[Vinesauce] Joel - Wish Dumpster Diving ( Part 2 )

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all right now i i had a had a sneezing fit while i started preparing for this and uh well uh now i hope that i don't sit there and just go i don't know entering the entire thing but uh anyway we're gonna do some more wish stuff here um oh antenna actually the first ship maybe i went off but i i realized that there's so much crap on here that we might as well just be [ __ ] around and having some fun so you know but anyway uh i've actually gotten some wish stuff here uh so i i you know disclaimer here uh i don't think that uh which is a bad website there are some legitimately good things from wish like i bought um god what what did i buy uh i can't remember here i am like saying hey it's not all crap and i'm like oh yeah spice rack i bought a spice rack from wish you know anything electronic is going to be [ __ ] but uh if it's if it's just like hey do you wanna you know on a fork or like a cup fine but don't buy like a [ __ ] playstation nine you know i think i did that joke last time but uh anyway uh so this is wish you all know it we all see it uh all it is is basically aliexpress but it's uh more for a western audience i guess because the actual company is based in in la i believe so you know but i found some really fascinating stuff off stream that i want to showcase i found i found some weight loss pills and i found found i can't say with a straight face chinese boner tea the problem is uh this chinese boner tea is not viagra it's natural natural uh stuff which means that it's like um like lotus lotus stuff and it's meant to like make you pop a [ __ ] humongous erection uh and on top of that i found weight loss pills but the funny thing is is like the picture they used was from completely two different people because one of the photos the guy was pulled and he was balding and the other one had a full set of hair which implies that not only did he lose weight but his hair went by just grew back so joel that tea is legit oh yeah okay well uh you know last year i think we it was around when we when we did the snow skew stuff um and we mentioned imagine like giving your best buddy the viagra as a joke just to give him a funny boner and we were like can i give him funny boner diarrhea viagra can i combine the powder that is viagra and like you know fecal irritation pills like everybody sip this and then uh he's like why am i [ __ ] and [ __ ] all day whatever my point being my point being is that apparently there is chinese uh chinese ancient remedy herbal tea that is meant to increase the um libido and like sexual energy of your your peepee uh so you know we're gonna see we're gonna see uh joel it's it's it's joel it's not legit okay i you don't have to tell me that okay i was not in the [ __ ] market okay stop you don't have to convince me okay boner t denier in chat okay i like that all right listen i talked enough um talked enough let's go and wish and let's let's look at some some shite here and okay immediately i said go on wish there's a [ __ ] what no no no no no no no no what in god's unholy [ __ ] name okay no no it's not it's not a dick but it's slightly dick related uh oh my god all right all right you ready you ready are you [ __ ] ready for garlic [ __ ] bready well okay as you can see here it wasn't it wasn't quite [ __ ] but it what is was what [Laughter] what the [ __ ] here you're you're you know getting a little funny with your with your with your partner and you're like and guess what guess what happens tonight they're like what they start giving a little bit of that and they're like i'm gonna tie something uh and what con why oh god yeah you got to go that's what it is a wolf of wa fall street okay you know listen you haven't [ __ ] lived until you don these ridiculous wolf pants then you go out on a on a like a cliff in the middle of the night and you howl at the moon and you [ __ ] yourself in these pants but you have to be super ripped for it like you can't just be anybody you have to like train for this you have to like look like the hulk but like 10 times worse than that okay okay anyway let's let's let's see what else we got here let's see what else we got here we got uh okay pretty pretty standard stuff we got boss baby all right all right uh okay we have a monkey shirt too ah 16 gigabyte rom 3 000 free oh what what's that what's that is that is that the art i do like the fact i do like the fact that uh these are close to each other like like what kind of psychological profile can we create here all right this person is wearing a monkey mask a monkey shirt they hate people they have a laser rifle they're also subscribing to an asgardian faith they like to play chinese rip-off switch and they like to come so uh it's like what is this person you know all right well let's keep exploring here uh okay uh standard stuff really okay uh well we have more more shite but uh but all right i have an idea i have an idea it's time it's time to put in a search work and this is where you uh this is where you suggest a word and we find out what that word can be so uh salami salami naruto undertale now that's like a low-hanging fruit like i we got to be a little more creative than that because i feel like you know like there's better things to look for you know among us among us well let me tell you something i actually unintentionally found a lot of among us stuff here because um as i was searching for stuff on which i was like a spice rack you know i saw i saw some among our stuff and i realized like among us is is is it like no i don't want to like dog on on the people i genuinely enjoy but it seems like among us has joined that very niche kind of audience of of kids games like five nights at freddy's uh minecraft like super popular just with kids like and if you look up among us on wish it's like like babywear you know let me tell you something look at your fingers hold up your hand look at your fingernails he is no saying that he's no sin not this again okay you know before i say anything i have never ever played among us but i have to ask is this recent [ __ ] posting with with among us a passive aggressive attempt to make the game like intentionally overblown to the point where uh it's like a like uh and the sleeper agent is the word for not the word for it but it's like a it's like a passive attempt to make the game annoying by making oh so so like you know what i mean um silly brilliant it's kind of like how undertale became undertale sans you know when it was like you know i don't i don't haven't played among us i can't really say anything but i like the ttt format so you know but uh anyway let's let's let's play let's let's do this let's do among us because uh let's actually see what we got you know why not why not and uh well well to be quite honest guys uh as you can see i really think this this game is like the demographic for this game as you can see it's not for me it's not for me okay yeah yep now i wonder i wonder now what i'm really looking for is like a a glock with among us art on it or something like that you know that that's what what i'm into you know but hey look look at this we got like you know off-brand merchandise we have you know among us uh plushies and face masks and you know these kind of things and stuff like that you know uh now i'm being recommended literal diapers um right okay um well uh oh wow whoa whoa yes there we go all right it didn't take long until i got into the weapon category so like fans for among us well listen we we got you the merch and we got you the guns all right what else do we have here uh that's good what is this um hey what is this what what is this [Laughter] what is this this is from the game 20 for this crap mug here um ah wait a mug us no that is that intentional did i just make a pun that doesn't exist uh it's not legit oh wow oh [ __ ] well bad merchandise i suppose okay well uh moving on let's see what else we got here that could be but as you can see i feel like maybe this is not my my thing here you know uh but uh some of these look oh i got the weed shirts you got to get the weed shirts you know uh they love like led lights and stuff like that too black opium all right uh and what is this okay what what is that that that might all be what i think it is is it well uh listen i know the among us uh the among us demographic uh might be a little young but that doesn't exclude grandpa and grandma from playing uh among us uh that's right you can find these stock images i've proved this many times on the wind destruction ones where if you just go on like stockphoto.com and you look up like old man you find these and it's just like old man.jpeg which um i'll tell you something as i said at the start of this it's fine to buy like spice racks and stuff from wish it's very very dumb to buy electronics you buy medicine from wish uh all right okay you did you die or uh supplements wait wait wait wait wait this isn't boner pills is it no no no this this this is this is this is like what is this this isn't viagra is it no it's just a vitamin is it a vitamin okay okay so it's like flintstone vitamin gummy pills okay okay well i i thought that i'd stumble upon something not good but uh all right but i don't i don't think we're gonna get too much out of uh among us i i really don't think so i mean it's again it's it's not kind of my market uh but i did see something funny just now i did see something funny just nowhere as as we take a look at these among us shirts and stuff like that a lot of them is stolen art that is stretched for a complete shirt like as you can see here like this kid for example uh it's like they just slap jpeg like you breathe on this circle turns into sand you know uh but hey would you like among us i mean it's just like stolen artwork you know but uh yeah it's it is what it is do you think do you think these it's like the shining come play with us three of them okay which one is the the this juice one here all right the clown army okay among us well as you can see it is it is quite quite popular you know that that that's good that's good that's just the start screen i think okay it doesn't even align with the graphic okay well that that that's that's pretty good uh you got backpacks and then you got uh you know just regular shirts too so you have you do have a you do have a lot of what okay [Music] yeah you can tell that they slap a jpeg with no care in the world i think this might be algorithmically generated you know um don't think it's it's it's yeah um wait wait a [ __ ] minute do you realize what's going on here okay this is meta as [ __ ] because i saw some of these led things what they did here is they took a picture of their own product and said no among us advertisement shirt uh what it's like to say yeah it's the same kid same kid man okay let's see we got got some of these oh yeah that that's it that's it i feel a lot of these super popular games they they they tend to die really quickly like they they reach a a popularity and then they just like trail off and nobody wants to like touch these games and then they they come back uh like uh they come back 10 years after and this is like yeah minecraft was cringe now it's like it's good it's good you know it needs to go through our regurgitation phase you know but uh you know but uh but no i i i don't i don't i don't mind you know if if people if people enjoy a game then who am i to detract from that joy i haven't played among us myself and i'm sure it's a fine game it's just it's just the the the the popular thing of the week so you know but uh what else do we have here can we find a pic oh that is that is good that is good that's so sad okay well who knows maybe maybe i'll do a among a stream someday would you like that chat would you like me to stream this game i'm sure i'll do a fine job at it right okay well as you can see it's wait wait wait the entire bed did wait all right could you imagine could you imagine like you you go home to somebody and they just have their entire [ __ ] just yeah i'm kind of a fan of this game you know okay yeah well anything else here yeah you got this you know um now he he he's what i'm wondering with among us is there official merchandise for this or is it just like the the demand can't catch up yes there's okay okay because a lot of times uh the actual craters of the games don't supply the demand for merchandise which could makes this kind of stuff happen um but uh but you know it's it's i hey if if you want to buy an among us shirt or whatever i guess this is the site i mean why not you could definitely do worse uh and you'll know you'll know for a certainty that whatever funds you're getting to these people and none of it is going to the creators so i feel good about that but hey it's cheap as they say it's cheap um a lot of i actually i mentioned this too but uh if you look up vine sauce for example in the previous stream you found a lot of red bubble [ __ ] that's just been transported on here so it's like a bizarre regurgitation of stuff you know so you know but uh you know what about what about these what about i mean these these look you know i mean they don't look right but uh i mean these are definitely bootleg these are definitely boots like right too yeah this ain't no one okay am i don't know if he's got guts man's ass as these you know such things i see like legs legs and i see [Laughter] okay well uh well here we go we gotta we gotta get we gotta get some mugs we gotta get some more oh what's this nothing like a badly cropped jpeg to put your uh shitty soup in you know and uh you got this too wait wait wait among us coloring book wait hang on what wait hey go slow down there chief what okay well [Music] that's [ __ ] that's [ __ ] desperate that's like they took a whole shovel it's just like take every goddamn jpeg can find slap it onto a shirt they'll buy it okay that's that's great like how [ __ ] desperate is that that's buy it police no no no no oh no okay there is two reviews here though rachel says it's five stars well i think rachel is a little see you know okay ah right okay yeah most reviews you find on wish they're kind of like a little suspicious because most of them say like uh this this uh cup was awesome this playstation was really worth it thanks for bringing back the memories i'm like this is a [ __ ] humongous shirt you know like there's something going on you know but uh but all right that that that's that's pretty good they just got off uh that's that's good that's good i like that i like that among us coloring book that's pretty good all right well anyway new word everybody new word let's let's find some other crap okay please tell you something the first thing when you google like you go wish you don't want to get the [ __ ] vibrator oh kermie kirby no miss piggy i've just been shopping for among his coloring book shirts i'm in financial depth okay okay okay let's let's see there's not too many muppets here that that kermit ain't right he ain't right i can't even say it please okay focus now please take your hand out of my anus okay the art they're dear dearest german it's german viet der that uh recycle joke okay um let's see what else we got here wait wait call of duty yeah it's your culture joel i appreciate that too okay wait wait a minute wait a minute that brian brian why are you holding this shirt what that's not you [Laughter] what some of us grew up listening to freddie mercury the cool ones still do okay that i don't know if this is like insensitive or not but like it's like it's like if i i don't know what the analogy it's like do you think james hetfield wears a [ __ ] metallica shirt like no you don't need what i don't i don't think brian may go sit on a on a regular basis and be like hey by the way opens up the jacket queen fan like you were in the [ __ ] band like you made the band like it's like gordon ramsay wearing his own face as a like what no i don't know but that is just weird dude and it's a little weird i do like the monkeys though okay hmm gas what are you guys saying gas i mean gas gas what's this gas what are you talking about what what what what gas gas gas he doesn't know the thoughts shirt what it's a germa joke well i i have no idea i have no idea what what all that is about uh but i do know i do know that um dogi okay well there's not too many muppets okay uh i guess i guess when you get this close to like licensed stuff they're very careful not to [ __ ] around because they know if if they [ __ ] around for too much uh their entire shop gets shut down i guess but but that's not true entirely either i mean uh because most times you do find like trash that's just like you know uh yeah see muppets takes manhattan you know uh who is stan lee stanley yeah okay who who is this guy okay he got this cursed [ __ ] like wolverine except for 200 dollars that's scary 200 [ __ ] bucks i guess he comes alive at night uh he does have fast shipping so i guess he runs you don't even need to put into your address he just like knows it and then he just he's there outside okay it's scary man okay diet carnivore okay um i'll uh i'll take a rain check on that uh what else do we have here uh surprise there's a lot of there's a lot of muppet stuff who is this who is this [Laughter] uh okay well this this is a muppet character is it this is not a like okay i kind of like him no he's not well why am i ever asking of course he's not buy it no no no i'm not gonna buy stuff yet on wish uh if i ever do that though i'm gonna be very careful what i'm buying because i i do not want to like because you know this stuff is just going to like efficiently destroy the rain forest even though it's funny i'm just making excuses because i want to buy it no it's an environmental message i'm trying to convey here you see if i buy these products i'm really contributing to the death of mother earth so i have to be careful you know it's it's it i'm destroying the world man no buy it or riot you guys you got you guys sound like this guy right now all right when twitch chat is being obstinate they turn into puppet company baby monsters blue hand monster puppet you know okay who's who's this casey atwood muppets roof forever collectible bobble head wait is it what is that john cena okay um yes everyone ever saw the the the the really [ __ ] up uh tv show called wonder shouson this [ __ ] reminds me of that uh really [ __ ] up series uh i get so offended by these iron maiden really is okay muppets and wait is that a real movie here the magic is back it's not as deep as you think muppets from space okay oh okay muppets movies are perennial family family family they have a good neighbor tim hills muppets from space okay by far the best extra feature is a live video commentary similar in style to the feature on the ghostbusters dvd though it offers absolutely no insight whatsoever it is one of the funniest commentators ever for dvd what [Music] okay buy it okay i think they just ripped like an imdb review [Laughter] they just took a [ __ ] review and said yeah [Laughter] one left all right i have a proposal right if we do some vinyl after this we watch [ __ ] muppets in space all right we'll emulate what it would have felt like if i doubt you know but here's what i'll do right i'll emulate it to fully effect all right we'll get this but i'll stream it on the vine yard but i'll stream it in like 2p all right it'll be like three uh like twinkies overall quality you know it'll be so bad uh two pixels per per hour you know but we have to watch it with commentary because it's you know all right that's the oh what about the muppets movie are these are all bad okay is it also more reviews challenges are fantastic well that's more like a summaries this one is more like believable i guess but because it's like i don't i don't think these are real real movies but i mean sure why not sure why not do you guys remember when i showed it yeah that's remember when i showed elmo burning and i put into like the best of 2019 and it's just like what is the best that happened in 2019 oh elmo burning like so that's what it's going to be like for best of 2020 a lot of stuff isn't like the funniest for most majority of people but it's like i thought this was hysterical so i'm going to put this in the video this is yeah all right well uh let's move on from this but uh you know but there's there's uh there's definitely some stuff here there's definitely some stuff here that you could uh you could buy if you're a muppet fan i guess but uh you just buy the real merchandise please like you don't you don't need to go and wish to get this shadow puppets what you can't hide from your own shadow yes you can just stand in a dark room shadow puppets movie poster okay all right look looks looks scary yeah shadow puppets i kind of want to do this hey they can't wiener comedy all right it's a subtle joke it's a subtle joke oh the muppets christmas movie okay i'm surprised there's no reviews here that's just like bought this for my wife for christmas now i have no eyeball like there's nothing here but that's that's fine but they sure made a lot of muppets movies i guess meat puppets [Laughter] all right well we're just gonna have to check for for lumps here mr dinosaur all right uh oh no no no no no no uh okay um this is also a joke that is not that funny and i'm an artist i'm a performance artist i'm hired for people to fulfill their fantasies their deep dark fantasies what's going to be a movie star you know with modeling and acting after a hundred or two additions and small parts you know i decided you know i had enough then i get into escort work the clientele requested a lot of um fetishes so i just decided to go um you know full master and change my whole entire house into a dungeon dungeon master now with a full dungeon in my house and uh it's going really well fisting is 300 bucks is it really though that is the question let's find out if fisting really is 300 bucks actually actually um he is wrong because it is hundred bucks so you are wrong house and uh it's going really well no no not quite not quite but uh what a deal what a deal baby yeah okay yeah what about this what about if you get three fifteen is three hundred bucks so if you get the three fisting dinosaurs he got three fisting dinosaurs okay i just had this mental poison in my head okay imagine this pyramid of sex okay left arm activated right arm activated [ __ ] dinosaur funk all right you are ready to [ __ ] and feast and just in my house and uh it's going really well but wait double down double down get two additional for 500 bucks and you put the dinosaurs on your feet all right you become you are sex all right [Music] okay okay so many chats said feasted to extinction shut up shut up have a [ __ ] sake okay i can't take more more of this okay uh let's let's let's let's move on okay new word new word new word new word let's let's see what else we can find here uh based all right i found some stuff i found some stuff all right i found some stuff for all right here we go based based on cheap products and uh knock off sim i found lube found lube everybody and i i believe this is uh viola okay so based equates into uh slippery dick juice and uh boner pills all right interesting uh or you can cross your [ __ ] in a [ __ ] uh you know you know that's all right moving on uh what else do we have here uh kills what is this oh i thought this was like a bug repellent or like poison okay i wouldn't trust that but uh okay uh an air fryer look at that look at this oh [ __ ] it's a real [ __ ] airfryer look at that into the missing okay what else do we find here 115 i don't know but let me see this air fryer app remote control um i own an air fryer actually but uh mine was cheaper than this and i bought it locally but uh all right let's see what we can make in this mobile baking tray all right a variety of menus all right okay i bought my dad an air fryer and he sends me i mean bless him bless him you know i love my dad but he he made wings in the airfryer you know what he puts on the wings ketchup i didn't have the i didn't have the heart to tell him don't do that he just takes heinz [Laughter] [ __ ] sake i mean who am i who who am i to tell him that that is not culinarily acceptable like [ __ ] it you know so uh but you can you can make a lot of stuff in the airfare i don't know if it's a good idea to like buy one from which because it might not be compatible with the electricity or the power outlet or whatever so uh oh yes oh here we go oh all right guys are you balding are you having that um george costanza look happening well guess what buddy take this ginger take the ginger into your scalp and you're gonna look like james hadfield in the 80s in no time okay oh okay uh panax ginseng extract castor oil uh right before after that's a different person okay okay i guess i guess you turn into a different person you go and you go oh okay my name is joey nowhere also isn't that a different hair color it doesn't have she have like highlights in her hair so i guess it you know you know what is my favorite [ __ ] thing with scammers is when you propose features that aren't there and they it's like oh yeah you can do that too like like if you ever come across a scammer and you're like oh will this cure my my diarrhea too they're like what like will it help me with my diarrhea too will i grow wings and they're like oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like you can just tell that they're less like oh yeah absolutely you know so uh [ __ ] it so now if you turn this you're like well will i get highlights and will i turn on different yeah yeah yeah that's amazing okay so we can regenerate hair how to use keep your hair and scalp dry before using twice a day spray only two to five times apply surface of the hair scalp penetrate the scalp with gentle massage but what if you punch your [ __ ] head use four bottles continuously for a good result okay male pattern baldness is like an excellent [ __ ] thing to prey on insecurities of people uh but here's the thing here's the thing you have two you have three ways of dealing with baldness right number one be an idiot and go on wish and buy cooking oil in your scalp to wear a toupee uh like that guy who played was it the the [ __ ] tennis guy what's his name um there was a [ __ ] guys help me out the tennis player uh in the 80s and 90s uh that played tennis but he was bald and he wore a wig every time uh andre what's his name andre agassi yeah yeah andre agassi let me show you what i mean here so you know for context what the [ __ ] i'm talking about um not under the giant no okay uh let me show you this is actually a hysterical story andre the giant okay so so andra gossi in the 80s wore a wig because he was balding and he felt [ __ ] you know so what he did was that he wore a wig that looked like this the problem is that he had to keep up the facade because the man was completely bald so he had to wear this for like the rest of his life and keeping up a facade and a masquerade in public so but you can you can see that it is a shitty wig because uh the hair band is what is keeping it together and it's like a cheap halloween halloween wig yeah but uh yeah no but but the greatest thing nobody suspected it nobody was like huh but cuda's forum though because you think about the term the the logistics of this you're playing tennis so you have to like get you you're moving and running and you're like oh [ __ ] i can't got to keep the [ __ ] on and that's why the hairband came in like it's sitting really tight uh but he had to keep this [ __ ] up for a while and then uh you know eventually it's just like yeah i'm [ __ ] bald uh i'm bald as as a as a baby's bum so uh he basically came out one day said yeah i was just kidding he's just joking but he did it he did it when he was retired though because he didn't want to like tell him you know but uh yeah but that he was basically keeping up appearances you know with that [ __ ] and uh you know and that's what i'm saying either you can go put cooking oil in your hair or you can do the andre agassi way or third you can just shave your head and say all right i'ma look like jason stadium now or picard you know you know women women women wasn't the picard you know do you think do you think do you think one day he'll double snap he'll double snap okay you see him right he went from full head of hair i was bald i was kidding again and then ladies and gentlemen you we get i i can't get a good image of of a good wig here uh well that don't look right what what if we do this what if we do this we flip it but let's all stop here let's keep going what if we try what if we try what if we try the this swag yolo haircut to okay okay now he no okay well um what do you guys like a mustache too mustache problem is i have to like sample another image for this which doesn't make this look right this is like the wrong color okay now now he looks like psychotic dr phil uh okay now you know you know what influencer looks like in 2020 and 2021 right you know the look you know um actually let me let me fix that up so it looks accurate to what what those people on youtube look like wait yeah just gotta do this and then you yeah that okay now now you got the influencer look uh however you may say wow this is exaggerated give it [ __ ] 10 more years and dr phil is an influencer and he's like uh does dr phil is this is he southern i forgot what dr phil sounds like because i think bill clinton in my head does dr phil and bill clinton sound the same because i can't i don't know how to do a doctor feel it yes okay well [ __ ] it uh my voice is kind of [ __ ] tonight so i can't really do this let me let me just look up what dr phil intro runaways gone wild give me the intro like i wanna hear you know dr phil we're gonna get down on the farm dr phil milk a cow and drink a beer there we go now i do not have sexual relations with that cow [Music] changing day in your life i can't see i'm blind [Music] i'm taking people with real problems and moving them into the dr phil house just shave your unibrow [ __ ] [Laughter] that's not a real problem actually you know what this reminds me of uh where is it oh yeah optic blast okay moving on please all right i'm gonna be right back brb a comeback and a more uh idiot wish okay all right we're back um i want to tell you a funny story i was this close to actually flipping on my ass on in my chair because um my chair has endured a lot of [ __ ] throughout the years and i need a new one uh one of the legs of my uh computer chair has snapped like at an angle so if i tilt too much back it goes right and i was laughing about the the doctor phil one a doctor phil joke and i was like don't don't tilt back don't tilt back because i'm like i'm gonna fall on my ass and i'm gonna be dying and uh my corpse will be nothing but this dr phil psychotic sleep demon on my screen and people say like where's joel where's joel and then the police like burst down my door like oh my god joel was a serial killer okay anyway get a gamer chair from wish exactly man exactly the problem is like i i like this this um this chair i have like i've i've done so much stupid [ __ ] in it i've like used my chair to install light bulbs and all this like crap so it's no wonder that's it's taking so much abuse like um it's really bad because i always like wobbly doing [ __ ] like that i do don't do that don't do that you know don't do that anyway any way you want it that's the way i need it all right well ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen here we go more wish but anyway yeah you can be like andre and you can just like okay you can use face the music and be like [ __ ] i don't think that uh no that's no no no no no no no no no no no no the number of persons with hair loss is on the rise for common what what this is this is english the number of persons with hair loss is on the rise rise for the number of persons with the hair loss is on the rise four common signs for hair loss okay that's not that's not you know punctuation and commas are important you know but whatever uh make your hair grow okay well in 30 days okay listen i'm willing to i'm willing to uh accept a little [ __ ] but for 30 [ __ ] days 30 [ __ ] days okay i don't know about that i don't know about that i don't know about that well okay well that's great but anyway we're still on on base here so we have to go and see what more we can find oh now do we do we dare scroll down here on this funny image because as you can see we have we have extended our hair but now we're extending our dick let me just double check in case there's a giant funny thing going on that was borderline actually questionable uh let me tell this i found calm i found straight up [ __ ] straight up [ __ ] gizmo that's that's [ __ ] mango all right that's [ __ ] that's [ __ ] comma that's [ __ ] [ __ ] i found [ __ ] [ __ ] gum guys like straight up straight up show it no yogurt no it's yogurt okay why do people use lube anyway i mean there's their products okay okay uh well there is a lot of [ __ ] on here let me tell you something oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay guys let me do a challenge i'm gonna give you a mystery box do you accept it yes or no you have to accept whatever it is but you have to say yes or if you say yes you do say it well ladies and gentlemen i got you fist cream i got your fist [Laughter] i can see that's japanese it says it's best holy [ __ ] all right oh my gosh this image [ __ ] my hands all covered with with anal group [ __ ] i got to do my taxes [ __ ] grandma's calling just slippery oh damn it you know buy it what have i done i had old i had all the mayonnaise in the world but that guys we only got two more minutes until the the funny anal cream goes away [ __ ] all right well i hope i hope they use some of this besto bestofist ointment but when they thumped into kermit's uh uh butthole you know and there's a review really there's a review oh [ __ ] there sorry what okay hang on let me let me see is this say anything oh no it's just this is a standard one unfortunately it doesn't say anything it's just like five stars you know it's just someone that was really happy about it i'm sure i'm sure they were really happy about it but that that that's that's pretty that's pretty that's pretty good you know and i want to remind you all by the way that uh this this all came from uh the word based which is like if you if you are inclined in the market for some based fist go right the [ __ ] ahead if you're if you're into like butt stuff if you're into like you know shoving king kong up your ass or you know parachuting down to the eiffel tower and you know go right ahead get some get some best fist on me let me tell you something that that that anus be yanking all right and i only got a minute left to decide if i want to buy this so [ __ ] all right [Laughter] all right well moving on moving on let's see what else we have i gotta be careful with based one because uh there is unfortunately a lot of kind of sexual stuff on here that i don't really approve okay well all right we found some other questionable stuff on here uh i found more fisting cream guys i found more ques fisting cream uh that's okay final american flag too see i i personally chose to you know put the screen invisible because you never know what just appears on wish it's kind of like a wild [ __ ] west now the problem is i've clicked on fisting lube now which means that uh the risk of running into more items uh is increased uh well that's that's uh i found i found something look oh what is that i found sex oil i found sex all this time but um i just never should have clicked on that i'm [ __ ] uh all right new word new word let's go from based i don't think we can top fisting cream anyway so [ __ ] it 5g shield you sir are a [ __ ] genius i like that too well i'll say this much it's not as funny as you think it will be it is basically just the the face mask and stuff like that the problem is that uh i don't know a shield is also a knife i mean i guess you could defend with a knife but uh all right [ __ ] dramatizing man oh oh ken i don't know man he's seen so much those innocent eyes those innocent eyes have seen so many 5gs okay face shield no facial i thought for a minute there i thought this was a bag of hair like what does that do with anything okay um okay i've i've seen legitimately ads outside wish that has this woman doing this and i've seen so many like you go on any [ __ ] website it has like the clickbaity celebrity [ __ ] and it's always this woman going you've seen it right too like it's outside wish too somebody someone in chat said money shot it's only two it's only two dollars it's not that expensive okay i'll say this i'll say this don't look right that don't look right at all looks like dennis from always sunny okay i want this fog up though huh like low budget mortal kombat you know sub-zero scorpion reptile rain all right uh i mean it's just standard face mask [ __ ] i guess which by the way let's see let's just get the record straight whenever i go outside i always wear a mask and i wash my hands and you should too all right let's not make a big deal about it all right or else i'll get that i'll get that uh that knife up here and i'll tell you stay healthy [Music] all right was it you want to stay you want to stay healthy in public go to grocery stores and all that but listen listen all you got to do is take the [ __ ] you know legend of zelda shield and block it you know shield block it's pretty good it's 100 that's a little steep okay well um yep i don't know get the the knifes though but uh yeah i'm sure what's this anti-microbial invisible shield glass screen protector for iphone zr what huh well i know if you should be taking a hammer to your phone see the problem here isn't like bacteria it's more so hammer also what do you mean invisible glass shield i mean it's right there or whatever how does it insta kill germs with a hammer of course you see that okay all right well let's let's specifically just search for like 5g because i think shield kind of confuses it a little bit this might just be wi-fi though this is my oh [ __ ] here we go okay here we go boys um now as i said before spice racks buy that [ __ ] you buy a like a skewer or whatever the [ __ ] from wish fine you get in the phone market uh fake phones everybody why not uh wow okay um interesting interesting unfortunately you can never you can never sort results on wish by the cost so you have to like find [ __ ] yourself but uh but let's find a modern phone and let's spend less than fifty dollars okay yeah so let's see generally like a hundred bucks but uh but i'm sure we can find a bargain here somewhere um can you not customize development i've tried but the filter does is more so like do you want stuff that is uh out of stock like it's never like specified like that unfortunately so um okay can i run a pet peeve but don't you also [ __ ] hate when some [ __ ] offers thrown your way and it's like trade in your phone now get a completely new phone for only 20 bucks it's like samson galaxy s20 you know and then you're like what 20 20 [ __ ] dollars [ __ ] all right and then you actually go with the checkout and then it's actually like five hundred dollars because if you uncheck like hey give them all your credit card information and all this crap then uh like the deal is off it's always some like giant caveat so uh-uh you know i recommend that uh i got a lot of batteries oh look at that too hmm no i want to get a phone for fifty dollars fifty dollars come on let's let's see if we can get this oh look at this set i 12 what are you talking about i12 like iphone i'm like because i i'm kind of i'm kind of ignoring when it comes to phones the only thing i give a [ __ ] about is if i can watch youtube on it and play like emulator [ __ ] on it uh that's all i care about but this is meant to like this is not a like this is just a rip-off from my phone right unless it's like oh joel you don't know about uh i-12 phones nothing says quality like compression jpegs you know well guys guys guys it's not no hd here extreme speed fingerprint unlocking instant wonderful that's how you sell a product okay wonderful nice nice okay right wait 24 million hd rear cameras the way you've the way you have mentioned this is that's a lot of cameras dude there's a lot of cameras there's like a bug eye or something 24 million all right um okay batteries all right this this this little stinky what's that what game is that does anybody know what the game this is guys rage shadow legends um okay i12 pro the new upgrade select size color i can't get in like funny rainbow colors or like you know the rainbow colors is like what is that effect called it's on the pokemon cards you tilt it and it's like holo holo help mail what is it called the holofoil yes yes okay oh this doesn't have a great rating i think people don't like it as much i wonder why somebody said i missed a phone for 35 dollars oh [ __ ] [ __ ] galaxy s30 ultra fight no no no no what no no [ __ ] for [ __ ] 40 dollars no way man wait wait wait wait wait wait phone charger okay unless i i i fell like into a deep coma overnight aren't we just on s20 s 30 21 well this is amazing guys this is a [ __ ] time travel machine uh i have i have i have somehow teleported into uh samson's office and i've stolen their deepest blueprints uh that's amazing future phone everybody so this is just a charger actually uh the thing about it though is like it's implied for s30 which doesn't exist so it's like hey would you like a charger for something that does isn't a thing and besides they're saying for iphone x iphone 8 no no samsung wait samsung samsung uh galaxy note so what what's this [ __ ] about s30 world premiere all right interesting well somebody said there was there was others that was just just a phone uh for oh here we go see this i believe this i believe because this is like iphone 4 i saw dude i saw this comment on youtube and it made me like i mean yes i get it i'm an old cynical boomer blah blah blah but i saw a comment there was some there was a guy on youtube reviewing uh like his phones generally right and he was reviewing the iphone 5 i believe and the top comment was a sincere comment from somebody like oh dude this was my childhood [Music] and everybody's like oh yeah i remember this remember high school who i'm turning to sand like i have my bones my bones are turning brittle uh [Music] all right well i'll say this uh this i believe i do believe that but maybe this is a fake guy but [ __ ] this old this whole life is this even compatible with like stuff anymore you know i don't wait holy [ __ ] [ __ ] mega future all right s21 bennett s30 bennett s40 all right holy [ __ ] [ __ ] it zero photo sensitive face recognition well if it's zero it's implying it doesn't work yeah it sucks for [ __ ] sake man with zero light or zero light phase recognition still light recognizes recognition can accurately recognize faces one word into one two words into one of all the time bringing a science fiction unlocking experience zero light phase recognition with hidden infrared light they need to glare in the dark environment still easy to read your face damn so star trek [ __ ] bro okay [Laughter] okay 48 million hd rear cameras that's that's a lot of cameras dude [Laughter] holy [ __ ] that's that's a lot of them goddamn cameras okay well it's like we have one camera two camera uh we gotta double up okay million ai smart algorithm okay dual sim dedicated micro sd like i big battery i hate to say this guys but like i don't know if drug dealers still use burner phones when i think of like drug dealers they use the flip phone [ __ ] and they're like dump it after whatever i think this is the 2021 equivalent of a burner phone you know no i got to use my galaxy s40 to deal this crack you know um interesting uh okay oh okay we got some call of duty counter strikes okay yeah wait a minute a big big memory and a running smooth loner common game process resident in the background quickly switch it to other applications in seconds and are not afraid of being killed even if hung up for a long time okay strong 10 core processor baby wait hang on guys guys keep it to the [ __ ] script it was s40 now it says 10. it's like a [ __ ] uh it's like it's like a tony hawk grind it's like left right like you got you got to stay focused you know oh [ __ ] it's got 5g oh that's that means it's bad okay it's called a burner phone because it blows up when you use it too long listen so you should be the streamer you should you should be sitting here doing the jokes all right [Laughter] but pinchie if i'm ready okay um okay now here's what i want if we can find s50 if i can find s50 tonight uh we are in b business let's find it first though let's find first the [ __ ] is this okay i 13 5g i think they they they've limited it to s30 there's no way they can go beyond that i can't refuse to believe they've gone that high because at that point it's like who cares you're not fooling anybody okay look up 6g 6g phone 6g oh you know what that is such a such a dumb idea i kind of want to do that [ __ ] it all right 6g phone 6g phone okay okay guys i don't know if i found it but here we go uh no we're still we're still at 5g here they haven't they they know they know their market they know that uh what the [ __ ] is this when god called you printing phone case why it's like a goth biker looking at jesus on the back of what god bless uh i'm going to i i hope that watermark isn't there on the image itself but uh all right well uh you know this is like as old as dirt but i i'm reminded of that image where jesus goes motion motion jesus this is you know uh well i don't think we're gonna find 60 but we found p40 i don't think that's i don't think that's quite it either but uh but my god there's sure there's a lot of fake phones on here you know i i i it just makes everything like if one thing is this uh you know questionable everything else is off you know shop google really ah nah i don't know about that buddy but uh you know what i have what happens if i just search jesus phone or better yet ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone all right listen listen listen okay jesus phone jesus jesus phone now jesus phone art all right here we go well i found some jesus phones y'all today why is jesus calling at 3 am [ __ ] i'm sleeping [Laughter] [ __ ] off jesus i'm taking a nap okay i'm sorry bro i'll call you later all right guys guys guys jesus 3 am challenge [Laughter] i think jesus is drunk he's been getting into that that red wine uh he got into the way first okay is it isn't isn't 316 also like stone cold steve austin's like you know thing a stone called 316 is being booty called by jesus what are you gonna do listen here jesus with stone cold comes here [Music] you know [ __ ] this [ __ ] i don't even know i don't even know where this could go okay so i'm gonna no joe there was a diabetic jesus phone i'm begging excuse me a diabetic jesus phone what are the words you were saying to me a diabetic jesus phone a diabetic g what are you saying left left up what are you seeing oh all i need is a little bit of insulin and a whole lot of g's wow that's that's quite the message uh i think this is specifically targeted to me you know i'm a very i'm a deeply religious person and uh you know as a as a severe diabetic i feel it would definitely because this is great because it's both it's both saying to the world my my medical conditions is my entire identity and i base everything around around that so i can't go five minutes without peop telling people about it um and the same thing with religion too instead of being a personal faith i have to tell people uh yeah my jesus can't eat sugar okay [Music] okay what is this the greatest mistake you can make is to die without jesus i think i think the greatest mistake is to die in general but all right uh i don't really understand that one is that a threat are you threatening with your phone it's like this crazy person takes this phone out it's just like time to get swapped in the head like i don't know um all right let's let's keep going here uh a lot a lot of jesus shirts a lot of these good old g with d with okay share zone waymaker miracle worker promise keeper light in the darkness my god that's what you are simba [ __ ] out of here you're the lion king not king of the israelites joe go up [Music] who's that trisha paytas who who that is a wrestler some makeup guru is this your wrestler who am i talking about i swear to god there's a wrestler called like trisha paytas who am i talking about trish stratus oh yeah uh okay see you you have to understand [ __ ] like i i i do not i do not i i am in my little like social bubble so when i see these like crazy people i'm like i'm completely alien to them like what is this all right listen you have to understand i am not a native english speaker i am isolated somewhere in europe and i do not understand the majority of what is being depicted to me so when jesus christ himself appears and says hey bro uh it's a big question mark above my head you know i i am a european heathen okay i only know of uh dominos and cornucopias all right as jesus says what you're doing okay yeah [Laughter] i'm a diabetes warrior i can do some things to christ to give me strength no no no i i have every [ __ ] right to laugh at this all right do not do not do not tell me hey joel this is really mean to diabetics i am one okay i can laugh at th this is a i have the right to laugh at this okay because i i am a diabetes warrior okay i am diabetes jesus what what this has got to be a joke what what what what the [ __ ] what does die diabetes have to do with religion a diabetes warrior that that's that this has to be a joke there's okay okay sincerely sincerely like i'm not with no with no exaggeration or hyperbole and all that stuff who wears this shirt because when i see these shirts now don't don't don't you know take this with a grain of salt but you remember the website called people of walmart.com when it's just these like weird gremlins that are like you know they they they look like gollum and they they just like weirdos you know it's like those people would wear this i'm a diabetes warrior i'm a diabetes warrior like the shittest shittiest wrestler ever i'm a diabetes warrior i can do all things requests i'll give me strength listen that much man randy savage when diabetes plenty of rust wild on you let me tell you something you want the insulin smack you want to beat us dialed us what okay okay uh my god if i see one more goddamn diabetes christian shirt i'm i'm going to snap okay uh okay let's see what else we got here uh i mean it's it's just now we're kind of [Laughter] you know there's an art called piss christ if you know what piss christ is all about but it kind of reminds me of that a little bit [Laughter] ring ring ring banana phone okay that's dude if there's something i'm buying tonight it's definitely this girl loves jesus coffee and tattoos it's very specific it's very specific you know i'm still looking for jesus stuff like the book of mormon another testament of jesus christ mormon jesus mormon jesus dude i i this actually happened uh so i've i've lived around this era for a while now and throughout my life i've passed by a church that uh said the last days of like uh humanity's last days in the church jesus christ and i thought that that's quaint it's a little church you know and i looked it up because i was so curious of what that actually meant there's a mormon church like not that far away from me and uh i have honest to god contemplated uh i should go there and be like listen i'm not here to make fun of your religion i just want to know what do you believe in you know uh i heard that mormons are quite nice though so you know i'm not here to to take the piss of someone's religion but i do think it is a little peculiar uh after watching mormon jesus uh fun thing about utah by the way uh there was a fake fake mormon actually uh i talked about this before but but frank visited me uh florida visited me in 2016 and i was a fake mormon who was standing in like the town square uh giving out pamphlets and stuff like that it was like putting on a fake american accent for some reason and then frank from florida as he's giving us a pamphlet he's like yeah i'm from utah bro and then frank responds that's cool man i'm from florida and you can just you can just tell that his [ __ ] perceptions shattered like glass and it was like i got the gold now diarrhea you know all right anyway uh my son graphic design is my goddamn passion here what the this this bambi bambi my son i closed my eyes a man a boy used to be i may not cammy from street fighter on my back anymore but i will always carry you in my hat you have given me so many reasons to be proud of the man you have become but the brownies moment for me is telling others you are my son love money is like the ramblings of like it like uh this [ __ ] lovecraft protagonist uh being locked up in an asylum on the [ __ ] wall you know like oh i see he went nuts have you been to the place in japan where they say jesus was actually buried no i have not but i do like to visit that place but if you don't know what what that chap members mentioned there is a place in japan where uh this very uh very tiny uh sub-genre of christianity or like i guess they would call it a i don't know what you want to call offshoot where there's people that think that jesus christ sect i guess so they uh they sincerely believe that jesus christ did not die on the cross instead he took like a boat or like rode a camel or something all the way to japan and they died on a mountain uh yeah it's look it up it's it's quite bizarre but uh it's it's it's uh it's something all right if there's any red letter media fans in chat i'm sure you've all seen the the videotape sos uh these are not the same people those guys i think they were called the the children of god cult and they were also like those people are really [ __ ] but uh yeah uh s.o.s have have you heard of shoko sahar is that the guy who uh put like poison or like gas in the uh trash bags in japan huh yes yep that guy was crazy actually did a report on that guy in school small world huh anyway what else do we have here oh no no no no well you know what you know what i'll i'll give it the benefit of the doubt and i'll get real for a second most christians that i know are pretty cool people right and they have a sense of humor and they they are willing to laugh at stuff okay so i don't think this is like too zany i don't the majority of people that i know that have a christian faith aren't like yeah i saw jesus in my toaster last night and that's why i [ __ ] it you know i really got a dab of forgiveness for saying that so i'm sorry yeah by the way all i need is a little bit of insulin and a whole lot of jesus okay diabetes awareness diabetics gift insulin jesus women girls phone cases okay you know what you know what this is like a weird genre i never thought i'd get into but let's let's search for just jesus jesus diabetes i mean jesus diabetes [ __ ] will for brimley seeped into my [ __ ] head jesus diabetes oh my god well yep uh there's a huge marker for diabetics apparently uh wow what what okay oh what is this i didn't mean that my blood sugar was slow oh that's awesome okay now i can justify all the all the stupid [ __ ] i say to you guys if you're like oh sorry that was my diabetes acting up you know the verbal diarrhea that flows out of my mouth that's just my diabetes funny coming out you know oops so i didn't mean it all right well i'll say this i'll say this if you're going to uh uh show that you're a diabetic and you are also of a certain faith and if you want a shirt i guess this would be it but uh diabetes diabetes warrior it's not for the weak i'm gonna tie something i know there's a lot of like you know diabetes super villains right now and i'm gonna rat on all of us okay our weakness is sugar it's like [ __ ] kryptonite you give us a little sugar and we'll be on the floor going [ __ ] [ __ ] pay me five bucks joel no okay yeah well this is this is quite quite uh warning i'm a diabetic i have there was no pricks already i kind of like that actually because it takes a second to realize what what it means okay okay no no no you guys don't get it okay uh when you check your blood sugar you have to prick your finger for to check what your uh blood sugar is like okay but it's still like a edge lord shirt so you know okay i can do anything except insulin let me just add let me just add add a little one to this one okay this is this is my shirt okay this is my shirt okay that's my [ __ ] shirt tonight okay [Laughter] [ __ ] okay uh i never thought i never thought i'd be talking about this but uh yeah all right all right can we move on from the diabetes shirts and jesus now uh because i feel like uh there has to be something better than this to look for okay so here we go uh new words new words swag star trek godzilla garfield didn't we not search for garfield last time i'm sure with daddy garfield i'm pretty sure we [ __ ] did did we do the garfield no we didn't well [ __ ] guys gold mine uh look at this look at this now the real question is is the christian garfield though because i feel like those have nothing to do with each other which makes it a perfect [ __ ] you know uh all right now i hope that we get garfield and like drug stuff because uh again those have nothing to do with each other and people love to cram them together oh look at this graphic design is my passion look at this uh it looks like garfield is like huffing bath salts in this one so uh all right okay we're getting dangerously close to like gangster garfield art when he's got like the sideways guns and he's like smoking a joint [ __ ] like that uh also this used to be 128 dollars uh okay a lot of people think that i i'm into garfield on a sort of ironic facetious level i i genuinely enjoy garfield a lot but only when garfield is as simple as possible i like when garfield is just a cat taking a nap i don't enjoy when garfield is like going on adventures in france and rapping and [ __ ] like that i'm like [ __ ] that uh garfield when he's just like i want to take a nap and i fought and eat lasagna all right that's that's good when he's like hey garfield tell us all about diabetes in jesus okay i don't enjoy that i enjoy garfield when he is as simple as garfield should be you know let's see what else we got here uh heat transfer effect garfield no don't melt me with your mind heat transfer effect melt joel with your mind [Laughter] [ __ ] out of here [ __ ] out of here all right [ __ ] out of here no no no no no no no stop it stop it in the name of the lord okay in the name of our diabetic lord jesus christ all right no no no no i do not think so [Laughter] okay that's that's good that's good uh unfortunately this is stolen from redbubble probably so well whoever made this isn't probably earning any money from it anyway but that is yeah all right buy it no no no we're not gonna be buying anything today but uh i'm rice but i won't shine that what's have to do with the rice i'm rice but i won't shine what does have to do with rice i don't get it and china what do you mean [Music] okay the idea was that as a european man that is diabetic uh my diabetes swelled into my brain making me illiterate and also very uneducated in the english language making rice spelled with an essence that does implying that you know i'm completely a dumb [ __ ] which is not that far from the truth friday woohoo well it's a friday today unfortunately it is one review i wanted to be like from nancy today is a monday okay uh hey you should go you guys should be wearing this shirt tonight um what else do they okay that that does not look right that doesn't look right and you know it because if you take this image and you like scale it down it looks like garfield with a huge human ear and it scares the [ __ ] out of me i hate that i do not like that see what happens if i do this okay now it looks like spiderman scp here well as you can see there's a lot of there's a lot of like good garfield stuff real garfield real garfield girls are born in march what is what what well i'm buying this one garfield girls guys can we can we please like we never got one of those like uh what's up uh varg skeleth or nation fans or whatever like we never had a name for ourselves can we please be the garfield girls you know because we were like little gamers one year and then we're like let's be you know garfield girls you know the problem is the problem is like only real garfield girls are born in march so you guys have to burn your birth certificates or like go into the hospital and like rip that [ __ ] up and be like you know with the with the marker and be like march you know so uh you know but i mean we'll figure it out we'll figure it out we'll figure it out we'll figure it out also what what what what the [ __ ] is that a burning sex vest okay yeah oh my god is that another one really that's that's crazy another one i want reviews oh there we go sage and ali well they know their stuff jack daniels oh look at that even even more that is pretty pretty is that kit boga [Music] oh i like this one [ __ ] monday yeah put on some flowers man damn [ __ ] monday huh well uh on top of that uh okay i would almost wear this i would almost wear this if it wasn't for wish okay i probably would have gotten this but if if it's on wish but i probably would have i probably would have would probably would have okay uh what's this what's this when i die i may not go to haven i don't know if they let cowboys in well [ __ ] garfield i know that feeling man i'm a diabetic warrior and i don't know i don't have the official you know uh stance on that either man so [ __ ] also uh i don't i don't and i don't like the idea of having a such a dramatically bad message on a baby shirt all right if you have like a one-year-old you're like my baby's about to die but he's a cowboy so it's fine dark okay car fell what other garfield can i find uh well so far so far what i found is is pretty oh oh [ __ ] garfield got that swag took long enough everybody yo yo yo it's me uh gangster garfield here to tell you all about diabetes today with my sick reps and yabba-dabba-doos [Music] three reviews okay yeah came early was a gift for a family man who says it's fit perfectly you know i thought i said okay i'm gonna i'm gonna do some inspect element here okay this is like a fabrication so but i just wanna edit it okay there that was a fabrication but i like to imagine that but that's what it originally said murder murder okay [Music] [Laughter] okay moving on new word new word everybody uh new word everybody what are we doing what are we doing now popeye bionicle gamer braziler unfortunately i swear to god if if i put in brazil i'm going to get like women's asses because that's like the only thing they do in brazil it's like three things in brazil one uh king of the f no that's that's mexico holy [ __ ] no that's different part of south america they do it's it's women's day assists in brazil it's uh tibia and the third thing they do in uh in brazil is what's that what's that awesome barbecue stuff they do i would like to go to brazil one day but the problem is it'd be like a big [ __ ] joke like i'd be like oh yeah [ __ ] october brazil then i'll go to brazil and where is everybody just like when i actually want you to go to brazil you know ha ha i do know that in in brazil uh the sega has a huge presence don't know how that came to be but there are people there that still to this very day swear by the [ __ ] mega drive and the master system and [ __ ] like that i think it's just because i think brazil has some law about uh like video games are labeled under gambling and that's why they're extremely expensive and because um the average income in brazil is is like lower than most countries unfortunately uh most people can't afford like a new [ __ ] playstation 5. so they instead go for the super 3001 shitty family clone or in this case sega master system you know thing so uh basically video games get taxed to a degree where you can't [ __ ] buy them it's like import loss or whatever so you know brazilian people have to like settle for three generations behind unfortunately sucks but uh yeah anyway new words new words i'm moogus no we're not doing amugus we did that at the very start duke nukem duke nukem all right here we go here we go everybody damn look at these deals i'm a diabetic warrior and i pray to jesus uh damn you got a little wayne shirt what duke nuke compassion metal mural hail to the icons parody pack this is like a dlc or something what what i think they stole some like dlc art or something and then they uh yeah a kick-ass and i take insulin and i'm all out of insulin oh gee scoob cheese scoop i'm a lot of insulin i'm a diabetic warrior scoob is that the strong man that was an insulin scoop okay okay uh duke nukem okay yeah it's time to kick ears and chew bubble gum and i'm all that'll come okay i love this face i love this face because like it's it's kind of like a little little funny duke like dude's kind of chubby in this one i don't know if it's because the angle of whatever but he's like kind of wide there come he stood in the brain and i've got a headache it's time to kick gum and chew ass and i'm all out of ass a duke nukem i like duke mukhem it is my favorite bless my jpeg crust my crust pillow i shoot my hot glue i shoot my hot mango all over the duke crust he's my goo pillow what you know mean it is not body pillow it is my duke come below shut up okay i gotta get my fist cream guys what oh my god an xbox 360 game mom found the cross pillow yeah earlier this is a good idea that guy said about that i don't know about that come we're going to do a little gag we're going to do a little gag here because i feel like being funny it's time to browse wish and eat [ __ ] and i'm all out of this piece of cake hail to the king baby damn i'm good let's rock seems like the air is bit crushed too you know hey damn that ass can [ __ ] [Music] i don't think this compression is is good like it doesn't sound like it's from the game it needs to be shittier it just sounds like i have a [ __ ] mad cat's microphone or a racer microphone or like a blue yeti or whatever so we need we need to get a shittier one okay so give me a second we have to find something that is slightly better okay there we go there we go now now now we are talking okay now it's big okay all right i kind of like to juxtaposition between duke nukem forever and cyberpunk it's kind of implying things and it's kind of based it could either be the duke luke experience or gonna be the xbox live experience or the monkey i i feel wrong saying duke nukem quotes if it's jesus but here i go damn i'm not that perfect christian i'm the one who knows i need jesus and all i need is come that's a duke nukem anime do they pull john save john into an anime damn okay wait where am i what happened pizza is like sex when it's good it's very good when it's bad it's still pretty good unless you're impotent like them then it's a real problem bam that's not true okay damn complete first together stick together wow if i wanted to hear an [ __ ] speak i would have farted okay last one last one last one and then no more no more no more uh what's this one ah i feel i feel duke nukem is the wrong one for this what is the uh what is the like shittiest impersonation that i can do no i don't want to say this i don't want to say this okay this is going to be a better one i no it's that one sucks that one sucks what about this one now that runs lame too what about this one what about this one uh banned we can't ban nature well what are you gonna do go to the [ __ ] farm and like sue the farm like you're gonna put some [ __ ] pants on the animals what what you gotta go to the [ __ ] zoo and be like oh all the gorillas aren't wearing shorts [ __ ] a volcano what are you talking about stop it shut up shut up well take it up to god [ __ ] juggalo god because i sound like i sound like i'm on xbox live oh god okay what about this one single taken currently trying to hook up with a bartender no gamer all right okay i'll do this one with toad okay i shall collect by the cia okay now we're back to uh a little better voice quality sweet release sweet release my my friend sir this guy loves his wife that's why that's why you double up on the joke here and you have a [ __ ] dakimakura underneath your head and off garfield and [ __ ] like that and you're like yep wife okay okay buy it go back to the bad microphone oh yeah no no no no no no no no no no no no no you can't you can't go one second and wait what's balls i didn't i didn't mean to hurt your feelings i was aiming for your balls right cbt wait a minute wait a minute oh no oh no oh no oh for [ __ ] sake no oh okay oh whoo okay uh now if you if you are inclined to look this up yourself i'm sure you can find quite the uh modules included in this but uh let's just say this there's a lot of sincere sincerity uh on here uh the weird thing though is as i'm looking through this uh and i gotta be very careful how i show this uh in the midst of this well uh i'll [ __ ] it i'll show it it seems in the middle of the cbt you got a [ __ ] ring and like this ball destroyer and then you have a bts i guess they they mistook the the acronym of cbt and they thought bts was sort of similar uh but i do not dare scroll down beyond this because when i was growing up there was a lot of genitalia prison you know bts okay okay okay so [ __ ] and ball [ __ ] and ball torture [ __ ] ball torture cbt what could bts stand for balls testicles scrotums no uh balls no born to [ __ ] hey do we still have do we still have kpop emotes in chat from twitch do we still have them yes bring them out bring them out hey this is a little shout out to twitch and you know i'm sure they'll really appreciate this but wasn't it wasn't it so epic gangnam style when they uh they started dmca everybody for playing music that happened 25 years ago on a random vaude nobody watched and at the same time they also encourage you to use k-pop emotes that featured music that had nothing to do with video games on the platform of twitch that was really a gangnam style and i really liked that that was awesome man i'm sorry twitch you can do nothing wrong yeah let me tell you something there is a lot of [ __ ] on screen right now and i'm the biggest [ __ ] of them all but jokes aside uh no there's there's a lot of dildos for real uh so we're gonna we have to move on from this one uh but uh new word new word let's do a couple more let's do a couple more here and then done for tonight do you forgot to hide the screen that's good aliens aliens aliens could work yeah um here we go all right here we go hey hey hey hey yeah look at this look at this are you for real kind of like that though but it's unintentional guys it's unintentional all right okay can i can i go on a little bit of a rant here i i i don't like the idea of an alien queen um i always thought the director's cut of the original alien is the best because uh i don't i it's like the same thing with the borg from you know star trek we introduced the queen it's like reducing them to ants space ants i hate that it's like the the whole the whole idea about alien is that the unknown is scary right so with the alien the xenomorph in the original movie in the director's cut to reproduce he turns to people into eggs slowly and painfully by you know they melt them down into eggs you know that's that's cool because it's like horrifying and scary but in the aliens it's like nobody's got a big old you know queen so but again with this yeah again with this [ __ ] you're gonna get me get me talking about the predator laugh too huh no no we leave this topic that isn't a face mask is it too okay thank god okay what else we have here uh did did i talk to you guys about um my first experience with downloading downloading an illegal movie of the internet i mean buying also yes i see it i see it chat did it no i didn't okay well let me tell you something this the year was 2 000 well actually correct me when what year did alien vs predator come out to 2004 the year was 2004 uh 2003 uh whatever uh it was around that era and i think i had casa or limewire or dc plus plus or something like that i really wanted to see this [ __ ] movie because i thought alien were spread or holy [ __ ] you know and i'm like wait they got the movie on here but it's still in movie theater you know like how the [ __ ] do they get wow i mean they must have like stolen it before they put it on dvds it took me like a week to download this because internet back then [ __ ] sucked you know and here we go 99 oh my god i'm gonna watch a movie from the convenience of my home movie starts up something's very wrong cause i'm like what what's going on and why why do i hear breathing my first experience with downloading a movie was a dude filming the [ __ ] screen in a movie theater and the thing about that movie it's already dark enough uh amplify that with shaky cam and like someone filming in 2004 with like a [ __ ] betamax machine you know what the worst thing was i still try to enjoy it i still tried to enjoy it but it was rough those were the days man those were the days and you guys thought about what i you know all right raise your [ __ ] hand if you thought this story was going to be like oh you downloaded a porno didn't you joe i got downloaded what's his name king ass ripper yeah goddamn soldier pizza okay i kind of like these actually but what are these they're they're all right there i guess it's like it's like funko pops but actually looks better [Laughter] all right whenever whenever i see whenever i see uh alien masks like this for pranks and stuff like that whatever it is i'm always reminded of this like ancient youtube video of this prank where this woman is it's these two dude well this is one guy who says to like i think it's the mom or something like that or the wife or whatever i figure out what it is but they're like yeah we're going out looking for you we saw a ufo in the area we're looking for this year for like oh really and she come comes home from work and she opens up the door and they've dampened all the lights in the apartment and in the doorway they put a [ __ ] mannequin so when she puts the light up she's like standing right next to a mannequin staring in her face and she she has like a [ __ ] episode obviously like oh my god like it's so cruel you know it's so bad oh so mean so mean i mean it's kind of funny but like my god like you kill people that way die of fear you know that honestly that's why i hate jump scares it's not so much that they're just cheap which they are but i have a fear for jump scares because i think i'll die i'm serious like i think like you know maybe my heart will like start beating irregularly like there's a syncopation in the heart heart pumping so it's like dude like you know because you hear stories about that like oh you know he was scared to death you know um and he's just like i i'm not it's not that i hate jump scares it's just like i'd rather not deal with death so there's an extra layer of i guess fear but that's more of a fear of death than it is to like oh no finance or fred is going to come out of the screen and like kick my ass you know which by the way did you guys uh did you guys see that nicolas cage uh movie element we're getting scared did you get this well yeah yeah it was shitty uh fnaf movie uh but i heard i think we had a conversation about this last time the fnaf movie and the nicholas cage thing is unrelated right it's still happening oh my god that reminds me uh i was actually informed by people that i know why i was informed by this because i'm you know i'm not the biggest fan of those games but uh on the sony um state of play i think it's called they announced a new finance of freddy's game right well how how exciting are are you guys for it who here lost their [ __ ] when they saw it let me tell you something i saw that trailer and i was jumping up and down doing cartwheels in my apartment and uh uh dude let me tell you something i i had such a [ __ ] cataclysmic excitement in me that i i uh i forgot to watch it uh for real i i don't know i never really got those games but i mean sure it's got it's it's got its fans and all that and i'm happy that the fans get something and another franchise that they they'd like because you know my shitty franchises they don't ever get [ __ ] games like hey hey sony where the [ __ ] is armored core all right me and all the other three people in the world has ever played armor card we're waiting stop it from software stop making your souls games make robots for me come on do it okay um hang on okay now i thought it was a halloween scary mask but no this is a anti-wrinkles aging poor tightening therapy mask you know do you remember do you guys remember this hang on wait hope that you guys remember this reason i bring this up reason i bring this up is because well this [ __ ] reminds me a lot of this well how does this mask do that well if you can get the idea of what doing eight setups a second would do for your stomach you have an idea what rejuvenate would do for your face because in essence rejuvenating does for the face what exercise does for the body and the way it does that is there's a control unit that during a facial session actually [Music] eight times [Music] and tone through each of the twelve facial zones [Music] these impulses start in the forehead facial zone and about every 20 seconds automatically move one zone at a time through each of the twelve facial zones i can't i can't help but like think this of like the most like this this is this is a death sentence you know like oh i put put me in chief i'm ready for the mass kit everyone i'm trying to find hang on screaming man sound i should really have this [ __ ] on speed dog because i play it so often but all right electric face i hope it's a good sound effect these impulses start in the forehead facial zone and about every 20 seconds automatically move one drone at a time i love sound effects i don't [ __ ] play [ __ ] all right this one yeah where that guy forgot to sponge and the guy like stops laughing during your 15-minute facial workout the result is not only your toned youthful looking wow i am turning oh wow i can't feel my face anymore face but also a face though let's just turn to the garfield more vibrant with that healthy rosy glow okay okay i i is a [ __ ] ridiculous joke okay no laughs automatically moves one zone at a time to each of the twelve facebook [Music] okay moving on back to wish all right let's do uh so a new new words new word here new word here star wars star wars yeah but that might be legit who knows let's search for star wars then uh all right but i'm sure we'll find no that that ain't wait wait hang on slow down here chief star wars baby yoda okay get that okay so funko pop okay nice who's this man the child uh who who's this you put pants on that baby order right now okay that but no no no no wha where's this but what are you advertising one one minute it's like you know this another it's that it's who and then it's a funko pop what is this that ain't yoda who's that who's that man who's that get emblem yeah what who's that guy ah come on what [Laughter] uh why are you saying gloop [ __ ] what are you saying what it's his name this is what no what gloop shittu [Music] foreign shut up shut up [Laughter] urban dictionary says a character from the star wars universe known to hardcore fans but unknown the general audiences oh my god the glibchitou is back who club [ __ ] i guess i guess i'm not hardcore enough damn okay so oh it's it's like oh i like that joke i like that joke where it's like uh okay okay it's like you don't know you don't know who glub shitto is oh you're what are you [ __ ] loser and then you google it you're like oh i was the loser okay get a glue [ __ ] for your cat jerry how dare you i want a glop [ __ ] oh mug for my uh snooze my [ __ ] all right no no no no no i don't think so [Music] guys i i have an idea what if we search glue [ __ ] on on on wish instead of that what do i get like [ __ ] [Music] well it seems uh it seems that [ __ ] doesn't necessarily give me anything well the the highest results are air jordan's milwaukee tool does that mike's the closet have anything to do with that all right again this is if you if you take glue you get air jordan's milwaukee tool that's right jay shop fila shapuma shop under amur shop shop geek lightning and shop hello kitty all right you know i gotta give it to my main man weege all right here we go hmm hmm i the serial killer was shown latest latest seed wearing a walt disney fake plastic mask [Music] i do i do like this though one color green i said i wasn't the red okay yeah that donkey looks existential don't laugh at that don't laugh at that get that away get that away get get that away okay shut up all right now okay um i think we we looked at luigi last time so we're gonna we're gonna move on here but uh but uh but get an extra shout out what the hell whoa who that love is beautiful luigi and that's that's a major glop [ __ ] right there man okay oh no lord he got in the power lines again he's burning he's trying to death uh i don't think this is official but i do like this uh this is this is a kite i thought this was like an inflatable balloon but i guess not all right all right okay yeah okay uh hmm what else do we have here that could be uh quite something uh there's a little luigi mansion three actually surprisingly which is you know you would think that uh some some of these things some of these things like what prince luigi duke of the abruzzi okay so they are still making the super mario bros movie right like it's still happening why why are they doing that when they've already perfected the formula back in you know 27 years ago whatever stop it you don't need to do that this summer but this summer like you're not joking it's coming out now without charles martin a what it already came out whoa stop it stop stop ru what stop saying like i'm an older man and you you kids are running around me and like poking me and i'm like stop it stop it stop stop playing with my emotions like what are you saying people are messing with you little [ __ ] i'm luigi doing luigi things what is a luigi thing at i guess it's uh this this milk extractor that's a luigi milk here you slap that bad boy on there well that [ __ ] nozzle and you go listen you're gonna you're gonna be earning big bucks at the [ __ ] sperm uh i was gonna say sperm factory but i mean the sperm clinic no that's not what it's called but we asked what is it called what is the place where the what is that called sperm bank not a spur clinic yes sperm bank sperm bank gum factory okay what is this don't tell me don't tell me that no it's not a drill do it's kind of like opposite okay dismantle for easy storage all awesome okay on match performance all right uh luigi okay no i'm not making any jokes here right it's a bathroom tool yeah you bet it's a bathroom tool but let me let me tell you something it's a great product because not only is it a bathroom tool but it's a bedroom tool too it doubles baby all right [Laughter] listen listen all right this is listen here's what you do right when you're done jumping on the bed with your partner right and you got you got that deep that finna drip out of the out of the uh you know warp pipe here's what you do right you go from the bedroom into the bathroom and you slap on the luigi and you get that last finna drip out and then baboom listen uh you're good you're good it's a two-in-one shampoo and conditioner get it get it now okay jesus joel well he talked about jesus early already apparently i'm a diabetic warrior so uh uh luigi's toilet plunger powerful toilet unblocker to fit all toilets clears and unblocks with the powerful bellows action 2020 heavy duty edition damn wait a minute fit all toilets and sizes okay it's like thomas edison do one here okay okay that that luigi's a little cursed he's a little off something off with him something off of them man is yeah about that i don't know about these it's a little off it's a little off you know huh uh oh yes luigi just luigi things i you know uh switchblades okay yeah see i got we got a nine inch knife and a half an inch of knife knife uh and right okay uh luigi you've been doing good you did you good there pal you all right doing doing all right all right sounds oh my god robots robots i love robots 2018 remote control robot kyd wait multi-function charge toys boy dance and talent remote control robot for children you just know this thing has one feature and that's being allowed as [ __ ] and dancing and walking into walls and it's just like what is he saying [Music] it takes like [ __ ] 14 you know aa batteries oh god i can i can i can here wait a minute big robot voltron small what not sure what i'm paying for here but what's the usb charge yes just your manipulation go away you don't belong in this family in the mirror get out of here there's a sun force powers okay okay game fun and learning offers a fun and educational way to play okay i uh there is there's a weird mistranslation always happens in english to like like i guess mandarin to to to english or cantonese for that matter uh it's basically the word like fun for somehow like like toys and fun becomes like family education it's always like that it's like family education fun time learn it's like what no it never aligns with like video games other videos are fun no it's like fun funny toy funny toy clown meat you know okay okay listen i i like this but i don't like that they're they are already threatening you with a cacophony of noise with this [Music] epic rap battle okay get them today get them today why not you know let's search for robots let's get some robots from wish robot my dad to this day thinks transformers is robots in the skies uh and i had to correct them many as i'm like no dad it's robots in disguise but he thinks it's the skies uh because back back in the day um uh my dad had like pirated a bunch of tv channels in a really articulated way by cutting the coaxial cable with a pair of scissors really wacky [ __ ] but that allowed swedish television was analog back then uh you could get any channel you wanted so we got every channel ever and there was a thing called sky channel uh and sky channel had like british uh stuff on it which it was uh and some of that stuff was like syndicated transformers and they sometimes showed wrestling and stuff like that and uh whenever whenever transformers came on uh my dad's like oh it was robots in the skies no it's disguise not the sky no no no i've seen this joel no you're objectively wrong no it's the sky argument about this argument about transformers why not all right well your dad is technically right they didn't come from space aka the sky let's just because my dad paid you five dollars doesn't like validate you okay robots in disguise okay oh oh my god we got a roomba oh that's so cute look at that look at that he's trying all right this room was trying goddammit he's really trying to unfortunately i don't like the fact that he's lost a drug addict and he's like vaping yo chill out man yo chill out don't hurt nobody all right just no violence no please joe the top what's going on here what are you seeing that i'm not seeing [Music] sweep suction okay moop okay you know why we know the word moop was the was this was the band in south park where uh where where they started protesting against downloading illegal music and then carpet went off to make a christian rock band and they were protesting as the man moop but who the hell is moop [Laughter] okay we'll put some mustard on the floor well moop takes care of it okay suitable for the ground would you guys like some like background music while i do this segment because i feel like it's so quiet because it's just the stream it's just my voice and nothing else but i i feel like it would be intrusive to have some like smooth jazz or something like that like that's not my [ __ ] vibe how about how about this how about this from in the third time the next time we do this we get the the me channel on repeat at a very low volume so there's like something to go on for because otherwise it's like so dry so beep beep beep beep beep beep beep you know lego island soundtrack all right let's see what other robots we go to speaking of it's transformers look at that too right now can i can i talk transformers here for a second um my favorite transformers show for the very little transformers i've seen is just this one show and i don't know if anybody else feels the same way but i felt that transformers armada was the [ __ ] all right was this [ __ ] because they made star scream a good guy at the very end and they made him a bad guy again remember star trek no star trek [ __ ] star trek our mod is a video game oh my god my brain is melting uh now transformers are mod i was really good and then they followed up with like transformers piece of crap and they made it into like that shitty cel-shaded cgi and it looked so bad yeah what the [ __ ] was that about the transformer strike yeah it's a beast machine so is that it i don't know i well and anyway now i'm not a big like transformers fan but uh let me just tell you this i think the movies are great they uh sorry i i was gonna turn that into a bit but i'm like isn't that a bit in itself i'm like i don't need to see more than that i'm like haha um all right what else do we have here we have uh what's this dog saying this dog needs jesus it's swearing okay yeah [Laughter] now i know i know in japan dogs say one one okay all right i get that in in sweden dogs say woof okay with a voff in america say bork which i've always thought was stupid all right and uh you know i get it but i think it's funny because wang also means uh is so you swear all right well um all right i never go off one of these robots but when i was a kid i always wanted like the what was it called the the dancing robot that's like he had like those like he had three fingers and he was like dancing around stuff so expensive though it always came in uh you know when you got the the christmas catalog stuff and uh you're like oh i want one of these i want one of these you know uh but robo sapien yeah robo sapien was his name and i'm like oh dude i want this [ __ ] get that right also by the way let me let me shout out a whole generation of children okay i want to show this right now i'm going to go through a lego catalog for you guys because i always thought this was [ __ ] i can't find a good uh guys what was what was the lego lego series that was like in space and everything was like a green light uh lego what was it lego space not rock raiders uh lego not not bionicle lego insect lego insectoids okay yeah yeah uh yeah okay well what i'm trying to describe here is every time you got like a christmas catalog of kids playing with a new lego set they always had every [ __ ] piece and they were always playing with their friends and they had everything and they had like and it was all a big [ __ ] scam because your parents can afford one thing and you got like the truck that's it and they always seem to have like the complete set with a background and you're like i want that and you could always like compromise a 16th of that and you're like oh i got the dune buggy you know cause like your parents aren't gonna pay for that [ __ ] but i'm trying to find that i'm trying to find that's kind of catalog of [ __ ] that because i can't really like find just you know the kids just be like oh i got a lego i'm a pirate you know you know i can only find these sex insectors themselves catalog toys r us catalog christmas oh yeah yeah toys our toys are us catalog let go all right that's that's a that's a good idea actually what the hell is this uh [ __ ] traumatizing man what looks like this this giraffe is caught in the and the lights you know he sees his life flash before him well that's it it's seeing a lego oh lord all right well i guess in a way i could connect the the wish thing into uh this but but god damn it i was like but you know what i'm talking about right guys i can't find a good example of it but you know the image of those kids in those [ __ ] christmas catalogs and they're always sitting there with a million [ __ ] pirate pieces and nights and space and you're like i want that mom and you're like well i can get the go-kart yeah yeah you know but it's never what you wanted you know uh like a horrible childhood scars being ripped open okay i have an idea now that we're talking about lego how about we look for lego and wish because i think that could be pretty damn good because you just know that it's going to a little stink how about toy blocks i guess we kind of got legos there lego all right mega bricks oh here we go i'm sorry bullets launchable all right okay okay [Music] okay we have someone in chat that found a picture of what i try to describe here yeah yeah i guess yeah i i this is not specifically that but yeah kind of kind of that stuff but it was it was more like set up rather than i don't know what kind of like stupid crap this because this is like cheap you know this is like cheap but i'm talking about it's like when they when they have the environment around the lego stuff like say you're doing like the lego adventure stuff they did like a waterfall and they did like sand and stuff and like they felt like beyond the lego itself it was a whole background of stuff here's just like yeah we forgot the green screen sorry so ah yeah i mean yeah you kind of get it but you know all right back to guns back to weapons actually you know what i got a background for you right here you go ah wow i sure do love these weapons yeah it's awesome okay super many particulars 3d stereo exquisite packaging now you're going to have to carefully explain to me in detail how i [ __ ] titanic made out of legos emits 3d stereo okay i would say this is kind of like insensitive in a way but then again james cameron has a lot to say anyway for that so uh about for xmas uh looks good for the moony great little [ __ ] uh no english instruction so it's going to be a challenge it's legos it's universal what are you talking about what the whole point of a lego instruction booklet is that it's visually cueing you in on what to do i have never ever seen a goddamn lego instruction that's like and then take this smaller piece rotate it 90 degrees like what the term is called pictographs it's not what about what about the barred ones anyone that voted bad okay it's written in chinese it's pretty good though but it's written in chinese okay okay a lot of germans ah the wall instruction you know it uh i guess this is a birthday gift for my six-year-old nephew who's infatuated by all things titanic by all things titanic what kind of [ __ ] chop whatever he's been wanting a titanic lego set for quite some time now uh they got me caught in the mail the photo opening i realized how many minusculeties minusculeties minisculitis minisculitis realize i'm minisculitis the pieces are so tiny and hard to grasp when sorting and assembling i was expecting something a bit larger and similar to lego's quality and supported by the product if it didn't come from china i'd be returning it okay well audrey i have a bit of a question here why is your six-year-old infatuated by all things titanic um is your son perhaps suffering from minisculitis [Laughter] some kids are like that about about about one of the worst like boat faring tragedies in the world like you six-year-old just gets hooked up on that hello everybody my name is billy and i love the hindenburg and so on okay so apparently this is not real like ghost is a mini legos which you don't specify you know so uh oops well there we go not not real light goes behind you but oh my god okay i know it's just like this is just like a bonus in case you uh lose some heads but this just looks like a human like pile of bones it's like the dungeon the flesh dungeon where like the decapitated executioner just dumps them up in a pile skulls for the skull throne corn okay yeah okay i'm gonna tell you something really funny okay here's what you do right does your love does does your friend love tic tacs well i got the prank of the century oh god ah don't you get it it's funny okay uh wait what but that ain't legos that's like that's like meccano or whatever we in there in there um i mean there okay somebody said that they found the the article thing about the the the legos or whatever let's let's see here yep yep yep yep yep this kind of [ __ ] this kind of [ __ ] well it's missing you know the the three different friends is going yeah you know uh there needs to be three three friends just like yeah yeah but but generally yes this is what i'm talking about this is what i'm talking about you know and it's just so awesome and then you're like oh i want all that and like mom's like you can have one thing what do you want oh i want the ship oh that's like you know 100 that's too much what's in the price range for like a dow letter oh i can get the water oh okay let me tell you something i'm gonna shout you i i actually knew a family that had a basement and they uh they had all this [ __ ] in there and you know what the worst [ __ ] thing was i loved legos as a kid and those little brats they couldn't build for [ __ ] all right they just built random like lovecraftian sculptures that led nowhere and i'm like i at my home i built on a city and uh listen i i even have those green roadblocks that connect to each other and i i i there's a system god damn it you guys are not following you don't deserve all this all right give me it and i i was just so pissed cause i'm like you rich [ __ ] are you have the you have the money in the world to create anything you want and all you do is just like put wheels on a goddamn duck [ __ ] [ __ ] hell it's me so angry still it's like 20 years later but [ __ ] life life in a nutshell back to this you want a shoe okay what what corn flicker okay now unless unless this is an actual character trait that ninjago master wu eats cornflakes is this a joke like does he do this it's real what really so so wait gandalf cornflakes mike no no no no no no no i i no okay we've already had that joke earlier it's real so yeah so he eats cornflakes that that is what he does this is real joe okay well what what the [ __ ] does raiden have to do with cornflakes raiden by the way are you guys seeing the new mortal kombat movie cute people going new mortal kombat movie what to that movie is badly advertised let me tell you really badly advertised because i'm like what new movie coming out yep and it it doesn't even have the in a mortal kombat [Music] 2 holy [ __ ] what i thought was legos okay yeah hmm velvet level boys we got five nights at freddy's that's right the real official licensed stuff okay yeah well there we go oh my what is that well i'm not gonna sleep tonight uh moving on let's see what else we got here what are these wolves what wolves dear polar bear victor creed what ah yes victor my favorite mammoth he doesn't even get a name monster velociraptor brown t-rex not like billy or something like that okay whenever whenever think of this very specific dinosaur i know there's like some some real dino freaks in [ __ ] but i just remembered as these these guys as the ones that spit from jurassic park and i always think of that that guy um i i didn't say the magic word ah ah newman yes you guys want to watch your rusty park i haven't done that in a while when i saw i saw actually someone with anthro i saw because we had nothing to do when we were we're going to see a metal show and would like no i don't know i think the parking ticket first were like we parked the car and we had like two hours to go until we had the leaves are like we've got nothing to do in the city let's watch a movie and he watched the most recent jurassic park movie and that movie was like it was awesome really bad because at one point in that movie the the super velociraptor blinks at the camera like pink like he's breaking the fourth wall he's winking to the audience do you guys remember this i'm not going crazy am i here my voice is cracking can you can you tell my voice is about to [ __ ] kill you show this on stream okay yeah dude i i've i've i've talked too much tonight i've talked too much tonight and i'm always always strained on my uh wait hang on victor creed is the name of sabretooth from x-men they think his name is the english translation for sabretooth tiger holy [ __ ] that is that is okay optic blast damn that that is that is that's a machine called translation that that's what i'm talking about i like that i like that can't get any more dinosaurs that are called like uh mr bill billy bob i guess they're also very specific now but okay i shouldn't want them to say like pikachu okay um oh that's pretty good well here we go this is still say no that's a saber wolf that's a severe wolf so they they fixed it they fixed it they actually fixed it this time saber roof uh well oh my god you want i want a gorilla you want a gorilla to smash up your lego city well you i got one okay yeah monkey see here's what i want to do all right if i own lego stuff i just make this like monkey rampage i just have i have what i never go to my childhood i don't want every piece and i just have this half destroyed city and i'd also buy the piece of all those this did this that this detached heads and the monkey is just decapitating the lego island citizens and putting him in a giant like flesh pit you know all all because man did not respect nature he did not get banana camel all right well most of it is like half legit i go i guess you would say oh wait this one was a [ __ ] document that once i had when i was a kid was was great not great green yeah these were the [ __ ] man these were the [ __ ] oh yeah they were cheap too so you can buy a ton of them you know but if you're a real og if you were a real og you didn't even get this [ __ ] you know you had the the carpet you had the rug with the city on it and it just makes them like little little crap carving you know desperation desperation i'm the joker baby that's what i'm talking about uh it's actually pretty good i was i was [ __ ] around with my dad um he was watching the joker movie and then he was also watching like yeah aquaman aquaman yeah and i i said to my dad i got i was like i was [ __ ] around and i said like so what did you think with about joker and aquaman what would you say was the more impactful movie and he's like what i'm like well you know i really thought that aquaman touched a lot of deep themes about society because i felt i felt the fish really represented us you know the working class and i felt you know the the people in atlantis what was the upper class and i felt joker didn't really touch upon like the deeper subjects i mean really the joker is just like a big musical that accidentally got filmed and from just a minute there had my dad going like hey yes shrimp society okay what okay i see lego's going on a weird path okay uh is that is that a is that a mcdonald's is that a lego mech this isn't real hell you light up in the dark no no no no no yeah we got the mcdonald's ambulance hey we need a 50 cc's of big mac sauce mcdonald's and you usb yeah this this this this ain't right this ain't a chief mcdonald's you know you know it's always a i mean i've told you all about the mcdonald's story like 100 years ago but if you really want to get like a weird little like uh microcosm of how different people are going to mcdonald's at like 3 a.m on a friday and the gremlins come out at that point it's like you don't want to be at mcdonald's at that hour and i feel bad if you have to because it feels really uncomfortable because you're like either it's really awesome people you meet that are just like uh somehow ending up at mcdonald's or you it's like people that you are looking for a fight and it's always when they're looking at you like hey hey man having a good night i said all my life i've always had to like i'm gonna get real with you right i i i know how to like um when there are crazy people around me in real life i am exceptionally good at bullshitting that i'm on their side and trying to like stay calm and like see like hey man no you have a point man and they're like you know you just want to stab you and they're always like oh man that's that's awesome and you want to stab me tell me what you've been doing tonight man like you have to just like stall them and you have to like distract them long enough that you're like oh [ __ ] my boss is here like what the worst is when you're like on a public transport or something like you're on like on a bus or something like that and you're sitting next to someone that's just like looking at you like you're a cheeseburger and you're like haha you know and you just have to like pretend to be their friend for like 10 minutes how many times has happened to you jesus at too many [ __ ] times a lot of times in school actually you know like the school teaches a lot of things one of them not to get stabbed i guess oh god all right um okay this one is great this one is great i kind of i kind of like this kitty cat look at that look at that you know what you know why this is the greatest thing is the fact that because this is lego you could theoretically put a sombrero on him a little mustache a little tequila or whatever you know sky is the limit pit road wait what is this what the joker battle training this is really that that batman ain't looking so good huh okay uh i've got a little mario too uh man i'd love to stream some more for you guys but my voice is like legitimately giving up i like my you usually don't hear my voice breaking that much but like uh it's it's singing on its last last last chords here oh my god that ain't real all right that ain't [ __ ] steve all right i no no no that what that that looks bootleg as [ __ ] it is but the colors are off okay now let's let's officially clarify something before we move on from this steve's is this a mouth or a beard i've always seen it as a smile like hmm happy but it could also be like here's my mouth here's my beard you know both i guess i guess it's interpretative i guess if you're an adult that plays minecraft it's a beard if you're a little kid you're like you know happy i don't know whatever whatever that's why art is in the eye of the beholder you know aren't you serious i was just doing a palpatine joke i was just doing a palpatine joke one of these days we're watching um the one of the early internet memes was do not want and that stemmed from a mistranslated early uh chinese to english translation of uh revenge of the sith and there's uh there's it's on youtube right now it's it's a mistranslation it's called a backstroke of the west look into this if you want uh it's it's a pretty damn good one it's full of swearing and like random garbage and one of these days we are going to uh uh watch this thing it's on youtube so you know that's pretty good that's pretty good with spiderman a spider robot but this is japanese spiderman changed leo pardon now all right this guy's good got a little snake buddy collect all 16 wait what what what what what what's the series is this i like how like this means like represent all countries and then you got like a californian surfer guy yeah yeah i see i see him i see him joel on the left shh okay hmm i mean it's like half official half is crap i think there's a magic keyboard to really find what you want here like if you really want to look for if you want to look for shitty legos you have to like go for mega bloks or like you have to go for like funny brick [ __ ] like that what is this taco tuesday guy lego island movie is that is that is that nachos what okay why can't the lego movie be about this guy yeah you know oh it's just cheese blocks of cheese okay by the way i i have discovered that i don't like sandwiches with bread okay when it's 3 a.m most of the time i just want the cheese i don't want the bread or the bologna or anything i just want like one cheese one cheese and then i'm just okay i'm good i see a lot of people doing question marks right now but if you're one of the few select people that relate to what i'm talking about i'm talking about that feeling when you're waking up at 2am and you don't want to make any food so instead you take a fork and you just stab the pickle jar with it and you get a like pickle and then you just like eat a cheese and a pickle but not like a sandwich just like yeah let me have a little like but face standing up for like [ __ ] you do when you're sleepwalking you know but uh serial killer food okay rat man streamer well okay you know my dad does that [ __ ] well they calling me old you call me a pickle dad now listen listen i i'm not far enough on the deep end where i'm like okay now i'll just like because i i i hear people drinking pickle jars juice which is baffling like that is the that is the snusk residue okay absolutely not absolutely no i did that on the desert bus string because you guys were like try it and i did it i'm like okay by the way i discovered never put bacon in an air fryer just tastes dry and hair horrible don't do what uh china so i was like no no that's how you spell that okay well is that episode one lego stuff yes it is yes it is is this a real lego lego brickheadz the bunny of isaac what is this yes 141 dollars [ __ ] i come to where should i buy cheap crap not to like have my financial my financial uh assets completely annihilated it's almost 200 jesus christ man noah no no no no no i do not think so i do not think so when i found out about lego i'll say this i know a lot of people [ __ ] about that lego nowadays are more like franchises rather than like back in the 80s and 90s lego was all about like here is the pirate set here is the knight set which i do agree with but like i mean i think on the contrary i would say if you are a child and you're full of imagination it probably would have been like no listen this isn't the avengers this is hulk with a gun and his name is joey you know so i don't know hey all right oh there he is there's that stinky daddy looks terrible yeah i know it's kind of scary yeah it got extinct guys wait what what was that in the back hey he's not done yet he's not done he's not done oh yeah i heard about this the the lego nes entertainment system but oh [ __ ] thousand dollars all right listen guys we can we can head down to hawaii for a weekend and we can have on all expenses paid trip hotel breakfast in bed all that [ __ ] or you can get a lego nintendo vinnie pop one yeah but vinnie i don't think bought it for a thousand dollars because it's 500 off what a steal the official price is only 250 i guess it's like scalping price all right well i'm gonna do one last item here and we're gonna do super quickly here we go play playstation five let's go let's see if we got playstation fives i really doubt this but here we go anyway here we go anyway why the hell not and oh my god look at this we got we actually got a playstation 5 for a thousand dollars i mean 999.99 uh all right hmm from demo deep i have not received it yet but which is a good place to shop from you thank you guys well i don't know about that timothy because you're paying out your ass for it and it's the digital version too so um i don't know about that anybody else know okay hmm oh there's the ii12 listen you you you own this and people come over to your place they take one look at it and they're thrown to the floor and just orgasmic ecstasy and fear because they know they're in the presence of a weed gamer they are peasants among kings what does the text say a talk no take a talk and all your worries go up and smoke i got you a million jokes but something about chivos let's see what people are saying my my man loved it a real quick just like the pics nothing i bought this for my son okay it's a sticker but it's pretty cool definitely worth the buy oh i thought emily emily thought she was getting a weed weed station five and she's like oh [ __ ] just a sticker god damn it it's like those people that buy the playstation a box on ebay and they get it they're like that's a scam you know this is unbelievable uh anyone that says no any any norks okay he sent me a polar bear cooler bag instead damn fred you got onolice you got dusted son what okay uh yeah okay but i don't know man you got upgraded man can't complain about that [ __ ] polar bear cooler bag i'm down to clown with that come on they get my order it's it's lema [Music] my boyfriend wore this for a few days and the color came off rust and left a mark on his shirt we aren't happy about this product at all well layla uh see i think the problem is that you guys are uh you know you smoke too much weed that your your your your your senses have fried to the point where like oh bro what's going on i'm a playstation okay not the best what's it also got here wasn't the right size it sucks is there no no one that complains about the actual aesthetics of the item like you know like maybe jesus christ when you smoke weed or something like that uh oh anita i didn't expect what i got because i thought it's a video tv game anita for [ __ ] sake i need uh i mean for eight dollars i need a for [ __ ] sake i mean just and you know like do you want to call a doctor did you hit your head did he get bashed in from like truck or something tv gamers was in the 90s oh okay let's see what else we got here we got g's okay you guys remember when the red ring of death was going around for the 360. people were developing and creating cooler stations for the 360 which actually contributed more to the depth of the console like it overheated the [ __ ] instead of actually cooling it down so it was like a like a like a kill machine for him unbelievable yeah yeah you remember that yeah people threw wet towels on me i heard about that but i didn't want to do that on mine because i'm like wow this is going to be like a a joke and i'm hitting now i'm just going to be drenching my my damn like xbox with with water and it's just um do you guys have like local tech shops tech shops that always buy these like knockoff game boy thousand and ones and they always advertise it without telling the casual consumer that it's oh this isn't like aliexpress [ __ ] and like welcome back to the retro days are you ready to kick it off with mario again we too at coolstuff.com time to jump it up again with this retro console remember your childhood now in a portable package like like you [ __ ] it's just a knockoff famiclone [ __ ] i hate that they do that they do that here they do that here i'm like i can tell i can tell what it is don't sell me family clones hey did you know that soldier boy's back this year by the way with a new [ __ ] like aliexpress console i am dead serious look it up he's back in action baby he won't quit it's like fool me once look at this look at this watch watch your local tech shop you know party with mario and his pals on this retro console full of favorites and it's all like duck and tank [ __ ] like that oh yeah okay okay okay nintendo connect playstation mario eating watermelon you're right you're red oh multi-color button that's a feature that is a feature by the way soft to play see we made our we made the plastic mold here we uh we made a cranberry sauce because it was cheap uh let's see if we got tomb raider we got cabal we got uh the same thing again all right let's see if there is suckers here that's our tribute to the classic let's see if anybody's like wow remember my childhood with this oh god uh so far kind of clunky but it's from the old days so perfect for retro yeah yeah yeah [Music] some weird recorded games in there that parents wouldn't approve of but works right charlie is charlie from always sunny is that what he's spelling like this some weird recorded games in there that parents who don't approve of but works right are you talking about sex stress buddy okay maybe they talk about like ghost sex sex ghostbusters and stuff like that okay i can probably recommend buying this one wish if you don't care and like an hdmi splitter not that you wouldn't need anything advanced but you probably buy this and get it get get away with it but don't buy a smart watch okay don't do that uh let's see what else we got my mouth is so dry you're probably telling my voice too i've been streaming for too long i've been streaming for four hours four hours actually holy crap all right well i'll tell you what ladies and gentlemen i would like to do some more wish stuff but i think we're gonna call it for today and before we do it next week more of this stuff uh i don't want to do some mario kart with you guys tomorrow in fact but four hours already didn't that [ __ ] fly by that was like ba-boom you know i was like oh i've been streaming for like one hour i guess but four [ __ ] hours well time flasher when you're having fun on wish but next time we do wish i definitely think we should actually get some sort of like uh let's write down a list of things to maybe buy and then i can actually ship them here but i'm not going to buy like funny cornflake cyanide pills and like intense grease butthole slip and slide fountain like i'm not gonna buy that but if it's like nes stuff or stuff like that i could actually use for stream i might give that a consideration but uh yeah we next time we do wish uh we might do that or um might buy some diabetes shirts because i'm a diabetes warrior i guess but uh yeah hey hey let me tell you before i go this thing right here i own this i have owned this for years and this playstation controller that i use on stream is hooked into this this thing has served me for [ __ ] many years it's very good this this thing is kick-ass it's very nice it's it's tight uh it's very nice very nice but you don't need a [ __ ] gamecube driver disc okay but yeah this one is legit in fact i would say this when you're buying these cheap shitty playstation 2 knockoff don't buy these buy a real places you placing two controller and get one for seven dollars hook that piece of [ __ ] in and you're back all right get that all right don't buy buy buy it for like a hundred dollars or whatever no no but uh i have it in part two as [ __ ] yeah i don't blame you but the thing i use it for seems to be working pretty well so you know anyway we're gonna call it there everybody thank you so much for watching the the wish dumpster diving it's always a little fun to go and into this world of weird foreign mistranslations and whatever you might call it definitely a lot of fun i'm not actually gonna call it here for the stream tonight i was gonna do like a little bit more but uh considering how trashy my voice has been tonight i don't think that uh my vocal cords would be happy you know i'm dying so i'm gonna call here everybody in fact i'm also gonna save the art for tomorrow because tomorrow is a proper return of mario kart saturday i have everything set up right in fact tomorrow might be a double switch saturday quote unquote because uh i am finally returning to smash because i want to see minecraft steve i want to see all that fun stuff and uh you know hey but anyway uh i'm gonna call it here thank you so much for watching everybody i wanna say uh thank you for enjoying the uh stream uh thank you for enjoying the stream and there was one more thing i want to show off before we go and i lost it nope guys bonus segment bonus segment wish cause i saved this you know earlier i was talking about weight loss pills i finally found it ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen 2018 hot sale chinese medicine slimming diets weight loss strongest slim patch pods detox adhesive sheet yes you can you can also go more bald i guess an old like do you want to do you have want to have more hair and have a beer gut or do you want to be more in shape but you have gray hair okay i want to do a visual ha ha [Laughter] all right all right we're gonna call it here thanks a lot for watching everybody uh i will see you tomorrow with mario kart and all that jazz and and yeah hey guys you want some balding pills all right all right let's call here everybody uh let's see us live so i can host them uh let's see here we got uh germa's ending uh so i'm not gonna host germa but uh all right well vijay bumps live he's streaming he's throwing me some uh streaming some stuff so go check out the video bomb but uh yeah anyway uh before i go uh remember that be on the lookout for a the best of 2020 uh hard work hard hard video i worked on and it'll be released soon and windows destruction is also following up on that which is divine os instruction from two years ago now actually this is it's been dragging behind but you know but anyway we're gonna call it here as i said i'll see you soon vincent's dot chrome twitch tv slash team says fine so for all that jazz uh and uh yeah enjoy video bomb tip of the day is tip of the day tip of the day is never underestimate the power of potatoes all right i've said this before but god damn man if you have potatoes everything is right in the world cheap as [ __ ] all right listen don't buy ramen if you're a poor college student all right ramen is expensive it actually is man like they always oh you know no no no no i tell you man potatoes are cheaper man and they fill you up better too you can fry potatoes you can boil potatoes you can make [ __ ] alcohol out of it buy potatoes and you know what on top of that buy rice too and especially by eggs get get base ingredients not based paste ingredients that are way better because if you buy processed ramen and all that stuff it's actually more costly man if you just buy pasta pasta pasta as is is is less expensive than than that but you probably have to buy some other stuff with it but all i'm saying is ramen it ain't that cheap you know based on ingredient peeled all right anyway i'll see you soon thanks for watching you know i'll see you soon as i said bye [Music] [Music] foreign oh [Music] oh
Channel: Vargskelethor Uncut: Full Joel Streams
Views: 190,664
Rating: 4.9448447 out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, joel, full, stream, unedited, playthrough, part, vargskelethor, wish, dumpster, diving, among, us, amogus, luigi, mario, playstation 5, fake, bootleg, china, shopping, shop, glup shitto, sus, phone, 5g, garfield, meme, memes, lego, duke, nukem, toad, nintendo, console, consoles, garbage, trash, pile, robot, dr phil, legos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 210min 51sec (12651 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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