Blender Bulgarov Style #2 | Blender #18

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hello welcome to another video on blender free for modeling let's take a look at another vital bulgaria special model right here so i think it's a good idea to have a whole series of more free-four models in blender because i think a lot of blender uses just over-rely on booleans and while i think booleans are great and i use them a lot i think it's also a good idea to have a handle and knowledge of this more free from type of modeling let's choose a more complex object this time let's choose this right here more complex but still very doable for beginners and remember i myself am awesome blender beginner so i'm choosing this symbol for myself as well so let's start with shift a mesh and we can start with cylinder this is way too complex let's go down here let me move this and so let's just give this for example 12 sides that is nice and manageable we're going to select it tab and we're going to rotate it in edit mode all right let's also move it all right so these are kind of pointed inwards i'm not recreating this exactly i just want to create the general feel of it these kind of four cylindrical objects all right now let's apply mirror all right let's apply another one let's actually activate the bisect flip option all right let's apply it once more so there we go now all you need to do is to just move it here and it's all going to follow so we've got two objects here this darker object and this object between so we need to decide right now which one will this be well i will have this be the outer object and let's create a space for the inner object right here so i'm going to select this inset extrude inset so now we need to create the inner object as well so you can press shift d to copy this right click to move out this render position and by default you can press p to separate it but i've set it to the hotkey of d separate by selection all right this is now a separate object right here and it's got the same modifiers already applied so i can just add solidify on top to give this thickness all right and let's move that we can actually move that above all right let's actually give different materials so we can visually see all right there we go so now we need to find a way to combine all these here so pretty much i'm going to insert a loop here there we go now i can select some polygons so let's say left click hold ctrl alright we're going to extrude those out but i'm going to shoot it using the blender's hidden extrude tool so pretty much i've got that set to one of my mouse buttons it's extrude context pretty much it extrudes in the original position if you're not using this what you can do is simply use the regular extrude but then right click so you extrude it but you kept it initial position which means i can move it however you want all right i'm going to do that once more and there we go let's ass of the vision surface on top of this and let's give it three and three in the render as well so here we go this all is connected vertically as well all right so whenever using this kind of modeling you don't want to worry too much about any kind of distortion here you want to work toward as opposed to trying to fight against it i'll select this ngon so i'm not too concerned about amgons right now so i'm just going to insert it here and let's have a little bit of an interesting effect coming out here and let's also scale because remember scale move rotate get interesting results interesting shapes all right let's spend a little bit of time on this object right here all right so you can see i'm trying to select things but nothing is happening that's because i've been fooled i've been bamboozled by the modifiers you see this little modifiers make me think there's something over here when the reality there isn't so we have to apply this but before we do that let's see what we've got here all right we've got this we can create a little bit of a hole right here so i can just inset it alright and x to delete all right and i can just insert a loop here all right now i can actually apply this we can now model on top of this so i can still hold alt left click here there we go next shoot out you can of course have fun adding little additional extrusions and bevels and things like that so for example looks like this ctrl b all right you can see at the bottom i can change the s i can press s to increase segments so there you go so you can just have fun adding for the detail here all right let's also apply to the vision on this as well i'm not too worried about creasing right now i'll just leave it like this for now all right you can see there's awesome things going on here as well so let's see we can do about that so for example i can insert additional loops through here and so what i would do is just let's say select this and i'm gonna go ahead and press n open up our tools here we're gonna go into edit and then loop tool so we're gonna use circle all right we're going to extrude and we're going to rotate that and maybe scale a little bit more here all right let's create a quick detail here by shift d right clicking and then p to detach i'm pressing d there we go that should be cylinder o2 all right let's also apply solidify let's get a different material as well let's apply this letter file remember we do not need to move all the way up in order to apply we can just apply it right now and so let me just hold shift and left click on this to deselect that we can inset right now once again you can add some little details here if you want all right let's just add some loops to sharpen this up you can right click in shades move do you see what it looks like all right looks a little bit boring here i think we need to add something in between here but the question is what i'll turn off shade smooth and go back to shade flat just because it's easier to read the geometry so what i'm going to do is just insert a loop through here and then i will just select these faces i'm going to right click and bridge faces and i'm going to delete these all right you can see look a little bit distorted here let's turn off the grid you can also just get in the way the floor all right so it made things a bit more interesting by having this gap once again don't worry too much about any kind of distortions we can fix those up and add something there later i think right now this part in the middle looks too flat we need to spice it up a little bit so let me just try doing a simple move operation and we'll see what that does okay let's try moving it up all right looking a little bit more interesting maybe we'll keep it maybe not let's do a little inset so sometimes just doing a simple move operation doing a basic inset can do wonders for just making things look more interesting i think at the top here it still be too flat for this we can either try moving it or we can try extruding all right sometimes you can achieve very interesting results very quickly so for example you can see right here we have an extrusion from this shape so pretty much of an extrusion from this what if on the outer side here we have an extrusion extrusion inwards so what if i just quickly insert two loops here and then what if i just selected some polygons here and actually just did a quick extrusion words so as you can see some simple things like that can really help to spice up your design very quickly now of course you have some distortion here but we're not going to worry about that at this point in time just have fun with the design and don't worry too much right now about distortion you can always learn how to fix those later on the best solution in this case would be to remodel this using more sides okay looking more interesting here but i think it's just too plain right here i think what we can do very simply is just to select these edges so i'm going to go hold down alt left click on this and just move this up a little bit i can see how it really makes look more interesting okay let's get a little bit messy here by doing cut operation all right then i'll just select these edges and just kind of move this out here all right as you can see really add some interesting additional little detail here this part is looking a little bit awkward how can we fix it well it's just a matter of seeing what we can do here we can always of course start by moving some things around here i think maybe moving these edges all right that's looking a little bit better okay sometimes as you're working here you will actually want to apply the mirror because it'll be difficult to kind of see what's on the other side so in those situations we're going to cop these two mirror modifiers and this one and we're going to apply let's see the first one there we go so now we actually have it established and so now we can more easily work with this right here and now i can know what the problem is how to fix this so i would just select this and then with snaps on i will just snap it right here and then it becomes one vertex because under two will have auto merge on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so as you can see objects like this are really easy to make but they can be really nice when you have a line of them for example let's say for example there's some sort of cyborg spinal detail if you have a number of these objects kind of lined up vertically and you can oppose them in the line it can be a very impressive piece and it's very easy to make just have fun and practice creating different types these kinds of objects start with the cylinder and then just kind of extrude it and see what you can make thank you for watching and take care you
Channel: Arrimus 3D
Views: 20,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, arrimus, 3d, blender, b3d, topology, design, detail, vitaly bulgarov, style, mech, hard surface
Id: qixigdkVn7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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