[Vinesauce] Joel - Tattletail ( + DLC )

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all right so we're gonna playing something called tattletale something hoody gifted me on Secret Santa I played a bad game this year and I played a good game and I think I didn't even put up the bad game on YouTube yet but um yes part of secret santa last year was that I got two games tattletale was the good one that's right and the bad one was kick-ass too and that game was probably one of the worst ones ever but uh yes hoody has to grace me with tattletale and I know it's a little late to do Secret Santa now but hey you know what whatever it's a scary game and supposedly so why not serve it for October so you know was I saying oh yeah so I never played this I barely know anything about it I only know it's based on fairy B y'all remember Furbys kid's tallest kids - like the Furby they're still around oh my god I remember when I grew up that was like a thing you know Oh Furby whatever would we do without you and your smoldering burning plastic oh man hang on you see let me just reset the microphone wait alright so and can't do a stream without this as per usual anyway have ever seen a naked Furby no I don't Google that stuff chat and like you oh God look up Furby bong okay fine Furby bong huh to quote God Howard D generates alright anyway so we're gonna be applying this and I don't know too much about it unfortunately or fortunately or I don't know you want to put it but it is kindly gifted by hoodie on supply Secret Santa so without further ado I mean I don't know anything about this and my mind enjoyed I'm like not I am going to this completely blind and so it shall be written so which I'll be done alright let's see here you just get this up and let's do this I guess the Unity game immediately okay okay stop being so negative okay here we go oh boy oh boy I'm excited a my games crashing OH okay well let me just adjust the volume here real quick are you excited I just slide her until the friend in the center the friend okay continue oh I do love me some VHS aesthetics what a neat looking gamer but then Freddy Freddy fazbear came out the screen and so Nick they took bleeded out of eyeball it scary spooky spaghetti no not gonna be one of those games please please I I beg you alright let's adjust the volume here real quick so we have the game already and all that alright I guess we just do this then hope the one is okay now loading [Music] [Music] but Luigi came out the movie five days before Christmas open my Christmas presents early well we are in October so we're not too far off deal with it I'm a little baby Jolin I was a little baby Joel back in 98 actually I have some hot sauce on my desk as I'm doing there's a pretty remove that all right so tattle tale huh mmm so I got a sneak and get my Christmas present um but he was real all along and he had blood the eyes it's about doing real scary careful it makes noise you know did this can't be my dream game and I want to just rant about something real quick my dream game is like an alien abduction game right it it's this game except it doesn't turn into whatever it turns into later on basically it's the same game you go get a glass of water in the middle light and it's a grey staring at you and white noises playing you're like objective run well that'd be awesome my cream mass prevents [Music] who but where my crema payment I can jump three guys world record incoming in Oh making noise Joanie Joanie so if the presses aren't there maybe they're in the Oh watch out hang on I don't get it [ __ ] where's presses be under the Christmas tree I was playing the violin yes it there in the basement is that an American tradition put the Christmas person in the basement boy Oh Lord mama see a lot I can on top right to see when you're making noise okay it's good good atmosphere so far you just don't just don't ruin it with a tea posting Sonic the Hedgehog bleeding out of its eye sockets please your next text there he is there he is I love you to tattletaling task he really eats grab some food from the opposite fridge this looks ominous and awful and he talks to it is a Furby I like him he's better than that real Furby girl has needs using the bar see these okay I will Jesus mom where's the fridge you want you want ketchup you have a word the [ __ ] is the fridge where's his family keep the fridge you want to trash oh I forgot American refrigerators are orange use the brush in the living room to cling tattle-tale and the living of the brush in he's disgusting but I like it rap telltale back up oh okay hey are you are you me who are me do you sound just like me for be just like me all right I do like this game so far though I mean I kind of really wanted a little bit but that's just me being a little funny hee hee ha ha but general yeah I don't think this is - dad alright - and then we all we got to wrap them back up okay go to bed go to bed go to bed go to bed go to bed Batman there you go go to bed go to bed go to bed go to go to bed oh now this game us atmosphere so far and I like that in a horror game you know but the moment it's ruined you know don't answer the phone hello this is Papa John's Oh Lord go to bed oh boy don't call tattletale at 3:00 a.m. [Music] unsalted the the the clocking noise the the less I say the clunking noise okay I'm playing a bit of a small resolution though so can't tell if sumerian demon from the deepest pits of hell or random thing in the kitchen let's find out there okay guys we got Puffy's and beaks my favorite and of course tomato ketchup in all right oh boy I am a little baby a baby is me and feet town feel get done it really skewed you guys scared but by the way basements are incredibly scary I I still to this day feel freaky when I like go down a dark basement that I can't see I'm like totally I see nothing you know what's out there before and what'd you do what'd you do that'll Taylor stack you somewhere no so I leave the oh he's in the laundry machine where did you come from where did you go where did you come from cotton-eye Joe sorry no is coming okay grab them go over here at Michael like an egg you loose change in found egg number four you gotta collect eggs see okay I'm gonna charge you Chuck shut up okay now what let's have some fun fun a vation vation to play with what now I okay I'm still making too much noise a vas a vase over there that's like grandma's ashes in a urn dude why great we're really strand la fully okay okay playing it doom 3 right now haha jokes [Music] so has increased risk creatures make your flat but would increase curses oh boy what we all sin the basement don't shake the baby oh boy go to bed oh that's make noise ok la Cucaracha hurry out Horan this idea this is this is building some atmosphere right now and I'm really enjoying that you switch there were some foreign sudden jump scares and like loud noises to disturb me hey this is Patrick do open the door no I don't think so I'm gonna go now mommy I think the pizza's here go to sleep Oh Papa George and I gotta say this I gotta thank that joke that's that's too dumb Allah joking say it okay I was gonna say yo I'm glad they resumed PT okay that's [Applause] yes hello [Music] [Applause] going down into the basement again am I really enjoying this so far I mean it's it's it's it's not something amazing it's just enjoyable I collect them eggs dog hair found a new client Christmas give deadbeat already broken crayon the final egg is you oh who is this man [Music] the children thought that mama would never find them as long as she couldn't see them Paige but mama the pitter-patter of their little feet let mama write to them turn the page [Music] the children every I can do a shortcut here Oh what kind of flashlight activates by you charging it like this by the way you know I'm a little boy so lost in the middle of darkness and this is no exception it's real flashlights that do this really I had no idea you ate my Puffy's the ketchup Andy this sugar junkie junkie a thing shook ask mama I'm not gonna play that in no more you guys remember when I played among to sleep this must be a little bit of that game just a little bit there he's playing us a little childhood going around then being stirred then daddy daddy daddy hurry I saw something scurry son what's all this scream before Joe what the [ __ ] are you talking about don't worry about it should I make you too much noise yeah definitely should be doing a ton of noise that's how you beat this game now guys I'm anticipating like mama mama tail comment II Poston floating with bleeding eyeballs any moment now with a loud panel banging that's literally it please some time my tear turns into that to wrap them up in the [ __ ] basement awful oh mama how about this feed them a little bit Haga buddy before we do that too let's uh let's give him a nice a brushin spend no problem so far [Music] you know I do love the atmosphere not because I know like I don't know what's gonna happen in this game and that that debt is what's keeping it scary right now but the moment I see what this game is all about that oh my god [ __ ] you know but so far it's kind of enjoyable you know I gotta be honest it's it's fine for what it is it could have been way worse you know but when it's a telltale movie gonna come out in like 20 years one day the original game is irrelevant there we go oh boy soon you guys show her that you guys heard that too blah blah blah got ya mama makes a grinding noise when she's nearby if you hear it get away please tell me okay the one is one of the t postings wanted heads are gonna show up is that you mama it had to be that all right let's just keep playing very Tammy where we quiet watch out from mama she's kind of got a go around the door where we well with quiet just come on son stop playing tattletale so bad they're filled with white oh no oh no no let's all go to bed and forget about how bad today was I'm in the bathroom now ash shut your mouth two days before Christmas why don't they make any scare Kwanzaa games huh they make some scary Chanukah games you know [Music] what is what does it call a menorah menorah the sort of the one with the you know the killer dreidel the nickel or at the Mart or your corner Christmas present like the conic Christmas your cornica presents this year they're all dirt okay coming from outside oh yeah I just will go outside okay go on the wrong way look go to the basement he's even the walls what are you doing outside oh this this grass this this flashlight I have seen this before I have seen this beast from another time wait a minute could it be my cheater margitta okay oh it's learning who was this friend friendly high to see touch the friend to start the game okay Oh Lord survived for 30 seconds while tattletales a friend died don't worry I got this man I got this guess how much gotta head down to the basement don't worry about it so the basement has all the answers Isaac Isaac folia master master of disguise that's gotta watch out from mama as well [Music] hello I mean so far I mean I'm being very harsh on this game but I'm still enjoying it you know it's not the other batteries are fine - I'm just gonna give him a little pet tear I see you I think first try hide-and-seek touched a friend oh damn it okay I guess yes we do that again it's an interesting kind of game you know it's harkens back to you know Furbies in the 90s stuff like that so you know the where are the guns where's the giant chrome-plated desperate Eagle that you're sideways wielding you know I'm also gonna charge this guy by the way whereas which disturb oh now it's time to regret it no no I'm just gonna get us think any snack the life dredge along into the darkness so I thought oh great it's fine it's fine a treat for my shut your mouth shut your piehole woman it hungers I will mrs. family have like a giant snail on their [ __ ] okay where you hiding your still underneath the the treat no you're not dude I'm gonna lick the egg dish Christmas light are you having the bathroom huh I think you might be was hiding in my room I thank you egg collected there you are baby Oh Lord ooh hide-and-seek Oh okay fine I have an idea how about I go outside now that's a dumb idea Oh Oh open up down a basement oh mama Wow listen I'm a tattle-tale expert i speedrun this game you know a better idea how about instead I head upstairs and we get some feed and going on I need to feed don't worry about it don't worry about it okay and while we're at it have an idea how about you get a nice up brush chill out it's fine Oh batteries honey Jody Mills let's just like it I can see the darkness I am a snake person enough snake seeing the darkness but can't do that I'm a camp [Applause] hey worked out pretty pretty pretty fine what's up do you feed this thing anyway batteries I mean microchips okay okay there we go hiding in the basement outlet don't all my ears yeah okay here's my strategy right we already had this we've already done what I'm gonna give him a battery real quick like how it looks like a router or like a Wi-Fi okay good the areas good the end I sure did grab the VHS what are you talking about Oh plate of you just bring it to your bedroom a TV autowash Oh got a got a brush okay I think we're safe from my by the way guys should I turn on the barn a little bit on this game because is it a little too loud like I want I want to keep it little extra loud but I'm gonna turn it a bit you're stinky right should I answer it hello moshi-moshi Jesus this Oh hmm Oh tattletale have I seen this before a lot of time another game it's getting something ready just something ready but don't worry about it get that fancy product storage it's gone [Music] thank you [Music] oh there was an exit out of this now hmm hmm that's him I just gotta I just got achieved by the way I called mama scary talking first [Music] well I am I feeling it already but how do I get to the basement it's locked can I go out then here's where you [ __ ] belong yeah they're multiplying Oh Oh Oh glad it's shut up though these purple night talks too much where have I heard this before Oh RSVP find a found a friend by the Christmas tree so now the question is do I go back the way I came or right I'm disoriented already I love you you love me time to go back and [ __ ] off again Aruba Jamaica ooh I wanna take it to Bermuda Bahamas pretty mama down to Florida Keys that's where I want to go down to Coco okay friend well I love mama nito I wanna take you down to Florida key juice [Music] now we're talking basement you talking about this right find a friend in the garage my boy no I want to take a rain check on that down to Florida geez is this where uh I'm trying to find out where the garage door thing or like the exit the quick exit to the wrong way isn't it too so disorienting yeah I can't see nothing so what it don't matter him there we go hey now be an excellent opportunity just put Slenderman in the game no don't don't even explain it just have him there put him Baldy - had a sweep sweep sweep you know do that bucket but put them all in but put sands - I did a whole 360 here home while you exist in John Madden there is got a feed feed feed so if question for Chad how many here did actually own a Furby back in the day I did not because I thought they were kind of creepy but dang it I got to do the whole thing again yeah there he is hint yes oh boy hey there's some quick safes in the sister knock a mom's door that seems like a fantastic investment we hang on oh I got to go through here first day there we go that's a little better sound a little paranoid of using via the flashlight here because you know it does activate the Mamluk wait a minute egg collected Shh they got bandana if you stick your finger in a Furbys mouth I had what was this a if you stick your finger not furthest mouth too much it's a eat too much and then fart damn we live in a society okay the gamers rise up [Laughter] the 90s was weird man I know where to go now that's good my favorite would talk to me after a Emma gale come on literally funny Camacho 20 years dream each doom dude Tommy funny yeah dude huh these candles always here [Music] if I didn't this game has bright sound design I'll compliment it on that too I really like that okay I got a groom with us my Furby got angry quite often oh I need a snack revise I shook the flashlight oh okay so you can't do it at all alright shake it off as much possible but haha Joel you know we'll be epic if you played Shrek super slam you got that beat that'd be hella freaking epic you remember to censor epic when you say that swear word you got you got a sensor like the eye and that bit you know you don't want to get your pastor mad school counselor you know they made a second generation Fergus would light up eyes in 2010's really that's that's interesting [Music] we'll start doing these already so I have a chart job done gotta be careful you could open up this door Hector advocate okay you know everybody talks about the Berenstain Bears but I swear to god Furby was spelled Furby back in the day like with two Eason I don't know what changed but I really think that like why wasn't the way like first D okay what what that bombs was I knocked I was too talking button idiot well you too Mandela effect why would you knock on the door nobody said like oh that's the basement thing you're remembering Furby you're ma'aming Furby someone little yes posted is how it's called in Sweden oh okay so wait they changed it in Sweden it's we the Swedish speaking not the expert me with package and the name far be it's not for be okay how do you know this I don't remember if Swedish Kirby said anything all right charge it up charge it up thank you doctor google doc doctor ghouls all right I said this this occurred me oh my god I'm getting so uninvested in this game that I'm like loosing my mat and [ __ ] mine Swedish car b-boy yo guys when Kirby and Furby meet a new generation of pain that wasn't even make me making noise though come on um I was doing so good the first try though Swedish curb is just a meatball on no [ __ ] all right do not ride this mama it's just fine that's a Freddy's meat Slenderman I think it actually is like I mean I know that's a giant [ __ ] post instead of ahahaha let's like I think it is I think it really really is what which be game is better this or Joel gets meaner every day ah don't make me answer that okay don't make me answer that please I can cannot rush this actually make too much noise now shut your mouth okay you also want me to answer what is the better game you all honestly what the answer to that so okay what do I do now if I'm not doing anything Mama's gonna go away right but I'm like well what do I do stay still have some life I guess and I don't want no surprises in the middle of the night here they asked to what is the matter game this hour Joel gets mean everyday crazy bus I love you too now burn so let's quickly find out which way is it to the garage cuz I need to like do some shortcuts and I always get disoriented here in the basement so is it here it's not here at the [ __ ] where is it is it over there it's over here so I gotta run with that so okay a friend a friend though oh so I died last time wait hang on the garage is right here isn't it but not confused I thought the garage was there great oh if that's not it then where is it on your right but this is the garage it's on the back here or not no no no I had no plans on that oh boy yeah I think I'm in the wrong area to do that how do I leave my apartment oh I see I see did this to this two back doors I got you that make too much noise now oh okay alright I think we're gonna do this come on I know yeah yeah yeah shut up good oh man oh man oh man I want to take it okay pick up that tattletale pick up that can' air supply rum but find the cupcakes the run beginning boost up we're like four years old and we're drinking already damn I guess we truly are going to Jamaica oh boy mr. cupcake sit bring snacks place the cupcakes in the basement on the red carpet you know I think this game is just taking the piss like this game isn't bad it's you know that not that serious but let me guess there's all our like theory videos on this game right isn't there okay buy some festive lights yeah but what if Gracie fossil festive lights basically just take the Christmas stuff but what if Baldy I'm gonna do our sideways a sideways eat oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no you shut up now don't worry about it don't worry about it nope no no it's going fine it's going fine it's all in the mind man it's all in the mind but what if tattletale was baldies home all our games are in the same crap universe that's my theory [Music] okay hang on supply run that's not a mo k take the canvas from the kitchen counter oh boy what if blonds body is titled titty but what if no God tuff and others sideways eat they're not making always shut up okay yeah yeah whatever kitchen counter I'm doing the wrong wing oh god no not die now man sugar I'm good so far Oh God has Joe died yet you better jinx it man say Chan say tan oh my god it is Satan what the [ __ ] it's getting awesome now join the seal yes yes and I like to say that say Dada but light them all up hang on it this is awesome yes [Applause] okay I love this I absolutely love this this is great say then say then survive the ritual there's a bad idea all great [Music] mama stole the candles find them all mama grandma helped me grandma your [ __ ] none of the Dark Lord safely can help us now okay they're in the Vasus how about this if I know what they already are me looking like you are run for it already [Music] like it dudes are they in here they're not how these candles man aw don't tell me that the candles are upstairs too god damn it no wait yeah yeah yeah Nana Oh [ __ ] blah it's it how could it be how much doing out like a super Russia extortion they are in the bath it's randomized guys have an idea how about we don't use the light at all so you're not he's got a break all of them and find out which one of this oh great - mama mama hey look it's me oh [ __ ] it's like right behind me right oh hey look at that candles find them okay no no no no no no no oh this better work [Applause] okay whatever no no no no no no no grandma find the bus still not done I'm still a [ __ ] gone oh god this better be it make it too much noise though oh god there's like one left it's always like this in horror games this one left and then I can never find it there's two more okay [Music] I'm stuck yeah chill out then there oh no no no no no oh oh [ __ ] though it's gotta be real pissed when I do this one left one left Tokyo I suppose I know what to do this time how so that's that can you just run up like already just get everything oh man I think it's Punk after you after it like you know this happens so yep okay I see find them guys is this the last level of the game mama [Music] [Music] [Applause] the streams is the giant [ __ ] help me Mario damn it what's the video Paul hello fellas I do love this this really made me crack up okay no I said no [ __ ] around we're doing this this time please be a candle dammit man you feed him treats he beats your meat dammit I haven't that [ __ ] help me grandma I know why but I'm just remind of that one movie where grandma's leg smelt where's the book the Dante's Peak or volcano it's all these movies it's like which movie is it it's not this peak okay yeah Pierce Brosnan is that movie too but yeah grandma like she has to like get the boat to a dock and they're in an acid lake and just grandma just jumps out of the boats and melts I'm like why is grandma doing this so that doesn't happen okay then what happens what happens in the movie my leg the [ __ ] grandma vitter get the [ __ ] out while I don't know get on above blockbuster yeah that's where you watch movies no no no no no more mama leave this kids alone when are we watching that on the mind we're gonna watch entire movie it's got to be the last one I think maybe yeah what's the favorite part of this game you have one they all assemble a satanic pentagram I did it please don't die now great say done say done I love how their eyes are rolled back in your head seitan say done [Music] [Applause] [Music] banish mama destroyed the tape okay bye with editors the true Christmas was societies all along oh now here's a scariest part of the game when it doesn't like play sound effect it just like guys in two months Christmas two months two months and how many dates are left currently but my god oh my god hey well I'm gonna answer the phone this time yes hello man get a slight day eighty three days eighty three days until Christmas could you believe it it was she knowing today in Sweden it actually snowed today well yesterday I was else I was getting real depressed I'm like no snowing yeah oh yes wants a proof I'll show you your proof for a quick King this was outside let me just pull this up for you this is outside my my apartment it's it's okay no not I mean like just randomly snow it was snowing you know hang on the school let me just move me wow that was the whole spook you know ooh gotcha oh all right hey is there a myth in America as well where if you eat new snow that's fallen you'll get worms if you eat it worse that is a Swedish or like wives tale or whatever him yeah the dates of what one of those like incorrect things here yeah this was yesterday in fact this is yesterday for me and uh like what the [ __ ] you know but yeah check this out like it's barely in into October and already this [ __ ] is happening so but but god damn it yeah yeah is that I want it no you don't do oh you don't like and no I don't it's the it's the the beginning of the end you know I mean it's like here we go and time to eat soup for like a month while I'm snowed in you know with my raging Pepsi addiction you know I gotta like stock up industrial sizes of cans you know open my present who's this man okay start fresh okay who is it oh my god oh my god [Music] [Music] oh that's tattletale [Music] that'll tell the Kaleidoscope access the new chapter from the main menu the tattletales adventures aren't over yet expand the adventure with upcoming DLC from now on Origin store the Kaleidoscope hang on let me let me see what this is there's a school all along no no no hang on Musti Joe there's a good ending yeah so I've heard and now I can just can I still bother mom guys you know what I want to really do I want to see if there's a way I can like t-posts out of existence in this game like I want to see if there's a glitch where I can just you know eventually just get out of here you know I our feelings this game is in US air typist seems you know it's not fall out Joe no but a man can dream see see already stops happening now that that is legitimate like grandma's ashes wait secret grandma ending I miss see if there's a way I can like glitch out of this game I don't think so who eats cupcakes for Christmas I'm gonna wash away the stink here ah hang on guess not fine it's the only possible glitch up with unit standard FPS controller okay he really eats it makes noise but the middle of the day though okay this is just like a survival rounders whoa tapping well I'm like Stuckey where's the brush and I just do like a first impression oh there's okay sorry blind blind it's you in the couch okay we learn a fact [Applause] what really no guys is a really drunk yes hello oh my god the world it's like I'm oh my god it's like I'm walking to the gears of war from 2006 the bloom is like burning my [ __ ] eyelids off okay let's see here Shh mysterious no something's wrong hey it wasn't like this saw it happen at all stay calm he's trying to remember what happened the night before Christmas [Music] [Music] you know guys that we celebrate on Christmas Eve they don't celebrate on Christmas Day that's you well if Mama's dead what's gonna get me he's running hooray everybody's celebrating that's right oh how nice is this oh oh oh oh read the letter o is definitely wrong mama that Ellen wasn't nice she was banned right she's even burned its toll facility drinks okay don't panic your members are just mixed up I'm not trying to scare him if you can't remember how things really happen that only will be weird and boring forever it's the sort of meta commentary on the stream but seriously don't panic it let's just go back another night okay good day sir /ban mama two days before Christmas okay okay well jokes and all that aside I don't mind this game it's it's a little short horror game with some karmic annex stuff like that I don't I don't mind it yeah - it's decent egg you was it's a huh Oh your members are becoming we're uh cute look man we saw like VHS tapes every time you play them they get a little fussier where's yet with the right trick if someone can't record over them I think someone to record over Christmas 98 Oh No Mandela effect I was just talking about the Furby and Furby but what Ethan this is Metal Gear Raiden this is a VR mission sansa bar okay who's there my ass yeah but those are radioactive what do you get when you cross that an al if a bungee cord my ass task oh oh I love those tasks use question marks I love that [ __ ] my favorite sort of task you just survived [Music] this is just what about how about that oh it's fine so far man shut up sing eat like hamburgers spaghetti is it back oh hey okay this is all rock so much tampered with the memories too there is a place you can find out what's changing your memory bits are really dangerous called the laser scope we're going to avoid it at all costs he eats Pizza Hut to [Music] mysterious clunking noise Ronald Wesson tick-tock tick-tock I'm like a bat I'm using my divorcing machine we're talking about I'm using my my ears as my ice grab that'll tail alright let's go on the chattering it let's pop it over here grandma's ashes no fine great it broke again okay oh boy we have own last nest gets things Italian still it's normal on December 20th you may have to use salt that's where all the memories are stored on one top of another good mad real imagine you might find what you're looking for a surprise the more time you spend down there the more things will change forever where's part is I cannot promise it'll work oh my god Oh guys brain then my brain I sit down oh great the fundamentals of this game still isn't in my brain well you see the Christmas tea was never there before but you might be this time idiot damn you idiot no there is ellipses you know the matrix when Morpheus goes he's learning it's like the office for me he's forgetting whoa I know kung fu can't run anything about tell before this night can you thing here's your options you can go through the door and this is the Kaleidoscope and I found whatever changed your members I'm bring whatever really happened Christmas 98 you can go to bed and remember if tails I will be boring forever but hey you won't remember how scary mama telethia really was either so maybe it's not so bad Doris dangers to bed his colon I miss glad I didn't have to pick this time nice oh boy alright you hear good I have to warn you the more time you spend in the Kaleidoscope the more your memories can change you can mess yourself up real good and get stuck down there let's go a good idea so the thing that cost remember to changed it might be hidden pretty deep but it gets twisty down there we're playing twister I'm at the pad you think you might have better luck than me hi Zack he's he's forgetting Lord I'm gonna [ __ ] up I'm not gonna [ __ ] up a world record in this game guys hang on I gotta I gotta do a blj okay Mario jokes Yahoo all the words Yahoo Louise matches 3 starring tattletale the new game [Music] I'm sorry but this is turning into this like the more I'm playing this I think I'm enjoying it more and more because slightly it just turning into well you know remember that dog with the spooky ice and I remember him too it's gonna get real scared nice or dog all right here we go got this nastic often and I'm sorry faculty there you know in for a scare I'll look at this [ __ ] filter off I'm fine I'll go I don't think I'm getting sick not a sick of this game but now entering saints row I like to look at this snow globe Industrial tag okay so I got a brush them to stuff this is what it says a string from 2010 his mama still around yeah she sure is she sure is frigid over here huh okay got a feed [ __ ] oh man what has happened is this my bedroom yes I am a very weird man I need to poop it completely a 90 degree to the wall room a very weird shaped anus and if you really learn how everything is navigated here and then okay I see [Music] hmm I like to look at this place in thanks for confirming alien soon April it bends but what thief just various notes I knew it the tape is the reason your members have been rewritten watch it to power Li power you will destroyed nothing also gets messed up in the process [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mama is like an old chap member that used to like post garbage and chapped and now it's back you'll never get what am I supposed store all that I remember me okay my Christmas presents mama makes noise oh [ __ ] there's a real round too oh I wonder if there's anything I can do now hmm so guys Halloween what do you got stressing out past this year I know what I'm dressing up as but you need to a fortnight mmm-hmm a lazy [ __ ] hey you already said you dressing up as me okay a skeleton okay I have some food okay so we just replaying the game now yes all right something's off though let me sit ha de modo it's never band wrapped paddling back up you know I predicted the the article thing on the soundless male half bar shows up who's there orange shoo yes this is leave yes you're leavin I just sent to like the the crap I mentioned there for a moment whoop Star Trek okay spin to win God be careful gotta be careful I remember the way right yeah total - dude totally do this now I'm just gonna do a little kind of luck over here and then is that the bullies at the I open up what if I told you that I have I've mostly forgotten away already I can show you the world shut up that's [ __ ] yes dear come on guess I'd better just feed this thing immediately nice and close to the fridge Oh Lord all right let's get everything charged and ready shoosh shoosh shoosh yeah I know I'll make a noise shut up yeah that's a tough mama whoa mama there we go let's feed them boom got that that mama that is mama quick quickly start rushing welcome back for extensive gang guys ready to get spooked tonight that's right we have a new five nights Freddy's chick for you please use this discount code for a new wife scale for experience kill it in the gamer zone that's right 50% off on baby diapers use the cone for Skeletor on Pampers baby wipes get in the gaming zone get ready all right welcome back gang brought to you by Arby's calm the choice for the generation you love me I love you where the [ __ ] am I going to and I don't know where the [ __ ] dude Exodus I am this ear oriented I don't think I saw the murder me right I know but I don't I can't find the parts dude dude shut up is the way it's so hard to figure out where the [ __ ] I'm going yeah we're gonna do you know we're gonna do leg it [Applause] oh thank god photocopy oh it's not done it's not done a meme re-trigger I remember those memes okay neat though put down either mmm man this goes on for a while huh yeah it sure does and uh even though I I am enjoying this kind of wanted to stop I kind of want to offer you get off this ride you know I know you know but it's it's a neat game needle game but I think I've had enough at this point you're almost done well tell you what I can collect all the eggs another time and all that I mean it's fine but like it just kind of started great on me you know just running in these little alleys but I mean it's a fine game I mean it was way better than I anticipated and again this is who these good game on the Secret Santa gave away I remember that this was not the bad game at all like the bad game was kick-ass too but I think it was alright I mean it was decent and yeah I mean it could have been way worse I'd say could've been way worse they could have been a tea posting Sonic the Hedgehog it kind of been it could have been titled tattletale exe but you know what they really should have done [Music] and we're gonna do he has two good ending real quick if you were curious I know you probably are shoutouts to video game news for supplying this excellent footage that I I am too much of a coward or I mean lazy [ __ ] bum to do I like that somebody in chat currently asked a goose bump dog emote that's amazing okay special tag hmm it's Vidya bum seok oh and then what happens so it is pretty good that he's more of a dubstep outro that golden flashlight Wow wake up mama Johnny what if mama truly was mama all along [Music] hmm all right now we're gonna watch the kaleidoscope kaleidoscope ending here we go yes so we see it - because I was - I was - as - uh the tattletale juice has been sucked out of me so I'm watch is anything real quick again video game news is the source of this yes or no okay she has the Santos shoutouts you subscriber if Santa Correia somebody said that was extremely close anyways this is pretty much just like five additional minutes I'm impressed a lot better night hopefully remembers didn't get to make something the minute or to say hi Vitale for me until next time who's there meme who but that was that I was a tree that was a tree plus on it your feet he loves meat okay that's tattletale for ya I'd say an okay game it definitely wasn't my favorite but you know I think it was okay issue for what it was and I forgot how much this wasn't steam real quick but let me go check that real quick tattletale listin this game is currently let's see here it's around like four dollars so you know it's not too bad but it's alright game you know and you get the DLC for free if you buy it I suppose but uh you know um yeah alright a bit about lockout tribute to the ninth east a little contemporary scary game and i you know i thought it was all right then I thought it was all right hey guys you know what this one alright he is with his guitar apart on the life spring the trucks on hey guys you want to get into the gamer zone well guess what 50% off large scale to diapers that's right use the cord Lord Skeletor on pampers baby wipes get in that zone that's right gee that's my favorite guy see that's the only that's the only bad taste on my mouth when I apply a title feel like it has that taste of like you know it's almost in the de-stank zone and I mean you know the it feels like it's almost near that stuff and you're like mmm it's all right still an okay game but I'll tell you the best horror game I played [ __ ] this month or this month and last month soundless mound by Marissa real enjoy that one but speaking of scare against weather but you know final note about tattletale decent game okay I enjoyed it and I think it may be a real when I caught a little self-aware and funny well it was self-aware anyway because it's like Furby scary game but the pentagram really merely crack up I thought that was really funny but I'd say it's alright game I thought it was yeah yeah you know but on a final note about this we are in October that means seven days of scary games is coming up leading up to the week of a Halloween seven scary games this month of excellent quality and shitty quality I got everything like last year and the year before it in fact I think I've been doing this at 2016 fifteen maybe but yeah so be on the lookout for that it's happening this year once again so yes indeed there might even be there might even be a scary game that I'm gonna stream to completion this month but more news 2014 actually damn I'm gonna do this for a while huh well anyway we have some more games coming up but I want to say one more final thing this scary game we're playing don't be too surprised if it might be a restream or something uh anyway tattletale alright stuff and yeah and we're gonna switch our two out the simple planes here we're gonna [ __ ] up some physics so sit tight and more stuff coming right up don't go anywhere
Channel: Vargskelethor Uncut: Full Joel Streams
Views: 46,410
Rating: 4.9204283 out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, joel, full, stream, unedited, playthrough, part, vargskelethor, tattletail, scary, game, pc, dlc, furby, 90s, indie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 5sec (6485 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 10 2018
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