Can I Fix "My Mate Vince" Watch??

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[Music] hello and welcome to my retro watch is my name is Mike and this episode is quite an interesting one because this episode is all about this psycho watch now this isn't any psycho watch this is my mate Vince's Seiko watch how some of you will know who my mate Vince is because you've ever seen his channel or you're coming from his channel to find out about this particular watch my mate Vince for those who don't know is a guy who has a YouTube channel and he tries to fix things so he tries to fix Playstations he tries to fix Tory tries to fix anything basically and some things he's accessible with some things he's not but it's quite entertaining and at the moment he's in the middle of a challenge and the challenge is every week they've got him and some other youtubers have got to try and fix something in a particular genre and this particular week was mechanical week so he was set about trying to fix a Seiko 6 309 now Vince found my channel and been looking at my youtube videos that of course he had found my old videos of the 6 309 and now of course the giveaway sequence so he decided that he would try and use that as a little bit of a template and follow along to some of my video bearing in mind he doesn't know much about watches he hasn't done some videos already on a quartz watch and a Seiko female lady's watch female which are really tricky because they're dead small so he has generally not done too great and he hoped that following my videos that he would be successful with this one however because it is in my hands he hasn't now he did get this going in all fairness he got it going it ran for quite some time and then it kept on stopping it seemed to get worse and worse and worse he found that there was a broken jewel in there and he thought he got a donor watch to take some parts from however the donor watch as much as it was labeled as 6 309 and those collectors out there will know this what was inside was actually a 6 3 1 9 now a lot of parts are compact but not all namely the train wheel bridge at the escape wheel and the third wheel in particular because of the jewel setup they are a different thing however the jewel that was broken was the jewel that's on top of the not the ratchet wheel the intermediate wheel it takes the power into the ratchet wheel through the magic fingers but he did some research figured out that he could actually push that jewel out because it was only friction fit and he swapped the jaw from the bridge plate of the other watch and fitted it thinking that might fix this however it didn't and he gave up in the end he spent two days bless him on this thing he really wanted to do really well with it and of course you're gonna be able to see this video cuz I'm gonna leave a link right there and I'm also going to leave a link down in the description to his channel because if you like things that I do perhaps you might like to see him try and fix all kinds of different things he's really good fun however this he had to gave up in the end he spent too much time on it he was driving him crazy and I think a lot of us can relate to that when you've got a watch with a problem and you don't know what it is the diagnosis takes ages and ages and ages so part of his competition if you like is he has to sell the watch so he put it on eBay he told me it was in a on eBay and I thought well I'm gonna buy it because I'd like to answer the question as to what's gone wrong in his mind and my own now because I'm quite interested as well but also because he's following my videos and he doesn't know much about watches it'd be very interesting to see how well he's done perhaps this is just a vent part that he can't identify or something fairly menial so I'm hoping to go on this journey and find out what's wrong with it and hope it's really just something quite minor so at least Vince can feel vindicated for spending 16 hours or more on this particular piece so I'm going to swap over to the bench and we're going to crack it open and I'm going to talk a bit more about it as we break it down and start examining what could be the problem so stay tuned as we go to the bench okay here we are with the watch in front of us and let's move that out the way minutes bring it up to the camera as you can see it's quite nice it's a 1978 or at least I think it is it has been polished quite significantly however it's not that bad a job to be honest with you and overall the watch is in pretty good condition and what I have found so far so you basically Vince said that towards the end he'd get it running for a few hours but that was all now if you give it a bit of a shake it will go but Loney go for a few seconds and then it'll stop like so however at different angles I can't get it going now typically it's going to stop so it's not playing ball on the camera what I've actually found is certain angles this thing will keep running and certainly if it's dialed down the thing will go on for ages and ages and ages although it will stop which would suggest to me instantly that's maybe a pivots broken something's not quite right because it's going out of alignment so we'll have to see but initial indications are that that seems to be the possible fault now also hoping really that I don't have to do too much this video could be quite short and I'm not having to clean anything or rectify too much issues so we'll try and take this out the case now it's got one of these interesting cases this where they have the it's a sort of a closed case so you've got to get in so the movement via the front and speaking to Vince about this I also nobody had a problem and I'll show you that just as soon as I get into the watch so what we have to first of all do is push these sort of springs in inside here and I'm pushing on the crystal at the same time and as you can see the case comes off and then from there first of all I will just point on the hands a bit and then we can remove the acrylic crystal put that safe out the way and there is also then a little gasket or a rubber seal that sits just around the side of the case and got me a little bit careful with these because they can stretch this old rubber can stretch over time and they're really difficult then to refit I don't know if there's a way to shrink them but there's certainly hardly any parts available so now we've removed that what would normally happen in this situation with these type of psychos is down in this hole here there's a little lever and you'd push that lever which then raises the setting lever spring inside and allows the crown to release and speaking to Vince that lever is missing so he will have had a hell of a game trying to get this watch out now the only way I'm going to do that I'm not going to try and poke around in there I'm literally just going to strip the entire hands and dial off as best I can there is a way to get the dial off but first of all we will remove the hands okay with the hands removed just using a normal hand removing tool now they do come off very easily so I'm not too sure how well they were on all right now the trouble we're trying to get these out without the release is that we have to try and move to watch op as you can see here and look for the dial screws now it is exceptionally loose this one and I can just see a dial screw just here so I need one of my smaller screwdrivers and I'm just trying to do this by eye which is far from easy just one moment [Music] you certainly put those in tight okay so that's one and then we look for the other one which would be on the opposite side which is just in here so if you can see that guy's just down here okay and now that dial should he says remove there we are right with the dial off we will just now basically the setting leave it is down here still and I still don't want to force anything so I'm just gonna remove all of these bits here so we'll start with the c-clip find the right tweezers and the date disc is removed and what we're looking at so far is that the crown feels nice and free so it's a good job there and also the date ring nice and positive movements there as well so far Vince what's good now remove them the little cover plates I'm sure the regulars on my channel I probably probably know the Seiko 60309 like the back of their hands now you also know the back of my hands could you keep seeing it when I'm filming now I do promise you to the regular viewers that once often the giveaway series which I'm in the middle of right now that there are going to be some videos of non psycho watches I've got a few things that I've already bought already I'm not going to tell you what they are yet I'll leave you dangling on that one until we get to them but I am going to bring some different watches to the channel I think it's really needed now okay so that looks nice and clean in there I will say that Vince has also cleaned all the parts and you have an ultrasonic cleaner so he's done everything as well as he can and he's been oiling too and so far everything looks good to me alright so now we're down to the nitty-gritty so I need to remove the keyless works and we'll also just remove this little nylon will if it will come what new usually happens if I'm not going to take everything off straight away no that tends to fall out however let's press on let's get the keyless out so we can get the stem released so we're just gonna remove the spring on the setting lever and I also need to of course to remove everything else to go with it so I may as well strip off practically all of the kind aside okay we're looking on the calendar side right now and this is the shop jewel for the balance and I've can't really see anything obvious there right now we're just going to move around now I've got some weird lighting today it's just annoying me a little bit I can't seem to get away see the autofocus is going crazy so just having a quick look around I'm not seeing anything completely untoward right now it's hard to see how much oil he's used what's that there that's something that is doesn't help that I've got one stuck on the end of my tweezers as well at that there is a hair or a piece of something bit of fiber and you see that guy's hard time picking it up and it's it's covered in oil there so that's that would have been a slight problem that can be fouling on some of the well maybe that was under the minute wheel by the looks of it where we saw a lot of the oil so that will be hampering the movement there for sure whether that would be enough to stop it I am unsure at this stage however that's just a quick look on here I'm going to flip it over and we'll have a look on the other side all right okay now we're looking at the shop chilled at the top of the balance and what I'm also trying to see here is well seeing the pivot right in the middle there that looks okay hard against see the oil and I want to look at the hair spring in particular and we're looking for the centricity of the at least the coils that we can see because of course a lot of them go under the cop there and it's a bit of an illusion here as well because it looks like they're ones way out but of course it's not it's the one that's going into the regulator they're that kink right on the top there that looks a bit abnormal to me the six one one nine have a strange kink on it but that's sort of way back here that does look a bit concerning as you can see as I just moved the movement here it is rocking back and forth quite freely and there's not much else I can show until I take the some more hair there bolts of it I need to take off the automatic framework on the top here to reveal the jaw we'll saw just do that on the bench quickly and come back onto the scope and we'll continue exploring okay we have the bridge off now and this is the jewel underneath there that Vince has pressed in now I'm no expert on pressing jewels however this one is possibly less of a critical part but everything's critical of course but it seems at least to look okay so again it wouldn't explain now of course even now you can see that I'm not touching this now is that trying to pull snow it's not so maybe we'll put some wine into the mainspring and see what happens it's still not going and I would say that turning it with the screwdriver there it felt like it's got a hell of a lot of power inside that's just a look down can't really see the the escape from here so the plot thickens turning that you would expect to see the escape move and I'm not seeing anything so further exploration is required and I think the first thing to do now is to take off the balance okay I've put the balance on the microscope and what we are seeing is a problem so that kink in the regulator there so let me just try to get my tweezers to it so over here some better tweezers that this dis curve here it's called the terminal curve and that should be nice and gradual and what I'm thinking has happened here is it's Eva got caught in the regulator I'm just actually trying to see it's hard to do I'm doing this through the screen and I really don't like working through the screen because it's hard for me to coordinate myself correctly I'm just looking to see if what I'm looking for is sometimes I've seen that the hair spring gets pinched in the regulator here but it hasn't but possibly it has with that kink in it now this for certain would not be making the watch run efficiently and at all everything about this spring is important so you need these nice centric I just try and get that better and focus you need these nice centric coils here and of course this last one isn't and some of that will be caused by that kink at the top there now to hand at the moment I haven't got a a good one but I'm gonna go and get one and I'm gonna put it on here and we'll put on the watch and see what happens because this could be the problem and looking at that well you know Vince could have been unlucky you could have caught it with his tweezers when he's been fitting it however that could have been already like that it can be fixed we can remove the hair spring and try and straighten that out a little bit and put it back in I've had some success of that but I'm still in my infancy trying to mess with hair Springs usually I can get them looking reasonable and fit it back on but then once it's fitted back on it never seems to want to run very well so this is certainly causing will be causing major major problems with the movement now I've just put it back on a microscope and I've just got a winder all the way back up try and get this into focus so we can just check out before we look into the Train or anything else like that how everything else is looking apart from the picture looking a bit washed out she's annoying me somewhat today I do like to have a nice sharp picture if I can so he's got the pipe walk-in within its jewel and of course what I wanted to do is just to see how well that is going to move and that's that's okay first of all he was hesitant but no I think that's okay seem to bit sharper one way doesn't it but then it could just be my eyes so I think what I'll do is get a good balance from another watch put it in and see how well it runs from there before we start dismantling any further if it's just the balance then great we can we can deal with that hand we can either put a a donor in or we can attempt trying to fix the the original well ID okay I write a good rummage through all my donor watches and I found yet another six three oh nine I seem to have a plenty of them but this one has got a pretty good balance and as you can see when we're looking again at this terminal curve you can see how consistent that is and there's no kinks on it granted the pivot is a little bit tarnished and dirty so the top bit here but that might clean off and what I'm going to do is I'm just going to drop it into the movement and see if it'll start up if it runs at this stage it was deal will be doing more than it was just a few moments ago so that could be a good sign and if it runs and runs well then I can put it on the timer graphic before we start taking in the train apart and that way we can or I can assess how well the train is running and potentially how well Vince might have got this going could be a little bit erroneous because of course this balance is dirty so I'm going to go to the bench and we're going to fit this balance okay so we'll try and fit the balance now just while I'm doing this as you know or maybe you don't I do all my videos as much as I can in one go and one take and you might notice some sound differences I am testing out some new software I'll record everything on my iPhone and I've been having some distortion issues recently and it seems that the new software which is filmic Pro if anybody knows it's pretty good at filming on the desk like this but on the microscope it's pretty damn useless so I have to go back to using the the normal inbuilt software and that's where I'm having trouble with my microphone so I just thought I'd mention that now just in case come edit time this thing looks a bit weird it sounds a bit weird so I'm just going to fit the balance and see if we can't get this thing to go hmm that's interesting so it's trying but it's very very weak let's just tie it up with the screwed and as you can see I stopped running very well at all the amplitude is quite slow and I wouldn't expect that even even with a dirty balance so it could be more issues quite possibly with the escape so let's break down to the escape and have a look at that okay remove the balance and I'm just going to take the pallet off and without slipping too much with the screwdriver I really do need to start practicing what I'm preaching slippage with screwdrivers is very undesirable you can damage anything I just feel it's a little bit difficult sometimes talking concentrating on what I'm trying to say now I've deliberately left lots of power in the mainspring and what I'm thinking is exactly that so first dance the palette for has stayed in his jewel not uncommon but you can hear this to me listening carefully that sounds pretty good doesn't sound to be too much problems there so it could be an issue with the pipe for this stage just trying to look at it under my eyes difficult to say I will examine that first of all on the microscope and just see if I can notice anything okay so just looking now at the palate for jewel setting that seems okay and again also the setting for the balance it's a bit misleading I think that looks like there's some dirt there but I don't think there is yes it's just a trick of the light so that does look pretty clean one thing to just have a quick feel off is the escape itself and just trying to check some N Shake I'm just moving up and down a little bit just to see how much movement there is and to be honest it seems fine I'll have a look at the pilot fork as well and I can't see anything wrong with that term perhaps it was fitted incorrectly I don't know so at the moment I'm going to put it back in I'm going to clean the other balance that the donor balance and just see if we can't at least get this thing going okay off-camera I clean the donor balance and I've installed it again and I'm still getting the same really poor amplitude so this balance wheel is turning extremely slow and slightly erratic which is a bit odd and foligno if when I put on the old one the old one does spin quite well but the moment I turn the movement upside down again it still stops so this balance could also be faulty but I'm hedging my bets that perhaps there's more to it underneath the train bridge so basically it's time to strip the entire watch down into all these little components and have some inspection and it might even be that we need to change a few of the wheels I do wonder whether any of the wheels perhaps have got mixed up out of the six 139 which would be the escape and the third wheel they're the only two that really matter so it could be that I need to use the ones from the donor or my donor that I know are definitely six three oh nine and just see if we can get it going so I'm going to break it all down now and lay it out on the bench here and we'll see what we've got to play with so just carefully remove the balance put that somewhere safe and and then gonna take down any power from the mainspring but you didn't see unfortunately and I'll take off I'll take off the pilot and the pilot fork that's a little bit of residual power in there and next to come off will be the ratchet wheel like so just double check in there now the barrel seems to be sitting and now I need to remove the train wheel bridge I'm sorry guys you keep my fingers I am going to be setting up soon another camera to get a different angle so you don't get all of this blur and I'm trying to do this a little bit faster than normal so typically I'm not taking the screws out enough and the final one and its release drain and see if there's anything obvious which right off the bat I can't tell so let's put it on the microscope so here we are on the scope and we're just looking at the fourth wheel in particular the pivot there at the top and the third wheel also and the escape so straight away I can't actually see anything obvious and untoward so we're going to remove the wheels just to get a better look down in there in the escape camera really is having a hard time to focus escape looks fine the Mystery Continues so went so far you've indicated because apart from the obvious balance issue and the odd stray hair I still can't see what it is so I think what I'm going to do is just break down the rest of it now and perhaps give everything a good clean they open up the barrel we'll have a look inside the barrel because I know that couldn't service that it was a bit too difficult and then perhaps clean everything through the cleaning machine and rebuild it a little bit and see how well I can get it running that way okay so the main plate is all bare again and I can't see again anything towards there is quite a lot of oil around the center jewel which is here the light is playing havoc so you might be able to just see that listening there so that's again gonna be causing a bit of drag at that point that's a bit too much I've opened the barrel and again trying to get that in focus in fairness that's not too bad it doesn't need cleaning but there's nothing in there that would suggest to me that there's a lack of power you would expect to see a lot more guns really for now I've got it open I will take it out and I will clean it so it's very late here very late at night so I'm going to call it a night now for you it would be just a couple of seconds and we'll reconvene once I've cleaned the parts and we'll start rebuilding and that way I can do a little bit of more diagnostics certainly with two of the Train wheels perhaps and just see if we can't find this damn fault because fault finding is really really annoying has to be said Vince if you're watching now your watch is in bits strewn over my desk so it doesn't look very attractive but trust me I know where every bit of that goes but right now it's going in the cleaning machine so capturing the next bit right well what was for you a couple of seconds is actually 24 hours and in that time I've been to work came home cleaned all the parts in the cleaning machine and I've been inspecting again and the good news is as far as I am concerned I can find absolutely nothing wrong with the parts at all they all seemed to be in good working order there's no bent pivots there's no missing teeth on any of the the gears everything looks pretty good except for that balance now the balance or the hair spring itself is quite monkey places as we saw on the microscope and I have attempted to tweet that little bit just while I was waiting for it to be cleaned actually or waiting for all the parts to be cleaned so what I'm going to do now is have this different camera angle which is unusual for me I'm just going to build the movement and probably skip through it as quickly as I can and then we can start testing to theorize whether it is the balance is causing the whole issue for Vince I'm beginning to think it is but we'll fight well soon find out so without further ado I am now going to start the build and this will probably be in fast-forward for you guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay there we go so I thought I'd time myself see how quickly it takes me to build a motion side of a six three oh nine and on this occasion it took ten minutes which is pretty good has to be said that's with some oiling as well of course and a better look on the train wheel bridge placement because sometimes they can be quite difficult the only thing still to oil is the dive shop jaws are the jewel on the top of the balance and the one that's on the main plate underneath and I'm not too worried about those right now what I'm interested in is seeing how it's running so I'm going to try and hold up to the camera and it looks to be running nice there's some good amplitude however it was before and then when we went to acute angles sorry you can't actually see it there I'm trying to turn it upside down and it is still run out then if you can see the balance moving there but it's still running it wouldn't run this way up and before and that's just from me tweaking the hair spring so I'm going to reposition the camera I'm going to put it on the timer graph and we're gonna see what I get as a reading I'm not hopeful of anything too special but let's see what we get all the same okay so I'm just going to put it up in the holder like that and I'm just going to tweak this and see if you are going to be able to see what it is saying there now hopefully you can read some of that we have everything going wrong basically we've got horrendous be terror the rate well that's not too bad but it's fluctuating like crazy and we've got quite a low amplitude as well although I haven't put a full load into the main springs and perhaps I'll do that first and then let's see what we get now it's okay we're better whined the amplitude is much better but that beat error 9.9 it never goes any worse than that and I'm finding this really really perplexing actually because the two parallel lines which are the tick and the talk are showing to be reasonably closed although it seems to be getting a bit further apart now and that would indicate a good beat error and not a 9.9 so that is a complete and utter anomaly that I've not seen before I can try to gently see if I can get you back so you know see what I'm doing I can try and gently nudge the stood I'll just move that just a touch to see what it will do now the stud is what we use to move to see the beat ever change and essentially the beat arrow looks like it's pretty much stayed the same yeah there's no difference in readings there whatsoever just from that small nudge apart from the lines looking a lot more erratic so right now I'm gonna say 100% that the balance even with the little tweak that I've done is not good and I might throw it back on the microscope see you can have a look however I'm going to put another donor in I found a better working watch and I'm going to put that in and we'll test it from there to see if we get much more consistent and level reading and if we do then we know that the whole problem that Vince will have been having will have been that particular balance and probably not much else right I've now put on the donor balance and as you can see there it is in it's dialed down position running very well and let's show you what it's doing on the Taira graph so there we go now let me just try and explain a few of these numbers and the lines so I haven't actually regulated this I've just put the balance straight in this is from a known good watch that I've serviced out of my own collection so it's a good test base and the straighter the line the better or the straighter the two lines the better but what we're actually seeing is the beat error at the top here is at one millisecond which means that they're ticking the talk of one millisecond out which is pretty close it's one off being perfect amplitude is at 206 anything over 200 in the 6-series movements is adequate you could improve this a little bit more I'm sure with a bit more fine tuning and then the rate or the rate is at plus 31 seconds a day so that is great easily tweakable now I could sit here and I could tweak that so the line would go nice and straight across and get it as good as possible however this was just a test and at the moment the regulator and the stood a set my overwatch so I don't want to read but radically regulates that watch again as well what I was this is what I was hoping to see nice fairly straight lines okay straight to the line the better means the thing is running really well but we're not seeing any sort of snowstorm or irregularity within these lines which would indicate that there's something wrong with the movement so it's pretty conclusive at this moment in time that the cause of the issue is the balance itself so the hair spring is at folding I've looked at the pivots the pivots seem absolutely fine to me so it's just a hair spring what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna turn this you can't really see what I've just done I can turned the thing upside down and that's basically giving it a rough dial of position which is where it and be more often in and we're still seeing that the lines are pretty much doing the same thing which is what you want to see that means that again the train wheels are good they're not moving around inside we're not seeing any irregularities between different positions so there we have it Vince I know you'll be watching the problem of your watch is the balance okay we could argue that you know there's a bit of over oil in and maybe there's a bit of dirt in there but that wouldn't have been causing the detriment that you were seeing it clearly is the balance and I'm going to try and prove that because I've had a look at the hair spring itself and I'm gonna try and do something now where I'm going to use a macro lens on my phone which I'm filming on and I'm gonna try to see if I can get it to film so you can see what I've seen the hair spring I'm holding the phone in my hands or that little clip on macro lens and this thing is supposed to be dead flat and now I've removed it from the BIOS itself and hopefully you can see certainly on those calls at the back there I've just gone out of focus we'll get them in focus again that that's maybe a better angle so you can see that all the middle ones so all the center going from the center out it's all nice centric and flat and then it gets sort of from the fourth coil in from the end and it's all tapering down and that is the problem so they've got bent or stretched now that could have been from removing perhaps sir perhaps when Vince was playing with this the pivot there at the bottoms got stuck in the in the watch and it just pulled it a little bit which was enough it could have been from some tweezers or it could have been from a previous owner of course it's really difficult to tell because Vince had it running for some time and then it wasn't running but that in in my experience but unprofessional eyes it will be the sole cause these things have to be so precise and so flat any undulations in those will cause errors and of course what I am seeing on the timer graphic which I didn't show you was that in one position we get the erroneous reading which we saw if I turn it into the other position it gets even worse so seeing two different readings or dramatic readings is another indication that there's something wrong has to be wrong with the hair spring because gravity is playing a part and moving it around as well so there we are that is the conclusion really or my conclusion here we go the watch is now complete and ticking away properly I fitted it on this nice Milanese strap that you can see and if we go to the timer graph this is what we're getting now so I found one last balance and cleaned it all up and Realty Jules put it back in position and now we're getting a nice healthy watch so got good amplitude at 222 feet error is spot on and it's running just a tad slow at 15 seconds a day that said that could be tweaked a little bit more but for the time being I'm happy with that again it's just showing us now that the the watch is running nicely there's nothing wrong in the Train at all so there we go right okay so that brings us to the end of this video firstly I'd like to say to Vince that well I'll give you a 10 out of 10 for effort I've just watched your video now it's gone live and I can relate to all of the problems that you had along the way and the frustrations you got and they're also the elation you got that when you managed to get the crown out it's it this hobby is one of those things you get lots of highs and you certainly get lots of lows and this watch had it all for you as your first attempt as well so if they're everything out here and I think you did really well looking at how you clean the movement it was cleaning very well oiling was a bit too much in my opinion but then also you using the Mobius 8000 and that is quite runny but it's good enough to start I found one fiber or hair in there that's really all it was other than the unlucky situation with the balance now how that balance damage has been caused I guess we'll never know I'd like to think that it wasn't new Vince it could have been the previous owner there's a few things that when I look at this watch don't stand true it's been quite severely polished that little pieces missing that releases the stem and normally with these because I've seen quite a lot of these sort of closed case watches that lever has a little plastic shroud around it goes around the dial also now yours does have that but there's usually a little sort of bit then it sits in so it holds it in place a little bit better and that's missing so it's difficult to say whether this as much as it you might have the same dial whether that backing is correct or not I just don't know because I've never seen this model before however it's been a good interesting fault finding video hopefully this will help some of you out there I don't know it's typical but let it be another six three oh nine when I'm doing tons of six through nine work recently but there we go so here's the watch it was good fun it's taken me two days to film this video and go through these bit by bit trying to figure it all out so there we go I've been as frustrated as you were Vint maybe all I can say is if you aren't new to this channel and you've been watching it because you come from Vince's if you did enjoy it then please give me a like I love the likes and consider subscribing because there'll be more content coming along very very soon for my regular guys I will be back on to the giveaway videos very shortly I've got a few more announcements to do on that as you well know to do with the Darlan a few other things so a new video will be coming on that one early next week as soon as I get a chance now to sit down and film it so thanks very much for watching guys I will see you in the next one very soon bye for now [Music]
Channel: My Retro Watches
Views: 60,508
Rating: 4.9308357 out of 5
Keywords: mark lovick, watch repair channel, seiko, vintage seiko, my mate vince, my mate vince ps4, my mate vince nintendo switch, my mate vince switch, Seiko 6309 service, watch hairspring, bent hairspring, watch repair, vintage seiko watch, how to service a watch, Seiko watch service, watch service, watch repairs, spencer klein, the urban gentry, vintage digital watches
Id: kXhfvRA36sA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 10sec (3250 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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