Vitamin C treatment & answering your FAQs!

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hey guys how's it going so tomorrow morning I'm going to be doing the vitamin C wash or the vitamin C treatment on my hair but before I do so mm Wow before I do so I want to show how right now my hair is rather dirty and it's it's up in a ponytail because I did the whole fun thing where like you you roll your hair up in bonds and it's supposed to make these like really pretty curls and I did that Friday night into Saturday and it looked so pretty I was like wow my hand looks so curly and then I tried to begin this morning and I took it out and I was like wth why can't we have it perfect every time you know I'm having like these huge indentations on my hair like right here so if I just pull it up a little bit more than nine weeks ago I dyed my hair with Wella color tango and paprika I want to show you how that looked right after I dyed it so you can see the color that it was very very pretty pretty color probably one of my favorites now it's probably my favorite Sally's dye as opposed to box dyes that you get at the store my favourite box die is fair yet power copper had to think there for a moment and I want to show you how my hair looked after my last wash wish which mm-hmm which was Friday morning so you can get a better look at as to how it is right now my hair is dirty I have product on my roots you know for like a dry shampoo on my roots and stuff like that so my hair doesn't I feel like it's not a an accurate depiction as to how it looks before I will be doing the vitamin C wash on my hair but I did want to answer some frequently asked questions that I have received since doing the last two vitamin C watch videos I want to make sure that like all the bases are covered so this is the vitamin C that I use I get it at Walmart this is there's a hundred tablets a thousand milligrams in each tablet a thousand milligrams of vitamin C in each tablet this was like five bucks okay and I use I don't even really measure just kind of like jump about half of it into my nutribullet and then I grind it up until it is a powder now you can use the effervescent tablets the ones that you put in water and you know there's the carbonation and then they either just dissolve in the water you drink them like I guess the emergency that's the emergency it's not what they are the effervescent tablets I don't know I don't I don't use them at all like when I need vitamin C I just use one of these there's one blogger online who swears by the effervescent tablets to use those when you're lightening your hair I am one who I kind of just want straight vitamin C I don't want to add in different things like the the carbonation that that's in those tablets or anything like that there are other youtubers I have seen who have used the emergency powder on their hair and and have had great results I was asked if I could use vitamin C oil and I don't know like if it's pure vitamin C I don't see why not but I don't know because I I really don't know vitamin C powder is fine too if you were to buy the vitamin C powder and use that I have been told - that the amount of vitamin C can can vary like I've been using probably too much somebody mentioned that I'm probably using too much vitamin C well I've watched other people use far more vitamin C one commenter told me that she uses 10 to 15 of these tablets you know while I'm using like 40 50 of these tablets and she says she sees the same results using less tablets I'm probably just gonna stick with my 40 or 50 tablets that I have been using in the past it was also asked of me if there are if there's any acid and this the very first one is absorbing acid and then it contains 2% or less of st eric s te a ric acid and it may contain dl / tartaric acid so there's that I think that's everything with the vitamin C questions that I've had one reason why I don't use like the effervescent tablets or the or like the emergency powder stuff is because there's dye in it some of them have like a yellow dye or an orange dye now when I first use the vitamin C wash the vitamin C treatment on my hair cuz I remember I had dyed my hair a red it was the Revlon color silk 150 red thinking it would be a really like pretty intense deep red and it turned out way more Brown so I did the vitamin C wash just a few days after to remove that dye and it did it successfully but the shampoo I used was Pro and the pro has a green dye in it and it dyed my ends green I thought maybe it was a vitamin C reaction but the second time that I did the vitamin C wash I used this which is just a Pantene pro-v clear shampoo this was about five bucks now when it comes to the shampoo that you can use you can use Head & Shoulders although Head & Shoulders is pretty stripping I was reading how someone said if you want to get rid of a dye just use Head & Shoulders don't even try the vitamin C like the Head & Shoulders will strip your hair enough I've heard people use the head shoulders and her people use baby shampoo baby shampoo is yellow like there's a yellow dye in it which would probably have been absolutely okay to use and it's cheaper but I wanted to try something that was completely dye free to see if my ends were gonna be green again that's why I got this you can use any clear shampoo is what I'm told so even like the swamp shampoos that are blue you know or pink or whatever or any kind of just clear shampoo but from what I have noticed the clear shampoos that are dye will in fact dye your hair I've also been told that you can put baking soda as well the mix with the vitamin C and the shampoo I have heard too that you can use dish soap with the vitamin C and the shampoo I have heard you can do like the dish soap and the baking soda with the shampoo and the vitamin C but like all of that just sounds like super super stripping and I already know that the vitamin C wash is to an extent damaging on my hair so I don't want to add more damaging things so I'm not using head and shoulders so what I do is I'll use about 40 tablets of these crush them up to my nutribullet and then I'll do about I think it was like I counted nine or ten tablespoons of this until it just becomes this like syrupy texture and then I get my hair wet you have to get your hair wet first you guys I've seen videos where people will do it on dry hair and then they're like it didn't work you need your hair to be wet that's why so you get your hair wet and then I seriously just pick up the stuff and just kind of massage it in the key I believe is to continuously massage it because I felt like it would get all dry and I think like when it like kind of sits and dries out I don't think it works as well so I think it's important to just continuously just massage it in your hair you can put a bag over your hair I don't think I saw much results with putting a bag over my hair as opposed to just massaging it in I could be wrong though I'm not going to be using a bag over my hair this time I think I'm just going to keep massaging it and keeping the product we're like going through my roots and on my ends the past couple times that I have done the vitamin C wash I have noticed that it stops lightening around the 20-minute mark I have heard people who have left it in their hair far longer like up to an hour the longest I've had it in my hair I believe is 40 minutes maybe 45 doesn't one of the times I did a vitamin C wash which I didn't mention to you guys was on Friday night and I had just put all the products in my hair and I had and I had like a Walmart bag over my head and I got a phone call and my son was at a campout and the camp out was cancelled due to snakes in the area that they were can be on so I so I had this Walmart bag over my head and I tried I think I put like a hat on or something to try to like cover it up thank goodness it was dark outside but I had like I put like my Sun Hat on to try to cover it and then I ran and got him and so I think it was like 45 minutes I left it in my hair and I was like all kind of worried I was worried but like I was doing a lot of damage to my hair keeping it in that long I have been asked if the vitamin C wash will remove brown hair dye I am assuming so it's I've seen it removed black hair dye and it's removed that brown hair color that I put in my hair both the red Brown that I put in my hair so I think it can remove almost any color I don't know about blue hair dye and green hair dyed pink hair dye and purple hair dye I don't know in regards to that I'm assuming so but I'm not gonna say yes for sure yeah so I think that's everything so I will be doing it tomorrow and I will show you guys the results all right here's how it looks so while I was with the product in my hair and after I had washed it out I was like oh my gosh this hasn't changed at all like what a bummer I put all this vitamin C in my hair to strip my hair possibly damaging my hair and nothing but now that it is dried and yeah now that it's dried it looks much lighter it looks much more orange I want to say I noticed that too at the last time that I did the vitamin C wash it's like he gave it more of like an orange a yellow kind of color to it I don't know if that's because of the vitamin C it was just the way my hair is already that it did that now my hair is rather stringy because I put in a ton of leave-in conditioner like a lot and I just like left it in my hair while I was in the shower and just like took my time in waiting to wash it all out I did so I washed it all out and then I rinsed my hair afterwards in cold water was not fun at all I was like I don't want to be doing that they let me get in it and honestly my hair feels great it doesn't feel dry doesn't feel fried or anything like that possibly could be because of leave-in conditioner but I do think that me rinsing it in cold water was the ticket to make it not feel so dry because the very first time they did the vitamin C washed it felt dry afterwards and it really had me paranoid that I damaged my hair and then one person commented and said you need to at least rinse your hair out with cold water because then it closes the shaft of your hair one thing that I remembered that I didn't mention in yesterday's video was when someone asked if they could do vitamin C oil with this mixture like instead of the powder using oil one thing that has me thinking that it might not work is because it's an oil and when you try to mix oil with a water-based product which I'm assuming that you know the shampoo is water-based yeah the main ingredient is water so when you try to mix oil with water will it have it kind of separating I'm thinking that the oil probably is not the best option and unless you know for sure that it mixes well okay I wanted to say that like I was at the gym this morning I was taking a run those like oh I need to mention that I need to mention that it might not mix I want to say that's everything I have like a little mental list of things I need to bring up to you guys and now I can't remember everything because that's my life that is everything I believe if I forget anything I'll put little notes here and there and everywhere you guys know how I do so the next color that I'm going to be dyeing my hair is let me give it 7rr in cherry I am excited / nervous - like I'm both parts excited and nervous to try this color I'm going to be doing it with a 38 developer I am I'm sure I'm going to try it Friday or if I'm going to try it next Tuesday we shall see I think I'm gonna kind of get a feel for how my hair feels in the next few days like if it feels like it could take a die then maybe I will we'll see them if you have any further questions comment down below and I'll do my best to answer them remember I'm not a professional these are just things that I have read and watched online kind of figured out for myself um if I made any mistakes throughout this video like if I gave you guys incorrect information let me know as well down below in the comment section so we can make it right I would hate to be giving out wrong information but yeah that's everything so I hope you guys are doing well and I hope you have a great week I'll catch you on the flip by
Channel: Ladee
Views: 53,324
Rating: 4.7995992 out of 5
Keywords: vitamin c, wash, treatment, faq, faqs, frequently asked questions, diy, shampoo, lightening, bleach, hair, head, ginger, red, redhead, update, question, questions
Id: NuiDg9HMpwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2018
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