Vitamin D, now conclusive

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welcome to today's talk it's Wednesday the 1st of February now we now know that vitamin D supplementation provides substantial benefit in terms of reducing the risk of admission to intensive care during the coronavirus pandemic 72 percent is the probable figure certainly substantial and it probably also gives us a 51 protection against death vitamin D supplementation now on this channel we've been talking about vitamin D since we started the channel in 2007 a long time ago now and we've been talking about it throughout the covert pandemic period of time now we have this new meta-analysis from Italy definite protection against admission to intensive care for patients that are ill or hospitalized I now believe it's unethical for um authorizing bodies medicines and Healthcare regulatory Authority and FDA and people like this around the world not to advise vitamin D supplementation for poorly people and arguably for the whole population I believe it's now an ethical that they don't do that but they're not doing that they are recommending treatments that are less efficacious um but they're not recommending vitamin d and vitamin D is safe and effective we've got to be careful how we use the term safe but vitamin D is about as safe as cabbage or eating eating anything else it's just it's just a nutrient but we get it from the sunshine that's why we're short of it we're short of it in the northern hemisphere over winter because we don't get it from the Sun that's why we need to supplement it personally at the moment I'm taking 4 000 units of vitamin D a day that's 100 micrograms and I take that in combination with 100 micrograms of vitamin K2 as well so let's look at the evidence here because it is now definitive it's from this paper here and it's an Italian paper leading Italian uh doctors and um scientists why is it all that all this work comes from places we're going to look at work work from today from Spain Saudi Arabia Italy nothing from the United States nothing from the United Kingdom why not it really it really begs that question why not anyway this is the paper here well available download it for yourself PDFs available definitive evidence and meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis now this trial sequential analysis is sort of an add-on to meta-analysis and it allows us to account for the degrees of uncertainty in the data and to make predictions based on that so it's really quite clever thankfully it's all done by it by computer there's programs to do it anyway this is in Italy so various Studies have shown this association between vitamin D deficiency and bad outcomes vitamin D plays a crucial role in immune function and inflammation simple statement of fact recent data suggests a protective role of vitamin D against Bad outcomes that's what this study is about and it found out yes it does protect this is what we call a nutraceutical approach so nutrients using nutrients as as Pharmaceuticals it's a term I like now of course a lot of nutrients are necessary because if we're short of nutrients then the immune system is not going to be optimized and not work in a proper way but vitamin D as well as optimizing the immune system actually has additional benefits in protecting against infection and also protecting against excessive inflammation of cytokine storms so uh production uh promote the immune response and reduce the inflammatory response we know it does that anti-inflammatory it's also antioxidant when when you really produce a lot of waste free radicals and so to mop those up with antioxidants is a really good idea and it also has immunomodulatory properties this is now Beyond speculation we are now in the Realms of uh definitive science in terms of these activities of vitamin D now immune boosting and optimizing immune function vitamin D maintains pulmonary barrier so the organisms less likely to get in the first place in this case SARS coronavirus 2 but we now know that this works against a whole range of viruses and probably bacteria as well this is for everything covered yes this data shows that it provides a 72 protection against people that against admission to intensive care in uh in SARS coronavirus to infection but it also works against a wide range of other infections we have to use this more widely determines the production of antimicrobial peptides so these are peptides approach small proteins enhances neutral activity essential uh white blood cell of course and shifts the Adaptive immune response to more T helper cells T helper 2 cells T helper cells promote all aspects of immunity Health per cells are a bit like a conductor they conduct the immunological orchestra and uh there were all sorts of immune function anti-inflammatory effects now this is interesting vitamin D adequate vitamin D reduces the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and increases the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines so these are interleukins various interleukins these ones are pro-inflammatory they increase inflammation so vitamin D reduces their production these ones here are anti-inflammatory cytokines so the anti-inflammatory cytokines there production is increased so it reduces the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and it increases the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines so we don't get these cyticon cytokine cytokine storms that have been killing people the lower the vitamin D at Baseline the more effective it is just think of all those poor people that died in nursing homes that have been stuck inside for the last year or two hadn't been exposed to any Sunshine the vitamin D levels will be in their boots and uh basically there was no substantial supplements given despite what we were calling for very early on in the pandemic and high risk interventions were carried out very very safe interventions like vitamin D zinc basically ignored it really is a scandal it's a total scandal absolute disgrace reduces asthma exacerbations prevents acute respiratory infections We Believe of All Sorts certainly influenza as well as covid and influenza now so you know we need to take we need to optimize the population's vitamin D levels to reduce influenza and it reduces the complications of infections now as well as that this is another study here A covid-19 and vitamin D systematic review another another systematic review the rates of uh positivity in the tests were significantly decreased in the intervention group as opposed to the none intervention group so the uh the PCR tests were less likely to be positive so vitamin D is actually protecting against infection here uh relative risk 0.46 so that's what a 54 percent protection against infection in the first place better than other treatments which are currently being recommended why is this not being shouted from the Rooftops by our regulatory authorities who I believe now are acting unethically in not giving this advice uh conclusively this paper says direct quote a covid-19 patients supplemented with the vitamin D fewer rates of ICU admissions less mortality and less positivity um well well beyond the Realms of speculation here meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis getting back to the original paper that we're looking at so they want to better explain the strength of the associations which they can do of the protective role of vitamin D supplement and as we've said they were examining risk of mortality and emissions to Intensive Care Unit this data was collected as a snapshot on September 20th September 2022 so it was what information was available then and they did all the risks of assessment um now the the the how to adjust thresholds for significance in random clinical trials when the required sample size had not been reached that's that's this new trial sequence analysis bit that was added on so it adjusts the threshold of significance so it works out how significant the result is depending on the sample size and of course being a meta-analysis it pulled all the samples as well got to samples that were definitively big enough and they definitively said it protects against intensive care admissions we basically know this now uh now they've looked at quite a few papers originally but they settled on five randomized main randomized trials and here's the results as we've said vitamin D Administration reduce risk of death 0.49 that's a 51 protection isn't it and um against death and vitamin D Administration resulted in a decreased risk of ICU admission 0.28 and as we said that's a 72 percent protection why is this not being used a protective role of vitamin D and ICU admission the uh the trial sequence analysis of the protective role of vitamin D and I see your admission showed that since the pooling of the studies reached the definitive sample size so it's a definitive sample size was reached the positive Association is conclusive this is conclusive according to this paper carried out in Italy not carried out in the states not carried out in Europe not certainly not carried out in Canada or Australia or New Zealand getting left behind folks we're getting left behind now the studies this was the first study here Interventional study that one was I'll put the links check on all these I'm not making this up check it out conducted in Saudi Arabia next study was this one uh calcified dial now the calcific dial is there already activated form so as you probably know when vitamin D is produced in the skin or taken by mouth it must go to the liver it's activated into calcifidiol that's the more active form so if you want it to work more quickly and some of them it's already ill we can give them a you can give Coco cliffordial instead of the vitamin D it'll be activated much quicker because sick people can't wait so again this could be used much more than it is why isn't it being recommended anyway that study was done in Spain not the English-speaking countries this next paper was also done in Spain this next paper was also done in uh zil and the final study they used was um in Spain now why is this not being used despite the definitive evidence conducted from this paper why is it not being advised why is it not being shouted from the hilltops um I'm going to show you that in a minute um well on a completely separate topic medicines and Healthcare products regulatory Authority in the United Kingdom is 80 percent industry funded of course they have no rested interest the this is the national border that represents medicine advisors medicines and Healthcare products throughout all of the United Kingdom and it's 86 industry funded coincidentally vitamin D which is basically free it's dirt cheap and is essentially completely safe is not recommended other interventions which are associated with high levels of risk are recommended 86 industry funded when is this going to be addressed this is outrageous now I did I didn't mean I didn't mean to flash that before but this is just a random street scene in uh Manhattan so let's look at a random street scene now in uh Manhattan looks like a bit of a van a few pictures on it oh look it's outside fires the world headquarters I believe this uh this video has veracity strange that it's outside Pfizer world headquarters anyway in a completely separate matter let's hope that there's not a scandal of uh massive consequence and InterContinental implications brewing in Manhattan more on that tomorrow for now sorry a bit over emotional today I do try and keep it cognitive but uh it just gets to you from time to time things that we could should be doing but we don't bother but they're again vitamin D is tube so why the heck should we I've said enough I'm gonna leave it there thank you so much for watching
Channel: Dr. John Campbell
Views: 1,808,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: physiology, nursing, NCLEX, health, disease, biology, medicine, nurse education, medical education, pathophysiology, campbell, human biology, human body
Id: x5sc7G4s4CY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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