Are The US & Canada Even Different?

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hey there fellow Travelers Mark here with Walter world and today we're in Vancouver British Columbia having a great time here on the West Coast of Canada and the today we're going to talk about are some of the differences between the US and Canada because for I know for a lot of Travelers and tourists they think ah what's the difference between Canada the US there's so many things that are similar and we actually have a video that goes over things that the US and Canada do the same but we're not going to focus on that here today we're going to talk about are the differences between the US and Canada that Travelers should know before they come here so they can have a great time if they're going to Canada the us or they're Crossing back in borders in Niagara and things like that all right now I'll get the basic stuff out of the way first before we get into like the the fun differences okay first things first let's talk about you know things like kilometers versus miles okay in the US they use miles here in Canada they use kilometers you know so it's the metric system versus the imperial system for those you don't know about 150 kilm would be about 100 miles so when you're traveling so when you look at the street signs okay the speed limit signs you cross the border it'll go kilometers per hour in Canada oh 100 m 100 km per hour on the highway and then you get in the US it's you know 65 M hour another thing is when you're getting gas you're buying products in the US we use gallons okay so and versus liters in in Canada and so if you're wondering a gallon is 3.75 lers so when you're getting gas you might think is how did how is my tank only held 16 lers oh no that's 16 gallons okay so it's a lot more on that another difference is here in Canada they use celsius in the US they use Fahrenheit and so it's kind of funny cuz I think this kind of goes into the the Perpetual stereotype that Canada's always cold I mean it's not always cold people just so you know it's not a winter Wasteland here in Canada all the time all right now when you look at the Celsius versus Fahrenheit for example it's a beautiful day today it's in the 20s in Celsius you tell American it's in the 20s they're thinking it's below freezing and I'm going to die all right so it's funny when you talk to Canadian they'll say oh oh it's a beautiful 20° day today and and our stereotypes of Canada huh if it's all polar bears and snow I guess 20 degrees Fahrenheit would be warm no so it's Celsius versus Fahrenheit here other differences you know in the US there's a president that runs the country here in Canada there's a prime minister that runs the country there's 50 US states there's 10 provinces and three territories here in Canada those kind of things now that's how I want to start just those are the basic things all right now let's get into more of the fun things let's go back to that gallon versus liter thing and it has to deal with the milk how you get your milk in the US versus Canada is slightly different okay in the US you get a gallon jug of milk 3.75 lers of milk now I know I I I've seen people from all over the world come and they see these big milk jugs in the US fridges they're like how would you ever drink that much milk in your life well we do and that's how we buy it in big old gallons okay and Canada you buy it in a liter bag you now I've seen people that they they buy the milk in a liter bag they like ha what do I do cuz if I cut the bag and and I put it down it'll just all leak out look if you're coming here and you're buying milk in a bag there's a jug and you put the bag in The Jug and then you snip the corner off it and pour it out very simple but that is one of the things that kind of throws people off the first time especially if you're getting like an Airbnb or VRBO or whatever when you come into Canada you might find this weird looking jug well what's this for that that's for your milk bag okay so that's the difference there next thing I want to talk about is the money look both in Canada and the US they use the dollar but it's Canadian dollar and US dollar um in the US you have the monochromatic green back you know the green dollar whereas here in Canada you have a multicolor plastic based you know Canadian dollar I find prices honestly are about the same neither place is more expensive less expensive I mean yeah housing's different okay but but in general I find coming to Canada it's like traveling in the US for prices so not too not too expensive either way but one thing I do find sad about the differences in the currencies here in Canada you can't wish on a lucky penny because they don't have pennies in Canada they got rid of them so when you're going around in the US you'll see Pennies on the ground because people like man I I don't need that but no you pick it up for good luck all right and you make a wish with it and throw it in the wishing well and things like that here in Canada the coins are actually worth something right the the the Looney the one the the $1 coin and the tuny the $2 coin are worth something worse than the US man our change isn't really worth too much so that is one difference pay attention to your coins in Canada the US yeah it's just a bunch of change in your pocket now the fourth difference I want to talk about are the people look both in the US and Canada the people are fantastic friendly healthful kind nice you can have a great time however I do find the Canadians in general to be a bit nicer and a bit more helpful than Americans but both of them you'll have a great time with it's no big deal in terms of things you should know about the people if you get invited Ed to somebody's house in Canada take your dang shoes off okay now in the US it's hit Miss if you're like in the North like Minnesota and stuff you take your shoes off most of the time if you're in the South you don't take your shoes off in general I mean for example my best friend who I travel with he's been with me you know we've been doing trips together for years now I've known him for years I have never once never once have I seen him take his shoes off in my house I take him off all the time but he never does okay and that's one thing that is different feel free to wear your shoes in the US and uh and in the Canada man make sure you take those off all right uh some other differences the people you know I know a lot of people make fun of the Canadian accent and people make fun of like a Boston accent in the US and things like that the accents the the the strength of the Accents in the US and Canada both have come down a lot over the years as as the country has been mixing up more uh so you know don't be surprised if you don't hear Too Many A's or a boots or boots and stuff like that you're not going to hear that so often occasionally you will like buddy you'll hear buddy a lot more here in Canada like you you'll be everybody's buddy at least once when you're here in the US they say like a lot like you know what I'm talking about like you know what I mean you hear that in the US so like the our our key word difference buddy in Canada like in the US all right and there are some words that are different I mean nothing really too big you know the the in the US we say well we got to go to the bathroom in Canada you say I got to go to the washroom but in general you're not going to have any difficulties with English in either country because it's it's not like England versus you know Highland Scotland differences in English it's pretty much all the same here so you'll be okay with that there's a few spelling differences but but nothing too big the fifth difference I have for you has to deal with pedestrians yes I'm I know those are still people but I want to move into a specific type of person in the US in Canada and that is the pedestrians here in Canada pedestrians have the right away they know they have the right away the cars know they have the rideway that the pedestrians do the buses know that the pedestrians have the rideway and they'll get in trouble if anything happens to those pedestrians so the pedestrians are like screw you I'm walking across bus and they stop no problem no Hawks no one yells stuff like that well not not all the time okay but in the US you might have a green light there might not be any cars coming and you have the walk sign going for you man you still look both ways the entire time and you run across as fast as you can because in the US it doesn't matter it seems like if the pedestrians have the right away or not it's kind of dangerous crossing the street okay so do pay attention when you're cross the street in the US I mean pay attention anywhere but it's a little bit more L Fair here in Canada with cross the street than the US where it's like take your life into your own hands sometimes now the sixth difference I have for you has to deal with service now both countries have very good service both countries have tipping and both countries have tax added on okay when you buy stuff but in terms of service the biggest difference that I found between service in the US and service in Canada is how you pay your bill when you go out with friends all right now here in Canada my buddy and I are are traveling around and we're getting our bills and they come automatically okay here's your bill here's your bill you know we can swipe it differently they have the credit card thing it's already separated I can tip my part he can CH his tip his part it's no problem and they're totally cool with that in the US if you ask for them to split the bill they're like oh man math I can't do math oh no there's no way we can split the bill I'm like we have technology that will send us to the moon and Pluto and you can't figure out how to split a $10 tip between two people two credit cards it's quite frustrating okay so that's why Canada's awesome and I think that's one of the reasons why Canadians stay friends and are so friendly because think about it in the US when you have to split a bill with friends you're like who ate that who ate this and you always have that cheap skate friend that ate like three4 of the food but said oh I only had water those kind of people oh they get away with that stuff in the US and they don't they're not your friends anymore we're in Canada oh no no we can call you out look I'm paying for my stuff that was your stuff and they pay cuz and get separated and I think that's kind of one of the reasons why these Canadians are so much nicer because they've been able to keep their friendship because cheap you know what friends don't cause problems all right so that is one thing I do like now the S thing I want to talk about in terms of differences is maple syrup and our perception of maple syrup in the US maple syrup Is Awesome on pancakes waffles and french toast that's it in Canada mapel syrup is a way of life I had Pizza that had maple syrup on it the other day I'm not kidding with you they put maple syrup on that pizza now it's not normally how you would make pizza it was a special pizza but still it got me thinking what are all the ways they use maple syrup around here in Canada your mint might be maple syrup flavored okay we had candy there salmon candy flavored the sweetness was maple syrup you're going to see it a lot of places you're going to be able to buy it all over the place and it is fantastic and you should buy it when you are here CU oh my God it's so good but the thing is in the US and we choke about oh maple syrup in Canada haaha but really it is a big deal here whereas the US yeah I have all my pancakes and I move on okay now the eighth difference between the US and Canada comes down to our relationship between hockey and football okay now in Canada hockey is a religion and football is a fun sport that people watch and play in the US football is a religion and hockey is a sport that people like to watch and play totally different I mean hockey not in Canada is huge Monday Night Football in America is huge fantasy football people are talking about football in the US all year round here in Canada they talk about hockey all year round so you have these differences so we each have our passionate Sport and we like the other Sport and vice versa okay now the N thing I had to talk to you about are the differences between two of the most iconic brands for each of these countries the difference between Tim Horton here in Canada and Starbucks in the US now both of these are everywhere I mean we have jokes you'll see people with Starbucks there's a Starbucks across from a Starbucks that's down the corner from another Starbucks in the US when you're in Canada it will seem like there's a Tim hortens across from a Tim Hortons that down the street from another Tim Hortons that is one thing they're very similar at they're both everywhere however going in and experiencing a Starbucks versus a Tim Hortons is totally different I always say Tim Hortons is like your friend it's everywhere you want them to be they have what you need if I need need need some little you know we call them donnut holes but 10 bits or I want a nice donut or sandwich or something like that my friend's going to help me out he's got some coffee some drinks it's nice stuff nice place to sit down relax it's totally cool totally not pretentious awesome Starbucks yes they have snacks they have the coffees and stuff like that and they are everywhere but you don't have the same feel at a Starbucks as you have at a Tim Horton and what's cool is if you're going to be driving cuz man here in Canada the drives are really really long a lot of the gas station stops and stuff like that we'll have a Tim Horton's in there and you can chill out and relax there and not feel like I should have an iPad and iPhone and all this other stuff going at the same time like you kind of do with that feeling at a Starbucks so it is kind of different that way and the 10th little difference I have between the US and Canada actually comes down to the drinking age now the thing is is both countries will ask you for ID if you look young okay I know here in BC they have like warnings out there says if you look like you're under 30 we might ask you for two IDs not just one but two and the thing is in the US it's like if you look under 40 we're going to ask you for an ID so when they don't ask me for an ID I'm like man I'm not looking that old now you have that feeling but here in Canada the drinking age is 19 okay in the US the drinking age is 21 and they're both are pretty strict on keeping people that shouldn't be drinking and shouldn't be smoking and stuff like that they do keep those pretty strict so if you are under 21 in the US so you're under 19 in Canada and you're visiting don't try to get alcohol and stuff like that you will get in trouble and I don't want anybody get in trouble I want you have a great time here whether you're in Canada or the US they're both fantastic places they both have amazing nature to see great people amazing food all kinds of fun stuff to do
Channel: Wolters World
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Keywords: travel, europe, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, Walters World
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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