Why Canadians Hate American Tourists

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hey there fellow Travelers Mark here with Walters world and today we're back in the great white north of Canada and today we're going to talk about are some of the things that tours do when they come to Canada that kind of upset the locals because we all want to be great Travelers we don't want to be that ugly tourist that does stupid things it upsets the local when we don't realize we do something wrong and so I want to give you some of the kind of typical things that tourists do that upset the Canadians and I think the first thing and if you look online people say oh call them Americans that's going to upset them the most well it's not necessarily calling them Americans that upsets them it's more not noticing or acknowledging or appreciating True Canadian culture and how Canada is really its own distinct country its own distinct culture with its own people it's not just the politics and maple syrup and hockey no no there's so much more that makes Canada Canada their Melting Pot is very different than the Melting Pot of the U.S or other places around the world and not appreciating the differences of Canadian culture is really what hurts them so that's the first thing it's just not appreciating the Canadian difference that's out there but yeah the second thing that'll really piss him off if you tell them they're Americans or you're in the 51st state yeah that will still get them but just want to give you kind of the background on that one okay now the next thing that might upset the locals when you're here is if you try to imitate a Canadian accent you know do you want to say sorry sorry I said something sorry or you want to sound like you're you know Bob and Doug McKenzie from back in the day right some Strange Brew here's my two can I go let's go get a 2-4 look don't don't imitate the accent no one appreciates that no matter where you are in the world people don't appreciate when you mock their accents or mock their vocabulary and this is no different here in Canada so as much you want to say a to a thing or sorry I mean you could say sorry I'll talk about that later but but just in general mocking the accent and stuff that might put people on the on the wrong foot with you okay now another thing that's a really touchy subject with Canadians that you might not know about if you're not from here is that's if you kind of bring up the fact that Tim Hortons just hasn't been the same since it changed ownership I mean Timmy's Tim Hortons is like it's a thing here in Canada it was like the place you went to get your coffee and your Timbits your your little donut holes it was just like a truly culturally Canadian thing it was something we were proud of and then it kind of changed ownership and now it's I mean it's still better than Starbucks I think and and it's a very touchy subject for people in Canada so just be aware that if you bring up Tim Hortons we make jokes about it they'll probably bring up the fact that Timmy's it's not what it used to be now another thing is it doesn't matter if you're a temmies or you're anywhere I don't think it's gonna upset the locals is if you line jump or cue jump look here in Canada lion culture is a thing I mean I was at the Montreal train station a few days ago waiting to get my train the line to get on the train no joke single file line with the entire length of the hall the great hall and then around the hallway as well and everybody was very nice and waited their turn and everything and wine culture is very much a thing here and if you jump the line oh people are going to be upset with you they might say sorry and get your attention but yeah that's something you don't do here okay and I know I keep saying sorry and things like that but I think sorry is another thing that will upset the locals if you don't say you're sorry because Canadians are actually very nice people and they're very polite so yes they do use sorry a lot and they do say excuse me a lot and all kinds of stuff but yes sorry is the thing so if someone tells you sorry it's okay to say sorry back if you bump into somebody sorry is an answer if you accidentally order wrong or you want something else oh sorry could I get some more ketchup sorry is a word you need to use when you're here so don't forget your manners because nobody wants a mannerless tourist and speaking of a mannerless tourist another thing that might upset the locals is if you don't tip your waders look a lot of people we have so many comments on our videos about tipping in the U.S people get so upset about it but you know what here in Canada they tip as well you tip between 15 and 20 percent and the thing is when you tip with credit card they're pretty slick they'll give you an option with the machine 18 20 or 22 percent but tipping is a thing here in Canada they do it you need to do it too it doesn't matter if in your home country we don't tip or I don't believe in tipping tipping is wrong it doesn't matter that's how people make a living here in Canada here in Toronto it's not cheap you need those tips to survive okay so don't be a jerk cheap tourist pay the tips tip your waiters now the fact that I'm filming this in front of a Toronto sign and from the Toronto City Hall might have said some other Canadians that are watching this and I gotta tell you if you think Toronto is the end-all be-all of Canada like the only thing that matters in Canada the only place you've been in Canada and you think oh Toronto is everything Canada oh that's going to set some people off because I'll be honest with you Canada is so varied I mean remember it is an entire continent wide okay and if you're in PEI you're up in Nova Scotia Atlantic provinces if you're in Quebec if you're here in Toronto if you're going out to Saskatchewan you're going to BC I mean it's so different everywhere you go and if you think it's just this big city represents everything Canada that's going to upset people that aren't from Toronto now the Toronto people be like well yes of course Toronto is the best but but honestly that's something that's not going to go over well especially if you're in Montreal okay so just go Canada's got some great variety that you should enjoy now another thing that tourists around the world might do if you want to kind of poke fun at your Canadian friends and get them riled up a bit is just tell them that people don't treat them better because they have a Canadian flag patch on their backpack they'll be a backpack around the world you'll see people that put their Canadian flag on their backpack and they say oh people treat us better because we have Canadian flags in our backpack well you tell them no they don't they don't treat you better because you have a Canadian flag on your backpack they treat you better because you're nice people and nice tourists and that's one thing you got to get across if you're a nice tourist anywhere people will treat you better and Canadians are really nice so when they travel people like them it has absolutely nothing to do with a flag on the back of a backpack now another thing that might annoy the locals or at least give an eye roll from them is if you complain about the cold look it's Canada we're in the northern hemisphere in the northern part of the northern hemisphere it's normal for it to be cold I'm here in the fall and yes I have my winter jacket on I've got my took in my hat in my bag so I can put it on when I go away big because it's chilly okay it gets cold here it's a fact of life deal with it bring it took bring an extra sweatshirt bring some long underwear you'll be fine okay now another thing that kind of sets people off and this is one of more of the one of the cross-border things with the U.S is if you get into any discussion about health care that's kind of a touchy subject between Americans and Canadians so I would just avoid that subject completely to avoid any kind of kerfuffles okay and then I think what I want to kind of end with is really something that if you do these there might not be ever coming back like your friendship with your Canadian friends might not come back but you might not be allowed to come back to Canada if you bring up these things and that's if I gotta be careful if you rip on poutine hockey or the local beer oh my God the locals will hate you forever because if you want to see pride in Canada yes I know they love their flag they love their people they love everything but there's certain things Quebec that poutine that is something that every Canadian loves doesn't matter if you're in Vancouver or Pei poutine's everywhere and they love it so don't diss it you don't know what that is it's french fries with cheese curds on top and gravy it's Heaven on a plate okay that's one thing two hockey it is the national Pastime heck it's the national religion when you come here and if you don't like hockey don't tell people you don't think hockey's fun don't tell people leave it alone don't rip on hockey and God forbid if you rip Canadian beer especially from the U.S that will not go over well because the beer here is really good and the locals want to make sure it stays good so you'll notice that there's lots of local breweries everywhere throughout the country and the beers pretty much always good okay so don't be ripping on any of those things otherwise you could have some problems with the locals so I hope this helps you know some things you shouldn't do if you don't want to upset your Canadian friends when you're here if you want to be a good tourist when you're here what are some other things that upset Canadians when tourists come to Canada please let us know in the comments section below just so we can have more things so people know so they can be better tourists when they come here whether we're here in Toronto or in Quebec or Vancouver or wherever also um I'm sure someone will comment down below be American look I'm an American and everyone has been super nice to me here because again if you're a nice tourist people treat you nice everywhere and the Canadians can teach us that for traveling around the world anyway I'll say bye from here in Toronto
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 22,397
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Keywords: travel, europe, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, Walters World
Id: 8dcgivHK-hM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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