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hey guys welcome to my channel today we're going to talk about a mistake in English language that I still make that you make like every English language learner makes it a lot because it's an easy mistake to make and this is when we use the word very too many times when we talk so if you're interested how to get rid of this mistake please continue watching this video [Music] very itself is a very weak word because it doesn't add any extra sense very tired very beautiful very nice it's just magnifies the adjective that you're using but it doesn't add anything extra and it's just taking out your space very very very bad bad and when you're writing an essay for your university for example you're normally limited to like 500 words and if you use very in every single sentence then you're taking a lot of space out of your essay and it doesn't make your speech to look too professional because again you're using very simple vocabulary so this video is gonna help you get rid of the word very very before we start just compare at these two sentences I am wearing a lot of layers today because it's very cold outside I am wearing a little lace turday because it's freezing outside you see how different two sentences are who you think by the way when you want to describe when you're wearing on a cold day Americans and British people would normally say I'm wearing a lot of layers meaning that you're wearing a t-shirt then a sweater there may be another sweater and then a coat under this car and there were four layers of petticoats so you're wearing a lot of layers and just you notice that emotional color that my sentence gets when I'm using freezing instead of very cold and I'm gonna give you some examples for other phrases that you use the most used phrase in every single ESL student speech is a very good this is a very good class this is a very good dress this is a very good City now how can we replace it instead of saying very good you can say it's splendid it's planning it's great it's great it's terrific it's terrific you can also say it's lit the party was lip-to-lip and this is a spoken English word so don't use it in essays but in America it's very widely used especially among young people your grades are excellent excellent this movie is brilliant this is absolute brilliant this is a wonderful job wonderful job on Russia brach you see how many emotions I'm adding when every place very with a stronger adjective another example here in America especially in San Francisco people love dogs and I think the city has more dogs than children and whenever I walk outside I made a cute dog and all of the dogs are really well trained so they would approach you and jump on you and lick you and I would always say your dog is very cute and I'm tired of this phrase myself because this is like a really limited vocabulary and there are so many words that I can use instead for instance this is also like for me guys right now because I really want to get rid of this very cute phrase I can say your dog is adorable adorable yes I can also use the word admirable admirable and I can also say your dog is lovely lovely instead of saying very cute all the time the only situation when I allow myself to say very is when I'm training to sounds but and what sometimes I speak too fast I just stop concentrating on the way I'm pronouncing sounds and it is really important for me because I still have this accent for my native language so after taking our intensive course in American pronunciation I told myself marina you're gonna concentrate on these two sounds by the way if you want to take the course the link will be below if this is the best course in American accent I've ever taken and it's really helpful and you can see my progress hey so I get it very weak he's very rich right I'm training these two sounds very wise I have a very wide circle very warm it's um it's very warm in here try them like pause this video right now and try saying them really fast very weak very white very warm and just train your mouth to do the right sounds to produce the results and this is what the chorus is about we talk about different sounds and how to pronounce them like where to put your tongue and how to open your mouth something that I also use very often when I'm in Russia very cold as I've already mentioned we can substitute with freezing freezing we can say it's chilly outside it's chilly we can say it's frosty frosty and we can also say for example Russia is as cold as ice meaning that pressure is really really cold when you're retired instead of saying very tired you can say Salah stead I'm exhausted exhausted you can say sleepy sleepy you can say distressed distress right and if you want to say that something is very clean you can say spotless spotless you see how my speech is improving when I'm replacing the word berry and how it adds more details you actually use less words but you express more thoughts with just one word if you're stuck right now and if you're like oh but how do I say very beautiful I forgot this word that marina mentioned I forgot the synonym there is another tip for you you can still use the word beautiful but you can replace very with other words like extremely extremely beautiful you're looking extremely beautiful highly highly competitive highly competitive and awfully awfully cold Jesse Cote super which is also like very spoken super friendly super nice super cute super cute terribly terribly nice this can be both negative and positive terribly nice terribly hot terribly nice guy and usually and usually smart and usually beautiful unusually hot mm-hmm so there are many ways you can diversify your speech and my task to you your homework is to write down a comment below with very plus something and replace this with just one word this is a great task for you guys because when you are learning something you it's not enough to just listen to it it's also very important to do something with your hands so your brain remembers what's the right way I hope this video was useful for you guys if you want to train your American accent just like I did the link will be below please join the course it's it will be like one of the best courses you've taken and this is the course that my friend and I created together pure now yes subscribe to this channel hits red button here right here the red one and if you enjoyed this content like this video I'm looking forward to getting your comments guys and I'm looking forward to seeing you in our intensive class thank you so much and see you very soon bye bye
Channel: linguamarina
Views: 2,942,816
Rating: 4.9675927 out of 5
Keywords: english, english language, learn english, linguamarina, marina mogilko, linguatrip, english bro, stop saying very, american accent, spoken english, english lesson, english speaking, english conversation, conversation skills, esl, native speaker, american english, speak fluent english, how to speak english, english practice, english in america, accent reduction, english like a native, advanced english, listening, go natural english, study english
Id: QUG0Ew0GT8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 24 2018
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