Building a DIY NAS on a budget! - TrueNas CORE | Starting a Video Production Company S1E1

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hey guys Dustin wer here we got a Nas build a little mini studio series it's going to be exciting bring you along with show you the setup show set up in the software with trunz 72 tab of storage 72 let's get into it so we have the motherboard going to open her up so we decided to go with AMD ryen CBU chip has support for ECC members and we got ECC memory and this motherboard supports it as well so we're Balling on a budget but still trying to be reliable yeah here we got the CPU now if you see here we're probably going to have to zoom in and post but in this top left corner there's a little arrow and then we're going to line up that little arrow with the arrow on the CPU all right so we got the be quiet P Rock 2 super quiet super effective not the cheapest but again we're Balling on a budget ball on a budget here you have a credit card you feel like you're on top of the world actually we got to hit our $6,000 spending bonus going to get 700 bucks back if we spend six grand so we got you m money play money yeah so we have the AMD ryzen 3 Pro 5350 G and the significant about the pro and the significance about the Pro versus the regular model is the pro has support for ECC memory so the ECC memory along with this motherboard is error correcting what is it error correcting um hold on one second one second hey Google what does ECC memory stand for air correcting air correcting code it's like error correcting and cleaning caching oh caching used interchangeably with EC standing error corre code oners to a component's ability Toes that may OCC in dat memory without the to consume separate Computing resources ma'am to find out more so ECC memory that's why we got the ryzen 3 Pro cuz it has support for ECC and the ECC stands for error correcting code right mhm error correcting code memory and that allows it to correct any faults that would happen in the memory with a ninth chip instead of eight on a regular piece of ram because that's how a NZ server works it stores the files in the memory which is the cache before it writes it to the drives but if it's not caught in the ram it'll write it to the drive and it'll be corrupted what do you that we have the micron they read this got 64 gigs two dims of EU dims of ddr4 ECC memory so we'll be able to have that air correcting memory yeah air air correcting code memory and while zay's getting that CPU Cooler on we are for anybody wondering we're going to be using traz core which is completely free and super good for n systems and scalable uh we're going to be running it at a raid Z 2 configuration which is pretty similar to raid 6 but it's using the ZFS file structure and it'll be pretty reliable and pretty quick and relatively redundant with two drives of parody for a fail safe basically so for those of you that actually understand that that's what we're going to be doing cuz I don't even understand that myself we're going to learn gather on the channel make mistakes and have fun yeah to be honest guys this is the first time I'm actually building a PC mhm which I've only Built three myself whoa through yourself yeah I'm just I just been using laptops my whole life which laptops pretty Beast though we have the memory it's Micron 2 32 GB stick so we're going to have 64 GB total so if it focuses on it you can see instead of eight chips like a regular module this has nine and that ninth chip is what going to correct for any errors and that's what makes it ECC so that's our cheap I mean it's not server grade but it's our budget way to get good rent also thanks to my buddy Andrew um for helping us out with this whole research process recommending us the HBA alongs with the eccm ram thanks Andrew you're a [Music] beast the HBA host bus adapter so this bad boy I need a closeup closeup yeah so this bad boy will allow us to we have B basically we got These Guys these guys which are breakout cables plug it in here and that's going to break out into static cables for our hard drives [Music] that'll wrap it for this section uh hopefully we'll get back to it tomorrow and finish it up and get it running thanks for watching guys all right thank you oh with the power of editing and Magic this is the next day started a little later than we wanted to but we're going to try to fix a CPU code our outfit did not change if You' seen that our outfit's changed it's an illusion um we're wearing the same outfits it's the same day yep we good but we ran into a little issue cuz our CPU Cooler is a little loose that's not moving looks like a rock W yeah yeah that's unnecessary what do you mean that was completely necessary all right uh do you want a Mountain Dew I don't care that's it's a yes or no question I don't care so I got the old hard drives for the NZ system we got I decided on the Iron Wolf Pros by Seagate the 12 terab and we have four and the old n setup and that was a raid Z2 so we had anyways we ra Z2 so we had two redundant drives now we're going to have these four and we got four more that I got unboxed so have eight drives and a ra Z2 configuration and then that'll allow us to have right around 72 tab of storage so that' be cool I'm I got to take these off their old mounting plate we're not going for looks or anything it's going to sit in the corner so we're going to try to make it look decent with the room we have and how many drives we have in there cuz it'll give power and SATA to all these drives true has mounted on it and yeah bombs away try to document all that too good thing we can't afford this so if you want to help support us we have a patreon uh starting at $1 a month just to support what we do and we want to really try to impact people in their lives and give them some form of Hope and motivation in their life and a reason for living and that they can be connected with authentic and genuine Community somewhere in their local area so if you're interested in supporting that or being a part of that uh consider giving a donation on patreon or a onetime gift through PayPal so thank you what do we call those what is a transist an in and an out and a comment it's like a gate a logic gate yeah but these are anybody knows a lot about transistors and CPUs let us know in the comments and we'll have you on the YouTube channel what is a transistor is we don't know let us know down in the comments we're we're not using Google I might use Google for this there's like a gate and like an in and an out a transistor is a semiconductor device with three connections capable of amplification and addition to rectification uh transistor basically acts as a switch and an amplifier in simple words we can say that transistor is a miniature device that is used to control or regulate the flow of electronic signal that's fair we use that's what amps are transistors yeah like radio why they why do you think they call that a transistor radio mhm hard are nice it's like it's still usable Tech mm and you still get fast enough speeds if you run them in a some form of raid configuration mhm if you're not writing to just one you're writing to all of them simultaneously you see he's going [Music] in all [Music] right [Music] there she is boys all day all right get her let's get her hooked up all right about to do our first budha the first boot up oh boy here you go oh yeah in BIOS we're in BIOS what that we bios yeah back here I just got the I'll show you you see right here got that guy in so that guy has a UPS system and that all allow us to there's a power outage or a surge or a spike in the power it'll actually safely shut down the NZ system so nothing happens if it's writing files or whatever so I walk through a little bit of setting up true NZ on the computer I'll do a screen record and basically let you guys know what I'm doing and kind of walking you through everything if you care if you're interested or whatever um I'd love to talk more about it and just dive into it deeper or whatever cuz it is fun for me and I I like doing it I like sharing it with people and I hope other people kind of feel the same way so yeah see you on the computer everybody L here just kidding all right so hey everybody we're back on the computer I got the camera set up see I'm going to log in to traz now that we have the whole system built okay so we are logged in to the traz server and the way you log in once you install it on the system it gives you the IP address of the system so this way you just type it into your browser if you're on that local network you just type in into your browser it should bring you up to the login page and you should have set a password when you installed trz on your computer yes and we decided to do 64 gigs of RAM figured be enough for the system to Cache files and as it's writing them to the hard drives I'm less prone to errors as we mentioned before we have ECC memory so that'll be a good thing we'll try to do it a little faster this time I mean I'm going to cut it down try not to make this video super super long but I hope you have fun with me on this process and enjoy it maybe enjoy just your time here let me know in the comments what you like about it what you didn't like about it and just be a homie uh engage with us and we are thinking about doing a Discord server not yet but I know just fun hanging out with people and I just want to show people that it's more to life than just living you know that sounds so dumb but it's true anyways okay so we're logged in so before in the video you guys saw me setting up traz installing it on the system yeah so now here's the fun part of setting up the system and usually the first thing is is making groups which I made before but I forgot how to do that so I'm going to have to look through the documentation figure it out might be pretty boring but that's what editing's for cutting down videos and yeah hopefully this videos and just me just staring at the computer reading and you guys watching that' be funny that's okay it might be a long night but hey I'm not working tomorrow so I'm chilling yeah so let's get this bad boy under way all right all right hello everybody I am back after a couple days I got some time now um I'm going to try to after I I'll show you a little bit of tea um drinking it up drinking the tea healthier for you than coffee it's a little hot right now but Splendid anyways okay I'm going to get the I know I left off on doing the N system before anyways I got to get everything set up I got the SMB shares working so I can show you that all right so I'll show you so I got TR NZ right here set up so obviously it's empty right now but it's linked up if I go to the network I turn it off right there anyways if I go to drives comes up as a network location so that's all hooked up we're going to set up snapshots periodic snapshot tasks of the drive so periodically it's going to take a snapshot of the drive so we can actually roll back to that previous day or state of what the drives had on it so it's a good it's a good fail safe all right so the smart tasks are like a let's go to those like a basically a storage Drive health monitor seeing how the drives are doing early warning signs of a drive is going to fail once we get those set up then we can send actually have trunz set up SMTP email and then send us an email when there's an alert so all right I'm going to take a break and get dinner I'll come back see you later all right go need to start a recording trying to use a GP acceleration for encoding of h265 burn the Midnight Oil um it's your boy Derek back here oh yeah really using that GPU really using that GPU anyways I want to get this NZ set up I've been slacking so and then I got the UPS hooked up that's what I was doing last oh I gotta get the email hooked up failed to send email fail to send email network is unreachable you're Liars that's what you [Music] are let's try this let go that that that that that D yeah I can log out make sure a user is authorized to send a mail from a specific [Music] account anyways so Derek D Junes save what are you talking about what are you talking about well stupid I'm confused I don't know what I'm supposed to do okay system [Music] email sand test [Music] well I'll be dandy let's go and check it why did that work awesome sweet oh that's a good feeling all right so I think I got everything set up for the for the na system so that'll be it for now see you guys later when I put this video together hey guys we just wanted to do a little recap finish and neld you saw it from start to finish it is up and running and currently hosting files for the Destin wander company yeah it's right over there right over there over there I hope you enjoyed the video took a lot of time to make but we enjoyed doing it with that aside um that was really fun and now we got 62 tab of storage anyways we just wanted to get on here and let you guys know that we love you we care about you and and we put a lot of work into these videos and we really enjoy making them and if you want to help show your support you can leave a like leave a comment subscribe if you want to watch more content and hit that Bell notification to be notified when we post another video yeah we just wanted to close out and um say to anyone watching thank you it means a lot and you guys are at the beginning early stages of the YouTube series anyways yeah I just wanted to let you know we have a couple videos in the works we're going to start a new running a video production company series and that new video will be out shortly after this one so stay tuned for that one I know super exciting like really exciting and you probably just can't wait to watch it you can't wait to watch it you will not wait to watch it actually and we just want to form a tight-knit community that loves each other and brings each other up and we don't beat each other down and we show each other the meaning of life and how powerful it is when we work together as a community that's right tighten it we do not beat each other down we build each other up we don't beat around the bush here we expand the bush of Glory we no no not the bush the mind the mind the mind the mind we expand the mind we help the mind we help you guys explore and find your true passions in life that is why we're here cuz we're on that Journey as well but we want to make it fun and engaging but also philosophical and unique and very in depth that's right see you guys there all right Zane Derek signing [Music] [Music] off
Channel: Destined to Wander
Views: 12,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: destined, destined to wander, film, storytelling, Jesus, jesus my savior, I love you, who am I, filmmaking, panasonic gh6, gh6, 4k, 4k edit, color grade, beautiful, piano relaxing, backpacking, appalachian trail, cdt, backpacking gear, relaxation
Id: O3Ufz4hNP1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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