he hates the guy because of what he did to Ginny and Kate so uh they're up all alone on the cliffs one quick shot it's all over and and just just just swinging away from the family tree well what about Kenny but how do you prove all this well I'll keep working on the hallorans and you keep whining and dining The Merry Widow and I'm not gonna do that what do you mean you won't because I'm not going to do it I'm not going to lie and deceive Kate like that it won't happen period fine go have a good time you know read poetry to her in the shade of a tree but the truth is going to come out one day and bite you whether you like it or not you talk to your sister says she didn't try and shoot you she's lying you were taking money from them again weren't you well I had some heavy debts so I asked for help oh hell that's what family's for right sit up she says you threatened to tell Joey the truth he's my kid I got every right to tell him who I am she's bitter she's jealous because I wound up with you and not with her he's a little boy race it's not fair he has a chance for a normal life with them well I wasn't really going to tell him that was part of the deal that she came up with with the insurance scam I was going to take the money and keep my mouth shut and I agreed I agreed I agreed and now she tried to kill me Kate don't take her side you think she cares about you she has lorded it over us ever since we were married she's got the ranch she's got the position she's got the rich husband but she didn't get me she's never going to forgive you for that Kate you think she tried to kill you because of that she knew exactly where I was going to be and when and she's a crack shot I'll tell you something I got a message for her she's going to get that ruling and she's going to get that money or she's going to be even sorrier than she is now that I survived hello hello hi hey you owe me dinner I thought maybe I'd come by tonight and collect on an IOU um tonight's not good I'm working on some Landscaping drawings I'm gonna be working late how about tomorrow night I don't know you mean to tell me I came by and lifted all those heavy pots for nothing why don't you give me um a phone number where I can reach you and then I'll call you when I can get away okay thanks someone from the nursery changed Katie what are you talking about I don't know you you're different more sure of yourself create your teeth or something because [Music] go go [Music] wow I don't know wow very impressive which is better than any restaurant I had in mind Shea Kate terrific really yeah how did you uh oh um occupational hazard it was a swinging branch of a northern California fur okay it's fine come on dinner's getting cold okay no more questions all right he said do you I said that no and he said well if you do it again you're out of the band forever you're staring at me don't you believe that two people can just know each other instinctively that's sweet but I think that things don't always work out the way you want them to well maybe you just don't trust your feelings is all I don't have a lot of practice and trusting my feelings I've been too busy trying not to get my face smashed in it wouldn't take too much investigation to figure out what our marriage was like wow I'm sorry we don't have to go there no uh I don't mind talking about it I want to talk about it I just feel like my life is changing so fast I don't care about the money John I really don't I just want a chance to start my life over and not have to be afraid of being hurt again can you understand that oh no what ah Mac says that I can't uh discuss the evidence with you what am I suspect I mean what am I suspecting of he found a uh shell from a 30-06 near the spot where Reese fell they were hunting but he found it in a Grove of bushes with a perfect vantage point you think Rhys was shot I don't know what I think but Mack thinks that he was shot and killed yes and he thinks I did it doesn't he oh no no no not necessarily there were plenty of other suspects with motives no no just ask the question okay because it's hanging over your head let's just get this over with just ask the question it's not necessary I don't have to ask I told you I was raised around guns and I can fire a hunting rifle as well as any man I know but I did not shoot my husband and I did not kill my husband now you need to ask yourself what you really believe because if you don't believe that I'm telling you the truth then you should turn and walk out of my life and don't even think of coming back foreign Katie Kade baby you out here who's out here Katie she had to go out where is she I don't know you're lying I heard her making plans on the telephone earlier this afternoon she's not wasting any time playing The Grieving Widow is she why'd you double cross me Jenny I didn't somebody shot me this shoulder isn't the result of a hunting accident trust me Rhys if it had been me you wouldn't be standing here right now I carried out my part of the bargain if I get the ruling you've got to carry out yours you take your share and you leave forever what's the matter counselor don't you think I'm a man of my word I'd have been happy with my share I'd have left somebody else didn't stick to the plan Kate McGuire has the money to a number to count in the Bahamas Rhys if you go back on your word in any way shape or form I'll go to the authorities and I will tell them exactly where to find you no you won't do that believe me I don't care what happens anymore oh looks like I'm not in any position to bargain am I looks like you won this one same magic between us huh Virginia I used to God you had died and leave Joey without a father foreign what's wrong he's crazy he thinks we're conspiring against him I found a 30-06 shell right near the spot where he fell and now they suspect that he was shot I don't think that they can prove anything but I'm worried this whole thing is threatening to unravel Jenny he said that if we tell the authorities he'll kill Joey we've got to finish this now okay I think Charlie shot him Charlie he's been saying things he's been leading me with questions I don't know somebody shot him it wasn't you it wasn't me [Applause] hey Mr dinner how's Katie she's okay still a little needy she went she wanted to talk we lost track of time I'm sorry it's no problem Joey and I went to the mall had some burgers and fries Charlie the other night you kept hearing the gunshot and that you weren't sure that what happened was what you said I remember you were trying to tell me something weren't you Joey and I are very close he he's the son I've always wanted and I know that Rhys was threatening to tell him that he was his real birth father and I know that you were not going to allow him to do that Ginny when I heard the shot I just assumed it you took matters into your own hands laughs you're afraid that I shot him oh yes I didn't I swear and I I was going to confront you I thought that you did it me yes to protect me I mean I yeah you really didn't oh no me I hated to set up a but I'm not gonna shoot anybody [Music] if you didn't Kenny holy sure you know how I like Katie and when those Insurance investigators came to question him he bolted he told me that he was afraid that he was going to say something that might incriminate one of us I just assumed he was talking about you of course he was trying to protect himself talk to him in the morning my beauty you're late we're not doing the judge's Chambers for another hour we ought to go over this stuff again why so we know what we're doing I know what I'm doing John John I need you in there today how the hell am I gonna get the judge to listen if you and I aren't singing the same song I got nothing to say man do you work for this company our job is to take these findings and convince the judge that a determination of death ruling is not in order I'm not going to walk in there and accuse these people of murder when we don't have any hard evidence well not the cops are not accusing anyone we're just trying to establish enough doubt to keep the investigation going you know what our job is Mack we're supposed to keep solar State life from paying off on the insurance policy well I'm going to do exactly the opposite you're never going to make it in this company you don't get it do you I could never live with myself if I did that to Kate Billy have you seen Kenny anywhere no sir not since this morning about six he's packing up his stuff packing yes ma'am he said there was too much heat on him around here so he was taking off he said you two knew about it so you'd understand uh thanks Billy thank you sure no problem Mr McAfee I have reviewed your theories and your conjectures and I must admit that they made for very interesting reading then again so does John Grisham his books however are works of fiction and I believe that your theories are equally fanciful fortunately or unfortunately these postulations are supported by no substantial evidence nothing other than the most circumstantial what we do know for sure is that Mr Williams went from upon the cliff down to the water face down according to our single eyewitness and beyond that there is no indication of Foul Play or untoward behavior on the part of anyone involved I might add parenthetically I know the family involved and can therefore bring a personal judgment as to the character of those giving testimony your honor I would like to Lodge a formal protest on behalf of the solar State life insurance company Mr McAfee you may Lodge any protest you wish however it is my ruling that the determination of death in this case is consistent with The Accidental fall of Mr Williams from the cliff in question as indicated in the official police report therefore I hereby declare Mr Rhys Williams to be legally deceased thank you ladies and gentlemen this matter is closed thank you are you happy now Boyle somebody just got away with murder can you live with that [Music] [Music] so how'd it go it's done your shares in a numbered account in First bahaman Bank and Trust here's the account number wow what do you know you two girls finally did your jobs right I told you we could pull this off you promised to leave what's your hurry it's all over now the longer you hang around here the more chance there is that someone might spot you oh not to worry darling besides you and me and Jenny we still have a little unfinished business how stupid do you think I am we had a deal once remember until one of you two witches decided to try to kill me Rhys neither one of us more talk you call the bank and why are your share into my account call I can stop get out get out come on get out Reese what are you doing what you mean you haven't figured it out yet it was a damn good scheme right from the beginning and it would have worked too if one of you two hadn't decided to double cross me so come on oh my God I made it big enough for two of you right don't be stupid you can't kill us you'll never get away with this you don't think so gee I don't know I'm just the Dead Guy remember but I'll tell you something you know that insurance stick of yours he already thinks that one of you killed me so by the time the two of you disappear and they discover the money's been wired down to the Bahamas they're just going to assume the two of you took the cash and split and then if anybody ever does discover your bodies which I doubt and identifies them as the once lovely McKelvey sisters by then I'll be well let's just say I'll be long gone Reese [Music] oh God oh um oh God oh God I got to he was gonna kill you and I oh Matt told me that one of you two had killed him and I didn't want to believe him but I didn't know what to think why didn't you say something I saw the bruise on your face the other night at dinner and I thought what maybe the the guy still is alive and so I I watched because I had to know the truth how much did you hear his fall was staged wasn't it and you withheld the trunk from me until after the hearing that's not the whole truth John you don't have to do this Kate yes I do the whole thing that the phony desk in it was my idea the whole thing The Grieving Widow and and the concerned older sister all of it all of it it was all part of an act uh you then I had to get away from him and I couldn't find any other way out and every time that I would try to leave him he would beat the hell out of me and I didn't know what else to do and then he he needed more and more money and then finally he threatened to tell Joey that's when I agreed to help her he's hurt so many people for so many years he wasn't going to hurt my son I knew about the insurance policy and I thought maybe there was some way that we could put him in a position he would have to discuss forever in order to collect we agree that I would present the scheme so he would think it was my idea and it almost worked the money is in a numbered bank account in the Bahamas oh I'll make a full statement I'll just handle this any way that you want to do I'll do anything that you want [Music] thank you I was sure you'd turn out to be a Class A investigator when you first came to work here wow I'm sorry Mack ah so am I sure enjoyed working with you though you're a good man not quite good enough without a body there wasn't much anyone could do you think they'll ever find him chances are Slim about five million to one but you never know Jonah popped out of a whale where you headed well I've always wanted to see Europe Italy Maybe Venice Venice see ya Venice Venice so is there anything else you want me to do before you leave I don't think so you have my power of attorney there's enough money now for Mom and Joey to live for the rest of their lives and I'm gonna do the traveling that I always wanted to do Italy I think I've always wanted to see Venice I'm gonna miss you I love you Kate you too it was almost a perfect plan hey it worked out right from the beginning not exactly I never wanted anybody to get hurt you know it's never part of my plan I have something for you I swear on Joey's life I did not shoot Reese and neither did Charlie maybe Kenny but he had nothing to gain it's over now it doesn't really matter I guess we'll never figure it out [Music] when are you going to teach me how to shoot like you Grandma oh someday just like I taught your mama but guns kill Joey you must never aim a gun at someone you have to be very very careful [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Films 4 You
Views: 1,257,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free Movie, Films 4 You, Full feature movies, Film, Movies, Entertainemnt, Full Movies, Feature Films, Veronica Hamel movies, Michele Greene movies, John Ratzenberger movies, Sharon Barry McTigue, Michael Miller, Determination of Death 2002 Full Movie, Determination of Death 2002 Film, Determination of Death 2002 Full Film, Determination of Death 2002, Determination of Death, Best Thriller Film, Veronica Hamel, Michele Greene, Lifetime, Lifetime thriller, Thriller, best tv movies
Id: n-CasFzceNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 16sec (5656 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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