[Vinesauce] Vinny - Corruption Stockpile (part 20)

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so welcome to the real-time corruptor 3.10 by your clues are this is the most advanced corruptor yet it is the best corruptor there is many things that are new and improved and I'm really excited to to jump into this I've got some good ones I've been saving up for a while and I think we're gonna start with PlayStation corruptions because it's been a while since I did ps1 so these are from Kristin autumn nan and - also anyone who makes corruptions in the future please include your name on the first corruption in your stockpile so I know who to credit I want to thank everyone in the RTC community for improving this mostly air clues are but also smelly feet and whoever else has contributed with this this is this is amazing it really is amazing and it fixes a lot of my issues from the past so let's begin [Music] this one's called bagpipes [Music] I want to give a volume warning and I also want to give a visual epilepsy warning just in case you are sensitive to that stuff there will be flashing lights and colors you know it's not a meme it's a real warning [Music] I don't know how much of this is corrupted aside from the I don't know how much is corrupted aside from the the intro so we'll just move on to doot a [Applause] little electronic farting this just sounds like the switch version of Skyrim this isn't corrupted this is just Todd Howard I don't I kind of remember crash having better music than this this is the pots and pans Pink Floyd experiment which is true they actually did try to do an album using household objects and they gave up on that like in me almost immediately yeah just know music really suits for um this is smooth Bandicoot [ __ ] super-powered spin move until the death of Crash Bandicoot rest in peace but yeah I love that you get in the corruption version you get the best spin move crash has ever had but it's actually kind of worse crouching Bandicoot I can't oh okay okay we're just permanently in crouch mode crash found a contact lens and was really surprised by it in the same way a cartoon character might be surprised by a giant piece of meat this one's called singularity these are some pretty extensive character corruptions the spin move turns crash into a box [Music] good [Music] so this is Crash Bandicoot if it were Mario 64 I'm not very good at this game and lakitu is doing some slack of doing but that's my interpretation of the footage I wasn't there so try together I can't I can't really see I can't really see the jump I have to make there we go and now no more camera oh no no I like that I like that version better it's more 3d this way you know I can actually probably like fix this a little bit with the power of xsplit give me give me a second all right I could do something like that that's pretty good no now we can see what's happening see I did it oh [ __ ] I didn't do it I wonder if I should get rid of that border I could do that yeah let's do it let's get crash a little bit bigger because the resolution there the resolution doesn't fit the window exactly this one's called warped [Music] little bit little warped Chris stop I start to play now you never get to play to protect the world from his malice now rink Bandicoot he must be stopped welcome to aesthetic land I'll be your steward this evening my name is caleb planned to use this time twisting machine to gather crystals it's an 80s nightmare lost time i have brought you here to recover look this is every indie game that has come out in the past couple years of the time portal simply stand on a button I'm kidding it's a joke come into the portal I like 80's aesthetic too [Music] this one's called trumpets there they're tootin they're doing some some pretty heavy tooths also this was a nice-looking video game for the ps1 very clean and just amazing music all the way through this one's called real fake boxes alright welcome to real fake boxes none of them are working you can't collect any apples go [ __ ] yourself you stupid [ __ ] also the camera gets a little crusty it doesn't take long for this to break [Music] camera just goes off you can you can see like the level trickery to like you can see that the corners that were cut for improved performance when the camera gets stuck like that Oh until it crashes [Music] [Music] cortex chicken in a massive [Music] oh you can return to normal you just need to spin forever you can never return from spin State well thanks crash this is a Rayman remember this 2d Raymond oh boy Raymond in nightmare fuel and oh that was the thing I couldn't walk on Atari man I may have an Atari collection at some point in the future for a Sunday stream the best of the best of the worst of Atari Oh [Music] I like these corruptions these are but these are pretty good what the [ __ ] happened to Raymond's face insta-death Raymond yeah oh yes this is a character called Raymond the further you punch [Music] this one's called invisible vines which sounds like a good luck sequel to vine sauce if anyone wants to get on that [Music] Otto Raymond okay so here's Raymond Mobile I'm actually not walking but now I am okay that wasn't much of a corruption I just walked left without any intention to do so some Rugrats screw gratzes I call them a little is missing a head oh that's fine everything else is okay I think the robot is to blame here [Music] parenting at its worst Oh Stu oh my god Stu Stu is an otaku whatever that means [Music] [Music] [Applause] this is so weird without context screen isn't too much cutoff believe it or not [Music] it's haunted that's that's what cutoff lilz head a lot of the puzzle pieces are missing is that for subtle am speaking deliver it's okay kids here have a ball yeah i don't know i have a lamp father thank you lamp father t pose lil and phil welcome to t pose Tuesday everybody Stu has transmuted into a lamppost so now again the puzzle has been solved the house is haunted and people's heads is getting cut off this one's just called dipole [Music] yep Rugrats music is like fever dream kind of [ __ ] Bob Bob Mothersbaugh from Devo Mark Mothersbaugh did the music for Rugrats I don't know if he did the soundtrack to this game or if someone just kind of copied his style but at the moment I'm with eyeful and like diaper walk speed is very very very slow is is diaper gonna throw up because of the garbage smell [Music] Chucky's contorting to the music if I had my glasses [Music] Chucky's got a long career ahead of him as a famous contortionist some say he could smell his own diaper I'd say that's the least of your problems and onto Spyro that seems to be the corruption that that face don't look for a memory card you're not gonna find it now we are in Spyro we are one with Spyro didn't I Stewart Copeland do the soundtrack to this one man all these [ __ ] great like rock stars [Music] doing the soundtracks to my favorite ps1 games I know that I've never played I played a little bit of Spyro and yes Dewar Copeland from the police did the soundtrack to the spyro game oh [ __ ] that is disorienting Jesus [ __ ] hell man did these polygons yeah no I don't know I don't trust these polygons this is why we should have gone voxels polygons were a bad idea [Music] in the world of dragons here we go oh yeah yeah yeah yeah some crispy crispy polygons morphing all the time never giving you a moment is this a move that spyro has oh yeah yeah it's like kind of a an evade maneuver I suppose I've done more corruptions of Spyro than I've actually played the game tell me who's speaking they had to save on the polygons looks like four they're morphing component sorry no characters what we couldn't we couldn't afford him too expensive all the budget went to stewart copeland so we couldn't we couldn't actually model any characters including nestor then find the balloonist in transported to the next [ __ ] well we had spiral for a second but then the budget ran out again I can tell you listen if you were in the police you're expensive we were talking about there's some game coming out soon that has voice acting by sting in it or narration by sting what about this gun a Steven or character now I understand he's found a magic spell I'll tell you what we need we've got two police members involved in video games we need Andy Summers who's like 70 something at this point we need him to do something even if he just like puts on like plays one note and echoes it for like a Mario game the circle will be complete or the triangle what about this gun a Steven or character now I understand some good vibrations so this is called trippy sky textures and Spyros neck enlarges I saw the ambigú Spyro the chicken [Music] it's not playable for very long is it oh boy no that's just gonna keep breaking forever listen it took the dragon a long time to get into the statue and to become one so yeah naturally it would take like a [ __ ] year it's impossible to play this one Oh [Music] oh no oh no no oh I know I now know how my clothes feel [Music] oh [ __ ] speaking of I don't think I put my clothes in the dryer thank you for releasing me spider free 10 dragons indeed I'll be right back then be right back mist in transport - to the next world I'm going after you fine dragons first that's all I can tell you [Music] [Music] good news I put them in the dryer okay so we've got some we've got some nice opportunities for some stuff here okay so we can do that and then let's see what can I put underneath it what things do I have available for such a thing well we can release the old gorilla eating the taco that's pretty good that's pretty good too this actually I'd say this fits the music trippy man whoa yo-yo I like this version of Spyro a lot dear god this is a thing of wonder [Music] I've got one more perfect perfect timing thank you for releasing the spider 3:10 dragons in the artisan world then find the balloonist in transport you to the now this is great green screen the green steamed green Greenstein Greenstein bears need to be in more video games cuz I can do a lot of cool stuff with it it's my own custom Spyro vine sauce level everybody okay I had a little bit too much fun with that Justin just a little bit too much you we wouldn't want to have too much fun this is definitely not the time of week where we have fun [Music] hello Spyros like come on moving I like this one so so why is there button wait a minute there's like a third knife boob protruding from this fairy's chest oh I forgot to look at Spyro apparently yes Spyro is just kind of defying the laws of nature here okay yep oh that's that's good thanks Spyro if this is the run cycle then this is the run cycle I mean Who am I to doubt artistes the fire ability genuinely does not work well like this I thought this wouldn't have actually affected it it does no sound effects either flying seems to be unaffected relatively all right welcome to tomb raider now oh boy I haven't played a tomb raider game in a couple [ __ ] thousand years but here here we go I'm gonna love these controls I don't actually run everywhere when I want to be careful I if you want to walk around press and hold the look button then press in the direction you want to look lady Shrek good camera good camera all right done is fine this fun you know what Lara Croft may not have guns in this game the pointing kneecaps are just as deadly walk to the edge with the white line until I won't go any further then press jump immediately followed by forward good [ __ ] yeah press good [ __ ] the action button walking on the air oh yeah yeah that's what we're doing by the way this is a first I don't think we've ever seen Tomb Raider corruptions so god bless and that's it it's the first and last it was just that there there are no more I'm assuming from my own experience trying to get Metal Gear Solid corruptions years ago and I got a couple good ones that a ps1 is just not an easy game easy platform to corrupt for so but these are some pretty some pretty good ones I didn't mind them at all I think it might be time for more and 64 corruptions let me just close out so from the same person you got a big chirp there excellent chirp my dude again for anyone who does not know this I have no control over the chirps they're not like you know jabroni induced japes I don't even hear them on my end so if you get a chirp you have my apologies and I will not pay for the bill to the ear doctor it's just not happening you know the risks so do you guys what do you think about some n64 corruptions we got a couple classics and some that we don't see too many of using this new corruptor which is 3.10 which has a good n64 corruption engine so maybe we'll have never seen corruptions like this general chipmunk thanks hurry papa shall we wait a minute how'd your voice gets so deeply [Music] student box slender toad Pepe tall falcomon slim [Music] and I should have said Fox mix lemon [ __ ] Falco Lum long Bharti and Fox mix Lim there you go then you get some good crotch shots too you know for anyone who's like there's not enough fortuitous crotch and starfox now you got your wish all [ __ ] three of you I hope [Music] they're still tall thick arwing consistently yes Oh general pepper of the cornerian army was successful in exiling this maniacal scientist of a barren deserted planet venom I say they're indicative how is it so self-aware Pepe barely escaped venom and returned home to tell James puberty hasn't really taken hold yet [Music] some and rock sound again OData daughter general pepper has turned to a new starfox team headed by fox mccloud to save corneria once again how is this happening [Music] even the [ __ ] galaxy is is tall and slender it's about you're the only hope for our world Andrus won't have his way with me the earth is not a sphere it's a tall egg expiry theory confirmed [Music] they say that this planet's atmosphere is made of helium good new good view who was that that was Fox who's this one fine it's amazing like slippies voice needed to go any higher they're just they're just kind of you know experiencing some voice cracks and stuff the controls are all [ __ ] screwy hang on a minute everything's like double bound for some reason hang on [Music] it's it works I mean it's this kind of horrible I can't see [ __ ] it hurts it hurts to look at I can't even aim appropriately like the thing where I aim the shots don't go the crosshairs are rounded that's not the brakes man playing this with an Xbox controller is bucking weird I'll get the one behind me you don't think I can now go I can't [ __ ] see anything I'm sorry Falco but you have to die oh no you're you good you're good [Music] this hurts even more fov 20 Jesus I'm gonna try to do this level you know like all the way through not getting the secret there's no way that's happening what's read ahead puberty dead ahead oh it's gonna get even more awesome i love i love how foxes is drowning in the cockpit [Music] hey you sound very intimidating trust me that was down down is up whoa what the [ __ ] oh it's rewind wondering what the hell is going on there some of these controls are double bound still so rewind is barrel roll like left paddle world you know he meant it he used a serious voice [Music] you okay over there [ __ ] that's just a choice crack I just want to say watch out cause here we come big Fox Oh God what have you done to Star Fox what have you done to this beautiful game you [ __ ] soiled it [Music] join crotch macleod as he Frost's his way into battle [Music] corneria fourth planet of the lylat system the evil and returned is once lighting system into a wasteland of near extinction general pepper well at least that's kind of normal yep oh yeah now we're in open wind beyond [ __ ] territory now I'm not gonna be able to complete this level that's almost a guarantee they've ascended they've turned into sprites they are ethereal light orbs oh great yeah I'm not lose this is just gonna get me dizzy [ __ ] Josie let me walk out won't be on your tail oh my god we're entering corneria city now yeah yep yes it is everybody's day alert [Music] but is this a corruption could you do this in the original game yes if you held Z yes but they're meant to look at it okay you're welcome once again I am fully cognizant and aware of my surroundings and that's why I'm Akay to an area Twitty now I passed my aviation tests with flying colors because I was Dean's free of psychotropic substances none were found on my system [Music] [Applause] I also have very good eyesight [Music] does it matter technique does it matter man we're all gonna die anyway someday [Music] everybody stay alert Thanks random Deutz random due to the funniest [ __ ] thing oh my god [Music] can't hear you can you say it again what [Music] in the dark ah now some nice relaxing Mario 64 [Music] nothing could go wrong here [Music] it's a little discordant music but otherwise everything is gonna be fine well no wonder things are so weird the [ __ ] controls are reversed the [ __ ] why are the controls reversed up is down down is up sorry hang on a minute okay I think what Oh fire might be oil or something cuz I can't this is oh it's probably the corruptions yeah that would explain it I think it's the corruptions god now I don't know now I'm confused I hope it's the corruptions can I get in oh no all right okay I need to I need to also do another thing here the rebinding need to happen this is pause right so they'll do that do that apostrophes there we go yep yep yep once again controls a reverse when I go slow what the [ __ ] hang on a minute hang on a minute analog controls flip axis flip axis okay we're almost there we're almost there I got I got it half fixed what kind of monster flipped the axis oh it's still [ __ ] oh my god oh my god sorry just extremely frustrated I'm pressing down to go forward and it's awful it was like this in Star Fox to [Music] make sure you don't have both regular input and analog input bound I don't I don't I made sure of it this is better okay I got it it's done life is good again hi toad Wow this is certainly unique a unique toad maybe this will be in a new paper mario game you know long hat toad the music is off yeah the controls are off a number of cool things are low points wide and tall coins the white is worth 2 tall is worth 3 that's that's the thing that that shouldn't happen ever [Music] Nintendo if you're running out of ideas wide and tall coins alright donkey kong mario arms and toad with long flat head backwards you got it huh [Music] I didn't I didn't attend I didn't go into the void not on purpose Vinnie you need to give your cartridge back to Nintendo there's something wrong with it you think well something wrong with it I'd say Nintendo can I get a refund my cartridge is broken [Music] stairs are fine now this is this is fine [Music] wait you mean to tell me that you didn't know about the secret underwater level in thwomps castle sorry thwomps fortress it's there it's always been there there's even coins underneath oh well that's a nice stretchy piece of land I need to get over there it sounds like it's gonna be a lot of fun okay so oh no no never mind never mind [Music] how far does it extend I can't really see it from this angle I don't think it exists in three-dimensional space as we know it it's gone now all right Oh infinite energy how many rocks has that merged into one at least like three or four that's good that's good that's that's all the rocks from this area oh no they've unfucked themselves but you can still see it rotating in the background there insert easy pu joke [Music] none of that is landable oh no some of it is very high-pitched painting sound effects nothing else is weird sound effect wha oh oh okay no no Mario's Mario's chipmunk eyes the star fox universe has infected Mario what is this though what is this cool massive sign the thing is people were ignoring the warnings and jumping into the lava so the mayor of Louisville and Frank Zappa was like listen we need to put up a bigger sign in when that didn't work then they just kept going bigger and bigger and bigger until they found the little biggest signs they could get and yet people still take a bath in the lava that's my lore that's internal Lord this is jape fortress yes it is and we got some more massive signs jape fortress you say no more japes I'm joining the Council of non japes Alliance for Italian American plumbers against japes by giant lizard Li things yeah you see now this is why Mario is needed Mario get some wd-40 on that it'll stop making noise right away [Music] that really should be his job you know [Music] taking care of stuff like that fixing them looked like the water problem earlier what you may not know is that and I learned this from the Super Mario Brothers Super Show so I'm an expert Super Mario is kind of like one of those jack-of-all-trades he's a bit of a general handyman so he can do a whole lot he can just do you know he can do anything pretty much he can build you a little Hut he can fix squeaky gears he can plumb [ __ ] [ __ ] your wife he can do whatever you want I mean he can blaze cement he can plow a field he could plow your wife whatever whatever you need him to do he's available and he's on Craigslist - oh I like this I kind of like the way it sounds when it's descending that's good [Music] hmm I wonder where the star is I don't know I'm new to the game I can't find my first star I cannot find it this is a new funky mode for mario 64 just in case the game was too hard Nintendo just they went and they just fixed a couple things they made a little easier for new players just a little easier than you wouldn't want to reduce too much of the challenge [Music] it's the grand star it's the moon star now as you know the big star is worth at least 15 points [Music] [Applause] 2008 [Music] [Applause] [ __ ] [Music] damn some x-ray vision [Music] I just made the connection Mario where's reading red and blue who else wears red and blue what other famous character in fiction wears red and blue you guessed it spike get him on Joseph Stalin watch no chat wouldn't you know that's not fiction Bob what the [ __ ] are they teaching you kids in school these days [Music] the name of this corruption is just a bunch of question marks I feel that I feel that [Music] [Music] maybe it's just a remix [Music] it'll you know finish playing the [ __ ] arpeggios in a second Oh [Music] beany this music has been ruined for me and you know exactly why does it have anything to do with a bathtub is my question [Music] yeah [Music] it's not that it a Luigi come on [Music] I did it this was like the link to the past randomizer where I was in the darkroom trying to rescue the old man [Music] anyway that was Mario 64 always good to return to that this is Pokemon snap [Music] [ __ ] oh you know how easy it would be to mod this game so that the camera is a rifle I don't know how easy it is I'm asking does anyone know how easy it would be to mod this game so that the camera is a rifle [Music] me Alice is fine unscathed by the corruptions not all meows sound like that though that's that's isn't that just Gilbert Godfrey me out from the show aren't the other meows like Rach what can I say I like taking pictures of meows what is though [Music] how do I throw nut doh dildo what what was that is this normal yeah that's that's fine wow I really need to take a picture of this one that is an anomaly professor Oak is gonna give me a lot of points for that one and he's gonna [ __ ] my wife sorry I'm sorry guys [ __ ] I shouldn't have said it like that I should have said my wife [Music] [Music] yes oh I think I hit no mega Pikachu versus ultra doe dildo so yeah I thought that was a Pikachu looks like it's a Pidgey Pidgey pika okay okay okay okay okay yeah I'm gonna need some photographic evidence of this what the [ __ ] oh that's a surfboard I was like a flat Jigglypuff or something [Music] [Music] something's severely wrong with this can't quite place my finger on it oh it's because I can't turn left [Music] man this was a great game Scyther what oh okay I think I accidentally got a little Scyther in there [Music] yeah there's there I got a Butterfree good good [Music] Butterfree wait a minute [Music] what are these like mysterious blips on the horizon I'm detecting that there are many Pokemon my god I am detecting that there are many Pokemon nearby but yet I don't see them Pidgey more like pudgy sorry easy joke low-hanging fruit just like the my life from earlier I'd like to apologize bad taste I guess that's just part of who I am isn't it hmm what seems to be the problem here I wonder Oh oh my god Neanderthal Pikachu this Pikachu has like an alien skull enlarge bridges [Music] I mean you don't know what it is it's obvious it's [ __ ] obvious I like these corruptions these are good I've never seen Pokemon snap corruptions either maybe a couple but it's only now that we can actually start like experimenting more with n64 corruptions Bigfoot exists and it's just a large footed male that's it [Music] [Music] there's been yeah there's been a couple Pokemon snap corruptions I vaguely recall them but yeah it wasn't it wasn't like the best [ __ ] this is the best ship [Music] question mark [Music] you know it's bad when you can't tell what your Pokemon is [Music] just me or is this fast-forward feature not really fast-forwarding a whole lot again with the large feet I want to see what this pink thing is I don't know what the [ __ ] that is [Music] watches them we health lunges himself off the cliff for having seen his tax return was a [ __ ] up Chauncey whatsit not too many not too many Pokemon snaps but speaking of snacks looks like banjos arm has snapped backwards whoa that is a bucking banjo and a half banjo has taken up the sitar [Music] someone just asked me about my taxes yes I get host very much so okay so this is what happens [Music] everyone else is okay Banjo Kazooie [Music] some sometimes sometime in the distant past banjo developed gigantism tui as well did you see - it was running from the bull and she was like three times the size of the bull benjoe is not standing in the right spot [Music] banjo ruining all the camera angles [Music] the problem is some of these cutscene corruptions is that they don't often apply to the actual game where the game crashes or just nothing happens so even though banjo was absolutely massive in the intro cutscene I have a feeling that banjo will not be massive I don't think I could skip this I'm just doing a quick um quick check I don't know how you can set fast forward speed is is there a way on bizhawk to make it so that fast forward is like mental like mental fast [Music] no not tab Joel thinks though it's a thing I know what you mean that's unlocked frames right [Laughter] [Music] you're actually CPU bottlenecks by the n64 emulator itself ok so there's that's confirmation enough for me from someone who knows the corruptor really well [Applause] hey while we just did a boundary break there's no camera there's nothing behind the camera there's no crew it's just darkness see ya [Music] one go Kazooie but it's weird cuz he's long from back to front that's a that's a weird access to be long on [Music] Oh goodbye Oh [Music] this got quite nicely [ __ ] just a moment chat I'll be right with you [Music] okay yeah now this is all so [ __ ] to Tino [Music] no that was it it's tagged his little monster [Music] [Music] so you know what you I mean you know you're you're in a store and you're watching a game play itself just demoing through the levels here's a good one you really get a good feel for what's banjo kazooie's like heart and soul you really understand the game by watching this one [Music] [Music] all right great well I'm gonna [ __ ] puke and die so let's move on to the next one that's a positive by the way the puking part specifically [Music] this one's just tagged his house so I think we saw the corruption already wishes that just banjo was not there [Music] [Applause] so so that's a door so it's gone now [Music] [Music] all right well we got mental fast my wish has been granted by corruptions [Laughter] previously on banjo kazooie is that it that's the rest of the game you come home with your new video game for the n64 now there is more I just say it's just the rest of it is just staring at witchy Mountain no no by the way that was plates breaking HD that you just heard which I'm surprised it's the first time that's happened but so they got rid of old plate breaking it's still in there but that was plates HD right and I've been given this exclusive image of ear clues arse process this is what it looked like when Eric Lazar broke the plates amazing I mean that's dedication that's etiquette that's why this is the best thing that's ever come out of vine sauce I love it I love it so much [Music] a little flute solo I feel like this is the appropriate place for me to be streaming from the trash very good that hurts [Music] it's not a flute it's a bird there's a little bird doing the theme song while other little birds surround it I really can't do anything else but I've been trying [Music] oh that was weird it fixed itself whatever the [ __ ] that was look at that watch how banjo fixes himself [Music] you blink and you miss it [Music] just turns them [ __ ] self inside-out banjo please is the name of this one [Music] [Music] now it is time [Music] just your typical Sunday stream it's not even that weird for a Sunday stream this will be a clip and people will be confused for generations to come [Music] okay I have to read that one [Music] oh my god Wow you can hear banjo it's very very distant it says here the notes for this corruption say if you're going to first-person view look up and exit it the corruption will be a bit different sound is okay now it sound is much better banjo still [ __ ] I guess I wasn't expecting anything last but I saw that I saw it it was upside down for a second I tried to loan in a different dimension [Music] good good yes yes the camera knows exactly what to do [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] blue screen of death and banjo-kazooie [Music] [Music] try that no that's about the same here [Music] good level and there's rare cutting corners again saving money on level design cinema you're kind of fine [Music] [Music] this is a rematch I remember what happened the first time I fought this dude my playthrough let's see what this looks like and it's the same exact thing just water [Music] once again no [ __ ] given tone-deaf grant kirkhope was hired to do the soundtrack for this version [Music] [Music] No oh [ __ ] HD HD crash granite hurt despair my favorite composer yes this is another music corruption maybe oh no no there's a little bit more I don't know you can see it there's a couple other things that are [ __ ] up just a couple things just climbing crabs sounds like I'm an insult from the Super Mario Brothers Super Show climbing crabs Mario effects demo and effects file select whatever this corruption is so that's a little oh yeah there's a little strange [Music] alright now if you didn't know any better you might assume that this is where the eggs are produced inside kazooie you know cuz you're not seeing a whole lot well this is what it looks like biology is beautiful and a little stanky [Music] you might assume that i know that you were assuming that just like I was that's why I brought it up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's normal once it loads in which happens a lot don't do this to my favorite songs I love this soundtrack I hate what are you doing what am [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is this supposed to be music here Kazumi I forgot what goes in the soup banjo is just a little depressed just a little bit he's gonna get together soon the fish is gonna help how about a little dk64 the chipmunks are returned [Music] yep the flow is off but it's amazing you can't hire Alvin and the Chipmunks for a hip hop song [Music] Wow [Music] the lanky part was too important to [ __ ] up just like [Music] yeah it seems like it's more or less fixed now kind of just you just get a little chipmunk backing chorus they have they fired Alvin halfway through sorry Alvin okay [Music] yep Padma take me through please I'm ready to go on 2001 a Kong Odyssey abstract [ __ ] art the cat [Music] it's still a little chipmunky but just in the choruses they utilize the Chipmunks properly this time [Music] [Music] a little horn in the right ear man [Music] [Music] it's kind of funny how the lanky song the lanky part of song has been great it's been great Donkey Kong is it achieved final size Donkey Kong was just a baby King Kong this whole time heir apparent to King Kong wow wow wow that is a smile yet the ass is a proportionate we'll never mind not anymore this this Kong is one hell of a guy Wow Wow oh man the thrust move Donkey Kong gets massive briefly Donkey Kong is bigger than like most of the level love it this this is gonna be like the best Donkey Kong voice I especially like something else is giant I don't know what it is could be the tire I can't tell kirk hope does dk's voice in this game it was the stereo yeah yeah yeah it was I can barely [ __ ] navigate through any of this here let me um yeah let me let me go into the water it's gonna be some draw some swimming animations here oh I have become Kong destroyer of worlds sorry I am become Kong [Music] just when you thought it was over Khan gets even bigger oh my god come on I can't I guess I have to talk to cranky it's been a while I'm not really sure but let's do this this other one good I'll go holy [ __ ] there's no one know how to play a [ __ ] xylophone at rare so this is what we've come to just a freeze-frame of Donkey Kong's ass that's even closer and that's getting in there a little bit further - it's now my job to determine whether or not all of these display Kong's assets Wow yep yep that's that's round that's all that's really good plump [Music] good oh all right well we've seen it it's just all ass xsplit is not chroma keyed that's it's not see I hit reset let me just make sure cuz I'm looking at it right now and it's just things seem to just be now just things are just corrupted and stupid just double-checked well there's no way I can do this cuz I'm just a big-ass Donkey Kong with a big lucious [ __ ] and a big mouth yup I referred to Donkey Kong's [ __ ] is lucious good for me what's next we did n64 we did PlayStation what is next I don't know there's a bunch of we can do another half-hour or so of corruptions I'd say corruption stream starring Vinnie and Donkey Kong's like big luscious ass sorry I stick by it I don't know who made this this is oh I'm gonna need I'm gonna need info the name of this stockpile is interesting it's the first batch of corruptions we're so bad the RTC channel now has a corruption review to weed out the dank memes [Music] there's things to do here I thought we were weeding out dankmemes [Music] Oh Jesus at this something tells me this is gonna be like super epilepsy SNES corruptions here so just just be warned okay divert your [ __ ] eyes okay what is that on the right I'm gonna need a little bit more explanation as to what this is who is this is that supposed to be Barney is that [ __ ] Barney Rubble what is he doing to the bird is he like catching the birds like [ __ ] is he is he cutting the birds tail with scissors that right there is an emote as far as I'm concerned look at that [ __ ] face go to the bowling alley before it closes [Music] what is this game I don't think this one came out in the US that's what I'm being told here oh man look at that dead look and Barney and Friends eyes [Music] it's not Barney that's the guy who makes the bird squawk at the end of work I don't know it's been so long since I watched the Flintstones I almost said the same stones this just doesn't work good good game because a good [ __ ] game Fred must beat Barney what but why I thought they were friends [Music] [Music] Garfield for the Commodore 64 everybody the note here is why is this games palette so [ __ ] depressing I think I'm playing the game do you know when you think you're playing a game and then you find out later that you actually weren't so yeah I'm just Garfield's head just just just disembodied Garfield head I kind of like the music you know what's left of it I sorry I couldn't play for a moment because Garfield was busy sleeping create with Garfield moral oral 24 we shall star no work before it's night so this corruptions went from fun and light-hearted to horrifying and it didn't take that long did it what's TX 6 I mean I know moonside was kind of strange this is a different level of strange you engage in what you engage the yes man jr. that's what that is gigas wait a minute [Music] so this is this disc I guess it was I guess the whole time yep [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it hurts it hurts the shower of shame follows Apple ID Hugh leads to level select look I have the big thing with me the Gollum fella Jesus turns out you can have a six-person party an Earthbound who knew I don't have commentary I don't have I don't have anything to say anymore anything I say when compared to what we're looking at is just going to seem pointless and superfluous so I'm just gonna stop talking happy this ghost it said jumped so this is a mix of corruptions plus like debug second I'm trying to figure the debug out I am gemst I am clicking Apple right yes Apple strange I don't know how much I can explore this I mean it's it's pretty expansive Freeman one how about B Arnhem come P know gemst yeah I've officially I've officially given up here she's full rest V E mayor Perkins office city high to a happy today too happy today Yost Ness is gone I just debugged nest out of the game cake - all right I've had enough of this [Music] this looks like the [ __ ] of Van Gogh characters scream and I hate it tony has become a zombie rip Tony [Music] his soul has now left his body [Music] jeez [Music] I could just sit here and listen to the music [Music] just let it let it wash over you like a warm bath [Music] I half expect Tom York to start singing or maybe seguros [Music] head back to normalcy tony has stopped being frozen to death but his soul continues to leave his body still sounds weird doesn't it or such as my memory betraying me on behalf of the corruptions it's missing instruments yeah that sounds about right the name of this corruption is eat pant why wouldn't it be why wouldn't there be an eight-pack corruption tofu burgers man [Music] eat my shorts Wow wow that's a good audio clip it took a little while to get to but when your unlimited hardware you know you got to deal with a little static first the static board to stay on [Music] holy [ __ ] [Music] this is an existential threat I promise to live with you and be faithful to you for the rest of our lives what in the name of Christ is this game this looks like a walking simulator [ __ ] depression game it's Simpsons I promise to support and encourage you in the pursuit of your goals and I promise to make a loving life with you this is an easter egg okay I kind of would have preferred not knowing that I think Marco Maria saw the world June 1980 so it's an easter egg from one of the developers one of the programmers marrying his wife in a Bart Simpson video game how about that yes so this is some insane difficulty Zelda which randomizer versions gonna have this [Music] I'm ready for it honor is a good challenge maying I'm scared too but the bats aren't like going mental at least everything else seems alright no no the skeletons are still [ __ ] that that's what I'm sorry what is that now I can't use any items can't attack this is definitely like hurting us by listening to this sending some weird [ __ ] delta waves to our brain stem overriding genetic code more than likely hi are you the / are you the dragon that gives me my sword we got some more double bound buttons not like it matters but cool thanks for the sword huh wait a minute weren't you just a dragon were you were you not just a dragon holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] link turned into a ghost that's amazing this one's called sin NES which you'll soon realize NES is just sin backwards you have to be able to defeat yourself is a lesson I learned when I started the stream today link has learned this lesson as well and died for it no did I just have to pay a vagina I think I just paid a vagina yeah that's cool good [Music] let's see what happens when I continue maybe maybe it retains some of its whatever is happening here yeah okay that's not whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa cool sprites that's definitely not supposed to be there am I still fighting links I'm whoa whoa whoa whoa [Music] this it's still working ghosts still fighting link still them becoming a ghost everything is linked every every enemy has some variation of link the only ones who are at links are the shopkeepers who were either vaginas or octoroks cut in half quad to rocks I love it Wow it's pretty [ __ ] morbid I'm sure there's some kind of lore that can be de I did not throw a boomerang why did it boomerang arrived huh [Music] okay okay that's that's very strange that is very strange a whole assortment of lore is going to be drawn from the stream that is my prediction like why are there so many links and why do they keep burning themselves to death where did the boomerang come from where did the hair go only the dead survived no links in the dungeon but spooky skeletons bye-bye that was unexpected from Zelda to this jesus-fucking-christ how we're gonna be able to adapt to this [Music] speaking of adapting Angelica sag yeah well it looks like Angelica's been eating a scream with a smile like that I know Angelica spoiled but does that mean that she's prevented herself from going to the dentist all this time get me in their needs I need to get them things [Music] why do people choose this [ __ ] game for corruption so often nothing happened Angelica you're being dramatic please you don't want on all that ice cream anyway boy talk about flam then ice cream now tin sure looks nummy what the [ __ ] next okay next [Music] oh it's this cool game bootleg Felix [Applause] this ends with head and I think where's the corruption [Music] and I can actually hear the music the death music I just hear it of that a [ __ ] is this fuchsia this is Felix the Cat music the corruption was that it started on the code screen and it said you're a cheater basically the music goes well with Angelica's face don't you agree how about Mario 3 for the genesis you want to corrupt that of course you do become streamed this on a bootleg showcase at some point remember now I mean maybe maybe it was another one oh [Music] yeah I did play this one [Music] I love that music the death theme not scream is from chrono does it say it is from chrono trigger chrono triggers boss battle music really the death theme is from chrono triggers boss battle music that's what it says here [Music] but like the did it did it in there let's see [Music] oh my god it is that what an awful version of the Mario theme holy [ __ ] for comparison's sake God I would like to play it again how did I not recognize that oh [ __ ] whoops really rewind that [Music] Wow [Music] the game over theme is taken from the tile of you wall [Music] the [ __ ] did you find all this out whoever made these corruptions good good these are some really [ __ ] annoying corruptions I'll tell you that much I'm sorry now what is this which in turn is based heavily on the Beatles money well I don't think the Beatles wrote the song money don'tdon't don't don'tdon't enter that one how did I not know this stuff [Music] so what does that know hang on and I'm doing a little research here crazy sonic not really that's not explaining what the [ __ ] is happening here however it's Yellow Submarine slowed down so what the hell is this is Yellow Submarine romhack for sonic oh come on oh I played this I did play this [Music] I don't remember the Yellow Submarine but then again I don't remember a lot yeah this is a good one this is a really good one until it's not which is very very quickly I don't know how to I want the awesome marine settings submarine mode on please there it is yep yep it's just a bad loop over and over and over again isn't it like get the loop right look you can't go over you can't pass through that that's amazing it's just this for eternity isn't it good the Rings almost go with the song okay what's the name of this corruption here also uses sound effects from The Simpsons NES game that's that's little creepy it's just a severed head why is important have to see these things he isn't my son said he's just a boy Marge he's off at the swamp looking at bodies Marge [Music] he strives from his seat [Music] okay [Music] these are from VG DC Morar oh by the way VG you know how to pick them and here's the final corruption oh it's a needle sounds that's great hotline mystery Inc why do we have to end with horrible sounds like rpy I counted on you Kirby trusted you you were the chosen one so this has been corruption so I hope you enjoyed it [Music] we need oh man we need a palate cleanser thank you to everyone who submitted corruptions I've got plenty more for another day that's that was uh that was painful and somewhat interesting as well I Ramon Lee accepting corruptions for 3.10 the new corruptor which you'll notice we only heard the plates break a couple times this is the most stable amazing corruptor yet it's easy it's good plates crash but not too often I love it so please you know feel free to submit but it's got to be damn good because a lot of people send me corruptions I kind of have a couple people that I accept them from but if you got some good ones please you know email in my way I'll check them out I've got more for another day we'll split them up into two parts for what I have now I'm gonna take a quick break we need some like Audio palate cleansing after the [ __ ] horrors that we suffered so I'm gonna play a cool song for you and then I will return with dog games we've done cat games in the past we've done Toad games Mario games all that [ __ ] but we haven't done dog games and I like dogs that they feel left out let's let's correct that be right back
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 163,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Corruption Stockpile, Corruptions, NES, SNES, Super Nintendo, Nintendo, Nintendo 64, Game Boy Advance, GBA, Game Boy, Sony PlayStation, GB, PS1, Sega Genesis, GEN, Sega Master System, SMS, Commodore 64, C64, Bootlegs
Id: iW8VGRSavY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 51sec (8571 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2018
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