Virtual Shabbat with Rabbi Jason Sobel and The UpperRoom Family

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family friends online welcome to our shabbat dinner online we are so glad that you are participating with us in that our kids are here my wife is here and miriam is here and rabbi jason is here uh this dinner has been a staple for our family and we want to invite you into celebrating this dinner with us weekly and uh and so tonight's gonna be a little a little bit of two things one we're gonna have a shabbat dinner but we may add commentary to how the millers do shabbat dinner with little ones i know many of you have little ones around the table and so this was made for little ones it was made for interruptions it was made for spills and kids that are hungry and so those dynamics may come up here and we're going to flow with it but we just want to invite you into this tradition that has been so special to us for two years and it was introduced to me and lorisa by my dear friend rabbi jason so i'm so glad you guys are here this is his wife miriam we just love you guys love you too man shabbat shalom shabbat shalom you know i think shabbat is so special as as you guys know uh you know really shabbat reminds us of two things it reminds us of the blessing of creation that god created the world in six days and he rested on the seventh day so we rest as god rested but the important thing about creation is that if we had to sum up the purpose of creation in one word it would be connection we were created for connection and so shabbat the sabbath this meal that we're going to do here is meant to help us connect with god and connect with one another and our family on a deeper level and the other thing about shabbat it's a reminder the ten commandments tells us of the redemption from egypt because god brought us out of egypt with a mighty hand and with an outstretched arm and saved us from slavery and brought us into freedom so shabbat reminds us weekly of that great work of redemption and if redemption was to be summed up in one word it would be relationship purpose of redemption is relationship the purpose of creation is connection so this is all about deepening our connections deepening our relationship with god and with one another and part of that is we want to create shalom in the home say shalom in the home shalom in the home or shalomi homie right one of the things before we start out with the traditional song uh one of the things i want to tell all the kids watching is bread is coming juice is coming and we are going to bless one another in just a second but there is a song that we sing that as soon as we start singing this in the miller household we know it is time to come to the dinner table so will you introduce us to that song yeah it's called shabbat shalom shabbat shalom and guys what does shabbat mean who knows who knows what shabbat means rest awesome wait peace or rest [Laughter] shabbat means rest and shalom means peace yeah and shalom is the ultimate blessing it literally comes from the hebrew root for wholeness oh wow so it's about bringing wholeness in every aspect of our life right and so it goes like it goes everyone needs to get ready to clap possibly run around the table this is the moment dad what what does it mean rust that's right it means rest in peace bro and a big part of shabbat is you got to have fun it's meant to be fun you can bang on the table you can bang on the table you can clap your hands you can get instruments if you have them in your house we have a a drum or a doom back or different things or whatever you like however you do it we're going to do that and then we're going to go into a little bit of rap oh you're going to rap yeah you're going to rap [Applause] [Music] [Music] god brought us out of egypt land with the mighty armin with an outstretched hand he parted the sea and he brought us through there's so many miracles god wants to do and he closed the seas on our enemies and he brought us through the desert and fed us there and he brought us to mount sinai with so much love he gave us the word of god from above and he sent us the living messiah when we believe in him our lives will go higher eternal life and he saves us from the fire what else can we say shabbat shalom let's go higher when i say shah you say when i say ha you say la [Applause] [Laughter] i now but one of the things that has helped us with mom when the table set kids are running around as soon as we start singing shalom everyone knows it's time to come to the table and uh and it it means it's on so i'm gonna have to add the wrap and uh and i'll tell you another thing and this see this thing it's it's a it's beautiful to make these memories and these special family traditions it is so when my kids were young one of the things we did was we played shabbat tag tag shabbat tag we'd run around saying shabbat shalom and i try and catch my kids or i'd hold one of them and they had to tag me so listen just have fun it is just have fun that that is what i kind of want to communicate there's there's many ways to do this especially with little ones and uh and these memories are so precious to them so okay from the song and we're connecting we move into yeah to the first blessing which is the blessing over the candles that are recited by always for sure the mom or wife but really any of the young women or girls can light candles so you can light as many candles as you want it's always traditional for the woman to write light at least two sometimes the mom will light one candle for each one of her children the two stand for the two main commandments to remember and to keep the shabbat but most importantly the lighting of the candles reminds us of the light of god's presence so when we light the shabbat candles what we're doing is ushering the presence of god the light of god into our home god is throughout the bible described as light and fire yeshua jesus i am the light of the world so it reminds us of him and so for and that's we have a traditional blessing and then there's also a messianic blessing but tell us what you guys do we always go hey kids before we light the candle what does the candle represent freelance peace jeez yes the candle represents peace freeland what do you think the candle represents buddy that's good peace and rest the light of god that's really good so if if you're watching and you have kids just ask them what light represents before you light the candle what do you guys there's nothing you're supposed to say what do you think the candle what does the candle represent the lightest skies yeah the light of the world and the light of god and so we we always uh we always do this um there's two activities that we do with our hands um before we light the light which represents the presence of jesus we always take a deep breath and we first remove the darkness so if there's worry if there's anxiety if we had a bad day at school if we had a bad day at work if we've been arguing at home if we've been arguing in our family we always do this we say bye darkness so just remove the darkness all stress frustration anger anger we just say go in the name of jesus say darkness flee darkness and then the mom of the house lights the candle which represents the presence of jesus so lord we just want to invite you here i'm burning my hand now we want to invite your presence here lord to be with us we want you to be at the center of this table holy spirit we want you to illuminate our time we invite you in and so everyone at the table if you would just welcome the presence of the lord like this just say welcome the peace of jesus welcome the rest of jesus welcome the love of jesus kids welcome the joy of jesus just say come holy spirit just say that in your house just say come holy spirit we welcome you into the homes of those watching and everyone take a deep breath one two three yay okay after we light the candle rabbi we get to welcome someone very special yes so one of the things just so people know we're reading out of this book called created for uh connection and it's a book that we put together at fusion so you can check that out upper room has them we have them at this has if you want to get for your family and then michael you created a special created for connection which has some of your explanations it's the commentary the commentary so if you're part of the community and want to know more how it's done so it's a great kind of two resources that go together but i just before we even begin i just want to say that the most important thing for for believers is that it's not so much that you have to do everything the way that it's traditionally done the most important things are the principles yeah and the connection yeah and the relationship so i just want to start out by saying that because it's not a religious or legalistic thing and so you can take these principles and incorporate it any way that works for your family but we'll talk about it more but this is meant to be a guide and kind of provide a foundation for families to learn from and build off so the next thing we do is we invite god's angels of peace into our home so biblically like with the story of jacob god sent his angels as they went out and when they come in so we talked about creating shalom in the home so we got we asked god to send his messengers of peace and to supernaturally spiritually bring his peace into the home so you guys ready to clap along truman we're gonna sing number two okay it's say shalom shalom say alaikum alaikum or if you can say the goes like this shalom [Music] lord send your angels of peace into our home lord send your angels of peace into our home lord send the angels of peace into our home lord bless our house with your shalom and you can make up your own words you can have fun i just make those up as we go along do you really like because when i'm listening to you i'm like oh my goodness i like usually read one of these blessings and we skip to the next one but we always welcome angels so i love that it's beautiful it's so good yeah and from there we talked about this is really at the heart what we're getting into right now and this is really what we're about to do right now is what makes shabbat so special because we said shabbat is about creating shalom in the what shalom in the home so the question is how do we create shalom in the home and the way that we create shalom in the home and create that deeper connection is through blessing and honor we bless and honor each of the members of our family so we're going to begin by blessing the yeladine blessing the children is traditional for the for the mom for the dad and if the mom wants to to bless the children there's a there's special they're special blessings there you go it happens they're special blessings and it's traditional to lay your hands on each of the children and to recite the blessing which also includes the aaronic benediction there's different ways that it can be done and in our home we like to take a moment and say something we love about each one of our children or part of it is calling out their identity and destiny i mean i meet so many people that have never in their life had a parent blessed them or anyone blessed them i mean this is one of the things that has been such a huge impact in my in our kid's life is imagine on a regular basis speaking blessing speaking identity speaking destiny over your children giving them that you know hearing the lord's voice in them it is life-changing for building love and connection and confidence is really special wow so here's what we're going to do um in prep for those that have kids in the home if you don't hang tight but we're gonna bless the kids and we start with the the boys and then the girls and so the blessing for the boys is from genesis 48 20 and the hebrew of genesis 48 20 sounds like this oh it begins for the boys to make god make i'm sorry so one of the fun things that we do at home is i sometimes try to pronounce the hebrew which never works out well but we always say may god make you like ephraim and manessa the sons of joseph so this is for the boys and then for the girls you read uh a blessing that it's not from scripture actually but it's just the blessing for the boys is from scripture but it's the truth the blessing for the girls is just that they should be like the matriarchs the great mothers of the faith so it says may god make you like sarah rebecca rachel and leah four honorable matriarchs from the torah now in this setting i'm i'm doing the boys and the girls at the same time uh because i want to give you about 10 minutes here just to go around and bless the kids if you don't have kids set a timer on your phone check back in in eight to ten minutes but we're going to bless the kids here uh and we're um gonna check back in here in just a second with you so uh bless those kiddos moms and dads get up lay hands and i also encourage if anyone is around the table just be listening to the lord and as a mom or dad blesses a kid then you join in and you bless that kid too so it's not just for moms and dads it's for everyone around the table to bless each and every kid we usually do about three blessings per person so that's kind of give or take what we end up doing but we're gonna give you about eight to ten minutes to bless all the kids around the table we'll see you back in just a second all right [Music] hey guys we're back i hope that was awesome getting to bless the kiddos we blessed ours we had a little spillage here as well a little uh wine on the table no no no big deal um so from blessing the kids we then get to bless the wives that's right and the wives and we can bless any of the women who are not uh you know who are not wives or but i think one of the things that's really important to understand is we talked about how shabbat we celebrate creation and how did god create the world he used words to create the world and so our words create worlds and that's why it's so important life and death is in the power of the tongue and that's why speaking blessing over one another at shabbat is so meaningful and so special and so what we do with each of these blessings because i think there's this idea of words from the heart speech of the heart you know we we're going to read proverbs 31 is where the word i love when you say that i just want you to say it one more time words from the heart speak to the heart yeah yeah words from heart and that's where i think it's so important because this can't be just a rote thing that we do right it can't just be okay we're going to read some words off the page there's no power in just reading words off the page it has to be an expression of your heart for that person or for the people at the table and that's why it's also really meaningful not just to do the traditional blessing but to add the personalized blessings to it right that's that really is what takes it to the next level all right so and i i i think it's hebrew tradition that eve ate the apple right so this is a way of restoring that connection that's right and proverbs 31 does that um and one of the things that we do we're gonna we're all going to read the men are going to read proverbs 31 so if you have this book and you're a male grab it because we're going to read through the proverbs 31 blessing if you don't have the book then if you're male just extend your hands or lay your hands on the women at your table but one of the things we do that i i do to mix it up because it's a pretty long blessing is i will pause about every third or fourth line and i will give a word that all the kids are gonna say so i may read four lines pause and everyone says hallelujah or everyone says amen we're not going to do that tonight but it's just an added thing that i do to keep the kids engaged we've already lost two kids i don't know where they went i'm sure they'll be back soon but this is kind of typical of a shabbat dinner i just want you to know but we're going to read proverbs 31 rabbi's going to lead us in that and we're going to read it as men over our wives and this has power packed with promises and just so good to connect us to the the women that he's given us and if you're single or a young adult and around the table i just believe this is going to speak destiny and purpose to you so rabbi take us all right together an accomplished woman of valor who can find her value is far beyond ruby's her husband's heart trusts in her and he lacks nothing valuable she brings him good and not harm all the days of her life she considers a field and buys it she girds herself with strength and invigorates her arms she discerns that her business is good her lamp never goes out at night she spreads out her palms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy her husband is respected in the city gates when he sits among the elders of the land strength and dignity are her clothing and she laughs at the days to come she opens her mouth with wisdom and a lesson of kindness is on her tongue she watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness her children arise and bless her her husband praises hers many daughters have excelled but you surpass them all charm is deceitful and beauty is vain but a woman who fears adonai the lord will be praised give her the fruit of her hands and let her deeds praise her at the gates amen amen amen so we're gonna take five minutes five minutes five quick minutes bless the women around your table so just yeah and and kids can tell what they love about their mom that's another option or their grandma whoever so you can just mix it around everybody so and if you're single just bless the women if you're with friends just bless the women yeah and i would say even like when we've had people that we don't we don't know very well when we've shared a shabbat with them we just asked the lord like what do you see in them we just bless them right you don't have to know someone intimately to bless them right there's a variety of ways right just to ask the lord hey what what scripture are you saying what what are you saying so we'll give you five minutes we'll see you back here in just a bit uh have fun blessing the women okay we're gonna start [Music] hey guys uh welcome back hope blessing the women was awesome we have tears flowing here um so i pray it was a blessing we're now going to move to blessing the men at the table and i know you may be getting hungry the wine and the bread is right around the corner so we're going to bless them in then we're going to start drinking eating and then dinner i bet we're eating dinner in 10 minutes so uh rabbi jason the men yeah so it's just traditional for well the women to bless the men and again just connect that make that connection so wives can bless their husbands the women at the table can bless the men by reading psalm 112 and then speaking a personal blessing or word why is it psalms 112 there's no there it's it's actually not not everyone does a blessing for the men we believe it's important to bless the men and the women and the children so everyone at the table and so as you read the words of psalm 112 there's a lot that talks about a godly man what his character is what he should be like and what he's meant to embody all right so women everyone extend your hands to the men and we're going to read this blessing from the book it's 4b if you have your book we're going to read that together rabbi jason take us home hallelujah happy is the man who fears adonai who delights greatly in his midfoot his offspring will be mighty in the land the generation of the upright will be blessed wealth and riches are in his house and his righteousness endures forever light shines in the darkness for the upright gracious compassionate and just is he good comes to a man who is gracious and lends he will order his affairs with fairness surely he will never be shaken the righteous are remembered forever he is not afraid of bad news his heart is steadfast trusting in adonai his heart is secure he will not fear he gives freely to the poor his righteousness endures forever his horn is lifted high in honor amen amen amen so we'll take another five minutes and bless the men the women typically i didn't i didn't mention that women typically read that blessing over the men but uh please take five minutes and bless husbands um actually we'll do we'll do about three minutes we'll be quick this time so three minutes we'll be back very shortly bless the men in your house see in a bit [Music] the wine and the bread it's time to drink it's time to eat the wine and the bread for us represent communion we always uh remember what jesus has done according to the cross and incorporate these blessings as well so these flow a little freely for us as a family when we get around the wine and the bread but um rabbi yeah so i mean i think obviously wine or grape juice is a symbol of joy and we talk about shabbat representing creation and redemption when we think about redemption we think about the blood of the passover lamb on the doorpost of the house which is what this reminds us of and we think about creation we think about fruitfulness we think about bounty that's why it's traditional to fill the cup to the brim that god should cause our cups to overflow even when we lift the cup up god lifted us out of egypt wow as islam says i will exalt the lord for he has lifted me up so we're just going to believe that whatever situation and circumstances you are in right now god is going to lift us up he's going to make us a new creation and we remember the first miracle of yeshua jesus he turned the water into wine amen new creation right amen so we read and again you can do the short blessing you could do the whole blessing but we're going to read here so heavens and the earth were it was the sixth day the heavens and the earth were completed along with their entire ray and god completed on the seventh day his work that he made and he ceased on the seventh day from all the work that he made and god blessed the seventh day and sanctified it for he rested from all his work that he created to do adonai eloheinum bored amen blessed are you lord of god king universe who brings forth the fruit of the vine who has given us yeshua our messiah he is the vine we're the branches and we bear fruit in him amen amen let's taste and see that the lord is good thank you jesus we just declare two that there's no remission of sin forgiveness of sin without the shedding of blood and so we bless you jesus for your shed blood we bless you lord for uh your life that's found in this cup and so leheim which is to life so leheim jesus to life that's found in this cup everyone just if you could toast around your table and say leheim thank you jesus bless you amen and i just think just want to say for everyone that's watching that usually it's also traditional they have a special cup that's what this is called a kiddush cup it comes from the word kadosh which means holy or caudacious means the sanctified because when we say this blessing we're sanctifying it and setting it apart saying god infuse it with your present and infuse it with your holiness this is an ordinary meal it is a special meal dedicated to the lord amen truman do you like that cup truman was really eyeing your cup bro [Laughter] all right so after the wine then so cheers everyone should have a glass of wine juice we move to the blessing of the bread blessing of the birth now traditionally you wash your hands before the blessing of the bread and the again people can do it or not do it part of the blessing part of the washing of the hands is spiritually we're asking god give us clean hands and a pure heart oh i love that part of the washing of the hands you wash through pour three times over the right three times over the left we're asking god to wash away all the past week the the hurts the disappointments the unkind things anything that we don't want to carry with us into the next week we pour over our hands water is a symbol of washing away it's a symbol of purification and it's also a symbol of renewal wow we're asking god to renew us refresh us there's nothing like on a hot day jumping in the ocean or jumping in the pool it just refreshes you we need to do that we we don't do typically the washington hands but that's a great addition does everyone watch their hands or just the uh it's traditional for traditionally jewish people everyone washes their hands but again if you want to do it or just uh okay whoever that's you can create it how you do it and like i said which moves to the next part which is our kids favorite part which is the bread mmm made by lyric's life low made the bread it looks delicious unbelievable now do you does anybody know why we have two challahs because they're so good we're gonna eat it all that's right what did god give to israel in the wilderness on friday a double portion of what well it does remind us of the ten commandments the two tablets of the ten commandments on which shabbat commandment was written sabbath but does anybody remember what israel ate in the wilderness for 40 years that bread from heaven was called to what yeah the man of the mana right so god on friday gave a double portion of mana so we're saying god give us a double portion right remember the ten commandments we remember right the two comings of the messiah his first coming his second coming so there's lots of things that these uh remember us remind us of and also biblically bread is connected to forgiveness and so we also remember of the forgiveness as well that we have through messiah that it was his body that was broken for us there's a lot more there but that's uh that's a little bit about what these uh challah is meant to remind us of that's right and we're gonna say the blessing you guys ready yes [Music] man blessed are you our lord our god king of the universe who brings forth bread from the earth and thank you that you brought forth messiah yeshua who is the bread of life who was born in bethlehem which means house of bread and it's traditional to dip it in salt because in in in bible times all the sacrifices that were offered in the temple were dipped in salt and actually yeshua who is the bread of life was salted when he was born wow when they swaddled him in the manger he was actually dipped in salt so it reminds us of all of that as well amen we always put butter on ours too is that okay unsalted butter salted butter and we also declare healing go ahead baby no i that's all i was gonna add is that this is a moment when we pray for any any bodies in our midst that need healing physical healing anyone that we know that we've been praying for and so if you're at home you can just join us lord we take a moment to remember that your body was broken for us and so we pray for every physical body that needs healing lord i'm thinking of several in our uproot community that are probably watching now father i pray that that that the body of christ would be made manifest in them and we declare over you precious friends and family by your stripes jesus we are healed and we thank you and we receive with thanksgiving god this body made whole in jesus name amen we taste and see that you are good come on and i'm excited because on sunday you and i are on sunday morning at the upper room we're going to be talking about shabbat going deeper into the meaning what it means yeah so this was just um the how-to the how-to and so we're gonna we're gonna pass it on to the houses and we're gonna have a meal here yeah um just 30 seconds or so what would ensue from here we we always this concludes the miller shabbat dinner we usually bring the dinner out and um but yeah this is the biggest part of the shabbat and then there'd be a dinner and you usually have a great meal together right and it's actually a taste of the marriage supper of the lamb wow and the kingdom we're going to be eating together right so this is a sneak preview this is a foretaste right and so it's meant to be special time of that together and then always it's traditional to talk about you know catch up on the week but also to talk about scripture you know talk about make us some part of the conversation about the lord the spiritual things and and it's traditional for jewish people to talk about the weekly torah portion every week jewish people read through the five books of moses so we actually at fusion have created a something called the torah portion god where we go through teachings on it every week so sometimes we do that with our family people can do that and then afterwards you can sing some songs there's some songs in the book just thanking god and then there's the jewish people say grace after meals thanking god for all the blessings that we've partaked praise god this has been so cool it's changed my family um it's been a weekly staple for us so you can find uh this booklet at rabbi jason's website it's fusion global just look it up and then upper room crew we have this one which is kind of our commentary the miller's commentary on this book which helps us as a family just to flow our hope is that this gets cellular it gets inside of you that you do it weekly it has been such a life changer for us so we love you god bless you we're so glad and honored that you tuned in um tonight um and we are gonna have dinner i hope you have dinner and uh we hope to see you this weekend at the up room thank you rabbi jason thank you miriam thank you kiddos y'all were awesome i also lastly before we end it i want to thank the media team here there's about oh a little over a half dozen media guys that have set all this up and so i just want to bless them they have done such an epic job so thank you media team we love you um so shabbat shalom we have to do one more thing shabbat shalom shabbat shalom have a great night we love you
Channel: Rabbi Jason Sobel
Views: 1,076
Rating: 4.9540229 out of 5
Keywords: Jason Sobel, Rabbi Jason, Messianic, Rabbi Jason Sobel, Torah, 5780, breakthrough, Shabbat, Sabbath, UpperRoom, UpperRoom Dallas, Blessing, Family Blessing, Challah, Bread an Wine, Jewish Blessing, Yeshua, Jesus, Christian, How To
Id: sW9x7IZPRXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 27sec (3447 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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