[Vinesauce] Vinny - WarioWare Gold (part 2)

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back my 3ds keeps giving me captain toad it's like hey bro we know you want the captain toad demo and I'm like not really they played it kind of have it on the WiiU I'm good ruff here take a look it's captain toad mo it's actually there on my 3ds dashboard well no you'd have to download it first [Music] interesting interesting trumpet what's that one below it that was chicken wiggle from Jules Jules okay here we go [Music] that's right okay so last time I got a little carried away no I was like my official stance is last time I played this when I did the cutscene editing I feel like I could have done better that was a show but the game itself is awesome and I'm gonna continue playing it and continue unlocking stuff wait what did I just do the math League arena oh that was just regular story we're gonna just start with the basic micro games Wario's see how far I can get and continue unlocking and seeing all of the minigames that we missed [Music] I just want Charles Martin a to narrate everything I do not he's so good I can't believe they've kept his voice from us for so long [Music] you know we got little bits of of grunting there's like noises here and there you know but getting whole narration full voice acting everything I've ever wanted it more knows piss-poor have at Rockland a I don't want him to do Luigi I like old classic Luigi much better which classic Luigi do you mean you're talking about the Danny Wells Luigi or do you mean a moderate Pony Rosato Luigi or do you mean in Mario Party Luigi sounded kind of weird he was like I love that this demon has a knife that he's tried the implication he's trying to kill he's trying to kill Wario with a knife knife murder is now in a Nintendo game but no I Luigi had a really high-pitched voice for a little while there [Music] only Pluto are you doing buddy [Music] through their Wachtell mummy's not that difficult even on second difficulty thank you for showing me this game exists you know you're not the first person that said that I had a couple people say they didn't know this game was coming out and I mean this is pretty much everything I've ever wanted in a Wario Ware game short though it's not you know it's probably the best Wario Ware game in some respects but it is short despite having 300 minigames and fuckload of unlockables that bear is amazing I just don't think they um I just don't think they advertised a lot of this [Music] well quit that much time into advertising it maybe this was kind of I mean the way I see it is if Nintendo's doing if Nintendo's doing 3ds games at this present moment in time I feel like these are the ones that are gonna be just kind of shat out a bit more like development experience not and I don't mean shout out I mean like you know this is obviously a high quality game it's really really well done but it's probably not as complex is something like breath of the wild probably not maybe so okay so actually I have a question a question from the chat and the question is what other major 3ds releases are still on the horizon that we're aware of so for me this was the one I was waiting for word this is the one I was looking forward to the most [Music] Luigi's Mansion remake you know what sucks about that for me potato Mario Luigi oh yeah there that's right they're doing in the persona q2 Mario Luigi bowser's Inside Story remake and Lulu you know what the thing that sucks about Luke's mansion if I were to get the remake on the 3ds if I wanted a stream that I'd still have to use my old across the 3ds that doesn't have an extra analog nub and it's not compatible with the addition that gives you analog so I'd have to play Luigi's Mansion with one analog stick the left one [Music] and Luke is all about for me that game is you know it's designed around the two analog sticks the sequel worked out pretty well they've managed to make it work without the second analog stick but you know it was designed around that so it worked out maybe they'll fix it up a little bit maybe they'll make it in such a way that I'm gonna lower the game a little bit maybe they'll make the game in such a way that now you only need the one analog stick that'll be cool game is getting very fast now [Music] okay [Music] but yeah the way I see like these remakes that we're getting on the 3ds I feel like it's just like development experience and a quick buck obviously there's still a level of quality but you know maybe some of the the newer developers at Nintendo might get a chance to work on Luigi's Mansion remake on the 3ds and then maybe their next project will be something on the switch and then before you know it they were given the Zelda series to do whatever the they want with I'm just I'm ready to honestly there's not a lot of minigames here so I think it's time for me to just like move on to different mini-games [Music] scuff board how much longer you think that ten is gonna hold on to the 3ds oh well I won by doing absolutely nothing [Music] I'm happy with 42 I think they're gonna hold on to the 3ds a little longer because there's just so many of them out in the world and they're really cheap and the system it you know you can buy a 2d Essen it's relatively inexpensive in that regard so why not they're gonna continue making a couple games for it probably nothing I mean there was a rumored Link's Awakening remake in the same style as link between worlds and I feel like that would have been kind of cool but now I kind of just want that on the switch if it is to be a thing [Music] they she is so yeah we'll probably get a little bit more 3d support ohad the Chen Papa check hey there do you like my pecs someone said I wish this was on the switch me too but you know what that was awesome I don't think I saw them oh yeah I think I did you know you know what though I wouldn't mind something more like game and Wario on the switch less minigames but more substantial and taking full advantage of the switches features [Music] normal well we got normal WarioWare here so you know if they're gonna do something different for the switch version might be cool with that if we'll get a switch version ever problem with game and Wario is that some of the games on there just sucked some good ones and some real clunkers new Wario world could be down for that don't know why I got bored of the Gamecube one despite it being a really good game [Music] stop playing it [Music] bargain we're shakin uh yeah I don't know about that I heard it was good but I'd never wanted to shake it [Applause] [Music] my favorite Wario game was probably Wario Land one and still might be a site like if we're gonna talk about the Wario main series as opposed to Wario where I love Wario Ware but if we're talking about if we're talking about the adventure games then the first one on the Gameboy was my favorite I never played three so you know people are saying three was the best one Jesus I missed out on a lot of Wario my I might have to catch up on them [Music] now people are saying 4 is the best god damn it I like the poker face [Music] I just get happy when I see link with the master sword even if it is just two seconds of a thing [Music] some bizarre one [Music] never use an umbrella as a baseball bat [Music] this has been vine sauce advice thank you for watching its most coins yet [Music] oh it's the section [Music] how does link have that many hearts but no sword and no sub weapon some like I sub-item swordless but with nothing else it's just a heart collection run [Music] like Lincoln Michael Jackson kind of have similar thing going on with them voices I'm so sorry for saying that why you give me the eggplant [Music] yeah yeah and it blows doesn't mine now that's not my Luigi that one down there that was like a clone Ouija [Music] who really died that baby [Music] Frank and I'm oh boy all that counts it's foul it still counts I made cavatelli for dinner tonight with zucchini and some garlic and ricotta cheese [Music] so good [Music] don't know why I'm telling you this I just want to get like over 50 I think I need to I think I need to get over 50 to get the achievement now there's a mode where you can play more than just the specific minigames of one character so this gets repetitive real quick but there is a mode where you get a bigger pool of minigames to play [Music] I don't I don't know what that was I've met my goal I should probably end up getting the achievement I say achievement but it's just extra coinage [Music] we're gonna unlock a lot of cool stuff oh and I forgot I still have amiibo's [Music] here we go boss time [Music] amiibo chivos that's when you get an achievement for having an amazing movement the coin system in this game is really good though I like that for unlocks that makes me feel like you know there's always something getting done [Music] it's getting a little too fast oh my god I am genuinely trying by the way [Music] I don't know what that minigame is [Music] well that's the end of that 66 all dill sweet heels late deal yep there's a thousand Kern right there right right there them thousands okay so what was i doing miscellaneous we're gonna check out some beautiful art real quick old Dale all day all 66 one moment please [Music] do did i do why luigi yet or no No all right all right give me a second let me grab some me Bo's bra P Bo's that's just the kind of guy out okay here we go [Music] let's see is what that's not bad apparently again these were made by kindergartners or something that's like really good I've seen comparable art on the borough that I've complimented that one's not shitty don't have a Wario amiibo I don't think I have to look but I don't think I have it doesn't take it do you know what this is can you guys just surmise what amiibo this was yep it's the guardian [Music] breath of the wild ah I'll buy it for a high price welcome Rona it was its thank you not welcome like 11 hours in that game the past couple of weeks alone can you tell which character this is chat yep let's winwaker linking ray he is 6n Trickett ambitious needless to say I'm satisfied it's cosmic landscape perfectly suits the subject that is a high price that's a very good price ten of them here we go ultra scope unknown component mute roid nice Ashley steam 10 billion barrel penny beach and love a good beach minigame autograph phone code 17 Taji all right now it's just too easy what are you doing Nintendo Sasquatch family this will play mute roid [Music] what's the push for me what other WarioWare game was this in WarioWare twisted oh I can actually aim oh so okay so I can aim by rotating the system and move by you know using the thumb stick so I can do a combo of both four different types of movements but I can do quick movements by just going mental with the tilting it's cute for a couple minutes then you have autograph you're signing events about to begin the lines out the door no comment how's your hand feeling today let's practice let's see a practice signature big shot this is more or less how I sign at conventions just it's easy it's just a couple squiggles and a couple lines that's it the fans are looking for now let's do this thing more beautiful than I could have ever imagined hey Vinnie can you sign my cat this looks like the scribbling of a madman I'm signing toilet paper this is my convention experiment but pledge I promise to do the thing with the thing and turn it into another thing this is 100% convention experience with Vinnie it's not much of an autograph Wow hey I'm like your biggest fan sign my graph paper fall of the fungi now I'm signing vine shrooms this game is sentient do the best I can with the stylus I [Music] actually signed these before and I always say why would you want me to devalue your 3ds No [Music] your fan satisfaction is at 48 points not bad with a bit more effort you could really wow the crowds I think we need a new signature alright let me meet devise a new one try this one more time also you know I have a convent I have a convention this Saturday at Long Island retro con retro Long Island retro gaming con and it's gonna be super chill I think it's gonna be pretty low-key wow if you want me to sign your switch just don't I feel guilty signing switches this is like expensive hardware that I'm like scribbling on the scribblings of a madman I'll sign toilet paper that's fine [Music] Jesus what the some day somewhere I will absolutely pay you 100,000 coins maybe turns out on the hack fraud and satisfaction is nine points just like real life I'm gonna try one more I'm gonna try to get maximum fan satisfaction you call that a signature go big or go home give it another go okay no no no I was joking that's not really my snow [Music] that's me that is me I am Bart Simpson hair perfect don't have a pant cow some interesting scribble detection programming that they've included in this year video game wow that counts but my other Vinny signatures weren't counting that counts [Music] I guess you just don't like my name if they just want Bart hair best ever [Music] got some more history to go through here this was the third product in Nintendo's ultra series an extendable periscope it was great for scoping out secrets on the other side of a wall we could be creepers if just for one day and it extends to three feet to solve this puzzle you guided its balls to make five kawaii am i laughing no reason to laugh you guided its balls to make five columns of the same color the puzzle was soba diabolical it was named after Devils stones in Germany [Music] well there's a 3d version was it playable no they just decided to model it that's cool you you don't have the devil stones to make a game that cool we still have several other unknown components so it was beach and head Mike what Oh alarm clock too many goddamn alarm clocks clocks so is head Kaji and beach but he said I wouldn't do it wait this is a Mario is it ah that guy's been pestering me to make games for him hold why to make the tech okay I'll go back to that if I can make the text go faster greetings I am Baroness trip with my real name it's only a coincidence that my older sister and I both have noses that pour like tea pots at high tea or perhaps it's a curse on our family but as I've always said when life gives you a runny nose don't blow your opportunity have fun with it so I let it drip trickle out and stretch the snapping point this is the mini-game and then t hee snort it right back in truly this is an absolute hoot when I get it right when I don't it is so very sad so I don't recommend my drippity drop for all looking to just anyone it requires pluck yet I beg you if you see a drip get away from me be genteel and never speak of it to me now to talk there's some good lore in regards to that micro game now hey how'd you get this number I don't take calls on this line hang up okay what don't know how it's easy buddy just put the phone back in the cradle or if you're on mobile tap to hang up button okay hang up please well I guess I can hang up to click four-digit alpha-2 code read the cards from more lore I don't know how to oh the character cards IC IG Albany JJ stop calling I already said I wouldn't do it this isn't Mario's it is pestering me to make games for him he's always been a pest that he's never going to be anything but a pest if you see water tell him my decision is final no games no way what's that my name sorry gotta run these unlockables are cheap what's that you want Wario wants me to make a game well funny you should ask Wario time will keep slipping away so try to earn it back here the micro games okay do touch time [Music] okay well you had a shrimp in there was that prawns man only grating carrots was actually that easy to think about that for a second [Music] no more dachi sure Vinny what do you think of Mario's man tits good chat comment [Music] sure alright let's smash on that switch [Music] it's in there I'm telling you it's in there [Music] oh you know it turns out I actually I have to think about clucks I really do have to think about analog clocks from more time than you think I would I'd filed again by a analog clock I have my revenge I I will have my revenge on the analog clock don't you make me no never mind about it cuz it's gonna happen first time I got that minigame right pepper [Music] all right full pepper [Music] these are the best graphics I've ever seen what's it dear mrs. did you see [Music] this horror like upside down I told you this is a very sick game I'm inflating camels I'm like beating like horse asses try explaining some of this stuff without someone knowing where the WarioWare game is and you are gonna lose a friend I think oh this is the perfect minigame to have me lose on it's a good one for for losing time shut up REO [Music] if only grading toilets was that easy [Music] good go good I love the way he says that [Music] [Music] space you know what will be on my I'm doing when I get to it the clock [Music] it's okay just say you won't go to second floor I know what the Hana Fuda cards are sure I know Nintendo started without a foot of cards this is equally sick it said hook up so I think they were using tinder perhaps then what are they wait wait wait wait wait wait what is the definition of hookup [Music] because that just happened in game okay get together or start dating okay well I don't know man I mean I'm thinking about what's the urban dictionary definition of hook-up Mario where is a sick game for sick people that are not Mormon and Christian Oh snowboarders inside teeth very good [Music] really this one killing stone esque check no NASA radio go [Music] irony yo-yo what did I do those cats [Music] alright I think I just sliced cats in half I don't know it was - it was so quick I couldn't absorb what was happening I couldn't figure it out [Music] elevator mini-meals sucks [Music] oh this you see the alligator in the spacesuit the Gordon oh I have to move that I tried to move the other one I was like why is it Emily could you can't move the hour hand [Music] pretty cool music there she almost blew tunas esque splatoon ish splatoon Ian salute own Ian and that's the 55 I was a good run that was fun - I like that now go yourself [Music] close shave mode I'm assuming that's just harder miscellaneous miscellaneous credits I can know how to speak there it is sneaky gamer hey you guys nine-volt here I love to play games right before I go to bed too bad my mom doesn't approve did you keep watch for me this is what I was waiting for don't let mom catch us gaming after bedtime keep an eye on the top screen while you game like a pro on the screen below this was in game and Wario previously pretend to sleep whenever you see her checking up on us okay she sees what we're doing it's game over when you press Ellen our Idol pretends to sleep so this is just like the one on game of Mario wakey meter okay I played a lot of this because the chat really loved it years ago [Music] [Applause] you can't prematurely sleep seldom you read that's my rock [Music] it was those Mario music oh yeah this is now this is spooky that was Luigi's Mansion listen I thought it was the underground Mario Brothers sorry oh I let go of the button too early is it a wii u on the right you say I guess they didn't fix this as much as they should have or update it rather [Music] five volt confirmed smash well there was a 5 volt stage well there's a 5 volt but there is this stage in smash before [Music] [Music] [Music] the volumes like super low because it's supposed to be supposed to be felt Blas this month left honey what are you doing just looking at naked men squatting on my 3ds gaming console from Nintendo Nintendo approves of naked men squatting if they copyright strike this video or rather monetize it and content claim it [Music] there's no way 5-volt does not know what's happening I mean she keeps checking she has to know [Music] [Music] that was a free one [Music] you got a chirp really you got a chirp I thought I'd disabled that wait I think I launched xsplit from my shortcuts the the Start menu as opposed to the desktop I didn't launch xsplit properly which is why you heard a chirp sorry about that [Applause] [Music] nice what entity is this kids mom that she comes out of the TV oh you know I'll try to make sure that the chirps don't happen again I'm gonna modify the shortcut on the holy why would you do that [Music] it's psychotic think that's new to Wow how could you be the puppet there's two moms who's your mom ghosts opening the door I think there's a bigger problem than playing video games and mom finding out I think this house is haunted and possibly has some kind of alien intrusion thing going on to also really smart to put this in WarioWare 3ds considering no one has a Wii U which this is such an awesome feature this is such an awesome thing and there's probably a lot of people that never played it or saw it [Music] oh there's the buff dude on TV muscle Mik workout men also this is like an endless mode previously oh oh I see I that up see what I was supposed to do there this was an Endless mode in game and Wario Sproat Oh score so now there's actually levels which is cool that's not the real mom but that is but I told you there is a more problems than just the mother looking at the child playing video games there are some serious problems in this house and possibly this neighborhood strange old men wearing wigs do you have eggs mr. woods will you their bigs mr. woods [Music] [Music] [Music] you played your video gaming you won congratulations you little find out here we go I'm not gonna do endless mode tonight but try level three hit that gun tall hit up oh oh what are you doing done that's new [Music] now hide the Mario Fupa it's the true challenge of the game [Music] damn it kitty she's slow to waste more of my energy I'm glad there's some you know new that's amazing I'm glad new some new ones you know not just gaming Mario so good [Music] [Music] now that's Mario some reason I couldn't squirm I tried to splat him I think it was squirming the wrong worm you can right off oh yeah I forgot about this [Music] this is psychotic [Music] what is she what is she made of what nightmares told you about them aliens hey mom maybe you can check out the window just take a look out the window and see the real threat [Music] [Music] think I did it do we have to we'll do endless eventually you can hear the reticence in my voice it's gonna be a show Oh master mantis that just yet I'm gonna try to unlock a couple more things couple more than that cable this is a cable going we still we're still good we still here microphone oh there we go record free corns I'll do some more story unlike a couple more things tonight and then maybe I'll do one over dub that won't hopefully be as bad as previous overdubs I'm gonna do some twisting yeah that's Ashley [Music] so in order to complete these micro games you need to speed Marylyn then do it right it's not always the dude in the middle they're pretty good unenthusiastic this is a weird one kind of cool though [Music] the beginning of splatoon - post-apocalyptic world that is splatoon - there's the remainder of it [Music] you keep up [Music] really - rut there was like dr. ox in the audience more post-apocalyptic squid future [Music] [Music] this one's kind of boring that takes a while [Music] zip it splatoon noise what is that noise that sounds so familiar toilet princess Kiwi I was looking at chat it's the Twilight Princess store bird [Music] very good good for me I just let person drown because it was busy trying to find out what that was from it's a stock sound effect yeah I've heard that so many times I feel why didn't rent from Ren and Stimpy who clearly got burned suddenly get attacked by penis ghosts I'm not sure what that was all about but there's some kind of lore in there that I'm just dying to unlock in a card who thinks of this who thinks of putting a horse on a blimp that's so good yeah get that [Music] [Applause] [Music] spanky sure I have to trap the beetle drop the roach oh and I strut I strut it too hard oh boy here we go studio sessions unlocked snake it's me Jack okay so what do we get what do we get we get let's start with this the Nintendo 3ds the system grew into the Nintendo 3ds family of systems which brought 3d visuals to life until they just stopped caring about 3d which by the way this game does not have 3d functionality except for the Nintendo 2ds and new Nintendo 2ds XL systems that 3d thing was abandoned abandoned pretty quickly huh - yes well not too quick there's still plenty of things that took advantage of it simpler non foldable style [Music] I kind of liked the 3d I had you know the couple decent get experiences I had with it it got a little bit awful at times and it did give me a couple headaches early on but I got used to it Majora's Mask 3d looks pretty good eventually they figured out how to do it to the extent where it didn't make me want to die [Music] okay so we got some phones and stuff okay what is the story here streaming these thing was a genius move I'm going to be filthy rich just chat I'll just try swimmin bro all right there's my dubs everybody hope you enjoyed it thanks for watching okay I'm going to hide the script so I can't read from it you ready oh I live in a donut power I have hired rabbits you cannot defeat me when I'm in my pool of gold coins which by the way do not dive into the may heart Scrooge McDuck was killed in a tragic gold diving incident what the are you anyway rabbits or it smells like poop I live in a doughnut Tower I have hired rabbits you cannot replace me while I'm in my pool of gold coins which by the way do not dive into them they have Scrooge McDuck was killed in a tragic gold diving incident why is it an accent smells like Mario have a telling a weird accent all right then okay you're not gonna hear me do this one until it is time god he's a beast but these intergalactic fairs are the real moneymakers yes that was a close one stay cool dribble you kiddin that there's a spaceship it could do way worse than a scratch it's all about staying cool like with the customers today it's a laser u-turn that's it buckos first we get stiffed and now this dribble the octopus ooo God [Music] I'm not just gonna sit here in the deep thoughts knock us around they wanna fight they got one you okay thank you this is a long one thank you for waiting oh not again didn't we just get stiffed good these buffoons can't they see we're driving here the bud spit still scratch the car I guess ha spits you always stay so level-headed hey what's that thing out of this way we're not gonna make it I guess it could be worse I'm on it but spits supporters way cool and all that stay cool spits stay cool I mean here we go [Music] I'm sorry Ms I'm telling you we got an intergalactic war or we need a secret weapon I'm just want to get some people built their chairs we gotta we gotta take them down okay I don't care how you been yeah I mean pizza pasta put it in a box robbery at a bill that would use it to defeat I'm telling you if you give me a chair put it on your you cocky cocky let me how to dress Oh huckleberry did you know that the finish the average wingspan and the hummingbird is pretty goddamn when their beds barely dressed like a girl but it didn't make your hair listen I this is this is Priscilla even for me I'm gonna go I read Pentacles so we're okay with the other good real good kill me actually not eating the mic it's just the 3ds mic is so bad I'm like actually really far away from it and it still sounds terrible I can't even you know I can't even read like respond to myself if I'm making new scripts the last thing I can do is remember where I said the thing with the other character I got one right before anyway here we go again hey good boy trouble now who's next oh are you saying we won see that all you gotta do is stay cool exactly it's like that old saying fortune favors the fade life brand dribble paint ice [Applause] [Music] you [Music] that's it we chased them all off yeah I guess we did that's nuts we're alive yeah cool let's just go home [Applause] [Music] you and the thrilling conclusion to our story LVL is just not there yet you know after all this time I thought it would be a lot looking for Pentacles to take not even valve could master the outer V as my goal I mean this is where I'm in this for you know what I mean on the second did you know there's a fleshlight that actually wants you for you oh yeah it's automatic you don't have to do anything hey what do you think about getting some Taco Bell huh huh flip there's a natural diuretic I know I make it's make it make it so make it so [Music] I wish it didn't I wish it didn't cut at the last second there [Music] bada bing bada bing all right well that's enough of that no really that's enough of that for tonight too much of a good thing is not a good thing I'm I started late so this isn't a very substantial WarioWare stream but we'll do more soon I will do more studio I'm trust me the Ashley one is gonna be choice but you have to wait a little bit for it [Music] [Music] hello Bab yes I need help with Baba yes I need help with my internet connection direct in seven hours yes let's let's not forget about that hello huh who's this you're meant to call me this is headach huh you did well sure you need me to call for bug but that guy calls a lot all right back what was it FG b eh it was f no what was it f BB oh [Music] hey nice timing I finally cracked the code the solution is four letters J FK e j FK extreme I don't have a clue what the letters mean but a codes of code I hope it works out for you it's the most extreme form of John F Kennedy hey you're late I was starting to think you'd never get past those guys glad you're okay alright I'm gonna give you the code it's a dick dial it got that good luck just goes around in circles waste of my time [Music] cool well I was fun Mario where's always a good time let's let's do this again sometime let us do this again in a couple days we have a Nintendo Direct for Smash Brothers in about seven hours and I'm going to try to be up for that which means I'm going to be very tired as I've said but I want to be there for it because I think I'm gonna have a lot of fun with it I think my predictions are going to be mostly wrong but that's okay it'll still be fun I'm gonna try to stream it really I don't know I mean I'm gonna keep the chat open at least but I'm gonna try my best to stream it so I guess stop by tomorrow 10 p.m. sorry 10 a.m. Eastern for Nintendo Direct I saw the leak I talked about it and I tried not to go into too much detail but it is something that I think is one of my predictions and I feel like it is it's very possible
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 325,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, WarioWare Gold, Wario, WarioWare series, Nintendo 3DS, Intelligent Systems, Nintendo EPD, Action, Rhythm, Single-player, Multiplayer, vineGreed
Id: Mklz4DU14xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 49sec (5149 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 09 2018
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