Visit Canada - 10 Things That SHOCK Tourists about Canada

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hey there fellow travelers mark here with Walters rule today we're in Vancouver British Columbia here in the west coast of Canada and today we have for you are the ten things that shocked tourists when they come here at a beautiful Canada and the thing is before I get started my top ten I want you know shocked number zero so that you should know Canada is not a frozen wasteland all year round I know a lot of people have this impression that it's polar bears and snow everywhere in Canada here in Vancouver it hardly ever snows okay and the rest of the country it's not snowing cold all year round look look look look look look shorts t-shirt okay so that's one thing I want to get out of the way before we even get started all right now let's get certainly electroshocks would you do come here the first thing that shocks tourists when they come here to Canada is how friendly and kind and helpful the Canadian people are I know you have all these jokes about everybody's their buddy buddy buddy but honestly I've come to Canada multiple multiple times actually the first foreign country I ever went zoo and if people since I was 8 years old till now have always been fantastic when I met Canadians and I travel another place around the world the people are super nice and you're shocked that man it's not a show they really are super friendly and super helpful and super nice and yes they do say sorry a lot but the thing is is they are super kind and that's one thing that shocks feels like wow they really are as nice as people say they are yes they are yes of course there's some jerks but there's jerks everywhere but in general you'll be shocked how nice and helpful they are so if you have any problems you don't know the direction you should go you don't know where you should eat which beer is the best beer to have make sure you ask a local they'll definitely help you out now the second thing that shocks to us when they come here is you know you have these nice people and actually get a nice service but the thing is the second shock is that the prices that those nice people tell you are never the end price that you actually pay look here in Canada you'll be shocked that there's sales tax and tipping when you come here so the price is never what you actually pay and the thing is the sales tax they have here in Canada is different by provinces ok so you might have what's called the the juicy GST okay goods and services tax five percent here in Vancouver if you're in Ontario you might see HST your harmonized sales tax and over on the east it could be you know 13 to team percent added on to your bill so you'll have your price you'll go to pay and then that'll be added on the end so so don't think that one loony thing you're buying is gonna be one loony you might have another five cents put on top of it okay so do have a heads up for that one that kind of shocks people another thing that shocks them is that when you go out to eat you do have to tip and just like other places like in the u.s. it's 15 to 20 percent that you tip on top of your food bill okay so just remember you have your money to pay always have at least another 15 percent just to be sure to cover those prices okay so that's one thing you should know but what's cool about it when you do shut when you do go out to eat here with friends they split the bill really easily shot me cuz my cheap friends can't pawn stuff off on me so that's really cool okay because it's already split up I'll do it that was yours so you have that now the third thing that shocks tourists when they come here to Canada is how huge Canada is I mean it's one of the largest countries by size in the entire world you know when you look at the map you're like it's huge like all that's just the maps doing the size now you may put around a globe the country is huge okay and so when you talk and I've talked to travelers that are coming here they're like I'm gonna fly in Toronto then I'll go over to Quebec City and then we'll go to the Vancouver I'm like let's see this a Lee huge I hope you're gonna fly look if you get a chance of your WestJet's really nice air canada I've always had a good time with them too nope no problem either one make sure you use those flights to go places because the drives are insanely long okay also that insanely long sometimes you see funny things like we drove from Prince Edward Island to Toronto so we didn't use our own advice but we stopped along the way and we noticed that the Moose signs as you got closer to Prince Edward Island Pei the Moose got bigger and bigger so I'm kind of scared for the Moose whatever they're eating in PEI must be must be pretty fortified okay but but honestly the country is huge and make sure you plan accordingly so maybe what you do is you plan regions like hey I'm gonna do the west coast let's do Vancouver and Victoria and stay around here maybe go over to Calgary yeah it's still kind of far but you know bands and stuff like that kind of put those together and then do like a Quebec City Montreal Ottawa Toronto trip focus on those areas because otherwise you're gonna be spending so much time in the car going places that kind of takes away from your trip now the fourth thing that shocks me when they come to Canada is how beautiful Canada is I mean the natural beauty of Canada whether you're going to Whistler are going to bath around here or the mountains just they are we're going out we'll watch you here in Vancouver or you're like well maybe I don't like the west coast oh then go to Pei and have the the red beaches there and go there and see the views from there in the islands there or we're gonna get Niagara Falls or go to the dozens and dozens of national parks and the provincial parks and all the beauty and beautiful nature that's around Canada because that's honestly for me the number one reason to come to Canada is the nature it is gorgeous so wherever you're gonna go make sure you pack a pair of hiking boots or a pair of hiking shoes so you can walk out and take a hike okay whether you're here in Vancouver or your trials live it's up but you can get to a provincial park relatively close to Toronto and check things out because that natural beauty here I mean you just sit there and take picture after picture after picture when I was going through the lakes and the little islands along the us-canada border I'm just like snap snap snap I'm like oh I don't like you take a picture the same kind of stuff because it is so beautiful now the fifth thing that shocks tourists when they come here is how much the Canadians really really love hockey I mean really love hockey I know we're passionate about sports in the US and they're passionate about sports and Europe and stuff like that but hockey isn't just a sport here it's a way of life okay it's the de facto ad for every single product sold if you watch TV you will find some channel that's talking about hockey and whether it's in season or out of season and you can watch games if you get a chance to go to a hockey game here in Canada and one of the big cities are going one of the more minor leagues check it out it's a fun thing to do but what's crazy for me is whenever I watch TV at I see commercials and stuff like that the typical commercial I see in Canada it's a mom picking up her kids or driving her kids off and hockey practice or she's talking to her friends at hockey practice that's how it is whether you're talk about medicine Tisch means one of the times I'd say it's always mama happy practice I mean that's how much it is a part of the culture here so you do come you're looking for a fun thing to take home with grab yourself a Canucks Hatter or give yourself a maple leaf Jersey or actually for me I think actually the the Winnipeg Jack's had the coolest hat but for me the Nordiques you're right there you may be gone but you're still right there okay just so you know hockey is really Canada that's gonna shock you and following on with that hockey kind of stereotype thing is the maple syrup type stereotype thing and that is the six thing is how much maple syrup really is in almost everything here and not everything but you'll be surprised how many maple syrup infused flavored put into cover in dishes and treats and snacks and mints and things they have here in Canada I mean it's all over the place my son loved the the maple mince I mean me I'm like maple syrup yeah I can put that on I'm sure I had one it was they called the french-canadian pizza and they put maple syrup on it too with bacon and stuff like that was really good but seriously the maple surf thing is next-level here so for a tourist get some maple syrup to take home you will appreciate it because oh my god it is so good up here but it really is a real thing like it's not just a joke it's shocking how much Mable circus of here in Canada now the southern thing that shocks tourists when they come here to Canada is France ace yes French yes if you're going into Quebec you need to know a little French okay now people speak English right no big deal but you'll see everything's in French there at least the the in the menus it's like French is this size font and then English is this size fun okay you will see that and the thing though is is though there is French and it is an official language of Canada the actual shocking part is once you get out of Quebec and like the province is right on Kovaks edges you actually don't hear French very much at all here in Vancouver I think the only people who hear heard speaking French are tourists from France and tourists from Quebec okay so a lot of people like in the US we're taught oh it's English and French and everyone speaks English and everybody speaks French like equally fluently it's not that way just in Quebec okay just to go back French all right outside that don't worry about it now the a thing that shocks to us when they come here to Canada and one thing I love about it is how safe you feel when you do come to Canada look the country's huge so there's times that you're alone I mean how many people have walked behind me on this beach in the city of three million people almost nobody okay wait I think there's one guy it went by you can have these empty spaces you can be alone or you can be in a city and you feel safe it's one of the best things about coming to Canada is this safety low crime rates all kind of stuff like that it's great and as a traveler travel with your kids and stuff like that there's an amazing feeling now having said that obviously there's certain parts of town like this parts of Vancouver you don't go to in Toronto you don't go to yeah but but in general just common traveler travel sense for safety you're gonna be fine and it's so great to relax and be able to put my bag over there in a film and stuff like that it's awesome I think the only safety things you need to worry about is maybe you know if you're gonna be going in the national parks and stuff like that you know the bears you don't feed the Bears don't feed the wildlife okay that's your probably most dangerous things okay cuz bears they like people a lot no no no no no you'll see t-shirts with it alright so just have a heads up for that one now the ninth thing that's gonna shock you to come here is that you're gonna make a best friend yes and your best friend his name is Tim Horton look if you're not sure Tim Hortons is a restaurant chain it's like a coffee shop it's like a dunk it's like Dunkin Donuts in a subway and a Starbucks kind of mixed together with a big dose of Canada like super nice people the donuts are really good okay and like the ten bits little tiny ones pick some of those up but you'll be shy tell how Tim Hortons becomes one of your friends because think about it Tim Horton is there when you need them right just like your friends are Arnie I need up some breakfast oh there's Tim Hortons across the street oh we're on a highway man I wish someone could give me a chance to take a break from driving oh there's Tim Hortons over there and you pull off and it's there and it gives you a chance to relax but also Tim Hortons is there what do you don't want them there with even your bad moves I need some coffee Tim Hortons is there for you in the morning I mean it's funny how they're all over the place okay and the thing is is the people are nice the food's good the doughnuts the best for me and it's all over the place so if you're a tourist and especially if you have to pay for breakfast at your hotel don't just go to the Tim Hortons believe me there's one down the street just go out your hotel take a right it'll be right there okay you'll see them and that's what's so shocking about like well you know until you come to Canada you don't realize how Tim Hortons and how a restaurant chain can become your friend all right and the tenth thing that shocks tourists when they come here to Canada are all the Canadian isms look all those fun things you're about sometimes it really does happen yes the maple syrup addiction in the hockey addiction yes I talked about that but yes their flag they're very proud of you coming around you love your country why shouldn't they the place is gorgeous and you'll see the flags flying and stuff like that when you have some of the treats beavertails oh my god it's like fried dough some cinnamon sugar on top it's amazing you're not Allah grants ummer anywhere if you can get them or for me the life-changing event of coming to Canada is having poutine which is french fries and cheese curds with gravy on top if you can get it with the pulled pork on there too oh my god life-changing yeah having some smoked meat yes yes have that salmon candy have that Coppa have those things out there they're mean is so good here with it's a sandwich or just eating it with your friends and stuff like that yes they do have the ketchup chips and yes they do have the milk in the bags like we were talking about there's so many great little Canadian things yes you'll hear them say sorry a lot like I talked about before an occasion you would hear them say hey you don't talk about a you will hear that a not as much you used to sadly but it still shows up and that's what's so cool about it you get to have this great time with a good spirit to go along with it so do have a great time when you are here in Canada I will not be shocked if you do because the people are nice you got some cool food you got some amazing nature and just let overall great time so if you like this video we really do appreciate your like subscription so click that like button click that subscribe button maybe share with your friends and let me know what are some of the things that shocked you about visiting Canada or other places around the world put it in the comments section below so we can know and if you do like travel videos like this you click that subscribe button we put out new travel videos every Wednesday and Saturday oh also we're on YouTube Facebook Twitter Instagram all those things at Walters world you'll find us no problem anyway I'll say bye from here in Vancouver and enjoy Canada because it really is an awesome place bye
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 796,455
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Keywords: travel, mark wolters, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, Canada, Vancouver, what's in canada, canadian culture
Id: XPheuAhBWMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 15 2018
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