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[Music] do you like forested areas full of streams and ponds overheat easily and enjoy cold temperatures well then you're probably a moose in which case how'd you get on youtube ah forget it the real question is why haven't you moved to canada cause it's such a big country i don't know where to go well unless you actually are a moose you probably want to stick with 85 percent of all canadians and live within a hundred miles of the us border because although canada is the second largest country and full of beautiful diverse landscapes a lot of that land gets so cold that you'll end up looking like this guy if you spend five seconds outside i guess it makes sense the canadian pop sensation the weekend can't feel his face but for the 93 of canadians who love their home the excellent education system high quality of life and incredible cities more than make up for it speaking of which let's hit 5 000 likes for a video on the 10 best cities in canada but before you put on your sweater other sweater jackets second jacket hat mittens two pairs of pants and enough socks to cut after circulation and move here or if you already live in canada and are looking for a new home these are all 10 canadian provinces ranked from worst to best based on their economy safety cost of living education and quality of life number ten actually we're going to start off with a quick honorable mention the territories sure they aren't provinces and only have a combined population of around 125 000 but if you're looking to rake in the cash they have a lot of good paying jobs northwest territories is actually home to the highest median household income at 154 000 canadian dollars and the yukon isn't looking too shabby either at 129 000. not to mention a 5.2 unemployment rate but wait 5.2 percent is so high compared to the us actually mr moose canada measures their real unemployment rate which by the same metrics would have the u.s unemployment rate at 8.8 percent so 5.2 is pretty remarkable but then again the cost of living is also much higher here as everything needs to be shipped long distances and heating bills are through the roof truth be told for most people no amount of money is enough to live in the cold and desolate territories where negative 40 is common and the population centers are thousands of kilometers apart and if that somehow sounds appealing keep in mind the crime rates in nunavut and northwest territories are more than 5 times the national average actual number 10 manitoba nearly twice as many people move out of manitoba than in and who can blame them it's the second most dangerous province has the second lowest life expectancy the worst schools in the nation and although it's home to the lowest unemployment rate of any province at only 5.7 percent there are also very few good paying jobs so even with a median home value of just 313 grand manitoba still has the third highest poverty rate at 11.5 percent and if all that isn't enough of a deterrent did i mention it's the least happy province or that it gets frigid cold in fact winnipeg is the coldest major city in north america with most winter days reaching negative 30 degrees celsius with the wind chill and if you thought the summers would be any better think again there are over a hundred ten thousand lakes in manitoba which means it gets incredibly humid and you know who loves lakes and humidity mosquitoes heck there are so many here that a town literally named itself mosquito and ukrainian now honestly no province in canada is a bad place to live and manitoba still has a really high quality of life it's just that everything the province has to offer another province does better well except for polar bears because churchill is the polar bear capital of the world number nine newfoundland and labrador the small town lifestyle of newfoundland and labrador is ranked as the fourth most satisfying in canada despite also being home to very little sunshine and terrible weather no like literally st john's is routinely ranked as having the worst weather of any canadian city but speaking of st john's it's likely the most picturesque charming and unique city in the country and it's a good thing the buildings are so bright and colorful because the lifter spirits on even the stormiest day and if they don't lift your spirits then george street definitely will because it has the highest concentration of bars and pubs of any street in north america and if that still doesn't lift your spirits then the people definitely will as newfoundlanders might actually be the friendliest canadians and if that still doesn't lift your spirits well then you probably suffer from seasonal depression in which case don't move here because from the fog terrain to sheer isolation and 322 centimeters of annual snow newfoundland isn't for the faint of heart but if you don't mind having a vitamin d deficiency and are just looking for a beautiful place to raise a family newfoundland and labrador is the fourth safest province the schools are great and while the unemployment rate is the highest in the nation at 12.1 percent the median home value is also the fourth lowest at just 315 grand number eight prince edward island prince edward island may be the smallest province by both population and area but what it lacks in size it makes up for in potatoes yeah while pei is just 0.1 of canada's total land mass it produces 2.5 billion pounds of spuds annually or around 25 percent of the country's total yield and with only 160 000 full-time residents humans are certainly outnumbered by the root vegetable well at least until summer rolls around and all the tourists hightail it to the island to indulge in delicious seafood explore the charming countryside and dip their toes in the warmest ocean water north of the carolinas speaking of which fishing tourism and agriculture are pretty much the only industries in the province resulting in the second highest unemployment rate at 10.6 and the second lowest median household income of only 89 000 and since many people from the more expensive big cities have been moving here for the laid-back lifestyle as they can now work remotely home values have shot up by a staggering 33.6 over the past year to 370 grand this has made pei unaffordable for many locals but can you really blame anyone for wanting to live here i mean it's the third safest province offers the highest overall life satisfaction rate and is home to so many beautiful beaches number seven new brunswick just the quick 48.50 toll ride across the outrageously expensive confederation bridge brings us to our next province which is often the most overlooked no funswick i mean new brunswick but while many canadians think of new brunswick as the absolute worst the statistics say otherwise sure there are no vibrant big cities and the economy is lacking with the lowest minimum wage and median household income at just 86 500 but have you seen this coastline not to mention the median home value is the lowest in canada at only 252 grand so even with the low salaries and high taxes the poverty rate is still just 9.4 percent which is the third lowest of any province and despite its nickname there are actually some really cool places in no funswick the capital frederickton has a great art scene and tons of greenery st john is incredibly picturesque with historic buildings and so much beautiful nearby nature not to mention the up and coming uptown area and moncton's got the best jobs restaurants and nightlife of the three main cities as well as the most francophones which reminds me you should probably learn french if you plan on moving here because it's the only official bilingual province number six saskatchewan sure saskatchewan gets really cold with temperatures often dropping to negative 40 celsius but would you rather be warm or rich saskatchewanians apparently pick the latter because despite the frigid environment and boring landscape they have the second highest life satisfaction rate of any province and i'm guessing that has something to do with them also having the second highest median household income at a hundred two thousand dollars in addition to the second lowest median home value of just 288 000 or maybe it's because even if it is cold for half the year saskatchewan is still the sunniest province speaking of which those clear skies also make it one of the best places to see the northern lights but while regina and saskatoon are both great small cities with growing economies and a ton to do the rest of the province is really struggling prince albert for example has a poverty rate nearing 25 which has led to being one of the most dangerous cities in canada and north battleford's crime rate is 495 above the national average this has led to saskatchewan being the most dangerous province with an overall crime rate 91 above the national average but hey at least the people are nice when they aren't trying to rob you number five nova scotia the second smallest province by total area might just be the most beautiful from stunning beaches forests lakes and rivers to charming villages like lunenburg wolfville chetta camp and bedeck to the freaking cabot trail in cape breton island nova scotia does not waste any space basically if you want to live a quiet life among beautiful scenery look no further and if you want to live a less quiet life among beautiful scenery well also look no further because halifax is one of the best cities in canada with a diverse and booming economy and since the market's still undersaturated in most industries it's also a great place to start a business sure wages still have some catching up to do as nova scotia's median household income is just 90 000 but as the population continues to grow so should the salaries and the cost of living still isn't too expensive with a median home value of just 351 grand which is more than worth it especially when you consider there's literally no crime and the schools are among the best in the nation and unlike some canadian provinces newfoundland in saskatchewan in manitoba okay i gotta stop coffee people are gonna think i have coveted nova scotia actually has pretty mild weather well by canadian standards at least number four british columbia i'm sorry nova scotia but with places like vancouver island the okanagan valley and kootenai and yoho national parks british columbia is by far the most beautiful and diverse province and it was never even close but if you thought bc stood for british columbia it actually stands for bring cash because boy are you gonna need it with a median home value of 891 000 which is actually the highest in the nation the economy is also incredible however with the highest gdp growth of any province and tons of good paying jobs in literally every industry which has resulted in the third lowest unemployment rate as well as the fourth highest median household income at 96 grand so the stress of money can't be that bad considering british columbia also has the second highest life expectancy at 82.4 years and who wouldn't want to live as long as possible to savor these views and if you're not the outdoorsy type there's still plenty here for you because vancouver is a gorgeous bustling multicultural city and victoria is one of the most charming places in the country not to mention they're also home to the most mild climates in canada number three ontario whether you want to live in a big city small city beach town or even the countryside ontario has it all of course there's toronto which manages to be an incredibly safe and clean city despite its massiveness not to mention it's the most multicultural city in the world but there's also so much more to canada's most populated province from beautiful shorelines across four great lakes to the niagara falls region to we met canyon and thousand islands national park the second largest province by total area has no shortage of beautiful scenery quaint towns or places to live that hashtag cottage core life and if you're only in it for the money well ontario is the economic juggernaut of canada accounting for nearly 40 of the national gdp so you shouldn't have much difficulty finding a good job is the median household income of a hundred thousand three hundred dollars is the third highest in the nation and those jobs aren't just in toronto in fact ottawa actually has even higher salaries is much cheaper and while you might think it's boring cause government it's actually a pretty hip city and a wonderful place to raise a family speaking of which if you've got kids ontario is the second safest province and has the second best schooling system honestly if it wasn't so expensive with a median home value of 835 grand ontario probably would have been number one number two alberta you've likely seen images of alberta gracing covers of magazines and travel inspo social media alike but besides the majestic mountains and lakes of bamf and jasper alberta also offers an incredibly high quality of life mainly thanks to the oil that abounds in the region which has helped the province achieve by far the highest median household income at over 113 grand as well as the fourth lowest unemployment rate at just seven percent yet despite those high paychecks the cost of living still isn't unreasonable with a median home value of only 426 grand yeah that's less than half the cost of a house in british columbia add in the fact that it's the most tax friendly province and it's no wonder the poverty rate is the lowest in the country at just 8.2 percent it is a surprise how the public schools are also the best in canada despite those low taxes however but either way there just isn't much wrong with alberta the only things keeping it from number one are the crime rate that's 46 above the national average and the province's heavy dependence on oil for the high incomes because sure things are great now but as oil prices are very cyclical it's only a matter of time before the economy crashes now before we get to number one make sure you leave a like and subscribe and let me know what you think the best province in canada is but without further ado number one get back i guess it's true that bigger is better and that things do get better with time because canada's largest and most historic province is also the best quebec is by far the safest province has the second most diversified economy second lowest unemployment rate the highest average life expectancy and third highest life satisfaction rate and while the median household income of ninety four thousand dollars is only the fifth highest the cost of living is also incredibly affordable with a median home cost of just 449 grand and very cheap rents in montreal resulting in the second lowest poverty rate at just 8.7 percent and speaking of montreal the culture the food the history is it beautiful and there are also many other charming cities and towns in addition to gorgeous forests mountains lakes and beaches the only thing that should stop you from moving here is if you don't speak french in which case learn french cause quebec is the best province to live in for 2021
Channel: From Here to There
Views: 2,369,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canada, Top 10, provinces, moving to canada, best places to live in Canada, best countries in the world, where to live in Canada, best provinces in canada, living in canada, best states, canada pros and cons, worst states, best cities to live in, ontario, Rankings, best provinces, toronto, vancouver, british columbia, immigration, montreal, quebec, geography, calgary, alberta, worst cities, nova scotia, manitoba, ottawa, saskatchewan, newfoundland, new brunswick, pei, Travel, best places to live
Id: fWTbOEbUxhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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