Vintage Zodiac Sea Wolf Restoration (Part 1)

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[Music] hello and welcome to another episode of my retro watches what you can see a front of you is a little bit of a vintage Swiss watch by many people this is quite an iconic watch as well it is the Zodiac sea wolf and this was sent to me by a viewer and a member of the Facebook group some guy I know and he just asked me if I can have a look at it and see if perhaps I can get it going now I'm always hesitant about taking other people's work on I only usually do watches that I'm very comfortable with however this looked to be interesting and I said well okay I can't promise anything but send it open I'll give it an appraisal first of all and if I think I'm confident enough I'll take it apart and see if we can get it running again so here it is in front of me now and just add more pressure to me the guy actually said that this is one of his Grail watches and I wish he hadn't have said that but then again we haven't gone into it yet in fairness to him he did actually find this in a charity shop or as we said paid very little for it and of course it's looking pretty unloved and it's in non-working order as well so the plan is in this particular video is to show you some of the faults that I can see and then disassemble the movement and perhaps you might find some more faults along the way so looking at the the watch the first thing I noticed is the bezel hardly moves at all I've got to be careful because I've already taken the case back off I can free this up slowly but originally it wouldn't move at all but it more persuasion it and it started to come loose the other thing is the crown just comes out it will stay in with a bit of persuasion but it doesn't stay in all the time you are able to move the hour and the minute hand even when the crowd is in full position it refuses to budge those and as you can hear it whines but it just constantly whines it clearly is spring you can hear the crown springing back as I whined but it will just go on and on and on forever now this is an automatic watch so maybe it is just part of the automatic mechanism that the spring is not there is slipping as its it's designed to but of course it's not running at all you can see here in the movement we've got some corrosion to the counterweight but other than that inside looks pretty good so it's a case of dismantling this watch and trying to find out a little bit more about what might be going wrong with it it could be just that it needs a good service at hand or getting going again the movement itself just say something here I'm not sure if that's coming through on camera it's a 1 6 2 4 I believe that's an 8's movement I'll confirm that once we remove I can just see it here actually have the motif this is a yes so it should be a good Swiss movement removing the case back this was an early I think it was their first dive watch and one of the first dive watches out there as well so it has this normal snap on case Bank but it is particularly difficult to get it or I found it particularly difficult to get off and judging by the amount of marks around here lots of other people have had the same kind of difficulty in the case backing itself I have found 3 or definitely 3 confirmed service marks so it has been loved over the years but it is quite old and it's probably well overdue a service so I think the first thing to do is to remove the strap take the crown out and get the movement out and then can start with the disassembly now it's also the first time I've been inside one of these particular movements as well so I'm taking you on the journey with me so I have only a rough idea of how this one is put together but I just follow the same usual pattern that I do for disassembly which is first 2d case the movement and then I'll remove the hands and remove the doll and go from that way first strip it back to the main plate on the dial side and then flip it over and eventually take the movement part out so to actually remove it from the case this watch has got two screws one here and one here they should just undo quite easily this one is already undone by this by the looks of things so perhaps somebody's already have this out and not put it back in properly and I have undone that one all the way now I'm not wearing figure cuts at this stage because I'm going to be cleaning the movement so there is no point I feel other than I might wear them when I get to the dial so those are removed I'll just see if it's got a movement ring it's hard to tell okay so I've just learnt that the movement Sims here that hold it in have to be removed and of course they're not very easy the first one was a bit of a struggle I'm going to struggle with this one as well so I'll just take that off okay the movement is out the case and you can see here the doll hasn't fare too well over the years it's quite rough that loom is gone on the hands and certainly on the indices as well it's faded away and actually lost some of its minute markers as well but that makes no difference it's still a good watch and still worth saving now I am a little bit worried about these hands I'm not sure if that's coming through but they do look a bit tarnished like there's a bit of rust and because they don't move certainly with the crown in place and that does concern me a little bit so I'm going to be very careful about how I take these off so I am going to try and cover the dial with my my my protector and I'm going to try and pry them off and if I'm honest I'm going to do that just off-camera purely because I need my site to do that and because this is somebody else's watch and always a little bit paranoid of making a mistake for the sake of the film so just bear with me and the next you'll see as the hands have been removed okay to my relief they came off remarkably easy there is however you can probably quite clearly see it there some tarnish and some rust so it does worry me a little bit the obviously conversations got in at some point just for those regular followers if I just move this out of the way I've invested in this which is a different type of hand power I've been using if I can find it this sort of pressed a1 and I've actually got a new one of those coming as well but I bought this on eBay and I polished highly polished the ends and got enough reach on my camera for it to focus and this is pretty cool because all you do is you push this button on the top and it opens the claws so you would open this put it over the bottom of the hands close it and then you push down and I'm pushing down as you can see creates it to leave up and it pulls the hands up and it takes them off nice and easy and the reason I've polished the bottom is purely because the smoother they are the less likely they are to scratch anything of course I use a cover as well or a little protector one of these but that is just extra insurance really and to be fair when they came they were in a really poor State I think some would have been pulling out can opinions with them so I've restored these really good investment I see these quite often and I think as well there's now a more modern remake of these as well so could be a worthwhile investment to your bench if you are looking for a different type of tool to remove hands with so back to the matter at hand all right I've just put the crown back in this time because once we get the doll off we can have a look at the keyless works perhaps we can see why that is not working because if I engage the crown it just freely turns as you can see so something is wrong within the keyless and also on inspection again when I'm looking at the top of the our wheel here and that there is more corrosion so it could be the case that there's the the stoppage of the watch is around the can opinion area and perhaps there is some rust inside but there'll only be one way to find out and that will be to remove this dial and we need to look for dial feet and I've already done that and we have some very small screws there is one just here and I might need my smallest screwdriver we'll just loosen that one off and there's another one I think here and again we just loosened that one and we'll see if I can gently now pry the dial up as if I put it down there now other good practice to do is to make sure that you then retighten those feet or those screws sorry because when it goes into an ultrasonic if that's what you're going to use to clean the ultrasonic has a tendency to vibrate those screws out and on this watch they are exceptionally small so they'll be easily easily lost so let's have a look inside and see if there's anything obvious that I can see that's wrong and other than a bit of dirt to my naked eye I can't really see much we can hear that that is winding but clearly the clutch is not engaging with the intermediate wheel I'm presuming there's an intermediate wheel under there that would then be driving the mini wheel so let's get stuck into that and remove all of those components okay so we have a little dial shim to remove first and artists eat that really does seem quite tight however we will remove the keyless I will remove this part first saris you see in my fingers I really need to set up a different camera angle and I'm not doing very well here because the screw is still not completely out if any of you are new to the channel please don't forget if you don't know already I am NOT a professional I am just a hobbyist like many of you guys and I'm learning as I go along I just like to film it and put it on the internet for people to watch and maybe learn or learn through my mistakes so the screw is causing me a little bit of a headache it seems no matter how many times I turn it it doesn't want to come out it's definitely loose and finally with a bit of persuasion and then would you believe there's a little hole in the case there and that's exactly where it's fallen you could bank on that could you however it will continue to remove this cover plate now we can see the problem so that is straight away that's a catastrophe we're going to need some parts and I'm not sure straightaway how I'm going to find those parts hopefully you guys and can see that I am tempted to perhaps try and either do a close-up and put it on the microscope so you have this sort of intermediary or this drive wheel the the clutch hits to engage with the minute wheel and that has lost all of its teeth in this area so I guess that the minute wheel is seized along with the hour wheel which I should just lift off and it's not lifting off so I'm guessing that that seized all that seized and the force of somebody turning the crowd to turn the hands has just broke all the teeth off the minute wheel so that is a bit of a disaster it could be a common part but then these movement range might be able to find it but otherwise it could require a donor movement so not ideal has to be said at this stage so I'll need to see first of all if I can free these components up and as you this really should just lift off and I'm very worried that that is completely seized on so I'll just have a quick look at that and see if there's a way for me to grab hold a bit better maybe a little pin vise or something see if I can grab it and pull it that way okay so off-camera I just remove that little drive wheel there and I could find that the minute wheel would move ever so slightly but the our wheel needed the pin vise so I just put the pin vise on it and gently tightened up and pull it and that was enough for it to come off I will need to inspect that a lot closer see if I can get this in focus for you to make sure that any all those teeth are okay however the minute wheel is no more and I'm a football game l offer as well let's have a quick look with some rowdy code no so that's that's quite stuck as well at least we know that the party's scrapped I guess it doesn't matter too much how it comes off just as long as it does come off and if I can't free it up feed off then it will certainly come off in the in the wash perhaps I'll just try and remove the Kalyn pinion to remove can opinions might tend to dis use tweezers I'm almost banking on this one being stubborn as well because I can see from this angle there's a lot of rust so I get a bigger pair of tweezers I'm going to bite it at the bottom and that is absolutely solid so that's not good either so I'm gonna need to try and persuade those off so I think what I'll do while we're here is first of all just remove the the rest of the keyless some of these screws are particularly tight once again this one already do you need to put the movement in a holding out and try and get those out okay sorry for the cutting out and cutting back in again I've had to wrestle with that a little bit and you can see why there is a lot a lot of rust underneath that and hopefully if we get into focus there we go you can see that we were missing quite a lot of the teeth on that so that's been seized for some time and people have been trying to turn that growl I tore him off over there and over here so that one he's completing his breath the can opinion is still giving me a little bit of grief too I'm gonna leave it on on just for the time being and I'll remove the rest of the keyless works so just loosen this screw off finally so this is setting out to be quite a challenge already and we've only got the calendar or the dial side off the calendar side there's no calendar works on it so I remove the setting leave a spring and then we've got a shepherd's crook type spring to remove and I'm let me just get a bit of rowdy cow in there just in case sorry I did that a bit off the camera again so there's the spring and then we have the yoke absolutely everything is ping really stupid and then it obviously got water aggressive at some point and that's caused all these problems I'm not a big fan of levering parts and now this is another one that's not wanted to to come out and I will actually just turn it over because I've got a feeling this is the reason why yeah parts just drops onto my fingers should have thought of that that's the setting lever and then out comes the drive wheel and the clutch so we'll need to examine a touch as well because of all the teeth that we're missing the question with them will be sorry so I think I'll put these on the scope so we can see them closer you can get something from that but there we are then here's the doll side done - that cannon pinion which I'm going to have to have a little bit of a think on I might even put a little touch of oil on that obviously we're going to wash it so I shouldn't matter too much but it might just help to free up that bit of rust just before we go onto the scope I just thought I'd say that I've got my smaller pin vise and the can opinion but you can't see because it's not focusing is in the end of here that's come off quite successfully so I'm quite pleased with that because it's always the worry that the Canon pinion is stopped fast I've had that before today anyway I'm going to put it all on the scope you can see just the extent of the rust of what we're dealing with okay so here we are under times 20 magnification and you can see the extent of the rust so there's quite a lot specially on that post there for the minute wheel trying to find something to to indicate with so there is a lot of rust there however I got a good feeding that that will clean off the next concern is let's just get in focus you can just see the top there of the can opinion where the the fourth wheel comes through that drives the second hand and that is quite extensively rusted on the top excuse me and it might clean up with a bit of polish it just depends on what actually the fourth wheel is like as well because that could be rusted all the way through I mean - let me find that out when we remove it for a look at the rest of the case well it's it's passed around a bit the jewel looks okay just a bit cloudy so obviously got some dirt in there these all look okay so clearly to me here we go into the keyless area sorry the autofocus is going crazy again you can see a bit more rust there so I would hazard a guess that that's where the more just made to get in and it's worked its way over to here and caused all that damage and this I have no doubt really that this is what is stopping this wash it just depends now whether it is carried on through into the other side of the movement and in which case that will of cause havoc in there as well so we can only have our fingers crossed that it hasn't so I'll now just set up the parts that we've removed and you can have a good look at those okay here we are looking at time 220 on the microscope at the minute wheel and as you can see quite clearly we have teeth missing down here and we have lots of teeth missing over there coupled with all the the rusty you can see so quite clearly in my opinion what's happened is the Canon opinion has got stuck and the whoever the owner was turning the crown the crown turns the intermediate wheel or the drive wheel which turns the minute wheel which engages with the can opinion and because one of them stuck they've turned a bit too hard and of course the teeth of shared off this mini wheel which is a travesty but we'll see if we can get one I've got a good feeling that I'll be able to find something on the internet so in light of that we need to inspect all those other parts as well so I'm going to bring in the the drive wheel I don't know the actual terminology of what this is it's annoying me now because it's decided to get stuck to my tweezers as well so I can't keep it in one place now I mean just looking at it from this angle you know the teeth all look okay to me I will inspect it a bit more like this as well but I'll probably do that a bit later on the hour wheel so here's the our wheel and as you can see that is pretty dirty but I've got a good feeling that will clean off with some good solution in the ultrasonic and then through the machine the watch cleaning machine should come up quite nicely the teeth do look okay from from this visual at least I guess we really need to clean it and inspect it again afterwards I also wanna have a quick look at the clutch because as well this takes a lot of the the drive so all that force will have gone through here they're just a little bit out of focus they're all because I've sticking it up on the end and just a quick glance at those teeth they don't look too bad there's a showing a bit of wear also the light as you can see is reflecting quite badly there's something sticky on my tweezers surely so no cause for alarm there and then the last thing is going to be the cannon pinion and here is the can opinion once again stuff to the tweezers so I think I need to just clean my tweezers so what we can see a light is not great here as it is there's quite a bit of gunk on the side let's just see if I can tilt that up on its end and offer it under the scope here that's going to be really tricky to do let's try it this way so you're on a funny angle as well but it just just looks very dirty to me and on that side let's see if I can hold it and bring that in going the wrong way yep so no obvious damage there over then needs D rusting and a good clean so good news um those parts might be salvageable just concern actually going to look at that whether there's some damage to the top there it really it looks really is hard to to see from this angle so I might do that a bit bit later on possibly after the first clean so I think for the out we'll just set back up and start the disassembly of the actual train side and see if there's any faults in there okay so I've removed the rotor and just looking at the movement as itself if I just wobble it you can see that the balance is moving quite freely and when I looked at that under a loop the hair spring looks quite good so no problems there however the problem I have noticed it was a problem that I noticed and I think I said it at the start of video is that you could just wind this watch it seems like there's some tension in the spring but it just keeps winding and winding and winding but once I've DK stood and I try and apply him so I'm whined if you can we have to listen out for a noise so you can hear that click I know you can't see it because my fingers are in the way so you're going to do that way but there's also a knocking sound on every click right there that was my spirit over this time there there so that is odd indicates that there's something wrong in the barrel it could be the arbors not engaging with the the hook on the hair spring or this Mitt Romney the barrel that the bridle on the barrel wall when I try and let down any tension so what you would do on this is you just wind it to again you're not going to see it because I've got the other camera set up I have to move the click out the way so all the tension could come off and there isn't any it doesn't want to remind at all which suggests to me that that click is just basically not putting any any tension into the spring so if that was okay and we could wind it all perhaps the watch would actually run who knows because you know at the top at least on this side everything look was quite good so I'm gonna try to disassemble this side it is really in the journey of the unknown for me I've not done one of these before but it looks pretty much like the standard procedure for a manual wind watch so I'm going to start by removing the screw here and this would be a left-handed screw and that's come off and it drops a little washer on the screw with it so that came off alarmingly easy just get those out the way and then we need to remove the ratchet wheel and the click and there will be a spring I'm guessing under there somewhere so I have to be a little bit careful and of course this actual cover plate is obscuring that so I don't want to try and force that out just yet so what I'll do is actually put the screw back in for safety and remove that bridge okay this bridge looks like it's got three screws one here one here and one here so we will tackle the screws off on that and remove the bridge can't remove the screws I did that now without you having to see my fingers and there is just a little slot just there which will be or I'm assuming will be for leverage like so to remove this train three more bridge and I was kind of hoping there was one on this side but there isn't that size quite rusted up and I don't want to force anything but I do feel that the rust might be playing into my hands just a little bit here yeah as soon as I've got it I've knocked it back in so there we have one train bridge with a little cover plate here which is for the auto whine so I'll have to remove that as well for when it comes to cleaning but for now we'll continue with the stripped down of the main parts so we can see inside the train there and get all those quite nice so go back to removing the ratchet and now that should lift clear and it was under tension and as you can see he's run across the table so once again my lack of professionalism is shining through in abundance right now so this is the spring that was holding on and I'll have to now remove that okay I move the screw for the click and then we'll lift off there click itself and then there is a spring in this plate and I've seen these sort before so it'll hook around just need to be careful of how we try and take that out and that one decided to fly as well but here it is I should have secured it with some more rowdy Co but I'm a rather strange angle trying to film so there we go that's the spring taken away and now we can concentrate on the next part which will be taking out the train wheel bridge right so remove the screws off-camera there is one here one here and one here these two are longer than the small one here and now the train bridge should just lift straight off and again I just want to be careful so it's not to damage anything but there we are so now we're looking at the inner workings of the Train and through the camera here I can't see and I think looks particularly alarming so we'll go ahead with the removal of the wheels and the fourth wheel here straight away it seems very seized indeed so that will be an issue because of the rust on the cannon pinion and another indication that this movement or why this this watch stopped running should I say so I'm a bit worried about that I'm just gonna have to have a little look and a bit closer look and see if there's any way of freeing that up okay my initial thoughts were that this should just lift straight out which is normal for one of these well for a fourth wheel from my experience however I thought it was seized thing is if I turn it it's not it's got plenty of movement it just won't come up and I think that's because the barrel and this plate it holds a barrel in place may be engaged in such a way that that's preventing it from remove being removed so I'll undo these two screws remove this bridge here and hopefully by the removal of the barrel we can then get that that wheel out okay so I've undone the screws for that and then we hope you don't just lift straight off which it does and then the barrel should be released and there we go we get to see a little bit more underneath we'll come back to the barrel later so that's interesting it has another little drive wheel here I've not seen that before I'm actually quite curious as to what our sassanid driving so anyway let's see and no no that's still very much stuck how interesting and how bizarre and have to have yet another look at it and all of this mechanism here so I don't know what to say you guys are sitting there watching this probably cringing this is definitely a bit more of an unusual movement than I thought it was going to be certainly with these wheels here and interesting at the same time so I'm going to take a closer look at that mainly again to get rid of this fourth wheel because we can't do anything until we get the fourth wheel out okay a bit of further investigation and there's all kinds going wrong the it turns out that the center wheel was jammed underneath as well and I've had to turn the movement upside down and clean with a releasing agent because of the rust and things on the so I used some release agent and a fiber brush just to sort of clean some of the tarnish and the rust off and I can now move with my tweezers gently the center wheel however they're still not going to come out and I don't want to force issues I'm going to remove the balance and get the escape out there as well and potentially move these to which I've now worked out as well by the way that these of course are all part of the automatic works so the way it's winding is the rotors winding by our gear and it will turn this and of course this is then turning the barrel so it's quite an interesting setup really so I'm going to try to remove as much as I can and let this soak in a bit more worst-case scenario is I'll wash them in situ so I'll put it through the ultrasonic and see if that frees it up the last thing I want to do right now is force any of these wheels because I can break them or I'll damage them and at this stage as I'm filming I don't know if I can replace them so caution is needed so I'm going to go ahead and remove the escape wheel and as I say the other components in and I'll show you again the results that we find at the end of that ok join me a little bit later on now for the last at least 30 minutes I've been wrestling with this thing and using the release agent which I will actually tell you which one that is because I forgot to tell you I use this stuff called bliss gas and fast release dismounting lubrication is a little bit like wd-40 although it is purpose made to release stubborn parts probably mainly for cars and Industry but I'm using it on the watch and the as it turns out the center wheel here was ok it was turning fairly freely however the minute wheel the fourth wheel not the minute wheel I'm getting everything confused here so the fourth wheel it was sitting on the top was actually seized inside so you could move a little bit but I think the rust has affected inside and it's probably rusted the center wheel I haven't taken that off yet inside and it wouldn't come out and it took a long time a very very gentle persuasion and kept on putting the lubricant on and eventually it came out and here it is so what we will do is I'll strip the rest of it down we'll put this part and several other parts on the microscope and we can see the extent of the damage of those and see if they're going to be recoverable or not of course I'm not too sure I have now been informed that some parts from a I think it's an a s 1580 very similar or if not exactly the same as the parts in here which is very good because it means that those parts are available at the moment at cousins so we can potentially buy new old stock parts and get this thing going again so I'm going to carry on as I say removing the parts so the third wheel we now know will lift out nice and easy to get to the center wheel we have this little bridge and to remove this bridge we have two simple screws so honestly because I'm fed up of getting my fingers in and I've still haven't set up the other camera I'm just going to do those off the camera and then we'll remove the center wheel okay those screws out and this train bridge should just pick up does again look a bit dirty around the jewel hole there but equally that's also we're being applying loads of oil so there is the center wheel and hopefully yep that is just going to lift out quite nicely again we can't really see anything until we get a look a bit closer on the the microscope so nearly back to the plate it's just this the automatic works that need to be removed and this is quite a new thing for me I've not seen it set up like this before but then as if you if your regular to the channel you know that I've mainly done psychos and once again we've got a really stupid screw so I'm gonna wrestle with that one now all right that's the screw taken care of and we just don't need to try and lift these parts out like so and then hopefully this one here will come out and he does and we've actually got and I know whether you can see that in the light I said oil now I am curious actually whether that is the oil from the releasing agent and it's sort of just travel to there or whether that is actually some existing oil I think it must be the the release in oil because this thing has been driver bone all the way through all right there we are we're back to the main plate so let's inspect those parts a little bit closer and just see the extent of the damage well let's start with a quick examination of the main plate now it's all nice and stripped down and as you can see there that's the weather center where we're sitting and you know that's really just a dried release at agent now more than anything else just try and have a quick look at some of these jaws just make sure that they are not cracked so far so good other than a lot of dirt now this is the where the barrel roll not the barrel lead the bother sort of the ratchet I guess underneath the barrel to wind it was sitting and to be fair I don't think that is the release nation I think that is actually the oil from one of the previous services so I stayed intact anyway I'm quite happy what I'm seeing here mainly because the jaws don't look cranked because that means that they will be cleaned quite a lot just trying to turn it over sorry okay on the other side I think we've already done this side to be fair but once again now it's all back to bare metal everything that was okay now you'll see what they look like scratches some of those won't be there will be bristles from the fiberglass pen that I used so yeah okay perfectly happy with the main plate well I'm not happy and they take a lot of cleaning but you know it looks like it's gonna be usable so let's go and inspect those parts right here is the fourth wheel or the second wheel if you like and this is obviously the wheel of the the second hand sits on and I've just used a bit of old Monaco there to try and prop it up because what we're looking at here is where it was all where it still is whoops it all really rusted up isn't it the two solid lumps you can see they should be there but the rest of it is horrible really is horrible so we'll have to try and see how well the cleaning methods cope with that hi Ron eclis I did try and put it back through the center wheel and it doesn't like it more inclined to believe that there be more corrosion inside the center wheel than there is on here so that's not particularly great if you just turn it upside down and trying to get it in the head to focus and just look at the teeth to make sure that all at least at this brief stage yeah all the teeth seem to be in tanks and the leaves down here apart from being a really dirty okay right so centre wheel I have a similar sort of problem trying to get this into focus I don't know whether we're going to be able look down that hole at all I mean we've got a white base on the microscope here and you would assume we would see just trying to again wine this thing up and we can't see anything sorry for the blur guys obviously I'm doing this always always doing everything on the fly and it doesn't always work that well so if we turn it over this side it looks awful I won't lie whether that's dirt or rust I think is a bit of a combination of everything so yes that doesn't look too healthy at all does it let's face it so it could be that it needs at least well we know it needs the minute wheel from the other side and it might look like now it needs the center wheel and the fourth wheel I'm not worried about the third wheel that seemed to be completely unaffected so I keep trying to get this in the right angle it's not really working is it so we can assume that that has seen better days I might have a very small broach might be able to put up there it's difficult I've got a very small broach but I don't think it's that's more so that's those the final component that I wanted to look on the microscope was the mainspring but I've been thinking about this and I don't think the problem as much as well I was hearing that click at the start I don't think the problem was in the main I mean look at that that looks awful doesn't it that's the first time I've seen this other than taking the cover off a minute ago is is that the spring or is that it's just grease isn't it I think what it was is that the the whole barrel mechanism is obviously tied in with the train of wheels and because the train of wheels has seized they're sort of clicking and everything else could be just an effect of that I'm not seeing a breakage in here this would normally be engaging onto there so I can try and put a lid on and turn it with a pin vise that might give me an indication I mean the main thing is really is just to remove it and clean it first of all and try it and make sure that it is going under tension correctly so that's gonna be another epic clean in there as well so at the moment in time now the the watch is actually broken down into its parts I think I should really end this video it's been the usual video I don't think it's again any of my best works at all I'm not really showing you how to do anything on this one is literally filming as I go along for the very first time into a watch movement like this one and finding the faults and the difficulties that lie in front of me in order to see if we can get this one back in to service it's going to be a challenge and I'm not going to guarantee anything at this stage because I don't like rust you know certainly rust on some of the key components like that will make it run like a dog if it would run at all so the quest is on to make sure I can replace these components first of all but I will give them a clean so I think in the next video we'll ever did the assembly video or I'll do a little short one on how the parts came out after cleaning we can you know compare the methods and whether this actually shifted any of that rust or not so with that in mind I'm going to end this one here so if you've stuck with this one to the end as always well done thank you very very much for watching if you did enjoy it please leave a like if you've got any questions if you can help me in any way give me some advice leave it all down in the comment section below I'll be absolutely grateful of that so catch you very soon in the next video which hopefully will be a bit more of a positive one than this bye for now
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Views: 24,601
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Keywords: mark lovick, watch repair channel, my mate vince, spencer klein, Sea Wolf, Zodiac watch, watch service, watch repair, watch repairs, zodiac sea wolf, zodiac sea wolf 53, vintage zodiac seawolf, How to service a vintage watch, how to repair a mechanical watch, just one more watch, AS1624, AS1624 watch movement, watch restoration, vintage watch restoration, watchmaker, tronicsfix
Id: UkSGix84f6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 38sec (3218 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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