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- Hello everyone. I'm Colleen Ballinger. And apparently Kylie and Kendall, I think those are the two. There's a lot of those girls. I don't really know all their names very well. But I think it's Kylie and Kendall, have come out with a clothing line on Amazon. And since I'm obviously a fashionista, I went to buy all their clothes and review them. Let's get started. I'm not gonna waste your time with an intro. You know all the things, subscribe, leave a comment, do all the things you're supposed to do. You don't need me to tell you, you know what I mean? Here, it's already, when you go onto Amazon, it's already here, it's already here. Right when you scroll down, Kendall and Kylie, the drop. Oh my God! Wait, this is cute! Wait, oh no, I was hoping they'd be ugly! Why was I hoping for failure for them? That is so not feminist of me. I don't know why I thought it would just all be really ugly, but like literally I'm kind of wearing that right now, but in a different color. So I'm gonna bring it a little bit closer to you so you can see. Here we have this cute thing. Hello, that's so cute. This I would never wear, but I'm gonna get it. This is not my style. In fact I don't know whose style this really is, but, ew! It's $50. (groans) Why is it 50 bucks? That's wild. One down. That is $50? Okay, I do want this though. And I will wear this one I think. How much was that one? $59! (dramatic music) $59 for half a sweater. Is that a joke? I just want to look at their featured items. It's so expensive. Ew! No offense, to anyone who has this, but this is not it. I think this is hideous. What! This is so weird. Why would you want this? I mean, I know I'm an old woman, I don't know anything about style and clothes, but like, are you kidding me? What are you saying? This is so ugly and it's $70. (beeping) Holy smokes! Should I get it? (laughs) Should I get these pants? Ew! Wait, maybe I like the pants, I don't know. They're not really high waisted. And I'm a high-waisted lady, because I had a baby. So I like gather all the skin that I grew from my pregnancy and tuck it into the pants. (gasps) $80! I'm sorry guys. I don't know if it's normal to spend that much money on clothes. I was raised where like we went shopping one time a year, once a year, my whole life. And it was right before school and we went to Kmart. That was the only place we went, except for shoes. We go to Payless once a year. We got like, everyone's clothes for the school year for under like a hundred dollars. To spend that much money on one pair of pants is like, (retching) it makes me want to vomit. I just like, it doesn't matter how much money I make. I have been very lucky in the last decade with my career, but you cannot shake me from being a bargain queen. I will never not be a bargain queen. Like I cannot stand spending too much money on clothes. Like you can get clothes for cheap. You can't. So I'm like, if I can't get clothes for cheap, why would I spend lots of money? So anyway, this is, I'm doing this for you. How many things are in their collection? It seems like there's a lot. So not my style. Should I get these pants? $50. Oh! So expensive. (sobs) Ew! Ew! (laughing) This is 50 bucks. It's so not cute. Who would this look good on other than the woman who's wearing it in the picture? So... (scratch sound) (dramatic music) Oh, my God! I'm gonna vomit. This is like a literal Miranda shirt, but like jean pants, but cut at the vahine as the belt. I am shook it. This is wild. It's $70. Oh, my God! I have to have this. It is insane. This is the craziest, looking thing I've ever seen in my life. I literally have a headache from this cause, I know I'm about to spend a lot of money. (dramatic music) (sighs) (dramatic music) (groans) Seven items, the 400 waiver dollars. That is so expensive. Alrighty. So I just made the purchase. I'll see you guys in a couple of weeks when all the clothes come and we'll try them all on. All right guys. It's a few days later, I think I might be wearing the same sweater that I was wearing when I bought the clothes, please don't come for me. I like this. It's cozy. Okay. Let's get into it. They are all in bags, at my feet right now. So we're going to get a first impression together. Let's get started. So I think this was the first thing I bought. Ooh, it comes with them mask. I like that. I didn't know. It came with a mask. The mask does not match this, but that's fine. I will say the material's really soft I'm into that. I buy really cheap clothes normally that are scratchy and not comfortable. So the fact that it's really soft is calling to me. (soft music) All right. So this is the first thing I feel like I should put it with a pair of pants that I bought. I didn't know what size I was. I've never known what size I am in pants because I'm different at every store I go to, typically I'm around a 26, 27 ish pant. But I'm going to be so sad if these don't fit me. Oh my God! These are huge! Why are they so big? Like baggy? I mean is that the style? I don't know style. I don't know anything. Is this the style like super, super wide leg? So these are 27. Oh my God I'm nervous, Okay I'm gonna try these on, I'll see you in a minute. Okay. I haven't looked in a mirror, but this is what this looks like. What do we think? I obviously i'm not wearing shoes or bowels. I don't have any accessories, but this is the first outfit. The pants actually like surprisingly kind of fit, here's the thing with pants is like, I'm basically like a box, like, this is how my body's built. I don't do this. So usually pants have a lot of extra room right here, for girls who have hips, or a butt I don't have those things. The pants typically fit me on the waist, but then don't fit me anywhere else because there's nothing on my body to fill it. But this is this outfit. What do we think? This shirt is interesting. I hate turtlenecks. So I feel like I'm being strangled wait we fix the ladies, Oh see that's what I think you're supposed to do it. You're suppose to be like, Look I have boobs. I'm wearing a turtleneck because it's cold. But I still want people to know I have boobs. I don't know. I feel like this is a good quality outfit, it's just not me. I need to look in the mirror. I'll be right back. Okay I'm not gonna lie. I don't hate it. (chuckles) I don't think I would ever wear this. Like what do you wear with this? Please help style me because, I don't know. Maybe this is a look. Is this a look? Maybe not. Let's go to the next one. Next! Let's try this one. I'm actually excited about this one. I think it's cute. Again, it came with a mask! Okay. I'm actually living for the fact that these things come with masks. Okay. Listen guys, it's soft, but this is from forever 21 and it's softer. So I mean it's cute I guess, it almost looks like I'm wearing a bra that doesn't fit, like a triangle bikini where like my boobs are really saggy. Can you see it? Like it's like a spaghetti strap, boob, boob. You know what I mean? Let's try it on with the blue jeans. Oh God, these are not my jam. Let's try on this outfit. (sparkle sound) Okay. Um I feel like it's too short on my arms. So I feel like I would have to roll up the sleeves like that or pull the sleeves, maybe like once you wash it a few times it gets softer, but it's like kind of scratchy. The pants are too big, um which is weird, because the other pants we tried on fit me perfectly, and those were 20 sevens and these are 20 sevens, but these are too big on me. Don't know what's up with that, but their sizing's all messed up, because girl, they're the exact same size from the same company, but they fit me different, whatever. But anyway, let's look at the outfit. (up-beat music) Do I look like Kylie Jenner? Basically twins. Let's try on the sparkly one, (gasps) Again with the mask. I, okay. I appreciate they all come with a mask. It's a, it seems like a good quality mask, but it's like, why is it this? Like I don't think that's cute but anyway. Oh my God, you guys this is crazy. This is not it. (scratch sound) (stridulating) I would never wear this. This is a small, well here's this, see I don't know how y'all go without wearing a bra. I'm for it like free the nip don't wear a bra. I'm so jealous of all the girls who can get away with that. But like, my breast feeding titalonas, would just pierce through a shirt, like would cut it. I just feel like I am not a girl that can pull that off. This looks like a type of shirt where you're not supposed to wear a bra with it? I don't know. I'm nervous. Let's try it on. (sparkling sound) Okay. I feel like, (laughing) like I feel like this is a very Karen party shirt. Like, Oh my God ladies, it's Friday night. We're gonna go for the early bird special, and dance the night away. This is like, not me. And it's also not most people. I would literally never wear this ever in a million years. I feel like it's not flattering on me at all. I feel like this is weird. Like this is weird right? It's weird. I'm so nervous about this one It looks so ugly to me. Ew! It feels horrible. (gasps) (groans) How are they selling this? It feels like garbage. Okay wait, I actually umm need to be nice. I don't want to come for anyone's brand. Like I don't know these girls. I know they're very rich, and I definitely gave them more money, by buying these clothes. Do you guys think this is cute? Can you please tell me in a comment below? Because I feel like this isn't cute, but do I just don't know things about cuteness? Let's try it on. (sparkling sound) (dramatic music) (shrieks) (gasps) I feel like a clown. I feel like I should be in that TikTok of all those moms. ♪It took too long. ♪ ♪It took too long. ♪ ♪It took too long for you to come back. ♪ You know that TikTok? It's amazing. I feel like I belong in that one with this. How is this something that they think make sense? Am I crazy? Am I crazy that I think this is the ugliest shirt I've ever seen. This is the ugliest shirt I've ever seen. Am I wrong? Is this cute? And I just don't know what's cute? Please tell me I'm right. Please tell me this is ugly. There's a tag. This is not a cute shirt. I haven't even seen it in the mirror, I've only seen it in the viewfinder and I'm like appalled. Hold on. (gasps) What! Who would wear this? Honestly, who would wear this for real? Is this one a joke? This one's a prank. This is crazy. This is awful. Oh you guys I forgot to try the mask. Okay. Here's the mask. Okay. It doesn't fit my head. I have a big head, get over it. It's smells like chemicals. It's fine. I don't know. It's a mask. It's really tight on my ears. These aren't stretchy, so this might not work for me. It feels really suffocating. All right. I need to take this off because I really hate it. I saved the best for last guys. I am so excited about this because it confused me online. First of all, the material feels very stiff. What do you mean? (gasps) Oh my God, this is horrendous. I cannot wait to try this on. Let's try it on. What! What is this? (chuckles) What is this? This is a dress? Honey, No it's a Miranda Sings shirt, which you know, I can be down with a button up being like a dress. Like you keep put a cute belt on it, but like, this is not a belt. This is like a cut up pair of jeans or short or skirt. Like what are you talking about? Look at, are you kidding? They think this is a dress? That's like cute? First of all it looks like an apron. It looks like I'm like a server at a restaurant from like far away. You're like, "Oh. She's about to take my order." But then you get closer and you're like, "Wait, she's wearing her dad's button up shirt with like her ripped up Jean shorts on top." I don't understand this. Please tell... I feel like I'm living in another dimension. Like, am I stupid? Like, do I not know what cute clothes are? I mean, I know I don't, but like, do I, am I really bad at clothes? I would never ever wear this out of the house. I will never wear it again after this video ever in my life. Would you wear this? Please I need counsel. Tell me if I'm insane. Like if these clothes were all cute and I'm just an idiot, maybe I'm just like a really out of touch mom, who doesn't know what cute clothes are. Cause this is crazy. This is crazy. (distorted sound) Well, that's all I have for you guys today. Thank you for watching. I hope you enjoyed me trying on Kylie and Kendall's clothes for you. Now you don't have to do it. You know what you like and what you don't because you just watch me try this stuff on. I will say the first shirt I tried on was extremely soft. I love the material and I kind of was digging those weird, like really wide leg pants. Everything else I don't think I will wear again so... ♪ What a waste of money ♪ ♪ What a waste ♪ So make sure to like this video and comment and subscribe, so I can earn the money back that I wasted on these clothes. Thank you. Make sure to go check out all the fun videos I'm doing on the Miranda channel right now. I'm having a blast making this new little series. So make sure to go check that out and please tell me in the comments below if I've lost my mind or if these clothes are actually cute, because I feel like a crazy person right now, because I think they're all hideous. Thanks for watching everybody. I love you. I hope you have a fabulous day and I'll see you next time. Bye! (soft music)
Channel: Colleen Ballinger
Views: 813,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: colleen ballinger, colleen, ballinger, psychosoprano, miranda sings, no lipstick, vlog, vlogging, singing, without lipstick, comedy, how to, tutorial, silly, funny, Kendall, Kylie, Kendall and Kylie, clothes, amazon, amazon clothes, try on, haul, ugly clothes, Kylie jenner, Kendall jenner, kardashian
Id: -dtS76NxmPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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