Viral Tiktok Recipes Tested! | Barry Tries Ep 38

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(Barry groaning) - Oh my, oh, that is horrible. (upbeat music) - Hello everybody, it's Barry here, hope you are well wherever you are in the world. Welcome to our kitchen. Today, we're trying out some viral TikTok kitchen recipes. Recipes in the kitchen, because you can't make recipes in your living room, your wife might hate that. Yes, I love doing these. You guys seem to like it too. Today by the end hopefully we'll have some cloudy, creamy lemonade thing. We'll have a watermelon pizza, which was not a song by Harry Styles. And we'll have some pasta chips, which seems to be humongously popular! Which we stick in the air fryer, but I believe you can use an oven if you don't have one. A safety notice, it is at 27 and a half degrees already here and it's not even nine o'clock in the morning. It's supposed to get up to about 31 degrees, which for the UK is like Terminator 2: Judgement Day territory, all right. Like proper Sarah Connor territory, and the other thing is I've hurt my hand. So please don't worry, this was not toaster related. My kids decided to kick a football into a very thorny bush, and I'm like, "Yeah, I'm all right, I'm a dad, I'll get in there." And I just don't want you to see that. So it's fine, it's fine. So should we start? I know, let's make this room warmer. Let's cook some pasta for some pasta chips. I'm gonna hold judgement on this because what we're gonna do is we're gonna soften them up and cook the pasta as normal, then fry it, which is kind of what you do when you make French fries or British chips. But then would it still have that crunch of what chips are? Which is what we call crisps in the UK, kind of like tortilla chips, which are chips. So we're just filling up a pan. All right, Boston, all right, Amy? Brilliant. (pot clanking) (burner clicking) Every single moment I get today, this is the old part of the house, this is the kitchen. Do you remember when we were filming in here about this time last year? Yeah, it's crazy. We're renovating at the moment and we haven't even got stairs. But whilst that water is boiling away, I am taking every minute to be based by this fan, just to cool me down. So whilst the water boils, we'll stick in some bow tie pasta. That is so nice. Oh my gosh. (Barry laughing) So we're using the, if you fall off a Grand Canyon pasta, it would be a... Yeah? People call it bow tie pasta or I think rigatoni. Let's be honest, everyone's got a random tub full of leftover pasta from over the years. You got those little bits of spaghetti and all that. Just shove it in there, I really don't think it cares. You could get that dyed pasta, the ones that are green with spinach or red with beetroot, that could really add to the flavour. I think they call it bow tie pasta because it looks like a shoe. We'll just cook this to packet instructions, which is 12 minutes. Always wondered, you know how we tend to wash our rice. Did you see how the water went cloudy then as well with the pasta? Do you tend to wash your pasta? Does anyone do that? (bowl clanking) You need to completely drain it. None of that pasta juice. I would do this over a sink but I wanna kind of show you. Something to show, innit? (pasta slushing) Woo! It's so hot. You're never gonna get it like bone dry, but apparently you just want most of the access water gone. And hopefully any of that moisture left will cling to the seasoning, which we're gonna add now. Four tablespoons of grated Parmesan, that smells amazing. Some pepper. Cheesy peppery pasta. What's not to love? We've got some onion powder, so about a teaspoon of that. And some oregano. And as it's going in the air fryer we do need oil. Two good old drops of that. By coating it in this mixture now we're getting it seasoned, but we're also glossing it, which will help it fry way easier. Oh my gosh. That smells so good. So the air fryer is 180 C for 15 minutes minimum. Okay, 180 C is actually quite a low temperature for the air fryer and what you wanna do, you wanna apparently get it golden brown and stir it in between. So I have got this thing that will stir it around if I want for the whole cooking time, but I'm worried it might get damaged. So I'm gonna take that out and I'm just gonna pour that in. (pasta plopping) All right. And here we go. (air fryer beeping) (air fryer humming) Everyone has been raving about this online massively. So give it the 15 minutes, do stir it about 10 minutes in and we should hopefully get a golden colour. Okie doke. So it should be done now, and in my opinion, it is very close to it. It's gotten nice and firm, a nice golden colour on there. The smell is amazing. I have been stirring it every few minutes though, but I am gonna push it for another five minutes. So 20 minutes max, and then it will be done. (air fryer humming) Okay, so now some extra Parmesan on top. (bowl clinking) And that is it ready. (Barry chuckling) Oh my gosh. I've kind of got three extremes. I've got ones that have just started to brown very lightly on the edges. I've got one that's sort of half and half, which is quite nice. And then they're the ones that started to catch really early, which I imagine might taste like charcoal. So let's try the medium one. (pasta crunching loudly) Wow! That is like really crunchy. Oh my gosh. Flavor-wise though, despite putting all those flavours and even just the oil to a degree has some flavour. It's actually almost like plain pasta. We're getting a slight cheesy hint. I guess, maybe that's why you have the marinara. Let's try that. (pasta crunching loudly) See, that was the one that was only just coloured and it wasn't crispy enough in my opinion. But again, the taste, it's actually okay. Am I allowed to be disappointed? I'm a teeny bit disappointed in that. I was hoping for more, but there's nothing wrong now with seasoning this, all that seasoning you put on before, or at least just a little bit more oregano. There we go, let's just try that. (pasta crunching loudly) My conclusion is it works. It was kind of fun, but all that seasoning, I would actually hold off, I would just cook it in the oil and maybe the cheese, but then add all of that at the end when you shake it all together before serving it with the marinara dip. Now, watermelon pizza, which when I first heard of this one, watermelon pizza, I was thinking, that's just like some sort of crazy sweet thing with maybe some ice cream on there, like sweets, berries. No. Look, I've gotta show you, look. This guy takes a watermelon, fries it both sides to caramelise it, covers it in pizza sauce and cheese and pepperoni, grills it and then has got, that is a watermelon pizza. What, are you mad? Yeah, that's what we're gonna try and do now. Oh my gosh. Yeah, 'cause I'm sure there's this watermelon pizza, which is like a fruit based thing that's kind of like a healthy, I'm sure it was Pinterest that did that, it was all like blueberries and strawberries and you segment it, kind of like a nice dessert at a barbecue. I think though, that this could be tasty too. The caramelization of the sugars in the watermelon. (Barry groaning) I carried a watermelon, Dirty Dancing joke. Never saw the second one, didn't really appeal to me, but the first one, I think I've seen at least 100 times. That was possibly part of the reason of having an older sister that forced me to, I was like, "Can we watch a He-Man movie now? No, no, Dirty Dancing. Okay, okay." We're gonna try and get this near the middle. We want a fairly big section. And in the video, it looked like it was fairly thick. So let's get a decent sized crust on it. (Barry laughing) This is gonna be our pizza base. I really, really wanna eat it. Let's try and charr it and caramelise it. It takes a little moment to get this pan hot, but once it does, woo! (watermelon sizzling) Oh! We are getting some lines. (watermelon sizzling) But we're still way off yet, I want that char on there. Little update, it's only been 30 seconds since that last clip and it just stinks like it's burning. It's not though, that's weird. Oh, it is! Look at the difference in 30 seconds. (Barry gasping) All right, let's turn that over. What is going on? Smells like a burnt cucumber. Is it softer? Ow! It's red hot. Wow, wow, wow. This is our pizza base. So I've let that rest while I was just preheating my oven, and I don't think you can see there, the juices have just run from it. It's starting to weep a little bit. Some of the sugar coming out, maybe? It's cooled a teeny bit to touch and it is a little bit more squidgy now. I love the fact that the watermelon rind gives you like a natural crust anyway. So I'm gonna completely cover the red part. Got some grated cheddar, got some pepperoni, and I've got a whole mozzarella ball there, but I don't think I'm gonna need all of it, said no Italian ever. I'm not certain, but this bit here could actually burn, but we can scrape that away. It's fine, it's all part of the process. Right, I guess we're just gonna cook it until it melts. Our third and final one is something called whipped lemonade. And as the room has now hit a lovely 31 degrees, I'm sure the oven is not helping that, in fact the pizza, the pizza, is very nearly done. We will get that out but in the meantime, we'll make our final one, which is a nice, cool drink. It couldn't come any sooner. The temperature in England right now reminds me of when I was out in Massachusetts working on summer camps, it was amazing, super hot but a awesome time. And I first discovered a key ingredient to whipped lemonade. Yes, this. This is some powdered lemonade drink. And I remember when I first went to Massachusetts, I was like, "Hi, I really need a drink." It was like the induction week. They're like, "Oh my gosh, he speaks funny. Can you say water? Water Oh my God!" True story. And I was like, "Oh, have you got any Robinsons Squash? Do you have squash?" They're like, "Squash, like butternut squash? No, like dilute drink" And they're like, "Oh no, we just use." And generally at the summer camp we had just kegs of this powdered lemonade. In the UK, it's a role reversal. I couldn't get this in the most common supermarkets. I managed to order it online, it came the next day, which is great. I'm feeling a little bit nostalgic right now, but this is a key ingredient, in fact, it is the main ingredient of our whipped lemonade. How the heck do you open it? Oh, there we go. Oh, smells like cake mix. Okay, what we do is we take some double cream aka heavy cream, make sure it's cool. We then get two tablespoons of the lemon powder and put it in straight with the cream. (light music) (Barry laughing) Ingredients, 5000% sugar. (mixer whirring) That has only been 45 seconds. This is the first time this has ever happened to me. I think 'cause it was so warm in here, I thought it would be the opposite. I've already got nice stiff peaks. Look at that. It must be something in this mixture. Insane, I'm gonna keep it cold 'cause our pizza's ready. Oh my gosh. (pizza sizzling) That bizarrely looks not too bad. It has actually caught me a bit by surprise. Spoiler alert, my hand is hurting a little bit. I've just tried to get ice cubes out of the freezer. Yeah. Ice goes in. A bit of water. Now apparently people add like condensed milk to this as well, but for me, I mean there's enough sugar in this anyway. I think that'll make it nuts. You're about to see lemons in this next scene. Just before we did off-camera, I sliced them up and forgot, oh, I've got quite a lot of plasters on my hands and some cuts. That hurt a lot. Don't worry, we got through it. Little bit of lemon juice though, don't mind the idea that. We then add this in, which is almost like clotted cream. It's so thick and it doesn't seem to be doing much. Apparently, you wanna try and keep it a little bit creamy at the top. Like that. Okay, so we don't break all the lumps massively. And then just because I feel like it needs another step, I've just put a lemon in it. That is whipped lemonade. We'll test that in a moment, but as a comparison, we're gonna get some of this powder and reminisce that that was it. I was literally giving this to five-year-olds. And then like 10 minutes later, why are they so high? We'll cut in there. (Barry laughing) And there is. Oh my God, we've got to try this now, haven't we? I mean, it is Barry Tries. We should try. Here we go, I don't know what I'm expecting, a caramelised sweetness, perhaps? Oh my gosh, it's still warm. (Barry groaning) Oh my, oh, that is horrible. Oh, the pepperoni has just driven salt right into it and it felt like I was having a tequila shot or something. Wow. The watermelon itself has turned almost into, you know, like when you make an apple pie? It's softened the fruit like that. You've got that caramelization in there. Just a slight less sweetness, but the salt from the pepperoni. I'm not saying do this, but that's the thing. All right, let's try the classic lemonade. Oh! Oh, that is just how I remember it now. A little sweet, a little naughty, but wow! It's lemonade. But whipped lemonade. Wow. That's really nice. It shouldn't be that nice, oh my gosh. Part of me was like, no, I can't eat those bits. It's all like curdled lumps, but the cream that's where the flavour hit was. It was kind of delicate in taste and mild, almost the same as that. But then you've got that hit of the cream that really punched it with an intense lemon flavour. I think today we've had a real combination of naughty and nice and no. So like, no, naughty and nice. These pasta chips, in fact, they taste, if you can get them super crispy like this. (pasta crunching loudly) I've been eating them off camera, they're really good. Folks, it is so hot in here. It's the first time ever my camera just overheated and like shut off. I'm like, oh wow, that happened to my iPhone once when I was near a pizza oven, but that's another story. But anyhow, as I try the cream on its own. Oh! That is the whole point of Barry Tries playlists, I try the recipes so you don't have to, or can at least enhance them. I wouldn't suggest trying the watermelon pizza, but the other ones for sure do. Thanks to Angela on Twitter for suggesting this recipe. If you've seen any cool ones for the Barry Tries playlist, it doesn't have to be from TikTok, it can be some crazy viral vintage ones, whatever you find, send them to me on your social media of choice. Don't forget to subscribe if you have not already and press the notification button to be aware of all new uploads and I'll see you very soon. Stonking. ♪ Check your level, player ♪ ♪ No matter what your style, the kitchen's for me ♪ ♪ Sideburns, moustache, goatee, maybe all three ♪ (bouncy music) For the rest of the day, I'm gonna be sat with very little clothing on. Perhaps too much information, with a very big fan in my face whilst we edit this video. See ya!
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 109,789
Rating: 4.9575448 out of 5
Keywords: Viral Tiktok Recipes, tiktok recipes, tiktok food, viral tiktok recipes, tiktok, tik tok, tik tok taste test, taste test, reaction, whipped lemonade, watermelon pizza, pasta chips, pizza, weird recipes, put to the test, hacks, kitchen, food, cookery, funny recipes, barry lewis, virgin kitchen, viral recipes, tiktok recipe challenge, compilation, easy, air fryer pasta chips, pasta crisps, lemonade, weird pizza, food hacks, cooking hacks, cooking videos, how to, viral tiktok hacks
Id: 9E9COFkjlBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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