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- Hey everyone. My name is Coleen Ballinger and as you can tell from the title of this video, today I'm going to be reacting to and critiquing Tik Tok stars who want to be famous singers. ♪ Bring me little water ♪ You might recognize me as Miranda Sings, in which case you're probably thinking, what on earth gives you the audacity, the right to critique other people's singing capabilities when you literally sing terribly for a living? And I agree, it seems totally insane but what a lot of people might not know about me is that I actually am a trained singer. I trained classically, basically my entire life. I was a music major in college. I have a Bachelor's degree in vocal performance. I've been on Broadway and I've been performing basically for as long as I can remember. So while I do sing terribly for a living, I do know how to sing properly. Do I think I'm the best singer in the world? Absolutely not. Do I think I even have a good voice? Not really. But I have done a lot of vocal coaching and voice lessons throughout my life and I have a lot of training and technique and I have seen a lot of videos like this where a hairdresser will react to a horrible haircut, a vocal coach will react to this horrible live performance, or a skincare professional will react to a horrible skincare routine. I am not calling myself a professional at all, but I do have experience and knowledge in vocal training. I have literally had voice lessons for my entire life since I was five. I don't know everything, but I know enough that I think I could critique and I'm really nervous 'cause I feel like everyone's gonna come for me. But don't worry, I'm not coming for anyone in this video. I'm going to be nice. I'm not going to say anyone sucks. I'm not gonna be rude. I'm not here to tear people down. I think singing is amazing and a wonderful way to express yourself. It's such a fun thing. Everyone can sing, even people who say, I can't sing, I'm tone deaf. Like, you can still sing. Everyone can sing. It's just up to other people to decide whether you're good or not. But I'm not here to tear down anyone's dreams or say they suck. I'm just going to critique as kindly as I can. So, I tweeted out for people to tell me who I should react to. So all the videos I'm going to be reacting to today, I have not seen before. I'm just searching on YouTube for these people's names and then I want to hear them singing acapella. I don't want to hear them singing on a track because they're always auto-tuned. No shade, everyone uses auto-tune. I've used auto-tune, no tea, no shade, but I do wanna hear their authentic voice. This feels weird, I feel so like pretentious. I'm going to give these people techniques and like tips and tricks. Like I feel so annoying, but whatever I'm still going to do it. Obviously I know Dixie D'Amilio is starting her singing career, so we're going to start off with her. I actually think Dixie is super talented. I love her voice. I think it's unique and cool and different and I think her song is a fricking bop. So let's get started. I'm scared. ♪ Sometimes I don't wanna be happy ♪ ♪ Don't hold it against me ♪ ♪ If I'm down, just leave me there, let me be sad ♪ ♪ Sometimes I just wanna be lonely ♪ ♪ Don't need you to hold me ♪ ♪ If I'm lonely, don't need you there ♪ ♪ Let me be sad ♪ Okay, I'm pausing. (laughter) Here's the thing, Dixie is great. She doesn't need my advice, she doesn't need my help at all and I am trained classically and in musical theater, so when it comes to pop music, I am the last person anyone should ask questions to because I'm not a pop singer. I can't sing pop music, so please keep that in mind as I give the techniques I would give if she were in a voice lesson with me. She's not, so she should not take this advice because she's doing her own thing and she probably has access to the most incredible voice coaches and teachers in the world. I love her voice, I think it's so cool. It's actually the type of voice I'm very envious of. I have a really aggressive singing voice and so I have a really thick vibrato. It's very theater-y and campy. She has a very soothing, sultry kind of voice and I've always been envious of girls who have that type of voice. I don't really feel like she's putting on an affectation. I don't think she's trying to make herself sound like this. I think this is how her voice naturally just is. It's really pretty and soft and it sounds very easy for her to sing, which I really love. The one critique I would say, I'm scared, I don't, I'm not coming for Dixie, I love her, I'm obsessed with her, I stand. But my critique that I would say to Dixie, if she were in a voice lesson with me would be you need to enunciate. I don't know half of the words she's saying. I only know because I had to look up the lyrics once this song came out and I really liked the song and I wanted to sing along. For example, if you've been on Tik Tok at all, you know the like boy. Everyone on Tik Tok, if you've been on Tik Tok, you know that she says the word, but, B-U-T, she pronounces it, boy, which just made everyone confused. Like, what is this word she's saying? Props to her 'cause it got everyone talking about the song, but she does it again here, if you listen. ♪ Don't need you to hold me ♪ ♪ If I'm lonely, don't leave me there ♪ If I'm LOY, I think she's saying if I'm low and I wish she would say that word low, because I don't know what LOY, like the first time I heard that I was like LOY? Like it just sounds like, what word is that? I think it's low. That is what we refer to as singing in cursive on the internet. - We have been bananas and avocados. - She very much is singing in cursive there, using every vowel except for the vowel that she's supposed to be singing on. This is a choice on her part as an artist to sing with that kind of affectation of singing in cursive. But if she were in a voice lesson with me, I would be like, hey, if you're singing this live in a concert and no one's heard the song yet, they wouldn't know what you're saying, so you should say the actual words but I'm not telling her to do that because I live for her and her little controversy of saying boy instead of but made everyone talk about song, so live your life. ♪ Be sad, what's the matter with that ♪ ♪ Oh, oh ♪ There it is again. She goes. ♪ What's the matter with they ♪ Like, instead of saying, what's the matter with that? They, isn't the word, but it's what she chooses to do, so I'm living for it. ♪ What's the matter with that ♪ ♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪ Here's the thing, like she's good. I like her voice a lot. Like she stays on pitch the entire time, she stays in the right key, she doesn't falter, she's hitting all the right notes, she has cool little runs that she does. She has, I think her voice is very soothing and pretty. I like Dixie's voice. Say what you want about her, but I really love her. I think she's wonderful and keep singing boy and LOY and they if you want to girl, because it's working for you and if I sing the actual words that song, no one would listen. They want to hear you saying the wrong vowel, so live your life and do it. All right, moving on. I tweeted out asking people who else is trying to start a singing career and people are saying, Bella. She's the cute Tik Tok girl who's always like. (subtle music) That one, that's Bella. ♪ Picking up the pieces ♪ Oh, she's good. ♪ A little bit ♪ ♪ And I hate the words ♪ Hello, she's good! ♪ And I hate that I still care ♪ What? ♪ I feel like we were on top again ♪ ♪ How could you think I'd be your friend ♪ Okay, like hello, she's really good. I wasn't expecting that at all. Like, all I know her from is like, I love her, I follow her on Tik Tok, I think she's adorable. I'm like mesmerized and obsessed with her. I think she's so pretty and she's so cute. It's drives me crazy that people hate on her. Like who cares if she's got famous from being like? Like, you wish you could girl, don't come for her. I think she's so cute and I am shocked. Like, not that I thought she would be bad. I'm just, I wasn't expecting her to be that good. She's really good. Like I have no critiques on that. That was so pretty. ♪ Chicken wing, chicken wing ♪ ♪ Hot dog and bologna ♪ ♪ Chicken and macaroni ♪ ♪ Chilling with my homies ♪ I think she's so good. I literally don't have a critique of her. I think she's so cute. I love her. Sing more Bella, I want to hear you sing more. The only thing I can possibly think of saying to her is to open up her mouth more, which I know she doesn't really do because she's always in her Tik Toks and stuff, like she keeps her mouth kind of always shut. Like even if she's lip syncing to words, I've noticed she always keeps her jaw clenched and she's doing that while she's singing. She sounds beautiful, so it doesn't seem to be affecting her too much but I do know that if you have a clenched jaw, that's going to tighten up all of your muscles here, which is going to make you strain to sing. She doesn't sound strained, she sounds beautiful. It sounds very easy for her to just let it out and it flows. It's very, very, pretty and lovely to listen to. But that would be my advice to her if she ever does have an issue hitting notes or if it feels strained at all, clenching your jaw is going to make all of your singing muscles clench up which is no bueno, but she's really good, like I love her. I could listen to her voice all day. So, girl come out, where's your album? Okay, people were saying a girl named Nessa which I don't even know who that is. Don't come from me, I'm an old woman. Sorry, I've heard of her, but I don't know what she looks like, I don't know who she is. Nessa Barrett sings. Okay, let's try this. ♪ If the world was ending, you'd come over right ♪ ♪ You'd come over and you'd stay the night ♪ ♪ Would you love me for the hell of it ♪ ♪ Hold you tight ♪ ♪ Hm, you're the reason why ♪ ♪ Say goodbye ♪ ♪ I don't know the words ♪ We've all been there, where we don't know the words to the song, so I'm not coming for her for that. Listen, I feel weird critiquing this one because she's literally just like sitting on her bed casually singing, so it's, she's doesn't seem to be taking it that seriously, so to critique her voice in this video seems weird because no one sounds like pitch perfect when they're just like sitting on their bed, kind of just like singing diddling about unless they're Ariana Grande. She sounds pitch perfect no matter what she does. She's got a cool voice. It's that, it's again, it's that like new like I'm singing in cursive and I don't care like that, that like Billie Eilish, the icon herself. She didn't start that, but it, she does it and Billie Eilish's voice is like unmatched gorgeous perfection. I can tell she looks up to Billie, like she sounds like she's had a lot of influence with Billie's voice. Again, she's just like chilling in her room singing, so like, it feels weird to be like nitpicky about this stuff, but she's a little bit pitchy. She's like going a little bit sharp on some notes, a little flat on others and I just think that that's a pretty easy fix with breath support. I've had issues with that as we all know, like girl, once again I'm not saying I'm an amazing singer, cause I'm not, so it's the pot calling the kettle black. Is that the saying? Anyway, breath support always helps that. If you run out of breath, then you're either going to push too hard when you're going up to a note and then you end up going sharp, or if you're running out of breath, then sometimes the notes kind of trail down, but as long as you have really good breath support and breathe from your diaphragm, typically that will help those issues. She sounds beautiful though, really good voice. ♪ I've been watching you for some time ♪ Pretty. ♪ Can't stop staring at those ocean eyes ♪ So it's. ♪ Ocean eyes ♪ And she kinda went. ♪ Ocean eyes ♪ She went sharp on the top and a little flat on the bottom. So on ocean, it was a little sharp and eyes was a little bit flat, but barely. No one would notice that except for someone who was like trained musically for forever and had to literally hear sharp and flat notes for like tests in college, so it's not anything worth even talking about. But if I were to be in a voice lesson with her, I would have her use a little bit more breath support. It's the end of the phrase and that's probably why that happened. Again, it was so slight that most people probably didn't even hear it. It still is very beautiful and that's being extremely nitpicky. Like I'm literally trying to find something to say. ♪ Burning cities and April skies ♪ Pretty. ♪ Inside those ocean eyes ♪ So here, she's, she's changing the pitch a little bit and she's going a little bit sharp, which is totally fine, people do it all the time. Again, that is something I would like to focus on her with is just making sure she's staying in the right key. That's hard to do sometimes when you have music to sing along to. Usually when you have a backing track, you can hear this is what the notes are but when you're singing just by yourself with no music, sometimes you get really into it and passionate about it and you sing a little bit up above or a little bit below the notes and you can't really find your way back. Again, it's so slight. Like you guys watching probably didn't even notice it. The notes right there are, high and she was a little bit under if you listen closely, which no one would do this. So anyway, I think she's great. She has a really good voice, a lot of potential and I'm happy for her. I think, I guess she's trying like a new music career apparently is what people were saying online. I think she's so adorable, so pretty. She's got a really cool sound to her voice. It's just a matter of like, if I were being really nitpicky, breath support to make sure she stays away from being pitchy, but there was only a couple of moments. I mean, she did a great job. That's all I'm going to do today. Those were the three main people everyone told me to react to. If you want me to do this more, I will. This isn't much different than how I am in my voice lessons. I've been, in the voice lessons I've done in the past, I've always been like, that was so amazing, I'm so like excited for anyone who wants to sing. I think singing is such a wonderful way to express yourself, to find happiness. I think everyone can sing. I would never want to discourage anyone from singing. I think all these girls I watched today are super talented and have great futures ahead of them. Literally any critique I gave was just me being extremely picky. But if you guys want me to do this again, leave a comment below and tell me who else I should critique. I was thinking about doing YouTubers because as we know, a lot of YouTubers have started music careers and so let me know if you want to see that, but I feel like nobody does because who wants my opinion? I'm literally a bad singer for a living. So, I love you guys, thanks for watching this. I'm sorry I just did this. I'm sure you all just unsubscribed to me for doing that and I hope you're having a wonderful day. Make sure to follow me on Tik Tok. I don't sing on there, but I do a lot of other dumb things, so go check that out. Subscribe to this channel, subscribe to my vlog channel and subscribe to the Miranda channel. I love you guys, I hope you're having a wonderful day and good bye. (subtle music)
Channel: Colleen Ballinger
Views: 1,172,185
Rating: 4.9529967 out of 5
Keywords: colleen ballinger, colleen, ballinger, psychosoprano, miranda sings, no lipstick, vlog, vlogging, singing, without lipstick, comedy, how to, tutorial, silly, funny, sing, TikTok, tik toker, tiktok, singers, dixie damelio, dixie, be happy, Bella tik tok, Bella poarch, reacting to, react, reacting, nessa, nessa singing, voice lesson, vocal coach, bad singing, good singing
Id: 4X0lwIvSBnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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