1940s Home Estate Sale unveils 75 years of collectibles, Shop with me!

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hello hello we're at it again in estate sale and this one I'm really really excited to take you on these homeowners have been collecting for 75 years everything must sell everything must go the only caveat is it's cash only so I was kind of hoping they would take a card if I find some really good stuff so we'll see what kind of deals we can get um see what kind of things they have online it was looking like they had some great Furniture pieces I'm a little bit Limited in what I can pick up here today in my small vehicle but let's get in there let's see what they've got it's day two I'm really excited to get in there and see what they have and of course I'm going to take you with me let's go morning the house is loaded it looks like it exciting okay thank you so much and it's cash only cash or check okay and if you see something you really like and you don't have either one of them we can make it work okay hold it or whatever perfect thank you so much yeah this is exciting thank you very much wow is this toilet paper oh my God toilet paper of Saddam Hussein that's hilarious oh my gosh old Kodak wow wish they had another one of those mhm Oak cabinet look at these lights 40 bucks $40 for these little angel lamps it's really nice yeah I'll think about getting that you should it's a really nice piece start B one dri off on it cheap stuff oh it is coming apart at the bottom here looks like it could just be tacked in little bit of wood glue tack it back in really really nice only $65 I think he's gonna get it okay it up this is a cute little drawing it's pretty but the pictures got pictures got some water damage oh my gosh look at all that mold look at all that black mold back there do aot of the rain is really coming down [Music] now everything in the garage is a little wet and you can hear the rain coming down now but you sign oh my gosh look at these two over there this is gorgeous but look at the damage and he's got 25 on it and it's completely damaged here that's a shame it's so pretty tops a bit dented up too yeah I'm put my you get Emil your name I'm Larry this one's 20 which is kind of high it's sticky yuck right you want it for 10 it's a time this is a little too high but I'll hold it and think we have a holding table here you do I'm just going to think about it okay thank you very much just catch her on the way out okay perfect he's going to help you a little bit on it too thank you okay awesome whoa me yep so we're in the kitchen now not as exciting as some of the kitchens I've been in mostly glasswar this is cool Universal Cambridge oven proof what was this used for does anyone know it's very neat I'm just so curious let me know what this is really [Music] pretty ch I love the floors the original floors in this home are gorgeous and look at the crown molding look at this detail wow the sideboard is 650 it's in excellent condition though I will say really pretty a lot of miscellaneous pieces 32 sry2 prices seem pretty fair on some of this stuff some more glass wear this is pretty I'd love to get some stained glass pieces for my sun room this is a really nice built-in corner cabinet they're all back up so you can see some dolls this big table is 75 wow look at this massive glass piece 225 for this punch bowl can you imagine having this for a party the piano is gorgeous 225 on the piano [Music] wow wow so pretty I would love a piano for my home but how the heck would I get it it's fine thank you Grandma thank who a are the best some more dolls this desk is 650 that's pretty high 650 another piece here is 250 tell the lady over here the man that right wow these are neat at a store they have old vintage Elvis 1977 says straight bourbon whiskey 86 proof it's whiskey wow you guys know what year this house I think it was built in 1939 or 40 pretty table excuse me I'm just going to come right behind you thank you I don't know if look at this plant stand very tall Ward that's fun some more Elvis stuff any Elvis collectors this room is very wet feeling look at these dolls Oh My Gosh tablecloth very very old I'm sure it's so [Music] pretty here's a little basket they have 30 on it pretty nice old basket I can never determine what's a good price for one of these baskets this is kind of how big it is there's my hand and they have 30 on it I don't know if that's fair or not it's very primitive I'll hold it and think about it wow look at this little room so we've got some Christmas look at the old Christmas dishes it says the whole set is $20 made in China that's neat though these are interesting what are these Christmas trees with a hole in the middle huh yeah here's another one oh my gosh I've never seen anything like this before oh thank you so much yeah get your ribon after all that gu not a lot of vintage Christmas which is what I personally like than but some very interesting pieces it's pretty light with a leaf 15 and so that's 11 15 wow look at that is that like a little nativity scene crib she's look at this lamp this looks like it's sprayed though this is not really brass you can see the flex of paint on it can almost hear it I've put one of these in my shop before it's a fold up ironing board $10 that big p it I don't think soang over a little bit oh yeah good if it would about three fo maybe it will all the old canes are so neat too all right I got to go back and get the Copper Kettle let me check the price on this basket real quick that's a neat old basket yeah excuse me thank you okay these Gathering baskets go for triple the price online so I'm probably going to get this it's in really good shape oh there's a little stool down the excuse me I'm just going to come behind you real quick no worries thank you check out this little stool that I've Just [Music] Seen oh this is super cute $6 a little baby stool love that okay I don't know why but I've always like the antique splint baskets like that do you collect them my mom does yeah and I don't have any myself so I'm like thinking maybe I should get one I can put some dried Floral in it something like that she'd be tickled to come to your house to see you had one exactly if she like you know she likes I'll probably give it to her if she loves it so much yeah yeah okay drive this I don't think there's anything else I didn't check this box this is a cute vintage print here what is he holding says Blue Boy I just can't figure out what he's holding if he's holding Wildlife I don't know if I like this but if he's holding like a hat or something well depending on the price we we'll do it here's another little pinky I don't like her as much sorry pinky there's the pink lady that matches that little blue I just saw her yeah Blue Boy this old set it's pretty all right let's see what we can get for prices [Applause] here okay take this yeah can I check out with you or would I have to go back inside okay with me okay you had 20 on that no price on this okay six and then you had 30 on that um how about 50 for all of it 50 for all of it yep 20 30 okay and these throw those in thank you sure I got some good stuff I'm happy thank you so much all right well we we're glad we'll be here tomorrow too do you have any other sales coming up you guys usually post them online yeah we post them online and great um I'll keep watching we we had the next one's coming up uh probably middle of March middle of March okay oh okay nice and it's full Wow might be a two weend sale how much oh wow I'm excited okay thank you so much all right have a great day you too wow look at that what is that bomb shelter no way yeah way wow you gone in there no I got not interested look at that it's a bomb shelter wow wonder when that was built crazy thank you so much have a good day have a great day excuse me a day have a great day all right so I'm walking in the rain here but we got some good stuff all right I'm not in the best area so I'm going to kind of go probably a little bit quicker just so I can get in my car and leave um so I only spent 50 bucks for everything got this awesome Kettle the basket they had 30 on which I looked up online they go for triple it's an antique gathering basket in really really good shape so this will go in my Etsy shop this Kettle will also go in my Etsy shop and it's in perfect condition no holes a minor little Dent there but nothing that takes away from the piece beautiful antique and then I got this vintage print really nice so essentially I paid for these two and I got these two pieces for free so got the vintage print which I thought he was neat just needs a little clean up and then I got this awesome wooden stool this will also go in my shop really all of this is going to go into my Etsy shop so once I take all the pictures do all the measurements I'll get these listed and up in the shop really really happy about my finds let's put them in here great finds really really happy about this sale today well that was a fun sale I think that that house was so old I think I said it was built before the 1940s and I would definitely agree because the crown molding in that house was so detailed and so pretty my first home that I ever bought was 1921 and so when I stepped into this house today it just brought me right back with all of the details that you get in an old home it's completely gorgeous the original antique wood floors all of the detailing chair rail molding really really pretty unfortunately this home seemed to be a little rundown it felt very damp inside but they had collected so so much stuff the old Elvis things were in there were very neat all of the antique pieces in there were very nice to see I don't personally need any of those pieces I thought that the antique wardrobe and the garage was really nice again I don't have a purpose for it but if I definitely if I had a shop somewhere I would 100% have bought that antique wardrobe cleaned it up fixed the bottom of it and then put it in there for someone else to buy but someone will grab that thing up and bring it back to its Glory so really really nice piece in the garage I was able to come out of there with those pieces that I just showed you really happy with those this sale was definitely one you kind of had to do a little bit of digging to kind of see um I was a little more cautious though because some areas there was some black mold but the upstairs was closed off but boy was I curious I really was thinking all those rooms upstairs what could be up there an attic maybe but very very nice and then you saw when I left there was that huge structure outside and I asked um the lady doing the sale what was that and she said it was a bomb shelter how crazy really happy with the stuff that I got today again everything that you saw me pick up I will be cleaning up and putting into my Etsy shop so if you're interested in what I picked up be sure to follow over there and grab it if you like it I'm really happy I could take you with me today it's always fun doing these sales and the next one I'm going to be doing is going to be really really fun so I'm excited to share that one with you I'll be going there tomorrow so thank you again for watching and I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: The Carolina Bungalow
Views: 84,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: estate sale, shop with me, yard sale flipping, garage sale haul, yard sales, garage sale, yard sale, garage sale finds, yard sale ride along, garage sales, thrift with me, yard sale haul, huge garage sale, vintage antique, garage sales 2023, thrift with me 2023, estate sales, garage sale ride along, garage sale 2023, garage sale with me, ebay seller, thrift haul, ebay reseller, thrifting, flea market flip, flipping yard sale items, estate sale shopping
Id: HJsz4Rvi3YU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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