Virgil Abloh Mentors Streetwear Brand (HYPLAND)

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Why does he keep interrupting Virgil.


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Piccasss0 📅︎︎ May 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

Kid won’t shut the fuck up

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Blood_Casino 📅︎︎ May 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

Really great video! Thanks for this

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/yglavad 📅︎︎ May 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
  • HB forums.
👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/drmentaldesigners 📅︎︎ May 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

Why is he wearing a waffen ss shirt lol

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/vincenk 📅︎︎ May 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
streetwear history-wise that's work has been this like hyperlocal thank so today we're gonna sit with Jordan and go through his brand hi plan do you sort of pick out the elements that are strongest in areas that he can work on I'm really gonna be looking for an original concept and like a fresh aesthetic that's good so man how you doing Virgil Jordan nice to meet you hey tall man how's it going so far pretty good how are you you got yeah I gotta check it out that's good I want to like hear more about it okay so I started my brand - awesome walk - officially in 2012 it kinda came about in my 2010 it's like a thing between friends like a parade it was more it wasn't I didn't start as like oh I want to start a brand it was more so creating t-shirts for my friends and interests started picking up around like the public school I went to and I figured like hey I think I got something going people were saying like eh start a brand like keep stuff going I remember my first design was like a kind of like a ripple of like the Supreme Box logo real big up on the t-shirt um I figured like yeah supreme was cool at the time let me make something that resembled that I got a lot of heat from it of course because this is a zebra like always like yeah you got to be original can't copy supreme so I you know I kind of further developed and got into more big graphics cuz you know like at the time Diamond was really popular it was really popular so saying like okay let me get into like this colorful graphic I thing in 2012 was when I got my trademark so I trademarked the name hi plan it caught the name kind of came out I was like a random thing at the time I was really big on like reading height pieces like middle school so I was like okay let me take out the e and hype and I was from LA so I was originally called high Pele I don't want to localize myself I've always been interested in like global cultures and so I wanted to you know hit that market bar just make it like some sort of reference to Los Angeles so I being able to cover everyone cool so explain sort of what this reference material is so this is like a general basis I brought a bunch of images that kind of represent words that represent my brand things that I pull influence from kind of how I got started so I'll start from the left side so as you see at the top is a lot of military references I like to present my clothes from like a clean and like understated look and I pull a lot of references from the army cartoons so start from the bottom you have a lot of military patches I use the military patches as a way to kind of like bump up the clothes I've been kind of like maturing with like my design aesthetic so I've been trying to offer the graphic piece but in like a less subtle way with the patch there's almost infinite opportunities to kind of give like some sort of creative expression and I'm looking military patches because if you notice a lot of them have like references to different wars or different events that happens in different wars so it gives you you know like an infinite opportunity when it comes to expressing yourself so it's not so in-your-face like hey look at this graphic it's more like a oh look at this subtle detail this is you know like a nice addition to the piece I have the military references I really like the camera prints you see the snow camel print I really like the pockets I get like a lot of influence from like the military but you know you have like the bomber jackets really which are really popular right now the different prints from like bigger for my other brands so you have like a snow camo prayer the tiger camel print which is like less use but it's really really effective so I really like to use those principle not in a louder way that's like standing your face yeah the reason I put the Olympics in the center with the flags is because that's kind of like the whole message around my brand I like to try and include like the worldwide aspect as you see on like the wall right there worldwide is like my whole thing I want to I want to be able to create clothes that that appeal to all audiences I don't know I don't want to limit myself to like one demographic so I feel Olympus is like an event that allows all cultures to get together you get to see like the different cultural identities and like different trends which come from different cultures so you know it's like I feel like the Olympics represents my brand because I want to it appeals to audiences also you have like the sports reference I grew up like really big on sports to play tennis basketball it's really big on that so I looked into like the fashion so you have the jerseys the varsity jackets that come as a result of playing football and basketball so I've been really influenced in that type of fashion like um then over here you have like a lot of like comic references I do a lot of research and I like to spend a lot of my time reading like old vintage comics so you'll see a lot of these are like military controversial like horror comics so you see at the top mystery tells is like a horror comic it's one of my favorite covers you see the tunnel of nowhere it's really kind of like sci-fi type stuff but I used these climaxes like a reference for like graphic influence then you also have the top with the going back to the war with references you see like the swastika and like the Hitler references from back in the day with the war propaganda which kind of gives me influence because I like to create graphics that seem like a subtle message but it's not so in-your-face so it's more it's more understated so it's like low-key but effective at the same time okay so I chose a set of I think twelve words that represent my brand so first off I chose classic I picked classic because I want to make clothes out of like classic always timeless is like a huge thing when it comes to fashion I don't want to be able to make clothes that are kind of in trend I want to make things that are like everlasting so you have brands like Tommy Hilfiger or Ralph Lauren FUBU like even though they might not be super relevant as they were before they have those pieces that are classic which always like which can always be worn it's like the varsity jacket going back to sports it's like you can always wear a varsity jacket regardless of who made it or when they made it cuz it's a classic piece it's not overdone but it's enough to where you can like bring it back it's almost like a vintage like Gucci bag or something like that Gucci Louboutin it's like even though this is was made in like twenty thirty years ago you can still wear today because it holds its value that's the most important thing of my highest value when it comes to making clothes I want to make sure the quality is represented in the clothes because without like good quality you can't have classic clothes you can't be innovative it's like people pay attention to quality the most I mean I know for me more so like you don't you're more inclined to wear something that's good call it in and you are something else and you want your stuff to last you don't want to you know you don't want to have clothes that are just we're one time they're done you want to have some things that will last forever my next thing would probably be the progressive aspect I want to be able to grow with my clothes it's like even though trends and things are changing I want to be able to maintain my brand identity while I'm progressing at the same time so the understate for me was like a really impactful word this is subtle and you notice it it's like wow this it's almost like a black dress it's like this is nothing too spectacular but when it comes to the advantage like this is an appropriate piece for the event the global aspect it goes back to the Olympics with me so I want to hit like the global market I want my brand to be worldwide I want to appeal to all audiences then my last thing is the outerwear outerwear for is like the biggest piece of my brain I like I really like to focus on outerwear especially as I've been maturing as a designer like get on the outerwear it's like my main focus like when I first started the brand I told myself I want to be like a new kind of North Face that mixes like the frame and terms like other graphics like with the outerwear aspect I'm really big on like anoraks lightweight jackets I feel like I want to feel that void of the transitional jacket so you have the lightweight jackets for spring but then you also have like the heavier weight jackets or when I want to be that brand that covers every aspect of outerwear when especially when it comes to that cut in so jackets like that's my passion when it comes to clothes this like I love cutting so I love the more complex jackets the the patches the different detail that you can get the sleek and effective pieces for our because I mean outerwear is like a like it's like an infinite abyss when it comes to being creative yeah I think there's like a lot of things that come to mind I think for for your brand but also for like other people taking the course based on like the similar type of approach to what your brand is I think one of the greatest lessons that I've learned in building sort of like my sort of career path and like street wear or fashion is in an ironic way is like being very concise you know I think because your life especially like a young life it's like absorbed by like things that you've been into like very passionately mm-hm and then you know when you start a brand you can often try to like whip them all together to make one big story but it also it surprisingly takes less for a brand concept the less it is I'm just stronger it is you know the more focused the more you know when your brain starts drawing parallels between saying like Olympics Nintendo and anime then it can start to get a little bit like fuzzy as to like what does the brand really mean you know the biggest trick in design that I use it's just like hyper focus and then repeat you know make one thing it's like a template so when I see this I see like seven brands you know seven strong brands like I'm amazed you said and some amazing like things that you might not even realize because you're so like into the whole world that you know this is you and then you have one brand no no it's also smart to think to realize it's like you don't just have one brand didn't you know it's like there could be more so just going back a lot of things that I've heard and you're sort of pitch that you should consider like focusing in on that and not everything else like you know obviously like military might be the number one reference in fashion it's utilitarian yeah function first so there's like a brand that can just live in that world there's also your main concept of this idea of like global you know the idea of Olympics that like then you kind of highlighted it and maybe accidentally when you're talking about the anime you know it's like this sort of like global thing but it's like it's localized to subtitles here and there like that's a super strong concept like you could design collections that were like Japan and us your whole world concept you know like everything could be gone and you could have just talked about this you know 20 minutes where when you put these two together or you draw parallels like you can have like hyper specific references but those aren't the sort of in your top line who you know like this patch story this should maybe only be referenced for like a series of outerwear mm-hm you know when you try to like make your top line concept and then you focus on something that is just like a moment in time it can kind of like make it harder to sort of Zone in this but one of the main things this idea of like not to be overlooked it's like crazy strong concept is the idea that every season was just two places in the world mm-hmm you know it's like this Olympic thing that's like you know that's this worldwide that's just a few because what I think I'm trying to overall say is there's a lot which is not a bad thing you know the worst part is when there's nothing kill and these aren't like valid concepts also like when it comes to cut and so like we'll look at what you're doing you know obviously the classic shapes but anime like not looking at it for the art but looking at it for the garments you know there's like some amazing references like this color blocking like the whole collection would need only animate take everything away you know that makes it it's just that couple pieces you know this is the most important thing rather than designing a new t-shirt it's like almost like reducing your concept into literally one image in one word and then letting that sort of like guide everything that hyper focus is going to make sure that it's it every piece reiterates that one one thing yeah who's your target demographic most of my customers they have the best reaction towards my flag sort of designs when it when I incorporate the global and sell now so yeah I saw online only I've done some retail I've done some trade shows but I found I find online it's like more effective and easier way to hit by the careers orders doing um of course the United States so how about a lot of customers in California in New York I have a really strong customer base in Australia before like the lightweight jackets um UK pretty solid I've sold to all 50 states before I've sold to different my countries I don't I don't even know like how many times I feel like pressing certain I got I was posted on highest I think it's called high snaps ID or is it yeah I was posted on their Instagram I want to say maybe like three or four weeks ago I've done some stuff I'm like there what on their watch drop now I've gotten some contacts I've talked to something from height beats before but I've never gotten like an actual post did you know anything about anything yeah see they posted my more mature stuff so with like the varsity jacket and the military reference stuff they posted that stuff and then like a lot of people react very well to that I say I'm in reference to what your Center earlier I would say I'm moving more away from the anime graphic kind of thing and I have been focusing on the kind of Olympic and patch references just because I've gotten like older because when I first started I was in eighth grade so it was more like cartoony kind of thing but as I've gotten older it's less graphics it's more sleek quality focused cutting so type stuff with the flags it's like the references like different cultures I have like different like anoraks and different jackets eras in different countries with different languages and those often like sell really well and I hit like a new customer demographic every time like once I first started selling I was worldwide jackets started making ones for Korea starting customers in Japan started getting more customers in the UK and Canada because it's more of a oh let me wrap my country Saint kind of like the Olympics which is what I was pinpointing on earlier it's a way for me to hit the demographic of specific people so I mean as I've gotten older I'm kind of been moving away towards certain things I mean some things like I'll say for example like the direct reference with the Naruto anime is the language references and I use that to tie back with all Olympics just like like the type of designer I am I pull different aspects of different things so this is your site you want to go through it quick so this is the front page I use the front page to obviously show new products so the last part I just released were some worldwide flag cities kind of goes back to the Olympics so you see different colors of like the cities different news for summer different like the olive tones I really I really try to focus on like photography and like a presentation I thought that's the most important piece of a brand coming up I have some new like rugby polos coming out that's been like the whole thing and like you see like the video game references here with like a Nintendo I would say I'm gonna show you this one which is like the more military the facing Tiger stuff it's like some newer varsity jackets this is like the more recent stuff that I'm going with the more extensive cutting so the use of colors the more subtle references so you see like the embroidery patches on the front tackle tool on the back patches on the sleeves which gives like the reference is the military patch reference with the tiger on the front kind of used to represent different cultures the language reference comes from the anime like I was saying earlier I have I didn't spend I don't spend too much time on the about page I kind of just figured tell you where your favorite brand and make cool and original stuff influence by different art music and the military cultures around the world kind of goes back to what you're saying it's like a lot of stuff in terms of like one thing it should be focus on one but I tried to kind of give a glimpse of like what what I pull influence from so Instagram yeah I do how many people follow it 16,000 and they all realty so you know I'm impressed by the art direction and photography of the you know it gives like a good high quality image to your brand you know like the clothes and all that can only speak so much as how its presented is really high-level mm-hmm you think you know it adds to your concept you know that's how I sort of engage you know what brands about page is it's like what's on the home page mm-hmm then this is I want to show you the shoe this is kind of like what got me like a little traction a little bit I made like some tiger camouflage jackets which is the background image you see this is one of my first cut and so ventures surreal like lightweight rain jacket you'll see I have some samples over there and I'll show you later but with embroidery on this one you'll notice like I had the patch detail as well that I mentioned so you'll see like the snake patch so it's not it's not too too much breading but it has like that subtle graphic reference to where it's not too much because you know I'm like I'm not get a print jacket it'd be way too much to have a print and the graphic it's almost like you're doing too much interface so then this is one of my favorite jackets actually worth today the face and Tiger varsity jacket I showed you full and board in front got the taco tulle embroidery on the back set in size pretty soft hidden pockets I have I pay attention to a lot of details so I haven't my RN number labels on the inside I feel like that's very important to branding people pay a lot of attention to that how the custom ribbing I mean you can see the quality for yourself you'd like to see it's pretty nice material I'd say pay a lot of dish attention to like the patches and things like the street wear in a way like isn't fashion you know like there's an ironic debate that could be had about fashion and street wear you know one of the same they're very different I think one thing like a general statement is like fashion quality is like you know it's it's beyond quality it's like our it's like math it's a wider mez exist you know it's like not every leather brand why isn't every leather brand like to make that level of product is a is the definition of quality and I think Street where it's the genre within fashion that sort of owns not yeah for lack of a better just bad quality you know extreme where it doesn't have to be Hermes and I think there's a sort of like there's an honesty about the quality that which makes militant you know military its luxurious in a way mm-hmm because it's it's like the labeling the fabric it's so utility it never once wanted to be fat and it's it's not our men's but it's the same sort of like pointing it like every button on a military and every metal hardware every zipper every pocket every stitch you know sort of like you know which is sort of like contemporary Street where it's just this sort of like reality nice all that gets me to like you like fabric like if it competes towards fashion then it's almost unachievable to make it in any other place than like where a Saint Laurent jacket is made because that quality is to the maximum yeah of that which I think for your concept like of course quality is what you're trying to achieve but it's almost like not phrasing it or trying to compare it to something that's not - yeah you know I think that the longevity of the concept of Street where it comes and when we all collectively own the exact mmm like space that we operate if you look at brands like the best street wear brands that have like that are the most successful they're they're not Hermes but they're their quality doesn't dictate how strong the brand nor do they like like an Hermes has to like lean on the crutch of that this is the best quality because that's what that's what their brands about you know big grab thousands of pieces of leather just to find woman and that's what that's what they're selling so street where the strongest brands they're sort of not none of them are like claiming to be like hey this is the best made mm-hmm you know cotton or wool or something so I think you know because this is this is like just being very critical the quality is like it could go up like 30 steps from here but it's not that's not what the brand to me I wouldn't put that in your pitch because it's not he would have to be your meds and she's something like that your strength is more in like your point of reference and then this jacket is probably affordable how much is this only $110 yeah exactly so it's like replace quality with like available hmm you know I get a lot of flack from my own brand being like really expensive a part of my concept is to make street wear in the factories that make Louis Vuitton you know so it's like in my pitch of my whole brand none of it is ever about being affordable mhm you know that's not my on my sort of mood board I'm aiming to do something completely done and what's sort of like street wear and you know in a way but this course is about street wear this is a streetwear brand I see that the integrity and the mood of these patches the the imagery the meaning the campaign is about something else you know it's not to say either to like not strive for the highest quality that's not meant to be like a deterrent but it's like when it comes in like the snap button for example there's like legit 60 you know some there's snap buttons here that could cost as much as the whole jacket you know like me and I strive I tell kids all the time to like go in the Hermes and go in the Saint Laurent and look at their bombers yeah I'm like you can just see that the you know the types of ribbing what they use it it's like much thicker it's like home you know ribbing is a knit right so it's like woven like once you get past like the a pet or like the ceiling that a street where you think that there's only one type of ribbing you know but this is knit just like a sweater so you could do anything you know it's a pattern that we you know this the yarn can fluctuate in price you know they give the yarn that's just as much as the whole job yeah and you know to me it's like people are buying into your brand you think that's what you want them to buy into you want them to buy into your brand just as much as the individual pieces and so as long as this represents the brand then you know and everything you've been saying about the language the different type of like cultural sort of piece it exists here okay so this kind of goes these are the more popular items the flag references so this is like an anorak this is like my top seller like yeah the highest piece I'm working on like a new cut and so this is a sample of it so you'll see like there's some funny to some funny information that I just got yesterday you know because a lot for me Street layers about dialogue so if I'm talking and traveling I suggest traveling a bunch certain countries don't like their own flag did you know that yeah like I might be wrong but it was like an Asian country that like if you use their typography on clothing they won't wear it that's the conundrum that is global culture mhm you know you think about different cultures necessarily don't sort of praise their culture just something to keep in the back of your mind because like I think that's a minor detail again like I love this hmm I love opening ceremony mm-hm jackets like when you look at the opening ceremony this feels like what Canada would wear you know see you then these are like the flag video I showed you this is a new piece I just released they this is I probably like the one piece that sold out like the fastest in terms of like stuff I made there's a whole design I made it in 2013 it's like a year anniversary with just like prints on the sleeves and then I figured this year now I'm able to like it and say like cut and sew and make little different garments I figured I'd make the embroidery on the sleeves embroider on the chest and I get into like more cutting so garment that online is $65 so it's not super expensive I think the cotton is pretty I made the other cotton pretty lightweight because it's about to get into like the summer season I didn't want to make anything too heavy even though I have access to like the Canadian fleece and like knows the end grain cotton 350 GSM 400 like you know about all that so I mean I wanted to make like a lighter weight fleece hoodie so it's not you know super heavy for summer springtime it's good this was made for winter time two years ago this is like a sample got the embroidery on the back it's kind of similar to the shirt that I'm wearing right now has the inside print I kind of like the contrast I really like contrasting color prints so since to go along the whole idea of like the smoking death I kind of put the cigarette butt print on the inside just kind of to make the hole similar things like the front embroidery you can see like it's not a patch so I wait you can feel it if you want to suck on a twill it's like it's like pretty heavy jacket just for one at a time to me it's just about organizing mm-hmm you know and I think like all the different story if you want the brand to be this wide it needs to be like clear delineation like this season is about this one thing you know so it's about smoking then I want to see yeah also like all the imagery for all the different collections sort of like look the same irreverent to the concept that is a part of that one story so it looks like about military camo it should be set on a military base like but not always in nature you know I see there's it like a variance but I'm the same things to like think about like the smoking thing should be all shot in a convenience store or something like that just so all your different stories so it's like the brand is widely the global concept but every season kids can be dialing into like oh this one's about smoking this one's about you know that flag hoodie should just be like a constant carryover it's like a part of your permanent collection sort of like the thing that makes the most money the hats and the seaming those are sort of like trans seasonal yeah it's and that's what this course it's like it's not being about design its creative directing your world you know you're right and sort of like focusing on outerwear cuz not a lot of people do but again it's like less is more mmm-hmm you know I think that you should have more than like for a brand that's at this pace and you can add personality to your silhouettes it's like three three outerwear pieces mm-hmm sixty shirts yes I think I do you do pants like anybody know I'm actually getting to that right now like finishing I would just like your collegues should just be I'm like like scrolling just down twice that was amount of things like very concise and then look at the personality that you're adding to the outerwear pieces and t-shirts you know bag accessorize it out a bit merchandise it a little bit more mm but you know it's got to be all your storytelling should be sort of in the propaganda for that collection not just overall everything everything and then it then when people come across it they're like oh like I get it you know these his moods change per season but it's very strict I think just overall like strictness well you'll see the growth go further mmm and what you know by my question asking like has it been on a blog has it you know it's like you have the audience that you speak to but in street where you know that you have to you have to do what you're doing but you also have to do it in a way so that it grows and to see that growth it's going to take that strictness so that you know you get better bigger audience mhm based on the work that's being done mm-hmm that's that's kind of my overall feel to me like where I started off with it's only like this because it's not to say that these all go away and then put a minute folded they all just go to the background and you pull in certain things so now but it's like this year with like when you talk about your brand I should only know this it's a construct you know it's not it's a way that your brand stands for this that way you can always go in the Canada you can always go into like a sort of military nuance thing but it's always related to this sort of global concept like one of the best pieces of Isis that I have in Mike my career is being able to love something and then like throw in the trash you know like because you're not really beating up a concept so I do love the name what that's a that's an interesting point because I've considered changing the name multiple times and that's one piece that I've liked when I talk to like muscle people they either like love it or they hate it there's no middle ground in between yeah and then what a lot of people will say and too in regards to name is like the newer stuff that have come out it come by completely negates the name because it's like that when you they say when you see the name it's kind of like an immature kind of thing because like the highest are being yeah I did it before you got to where you were at exactly in street where like it's it's all freedom there's no rules to it but that's what I mean not being afraid to just like it's still you it's still the same thing there's only 16,000 people that know you switch it but think about not holding on to it for Sega oh I oh I started it I'm like do you get more freedom in your concept as your concept matured mmm-hmm you know it's like look at the path as it would go if it was here but if you did like a crazy rebrand but also that allowed you to like represent your new sort of mood as a designer it would go up like this just being not married to the idea that I can't because I have the people that are already following it because I think that freedom is what's gonna actually get you to your your overall goal you know for me pyrex like yeah I immediately knew that that wasn't something that I wanted to like be at a dinner 10 years later saying like what's your brand name you know like it was about a moment in time and I think it adds interest to me as far as I'm concerned I like things that existed for a period of time mm-hmm so that all ultimately comes to like post stuff for you to think about and sleep on but I don't know of a brand that is like wholeheartedly taking on this global Olympic type concept within Street where you know everything Street where history lies that's work just been this like hyperlocal mmm you know palace thing it's yeah if you know where that operates you it's a London thing it's a New York thing no one has properly tackled the concept of it being like you know this network of things that exists you know you could go this could be huge if that's what you wanted it to be no that's I mean that's what I don't be like you know you'd go to buy a plane ticket go do a collection make something hyper specific with a store in Copenhagen it and then all of a sudden you have new product it's super authentic because it was made there and then boom you have a store that's also doing the marketing right now you're just working for yourself like as you go on over like the next time period like you should be thinking not necessarily swipe collabs work that's something that I'm gonna do a collaboration with this brand or this model or this website and then all of a sudden they start talking about and then you're talking about then now you have two people talking on the same thing which is going to grow your audience right now if all your stuff is just kind of going to your audience it's sort of insular mm-hmm you know it's not it's growing at its smallest rate right yeah you know that's why it's important the-- it's the same way a major brand you know they spend like tens of millions on advertising or they it's seen you know they're or they're already past the hump and that's you know besides any sort of like garment fabric you know how you should organize the collections I should do this like it's important for to like other students watching it's all variables you know it's like 30 things but as long as you get like 20 of those 30 things like tracking towards the right direction mm-hmm you know you could keep all this hmm like you could keep all the why it could be a little bit non-defined it's all stuff to think about you know like you can keep everything as it is you can sort of focus on drawing more attention to it you can focus on the quality if I think overall you have you shown that you'd like the mental depth and articulate mnestheus the next step forward for me would be seeing that it just becomes more clear mm-hmm you know I think you'll see you'll see that do well for yourself but also setting goals like I was just saying about making sure that the work is working for you mm-hmm you know at an exponential rate there's a ways to do that within just what you're focusing on like your end goal might just be like ah let me just make the collection and put it up on my site but I think you should set a goal of having an editorial feature on high beast or selling it at height based on their site you know like finding local ways you know finding a wrapper locally and being like hey I'm gonna do your whole tour it's gonna be this and then you post it on your Instagram and I'll give you all the clothes that you need and I'll do your merch you know like that way you're working on your brand but it's also like an outlet for someone else to like speak about it as well that's how you can like grow the concept hmm out of everything that this sort of quick meetings have what sort of resonates with you I mean you make a good point in terms of like focusing on one type of demographic or one type of focus I will probably focus on the flag and the Olympic aspect and reaching the global audience just because I'm also it's not the first time I've received that type of feedback I've actually had customers say like the best stuff that I made has been the flag stuff because like he said there is no brand aside from like maybe like a North Face or something that covers on different things like that but there is no brand that's hyper focus is always either I'm from LA I'm from New York I'm from Chicago so I also look at making like another brand it's not it's ironic you say that also because I actually looked into like making another brand with a more mature name because I feel that words I can continue this one I have more designs that I kind of want to separate from the hi plantain that I've been making lately that it's kind of just like this is not this doesn't really fit my customer demographic and what I've noticed also as I've been kind of like showing some customers some of the more mature stuff they're not reacting to will because they're like I'm like they're not like me they're not growing they're more so like I want they want I want this at this time I'm more like I'm getting into this higher fashion like I've been looking at like the raf simmons the the real complex like straight up like good quality like subtle no focus like lots of stuff so almond definitely focus on isolating the the one reference with the worldwide thing and i guess i'll just have these concepts like supplemented more so taking different aspects from it so like you're saying the color blocking using it in a way that economists this so it's not direct like old this is a language this is just colors that are supplements so maybe like if i want to take an orange and black or something got it from Naruto or like the military reference like placing their patches and the cameras in the pockets and the usefulness of the clothes and using the propaganda are like using the comics as a way to send a message but not super direct you get them saying so perfect Thank You Man I appreciate it
Channel: The Agostinho Zinga Show
Views: 437,818
Rating: 4.8966694 out of 5
Keywords: streetwear, Virgil Abloh, Hypland, Hypebeast, Highsnobiety, fashion, fashion design, branding, marketing, social media, instagram, influencers, agostinho zinga, hidden.ny, streetwear brand, fashion influencer, sneakers
Id: VyaoduPu9lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 42sec (2202 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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