Vocal Coach REACTS - Nathan Evans 'The Wellerman'

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hello and welcome back to the channel i am your host and velociraptor of velocisimo ken levine i'm a singer and vocal coach here on youtube and today we are looking at nathan evans the sea shanty titan of tick tock why because today's robbie burns day at least it is for me today and i don't know if it is for you if you're watching it but uh we are celebrating the scots and no i will not be playing my bagpipes today nobody wants that because nobody cares all right before we do this though i'd just like to remind you all to please remember to hit that subscribe button and the notification bell so you don't miss out on any of the great stuff that we produce here every week on the channel all right without further ado and yammering from me let us listen to the willerman this one came to me was brought to my attention by a student of mine um who is uh more alert to the world of what is happening in youtube and uh i rely actually upon um many of you to point me in the direction of where to react and who to react to next so this is uh uh this is well this is not technically my first listen i've listened to about 20 seconds of it and i realized oh no i need to re do a reaction because this is so something really special about this okay it was a ship that put to see the name of the ship was a bully of tea the winds blew up her bird up turned below my billy boy's blow soon they the man come [Music] [Applause] [Music] the captain called [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] who's the base is it the guy with the red shirt [Music] [Applause] [Music] is okay so this is so delightfully awesome and so cool uh this sea shanty guy i don't know anything about but apparently he's tearing it up on tiktok with his sea shanty sea shanties these ancient songs there's something so authentic and cool about that and he's he sounds authentic you would meet this guy in a pub and have a pint and then he'd go up and sing a sea shanty and then you would feel like your life was [Applause] [Music] weeks from completed and down on her our eight whale bore the captain called all hands and swore it take that way soon may the weatherman come to bring us [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] son of a rum puncher this is so good this is so whoever put this together i i don't know what a great what a great thing what a great thing and so simple and so delightful and awesome when she died [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] okay all right that just ah that made my day that made my day um what are you talking about singing you want to talk about singing um or technique forget that what what a miraculous agent we live in that uh we all have enough time to join together and sing a sea shanty because it makes us feel good like that's just so cool i i just uh i don't know it makes me so gleefully happy that uh this guy is just sharing the thing that he loves to do and people are just like joining in because it's fun because it's it makes them feel good [Laughter] because this what is it electronic dance what do you say we only bump to edm and sea shanties in 2021 you see that little tick tock thing that's that was rad i was like that's great um yeah i really dig that that was really cool and um i guess the guy in the red shirt was right beside him with a bass voice at least it sounded like he was the guy with the bass voice and there was a bunch of other um sort of chorus behind him kind of looked like it was the same guy i don't know and maybe one of you clever folks out there in youtube land knows more about how this all came together than i do please leave a comment down below so i can um decipher it and figure it out i really really appreciate that and thank you so much invoke threat guy uh student and um fantastic human being who uh sent that to me and brought that to my awareness i was i was thoroughly pleased by that um the son of a rum puncher the man can sing okay great so uh hey um i usually leave a little note here saying that uh if you want to reach out to a vocal coach to improve your singing you don't have to you can just go on tick-tock and have other people sing with you and just do the thing that makes you happy that's what i say but hey if you want to work with a vocal coach there's lots of us out here on youtube land you don't have to work with me but if you do i will be sure to leave that link in the description down below you can reach out to my wizio page or my ken levine vocalcoach.com and uh yeah be happy to walk you through uh your own vocal paces so you can uh figure out um where your voice lies and and what to do with it all that sort of vocal coaching stuff so that was kind of i'm still kind of just amazed and blown away and pleased by that video so i don't have much to say other than um please remember to hit that subscribe button and the notification bell and uh if you've made it to the end of this video uh go and watch the original wellaman family tree sea shanty shanty mashup supercut if you want to be entertained today's robbie burns day uh i say long meow lomrik and uh enjoy your haggis it'll make you strong thank you very much if you've made it to the end of this video we will see you next time [Music] to
Channel: Ken Lavigne
Views: 1,546,763
Rating: 4.9422798 out of 5
Keywords: sea shanty, nathan evans, the wellerman, tik tok, sea shanty tik tok, sea shanty wellerman, wellerman tiktok, the wellerman remix, soon may the wellerman come, sea shanties, wellerman sea shanty, wellerman sea shanty tiktok, wellerman nathan evans, sea shanty remix, sea shanty edm, the wellerman tiktok, folk music, tiktok sea shanty wellerman remix
Id: o8R11162Km8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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