Virtualize Windows 11 with Proxmox the Right Way!

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windows 11 is here and like it or love it it's the next generation of windows from microsoft this isn't just a small upgrade or an iteration of windows 10 this is a completely redesigned windows and with that redesigned windows you'll want to make sure that your applications work with windows 11 as they did with windows 10 and also it comes with some additional hardware requirements that you may have heard about you've heard others opinions of windows 11 but you want to make that decision yourself but you don't want to upgrade your main machine in fear that something won't work or you don't have the hardware requirements in order to install windows 11. this is where virtualization comes in if you're running a hypervisor or a virtualization engine you're able to virtualize windows 11 and give it a test drive before you actually move to it this allows you to test your software and even your hardware to make sure that windows 11 is going to be right for you when you do upgrade or maybe you just want to give windows 11 a test drive and form your own opinion about windows 11. up until now it's been pretty challenging to virtualize windows 11. that's because of the new tpm 2.0 requirement now tpm stands for trusted platform module and microsoft now requires tpm 2.0 with this for windows 11. this is a pretty important building block for security related features in windows 11 and moving forward it's used for things like windows hello for identity protection and even bitlocker to keep your drives encrypted and safe and the same module that's keeping things safe is also making it challenging to upgrade to windows 11. this has also made it very challenging to virtualize this without some hacks but if you're virtualizing with proxmox it's a lot easier now proxmox now has a virtual tpm 2.0 chip this virtual module allows you to install and run windows 11 as if it's on a physical machine making it much easier for you to run and install and evaluate windows 11 inform your own opinions about it yourself so today that's exactly what we're going to do we're going to install and virtualize windows 11 on proxmox we're going to configure it according to proxmox's best practices we're also going to add the virtual tpm chip and we're going to install and configure all the necessary drivers for you to run windows 11 and we're going to do all that with zero hacks so what do you need well the first thing you're gonna need is proxmox as your hypervisor if you need help setting up proxmox i got lots of guides on setting that up and worth mentioning you'll need to be running proxmox7 for this to work and if you need help upgrading that i've got a guide on that too the next thing you'll need is the windows 11 iso now you can download this from microsoft all you have to do is go out to their site and download the windows 11 disk or iso once you have that you'll want to upload that to proxmox now you can upload this wherever you store your iso images once you choose your storage select iso images and then click upload then you can just upload the iso to proxmox the next thing you'll want to do is download the latest vert i o driver disk this gives us drivers so we can set up windows 11 while virtualizing it on proxmox the best way i've found to download this is to download it directly from their github page here we'll find a link to download the latest win iso then once that's downloaded you'll want to do the same thing and upload this to iso images so we'll click upload we'll choose that iso and we'll upload it once those are uploaded let's create a virtual machine so on your proxmox node that you want to create this on you'll right-click and click create vm in the general section we'll want to name this i'm just going to name mine windows 11. in the os section we'll now want to choose our boot disk of windows 11 and we'll change the guest os to microsoft windows you'll want to make sure that the version here is set to the latest one now this one still points to windows 10 but this one also works in the future they might update it if things change next we'll want to choose system in here we'll want to make sure our scuzzy controller is vertio scuzzy then we'll want to turn on the qemu guest agent we'll configure that later for the bios we'll want to make sure that it's uefi and for storage we'll now pick the location of that uefi disk and generally speaking it should be the same location that we store this virtual machine's primary drive on so i'll choose fast10 next is that tpm chip we talked about so here's how we add support for tpm it's as simple as clicking this checkbox add tpm choosing a location to store this tpm module which you'll want to choose the same location as your vm's primary storage so i'm choosing fast10 again and then making sure the version is set to 2.0 here we'll also want to change the machine type to q35 and this looks good so let's go on to hard disk for the bus device i usually set divert io block and for the disk size microsoft claims that the minimum is 64 gigs i've tried it with 32 it works but we'll set it to 64 here then we'll leave the rest of the settings as default next we'll select cpu and here we'll choose how many cores we want microsoft recommends two or more cores so i'm going to give mine 24. and for cpu type you can leave it to the default but i typically choose host here which is the very last entry so that will just pass through the cpu type from the host machine down to the guest and i typically do that because it will pass through all of the features that it needs to to the guest machine and this is generally a safe bet unless you're moving virtual machines between two proxmox hosts they have different cpu types so again host is usually a safe bet and that's all we're choosing for cpu next we'll go to memory and for this machine i'm just going to give it eight gigs of ram now you can choose whether or not you want ballooning on and this is really just an optimization for memory for your server it gives you the option to either reclaim some of that unused ram or over provision this if you don't have enough ram i generally keep it on and for network you'll just choose which network you want it to connect to i only have one bridge so that's where i'm going to connect it and then for the model i usually choose burt i o again then we can go to confirm and if all of this looks good we can click finished now we don't want to start the vm yet there's one more thing we need to do so let's click finish and we can see here this machine is now created so let's open it up and let's go into hardware let's add one more device a cd slash dvd drive now the reason we're doing this is because we want to mount the driver disk the vert i o disk that we downloaded to this device when it boots up so we can supply drivers to it so let's choose that vert i o disk and click create and there we go so now we're ready to start this machine up so let's start it click ok there so this is a good sign we see proxmox here this means it's using uefi which we need otherwise you would see the windows logo in a windows boot screen and here we go so let's set up windows click next install now next you'll need to supply your key so this is up to you i can't give you one but if you don't have your key you can actually enter it later so we'll do that say i don't have a product key then we'll choose our version of windows be sure you choose the version of windows that you have a key for otherwise you'll have to do this all over so the key i have is for windows 11 pro let's click next agree if you agree and let's do a custom installation here so you notice it can't find any of our drives well we need to load those drivers so let's click load driver and we'll browse to this disk and look for the vert i o driver and then choose the amd 64 folder and here choose windows 10. i know but choose windows 10. then we'll see our scuzzy controller so we can get our drives so let's click next and now we can see we have our drive so here's our 64 gig drive we can also load some additional drivers let's do that really quick so the only one i'm going to load for now is our network driver and we can do that by selecting our io disk again selecting net kvm and then selecting windows 10 and then selecting amd 64. and now it find our network driver let's click next okay so now we can hit next and now it's going to do the traditional windows install copy files reboot a few times and then start with the greeting screen so let's just wait for this okay so now it needs to reboot so here's the first reboot now it's getting the machine ready now it's rebooting one more time and here we go windows 11. so first we'll select our country i'm in the united states then we'll select our keyboard layout again mine's us whether or not we want to add a second keyboard layout skip that now it's going to check for some updates and pull them down and apply them if needed this is also why we configured the network driver during the initial setup so that it can pull down any updates it needs to the installation in the beginning rather than later on now we can name our device then it's going to reboot and apply some updates next we'll choose how we want to use this device in most cases we're going to set it up for personal use but if you're using it for work or school you would choose this other option then you can choose whether or not you want to add a microsoft account i'm going to choose a different way and say an offline account then it's going to ask you again if you want to use a microsoft account i'm going to skip this for now then we'll enter our name so i'm setting my name then a password then confirm our password then a security question then another security question and yet another security question next we're going to choose our privacy settings so this is going to be up to you whether or not you want to include location whether or not you want to turn on find my device whether or not you want to send diagnostics data inking and typing and if you want your experience tailored to you then whether or not you want to supply an advertising id this is used for apps so that they can target you with more relevant advertisements and then we can click accept checking for updates again now our intro screen while it tidies some things up [Music] almost there hey there we go so here's windows 11. now i've only seen windows 11 about two times so this is my second time only seeing it big changes big changes start menu and big changes everywhere but we're not done configuring it just yet so we need to add some additional drivers if we right click the new start button and go to device manager we'll see that we're missing some drivers for some of our devices and we could go through and hand pick each of these individually and search for drivers on that disk but the verio disk supplies an installer so let's use that so let's open windows explorer let's choose that vert i o disk let's scroll down and choose the vert i o win gt 64 bit driver disk let's click next accept make sure that all of these are selected and click install and say yes and click install and if we take a peek at the device manager while this is going you'll see that these are starting to get installed and identified and it's done already so let's actually reboot now that we have that working however you reboot right here restart [Music] and here we go sign in and let's check our device manager one more time just to make sure that all of our drivers are installed and they are and windows 11 is now fully configured now i could give you a demo of windows 11 but i'm sure you've seen plenty of them and if you haven't you should give it a test drive yourself because after installing and configuring all of this you can test your hardware and pass it through to this device if you like or test your software in applications to make sure they still work with windows 11 and that's how easy it is to get started with windows 11 and proxmox now that we can virtualize the tpm chip we can install windows 11 without any hacks whatsoever giving you the ability to install configure and test and even run windows 11 on proxmox so what do you think of windows 11 what do you think of the new taskbar are you going to upgrade to windows 11 or just stay on windows 10 just a little bit longer if so let me know in the comments below and remember if you found anything in this video helpful don't forget to like and subscribe thanks for watching but if i ever got a position like that too i would be scared i i mean i don't even know what to expect anymore like like i said i've interviewed at a big company before and it went poorly it went very bad i'm not going to lie or sugarcoat it went very bad and i probably wasted all of their time but i had zero experience doing that before like that was my first like technical interview uh where you're whiteboarding or writing pseudocode on a whiteboard and walking trees and i was like oh my gosh i'm so not prepared even though i read all the crash courses and and studied nothing prepares you like actually doing it so including all i've been there and it is scary um
Channel: Techno Tim
Views: 90,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: proxmox, techno tim, technotim, virtio, virtio windows 11, proxmox best practices, create a windows vm in proxmox, tpm, tpm 2.0, tmp 2.0 enable, vm, virtual tpm, windows 11 tpm 2.0, windows 11 tpm error fix, virtualization, virtual machine, proxmox vm, homelab, home lab, open source, opensource, virtual tpm 2.0, virtualize windows 11, windows 11 drivers, Virtualize Windows 11 with Proxmox, windows 11 virtual hardware, windows 11 gpu passthrough, gpu, passthrough, no hacks
Id: fupuTkkKPDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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