The Wellermen - Wellerman (Official TikTok Version)
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Channel: The Wellermen
Views: 8,482,911
Rating: 4.9450884 out of 5
Keywords: wellerman, wellerman tiktok, wellerman sea shanty, wellerman sea shanty tiktok, the wellermen, the wellerman, nathan evans, wellerman lyrics, wellerman nathan evans, weller man, sea shanty wellerman, soon may the wellerman come, wellman original, sea shanty tik tok wellerman, wellerman sea shanty lyrics, the wellerman tiktok, wallerman, shantytok, shanty, sugar and tea and rum, tiktok sea shanty, sea shanty tiktok, sea shanty tok, there once was a ship that put to sea
Id: 90Oc9Xl5Aps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 15sec (135 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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I kinda miss Sean Evans, but these guys does a great rendition, and assuming it's them I'm glad they get revenue instead of random other people who created youtube vids of it.