The Free and Open Source Software I Use in 2024 - Part 1

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[Music] it's your open source Advocate and I'm back with another video and it's time for my annual review of all of the open source software that I'm using on a regular basis they incredible open-source software now I have videos on just about everything that I'm about to show you this isn't going to be a super long video I'm really going to try to keep things down to a couple of minutes per item I want you to know that I have in-depth videos for everything so I'll put links to those things in the show notes and the description uh some of these have multiple videos I'll try to link to all of them for you so you can go watch them if you're interested in getting it installed or seeing what it can do because I know a lot of you will find and discover new software during this video some of you will say well you had this last year yeah a lot of these things are so good I'm just going to stick with them but I want to cover them again because they get updates and they get better and they do so many more things over time I think it's worth time for you to hear it as well maybe you'll find something new so I hope you'll stick with me through this video I think it's going to be really great this is one of my favorite videos to make every year uh so I'm really excited about it before we get started I do want to say thank you so very much to all of my patrons over at patreon to the people who send me a little bit of money through PayPal and to everybody who's subscribed on YouTube it it just means the world to me that you guys find Value in my content content that you enjoy what I'm doing that you get something out of it that that means so much my whole goal when I started this channel was to have more detailed videos to help people get things set up and running and you guys just make it so worth it I I truly truly appreciate everything that you do that that you want to you know say hey thank you for the content it means so much to me if you haven't already done so please click on the thumbs up for this video that helps other people find it lets them find some incredible open source software and learn how incredible and amazing the open source world really is it also helps me out on YouTube if you haven't subscribed Please Subscribe because I come out with videos every week about new or really interesting or really great open source software that you can put to use for yourself for your family for your business whatever your needs might be all that said let's get started I've got a lot of things to go through I really am going to try to keep this to about 2 minutes per topic first one I want to talk about is one that I've talked about in the past and it's still just as good as that ever was and actually just keeps getting better and it's called webmin so when you're running Linux servers most of the time it's through the command line it's through the terminal it's through a CLI and you should be comfortable with the terminal and the CLI but sometimes a nice graphical user interface is just a really great thing to have and installing webman on most distributions it's already in their package repositories it's just a matter of do whatever the package repository control is apt or dnf or yum or RPM or Pac-Man or whatever and then install webman it it gets all the dependencies for you gets everything set up and it's a really incredible powerful tool if you've come from the windows world where you have an entire user interface for controlling the Windows Server this might be something you actually kind of get to where you really like um I think it's super incredible so you get this dashboard when you first come in you can see what your CPU resources are doing as you can see this machine is really just kind of sitting idle right now there's not a lot going on you get some great uh information down here as far as your IP addresses and different information like that and there's so much stuff over here on the left I mean it takes an entire video just to go through it but there is really a lot I'm going to zoom this up so you can see some of the options real quick uh we've got change passwords disk Network file systems file system backups I mean just so many different things you can do over here you've got your all of your different um system security system logs log viewers then you've got servers so you can actually add extra servers to a single webman install if you want to and access them from here you've got all kinds of tools for doing different things including setting up your discs and setting up all of the other stuff that you need to do with it uh if you're not as comfortable with the command line and use something to start out with this is a really great option you've got Network information you've just got so much control over here on the left side you can even stop the server shut down the server restart the server and over here on the right you get these reminders about hey you have some updates that need to be done and if it needs to be rebooted it'll tell you that and it gives you those nice little notifications to make sure you're keeping up with what's going on with your actual admin interface um really a great tool I I have just enjoyed this tool so much and I wanted to share it with you guys because it's it's absolutely awesome so the next one I use is pi KVM I just got this maybe a couple of months ago and I've been using it it's a super useful tool now this is hardware and software it uses a Raspberry Pi as you can tell from the name uh but what it does is it actually gives you a KVM switch that's physically attached to a machine or maybe to a switching service and there's a lot of people out there with detailed videos on how to set this up and different things with it so it's probably worth your time you can build one of these yourself there's a few extra components you need to get I just bought the one that they make and had it shipped to me um it was worth it to me because it's really a great tool I've been able to use it quite a bit lately uh this is definitely a tool for those of you that are doing manage services and it that you might want to get some for your clients and put them on their machines where you can do things a lot easier from a remote service but really really awesome I love py KVM all right you guys see this in almost every one of my videos on it's inex proxy manager this is how we set up our reverse proxies for all the services that we want to host and actually have access to that might be in our home Labs so here I've got all of my reverse proxies and I've got all of these great home lab URLs that we can see and everything so I can access all of these things from outside on the on the internet and you you know you can do a lot of things you've got control lists here so you can set up control rules that say Hey it has to be a certain person you have to log in to be able to access this from certain IP addresses all kinds of things like that it's it's really terrific and uh such an easy great graphical user interface for setting up reverse proxies uh this is one of my favorites for sure mesh Central is another incredible tool this is what I would call more of an rmm but it gives you the the the capability to do remote desktop remote uh different things that that can really make a huge difference so the one thing that's that's that's a downside for mesh Central is it's not set up yet for whand that makes me a little sad I'm hoping that somebody will get to it to fix it it it it's just such a great tool and great platform but if you're if you're managing Windows systems like these that you can see up here uh absolutely terrific and you can jump onto a system really easily you just click and then you can click here to go to the desktop and right here in the browser I can get the desktop I can log into this machine I can do all the things that I need to do and it just has a little Dam that's running in the background that lets me do everything that I want or need to do so it's really a a terrific tool for remote desktop support but it's got a lot of other things too um so you've got terminal access if you want to get connected that way to the command line on Windows or on Linux you've got your files so you can upload and download files from the remote system you've got a lot of information as far as logging and then you've got a lot of other things that you can do here as well so you can see the details of the server and then you can check out the console for any kind of output that's coming through whenever you're doing different things but it has got a ton of tools down here in the bottom of the screen that you don't realize whenever you get connected especially um you get a whole other tool set of things you can do you can go full screen you can click this or hold shift and click this to go completely full screen if you just click it it'll go full screen I mean just tons of tools in this thing and it's built out really really well um and if you don't like this theme this is kind of the original way that they have it set up there's theming that people have created as well to make it pretty easy just go into a folder and replace the CSS I mean just an absolutely powerful tool mesh Central is amazing and it's going to be part of what we're doing for my building an MSP on open source Series so get ready for that because this is going to be great and we're going to set it up with our our authentication system so really really awesome all right painer this is another one that I I use a lot and I I haven't set up all of my agents because I've been migrating my servers off of the big heavy servers I've been using in my home lab to things that are much more energy efficient and yeah this thing is great and I love it so if I click here I can jump in and see all my Docker containers that are running on this particular uh server and I can see the containers I can see their statuses but I can take actions it's all clickable it's a nice graphical user interface these are all things you can do through the command line on Docker but sometimes it's nice to just jump in and get an overview real quick see what's going on maybe do a couple of things that make it easier to to to get things um restarted and see where they went you can check out logs you can jump into the shell you can do so many really cool things with painer and it it is awesome now I'm using the Community Edition but there's a business Edition and you can get a certain number of licenses to use for free and if it's really useful to you in your business it is probably absolutely worth it for you to go get that Business Edition and pay these guys because paying these different open source um groups is what keeps the open source project going you you need to understand they do it because they love it but they also do it as a business and then being able to make money is what makes this open source software continue so so keep that in mind if you've got the ability and you really love something get out there and figure out how to give them a little bit of money to say thank you for it next one I wanted to talk about is Vault Warden now this is a bit Wen spin-off that's built on Rust it's a little bit lighter weight than the bit Warden open source software but it's a it's a fork it is absolutely amazing it works with your bit Warden front ends so I use bit Warden up here in the in the panel but it you know reroutes me to My Vault Warden Vault I've got my family using the Vault Warden Vault um you can use the application on the desktops for it as well it's really really a great solution for your password management your two-factor authentication tokens I mean just everything like that and it plugs right into your browser which makes it super easy to get logged into things when you need to um I absolutely love this thing it is open source again you can run this for free or you can go and pay them and they've got some really great professional and Business Edition features like team sharing and just so many great things that can help you run a business where you need to have passwords and secure passwords and lots of passwords so that you don't have to remember everything or have it written down somewhere where it could get taken this is an encrypted system it it's just absolutely amazing next up is metabase I love metabase this thing is awesome uh you can you can see here I've got some different figures uh this is for my wife's business so so she runs a business where she sells things on eBay now take into account this is over four or five years this is not just uh this year this is her her overall what she's made this is the shipping uh and handling cost that she's had so you can see that's about a third of what she makes this is how many things she sold in total and then just here's a chart over the months of you know everything that she's done and how much she's making and basically how much she made and how much she paid in shipping so you can kind of see how that breaks down and we can see which months are her good months and which months she has a little bit less sales and that usually just follows Cycles around uh you know here here with March in the US that's about when people start getting uh some of their tax returns and they'll start spending some money uh and then over here in October you start seeing buy start seeing people buying for Christmas presents and things like that and then it kind of trails off as they get closer to December because they're all going broke uh and then you see this you know so you kind of see this same thing over and over throughout the years it's interesting I can help her and I can keep track of tax information that she needs like these totals and stuff like that but it also just helps us understand like what are the trends with what she's doing and I've got other dashboards that I've built but it's a super easy thing to use metabase it's really a mostly clickable display and learning how to do things in it is pretty fast I I just love it it's such a great little reporting tool again they have professional versions so if you were thinking about man this would be great for my business you're right it is super awesome and it is super easy to get some stuff going and if your bosses have been looking for more data to be to be a data driven business this is something you could wow them with because you could you can set up dashboards that just would make their eyes go crazy absolutely awesome so next on the vein of remote desktops is remotely um this is another nice tool where you can get in and do some desktop support things like that but you can also monitor your systems so uh when you set up remotely you can set it up with two Factor you can be very secure with it and then you've got these uh different options over here so your your clients can always get to your download page and when they go here they won't see this part at the bottom this is really for you as an admin who's logged in but they don't have to log in they can see these windows downloaders the Linux downloaders and they can download those things and it's going to have your url set up if you've ever set up everything in the system correctly and when they open it it's going to give them a little code they will give you the code and then you can connect through the desktop and you can go to the remote control you can type in your name or have it automatically filled type in the code and it's going to connect you to their system and it's just really cool it's all through the browser the controls and everything really nice and they're continuing to do development on it which is great um the company who who took this over has kept it open source they hired the developer who made it and he works on it occasionally when he's not working on other things for them so it gets updates it's really awesome I just love remotely it's such a such a great powerful tool all right the next one on the remote desktop vein is guacamole if you've never seen wacamole RDP this is an absolutely incredible piece of Open Source software so you set up this wacamole server it runs in your browser so you you access it through your browser and then you can set up connection so you run this server on your network on your Lan you set up your remote desktop connections and then you can just go in here and click into a remote desktop system and actually access it now I've set this up with grouping so I can see that I've got this set up for admin access and this is set up for normal user access and then here's my home machines that I can connect to and actually use I mean just really awesome and and if it has RDP or it has VNC or anything like that you can use this to get to them and it gets to them right through the browser so I'm just going to click on this one so the next one here is authentic I've been doing a lot of stuff with authentic lately if you guys have check this out it is a single sign on solution that gives you all kinds of different ways to set up your single sign on ldap saml oidc I mean just so many different ways that you can set up single sign on you can see here I've got all of my different applications that I've set up we'll be using this for building an MSP on open source so you'll see that coming you can see mesh Central as well I talked about that one already but I've got my next Cloud I've got head scale I've got netb bird I've got so many different applications now and it's really cool because you come here and then you can access these things from here so I'm already authenticated into authentic and then I can use this to open up my different systems so that I can actually get out there and use these different uh OPP these different options net bird is my VPN of choice these days it's it's just such an awesome system it uses wire guard in the background but you set up netb bird and then you can go in here and set up all your different tools it's refreshing there we go just wanted to reauthenticate you can see all of your different tools you can see who's online who's offline you can go back and set those guys online if they're not online so you can just go log in on on those different machines but super just super incredible to be able to use something like this and see the different machines that you want to access on your network and you can set up different rules you can set up different access levels you can have different users to have access to different groups of machines or different individual machines it's super powerful I've just really been enjoying the heck out of it and we're going to again use be using this for building an MSP on open source so that we can make sure our client data and our connections to our clients are secure so Lex console is a new one that that I've just been really enjoying as well this one I was talking about previously in a video and I got a lot of stuff from scoty on how to set up incus and then how to use the LX console to access my Incas servers so you can see here I've got a couple of servers if I click into this one um yeah I've got a lot of little stats so it tells me how many containers I have and how many are up and running so you can see right now it's not all of them are up and running I've got one shut down on purpose um we've got no virtual machines that I've set up yet but I will be and then we've got a little bit of information about how much memory is being used I got 64 gigs total you can see it's not quite half that's being used up and just a ton of information about the system but then you click into these instances and you can actually go in and get more detail I can see each instance I can see their IP addresses that I can access so much really great information and then from there I can even click into the instance and I can just click into here I've got even more detail and more information about that instance and then I can go here and look at the configuration so I can go through my configurations and then you've got tools up here that you can use to go in and do actions and you've got the console which is really really great so once I've opened that up I'm I'm logged into my console and I can actually just do an LS and see what's going on I can CD into my Docker container and do an LS and see what applications I'm running from here um I can take all the actions I would normally take through the through the command line but I don't have to actually open up my terminal I can just do it right here from the web interface which is absolutely awesome home assistant so this is is another one um I'm I'm getting ready to move I hope in the next few months I've got to sell my house but we're moving to a new city uh so some of this is not working because I've taken down a lot of the stuff uh that I would need to move and so a few of these things are not functioning today on my dashboards but they'll be back up and running once I move and get everything set back up at the new house uh but you can see I've just got a few different things here but I use I use home assistant but everything is automated so I don't look at the dashboards very often because I don't need clickable things I really just use it to see like my cameras and you can see my doorbell camera is not not on right now but I can see my cameras I can see different things like that I mean this is a if you're looking for home automation open source home automation is absolutely the most powerful thing you can do for yourself get out of the cloud take your data back make yourself more private quit giving away things to Google or Apple or Amazon or anybody else I can tell you right now that I love knowing that can keep almost everything I've got here local nothing has to go to the internet to come back and do things I just I absolutely love home assistant and it makes it it has gotten so much easier over the years it used to be yaml files everywhere and these days you can set up anything through the web user interface I mean it is rare that you see somebody say here you have to go into the yaml and edit something it is just such a really awesome system the automation power is incredible I mean just so many great ways you can do things home assistant is is amazing nextcloud so I did next Cloud AO a while back and I've just been updating it over and over the tools have been great I even I migrated it now two times actually um I've migrated the data once just to give it a bigger data pool it is a it is an amazing tool I use this thing for so much stuff I mean of course document storage and syncing is is super powerful and important but I also use it for my family's calendars I use it for keeping track of all the things I need to do in order to get moved to make sure my house is ready for a sale um and there's just so many other things over here now these are extens ions that give me this capability but you can do so many awesome things inside of uh inside of ncloud it is just mindboggling what this thing can do I love it it's it's an awesome tool and again I have this set up to use my authentic uh and my wife and I both just log in through authentic I've got the girls set up so they can log in through authentic and do the things in their space and they have their permissions it's really great I love it this is right freely this is a blogging platform I covered it a while back and I thought you know I I was looking for something that was a little bit easier to set up and maintain just kind of for myself but I have it publicly shared but I was doing this project or I'm still doing this project where I bought this old baby grand piano and I basically took it all apart so you can see here's all the photos where how it started and then we started taking everything off of it my wife and my brother-in-law and I so this is right freely and for that to get all those pictures I'm actually hosting the images myself they don't upload to right freely I'm using a thing that's called pixer it's kind of like imer except it's one that you host yourself um if I log in over here let's l in pixer you can see all of the images that I've already uploaded you can just kind of take a look at this and it gives you some really great ways to get things so uh Tater to casserole uh pepperoni hot dish or or spaghetti hot dish I can't remember what this is called it's one of my favorite casseres though um so yeah I use these for making uh posts as well about my different uh foods that I love but but once you once you get this photo in there it gives you all these different ways to capture these URLs to put them into a Blog format so really pixer is awesome uh the next one is rocket chat I I run rocket chat I apparently need to update it uh and I love rocket chat it is such a great thing but this is what I use for my community for you guys so if you haven't jumped over there and you want to have chats with me or any of the other guys in the community these guys are super smart they're super helpful um I try to get on and help you as often as I can maybe a few days sometimes before I get a chance to do it but I really try to get on there and make sure that you guys are getting answers so this one you can get to it at discuss. opensources and just create a user or log in with one of the different uh SSO logins I I provide for you uh whatever you want to do there but yeah I love rocket chat is such a great way to keep up to the community have quick chats to have discussions I post my different videos over here most of the time it's really really great so uh just something for you guys to know about this is where I keep all my show notes and this is called bookstack and this is an incredibly powerful full open source platform it's got some really really killer features um I opened it up while ago and you can see I logged in using authentic when I did it but this is just a list of my stuff but you can search too so if you're looking for something specific if you said oh I want to see next Cloud you see it starts searching now I've got this zoomed way up so it looks a little bit funny uh but you know if we go here install and setup next Allin one there you go you just click the search is powerful it's very fast you can see the video I've got step-by-step instructions for everything that I do to give you kind of of the start to finish of what you're going to need uh you know I really try to give you everything so I love this platform it is amazing it lets me organize things into shelves and then books and then chapters and then pages and just kind of get things organized in a way that makes sense for me to be able to find it again and go back and add more stuff to it finally we're back at dashy and this is my dashboard that I love dashy is so powerful since I found that I just have not been able to switch off of it I've looked at other ones like homepage and stuff like that but I just love dashy it's so simple it's so easy to get set up it's got a nice user interface for just setting things up which is really great I don't have to switch over to a yaml editor if I don't want to but you can um just just lots of different ways to get this thing going but this gives me quick access to a lot of the services that I'm running whether they're at home whether they're out there on the internet on digital lotion doesn't matter I could just click and jump in but I can also see if it's able to Ping if it sees that service if it says hey that thing seems to be up and running so this one right now I've got the wrong IP in there uh but yeah everything everything should be up and running and and it lets me know that um so I love that one now I have more I'm going to do a part two of this video because it's a very long video but I have more for you guys as well so the next thing uh real quick is Trillium notes I I just I did a video on this a while ago it has a a electron client I know a lot of you guys don't like electron but I really really love Trillium it's super fast to find things it's easy for me to jump around and do things this is my list of movies that I'm watching with my girls and my wife we have a movie night every week and uh as we as we go along I'm just marking off movies as we see them and it's movies that I feel like I want them to see some of them I have to kind of figure out is this really something they should be watching some of them some of them it's not not even a question but yeah we just have such a great time sitting together and watching movies every weekend and this is the list so I can kind of track which ones have we seen and which ones haven't we uh but but we love to watch movies together but I've got so many notes in here and it's it's really just an incredibly flexible platform with a lot of tools that let you do a lot of things if you've used obsidian in the fast I would say this one could be really close to taking things over uh log seek users this is going to be very powerful qon notes users this is going to be just one of those things that you may not have realized is such a great tool again I've got videos on how to get this set up and it's got its own syncing server which I really like but you could also use different ways of syncing because it just saves these files on your on your desktop and in different formats so next thing up I showed you guys how to set up a matrix dendr server a while back and that's what I've been using for my family so this is just me and my wife and my girls and we have a little group here uh that we have talks with so we know they know where we're at when we go to pick them up from school or they can send me messages about things that they're working on or I can tell them hey don't forget or hey we're going to be there to get you in a little bit my wife sends me messages about all kinds of things all day long and I love having it on the desktop because on the phone it's just not there for me all the time but I can have this open on the desktop while I'm working and I see the message come in and I can look to see is it something super important or is it something that can wait for a little while so finally uh one of the things that I use every week is to edit your videos I use shot cut now a lot of you guys probably have seen things if you're if you're into video editing you've seen the tools that Mac has included or that you can buy from from Apple for pro level stuff you've probably seen D Vinci resolve you've probably seen the Adobe products you probably seen all kinds of things I'll be honest for my workflow this is absolutely the best thing it is super fast it does some really incredible stuff it gives you even more meters than this I just use this one because I don't need too many uh but you let me break these things down I can break these into clips and save them into Clips as well I can put them in here I can rearrange my timeline I can set up different different views um so yeah I really love this and it's got some real power to it it's got a little learning curve it's not super difficult though um really if I learned it honestly it's it's not too difficult because those other ones are pretty complicated this is very straightforward to me and setting things up it just keeps getting better the developer has just made things just better and better and better it's such a great tool and I use it all the time I love shot cut I've got some older videos on it I probably need to do a new one because it's got some really great new features to it and last but certainly not least uh for recording the videos uh I use OBS I used to use one called uh simple screen recorder just because it was exactly what it sounds like a simple screen recorder with a few extra features that made it really really useful um it was not updated the last time I checked to be able to record the whan desktop and OBS does record the whan desktop so um I really really like that feature about OBS because switching the desktop type these days is just not useful and a lot of those a lot of these guys are going to eventually just end the X11 support so I need to start moving over to these things that are using Wayland um and Wayland has come a long ways it really performs well these days all right that is my list my first run at my list of Open Source software that I use on a regular basis I hope you guys saw something new something interesting something you want to go check out and again in the show notes and in the description I'm going to have all of the videos that I talked about where I've got videos for them and show notes for them I'll have all those links in there for you guys uh just get out there and check them out go see what you can find get something set up start using open source you're going to love it I'm telling you open source is such an incredible powerful place to be at and if you really love a project make sure to jump over there and say thank you to the people who develop it just go over to their GitHub or go over to their Forum page and just just post a thank you say I just wanted to say thank you for this this is such a great project if you're looking at using it for business or you're really loving it you want that project to continue and they've got a way to donate or a way to to give them a little bit of money for the business go do that it supports the project and it makes them so thankful to you it lets them know that you are so thankful to them and it really keeps that project going I hope you enjoyed this video if you did like subscribe tell your friends about it so they can come along on the open source Journey with us and I'll talk to you next time [Music] B
Channel: Awesome Open Source
Views: 155,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: open, source, opensource, open-source, self, hosted, selfhosted, self-hosted, free, libre, software, server, web, internet, browser, linux, mac, macos, windows, microsoft, ios, android, pi, raspberry, desktop, tutorial, how to, setup, installation, instructions, cli, command line, terminal, network, networking, news, projects, rocketchat, vpn, tailscale, netbird, wireguard, nextcloud, nginx, guacamole, rdp, remote desktop, remotely, home, assistant, homeassistant, obs, authentik, bitwarden, password, manager, bookstack, matrix, editor, video, data
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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