A Closet PURGE (the THIRD)

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*Infomercial Music* Are you like me? Do you imagine all these fictitious scenarios in your head when you're shopping for clothing and just think, "I HAVE to have that"... For the picnics I'll have! For the frolicking through the fields and  flowers! That one time I'll go to the beach! Ends up sitting in your closet for  about two years Hi, my name's Rachel *laughs* oh no Bangs are hard. How do you not look like.. Eric  Matthews, or young Leo If you or anyone you know has bangs- *laughs* *Dramatic Music* If you or anyone you know  has bangs.. you may be entitled to financial compensation I want you, right now  Virtually go pat them on the back and say.. good- great job, Champ. It is what it is.. 90's teen heartthrob, you got it Hello! Closet Purge! Listen, I am in a phase apparently right now where I just want to get rid of everything Just chuck it all out the window I feel like I did a closet purge  nnnnot all that long ago and yet, here we are I still have not worn.... 67 perfect of this entire wardrobe It was time... for the PURGE Especially the dress section... it is like a bunch of sardines in here While I don't recommend comparing your clothes to dead fish... Boy. This purge, I will be focusing a lot on  dresses because I have kind of curated my tops The autobiography of my life... "From Maksy to Mini" My new documentary. Was filmed on a $27 budget and it only premieres in Greenland But before we get started...  it's always weird when I have so much space to move around and enunciate This video is sponsored  by HelloFresh So to talk a little bit- So to talk a little bit about that, here's Sponsor Rachel Oh, hi! I got mauled by a vicious beast It was gruesome *Beast Noises* He's come back to finish the job!! Spare me!!! These are some monster nails that we will be cutting to-night! So as I said, this video is sponsored  by HelloFresh HelloFresh is mouthwad- Mouth-watering seasonal recipes and pre-measured ingredients delivered right to your door No stressful grocery store trips.. which you know I strongly dislike No stressful meal planning, everything is just right where you need it In fact, Nick and I stayed at a cabin this past weekend to celebrate our date-iversary One of the nights I threw out the idea that we could just bring one of our HelloFresh bags and it worked so well, that's  one thing I really really love about HelloFresh is that per recipe, everything comes in a brown  bag All we had to do was just grab that bag, grab the ground beef because we made the burgers Bring it on up to the cabin! Plus they offer a ton of options, they offer low -carb, vegetarian, pescatarian Fresh produce straight from farmers It cuts out all that stressful prepping so you can have dinner on the table at around 30 minutes, or even 20 minutes with their Quick and Easy recipes Also because everything is pre-measured it means there's less waste In fact HelloFresh's carbon footprint is 25% less than store-bought grocery store recipes You can change your delivery days or skip a week whenever you feel like you need to HelloFresh has donated over 4 million meals to charity, continuing to do so amidst this Crisis.. that-we-don't-talk-about If you want to go check that out and start your meals, head to hellofresh.com and use my code rachels- RachelMaksy12 to get 12 free meals and free shipping Also side note, the cabin had  saloon doors to the toilet for whatever reason *Western Music* Ma'am, I suggest you don't go in there There's a snake in that waterhole... "These are terrible" Thank you HelloFresh for sponsoring this video and now let's continue to watch Rachel procrastinate Welcome back! I still haven't started yet *Deep Breath* ALRIGHT. Do I look ~too much like John Lennon?? No time like the present! *Sounds of Struggling* ...... really TOIGHT Up first, it originally came with a red liner that I ripped out and used for Wort I did think this was like super stinking cute.. *Whispers* If you could actually see it that'd be... smashing Button this part and then keep this part... *Frodo ruckus* Just have some like really cute shorts under  here Ooooh, it's really cute You know what? No. No? No *silent contemplation* Alright *snapping* let's go Also by the way, not that  I'm stalling or anything but did you know that I learned to snap completely wrong? I think you're supposed to go like this, right? Y'know like a quiet giraffe? and then... So I learned to do it with  this No- Do I? No wait- Yeah I use my ring finger It's not super effective, I wouldn't  say that I have a boisterous snap   but I can't- I literally... it makes  no sound If you snap correctly in the middle of a forest does it actually make any noise? No. Because you're Rachel Spooky girl Ooooo no... I might keep you I got this for a Beetlejuice Halloween look It's really cute  I think it's from the 80s *Indecisive Noises* but like how cute would this be for  like like a little 20's beach look?   like Sweeney Todd? I don't go to the beach.... But what if I DO??? *Whispers* I won't tell anyone if you won't This is one that I'm gonna have to costume change, probably down here on the floor So that my neighbors  don't see me... and also you don't see me how's your week going? got any good plans  for the weekend? no?? me neither Well, fffffffffudge I was so confident that I was gonna give  this one away It is really stinking cute, huh? I need better posture.. I'm always  standing like sort of like a bulldog   Just hundreds of years of... weird breeding But then I feel like if I have this posture, Oo-hoohooo Vavavoom, BI- I need to find like a middle ground.. Sure I'd be a prized specimen at the AKC dog show but y'know Strive for something in your life and if that's it.. Woof. I would like to formally apologize for  creating this monster It reminds me of that abomination from Mars Attacks That severely messed  me up as a child Would just like to say I'm sorry Okay I'm keeping this one sorry, I'm sorry, I'm  sorry Now this one's a little sheer don't, call the saucy police alright? Super frickin' adorable, I think it's from the 40's There's like cute little bows here It's little sheer so you know it's a  little segggsy Goal for today, if I haven't worn it it's- it's gone! Okay.. Rachel?? I'm not used to seeing my eyebrows kind of thin Weirding me out I made them a little thinner this morning  because it's one of the *Chorus of Rachel's* Only things I can control! This was one of my first vintage reproduction  dresses Very pretty, does wonders for the- the- The Goy-als It's a very nice, y'know- Oooh recycling people, I'm DOWN Oh god I hope they didn't just see my little soiree I just did *Whispering* interesting content Aaaaaand- they're gone What I was going to say, very much a "My husband mysteriously vanished.. and I'm  heartbroken" Okay yep this one's gotta go This is another one you can kind of see my bra through it but you know what? All complaints can be forwarded to my HR person And my HR person would also like  to say, "don't at me" I don't think I have ever.. worn this dress, not once Oooh this is disturbing I don't like it I look like an alien with no nipples It would look super cute  with like a black slip or something It's GONE! why did i buy thisssss Very 90's, I feel like I just walked out of an episode of FRIENDS The One Where Rachel Buys Too  Many Clothes... But Not That Rachel *laugh track* that was a stupid joke I'm so sorry I will challenge Marie Kondo when it comes to sparking joy, uh, because this dress does spark joy But am I gonna wear it? No I believe it is 1940's, this was one of my first actual vintage dresses It's gone! Oh boy we got a lot to go, huh? I gotta speed this up Along the same lines it's one of my  first vintage purse- One of my first vintage perp- *whispers* purchases. Looks a little weird with just shapewear  but y'know... Gotta keep the intrigue Okay! Very like, Anne of Green Gables dirndl Is a little too bright Kind of like a Pokémon, I'm kind of evolving towards my final form which is just like, being able to blend in to the ground in any environment that I'm in and this is kind of a dead giveaway but I suppose it's good to have a  little diversity in your wardrobe, huh? Alright I guess I'll keep this one... dang it!! This was actually... oop, caught in the shapewear okay Very, very cute. Very flattering but you know  the drill It's gone! By all means seems like something that I would wear all the time It is a dirndl, cute little purple flowers and then it has a very lovely purple lining I don't particularly like when dresses or tops have no space around the collarbone Just don't find it very flattering for me because I have quite broad shoulders So anything that kind of accentuates that.... we discussed this Pausing the video to tell you in this dress I did  indeed meet a pig named Snorkel And a unicorn! This one, no lie, I just bought before the dumpster fire of 2020 started Uuuuuh I- I don't- I don't know why I bought it Honestly I feel like I've outgrown  this style?? It really good on the model and I was like... GIB. I don't know... it doesn't do much  for me This dress, this freaking. dress. I feel like I can't be the only one who keeps  an amount of extraordinarily glamorous evening gowns in their wardrobe *Just in case* Just in case what?? Just in case you get invited to a soiree at an old creepy mansion atop a hill, and then while you're eating dinner the lights shut off and someone mysteriously vanishes I wore it to a Beverly Hills party during the Face Awards It's not actually as cool as it seems but in terms  of my boring life it was kind of.... exciting Now I'm.. here *laughs* So, someone else can look absolutely  ridiculously glamorous in it And now, my friends, a round of "Why Am I Like This??" Here we have two brown gingham dresses Fun fact, were bought at almost the exact same time and I'll tell you the story Stress-browsing Esty.. came across uh, one or the other of these and thought "Yeah! A brown gingham dress" "Boy howdy, I would like one of those" and so I ordered it And then I guess I completely forgot that I did so and found another brown gingham dress and thought "Boy howdy... I would like.. to have one of those" And then I ordered it and then they both came and I was like sshhhhhhhhit They're just like different ~enough that I have not gotten rid of either of them What is wrong with me?? Why am I like this?? The executive decision, one of these has to go So let's try on both and see which one I like what??? is this the back?? "So I am CONFUSION" Okay I see I... hate it I'm not even sure if this is the front.. you can see the bra strap it's just- I need Ikea instructions just to put it on and because that hath angered me so it shall be banished henceforth and then this one is super stinking cute! I declare...  the WINNER *echo* It's a reproduction dress from Lindy Bop Pour one out for Lindy Bop I think I kept it because this part reminded me of Lady from Lady and Tramp The chest is a little tight and it's a little tight on my shoulders too so I tend to gravitate towards comfort and if I know  a dress has just a little flaw where I'm going to be tugging and pulling all night, I immediately just don't want to wear it Um, and so I keep it, why?? You may ask?? I don't... have any answers for  you Why did I buy thiiiis Fun fact about me you may or may not know, you probably do know I am very influenced by the media I consume, in regards to clothing impulse purchases *whispering* I don't know why I bought this... I don't know.... why It's super cute right?? But it's just not me I must have watched something that took place in the 1940's and immediately got on my phone There should be a new decree where my phone is taken away from me if I'm watching a period piece of any kind because no doubtedly, the minute the credits appear on screen I will take out my phone and scroll vintage clothing and buy something like this That is very beautiful... and it was expensive But h-why?? I love y'know, what the peplum's doing  to my hips It is in fact making them lie *singing Shakira* I look like an 80's businesswoman when I  wear it, though I'm about to go to my job.. at the mall kiosk Selling earrings.... in 1983 It's gotta go Oh look, another evening dress that I got for the Face Awards for when I actually, for once in my life, attended parties okay yeah!!!! as my camera's shaking Super frickin pretty! I feel like Satine.. and also like Wanda Maximoff Has a little capelet... It's iiiit... It's gotta go Still far more dresses than anyone needs but we're working This is like mid-season character development, when you can start to see some changes starting to be made but not fully realized yet *Shakira Impression* Do you like my very accurate Shakira?? I did that impression when I did the Little Women video from last year but then Sony was like "No" "Unless you have spoken to Shakira personally, you cannot have this in your video" And I was like 'okay Sony I have not spoken to Shakira personally so I suppose we will take it out" Here's the footage of that that I can finally use now... a year later *OoO baby when you talk like thaaaat* Does anyone else get random cramps in their ribs when they like move the wrong way and it feels like you're dying?? Another weird thing my body does Very early in the morning, when you're  sitting in bed and you go like this- and you stretch your feet out straight Feels like all the bones in your foot are going like this And you just have to sit there like... *PAINED SCREAM* Until it goes away?? Anyone else?? ..... mm'kay Oh-kay... so this actually used to be one of my favorite dresses  of all time but with a shirt underneath because It's very cute it's- it's kind of like 70s  almost Please ,for the love of god, can we stop with high-low skirts? Just kidding, I don't know- Maybe some people like them but like I don't so Listen I very specifically want my  kneecaps to show but not the backs of my knees I think for that reason I have  not worn this High-low? More like... Good-bye *Ba-Dum-Tsss* not my best With that, finally dresses are done  but I do have some skirts that I think I'm ready to part with so let's take a look at those very briefly This one, I got this back when I was young and impressionable I was going through a Cry Baby thing, just wanted to be Wanda But I think there comes a time where I need  to look at myself in the mirror and say.... No. Clearly does nothing for my figure.. kinda  just makes me look like a sausage I think the time has come where we part Been quite an addition to my closet, a silent contribution But it is time Here's another skirt  that I got back in the beginning days it's- it's lovely. Fun fact I literally just broke the  zipper I think the only reason I held on to this skirt was because it reminded me of Belle Cause look at how cute... OOooh The older I got, the longer I prefer my skirts to be Slowly evolving into an elderly librarian This skirt is just like it hits right at my kneecaps and just doesn't do it for me Alright I think this is going to be the last item This skirt I think the pleating makes it  look a little tube-like on my body My body needs something that just goes out like a triangle  to distract from the fact that I got no hips *Echoing Shakira Impression* So I think, my friends, this is where we  will end the purge You may all come out of your houses and take off those stupid  masks But not these masks... keep those on I think we did pretty darn good Here is the to-go pile... it's very heavy And I know what you're thinking... "But Rachel, this is all well and good but  we all know that this is just going to go in your big Tub o' Clothes downstairs" There's a 78% chance you are entirely correct This week, I am going to set aside a whole day Photograph, measure, organize I'm going to photograph almost everything and then just sell in batches I'll try to announce when I'm  going live with batches early as I can I try to keep everything under $40 I just want to give you guys a chance to own some vintage because I know vintage is very expensive Let us hope that I don't fill up all of this empty space with just clothes I make out of tablecloths and curtains Regardless I do feel a little bit better about removing some of the clutter from my life So I can make room for  more important purchases and items such as this... *Bad Recorder Titanic plays in distance* It's a model! Real quick I just want to show you... Look at how tiny it is!!! So small! Thank you so much HelloFresh for sponsoring this video I love you guys whether you're new or  old to this channel, if you're new here   and you feel like sticking around  Feel free to subscribe, I upload   every Friday and we have fun here And I will see you in my next video, byeee! oooo-kay Especially you, middle school  principals I'm sure you're doing a great job 🎵 one in a million, once in a lifetime  *mumbling* stars above you 🎵 Miss Congeniality anyone? Oh jESUS... GAHD *rip* Oop. That was not a good sound I know you've heard of ASMR, but have you heard of Rachel Struggling to Get Out of a Dress?? It's both alarming AND upsetting oh no this is going to make  me sweat My glasses!!! oh no did I do that right? no I don't think I did What- is HAPPENING This video's just me- I was gonna say talking to myself for three hours but isn't what I always do??
Channel: Rachel Maksy
Views: 506,525
Rating: 4.9755383 out of 5
Keywords: closet purge, vintage closet purge, vintage style, 1940s style, 1950s style, vintage dresses, retro, declutter, closet cleanout
Id: E9TrWxgJoag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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