24 Hour Readathon VLOG

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good morning friends this is going to be a really chaotic vlog i was just halfway through getting ready and i decided that i want to participate in dewey's 24 hour readathon oh you don't want to go dirt biking no i do while reading yeah that's impressive thank you i feel like i have enough vlogs already in the works and already planned and already posted and also i don't really have time to dedicate an entire day to my like not my tbr but i'm reading my tbr for other videos so i can't also read it in here so i kind of need to just like pick new things to read today but i also want to be able to complete them today also i have a hundred things to do today we're already three hours into the readathon it starts at five a.m my time i've already you know started my day i already made this like really yummy breakfast hash i've already half gotten ready and i just i saw honestly i saw this bingo board that dewey's posted and i can't resist a game it is an annual thing for me i usually extend it into an entire weekend i usually read space that's not what's happening right now because i can't i can't fit a whole like weekend vlog in right now but i haven't read any of the bingo board i have no idea what's on it but i was thinking i'll pick like five books off my tbr that i think is reasonable to read in one day and then i'll look through the bingo board and if there's a book that can complete me a bingo then that is a sign that dewey's is gonna be successful and i should do it and yeah so what what what what do we do i know sometimes for deweys people who try to read like five books in one day that's not what i'm trying to do i just want to hang out with you for the whole day a day in my life if you will um while i read one one thing i'm leaning towards a short story collection i just feel like this could be conducive to how we slice up this video into each like hour i already have plans to read so many different things up here for various videos i don't want to read anything too serious i don't want to read anything too fantastical i don't want to read anything too long honestly okay wait maybe maybe i'll just i just want to pick this two minutes into the video i'm already going back on what i just said but i just want to look at the bingo board and see if i can make this work because i really really want to read it i just bought it look how beautiful it is etc let's just see okay the bees read a book that's won an award we already can't do the b call um the i okay read a book with no supernatural elements so contemporary or romance um i i can't say that it has macbeth in it it has hamlet in it it has 12th night some are definitely just gonna be realistic but i do feel like there are authors in here who are gonna introduce some like paranormal elements and read a book with a unique cover yeah read a standalone can we call this a standalone sure free space perfect read the book oldest on your tbr no okay go into the cheese flip a coin to pick your first read and it doesn't work oh participate in a 60-minute reading sprint i can do that that has nothing to do with the book perfect okay enjoy a snack or drink that's new to you i can easily do that that has nothing to do with reading read a book with a character that shares similar characteristics as you lady macbeth i feel like we won't know that until we read it let's keep going make your own bookmark make my own bookmark i can do that that does not do reading either read in your pjs i can do that oh my god we're doing the o column okay that actually fits like shakespeare you know starts every me trying to justify my decision oh you know oh romeo romeo wherever the romeo always kind of shakespeare's thing that's romeo and juliet act two scene two or what is that one that's like oh beware my lord of jealousy the great oh my god what is it uh the green eyed monster which doth muck the meat it feeds on a fellow act three scene three or i'm pretty sure a character exclaims oh i am slain in like three different ten different of shakespeare's works okay we're doing that i just justified my entire decision are you mad at me i don't know i didn't even tell you what this is okay i need to calm down this is that way madness lies reimagined shakespeare oh shakespeare's what that way madness lies of shakespeare's most notable works reimagined i'm reading this like am i okay it's edited by dahlia adler there are stories in here from k incrum from lily anderson from patrice patrice caldwell from bernie cavallaro anna marie mclemore tony manibuchi a bunch of other authors i haven't read before 15 celebrated authors put a modern spin on william shakespeare's beloved classics for a new generation can i also use this as an excuse to finally invest in the collection of what are they they're these really beautiful editions i think there's like 38 different ones i forget what they're called the pelican shakespeare series i have wanted them for so long but have you had you justify buying them especially when i've already started my collection of shakespeare okay some of them are missing but i started collecting the harold bloom editions but i think the other ones are way prettier it's really nice outside but it's supposed to rain all day which is why i thought like reading all day would also be a good idea because we're obviously not going to spend that much time outside so while it's nice out i'm going to go run a couple errands and a couple other things that we'll just we'll hang out i'll read a story an hour how about that i also happen to have the audiobook so maybe there will be moments where i can be listening and then some moments i can be physically reading and then maybe i will read a shakespeare play in addition to the whole book today we'll just we'll see how it goes sorry i just attacked rob with the tripod say sorry everyone what am i doing so for the readathon as a whole this is our three but for me it's hour one and i'm gonna update you for the next 15 hours so there's a little intro in here i don't know why i needed to show you i don't need to show you um and then it's split up into comedies a sonnet and then tragedies and then late romance there is an introduction and then we start with severe weather warning by emily whiberly and austin sigmund broca who i've heard of their collaboration null books a lot but i've never read anything from them so i'm actually going to listen to the audiobook for this while i finish getting ready i'm pretty sure each of the stories is narrated by the author or is at least narrated by a different voice actor the audiobook was provided to me by macmillan early like a month ago and i just didn't get to it severe weather warning inspired by the tempest emily whiberly and austin siegmund's broken though with their high wrongs i am struck to the quick yet with my nobler reason against my fury do i take part the rarer action is in virtue than in vengeance okay i finished severe weather warning and i finished getting ready and now we're leaving i don't know what i'm giving it um did i tell you it's inspired by the tempest which isn't one of my favorite things from shakespeare anyway i do like how there's a little piece of the play in the beginning like a little quote because obviously they couldn't include the entirety of all of his works in here like they did with um the edgar allan poe anthology so it's nice that there's a little taste of it um i'm always interested to see how anthologies are organized my nerdiness has convinced me that it would be so fun to edit an anthology so beyond like the comedy and tragedy portions which i think is smart though the first story like wasn't funny so i don't really know about the organization of it yet in that way but i also think it's just interesting to see if there's some sort of theme with the organization of the stories like why was this the first one chosen why did they get put in a certain order the first one i feel like had a good amount of characters like too many characters that like should be in a short story but fits with the shakespeare theme and i feel like that might have been chosen first because it's kind of a good introduction to like having too many characters because i have a feeling that future ones based on the plays that have been chosen have are just gonna have tons and tons of characters but that one was like an easy safe introduction though i didn't really enjoy it necessarily it's about a bunch of different um people and their relationships with each other and like choosing who to be with and like one person it's just you know love triangles didn't really do anything for me so i'm giving it like a middle ground two and a half or three out of five off we go okay next update i went to mosaic um i yeah yeah i bought all of the ones they had in stock and if i buy seven every time i'll only need to do this five six more times and then i'll have the whole collection so they had i barely even looked what it was okay i got hamlet which is one of my favorites i got macbeth another fave i got othello i got romeo and juliet i don't know how what you can how whatever and then i got taming of the shrew can we call this my all-time favorite no one of my all-time favorites but this is one of the ones that i read the longest ago that i feel like this could be a fun one to reread today um i also got a midsummer night's dream a favorite why did they have well i guess they just had all of the ones that are most recognizable too and then much ado about nothing so this is the beginning of my collection i'm so excited and i just finished what's this one called shipwrecked inspired by twelfth night um by mark ishiro and again i just thought it was okay um i think it's fun that some of these stories are about acting like some of them are just gonna be stories about people and it's inspired by a play but then in some of them i guess they're actually going to be putting on a player there's going to be conversations about like shakespeare within it which is awesome but i still didn't totally love it um i'm giving it like a three out of five a whole bunch of characters a whole bunch of like confusing relationships par for the course um but i haven't read like any of my favorite none of these stories have been inspired by my favorites yet but the next one is taming of the soulmate by kate ingram inspired by taming of this room and i just feel like this could be a win so i'm gonna read that and then i'll check in with you we're stopping to grab a couple dirt bike things and then i have to stop at the mall to get my glasses finally it's time to pick them up and i wonder if any of these could have me successfully completing another bingo because i do think i'm going to use one of these for the reading sprite for an hour because this isn't really going to work with that if i want to read one story per hour each story only takes me like 15 minutes if that to read but if i want to sit down and read for an hour straight maybe i'll do it with one of these so i'm going to look over the bingo board and see if there's any other bingo because i realized i can go sideways too i'm very smart or diagonally and maybe one of the stories or one of the titles will fit with another bingo okay so there's one that's read a book with a one word title and then read a humorous book read a standalone re-read a favorite and enjoy snacks so maybe i could hit that whole row and then there's one that's a book set in spring or summer which a midsummer night's dream could fit for and then participate in another challenge and then a free space and then read in three separate locations okay i could do that i already have read in two different locations i've read in the vehicle and i read in my room great participate in another challenge i like that because maybe this is my moment to participate in my own year-long readathon or reading prompt um this month for april the buzzword is something to do with space i don't know if you would consider the word night i feel like you can make the rules work with whatever you want so if we want to use the word night and have that count if i read a midsummer night's dream it would fit for the spring summer thing and that prompt that's not going to be until way way later tonight so i'll just keep updating you every hour on the hour tick tock tick tock okay next location picked up my glasses finally and i'm not gonna be able to see because i have my contacts in so but you can see them on me what do you think that hurt my eyeballs you can see liam's face can you see yourself in the camera k ankrum's story taming of the soul mate was my favorite so far yes there's only been three but i just don't know if anything will beat this it was amazing um we've got catherine and bianca definitely took me a couple pages to get 10 things i hate about you out of my head and get back into like the origin story of taming of the true she gets like stuck in a closet with the guy and it's about like feminism and soulmates and there's like a little bit of magic i feel in that one it was perfect five out of five very happy happy with how this video is progressing i'm feeling great i forgot i was supposed to try something new so i just got my regular oat milk shaken espresso brown sugar thing from starbucks but later in the day i think maybe i will try this that was posted today on the lettering lane instagram and it's a recipe for the starbucks oatmeal cookie latte which is basically what i already drink just with added mocha and foam on the top basically i know i'm gonna want another starbucks later and i have all of these gift cards now because this thing keeps happening to me i'm trying to collect all of the starbucks cups or all of their like recent earth day ones they're like made of recycled materials there's a hot one there's a cold one and there's a glass one and i keep ordering in the app and when i show up at the store they say it's not in stock and then they can't refund me so they just give me a gift card but like i used my points to pay for it because i have all of these starbucks points so now i have like lit it's happened three times and i keep getting these like 25 gift cards so i'm i'm going to use them i feel terrible about it they need to fix their system but it's a good excuse to have another coffee later today and then i always pay for the person behind me so at least i i'm paying it forward in some way i don't know how interesting this content is for you my last hour was spent taking bookstagram pictures and i've read which one i actually skipped the next one in line which is called king of feathers by anna marie mclemore because i have decided that a midsummer night's dream is the one that i want to read later today and i want to read this after i just want it more fresh in my memory and if i were to like five star predict the stories within here that one i feel like could be my favorite but i skipped ahead i also put post-its in here so i can start tracking my reading so i don't forget them i skipped ahead to we have seen better days by lily anderson inspired by as you like it i don't think i've ever read as you like it but this has been my favorite one in the entire collection so far i think this should be its own like book i'm going to spend the next hour taking book charm pictures and editing them so we can get the listings up and i'm going to listen to the next story in here sorry my camera's full so now i just need to erase every photo i've ever taken the next one in here is called i bleed by dahlia adler which is the or no wait kidding i skipped one the next one is some other metal by a.r capetta and corey mccarthy it's inspired by much ado about nothing so i'm gonna listen to that um and then it'll be dahlia adler's which i always just like historically enjoy the editor's story the least so i'm hoping that's not the case here because i like i don't think i've read a dahlia adler book um but i follow her on twitter she does a lot of really great things for lgbtqa plus community and she has a book coming out called cool for the summer that i'm really excited to read so hopefully i just love her story too but the one i just read from the lily anderson was a really nice surprise because i have loved one of her books and then didn't love another one so i wasn't sure if the one that i loved was a fluke for what so i was cautiously optimistic for her story so i'm really glad i ended up loving it um this bookmark i'm going to show you up close because it is freaking beautiful this one has a fairy on it which fits with the whole midsummer night's theme so i love that for us but the one that i just read is basically about um camping like we're following a character whose father runs a camp and it's like a camp for adults and he basically ends up kind of using it as an excuse to like kind of abandon his family um maybe it's like him wanting to find something for himself maybe he's trying to like discover or just like you know hang out with his friends in the woods which is great but his kid is like her she's like my dad is freaking missing so she has to go find him and i just feel like it should have been 300 pages like i would have read a whole thing about that there was this amazing chemistry between the main character and this like kind of love interest i love books that revolve around camp even if the characters in it weren't necessarily camping but they were talking about like their memories from camp and being counselors and what they've learned and it was just really really sweet that's the thing with anthologies like some anthologies are excerpts from longer novels and some are just standalone short stories and like intended to be short stories but i wish that some of these stories in here were or maybe they are planned to be full-length novels i have no idea but that one i definitely vote for this is stunning i have no idea what the stone is even called but i need to show you this one too i'll see you when i'm done the next one okay i finished some other medal and i'm giving it three stars i think i like the stories that integrate uh characters actually putting on performances this one was interesting some different relationships most of all what i appreciate about this whole anthology is a lot of the point of it is taking like um characters in the white straight canon let me just read this shakespeare did not do marginalized people any favors that's an understatement a lot of us live with the effects of his characters and common storylines today so it's nice seeing like non-binary characters and female female relationships and just like various voices in general and beyond that so i appreciate it a lot um the last story didn't do a lot for me i just thought it was nice now for the next hour i will be doing some housekeeping things for my channel so i need to plan tomorrow's live show we're going to be talking about house of leaves and i have to kind of skim a little bit of this write down some questions like what i want to talk about and then talk to all of my co-hosts make a plan for the time give them some prep stuff then i need to make a thumbnail i need to schedule the live show and then i need to announce the live show on goodreads instagram wherever else so i have some house of leave stuff to do and then i have some membership stuff to do so i need to plan a couple posts and take a couple pictures for a couple posts coming up for like people deciding future videos i also need to answer a couple emails but that should be quick and then i have to pick i'm gonna pick three winners um i said anybody who posts a picture of every vow we break and tag the literally dead book club which is my mystery thriller horror book club anybody reading the book and tagging us um on instagram before the 21st of this month which was the release date of the paperback of this um will be entered to win one of a couple editions that i'm going to give out of this so i need to pick the winners reach out to them announce it somewhere and then if they get back to me quickly i can like place the orders with their local indie or amazon or however they want to receive the copy and while i do all that next story in here dahlia adler's okay i just finished i bleed and i realized that it's um like indie bookstore day independent bookstore day or whatever it's called so i gave this five out of five again it was amazing i've never read the merchant of venice um but i i just wanted to show you what i'm wearing today i think my skirts from um h m and then my shirt is it was some cheap internet but i've been like obsessed with skirts with a little slit in it and if you don't know sweet legs how do i show you this sweet legs i just launched biker shorts and no the pattern doesn't match at all but i'm basically living in them and i'm obsessed so it's interesting how some of these stories have an author's note at the end some of them are more powerful with the author's note because it gives a little bit of background i just realized i was showing you this bag because i'm taking the bookmarks over to my mom's right now and i'm also taking her some new sweet legs that just launched so that's what's now in my independent bookstore bag but basically in the author's note she talks about the origin the original story and basically how there's a jewish character in it who experiences like so many tragedies and yet it's called a comedy and it's in the comedy section because for the protagonists of the story they get their happy ending they experience love and joy and all of those things but she took an angle of this story and paired it with another story called the book of esther where family and revenge are what win the day so this was definitely the most intense story that i've read so far um k angrams was the most like vulgar there was a lot of swear words in it and it was like kind of fun to read this one was intense in like subject matter it was about anti-semitism and while i i've always understood the history of shakespeare and the types of characters and type of representation that get the focus and how so many other identities aren't featured or don't get respect it's definitely an extremely powerful experience getting to read it from a jewish author who has such a clear intent with the story and i think really accomplished it and i really want to go back and read the original play so like i said i'm heading to my mom's and we are now in a sonnet with his invention by brittany caballero this is a super short one and then we're into the tragedies so i think i will just listen to that quickly in the vehicle on my way look we'll give a behind the scenes and my blog of your of your joy okay i have selected this one she says it's an emerald i don't know anything it's an emerald i don't know anything about anything do you have mushroom charms no i don't have a mushroom right now what would you put with this i feel like you'd put like a like a fairy or something a celtic knot she has them all organized like this but then there's this whole section that's like so random so random a sandal yes i have selected [Applause] there's so many done that's done this is pretty i want it i have it no i will share i'm home now and i got the drink though i have to be honest it doesn't look right have a strange feeling they might have only put mocha syrup and not the brown sugar stuff i just finished listening to the sonnet his invention and i loved it it was really short it was way better than i expected it's inspired by sonnet 147 which i definitely can't rip off top of my head i wish that that was one of the things that they had in stock at mosaic but we're gonna try this and see if it tastes like an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie because i feel like that's the goal oh my god it tastes good but it kind of just like tastes like chocolate milk too i can't pick out the brown sugar but we're gonna say it's in here that's good i'll never order it again but i get to mark it off on my bingo sheet so i've crossed out a few things and now we can continue with enjoy a new drink and make your own bookmark that bookmark will be in the shop with the next collection so probably in about a week okay i honestly was not expecting to love the one by kirsten white i haven't read from this author before but i know people have enjoyed her books it's the one inspired by romeo and juliet it's called partying is such sweet sorrow and this is the kind of story that i feel like you expect going into this anthology it's like a modern take of romeo and juliet so it's like in text speak there's lots of shortened language and just like it takes some famous quotes from romeo and juliet and like makes them kind of like funny and modern so instead of like saying juliet is the sun he's like he's a swan you two are swine look her up no one's hotter she's like the sun no the sun wishes it was like her i loved it like 5 stars loved it romeo and julia the ending was intense like it was really good and now the next one is inspired by julius caesar called dreaming in the dark by lindsay smith dinner tonight is okay it's under a bunch of noodles so you can't really see it but tonight is spicy peanut lettuce wraps so um enjoy what okay i finished the julius caesar story i don't even know what it's called i didn't really like it i think i gave it like two stars and now i took a little time off i watched some episodes of shadow and bone i made rob watch the first episode with me last night and then i watched two tonight i think it's fine it's probably gonna take me like a month to watch them all i have no plans to make any like content out of it i know everyone's talking about it right now but what we're up to is we're doing our nightly drawing challenge liam has makeups i'll show you the previous night's efforts so liam's challenge was for all of us to draw ourselves as a pokemon this was liam's this was rob's and this was mine and then our next challenge was to draw baby yoda because liam has a stuffed baby yoda this was liam's this was mine i'm saving rob's for last because he's very talented tonight i get to issue the drawing challenge and it's gonna be a portrait of somebody else in the family so you have to draw rob rob has to draw me and i have to draw you oh and we can only use three colors each no pencils no pens no black white gray beige we have to pick three colors wrap's drying me right now i stay very still i'm trying to do a character hold it up for everyone to see and now open your eyes and what do you think i can't see you can look oh wow good job do you like it ready my eyebrows are where's my forehead thanks man he loved mine up what do you think i like it i actually think liam's the winner good utilization of colors yeah you guys vote on your favorite down below okay let's do a second one i've been trying to get back on track so i read two books two books two stories in the last hour i read the tragedy of corey lenez an oral history by toshi onyubuchi this is inspired by corial coriolanus whatever it is um i gave it four out of five so this isn't a play that i have read i think the themes of it and it being one of the roman plays it's a lot about like politics and pride and betrayal and that type of stuff so this one is written in like little quotes basically from different people who knew corey who is like a celebrity rapper um 17 year old who was stabbed and it's made i just lost my face it's made modernized um based on the setting and everything and has to do with like gang violence and i thought it was good uh the next one is out of the storm inspired by king lear by joy mccullough which is an author i've don't think i've ever heard of um king lear is one of those ones that i'm just like okay with i don't have any great memories of reading king lear but i know i didn't dislike it but i do know that a lot is packed into king lear like there are obviously different acts as there always are but like some of these stories are sorry i'm so tired i don't know how i'm i don't know how i'm going to do this i'm going to wrap finish this out but some of these stories encompass the entirety of a play so like from beginning to end they follow the same story um with this one it has to do with like king lear and divining up everything between all of his daughters and then a bunch of other stuff happens and in this story it's just like that first portion and again i gave it a four out of five um it got intense and again it was told mostly in dialogue i just love how this book completely mixes up how all of the stories are told and i think a lot of freedom was given to the authors about like if they wanted to use the characters like real names or if they wanted to do a spin-off or they want to do something completely different how much of the play to do like how the narrative is structured i think it's really cool and it's definitely keeping me interested i don't even know when i'm gonna wrap up this video because the readathon goes until 5am but i have a live show tomorrow at noon and i have a lot more prep to do okay hold on i'm going to knock out those last two bingo prompts by reading a midsummer night's dream and then oh my god i almost just died why do i almost hit myself in the eye in like every single vlog okay and then reading king of feathers the one inspired by midsummer night's dream i think this will take me an hour that's my prediction and i'm wearing my pajamas so we're hitting like four different prompts with this and then if i'm really sleepy i can just listen to the audiobook for the last couple stories at the end that's my plan let's read good thing i have a reading timer could i look any cozier right now i did it i did it in more than an hour but i did do an hour-long reading sprint so i'm starting to wonder if dewey's themselves were like running hour-long reading sprints and asked also to participate in one of those regardless um this was just as good as i remember though i think my memory of this is stronger than any other shakespeare work because i remember in probably 10th grade having to dissect this line by line and basically rewrite the entire play in modern english and then also we had a project i remember like you could do any project you wanted there weren't really many rules and what i did is i took the entire cast of this play and i like cast a character from friends as that person and then i made this huge like poster board character map um i don't remember who was who like who was helena who was bottom and puck but i have such a strong memory of doing that and then also i pretty recently re-watched get over it which was one of my favorite movies as a teenager and it is a midsummer night's dream not to mention like this is probably the play besides romeo and juliet that shows up the most and like is referenced in other media still love it this was an incredible addition because it had this it had so many things it had a publisher's note it had a little blurb of the theatrical world which i wonder if it's the same in every single like book in this whole series and then we have the text of shakespeare which again i wonder if this is the opening to all of them if they're all going to fight with any different but i love this it talks about like even the line romeo romeo and how that line has changed over time and then there was an introduction specifically to a midsummer night's dream and i really liked this part it's clearly written by like an expert it's very long and it talked about a lot of things i appreciated the conversation about like um puck and robin and like how that character's name is used and why the choices were made in this edition a note on the text and then it finally begins like 50 pages in that was amazing and then as predicted side note i'm in the bathroom because i'm gonna do my nighttime routine i was gonna do it before i talked to you but i forgot um as predicted king of the fairies i'm i'm about to write the five or five on here i think it's my favorite and i've said that multiple times but i think that is my favorite one in here the authors know at the end was great um and referenced like why they chose this story and the characters like reading the characters originally how am felt as a latinx reader having this character who was seemingly like taken away from their family and put into this land of white fairies and so just giving that character a different story is really cool so it was nice in this one that was kind of side characters in a different kind of timeline than than the original it was beautiful it was lovely um i think i'm glad that not that this would have gone in the direction that some of the other ones did where it was mostly dialogue or other things going on like it was just a beautifully told story in this author's like traditional lyrical writing and it really lent itself well to this story so really stoked about it okay nighttime routine why did i bring you in here i don't know charcoal toothpaste fun flossing contacts are coming out warning for eyeball touching oh my god i've been asked a lot recently about my skincare routine and it is simple products makeup remover there's my eyeballs a quick wash i'm not giving any advice this is just what i've been doing for the last five years and i'm not giving advice because like i just naturally have fine skin i don't think i can attribute it to any part of my skincare routine at any point in my life the only thing i really have issues with is the giant pores on my nose so recently i got this like little kit from amazon and these like blackhead poor extractors have been life-changing okay warning for up close blackhead and then i use this like serum that i can already see is working it's just the generic sephora one but i've been using it for a week and i see such a difference i think you're supposed to use this all over your face and neck but i really only put it on my nose and then moisturizer and we're done i refuse to fall asleep before wrapping up this vlog i'm gonna do it i can do it i can do it where's my book i ran out of post-its so my last three are dog-eared patrice caldwell's elsinore was five freaking stars and it's funny because the author's note basically touched on all of the things that i wanted to say in my mini review so it introduces a vampire like character and i was like oh my gosh it's basically like dracula and then the story was written in an epistolary format like dracula and then the author's note was like i was inspired by dracula i thought it was really cool and my favorite thing consistently with this book um with like anime wikimores and patrice caldwell's especially is there are certain pairings that might not necessarily be canon but they like take a different spin on it like they change some things about some relationships and it just makes you feel warm and cozy for some reason somehow yes it's about vampires but also it's a sweet friendship story we're nearing the end next step is we fail by samantha mabry never heard of them don't worry i'm not asleep i told you i wasn't falling asleep and i'm not i'm not asleep i might look asleep but i'm not that was a five-star read it touched on some things that i wasn't expecting and i always appreciate a story that covers um pregnancy loss and miscarriage because i just don't feel like it's like talked about enough and now we're on to the last one lost girl inspired by the winter's tale by melissa basher doused i did it i did it i participated in dewey's 24 hour readathon for i don't know the fourth year in a row i definitely didn't do as much online like i know they have photo challenges and you're supposed to sign up and you're supposed to do all of these things i didn't but i did do the bingo board and i hit two bingos i did a reading sprint i tried a new drink i'm sure i read many characters who share characteristics to me um i made a bookmark i read in my pajamas if you want to call these my pajamas i don't sleep in anything a book set in spring summer participated in my own buzzword-a-thon challenge kind of read in three different locations i said i read a standalone re-read a favorite something with a unique cover supernatural elements i read a humorous book i read at least 150 pages i read a book with an even page count i read a book with animals on the cover are little birds published before the year 2000 i really fell out this whole board with this oh and i just started blabbering about how excited i was to be done i didn't tell you about the last story i've read a few different books based on a winter's tale but i don't actually remember reading a winter's tale sorry the winter's tale i feel like i have it's a familiar story but i'm trying to figure out when i would have read it if i enjoyed it that's the top of my list for rereading shakespeare and this was very good five out of five overall i gave so many stories five out of five that i am putting this at a five star on goodreads it's like mathematically more like a four point something and this couldn't be anything but five stars so i had a good day i feel like i intended to talk more about shakespeare in this video my history with reading it and like different like fun facts and stuff but i don't know if that's really necessary i'm not like a clearly not a shakespeare expert but i've always had so much fun reading his work and things inspired by his work so that's dewey's 24 hour read-a-thon i don't know how i feel like i always finish my vlogs and i'm like i don't know how good this vlog was but you watched it until this point maybe did you skim be honest did you did you skim through it i had a good time i pushed all of my other tbrs like a day later but i think it was worth it because i feel like i don't know what do i feel i feel like i stayed true to um by channel's past i'm very tired i'm sure you can tell i'm just gonna go i will see you again before we both know it okay bye
Channel: BooksandLala
Views: 39,279
Rating: 4.9819751 out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, bookish, booksandlala, obbsandlala
Id: OZ9PHc_Zr-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 55sec (2755 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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