Will It Run? Mack B42 Wrecker Magnadyne sitting 30+ years - NNKH

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oh boy this does not look promising guys but let's give it an effort anyway so welcome to another will it run video this one on a mac b42 that's been sitting for a confirmed 30 years up here in garfield new jersey and i guess i'll start with a quick backstory the current owner of this shop's father built this back in 1957 and well this is now going up for sale a friend of mine reached out to me and said hey they got to get rid of this old mac and that's kind of how i got roped into the deal and so his father acquired this b42 back in the early 70s because he got a towing contract and wanted to have it as a spare truck for in case they needed to but it never really got used and it was stored back in the end bay of that and he said it well sun said it was just covered in parts piled sky high and fast forward 20 years later his son got another towing contract but they came down a lot and they were like no you got to clean this whole lot up that truck covered in parts that's got to go or be running and so he got it running that was uh 30 years ago though confirmed 30 years ago parked it over in this spot and it's been sitting ever since as you can see with this giant tree growing up through it it's it's pushing into the gas tank and really pushing the cabin growing into the winch and well it doesn't look all too promising but i suppose we will give it a valve effort health i'll just clean some stuff off and get things going here for you and then we'll do a full tour with some of the vegetation off get a good look at the wrecker body and check out these outriggers i guess you just you pull these out and you can adjust your your chain length and then spin the pad sideways and that's you know your stabilizers we'll call them outriggers i'm not sure and all these it's all just mechanical gears springs everywhere it's probably air actuated i would assume installed by stimmer winchco it's all crooked on there i love that like this was you know handmade which by the way i don't know what your this this truck is but they these macb models were made i think it was 53 to 66. so he was thinking this might be like a 57 58 but maybe we can find out later looking at the structural members on here big rust holes down at the bottom really where it counts so that this would need some major structural repair among other things you can see it kind of a big hoarding pile everywhere like this is this was somebody's fan collection and uh you know drive shaft collection here get a taillight off who knows what anybody know what that's off of with one glimpse everything is actually in decent shape otherwise on here that i'm seeing you know considering the tow light bars not on roof the cabs dented in pretty good but no no rust holes those lights look like the old old chrome held up good and this is a holmes wrecker 3540 so that's the model if you believe that's the model anyway oh yeah chain driven right there so maybe it's not air actuated i don't know just pto driven and if you guys have any info on this again throughout the video love to learn from you guys comments when you have have either feedback or or any info that's useful the underbody and frame on this is actually not terrible uh considering so this must have not been using the salt very much because hey you guys could see for yourselves we'll see up front but that's not bad looking that's probably full of water because this tanks are shot anyway and let's just wrap up this exterior tour so you guys can see all the body lines check everything out got these adjustable veins on the rad look at that right it's a perfect condition i bet you this thing don't have too many miles crossroads of the revolution new jersey 1975 1977. um i did bring my leaf blower with me this time too i thought that really matters on this whole rig nice heavy duty air horns and this door's open oh boy well there's your interior tour this is uh jeez that's got quite a bit sitting in there and the other side of the wrecker can't really get to i love how you can just walk on these fenders even how old they are nice and sturdy still oh ac compressor that looks just like the one that was on the cleveland 351 in the uh the gran torino a bunch of the junk steering's free well steering wheel i mean yeah this is it's quite the pile in here uh fuse box is all just empty not a good sign either and how many miles do we got uh looks like 32 659 miles and there is your first glance this was max flathead i was researching on the way up and i believe it's the the magnadyne 6.8 liter so i i guess it'd be nice if it had the diesel but that's no big deal uh it's in line six and geez now i'm looking at it uh we got one plug missing on the back that rotted off completely all right well that's that's a red flag guys got some ac galcos in it i have to get a ratchet on that crank and see what we got this one's a little tighter check the oil looks good black and not over full well it was like a half inch over so maybe we'll still check that drain plug if this engine's not locked which i'm really thinking it's gonna be tell me if you've ever seen a fill like that quick action and you can't lose the oil cap ingenious wow the front of this frame is beautiful it's all this original red paint on it oh man absolutely gorgeous little little tiny distributor on there nothing as far as you can see chokes locked up on the carb oh the throttle wiggles a touch that's a good sign maybe just the linkage locked up i wanted to flex this air boot out of the way it just snapped right off let's get at that crank bolt i was talking to him he said this chain he uses for pulling stuff in the yard this is like his reliable anchor point throughout many years you know what i forgot i did throw a shovel in my truck among all this other hoarding collection i really got to get a service truck uh down the line i've been watching them check out this too he gave me this he said this is an old-school blinker of some sort of turn signal mechanical one i've never seen one like that i'll have to research it now we got the leaf blower twist this off first anyway less falling on us when we go under it yeah i love how these are dished so that penetrating could just sit there and do all the hard work so doesn't get much better than that hey we don't have a bunch of leakage under here or anything definitely a heavy spec front suspension and i i know i keep saying it but wow this is this is really immaculate i mean you guys saw the back that's where everything rots out or up on the front but i mean what size crank bolt is that jeez that's massive that looks like a 41 mil or something there you know inch and a half dried up grease on there and just perfect paint underneath the biggest i go up to is going to be this inch and a half oh that looks bigger and probably an inch three-quarter two-inch let's see what we got i broke this little twig on it measures inch and 5 8. 1.625 times 25.4 41.27 millimeters look at that 41. i'll take the varla for rip to advance to see if they got one of those check out this little heater he gave me too he said this came out of the mac but i've never seen anything like it work on that sometime oh this guy got jammed up he's only got one axle on and never mind is a harbor freight over here let's see what they got yeah it's got 41 mil you know it's probably 20 bucks for one socket over at events so 75 bucks right i can always return it anyway we can fit anything on this scooter plenty of storage space even got the cup holder i love how bk brought their old logo back it's awesome all that to see if this engine cranks over because i know you guys would have killed me if i hooked the battery up and hit the starter motor 41 and 42. 41 of this good idea to pull the plugs first lube cylinders but you've seen the way those look so oh yeah she's locked up we got to get pipe on that or step on it from up top but he was really confident this wouldn't you know just fire right up oh just loosen the bolt let's just give it a little bit of action see hey we're lucky sometimes it's just come off oh yeah look at um i did not think those were gonna come out that easy oh yeah so the other one probably just broke off from you know being bumped how about this guy yep look at that so even though these are all wet with pb blast pretty rusted plugs which always means rusted cylinders too if the plugs are rusted the cylinders are pretty bad i don't i don't have my boar scope okay we got a tight one back here all right that one that one might break i was just tapping the head some around the plug tapping the top of it sometimes those vibrations will free the there it goes yeah you don't want to break it though you gotta go by feel and you can kind of feel if it's moving or if it's getting ready to break and if it gets tight and put it back on tighten tighten your back back and forth go as long as you need to go even if it's like 10 minutes of back and forth and back and forth that lube will get in there that gap's almost all rusted together on there did you just notice this fender's cracked up here i was saying how tough these are and then a big weld repair here nice work though and for cylinder number six you can see how much of it's broken off in there i'm sure we'll be able to get that with uh an easy out or something down the line if if need be if we get this rotating in these cylinders we're going with a mixture of pb blast about a tablespoon of atf in each one and then we'll top it off with a little two-stroke pre-mixed gasoline and each one to help that uh soak it in i was able to bust a hole through this last plug the screwdriver see if we can get something to grab on that but at least we can get some lube in it now and yeah a little bit of rust is going in there not a big deal in fact you know what yeah that's fine we'll just shoot lube in there for now oh it's 185 pounds on the end of that that's the fuel line coming from the back and then goes this little strainer right here it's actually got a clear bowl on it too oh and this looks like mechanical fuel pump got a hard line coming off of it to the carb where it was cutting that's where we would be iv feeding this carb of course we tried 185 pounds on the end of that breaker bar and i can't really get a pipe on there at a good angle so you can maybe use the winch on the truck or we'll try jacking up this to get some better leverage all right mark that we'll see if it rotates on my crank away on the jack no it's stuck the motor is locked up yeah take the plugs out one now yeah got the plugs out those came out even at a broken one well i didn't get that one out but uh yeah i was able to poke through it and these these bugs are rusted up so usually that's never good timing uh no didn't move ratchet moved about four inches though i guess we just tightened the bolt with all that pressure on the crankshaft i think we're going to try giving her a little bump with the starter motor ain't got much lose i was talking to the owner he's like hey i'll just throw a battery on it see if it cranks he didn't care if not anything happens so uh massive starter motor down here there's better look at it let me see that cable comes up to just a mechanical starter switch oh that's simple enough and i believe the batteries go on the floor in here but good luck with that also running low on time uh he's like gotta get out of here in the next hour unfortunately that starter switch locked up on the inside so it took the main cable off hooked it right to the battery this is hooked to the engine ground it's gonna be probably the shower of sparks but let's give it a go man we got the ratchet on the crank too but that should just ratchet if it goes oh all right starter and get i went but didn't engage so we got to find the the primary wire to the starter ah listen to that baby though oh yeah it's not throwing the fork over actually it's only that fat gauge wire going to the starter you see the inside to the flywheel there super rusty teeth uh so that means that the bendix is is just seized up maybe i'll try hitting it with a hammer a few times might as well get a socket for the crankcase drain bolt while we're down there see if there's any water 27 don't fit and 30 mil is too loose about 28. no come on what are the odds so stupid kit don't come with it hoping this is all just oil but oh no it's got water all right let's let that water out of this thing yeah that's what happens with the condensation there's the oil now you want to let it trickle out though so you got straight oil otherwise if this thing does start up and rotate well you're gonna just you know fill the orange with milk milkshake which is a lot harder to get rid of and so you do it nice and slow let all that water go down to the drain plug now two minutes later still got some water coming out see if you go too quick all the oil will come like that but if you go nice and slow uh just the water so that's majority of that they're probably probably about a half gallon or so with this carburetor open like that could have had water trickling down during the downpour going inside those cylinders and that's kind of worst case because then the cylinders get rough streaks down just just humid humid environment in there real rusty but would only be in a half gallon that could have just been condensation as you get temperature fluctuation and the humid air that gets inside of the the engine and condensates on the walls and then runs down to the bottom of the pan so that could be the case but i just whacked the starter a bunch with a big mallet let's give this one more go yeah it's not flying out unless of course this is 24 volt but i don't think it is oh all right that was something there you guys heard that okay all right there we go that was engagement and uh yeah no rotation of the motor at all i'm watching a fan over here i'll point you toward the fan a little bit so if it does rotate you guys will see it too let's give it one more go man we got all that pressure on the crankshaft too [Music] there it is nope all right that's all she's got without blowing the battery uh terminals off of there safe to say we're gonna have to let this one soak for some time uh before there's any possibility of rotating the engine what's nice with these flatheads though is i mean there's it's really not too much to take the head off from what i can see just zip all those off so i'll hose those down maybe we can come back another time and take a look at the pistons as i was showing you i mean i don't know what the inside of this head looks like but i assume this is just the kind of intake area similar to a briggs and stratton flathead engine and then the pistons must be over here that would be kind of cool to to take a gander in there um but yeah i guess we're gonna work toward a an outro on this is actually asking me can we cut this tree down today it'd be kind of cool to get on video but he he actually wants to leave it for now oh he's nice shade over too for working i just can't argue with that but what i would love to see is if one of you guys love these old mac trucks and you either you know just want this for parts or better yet want to maybe try and refurbish this and you're not too far from north jersey i'm up in garfield you know get in contact with me shoot me a message on instagram or facebook under the same handle no nonsense know how or you can contact me on the the about section of my channel page has my email it's like encrypted you got to click the little thing or whatever and it'll show you i know i'm kind of rushing the outro here guys but i don't want to keep him in the shop any longer than he needs to be so he said got a few more minutes but i'll try to get you maybe a few more shots underneath in case for anybody again interested in buying this does come with all the parts too if you're interested in that there's one more glance these doors aren't bad no glass in that passenger side and the the triangle glass is cracked but the windshield and back windows aren't cracked you know they're real foggy you know bottoms aren't super right about though i mean they're a little rounded oh here's here's our chassis number it's uh b42t 4945 on the gas tank got an underwriter laboratory sticker it's amazing that's still intact like that camden new jersey cutler metal products built this oh 54-12 so december 1954 this tank was made and that means this is probably a 1955 and this the main structural components on this are actually completely fine it's really just the bottom of these where i'm sure the condensation ran down and set set below got one more tree growing out of the wrecker bed but that one's not alive oh it does have an established root system now uh a lot of you guys are commenting on like the cat video everybody said i got poison ivy i don't i don't really get poison ivy so i've got a few times when i was a kid and it's like a one day thing and then and then it's over i'll drop these plugs back on top a thread or two so nothing goes inside i'll let that lube soak in geez couple clips to the shop that's gonna be closing open since 1957. tell me that's not kind of like an old-school mechanics wall big old anvil yoast manufacturing co medville pa old macko box [Music] coil wire collection with distributors in there too you guys know you work as a mechanic you know yeah that's why i i try to organize all my bolts as i take them off because then you end up with a pilot it's hard to find things of course that's easier method it takes a lot more time to ah to organize them off the rip oh your heater control this guy saved everything but hey end of the world type stuff and then he's got a whole whole back room full of full of parts all the old-school headlamps i actually gave me a couple that fit the monte carlo i'm gonna cap the day off by taking the varla for a nice cruise maybe across the gwb starting down in hackensack over at the dairy queen check out that gambril gambril i think it's called roof gives you a nice like six foot eve around the entire building but you know if not for doing things like this it just wouldn't be worth it to drive an hour and a half away and and do videos on an old mac truck this makes it a win this baby is 35 mile an hour it's bananas well here we are a month later and turns out i got another chance to take a look at the mac again and he hasn't sold or done anything to it so i'm hoping after sitting for a month that maybe the lube has worked into those cylinders i did actually pour some diesel that day before i left as well about oh i don't know maybe half a cup in each one let's jump under there and see if we got lucky i did bring my standard sockets so inch and 5 8 is the proper size let's give her a good tug of lug i've never really had good luck with pouring lube down cylinders and getting them to break free when they're seized up let's pop this flat head off and see what it looks like spray down all those nuts but i just realized something that might be a problem is this distributor if that's seized in well hopefully maybe it'll just come off with the head let's try to get that out first because if it doesn't come up with the head you know of course i've never worked on one of these let's see why it wouldn't actually look at the cap on the inside refreshy oh and something else that crossed my mind since i was last here was the fact that i only put 12 volts to the starter it could be a 24 volt now he said he last started this with a 12 volt battery but that was you know 30 years ago however i did just look over at the alternator it's got a delco remy 12 volt in it made in usa uh so yeah definitely a 12 volt system now and from what i was reading online these early trucks if this actually is a 55 what it came with a six volt system for the lights uh positive ground and then had a 12 volt starting systems and there was some some kind of switch over circuit that was prone to failing so a lot of guys would just switch these all over 12 volts let's see if she pops up i guess i should try twisting it first but oh i think i saw it budge actually oh yeah yeah this is coming up sweet there's some rust on there so [Applause] 34 nuts with washers one stubborn washer come on there she is looking around the perimeter it does seem to have one lip built in on this side for prying it up but make sure i get everything off so i think she's starting to budge a little bit i get the feeling this is not gonna pop right off did spray stud again but you know with these studs if there's any rust down in between the head it's i can hear it's little it's broken free but it's gonna be tough slowly but surely she's coming up almost would have been easier to we'll get a stud pull there because you gotta come up real even on this i don't have a good good way to grab it and then just rock it back no and you got the the valves are on that side too so i mean yeah i see yeah um she gets jammed up it's the problem if i had like slightly tapered warm shims because then you're not going to damage the thing either you know i am the same yeah you hammer those in inside did i do it yeah yeah whatever let me try hitting it with the hammer so it goes down there yeah so i mean that there's no there's no watch right now is you no no i got the washer off so i mean i wonder if we come up this time you know oh yeah yeah there we go i think it'll come up now yeah we got it now there we go ready yeah yep come on bobby hey watch your fingers out i slide your fingers off come on let me get down on a good footing i'm just worried if it comes down yeah i'm good oh what is poking me in the leg oh yeah good ready yeah shake shake shake shake shake there we go whoa that was fun you see cylinders number six and three have a lot of rust and wait till you see the cylinders however the others not so bad nope let me get in here give you a look all righty so number three pretty darn bad look how far that rust is growing off the cylinder walls you know something like that salvageable no problem and number six was piston was all the way up so it's that's not horrible either you see the pb blast and and diesel that i poured in there made it past the pistons that aren't horrible but the ones that are rusted up good you know it never did walk past and now you get a good look at how the flathead engine is just like a briggs and stratton and i suppose even if i did have a borescope the first day you wouldn't really be able to slide it by there and see the cylinders maybe maybe with a low profile one but not the one i have not even getting the budge out of them uh we're gonna call that locked up and needs motor rebuild well if i was getting paid by the hour i would definitely continue on on this truck and get it running but i'm not and you know we've got plenty of other projects to to tear into this truck is for sale as i think i stated in the beginning of the video garfield new jersey now originally he mentioned five thousand dollars for it and i don't think it's worth that with what it needs you know you guys have seen uh but he did say he would take 3 500 as his bottom dollar so let me know in the comments what you guys think of that or you know what price you would be offering if you want it shoot me an email or reach out to me on instagram or facebook you would be responsible for removal of it so i'm just taking that tree down and it probably doesn't roll i'm sure but if you guys are interested yeah definitely let me know on that really would love to see it go to a good home so hopefully somebody reaches out to me i'd be ashamed to see it be scrapped like usual thank you so much for tuning into this video guys uh hopefully you still found it informative or entertaining and that is going to conclude the 1955 mac b42 record alrighty see you guys [Music] [Music] you
Channel: NoNonsenseKnowHow
Views: 2,743,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NNKH, NoNonsenseKnowHow, mechanic, No Nonsense Know How, mack, mack truck, mack magnadyne, magnadyne, diesel, diesel creek, andrew camarata, will it run, will it start, sitting, motortrend, abandoned, sitting for 30 years, vgg, heavy equipment, bruce wilson, thermodyne, 1950s, road kill, for sale, garfield nj, 1954 Mack B42 Wrecker Magnadyne sitting 30 years Will It Run? - NNKH
Id: HU_FMavwOlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 25sec (1945 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2022
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