Virtualize Windows 11 on Proxmox!

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hi and welcome back today I'm going to cover off the installation of Windows 11 onto the proxmox environment now the reason I'm doing this is twofold one I want to have a test lab for my windows 11 installation because I'm going to be doing some future videos on Windows 11 functionality rather than completely mess around with my setup I'll then have a test element within my proxbox environment as a VM to to do all that video work and testing the second reason might be that you've never used Windows 11 before and you're Keen to try out the functionality before upgrading maybe your Windows 10 environment now I've been using Windows 11 for quite some time now on my personal device and I have no problems with it whatsoever I actually find the functionality a lot better than Windows 10 however there are some nuances around some things that have changed and some features they've removed that may annoy some users and I will cover them off at the end of this video so the good news is is that proximox 7 upwards supports Windows 11 perfectly if you're using an older version approximals it is still possible you'll just need to tweak around with some of your settings because it all contains around the tpm2 support but we'll cover off that in the video as we go along so yeah without further Ado let's get started okay so we're going to cover off this Windows 11 installation and it is really really straightforward so a couple of things we need to make sure that we've got first of all is the latest Windows 11 just makes life a bit easier and I've got 22 H2 there and also this virtio win drives now again I'll point you to a link in the description for both of these so once these are installed all we need to do is right click create VM we'll call it let's just call it wind 11. we know what that's for I'm going to leave Advanced ticked for this purpose or select the image we're going to use and we'll change this to Microsoft Windows and you'll see it's already picked up 11 20 22. now if it doesn't and it picks up these it might mean your products box is not up to date and it might be worth doing that at this point we move into system I'm going to change the system to I-44 zero effects add my EFI storage as my local device make sure that TPM is ticked you'll see it's already two I'll again change that to local so I'm just selecting a local disk and I will set that to the iOS security now it comes into here I will make this avert IO block and I will set this to 80 gig just to give myself a bit more and then we can move on call Wise worth at least having four and memory wise I would strongly suggest that you have around eight gig so we'll put that in now when it comes to the network I would strongly suggest at the very beginning even if you've got a 10 gigabit Network to build it as E1000 now the reason for that is is so that it picks up as part of the installation because Windows 11 is highly reliant on the internet however if you're going to build a local one you can select no internet and no network device and sort that out later but for this point in time that's what I'm going to do and again get to the end and click confirm and that will build the VM now what I'm going to do before we start that up is add a CD-ROM drive pick my storage as local and then again the vert IO and click add now we need that for some of the uh drivers as part of this installation now the Keen thing to note is here that it generally asks you to press any key apart the boot up so I always as I start the VM hover my finger over the enter key to be ready so when it comes up I just hit enter very quickly any key will do generally but yeah there we go and this part takes a bit of time so don't be too alarmed if it sits there for some time before the whirling Circle appears okay and there we are and it's pulled in my information already so it knows I'm in United Kingdom now I've done that by selecting those options as part of my download which you can do click install now I don't have a product key now if you're going to use an OEM key never type one in there just click I don't have one you can do that later on and we'll go for Windows 11 Pro yeah we accept all of that Microsoft and then we're going to do a customized installation when we first load in you'll notice it can't find any drives this is perfectly normal what you need to do is go into load driver click browse go to the vert win CD right down the bottom here you'll see a Vio storage store not to be confused with Vio scuzzy it's very easily done go down to Windows 11. select AMD 64 and you'll see it's now find out that I O scuzzy controller and we can click next on that that will install the drivers which will enable our hard drive to be recognized so once that's done an allocated space and it will start to copy Windows and we'll just leave that to do its part and it should be fairly quick because to be honest you know you're talking to a virtualized device with you know fairly decent specs so it shouldn't take too long and I'm actually writing to an SSD so and we're now at the point we can restart we can just click restart now don't worry about too much on any of the little prompts that you get at the very top It's Perfectly Normal and what it will now do is load into the configuration part of windows 11. which does look very different to Windows 10. okay this is a setup that you guys that may be slightly used to albeit is now got that little bit of a Windows 11 Vibe or total Windows Event guide so we'll select our country region hopefully again it's pulled through my locality and again that keyboard layout uh done the second one not at all thank you very much we'll check for updates and it will pull those through at this point now it doesn't mean it'll pull through all updates but it's usually ones around the installation parts that are required now I won't do this if you've set it to no network and name your device so let's get this a nice 11v and we'll call it if you skip that for now it will obviously give it one of those wonderful desktop names that would be completely random and it will reboot foreign almost likely going to be that one unless of course you are doing this for work purposes it does give you this option to sign in so I could use my Microsoft account I think if you back out it doesn't yes it's one of those annoying things now this is the only way to get around making this local I think fully is to set your network however you might be able to select sign-in options now so I am going to have to use my bit and I think the easiest way to make the local account here is to basically use the no uh no network option and you will get a prompt on your Authenticator if you're going to use your Microsoft account which I have and that will log me in so it depends how you want to do if you want to use your Microsoft account select network if you don't select no network and again create a pin which I will do to make a nice simple one and then you get all these wonderful questions uh no I don't want you to do that don't want to do that because if I can't find you I've got a problem required only yeah all right no no and you can just skip all this as well if you want to do that you can do that I'm going to skip that okay next that's just going to enable my machine to back up to OneDrive which is might be quite useful if I'm if I'm wanting access to my OneDrive for my bit so that's that's probably a good reason to use your Microsoft account if you want that ability to easily well one way of easily moving files obviously with a remote desktop connection you can just move them and again it will check for some more updates and then it should boot straight in there's a few more steps we need to do as part of this process which is fine so we're all logged in ready to go a couple of things we will need to do is one to install those that I O drivers so easiest way is to go into device manager let's see what's missing we've certainly got a PCI device at the moment that's missing its driver and what we'll do is we'll be a bit cheeky we'll just do update driver and then we'll do close to my computer and we'll click browse and we will find that vet IO and just click OK and it should go away and find what it needs and that's just a balloon driver for memory so that's fine let's close that and now we can see all of our drivers are installed this is nice and useful we can also then go into here and we will go into that I O and we want to install the guest agent so we will install the 64-bit version foreign that if you go on to here and right click if you want to rename that you couldn't what what Windows have double Microsoft has decided to do is basically pull down this list to what they believe are the most commonly used ones so all the other parts sit under here now obviously I can't rename this because it's a read only but if I go into my local disk for example users mine and let's just say I find a picture there's no pictures in there let's find a it's a anything that we can use this or maybe let's just go into program files we're going to Here For example and I wanted to rename that I would have to go in and do it that way you can see there I do get the option then to rename but yeah we're kind of good to go at this point now if you want to activate a key so you've got a key from somewhere else because you'll notice if I go into settings at the moment that my device won't be activated so if I go into activation for example it says there isn't activated if I manage to get a key from somewhere all I need to do is basically follow this guide is do change product key put that product key in there click next and it will do the rest for me so that's fine anything like updates will work just the same I'll get that running the one thing I would say is to enable remote desktop settings so if I go in here so it's going to pull through some is to enable remote desktop so then you can RDP to it makes life a lot easier enable remote desktop and you'll see that Windows name is there I can also obviously use the um you know the IP address itself as well and I said I'll show you how to fix that um IP address issue what I'm going to do is just wait for those updates to go on so I'll just let those run in the background and then we'll pick that up so as you can see at the moment we've only got that uh running at 100 I don't want it to run 100 I want it to run at 10 gig so what we'll need to do is change some settings Within the installation itself to do that which will cover off any second now okay so now we're at the point that all these updates are installed what I'm going to do is change that setting for the network device so if I go into here I'm going to change that to from the e102 part virtualize now what it will probably mean is first time I boot up it may not work depending on if it pulls a driver through but we'll find out what happens so what we'll do is go back into the console and we'll do a reset now now bear in mind I have also I think it's already yeah it's already lost it which is fine actually we can probably fix that then while we're here so let's have a look if we can fix that before we reboot so what device manager are we we'll see if we can address this before we reboot which makes life a bit easier and again we can we can just cheat to do this so click next and hopefully it will go through and find what we want there we go installing drivers so you now see it's got that virtualized driver so without even rebooting I've managed to change that now if we look at the network settings now and I wish I could have find it in there we can now see 10 gig so yeah that's kind of done what we wanted and we can just do a reboot at this point and once we do a reboot we are good and it's going to take six minutes approximately so that's mainly because it's got the cumulative updates in it and that's the video primarily now you can obviously then just use RDP to connect so if you've used something like that you could install some kind of other remoting in software whatever you want or even I suppose configure SSH if you wanted to do that but yeah that's Windows 11 in itself all good to go hi and welcome back so today we've covered off the installation of Windows 11 Within proxbox we've also covered off some of the elements around windows 11 that may have changed and it may be slightly new to you but basically now we've got a test lab on our virtual machine that we can play around with to our hearts content and do what we like with so it doesn't matter if we break it because we can either back it up and then just restore it or we can take a snapshot at some point and then just restore that entity so yeah that's it's kind of there for your heart's content really so hopefully you've found this video informative if you have hit the like And subscribe buttons and please feel free to go away and watch some of the other videos as well see you next time
Channel: Express IT Tech Tips
Views: 7,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: proxmox, proxmox tutorial, proxmox ve 7.0, home server, proxmox getting started, windows 11, windows 11 on proxmox, virtio, virtio windows 11, proxmox best practices, create a windows vm in proxmox, tpm, tpm 2.0, tmp 2.0 enable, vm, virtual tpm, windows 11 tpm 2.0, virtualization, virtual machine, proxmox vm, homelab, home lab, open source, opensource, virtual tpm 2.0, virtualize windows 11, Virtualize Windows 11 with Proxmox, windows 11 virtual hardware, gpu, passthrough
Id: zbqKKb1Z0D8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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