Ivermectin in Japan

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well a warm welcome to today's talk Tuesday the 23rd of November now we want to look today at what can only be called the Japanese Miracle really let me just show you some graphics of Japan it really is quite astounding compared to what we're still going through in the UK the United States Europe other places here's the situation in Japan so here we are now very very low cases having come down from this massive increase here and we've fussed about this a lot and we're warned about how dangerous the the Olympics were at this time now just looking at this last massive wave sort of tsunami of cases in Japan that's that wave in a little more detail so that's kind of spread out the timeline a bit there so that's from the 3rd of August to the 12th of September when the cases were high in Japan now the next thing I'm going to show you uh must be a very strange coincidence but let's look at it now this is the date here when Ivan rectum was allowed as a treatment in Japan the 13th of August now if you Google this if you Google either Mexican Japan you'll get it the first 30 or 40 or 50 and entrances will be saying that Japan has not approved Ivermectin as an official treatment for covid-19 and that's true it hasn't but I'm going to show you why I've got this date on here now um that that one there's the 13th of August I've imagined a larger treatment in Japan so that was the 13th there that day there so 13. so one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve days and then the case has started to completely plummet off down to where we are now uh in Japan so one of those uh one of those interesting coincidences strangely enough it's a coincidence that hasn't really been referred to on um mainstream Western media now let's go on to look at this a bit more detail so I haven't met some hours of treatment on the 13th of August and we saw that coincidentally just after that the case is plummeted two weeks after that now my understanding is this now I'm getting more information from Japan um really as we speak I'm expecting a report from Japan tomorrow actually of course I'll send on to you straight away um but doctors can prescribe it without restriction you know I've been mentioned in Japan without prescription they can prescribe without restriction people can buy it legally from India apparently as I say I'm going to be confirming all this directly from Japanese citizens in the next day or two but this is this is I'm pretty sure this is true now and I'm going to give evidence for this now as well from this website here now this is the gentleman concerned and this is the Japanese website now um I'm not going to pretend I'm a Japanese scholar I am most certainly not um so I have used as you might expect Google translate so we are Google translate dependent here until we get more confirmation but it's looking it's looking like this is a fairly good translation so this is Dr Hario uzaki uh not a junior doctor on some remote island in Japan chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association and this is the gentleman here chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association now when the cases were going up dramatically as we saw let's just have a quick uh I've gone to the wrong one let's have a quick refresher of that there so when the cases were going up dramatically in Japan I can't find it is it down there no it's down there when the cases were going up dramatically in Japan so we're talking about sort of um this time here this is when he made that statement and the 13th when I've met him was allowed was just was just there so he was speaking in the middle of what can only be described as a as a crisis um and he said this uh the situation is that the whole country is suffering from disasters no one will listen to me can't imagine how he feels no one will listen to me so I will come up with a new policy the anti-parasitic drug Ivermectin shows a number of in shows the number of infections and deaths of the new Corona in a country that is prophylactically administered for another disease in Africa now of course Google Translates so it's not perfect English but is note of the correlation between low numbers of cases in African countries that are using argumentum now it does say it's necessary to thoroughly study the clinical trial which of course we don't have conclusive data on but he then goes on to say um but it seems that we are at the stage where it is okay to have the patient give an informed outlet and get permission to use it now I think the word that Google translators translated as Outlet there uh would would be more accurately translated as a consent so the patient can give an informed consent and get permission to use it now remember we were speaking at this time here and to change the rules there two weeks before the cases started to plummet down again in Japan which was of course great to see so uh interesting now let's um carry on with Japan so population 126 million um sorry I'm just distracted with something uh because I want to show you some more Graphics in a minute yeah here's the graphics I want to show you now in fact um so this this graphic here here right now this graphic here is uh the current case is so United Kingdom United States Canada Japan so uh pretty convincing evidence that Japan is doing a lot better than most of us and if we go on and look at the uh new confirmed covid-19 deaths per million again to the States United Kingdom you've got to say it's levelish Japan dropping uh Canada sorry dropping off a bit but Japan it is remarkably low it's not zero it's not zero but it is remarkably low which would you prefer obviously the Japanese figure now I did look for um hospitalizations in Japan but they didn't have it now to balance this we have to notice that vaccinations are high in Japan Canada and the United Kingdom so Japan yeah a little bit higher than Canada um a bit higher than the United Kingdom in the United States but not not massively so in people uh fully vaccinated significant but not massively so and we'll be looking at evidence that suggests that vaccine is not the only explanation for this in Japan but no question after an incredibly slow start Japan has done remarkably well on vaccinations now we looked at something the other day um I can't remember it was now someone said it's not vaccinations it was actually the World Health Organization they said actually it's not vaccinations or it's vaccinations and so pretty pretty interesting data there population of General one two six million cases at the moment seem to be 79 in the day two deaths in the day in Japan lower since the 23rd of June 2020. Japan's currently reopening yes it's got a high uh vaccination status as we've just seen but so is South Korea and South Korea's got an uptick infections where in Japan the infections are going down boosters in Japan are planned to start in December now Japan is a very disciplined Nation and mask wearing was already very much part of their culture so ingrained pre-pandemic mask wearing to prevent flu and other respiratory infections so people at the moment all over Japan are still wearing masks they are still social distancing they are still exercising discipline that at least in in England we are not so there are other factors there but basically I think we'd have to say that in Japan the Delta variant wave has ended as we've just seen it really is uh quite incredible now some people have described this as a selfie Extinction so um I'm going to tell you what I mean by that um but the the graph Graphics just they just really grab you these these these Graphics here um that's not that one I want one on pan I want that one there we go I mean I mean the the the the the curves there are just are just absolutely uh absolutely stunning the reductions in cases in Japan because that's essentially nothing and of course this coincidence that's when I have mentioned was uh introduced but of course we want to look at all the uh all the evidence and all the possibilities on this channel so that's what we're going to carry on doing now another possibility for the great reduction in Japan is that um there's been a genetic change in the virus in Japan so um viral genetic mutations could of course self-extinction is another possibility now this is very interesting this is a intro in Yuri a professor National Institute of genetics he says this Delta variant in Japan accumulated too many mutations virus error correcting protein nsp14 so n s p 14. now what nsp14 does is um so what will happen is the um that the virus will reproduce and as I understand the way this works nsp14 is checking that the way that the virus has reproduced the the components in in the RNA have been accurately copied and there's an inaccuracy in the copy nsp14 will will uh will correct that so this is not a structural protein but that same in Japan there seems to be an error in the viruses error correcting protein sp14 now if nsp14 is is uh not corrected that means that lots of mutations will arise in the virus and that means that the amino acid will be in the wrong order the proteins will be in the wrong order so the virus will basically fall apart the virus will not be produced properly and this seems to be largely down to one mutation the majority of the nsp-14 specimens in Japan had a mutation called a 394v so where the a amino acid there had changed the V amino acid at the position three nine four now this is not the spike protein it's none of the particular structural proteins that we have been considering it's the protein which is making sure the virus accurately replicates itself without this protein the virus will not accurately replicate therefore it will replicate inaccurately into non-viable forms so that may well that may well have happened according to the this academic group here so it's a non-structural protein now it's important to stress this nsp14 is is a protein made by the virus so this is a change in the virus itself which means that the virus is no longer reproducing accurately therefore most of the copies of the virus that are produced are full of errors and non-viable so could it be that this particular mutation that the Japanese have been lucky enough to have means that their viruses are no longer reproducing viably well again it's not inconsistent with that is it I mean look at that I mean it's just incredible incredible so another possibility therefore I was accumulating leading to non-viability and lucky uh mutation or series of mutation now also another interesting possibility is not related to the genetics of the virus but related to the genetics of the Japanese themselves now the Japanese have been uh there hasn't been a lot of genetic interbreeding in Japan for a long long time probably a few thousand years so people in Japan might have particular genetic variations that people in other parts of the world don't have and indeed this seems to be the case so more people in Asia particularly in Japan have a defense enzyme called APS I don't know if it's no APO b-e-c-33a so this is a this is a a defense enzyme so this is an enzyme that people have that helps them to defend against viruses so whereas the this one was made by the virus this one is made by the people now this if you're lucky enough to have this defense enzyme here that will attack RNA viruses and of course covid-19 as an RNA virus so it looks like the Japanese could be onto a double whammy here but it had been a positive direction it looks like they might have had a fortunate mutation in the virus or they've got a uh fortunate mutation in themselves which makes them more resistant to these sorts of viruses and uh so this induces the the this due to the SARS Corona virus too that causes covid-19 uh to be killed more in the Japanese when compared to people in Europe and Africa so that could be a change in the Japanese people themselves so possibility there that it's a change in the virus and that definitely does seem to have occurred this mutation does seem to have occurred the debate is over how much difference it's made um this mutation is more common in the Japanese people than in the English people or most of the American people for example um although of course there is Japanese ethnicity in the state so it'd be interesting to know in fact from memory I think Japanese people in the states have had lesser covered 19. um deaths this is something that the American authorities really need to be going on to now look at the Japanese ethnic population in America look at the uh that say that other indigenous groups black Americans white Americans whatever it is and compare this genetics and get a handle on this it's amazing that no big study has been done on America in this because it's such an obvious place to look get onto it someone in the states um now another possibility this is the Institute of genetics and uh and uh negata University this is the same Professor actually saying this um this is this is still led by this this professor here um uh that they're researching to discover how the uh human antiviral protein might interact with the lack of the viral protein uh that the viral RNA correcting protein but interestingly the the mutation that could cause the viral mutation is discovered in 24 other countries don't know more about that now more did come on that and interestingly of course SARS coronavirus one ended abruptly in 2003 and this virus no longer exists so if we take the entire globe of the earth here you will not find any SARS Coronavirus 1. and I don't even think there's any in the labs I think they missed the opportunity to save it it's simply not there so um interesting could this be um the viral mutation that caused it to end suddenly could it be the um the fact that the the virus are still most prevalent in areas where people had a higher defense from it although the virus had spread to Canada of course I buy it by this time anyway it ended up properly so that's good could this be the contribute to the causes interesting and they're actually working on a drug that inhibits this in the virus which of course would be a seriously good idea because that would mess up the genetics of the virus and because um it's just affecting the genetics of the virus we wouldn't expect it to affect the genetics of people so there's some possibilities and of course we looked at this interesting coincidence that Ivan mechan was introduced then in Japan so a pretty interesting stuff really now I was going to talk about Gibraltar because I've got so many people asking about Gibraltar but um I'm quite uh quite uh my mind's still mulling over all this stuff that we've just looked at some quite amazing stuff really so I'm going to leave it there for today and thank you of course for watching
Channel: Dr. John Campbell
Views: 1,534,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: physiology, nursing, NCLEX, health, disease, biology, medicine, nurse education, medical education, pathophysiology, campbell, human biology, human body
Id: E1GF0H9V_1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 23 2021
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