DIY Big Mac Beef Wellington | Barry Tries Ep 35

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- I'm about to ring my wife. (phone ringing) We might have a problem. (lips smacking) (musical fanfare) (popping) - Hello everybody, it's Barry here. Hope you, you, are well, welcome to our kitchen. Today I'm superbly excited. So the Patreon Vlog Club already know how excited I am today, because we're doing a Barry Tries, so this is a playlist, please put in a sweatband at end of this video, check out the rest on the playlist, where I try different viral recipes from blogs, just social media, famous chefs. We've done bacon and egg ice cream. We've done a watery chocolate mousse. We've done a Beef Wellington, which brings us on to actually what we're doing today. We're doing a Big Mac Beef Wellington, okay. Yes! I've actually done two Wellingtons here on the channel already, one was a Gordon Ramsey Beef Wellington, the other one was his chocolate one. Oh my gosh, look at this. And they were both stonking. This one's a little different. All right, so that is a Big Mac Beef Wellington, folks, look. This was actually a brand deal I believe for the company that did it. And there is no way I'm gonna get glamorous shots like that. They obviously had to make it look nice for the deal. And I think it was all about promoting that you could buy Big Mac sauce in shops. I don't know if they're still doing that now, but we're gonna try and make our own homemade. And in other news, I'm not sure if you can see, but we're having our roof repaired at the moment. I was up on the roof with the roofers having a little look. My phone slipped out of my pocket. They went, "Hooray, hooray, banter". And it's actually cracked, I don't know if you can see the screen, it's really quite badly damaged. So I need to get that fixed. I think everyone's got one of those friends that's just got a screen that's basically shattered grass. "Oh, I'll get it fixed when I need to." I do not want to be that friend. So hopefully I'll get it fixed soon. Right, beef. (packets bashing) (packets popping) One kilo of it, that's quite a lot, but then I don't know if it's gonna be that big either, weird. But I'm following their exact steps. We season. (pepper grinding) Unnecessary, this is smoked salt. Some of you have been messaging me saying, "Barry, why are you doing unnecessary salt, mate?" I'm like, because that's the point, it's not necessary. You don't need to... Breadcrumbs now, take me ring off, and now, ah, we get up close and personal with it. Bringing the seasoning, breadcrumbs and mince all together as one. All right, fairly happy with that, we're left with a big old lump of a well mixed together beef mince. Now we need to divide this in two for the next step. It gets quite fun. So apparently we take half the meat, (hand slapping) and we flatten it out. (hands bashing) We need some cheese strings next, which is actually a snack my kids take to school. (phone buzzing) So many people are ringing me today. My phone's going off. Can you hear it? It'll be someone really important. Oh my gosh, these are the cheese strings. I've got ones that are like twisted. (packet rustling) I think it's like two different colours. I believe these are like a fake mozzarella kind of thing. Okay, see, they're put a pile of them on there, and leaving a little bit of a gap. Then more meat on top. Okay, okay, we got this. But it did look like they didn't go all the way to the ends. And there was a teeny little channel formed as well. That's the thing, those videos don't always teach you all of that. It's just kind of like, "This is how you do it. "And it looks amazing." And as we've found sometimes, it doesn't always happen like that. So I've got some food scissors, and if I just cut three, so we've kinda got a little pyramid going on. So in a minute it should be all along there. It looks really weird, doesn't it? It looks like some sort of cheese train going on a meat track. I have no idea how to explain that in any other terms, but that's it. And apparently we got the other meat now and shape it so that it's all fully encased. (upbeat music) (Barry laughing) So weird, at the end of the day it's gonna be beef and cheese already, and that is not a bad thing at all. So a bit like before a plane takes off, I'm just doing some final checks, I'll do that off camera, just to make sure I'm happy with it. And you know what, to be honest, I fairly am. I've just shimmied some more breadcrumbs down, just to try and hold those little cracks together, just to fill the gaps a teeny weeny bit. Maybe I'm being overkill. And I would normally chill something like this, but it's telling me not to, it's telling me to grill it for five minutes, like now. So I've got my grill on, and it's super hot. I was gonna do the oven, but I'm gonna follow the recipe as it says, maybe that's gonna help with some of the fat run off. Just as my grill preheats, and I finish eating a cheese string, I am gonna do my best to brown this as best as I can. I do not want a medium rare Wellington. (tray clatters) See you in a bit, mate. I am gonna keep my eye on it massively, but we do need some puff pastry sheets, which I'm gonna get out of the fridge because they're much easier to use when they're a little bit room temperature. So we can manipulate it, we might not need this much actually. I just wanted to make sure, I wasn't sure how wide it would be. Hopefully it will shrink a little bit when it cooks. If not, I can make some tarts. (dog barks) Oh my gosh. I was in the middle of talking then. I'm about to ring my wife. (phone rings) We might have a problem. (lips smacking) - [Operator] Welcome to the O2 messaging service. (fingers tapping) - Folks, Mrs. B said, "Oh, you don't need an onion", because I'm starting to get my stuff ready out of the fridge. "We've got loads", just looked in the fridge, we've only got a red onion. You ever seen a Big Mac with a red onion? I'm hoping that she's put them somewhere in some storage, probably in my office. There's probably a sack of onions in my office. - [Mrs. B] There's some frozen onions in the freezer, white onions. - Oh, they're already chopped as well, aren't they? - [Mrs. B] Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, I'll use those. - [Mrs. B] Okay. - All right, cool. - [Mrs. B] Okay, sorry. - Okay, that's all right. (laughing) Bye. So got some good news and bad news actually. The good news is it's all cooked through, the bad news is that as it's cooked, this is why I normally chill it, I was worried that it might crack a little bit, and it has opened up to reveal the cheese strings, which are still just sat there going, "Yeah, I'm a cheese string". It's not melted at all, they're indestructible. Look, that's what I mean. See how it's split open, but those cheese strings haven't done anything. It's all nice and cooked through though. And once it cools down, we can merge it back together. We're still okay. (tray clanking) There we go. See, from one side it doesn't look too bad, but I turn it around, I was actually 10 minutes in the grill, but it's given me a good chance to see that it is all cooked through, which is brilliant. The grill has caught a little bit of the fat, so maybe that'll help. It's just here, look at those cheese strings, they look like teeth. They're like, "Yeah, I'm not doing anything. "I'm a kid's lunchbox thing." (paper sliding) It's gonna be close. I'm gonna join two together just in case. Oh, that's perfect, cool. So we know that it's gonna be roughly here, so we did need that extra bit. With the gherkins we just need to chop them (knife chopping) into little pieces. So along with the gherkins and the onions, I'm thinking there's no lettuce, and there is lettuce in a Big Mac, right. (packet rustling) It's always quite a disappointing lettuce, but I've got some here, and I'm thinking I'm going to stick that on there as well. They probably avoided that, cause it's just gonna wilt, but why not? 'Cos, this is a Cos lettuce, thank you, I want to, I just want to give it a go. It probably will wilt and just be like rubbish, but if I just roll it up into a tube like that, (knife chopping) that with the onions, and some cheese. I have red onions, they're lovely onions, and I would have been happy with that, but I think they're more for salad use. I'd never tried gherkins until I'd had a McDonald's burger. And at first I was like, "Erh gherkins", you know how your taste buds change over the years, it just kind of adapted and evolved. And I'm like, "Yeah, I kinda like them now". That jar, I might have it as a snack one night, not the whole jar, not eating the glass, but you know what I mean? And then we've got our lettuce, which is what they didn't do. And I just wanted to add that on there. I don't know why, it might make me feel a little bit healthy with it, more of a salad vibe. (Barry laughs) Okay, that is gonna fit quite well. We've got to get some cheese on. Now they put a one slice, but I'm actually going to double it up. I've got quite a lot of cheese here. So I might do two layers to really hopefully get that lovely cheesy, because this is that pasty layer we're going for, you know. Get my egg wash ready, and here she is, the onion lady. - Hi, you never specified what colour onions you needed. I'm not gonna say what that looks like. - [Barry] Brilliant, thanks for that. Food video, okay, I know what you're gonna say. - Sorry. It looks like a burnt ciabatta. - All right, see ya. (paper rustling) Okay. - There we go. - We there? If you just wanna bring that right up. - Right up tight. We can seal that. (Barry singing) - Most important part of the video, and I'm like, have to get the pun in. - Did you say you've got some in your fridge? - I have, yeah. We're gonna patch repair that, folks. - I think we might need to. Cut like a thin strip to put here. - Yeah, just to seal it. - Yeah, we could even just do a whole thin strip across. - Well, folks, we have actually managed to put a strip across there, and hold it all together. And the cool thing is, we actually cover it in sesame seeds anyway. So it will kind of get masked. The main thing is it's all covered and encased, I'm happy with that. - Yeah, looks good. - Yeah, it smells really good. - Does smell nice. - It's gotta chill in the fridge for 30 minutes. In the meanwhile, we're gonna try and make our own homemade Big Mac sauce. I'm a bit gutted about that pastry, 'cause normally I would roll it, and then just cut it off and then join it right there. But with that, because I wanted to put all the ingredients on, and get it all right in one, had to kind of bodge that strip a little bit, but I'm sure it'll be fine. There is only one way to test if this Big Mac sauce is any good, with the Big Mac queen. - Me? I can't remember the last time I had a Big Mac. - All right, so apparently this is an amazingly tasting Big Mac sauce. We've got some onion powder. We've got some garlic powder, and they're both smoked, not vaped. Smoked paprika, okay. Apple cider vinegar. You thinking you might wanna drink that when you've got a some cider, it's not the same thing, friends, I did that at a house party once. "Oh, they've got cider", it's vinegar. I was young, I was foolish. That's salt. Some American style mustard, some barbecue sauce. The last thing is this chunky relish, you can see the lumps in there of diced onion and diced gherkin. Now this smells amazing, and it's gonna be our dipping sauce. I would have loved to have put it inside our pastry thing in the fridge right now. But that's exactly where this is gonna go. We're gonna put it in the fridge. (whisk clanking) - [Mrs. B] That's what I thought you were gonna do with it. I thought that was gonna be like the mushroom paste. - Yeah, that's what I thought, but probably, to be honest, it'll evaporate into the meat, wouldn't it? (whisk clanking) Look at that colour. Do you remember, Big Mac queen, the taste of a Big Mac? Do you remember the colour of Big Mac sauce? - Pink. - Yeah, it's like a Thousand Island dressing kind of colour. - Oh, wow. - Wow. - That tastes just like it. - That's a little richer, the smokiness as well, the tang. I quite like that. - Hmm, well done. - It's all right. Right, fridge it is, and then let's see what that thing's doing. A huge log in the fridge. It's been about 35 minutes in the fridge. The oven is just preheating now, it's 160 fan, 180c or equivalent. Little egg wash. Should hopefully give it a lovely colour, and grip our seeds. I really wanted to use poppy seeds or mustard seeds on here. You could really go to town on this, and that's designed to look like a Big Mac bun, sesame topped, which I can agree with. I think that looks great. (seed rattling) Now we bake it for 40 minutes. (tray scraping) So, yeah, we'll see it in a bit. I might spin it around halfway through, bye-bye. Folks, this is why I love Barry Tries. (laughs) It's just about done, ready to come out. And it has opened up inside. Not even where we did our extra strip of pastry either. It's kind of opened it for me. The colour is amazing as well. Oh, let's let's get it out, it's fine. All goes down the same way, right? It's kind of ripped apart - That's still fine though. Is that the extra bit we put on? - No, it's not. (Barry laughs) I think it just went, way! - But it's fine, it looks like it's meant to be like that. - Yeah, I think as it cools down as well, it's gonna, hah! - Careful, it's the Big Mac, it's the side, you know, where you see the side opening, and you can see what's inside, you know? - What you on about, Big Mac queen, the side opening? Hopefully it's gonna be melted in the middle, I don't know. How is that? (Mrs. B sighs) Is that good? - [Mrs. B] Did you put cheese in the middle of the mince? - I did. - [Mrs. B] That's cool. - That's cheese sticks, and they actually... - [Mrs. B] That looks good. - But on their shot, it was all pouring out and gorgeous. - [Mrs. B] Yeah, but that was probably after they'd pushed down on it. It's starting to drip down. - Is it? (pastry crunching) Oh yeah, look, a little bit. And we've had this out for a couple of minutes now. (Barry laughs) I'll take that. It's just as a slice, you've kind of got the main bit, and then this little starter on the side that you can just tear off. Ah, oh my gosh. - [Mrs. B] Cheese pull. - Look at all that, mate, all the gherkins and that. Look, there is cheese coming out, that gooeyness there. - There is. - And you've got the moisture of the meat, and I think I put too much cheese in, so it slid off. It was just my little ambition. But even the lettuce is wilted in there. - Maybe it just wasn't tight enough from wrapped. - Yeah, we chilled it and all that. But it does feel like it could be a bit too meat heavy, which is why we've got our homemade Big Mac sauce there ready for dunking. This is gonna be quite messy, right? - I was gonna use a knife and fork. (Mrs. B laughing) (Barry moaning) That is so nice. - The meat is really surprising. It looks quite dry and horrible, but it's kind of moist and delicate. It's not dry at all, the sauce really does help it. - Oh, I'm going back for more. Doesn't matter that it's all split apart, it's almost like you've got, you can add extra to it. - I haven't really had much of that bit, yeah. - You've gotta try it with gherkins. It's yummy. - Yeah, it looks horrendous. - And it's probably extremely bad for us. - Yeah. - But who cares when it tastes this good. - Mrs. B is the local child health adviser. If anyone says what's your job. Mrs. B is a health adviser for South West. (lips smacking) - Who cares what you eat. - Who cares. - As long as it tastes good. - Yeah, as I leave the Big Mac queen to it. That was absolutely delicious. If you've seen a cool recipe, a weird wacky recipe, from a chef, a blog, wherever online, do let me know and I'll add it to the Barry Tries growing playlist. And don't forget to put in your sweatband, and check out the rest, there are some absolute incredible ones on there to inspire you to get in the kitchen, laugh, learn and cook, which is the whole point of the channel. So give it a go. And if you do, send me a photo. And don't forget to subscribe, I'll see you next time. Shall we eat this basically before the kids get home? I think that's a silly question. - We might get meat sweats. - Yeah, see you later, bye. ♪ Check your level, player ♪ ♪ No matter what your style ♪ ♪ The kitchen's for me ♪ ♪ Sideboards, moustache, goatee ♪ ♪ Maybe all three ♪ You know that you're in the zone, Mrs. B, when you didn't even say bye. - Bye. - I said bye to everyone, and you're just like... - I feel like this is me at the end of every video, just eats everything. - My job is done, if you're like going (lips smacking), and we are genuine, if there's something bad, we'll tell you. It shouldn't work. - I don't eat it if it's bad. - But that's great. You could do like a KFC one. All right, ciao. And you still didn't say bye. - Sorry, bye. (Barry laughs) I was just thinking of fish and chip Wellington. - Fish and chip Wellington?
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 90,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Big Mac Beef Wellington, Big Mac Wellington, Big Mac, Beef Wellington, Barry Lewis, Barry tries, mcdonalds, beef, wellington, Gordon Ramsay, Big Mac Sauce, DIY, Homemade, how to make big mac sauce, homemade Big Mac, recipes, cooking challenge, taste test, tested, food, beef mince, cookery, fast food, mcdonald's, Big tasty, puff pastry, cheese, my virgin kitchen, virgin kitchen, myvirginkitchen, food porn, twisted food, burger recipe, mcdonalds big mac, step by step, cook a long
Id: g4WfHRgz0zM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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