Setup Remote Desktop from Anywhere & Change Secure RDP Port Access (Your PC over the Internet)

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hello everyone how are you doing this is helton's computer repair here with another video for you on this video i'm going to be showing you how to enable the remote desktop on your computer pretty much for it to work they can remote into it now it's not going to be just regular remoting into your network and let's say we're like and you're inside of the building and you want to remote into it no i'm actually going to be showing you how you can remote this outside the network anywhere you are depending on that i might actually go into a point where you could also can maybe later down the road show you how to set up on a specific website pretty much a redirect for it they can get to your remote desktop too there are other things also can be done by changing the ports from the 3389 default port from remote desktop to something more secure because most people would try on brute force going to the default generic 3389 for it and also stuff that you would recommend to have a good password for your computer also some stuff that you would recommend to not have any users that have no password or something very simple that can be crackable because it's not really hard for people to brute force into your computer enabling the remote desktop there are other stuff also depending if you have an enterprise protection you might need to enable those ports too but this is going to go straight through and if you have any problems just let me know but let's go ahead and jump right into this video now before we get into this if i haven't told you yet if you have a windows home windows 10 home pretty much you may not have this ability for it you probably need to have pro enterprise or education for this to work so your option is to pretty much upgrade it or to use a different route like using like real vnc to use that ability to remote into your computer but for this is go ahead and continue so first thing you just pretty much go ahead and go to explore when you go to explore you see this pc you can right click on it and you select properties of it and on the left side you have the video where it says remote settings go ahead and select it and right here i'm actually going to uncheck where it says remote assistance i don't need that and right here you can select allow remote connections to this computer i'm going to press apply if you have multiple users you can select which users have permission or whatever if they're joined in the group if you know that is you understand by default i already have this user so i'm going to go ahead and just leave this as is and press ok another option in case it's not being shown there you can pretty much go also to settings by going to start and settings and select system and then you'll see remote desktop and here it is enabled also so pretty much it's the same one or the other for it and it's pretty much set already so another thing that you need to do before we continue is i'm actually going to remote in to try and see if it works you need to have an add to not really an address a password for your computer for this to work now if you have a user that has no password or something very simple to be cracked i would really recommend to change it to something more secure so all we're going to do is go to this pretty much start go to settings you pretty much can just type in control delete and you can select change user password if you have the ability if not go to settings go to accounts and then once you get to here you're going to see sign in options and then you have other options to come to here the one that we're going to need is pretty much the password and i already have a password that's already been set before i'm actually going to update it to something more different for it so i'm gonna go ahead and type in my new one and i'm gonna go ahead and type it in again if you had something small you need to change it and my hint is none just to be mean because i don't want no one to know what it is and the password has been changed and is now set so technically right now if i test my other computer i should be able to remote to this computer and the screen should lock up if it is then pretty much it is in process so here we are i'm gonna go ahead and get ready to remote to this one right now i don't know what my ip address is because remember this is only local so i'm gonna go ahead and type in cmd ipconfig and right now it is again this is a private network so doesn't even matter right now it's only my local so it won't matter what you have so what i'm going to do now is pretty much go ahead and see if i can remote into it from my other computer cancel that so here it is the yours may be different depending what it is but here it is i'm gonna go ahead and try and press connect depending on the user that you had so my user is it says admin it is not admin it is actually the user is user let's see what it is it's actually user so let me go to here i'm gonna go ahead to cmd and i'm gonna go ahead and type in net user and you see my user is actually user if you have stuff that is has multiple names you might need to do something like this let's say example it's like john smith as the user this is what it would look like then you probably need to do this when you type it in for it to work i would recommend to probably just change your user to something just simple as just like john also don't use something like admin or user put something more secure for this is just an example for the demonstration for right now so here i am i'm gonna go ahead and remote to it i'm gonna go ahead and type in user and i'm gonna go ahead and type in the password that i just did and we're gonna see if i can remote into it it's gonna ask if you want to connect with it i'm gonna go ahead and press yes and here it is right now i remote it to the computer it's there i am literally remote it into us now technically this is through the ip address i'm gonna go ahead and disconnect and here it is on that computer i'm gonna go ahead and sign back in and you don't have to do the ipad if you don't want to if you have the name of the computer so if i go to this pc that i have and you see i have change settings i'm actually just going to highlight this this is actually a computer's full name and you can do that route too you can change this also by going to change and put something more simple that way you'll remember what it is and i'll give you that option for you so if i go the same way to remote desktop and i'm gonna go ahead and type in that instead i'll press connect it should be able to do the same thing too and here it is because he already knows what the name is i'll press yes and here i am remoting into this computer and there it is with the name working perfectly fine and that's pretty much it right now if you had an antivirus protection you might need to enable this to be bypassed to allow you to it it would be defaulted three three eight nine on that port or if not we have a new ports you will have to search for your enterprise and enable the port so right now we are valid to remote into this computer and that's great but we're gonna be showing in to go to setup wherever we are now before we get into this we need to change some more settings for this by default i don't want to leave that default port from 3389 and i want to change it to something more secure so first thing you do is pretty much you need to change this port so we're going to go ahead and open up reg edit so pretty much it's registry editor and we're going to go ahead and type it in and you'll probably be prompted go ahead and press yes and here i am with all different folders from last times i've used this i'm actually going to just minimize most of this back up and you'll probably look like this when you see it it pretty much looks like that so we're going to do is go to a specific location so we need to go to the hkey underscore local underscore machine and then we need to use system then select current control set and then select control yes it's going to be a lot of list to get to this and next you're going to go ahead i'm going to slide this over and you're going to see terminal server go ahead and select it and then you'll see win stations and then you'll see remote desktop tcp now technically if you have a older version then other than windows 10 i think we have like eight or maybe seven there might be a little bit different maybe like xp you might need to create a you might have a different folder example so it might look like a folder like this called port number it might be in there and then you would have to select it that's what it would look like but technically we don't have one because we're on windows 10 we don't have that folder it all just got moved into the folder of remote desktop tees underscore tcp so here we are and we're going to go to this big list and we're going to look for the one that's called port number if you do not have it i'm actually going to see if it's right here port number is right there you should have it it's pretty much simple if not you would have to create a new um d word and you'll just have to name it port number for it so here it is port number and you're wondering like what is this value data i'm like it doesn't say that it's um three three eight nine we're actually gonna select to decimal and then we have this option where it's three three eight nine we need to choose a different port other than that because you want people to hack into your computer for it so i'm actually gonna go ahead and open up a browser and show you this cool link right here that tells you what ports are most likely being used for this list so here's a big list from all different companies and servers that uses ports for this and what i'm going to look is maybe around like the 5000 area depending on your service provider you might need to choose a different range so right here let's see let's go to like four thousands around here i see this from all different ports and these are some that aren't even this so an example after four one nine hundred four one nine hundred whatever for 190 um you pretty much see this right here and then it jumps into four one nine eight so that gives us pretty much a range from four one nine one all the way to four one nine seven and you can change this to any one you can choose any one just within that range and the pain you can choose it if you want to it's not being used also so again just choose a random one so like right here here's the range from after four zero zero one to four zero eighteen so i'm gonna change i'm gonna choose the default like four zero zero two as it for the one i'm gonna use for that range so right here i'm gonna change it to four zero zero two and that's what it's gonna be done i'm gonna press ok and it's pretty much been changed so now when i come on here it looks like that i go to decimal it's pretty much set from hexadecimal to decimal so now it's been done we're going to need to restart this computer so let's go ahead and let it do its work so here we are getting ready to sign back into this computer and let me get into it again here it is and i'm going to pretend like i'm going to try and remote in right now where i was just at so here's the computer and technically i can type in the ipad just to and it'll work the same way i'm going to try and press connect and it's not going to it's going to sit here and load and say you can't connect so i'm like okay well maybe i need to enable the ability for the port so what you have is you have a name of the computer or the ip address so example if it's the name then you can leave it as it is then you can put the colon right here quotation what are the equivalent quotations regardless of three those two dots you know what they are and what we're going to do is go ahead and type in that four zero zero two that we just did and it's still not laying so i'm like why isn't it going to go through well the problem is that we need to enable it to be valid to remote in from the firewall so let's go ahead and go to that step now so next we're going to go to start and we're going to go ahead and just type in control and actually cancel that i think you could just type in called firewall and this will promote windows defender firewall this is what's going to look like depending you have a different gonna be something similar but it's going to be called the firewall you understand what it is and it would look something like this once you get to this location we're going to go to advanced settings of it and we're going to go to i'm going to expand this we're going to select the one that says inbound rules and these are big lists do not mess with these or do not disable or change any things unless you know what you're doing you can literally can hurt your computer if you don't know what you're doing correctly so here we are i'm gonna select go to the right side i'm gonna select a new rule underneath this rule i'm gonna select a port and i'm gonna press next by default and leave it as tcp and right here we're gonna choose a specific local ports now technically if you have different computers and you wanna set them to different numbers then you can choose that range um regardless my ipad is going to be four zeros or two if you have more it kind of shows the example so if you had this you'll put that space and you type in four zero zero three and so on so forth but all i need right now is just for zero zero two i'm gonna press next and we're going to allow that connection that allows them pretty much to work through it this can also be done the same way if you want to block a connection to let's say if you have someone that's been hitting your network underneath on a game console or something like that then you could block the ports and voila but it's only on that computer you know what i mean same concepts but i'd show you more explanation into that right now we're printing allowing that connection for it press next you can choose if you want this to apply to only your public private or domain i'm going to leave them all checked press next and i'm gonna name this as just make this easier that i won't lose i'm gonna type in zero one dash remote desktop protocol rdt rdp so this is what it looks like i'm gonna press finish so there it is and the policy has been created so now i'm gonna see if i can remote to this computer for it so here i am i'm gonna go ahead and try and press connect and here it is allowing it for to work through i'm gonna go ahead and type in the password and here it is passing through like nothing so now i gave permission for the firewall for that port to go through and now i can remote to this computer from a different ip address in the same network for it that is great so technically it's good if you only want this to be done where you're in the network let's say you had a business or something like that but let's say if you want to be set up somewhere else well then there's some additional settings and all depends what type of internet service you have and for this to work i have pretty much had my own custom router so it might be a little different but the concept is going to still be the same so here i am i'm going to go ahead and open up the browser once you get to there i'm going to go ahead and type in my ip address what minus minus 1.1 technically if you don't know what yours is depending on your provider you can go ahead and just open up the cmd and you can type in ipconfig and you see that gateway that's the gateway that you're using for your router depending on there what you have it might be different but here it is the default gateway and now i'm going to go ahead and type in the password for this it's very simple this is a very simple one i haven't changed nothing really it's kind of just as it's generic by giveaway you have a different brand like linksys or something like that or there's so many different brands cisco versions or netgear or something like that you need to just look up the model or it usually tells you what the default password is regardless here i am logging into the system as if i want to save it on a person's never from this point you're probably going to be sure that you know which one you're getting and how you can get to this so here we are it's a little bit different than regular usual ones regardless the concepts are going to be the same i'm going to go to my settings underneath security yours might be differently but you need to search for something that's allowed called for this allowed for like um protocol now technique you can use dmz and you can type in that on and can set up the ip address of your computer and that's fine but we don't want that to happen on this and actually there's another feature i need to set up your compute my ipad just to static too to show you this so right here i'm gonna go ahead and go to the ability and you'll have to search all into there and eventually you'll find an energy called poured range forwarding that's what you need to select right now i have a couple of them i'm probably going to blur them out for you and i'm going to go ahead and select a new port range forwarding so right here i'm going to name it as remote desktop protocol rdp it could be anything it doesn't matter it's just a naming scheme and right here i'm going to enable the ports that i want now technically it's only that one so i can just leave that one number of itself in there and i can enable if i just want it to be tcp i can enable both i'm already just going to leave it as both it doesn't matter so here we are right now i need to type in the name of the ip address it is 1.139 if i am correctly let me check again and yes it is 1.1.139 now technically if you set up your computer right now i'm going to show you you can change your ip address to something static that you want to but here it is pretty much set so i'm going to go ahead and press apply and press ok so technically it's now allowing this port and the name of that computer to pass through that network for it so right now it's there and everything looks good but your ip address usually change automatically when you have a dhcp so we're going to change that dhcp to a static ip address now there's lots of different ways i'm probably just going to show you a simple route you can go to this option right here on the icon and then you'll select network internet settings and then you're going to go to the ethernet and that's one that you currently have and you see it's all set up and you can change the settings right here from ip settings we saw where it went to i went to this to internet selected the internet that i have and then from there you can select your ip assignment i'm going to set up that automatic to manual and all you need is ipv4 you don't need ip version 6 that isn't totally another story so unless you know what you're doing don't even try this so i'm going to type in that it currently is so it hasn't changed the subnet is generic to paint on there it's the gateway would be dependent on yours network that i showed on that pretty much we just saw this underneath command prompt right now and it's 1.1 now technically it prefers dns's so do you need to show you to the dns it might vary on your system so i'm here i am underneath command prompt again and i'm going to go ahead and type in ipconfig and i'm going to put space slash off and right now the dns is literally being the pretty much the end point right there technically i can change this dns i think to anything so if i choose let's say 8.8 and then i'm gonna see if this will work this is pretty much using like the google um dns systems you can choose a different one you want um but here it is if not you can choose your gateway and it should figure out itself too and it should be set and it says can't save more settings try again later so it seems that this one just being down here let's try if i try this again let me see if i change this just to so i can change it if it doesn't work through this i have to show you a different route okay so it's being done that's one option you can do it if it allows it to work if not we're gonna go a different route so i'm gonna go ahead and go to here and underneath the search bar i'm gonna go ahead and type in control panel and this is what you're going to see pretty much simple all you have to do is select the inter network and internet and go to network and sharing center and then we're going to go to adapter settings and here it is technically i think we can go to settings too let's see that again let's go to settings and i think we can go to we were just actually canceled that we were just on the network right here we select it and go to internet settings you have the options where you can select the internet and then you can select adapter options so it takes us to the same location i just took you a different route regardless we're still at the same location next we're going to go ahead and right click on it and select properties and i'm going to go ahead and uncheck the ipv6 we do not need that at all depending where you are it might vary but i don't think you need it at all or i'm at and here it is for it we're gonna select the ip oh the internet protocol version four pretty much the ipv4 select it and we're gonna choose the following settings so right here i'm gonna type in the same thing that we just had right now got 1.139 the subnet i just clicked it and didn't work and the dns i'm going to go ahead and see if i can use the google one if it'll work if it doesn't i'll just change it back to something different and press ok and so here it is it was able to do it it just didn't want to work on the other router settings conclusion you should be able to do it it just seems it doesn't want to right now so regardless i did it underneath that other route and now it's being set for it so it is manual so here we are everything looks good i'm going to see if i can remote to this computer now i'm going to show this on something else because then they have my own computer that's on here because this is virtual computer i'ma see if i can remote this through like an example through my phone and see if this will work so you might have to see a different type of part of the video from my phone so let's go ahead and see we can remote into it so here's my remote client right here and i'm going to go ahead and type in the ip address so to do this there's a little clever on this force i'm going to be somewhere else so we do need to figure out what your public ip address is before i continue doing this and what you need to do is you need to go to example like google pretty simple this will probably pop up and you'll type in what's my ip and depending on it you might have something that shows in ip version six if it doesn't then you might need to go to like and i'll show you what it is right here and right now it's being the same thing i'm actually gonna have to blur this for you because i don't want you to do a attack on my computer but here it is i do have access to it so i'm going to go ahead and type it in so i'm going to type in the name of the public ip address if i'm just go ahead and type in the ip address right there i'm going to go ahead and type it in i almost wanted to say it out right now so here i am take a little second for it okay just one second colon all right so there we go you're gonna have to press colon and then the name of that port so i'm gonna go ahead and see if i can remote into it so right now here's the computer and i'm gonna go ahead and try and press return and i'm gonna go ahead and save it and let's see if i can remote into it so right here is pretty much coming up i don't know i'm typing admin that is not what it is it's going to be um users what it is and right now it's suddenly going to show this password when i'm typing it in i'm not to blur all this out for you from the bottom point but that is fine and here it is the computer just got locked out and now i am on this computer able to remote in anywhere i am pretty simple no problems at all and it's up that is freaking pretty cool so if it comes to this i'm gonna go ahead and see if i can exit out now disconnect on it and i'm gonna disconnect all pcs and it looks like i am good so the remote desktop is working anywhere you are and you shouldn't have any problems for this there it is you see the resolution just kind of changes back from it and that should be pretty much it if you have any issues or stuff like that then you know what to do it comes to a point that you don't want to have the remote desktop at the time you're not there let's say for example you're here and you don't want them to remote in you can go to settings again and just go to system protections not system protection i don't mean going to remote desktop remote settings right here and you can just disable when you don't want to you can enable when you need to but that is pretty much it you can also can change those settings again from the ports but everything looks good if you do have an android prediction like say mcafee or something like that you would need to go to the firewall underneath there and to allow that part to work and depending also on the regular windows firewall too to see if that will pass through but from that point you should be good thank you for watching from hilton's computer repair and i will see you on the next video thanks for watching guys if you disliked this video then hit that button but if you like it and you want to see more hit that like button get subscribed to comment and tell us what other tech videos you want to see consider checking out our merch store link in the video description and for the rest i will see you on the next video
Channel: Helton's Computer Repair
Views: 56,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to block websites, heltonscomputerrepair, Heltons Computer Repair, remote desktop, secure rdp, remote desktop connection, remote desktop protocol, secure remote desktop, remote access, remote access computer from anywhere, remote desktop windows 10, remote desktop connection windows 10, windows 10, remote desktop client, windows server, windows 10 enterprise, workstation, rd client, virtualization, it, hyper-v, hyperthreading, operating system, system settings
Id: olSlqjIhfZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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