Vitaly Bulgarov Subdiv Modeling Style #1 | 3DS Max

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hello in this video i'll be analyzing the hotel about guerra's modeling style and it actually has several one is subdivision another one is non-division using either booleans or nurbs in this video we'll be covering the subdivision aspect so in the description i'll link to this page right here and basically on his website we'll tell about he's got several kit bash sets for sale but before you purchase you can actually try out this free part completely free and pretty much you can try it out see how it's like see how it will fit in your workflow see the celebration is lacking topology and things like that you can see what's like before subdivision and after subdivision and with some sort of materials applied as well so i'll be showing you how you can really easily do this and how you can make manga's kind of parts as easy as breathing basically so you can make something like this within a few minutes very easily so let's get started i'll just hide this so there are certain ways we can do this so we can start we can always of course start with a basic plane and i'm going to center it and just kind of move it up a little bit we can start with this if you're importing something from zbrush you can actually start by bringing a topology on top of that for example let's say we got some sort of scope here so i'm going to go ahead and just move this out real quick and i'm just going to use some quick let's say sculpting operations so let's say you get kind of a messy scold from a zbrush or somewhere else all right what i can do here is go into free form changes from grid to surface pick this as a surface and then on the poly draw you can actually activate new object we can begin building our new object right here let's actually use step build for that there we go i'm going to actually increase the offset so it's actually further on the surface so now if you hold down ctrl shift alt and left click it will be moving the vertices on the surface with the new offset so that way it's kind of a little bit more visible we can switch to extend and begin to extend as well ctrl shift to extend the entire loop we can start using this right here as well all right so with the played method there's also multiple ways to start out so what i'm going to do is just rotate the vertices here press g turn off the grid so what we can do is kind of plan out our entire model let me just switch this to grayscale we can plan things out by just kind of doing a bunch of cut operations for what we want to happen here and how we want these shapes to interact basically we're going to plan things out like this all right and then we can pretty much just delete this and get started with this another way to use this method is that we can just maybe start with something basic like maybe making two cuts like this delete that and then we can simply extrude out additional parts moving rotating scaling to get the rest of it all right there we go so just different ways of getting this i'm going to start with this method so i'll just move these off to the side here all right so pretty much once we've got this this apology here is a little bit messy so i'm going to remove the extra vertices create a result using cut all right i'm going to begin to work out this apology while adding additional details i'm also going to apply symmetry as well i'm going to move this to the right so that symmetry works let's say like that all right and then what i'm going to do is to apply at a poly on top of symmetry so that we've established this right here and there we go pretty much after doing the initial cut what we can do is begin to establish additional topology i'm also going to ctrl a and just weld this and so right now it's all a single plane basically it's all got the same orientation so we can go ahead and begin selecting elements maybe rotating them a little bit just to break up the single plane that we've got here all right we can also begin doing that on an individual level as well so for example i can cut right here and then move this back so now we're getting a more interesting result right here i can also for example cut all right remove that vertex and then i can simply insert a loop through here i can begin moving you know this single polygon back which also begins to start establishing some really nice changes of the plane and just organize shapes happening here so you can either get all of these or to make things a little bit more interesting you can just get a single polygon here and that's going to start to create all sorts of results all right i'll do the same for these objects as well extra vertex so i am trying to establish kind of all quads here that'll just make it more easy to model this all right and we'll do the same for this as well so you kind of want to just use your imagination and just spot interesting directions this could take all right symmetry at a poly there we go so that's pretty much the first pass right here that's how we get our initial shape one of the methods all right now that we've got that it's time for us to begin adding additional details so pretty much what you would do when you're modeling is that you would go throughout your entire model whether it's a humanoid mech or some sort of armor or anything else vehicle and you would do this so before moving on you would do this blackout for everything here i just got this small piece but really if you're doing this for a project you would do this for everything before moving on to the next stage which is adding additional support loops all right now before we apply shell to give this thickness we need to first make sure that we're done with this stage and so there are things that are much easier to do when it's flat such as for example using bevel or extrude scaling and deleting to get some holes right here as well you can also for example cut and then delete all right once we've got this let me just clean this up a little bit here i'm going to move these to the left i'm going to apply symmetry and let me move this forward take a little bit more interesting shape right here all right there we go all right now we're ready to apply shell so there we go now we've got thickness and let me just select this and move this back as well all right shell and now thickness has been established so now what we're going to do is still apply the poly on top and we're simply going to insert loops i'm just going to very casually have fun because actually you can see i need to get this into quads as well what i can do to check for quads i can go into selection and then click on non quads as you can see something is happening here we got a vertex right here all right so now everything should be a quad there we go all right now i'll continue to add support loops and add various details we can also start to bridge various areas just to add some more interest so for example i may want to bridge this right here so i'm going to select this ring connect insert two segments through here and also insert a loop through here then what i can do is just like two polygons and bridge this there we go and so now i can for example insert a loop and then i can simply just select these polygons and extrude right here that gives another interesting detail i can double click just like this and activate edge constraints move this up select this and then move this like so which creates a nice little detail so it's all about working with the topology as opposed to working against a topology i think a lot of people have a bad impression of polygons and support loops because when you're trying to make a very complex curved part it can be very difficult to use support loops but in this situation you can kind of lean into the support loops and allow them to help you create details you want to work with them as opposed to fighting against them so now what i can do is just move this back a little bit always looking for interesting plane changes here and so now you can see with this modeling style you can just insert a bunch of loops because it kind of works with the modeling style you get this very kind of angular result with these nice little details all right so you can pretty much use swift loop and hold down ctrl left click to even out the loop so for example after getting this what i can do is just select these polygons and extrude them out and so now i've got an interesting detail happening around here very effortlessly i may want to for example reroute this topology really quick we are left with some triangles here but for now it's fine i'm just gonna connect that all right for example here i think this is a little bit too boring so what i can do is maybe just remove this select this edge edge constraints move it up select this one move it to the left and now a little bit more of an interesting detail you can select these edges and just kind of move this forward instead of the loop and now we have this so you can see how just i'm seeing parts that look a little bit too plain and just adding some quick detail to it all right we can very quickly just insert some loops and then simply extrude notice how here it's kind of gave me this effect because it's going to the back face so then i can go here and maybe just i'm going to turn on the by angle option just to select this because it's more difficult to see because of the object and then i can extrude this back a little bit as well that was going to prevent the clipping issue from happening i can select this like these polygons just scale them a little bit select this move a little bit we can also for this use set flow just to get this really quickly and insert two additional loops to sharpen things up and now very interesting results very quickly select these vertices edge constraints move it up here insert a loop move this folder back and insulin loop for sharpness and instant interesting detail let's try it on the bottom as well insert a loop and then move something insert a loop for sharpness that detail is not quite interesting so you always want to kind of be trying out different things the first thing you do may not be the best so we just want to keep trying things out here let's spend some time with this as well so right now it's looking kind of flat here so what we can do is maybe select this back part maybe just scale this and now it'll be a little bit more interesting okay usually what you can do is apply a poly on top of symmetry just to establish the seam on the other side and then simply continue select this extrude select this setflow loops and there we go interesting details insert loops select polygons extrude sud flow loops interesting detail so you can see in this situation i'm not fighting the topology or the support method i'm working with it to create all sorts of interesting results right here sometimes if the loop method is not working you can always of course manually cut as well and see how every time i want to add a new detail i'm going to apply added poly that way if i don't like it just delete the edit play modifier so what we can do here is just further extrude to pull this out and you've got this we can also do is before extruding you can insert a loop through here that's going to introduce another little detail here you can see how it's a little more detail because we now have this happening right here so it just makes things look a little bit more interesting so before you extrude try adding a support loop real quick an extra loop so in this situation the loops are not used just for sharpening things up they're also used to give us new things we can do so here we're kind of working with the topology working with support loops as opposed to trying to fight them we're allowing them pretty much help us to create detail and when you use them like that it becomes a lot more enjoyable a lot more effective at adding additional details sometimes you don't even need to extrude you can simply just move some polygons and get your string result that way as well definitely see some interesting shapes happening here let's say a few more loops to sharpen things up and there we go instant interesting detail you
Channel: Arrimus 3D
Views: 17,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, arrimus, vitaly, bulgarov, beginner, fast, easy, simple, how to, poly, model, modeling, 3d, 3ds, max, topology, mech, sci fi, science fiction, armor, robot
Id: enfzHSMtxk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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