[Vinesauce] Vinny - Russian PS1 Bootlegs

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feels like anything could happen and I'm a little bit worried but then again I guess it just it could just be this car money I don't seek I don't speak the language I know about a soup it appears to be a card game Oh what do you know look at that frozen straight-up frozen what is this [Music] okay I'm gonna try to come back to that one great off to a [ __ ] fantastic start let's do bananas in pyjamas instead okay good game bananas in pyjamas this should work right no well [ __ ] okay so yeah these these games are really [ __ ] quality we're getting some really good quality I've been told that my um my pc isn't shitty enough I don't know how true that is but I mean there could be an issue with my EPS ex I don't know so let's forget about bananas in pyjamas and we'll go to captain Pronin okay this works there you go yep this is about what I was expecting tonight pretty much the exact thing I had in mind and crash how about that how about that unbelievable let me try a different version of this I have a couple of options so if these really don't work I have I have some ways that we can make this work but I wasn't told exactly how to make this happen so we're we just have to hope for the best oh that's even louder great yep I can't read any of this so we're just gonna choose the top right option somewhere in in the tundra of Siberia motorcycle Jim was ready to fight that's the story press this one yeah that's probably the one good okay oh this is good yep give me a text adventure game that's that's real fun and another crash hmm hmm now this is [ __ ] streaming okay now I have a couple more options we're not done yet we are not done yet I've got I've got some more options here to get these to work I'm apparently missing firmware great entertainment anyone here for Entertainment Tonight well man did you get it here it is okay not out of the game yet I have more options okay now before we give up or before I just try my old one again there's gonna be there's gonna be a couple more attempts who would have thought Russian bootlegs would not work who would have thought the booth lake would actually cause us problems okay so now I need to I'm just going through all my folders to get through all the emulators I have including the most recently updated emulator for PlayStation 1 and we'll see if it works because obviously these games are worth our time they have to be ok here we go PlayStation ok huh firmware issue again ok good it's a good stream I'm gonna have that be cut the entire stream like live he's gonna go back and cut the entirety of the live stream [Music] good JPEG see I can't actually select any options here oh I have to press left and right to select options great a text adventure in a language I don't understand my left ear is loving this entertainment it's it like can anyone from Russia tell me did you guys grow up with this character captain Pronin captain Pronin superstar I think I heard or what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] is this this is the loudest by the way this is the loudest I can make this is that like a police siren or scream turned into an instrument critical has a video about this all I know what I'm doing after the stream tonight well he's in America now even though it's not really how the city looks its it's not like the Statue of Liberty's in the middle of two Manhattan's or maybe maybe it is I think I regret many life choices right now yeah yes I do oh my god [Music] I guess I'm gonna hang up oh no you don't have a choice it's the illusion of choice dude just lives in a [ __ ] warehouse of weaponry futuristic like alien slaying weaponry that did indeed sound like a duck okay that dudes cheek looked like a penis but you didn't hear that for me I wouldn't risk it holy [ __ ] oh my god yes this is as bad as it looks [Music] what is this student is dis Jews had all his skin ripped off his outer dermal layer is gone Oh without any context whatsoever the mind wanders to the worst possible explanation this has been this has been a good good stream yep yep yep cool game don't worry we've got more well that doesn't work either I'm actually really wondering why these don't work now let's see well I don't actually have in the email it doesn't tell me what games like I mean they're all supposed to work I would imagine yeah I know well I mean you just assume that the games are gonna work because they they usually do so no I didn't actually do any checking to make sure that these worked ahead of time but I mean that's part of what I do I kind of just get the files and then play them as they come I wouldn't want to necessarily ruin the surprise perhaps I should Depeche Mode let's see if this works ok well this works golden Leon ok I'll [ __ ] ok is this an official Depeche Mode game somehow I don't think it is all my sweet cheese's I have full control over nothing actually I kind of don't have full control at all well look at this though look you get every informations you could ever want about the band here they are here's the boys it's like [ __ ] Backstreet Boys hey the good news is I don't have to worry about avid music department [Music] you get a whole two music videos from Depeche Mode included with Depeche Mode the video game and this is exciting also if you listen closely you can hear what low frames-per-second sounds like in audio form yeah this is like 10 FPS [Music] you know I think I will enjoy the silence thanks so if you want to know how to get around vaad muting just make sure you find a way to get all your vods into crispy crackly 10 FPS mode alright so now this one is called blob crust wave that sounds good blob this looks like a video game this is the first thing tonight that actually is reminiscent of a game i wonder if this game is going to make mario stomach ulcer explode like some of the previous stuff this has to be like there's there's got to be something wrong here why is everything sounding like ass but my dude died I've played like Chrono Cross on this emulator with no problems but it can't run blob game as far as I'm aware the BIOS are ok what a fun game I'm having so much fun I get to move my blood until it dies but I don't actually get to move the bleb so it just dies alright great let me check let me check my sound someone said pal oh no no no this is Russian I don't think the BIOS are okay for the Russian games I think it just needs some vodka but I don't know I'm very confused about what's happening in the past I've used this for super marzio I've used this for Chrono Cross I've used it for LSD I've used it for well you know this may as well be LSD let's see I'm not your pal buddy let your comrade pal and we've got to crash again you know take comfort in the fact that despite this turning tits up at least you know the Android [ __ ] show is gonna be really solid like my stool alright so next is blocker also by golden Leon I'm greatly wrong why golden Leone changes their logo are you sure you didn't change your emulator speed I don't think so let's say later speed doesn't have here to be that way [Music] but what is happening this is the worst cutscene I've ever seen in my life it's a little beetle walking along camera not even knowing what to do not focusing properly on the beetle when suddenly glowing cube now what information did we learn as a result of that cutscene what thing I already beefed it if you have to match no yeah well that's what you do you take yeah that's it that's the game we did it so that cutscene was in fact very very accurate it just sounds like someone's doing that voice like doing that noise with their mouth and then we get some Starcraft sounds there we go I'm just happy a game is working so I'm gonna play this for as long as I can because it [ __ ] works and I'm having such a good time look at all these different backgrounds that we get we get like everything included with Adobe Photoshop and eye candy it's so good you get to make textures and you just throw it in your video game what Oh beefed it so again the game's called blocks or block and those were the first blocks that I saw and they're non interactable so I don't know if block is the most appropriate name I'd call it bug or beetle ePSXe is not cycle accurate you may want to use something else what else should I use ez8 what do you think would be a good what do you there would be a good emulator to use for Russian ps1 bootlegs because I might you know I want I might want to download something while I'm while I'm doing this PSX check video options and set threads to one okay I do have a bit of a problem when I go into the configuration it takes a very very long time so I'm using Pete's OpenGL and get an actual PlayStation well how do you want me to put the [ __ ] roms on the actual PlayStation I'll go up in my attic right now and get my PlayStation if you can tell me how to take the files from the computer and put them into the PlayStation cuz I'll just [ __ ] you know what I'll do I'll hook up some wires I'll get that [ __ ] going in no time what are those things that have two pointy those wires with the big pointy things in the middle for like the old TV in the 80s what are those called cuz those those are good those would like stab you in the finger and then you draw blood I could burn blank discs we'll just do one at a time it'll be a four-hour stream just to get three games going I'm ready let's do it no I really I'm looking at these options and I might want to change the driver see maybe that has something to do with it figure okay I've changed a couple things here let's see if that works cuz there were some there's some options that were on then I was kind of like about so let's see okay this is going into full screen mode and it just stopped working alright so I might have to download PSX okay so I'm gonna do that while I'm doing that please enjoy some elevator music okay there you go alright think of all the things you could be doing on your Sunday evening but here you are watching a jabroni fail at his computer oh yeah oh yeah that's a good time [Music] but much like an elevator you'll get there eventually it might take a couple hours you might get stuck in it you might have to [ __ ] in the corner you might have to pry the door open a little bit so you can let your Dookie fall out or you just fall asleep and wait for someone to rescue you unfortunately there is no saving anyone from the Sun day [ __ ] stream so strap in tight strap on and await further instructions I guess because I'm I'm downloading this thing okay okay it's doing I need the BIOS let's see oh I found them that was quick so let me get these things sorry this is taking a high level of concentration you know I wouldn't want to get the wrong thing I wouldn't want to mess it up I wouldn't want this elevator ride to go any longer than it would have to though I have a sneaking suspicion that this will not fix our problems [Music] whoa that sound holy [ __ ] majestic just brings you back like I said I got to hook up some of those cables now I've got the real ps1 waiting let's see if banana in pajama work no Ben no banana pajama does not work let's see if chemistry school work now no no this is a good emulator it doesn't load the the Krusty Files CD not usable failed to open file vini if this doesn't work it only takes about three minutes per game to burn the blank CD arse okay I don't have CD arse however and I don't have a PlayStation 1 anywhere near me I'm sorry to say but bin yot is dead let me go to the CDR store real quick I'm sure they have those at any deli well this is unfortunate I don't know what to say really yeah I think there's a ps1 in the attic somewhere it's it's crusty but that that's not you know attic is deaf you go up there and you get bit by skeletons and they hurt despite about heart mount the ISO all right you know what let's try that at the risk of losing you know my entire computer I'm willing to mount the games no but it's not what it sounds like but I'm willing to mount the games so that I can play them here right now okay so chemistry school though their bin files they are dot bi n so they're not mountable very good very good blocked at all turns impressive impressive you can mount the bin file it won't give me the option to so this is weird because now I'm getting like technical support from 8,000 people so let's sum that's not gonna be good that's not going to be easy so what I need to do is I need to figure out how to get my old one to work okay HR 1 a couple other things here I have a couple of other options and let's see if chemistry school works very good chemistry school does not work okay so I'm gonna try blob again and see if that works well we've got something golden Leon is here golden Leon's back I think chemistry school is just a big pile of [ __ ] let's see if we have audio I mean it's still garbage okay well I'll tell you what if this doesn't end up working like really really well and there's a way I can run some of these glorious games better at some point in the future I'd be okay with delaying the stream and eventually coming back to them like this one's called the encyclopedia of cars and it just doesn't load so some of the games work some of them don't you know I don't really know what to say it's very disappointing I'm as disappointed as you are I just hope that manic game girl Korea works really that's been my dream and I finally have a copy of it and and now I can't I can't play the other ones you know Freddy fish so not Nemo just a different fish again my left ear loves this Freddy fish in the case of the missing words I don't actually have any control like I can't even skip the cutscene so I guess we're just watching a movie oh my god this hurts this is just painful guys I mean again it works at least I can view it but it's just poorly overdubbed in my left ear I don't know what to say addy Swizzy emailed me and said that these games should be working and that I have I've got the BIOS files that I need okay let me let me I'm gonna but while you're watching this lovely cartoon of a fish learning a bunch of lessons in Russian in my left ear I'm going to find out what BIOS I should be using Eisley and it's a point-and-click just as I say that the game stops you know what D Swizzy you're watching so which can you take a screenshot of your settings please and also which emulator are using so you think how could they [ __ ] up a point-and-click easily great Vinny the Freddy fish game is also on Steam in English and not bootleg if you want to do that well I don't even want to do freddy fish bootleg but I wouldn't at no point did I say to myself man I really need to play some Freddy fish like my life is missing one specific thing and it's definitely Freddy fish 2 discs by the way game guru X here we go I see Bruce Lee is a little bit better than usual sure we're getting some crackle we're getting some snack snap crackle pop but [Music] it's dock fire effect from late 90s I feel like it's leading up to something there it is [Music] that's Terminator music straight up ripped off the Terminator [Music] how long is this intro I want oh this has been the trashiest of the trash this is the worst stream I've ever done don't understand what is this are these just save files and movies tell all the mood oaken's to work and see the soul storm brew could you imagine having to take your game out to put this game in and sit through it's terrible ass intro just so you can click through and see what you have to do Vinnie why was the music from Hong Kong 97 playing earlier I don't I don't know I definitely had nothing to do with that well thank god there's Final Fantasy saves in here it's a cheap device with pre-loaded saves you know I've never seen this and I had a ps1 I've done a lot of ps1 stuff on the stream I was unaware that such a thing existed yeah the better question is what does this have to do with both Terminator and Bruce Lee and whoever that is in the background with the forearms all right well it worked another thing worked germs what three two that's the worst countdown I've ever seen oh my god it is so [ __ ] painful to look at that it sounds and looks like what I would think a germ would look like so well done on that one great okay this is Japanese this game I told you yesterday that you were gonna be here and you would be suffering I wasn't wrong yeah this doesn't look like Cyrillic to me good deed gave dick [Music] what's happening kinda looks like LSD a little bit [Music] [Music] deli citynet keep the good news is this [ __ ] [ __ ] is at least running kind of apparently look how wide I am you see how much room I take up that I can't go past this wall I'm so wide it's either the sound of traffic or a factory I can't really tell if it's traffic I don't see it if it was a factory I can't go into it so I'm just having a wonderful time so now this is the violence district oh sorry wait wrong game wrong game that was LSD so it turns out if I strafe I go faster so I'm just gonna do that foot burn cycle was painful last week this is really I mean thank God I only do streams like this once a week man I'm already up shits Creek tonight oh I found a car look at that between this and LSD there you would think at some point they would say to themselves man this game [ __ ] sucks can we speed up the walking speed maybe even make it possible for the character to run and then someone on the team was like yeah yank you in the car instead mate [Music] I mean I spoke too soon I actually I got a car [Music] oh this is this is terrible it's so bad it's really bad [Music] yeah an LSD you can go a little faster than the average walk speed in this game but I'm assuming I have to go here because it's got like three arrows pointing to it [Music] that graphic is more entertaining than anything I've played tonight what looks like Heidegger from final fantasy 7 growing a couple of extra limbs are we sure this isn't a horror game but why don't you have a face that other character had a face good soundtrack yeah yeah I'd like to stay at your hotel please for 302 yen or not never mind then II can you recreate this soundtrack yeah I think I can what is this and what don't know what that is little light saber I have a light saber right okay here you go I did it I have bongos you know I think if I hit a sharpie against the bongo it might create a similar noise thanks char apparently it said choose your weapon but this is the only thing I have available this baton thing [Music] good floor good game here's the pool everyone I am utterly confused I feel like we're in some kind of fever dream I feel like this is maybe a non-humans interpretation of what a human hotel might look like it's like if Tommy Wiseau made a video game based on what he thinks all-american hotel actually that's not true I guess it's a Japanese hotel same you know what in this case it would really not make a difference but I like that okay I have access to the baton someone's retching so there is no point to me even being in this hotel at least I can try to kill this dude come on I can't even do that yeah driving is miserable so let's just go into the subway I'm gonna give this game another all my weapons are not available oh [ __ ] you can run you have to hold the weapon button [Music] vini room 302 okay I'm gonna go back in there oh no oh no it's cry of fear [Music] yeah I probably missed like vital things can't run when you have a weapon you can't run when you're indoors period [Music] [Music] nope that's a train [Music] damnit no no open open this game is boring as taking public transportation I hope there's gonna be a train wreck oh wait there already has been when it's called this stream Cathedral I feel like I feel like this game if you like this game has potential I think there's things in this that could be good and I believe that but I can't get to him and I can't run again so you're only able to run in certain areas other areas you can only have a weapon this is just a very strange experience for me but at least it works it's better than [ __ ] around in menus and trying to download different emulators so we play this for like another five minutes of it maybe ten minutes at most five ten minutes and then next game I found a telephone booth I can appreciate the big red arrows telling you where to go like that sound of the the doors closing in the phone booth just sounded like a spirit lost oh no I can't read this I guess this is a safe point found the Cathedral this has got to be good so yeah I didn't read my email that I wouldn't have been able to read anyway but at least we found something okay the Cathedral could be amazing what if there's like ghosts in here and stuff then you go back to the start I'm the real monster which Evans [Music] music is creepy like it it almost makes me feel like something impressive is going to happen can you stop talking to me it's just the orange corridor some churches have orange corridors I really feel like I feel like this is some kind of bad dream Spanish [ __ ] out of innocent clergyman aura maybe he's behind it candy you can leap the corpse combat system is second-to-none [Music] was this game ever translated no Japan only I mean it's it's interesting I don't want to find out what the [ __ ] I'm playing I already murdered three people so kind of feel like it's my responsibility but um yeah it looks really ambitious for the ps1 like I didn't expect to actually kind of want to get into this a little bit but it's interesting I just think you know it would be miserable for me to try to actually play it because I can't read it but but yeah that's that's the surprise of the stream so far not Russian mind you not Russian but yeah I think next we're going back into Russian if it would work I want that church song I want that church song almost as much as smile ghost mp3 okay this one doesn't work either this one just so you know what I was trying to play just now it's called Alona David OVA high speed learning of foreign language of foreign language languages for children Alona David OVA high speed Lang learning of foreign languages for children here's another golden Leone game so maybe maybe this will work yep you can always count on golden Leon for a game that works wait a minute Oh give it it this sounds familiar I didn't know golden Leon made this team ah Lian war you say [Music] Leon Williams was the composer of that Wow looks like a bunch of trash those like perler beads the majesty of the Star Wars theme I mean the line war theme was really impressive considering what we're seeing now you know here's this impressive cool-looking game that has a lot to do with the Star Wars theme oh look at that next level next level video gaming got Windows noises you got infringer Reno's you got the sound of God when you clear a line Thank You O Lord thank you for helping me clear this line the day of my bounty nice crackles something tells me we're gonna get the crackles but I can deal with occasional crackles all right well golden Leon makes some really fun games please work this is called manic game girl yes it works I told you this is the one I've been waiting for manic game girl Korea [Music] it's got graphics it's the best visuals we've seen even if it is just a pre-rendered cutscene [Music] I knew there was gonna be some kind of vocal she's alone in the worldö everyone passes her by she's powerless and desperately seeking one one to love in her soul the Gameboy has everything she needs the ultimate gaming system will take the place of any lover and she will feel good again this game system [Music] has an analogue stick somebody I'm translating the song by the way she goes in with a pep in her step and a stride to play the newest game system it is powerful and it makes her feel things she's never felt before her ovaries are about to explode little does she know a spider has been watching her poop the game system is all she'll ever need for the rest of her life [Music] mega P sheepies mega lock big piece because she spends most of her time playing her game system and she forgets to pee so when she does P its Mega P [Music] what what she just became Janet suddenly look like hip-hop so yeah the game system turned her into a Power Ranger so she could destroy the infestation that she had in her house that she's just been letting go you know like she's just too lazy and too cheap to like afford the thing so now she's up it's her turn I can't even fathom what the gameplay is gonna be like after all that Wow look at look at that and they actually looked like people wow this games got [ __ ] effort put into all me like a jumbo did it had to go well that's that's almost a face Lorelei's from the couch - governor July 1 cut my bamboo caricature kid wanna chill chicken cut it open inaudible easy week weekend getting miss I'll grieve oh yeah this is again for the PlayStation 1 but they look like people and that's a difficult task especially if you looked at the previous game I just played what are they doing are these like Monday Polybius systems like are these game system Ultimates actually mind-control devices emulation [Music] Peck it does say pack in the background some of the it looks like some of the Hut is missing up Tao goodness that was just playing the game as the CEO of track a Petco I'm not sure why the audio does that but I think there's probably a better plugin that i could use soap opera music here we go so dramatic lassy [Music] those [ __ ] that you tried [Music] seven feet tall okay well that dress she's dead now because she just likes fly on their head into the you make it [Music] so there's lassie you know you're gonna cat as well [Music] she lives here wait what this is all in her mind and once again I am confused you know almost as confused as I was for the previous game you know I was just expecting a house not a [ __ ] weird dark library they took the ticket you forget [Music] man time so [ __ ] weird [Music] I'm actually I think I'm about to suffer a conniption I have to stop playing this I keep warping I don't know if these are memories or if this is just the way the story is being told but dramatic [Music] and Emma took a dip top pop boom bop to the top top does this have to do with spiders okay now this is more than okay just hanging out with the cool high school guy to me people just leaving game cartridges around cushions oh you know I'm in a dorm that has the actual Mona Lisa [Music] [Music] did you imagine running everywhere like this how tired your legs would get is there a bathroom mechanic I don't think this is the proper bathroom but I'm gonna try I'm trying to let the big P happen but I can't I can't do it [Music] Omega pissed anime magazine plus 53 dollars [Music] now this again this is a surprisingly competent game despite it being completely incomprehensible of course why I mean language barrier but just gonna steal people [ __ ] resell it maybe at Toms menage tois tonight fellas know [Music] this is a Korean game not Japanese [Music] slender slender people okay I get to go outside yeah yeah this is what I want I want to go outside no no I will [ __ ] that then just teleport guess you gotta I don't know if it was like a social game I'm not sure again the opening cutscene of her turning into a Power Ranger fighting spiders it's like what do you what do you mean what does it have to do with anything master of games three more stolen assets perhaps this is a game it's another one of those [ __ ] is it a save thing why would the English why would D Swizzy give me another save file up yep that's that's what it looks like I remember all this stuff master of game by the way this game or sorry this file is 700 megabytes so I don't know what the [ __ ] is included with this but there's 700 megabytes of it it's like Final Fantasy 7 save see that it's a picture of cloud The Fifth Element oh [ __ ] yeah an hour and 25 minutes into Final Fantasy 7 so if you really want to play with power and you really want to be the master of game you can you can do that because everyone knows the first hour and a half of Final Fantasy 7 is the most difficult of course ok well that was that was terrible let's I don't know what the [ __ ] that was more just more save files unfortunately but pax corpus this appears to be it says from Europe so there's not not Russian up we've got language options boobs are supposed to look like that pre-recorded broadcast Center dr. Elly's recipient Keanu soro personal my dear Jana we have finally achieved our aim the PAX corpus project is operational by the time you receive this message I will be far from the alcian officers pax corpus was designed as a remedy and not she so future she is enough to move her lips to speak was to control the minds of depressed people in order to offer them inner peace Jing pax corpus on a wide scale means the definitive destruction of any trace of humanity in the relation of Oz Nana now I hope that someone will have to destroy our creation but you shall never control my soul nor the nor that of our people we shall probably never see each other again my very dear Elyse you underestimate me Keanu hawk cycle whoa this is like burn cycle part two you heard that chat and the exposure to this game is irreversible turn back now no one's forcing you to stay here if you need to go if you need to spew spew in the cup she sews then she's just sitting there and just meditating and then you look at the game and it looks like this oh no oh god it's like Tomb Raider s controls oh it's oh no oh my god oh it's bad this controls so poorly [ __ ] Skeletor I think I just killed Skeletor oh yeah these are these are some of the worst controls you could ever do for a game like this oh it's very lean pad that's what she says when she takes damage oh no that's when she jumps she says oh it's this is like a bootleg terrible attempt at a futuristic like Aeon Flux slash Tomb Raider but it controls like Tomb Raider in the worst way possible judges had perfect dark three almost am I gonna send james rolfe this yeah this will be my gift this will be my gift to the Angry Video Game Nerd next time I see him I don't even know if that was an enemy but it doesn't matter because half of her body is now disintegrated so it's fine okay let me show you something here's what happens when I hold right eventually it goes from spinning to just walking in a wide circle I have a kick button oh did you see it run excellent yep yep there you go there's a run animation for you just in case you were wondering how to run here it is everybody here it is why is this game so stupid so bad nearly impossible to aim but yet somehow it still works oh there's a first-person mode then he does it shock you to know that these developers made the Jekyll and made a Jekyll and Hyde game not the one on the NES not like the one where you can't do anything as dr. Jekyll not the NES one but just one in general okay fair enough yeah it seems like that's a rite of passage for a developer if you're gonna make bad games you have to make a Jekyll and Hyde game I wonder if LJN ever made Jekyll and Hyde or if dated data what are they called I don't know I kind of just blocked them out of my memory data design I don't know what's happening by taking damage I hate everything I truly can't describe how bad the game plays you have to just kind of find out for yourself what do I get did you guys see any access key cuz I sure as hell don't remember picking up or seeing an access key activated okay here we go gonna play this for just another minute again they're just taking swings at me so just taking swings at me until I kick them with a big boot what is this this is damage look fun to anyone at least squats were you know squats are being done that's a pretty [ __ ] crazy jump I'm sorry this is a thing what is this I found the exit I need to see the death animation and then we can move on to the next game Oh to make it even worse the best loading times that the ps1 has to offer [Music] I'm sorry but I don't think something like this would sound like a dog I was disappointing it turns out the games that both work and are funny or interesting are in fact not the Russian games the Russian games barely work this one's called provincial player it's pool billiards [Music] privyet Hadid unis estimates Bruce Willis's thank you spring educative Selena Vanya dr. OTT I'm Oliver a mini the majestic animation no yamaguchi by Matias Lahore sure this is okay so here's footage of Quentin Tarantino directing Bruce Willis on the set of Pulp Fiction so behind the scenes look through progress Stoney boot brother by Erika Jayne you got a bionic telling you that that is definitely Bruce Willis my left ear again being crackled into know okay that was another incorrect option holy [ __ ] look at these New York's hottest club is the underground there's freaks geeks punks skunks honks bands man's flans and this dude who's been punched in the head more times than he can remember his head has become pointy no no no we're definitely not doing this too let's just end this now disc 2 the [ __ ] out of here Russian roulette I'm not surprised does not work some of you are wondering why a billiards game would have two disks the whole second disc is just [ __ ] the first disc is billiards and Quentin Tarantino the second disc is [ __ ] alright doesn't work it's never mind it's okay we're just gonna keep going we're just gonna keep going a spy Fox in dry cereal I swear to god that's the name of the game please work this needs to work [ __ ] nope it's a PC game bin and it rocks well it doesn't work so it's another kitty point and click game okay fair enough this is called um virus something or other who cares it's the last one after this we can do the Android [ __ ] show which is guaranteed to be at least more functional than this particular part of the stream this has been a [ __ ] train wreck and again not Russian [Music] there's the rice crispies the Nugget who I've been waiting for you are we sure this isn't a sequel to the magical girl game that I played earlier with them with the spiders the spiders mutated [Music] [Music] for a game again for an unknown just a random-ass game on the ps1 it's got a lot of work put into the cutscene I [Music] wonder if any of the people that made this cutscene do anything in video games anymore or if this game came out and they were just like now I'm done [Music] did that [ __ ] just become a werewolf [Music] virus it is aware virus is a trademark and copyright of Universal Studios Dark Horse Comics I wonder if the game is aware of how shitty it is how the humans of the virus get it you are Joan a police officer okay yeah this isn't a bootleg this is just a Europe only game okay what did this game in the previous game have in common well this looks better at least I mean it's not but it looks better she's just a pew pew game no music which I don't think is the game's fault I think there's probably music but the emulator is in the lamp now this doesn't have tank controls at least it's still wretched but in a different way what the [ __ ] oh my god it's a conspiracy Vinny this is a movie with Jamie Lee Curtis Oh apparently there's my Final Fantasy 7 save wait was that my scene from like when I last stream the game yeah well whatever I think I'm done let me do a quick let me just do a quick look and make sure I got through everything because man that sucked then some of these games just didn't work I'll tell you which ones didn't work okay so chemistry school encyclopedia of cars and bananas and pajamas I kind of really want chemistry school to work cuz I think it's probably amazing let's see No I think there's a problem with the BIOS for that so you know it's like why would we else byfox didn't work either yeah there's a couple that didn't work but I mean they kind of sounded like ass there's don't forget Ilona did did OVA high-speed learning of foreign languages for children you wouldn't want to forget that one Russian Roulette which would have been a thrilling experience I'm sure but yeah that's some from D Swizzy Thank You D Swizzy I'm sorry some of these didn't work but I don't I don't think it really matters does it we got some stuff let's take a quick break and we'll return with the true horror if you thought this was bad well you haven't seen anything yet you really haven't stick around Android [ __ ] show up next
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 73,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Russian PlayStation Bootlegs, PS1, PSX, PS, Bootlegs, Sony PlayStation
Id: 6VmcWjNsIl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 0sec (6300 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2017
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