NO ONE wants the COVID19 Booster | CDC reports 3% Uptake | CDC and FDA have failed America

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welcome back to the channel only 3% of Americans have gotten the new Co 19 booster which is a stinging indictment of this us FDA and the CDC director Mandy Cohen they're not doing a good job and Americans know better than to participate in their annual coid experiment really because they don't have randomized data so let's talk about this why is the uptake so poor why did they fail the American people I think they bid off more than they could chew so this CDC director came forward with a recommendation that was absolutely Bonkers not in line with the rest of the world which is that anyone 6 months and up should get the CO 19 booster this fall didn't matter if you had coid before it didn't matter if you had Co three times before doesn't matter how many doses you've gotten before you need the fall booster they literally pulled that directly from their ass there's no evidence that that would be the case and in fact it really defies common sense and logic to think just imagine a 20-year-old man who's had three Doses and he's had coid twice you really think that he's going to get a further red reduction in severe disease hospitalization and death from getting this annual booster you really think that that's possible his absolute risk of bad outcomes going forward are floored they're literally as low as they can come we don't even have reliable statistics because we don't even see ards from Co 19 that often anymore we have a statistic called hospitalization from Co 19 but that often includes incidental hospitalization in other words you came in with a broken leg and we swab your nose you happen to have coid 19 doesn't mean it co 19 that sent you to the hospital so we don't even know the absolute risks for such a young man it's going to be super super low because they've had him recover from Co a couple times they've had a couple shots in the past and they're telling you that the shot will make you better off they have just no evidence for that it doesn't even make sense it's extremely unlikely and European governments don't agree with them I mean we have Australia we have Sweden we have the United Kingdom nobody is aggressively pursuing vaccination in people of all ages above 6 months and up irrespective of health conditions no one is aggressively pushing this vaccination in a 20-year-old man who is healthy and had Co twice no one is doing that except this CDC director and this Administration so let's talk about this as a result they've lost the trust to the American people 3% uptake is absolutely poor it reflects that the American people have no faith in the CDC and they shouldn't really we've done a lot of work documenting the CDC errors during the pandemic they should have no faith in the CDC I got a lot of points to say here number one the Biden Administration does not pick the best people for the job I mean the people that they've put in charge Ashish ja Mandy Cohen they're just not the best people they've never been known to be the best people in evidence-based medicine they're never known to be the best people in drug regulation they are people who are being picked because of political favoritism they are loyal asish job was picked because he was on cable TV this has been covered in the news and he was on cable TV praising this Administration he was receiving memos in advance of decisions made by the bid Administration and then he would turn around and have op-eds right when the decision came out praising the administration that kind of kissing up ingratiating self Administration is why he was picked he wasn't picked because he's the most competent person for the job absolutely not Peter Marx I think is not a great regulator he basically presided over the resignations of maring guber and Phil Krauss who were concerned about an annual boosting policy with no evidence that was the reason they resigned they had been working at FDA vaccines Branch for 30 years and then he just rubber stamps all these approvals the FDA is the only regulatory agency with the power to tell fizer listen it's great you want to make money and if you want to give an annual booster it's real simple just run a randomized control trial showing you improved clinical outcomes and you can do one in nursing home patients you can do one in people to 65 you can do one in people 18 to 65 and we'll give you the approval in so far as you prove that outcome and that would put pressure on fizer to actually run these studies I suspect they won't even run studies in 20-year-old men they won't even run the study because the power calculation will be so gargantuan they don't even have the power to find a benefit because the risks are so floid which is telling which means that they will concede that they don't even need to pursue that market share if you were to make them run randomized studies but this Administration doesn't they're not doing that for a scientific reason they're doing that for a political reason I suspect the reason they're doing that is because they know there's some of their constituents who are coid crazy they are extremely concerned about Co 19 we know those people probably are on the far left they're probably the people who Biden wants in his base to be loyal and the only way to keep them loyal is to give them the vaccine they want year after year even for their children who probably don't need it anyway so he's giving that as a political favor that's my view of the situation I don't understand any other reason why people would be so boneheaded and go against the guidance of European nations but this is the big problem you don't want politicians making these decisions because they often make these kinds of calculations they don't ask the question is this what's best for people they ask the question is this what's best for my political prospects they always do that it's the nature of politics they justify to themselves by saying well if my opponent came into office it would be a lot worse for the people but regardless they're not making a strictly meritorious medical decision in this case they made an absolutely boneheaded decision by pursuing this broad policy last year they got as high as 17% which is piss poor this year they're at 3% and I suspect they're going to stagnate there I think I've predicted previously online 7 to 8% Max uptake now I think that that might be optimistic I might have been an optimist if people don't believe your recommendations then you are a useless agency you've lost all credibility I personally have no credibility no faith in the CDC at all they are a complete failed agency any agency that says you ought to mask 2-year-olds with a cloth mask except when they nap has to be full of people who are just grossly incompetent I mean you have to be tremendously stupid to think that that policy could have a benefit you have to be catering to anxiety and irrationality rather than evidence to simultaneously not run any randomized trials on these questions of masking speaks to their poor management to simultaneously come forward with this recommendation when all the European nations are doing something different speaks to I think audacity it speaks to crony capitalism with the pharmaceutical industry it just speaks to poor thinking so having said all that that they're doing a terrible job I just want to also point out that they're going on TV and they're actively misleading the American people they're selling this vaccine and worst of all they actually are trying to silence people who disagree with them they're taking an absurd view that a 20-year-old who had Co three times needs to get the vaccine that's what as J said on Good Morning America go see my prior video he actually said that they're taking an absurd View and they're simultaneously trying to censor anybody who doesn't hold that absurd view this is crazy this is not science you take mediocre scientists you Empower them by politicians and then you curtail any scientific debate it's a terrible situation in addition to that there's pieces of propaganda that continue to appear in the news there was one in stat that I want to talk a little bit about this person says there are what seven or eight reasons why you should get the Cod 19 booster let's run through those reasons let's talk about that I have a new substack post on that topic all right first of all this is not by a doctor not by medical doctor it's by PhD scientist which will play a role I mean I have no objection to PhD scientists analyzing the evidence but when you start talking about Med making medical decisions and making prescription decisions recommending Medical Products there is something you gain by having actually ever done that in your life and you lose that if you've never done that and you'll see why this person gets it wrong number one little downside the author of this piece Jennifer Dows a PhD scientist claims there's little downside to getting the booster but she doesn't know that she's just making that up she has no idea what the side effect profile of this booster is because we just don't have studies big enough to know that if it's anything like the prior boosters there's going to be some rate of myocarditis ktie sharf from Kaiser Permanente puts that rate from the first booster at 1 in 10,000 in the target age group of 12 to 24y Old Men the highest age group that's very high are you telling me a kid who's 20 right now had Co twice has a one in 10,000 chance of being hospitalized this season from coid I highly doubt that that's the case add a couple more zeros to that number maybe two or three more zeros to that number but the risk of myartis if it's consistent with prior boosters is going to be orders of magnitude higher which means not only is there a downside there's a net harm to such a man next let's just think about the downside to anybody somebody who's not in the worst age group if you get this booster if it's anything like the prior boosters you're going to miss a day of work some fraction of people not 100% but also not 0% we all know a lot of people were in bed for a day I was in bed for a day I think day and a half I think a lot of people were in bed for a day all those days of Life lost being in bed with feeling ill after the booster that's the debt you start that's the downside now is there any benefit that outweighs that are you avoiding getting coid so much that you're saving more days on the back end there's just no evidence that's the case in fact for most young age groups I highly doubt that I bet they lose way more days being sick from the shot than they would ever lose getting sick from Co going forward because the co 19 going forward is not the co 19 of 2020 it's a different Co 19 it has different risks so you have to take that all into account so when this author says there's little downside I find it obnoxious as somebody who's never prescribed a medical product final point I'll make is there's always idiosyncratic events anytime you prescribe a medical product somebody's going to have something very bad happen even if that person's one in 10 million or one in 100 million there's always some risk of medical products you need to be damn sure the benefits outweigh the risk before you get your prescription pad out this person has no idea never written a prescription the life PhD scientist have some humility to know that many of us have paid that price we've prescribed things and then we have seen rare idiosyncratic side effects and that will leave a mark on you so think twice before you start telling people the little downside you have no clue of that statement you have to run studies to make that statement second point it's not obvious who is highrisk she argues that to mean that we should all get it because we don't know who's high risk but I would argue the response which is that we don't even no high risk is high risk Paul offet who's 72 and already had coid he's not getting this fall booster he makes vaccines for a living and he's not getting the fall booster because he doesn't think he's at high risk and he's 72 we don't know that old people are still at high risk of hospitalization and death from Co 19 going forward they may be at risk of having with Co 19 but from Co 19 we have no clue so we don't even know it's justified in older people let alone younger people so her argument actually cuts the other way it's more of a justification to run randomized trials even in older age groups she says Co 19 vaccines protect against getting Co I'm sorry if history is any is any tutor here the answer is no everyone who gets the vaccine no matter how many doses you get will eventually get coid 19 it does not have a sustained benefit and the benefit in most vaccine Effectiveness studies post fat post Hawk is that there's a transient effect in getting the avoiding the virus there's a transient reduction sympatic Sarco 2 but it regresses to Baseline within months and that's a study that has built in biases because it's an observational study if anything it's going to be an upper bound estimate in my opinion so do they protect you against getting coid probably not probably in the long hul over any any meaningful time frame like one year which would be a meaningful time frame I bet people who get boosted and people don't get boosted have the exact same probability in Co 19 she has no evidence to say otherwise number four vaccination lowers the risk of wrong coid I'm sorry there's just no good evidence of that claim you just making up you need to pull randomized control trials to make to make that claim there is no pulled analysis randomized trials there are pulled analysis of observational studies those are flawed because people who don't get vaccinated are surprise surprise different than people who do there are studies that show people who get vaccinated are less likely to have car accidents than people who don't the moment you see data like that you have to think boy there probably something else about those people get vaccinated that's different than people who don't than the vaccine because vaccines last I checked they don't keep you out of car accidents and only an idiot would think that they do number five she says fewer infections means less transmission this is so dumb I don't know why people keep saying this if we boost 3% of the population we're going to slow transmission even if you boost a 100% of America you're not going to slow transmission and here's why here's why there's 8 billion people in the world Co 19 is going to be running through those people for the rest of humanity it's going to run through for 10,000 years in those 8 billion people no matter how good you get you ain't going to vaccinate annually 7 billion of them they're just never going touch 7 billion of them and they're just going to keep spreading the co 19 and the booster is a crappy booster that doesn't provide a durable immunity against getting Co 19 and with all those things poor uptake lots of people still spreading it to think that boosting a few people in one wealthy nation that has the money to give fizer a welfare handout will actually dampen transmission globally is like thinking when the forest fire is Raging towards your log cabin that if I go on the yard and I dump a cup of water on the yard I'm actually going to slow that forest fire it's just as stupid as that they have no sense or perspective to say such a thing I think they haven't even thought about it for a split second when they just make things up to further their narrative number six lots of people didn't get the last booster so that's an argument to get the next booster that's an argument that you're losing the trust of the American people and the more you wed the flu shot to the booster you're going to lose both and the more You' wed the childhood schedule to the booster to the co 19 shot you're going to lose it all you don't understand what it means when people are telling you that they're not going to do the nonsense you keep suggesting you might want to reconsider your evidence you might want to listen to the many scientists who disagree with you in fact 3% proves that even the doctors and scientists aren't doing it for Christ's sake seven kids benefit from the vaccine she claims oh do they she's literally made that up I think I would even go so far as to argue that I've never seen credible evidence that the that children under the age of 18 who are healthy even benefit from the first two doses I've never seen evidence of that in fact most American children have gotten Co 19 and recovered from Co 19 without getting the vaccine any doses so I think there is no evidence that kids benefit from the vaccine most in fact did not get the vaccine prior to getting coid 19 the studies we have are uh case control studies which have huge flaws in them that I've detailed on my substack many times etc etc it's just the cases and the controls are drawn from different populations which is just the Classic of case control studies this is case control studies 101 which I think people are not aware of number eight the cost benefit makes sense okay I'm sorry it's ridiculous just talk about cost benefit you have to know benefit you can't just make up benefit she doesn't have that evidence so all right this is an article in stat just terrible almost propaganda level the CDC director egg on her face I mean when you don't pick the best scientists you don't get the best scientific decisions when you pick people who don't believe in generating evidence you're not picking scientists you're Pi picking political iCal shills the only thing that unites scientists is when there is a legitimate disagreement which is should we have the booster for everybody a good scientist says well they points on both sides but let's think of the study that will settle it that study is multiple randomized control trials could they be paid for H fizer has a hundred billion reasons they can pay for those studies can we compel them to do it h FDA has the legal and Regulatory authority to compel them to do that should we compel them to do it absolutely anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't know the first thing about medicine they don't know anything about medical history they're just arrogant it's easy for people to hear vaccine vaccine vaccine and just think vaccine good vaccine good vaccine good and vaccines have been good some vaccines have been tremendous however all medical products all medical products are different we don't just say pills good pills good some pills are great and some pills are oxyc content okay some pills are not so great you have to think about the specific pill think about the reason Oxycontin is good and somebody who actually has a legitimate reason to have it but it's not good if you just give it to every single person okay so think of the reason the indication the particular pill the level of evidence the ACT actual risk going forward you have to use your brain you can't just think vaccine good vaccine good that is what honestly a dumb person thinks but sadly there are a lot of such people in biom medicine they really regress back to these very simple heris and the reason they do is that we just don't teach people how do you separate which vaccines are good and when and how do you do it I hope that we're going to come forward with some really good reviews in the next probably five or six years working on this topic as a side research project which I'm kind of interested in now but you know we don't teach doctors to do it we certainly don't teach PhD scientists to think about it it's easy to be a cheerleader it's easy to think that well I'm a Democrat so I should support the Democrats and all their Democrat ideas but sometimes every political party Republican Or democrats sometimes people get things wrong particularly when they come to science sometimes the right answer is to generate evidence and then you can't help but consider the fact that there is a perverse Financial incentive where Ashish ja is very likely to be doing consulting for some of these bof matical companies going forward you take the FDA commissionership like Scott gotle got it he was FDA commissioner and then he left after a couple years to go beyond the board of director of fiser this is called revolving door politics okay that's just what the FDA means most people work at the FDA who leave the FDA go to work for biofarma the reference to that is Jeff bienn and Van prad in the bmj 2016 we published that paper a long time ago we knew that this problem exists and when you have that kind of incentive of course they're going to want to give more boosters more people and get fiser more money blah blah blah even if they're not consciously aware of that bias okay so putting it all together the booster policies are failed policy the CDC director has no trust only 3% of the American people are even complying with her policy I would love to see what percent of CDC employees have gotten the new booster I'd love to see that because I bet that's going to be low too because I bet even the people at CDC aren't so stupid as to listen to CDC director on her brain dead policy any organization like the AAP the American hand Pediatrics and the CDC that actually In the Heat of the pandemic they actually said you need to put a 2-year-old kid in a cloth mask and that was enforced by federal law in Head Start you know two and threey olds and foury olds in Head Start in a cloth mask except for when they take a nap all in the same room on mats next to each other in the same enclosed air but other than that they have to wear the cloth mask and that policy was carried forth in lots of daycares anybody who ever said that is a total and you should never trust such a because you really have to be absolutely brain dead to ever think that that could possibly help as a wise man told me this is a guy with many doctorates he said quote you don't need to know anything about evidence or medicine to know that that's not going to do anything you just need eyes and to look okay and so that's the level we're talking about here so when they come forward and say a 20-year-old guy who had three times Co needs a booster as aish ja actually said on Good Morning America you have to clude that either he doesn't know anything he's a total sellout I mean I don't know what the differential possibility he's completely incompetent which would be difficult to reconcile with the fact that he has gone to good schools and people didn't point out that hey you're sticking your finger in an electrical outlet you know like he didn't do gross incomp things his whole life or he's totally selling out I don't see the third possibility is he genuinely believes that he's right I don't think how how could you believe that you're right I mean the risks are so low the floor I just and every European na is doing the opposite I just can't believe that he could actually believe that I I find that difficult to swallow that he actually believes that I think it's a political calculation other than that or he is actually as incompetent as the first possibility I mean it's one or the other I don't know if you know the answer you leave it in the comments you tell me is it corruption is it incompetence is it selling you know or does he really is a good faith he believes that a 20-year-old who had coid three times needs a booster it would be interesting to know if any of these people who keep telling you to get a booster have gotten a booster themselves cuz I suspect nah I don't think I don't I any I don't know many Doctor I don't think I know any Doctor Who's got this new booster all right if you like this video you know to do like subscribe comment leave a message below I'll be back with more thoughts on all sorts of issues go to the substack it's now on a new website it's Dr it's got all my substacks we've also got sensible DM sensible all our substacks there plenary session is the podcast I run oh great lecture on plenary session that you might like about uh a talk I gave in Hawai recently and um I'll be back with more topics until next time
Channel: Vinay Prasad MD MPH
Views: 365,370
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Id: kWYE360TK8g
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Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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