[Vinesauce] Joel - Windows Vista Destruction ( FULL STREAM Part 2 )

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oh hello all right so hey hey hello so this will be Park - I guess it would say still not done with this stall but I want to give a little bit of a little bit of a speech I guess before we start this thing off now this is post charity stuff and you know I wanted to do a little bit more on the actual charity event with the witness destruction but uh yeah I I i two hours for me well went by so quick that I'm like why it's it's over now you know but yeah so just like last year it extended into several other days which for me again Here I am but yeah the charity event I had so much fun doing and you guys probably had a lot of fun watching it too but I I did the windows destruction there and I also the divine wrestle thing but uh yeah we're gonna be resuming this tonight and there's not gonna be any time limit because we scheduled stuff you know when we they don't charity event but this time it's unscheduled you know it's it's it is what it is but uh yeah all right we're out of the get-go I forget what the what the final amount was this year for the charity but I believe it was around 130 K for charity with t-shirt sales in total which is incredibly impressive and you know the the amount of effort hoody and the mods and everybody volunteering put into this year it's been nothing 137 huh that is not bad well as I said the work that was put into this the effort and the the the amount of dedication from everybody was just astounding you're just amazing you know i-i-i i did my part but you know everybody came together and and did such an amazing thing once again the PCRF we're doing this for PCRF you know we do with these do this each year and this year was just another amazing success and we raised 137 137 thousand you know that that is no small task so amazing work everybody I am glad I am proud to be part of this I couldn't have been more happy with it and you know this is gonna start crying nah but I will say this I I thank you all again for tuning in year after year to our charity event if you haven't already you know if you missed it I you know the streams of that will go up soon I am unrelated Lee snuffleupagus in in my nose I am NOT I am not crying but I am however as I said extremely happy once again to do these charity event streams and you know but yeah if you haven't already I would say thank hoody thank all the mods all the other streamers and you know what else can I say except good job all right well well well as I said amazing stuff anyway I I want to I want to resume here I want to do the the continued Venice the entails distraction I know why I'm like this tonight but I am but anyway we're gonna resume this now and you're probably wondering what are we doing tonight this wanted to show off a little bit of this in that that we're gonna show last time well and you're gonna you're gonna see now we have no we have no I'm just gonna do this on myself you know I don't even know how long the stream is gonna run tonight see we'll see we'll see alright hang on let me get this done it's all you guys doing tonight huh are you doing good well I hope so oh that's that's no wait god I should really just get another monitor huh I really should like one for my actual PC and one for the the one on emulating right professionals always you know right there we go now now let's let's do this I had out of weird day today I tried you know what I did today you know what I did today I tried a Scottish soda called item blue and it was fantastic I don't know if there's any Scottish viewers here tonight but wow I tried it and I I absolutely loved it iron Bru it's like a cream soda kind of deal very good very very good her ask me a little bit of a of a Swedish moment that's called port hello anyway let's crack your knuckles and yes now I'll tell you this last time on this on this stuff we we have now tried out lorax bonds of five iris now rather off the get-go I'll sell you this this is part two there is going to be a part three that's not gonna be very particularly long but larec is in the process of making just a little cherry on top of the sundae but this will be part two you know but anyway so last time I tried lurex bonds if I virus out and you know you can't you can't expect nothing less from The Wizard of viruses himself but yeah tonight we're gonna try something a little bit more wild little bit more spicy maybe shouldn't reveal it yet but let's just say that uh that ballsy buddy [ __ ] that crap out of here alright now we're playing with the big boys or in the big leagues let's just say that uh has to do with something that's been in the news lately a lot of grandmas down look a little bit too many toolbars and accidentally waking up in the morning be like what's good what you read somewhere I said too much ah but anyway we're gonna do that later we're not gonna we're not gonna do that now let's just chill out let's crack your knuckles and download some stuff right alright anyway do you want to close this gadget you know I'll see it isn't true that like Windows 10 does not come with what do you call it a clock like gadgets like it discontinued gadgets right well that's that's awful I don't really like to get it's like I they're kind of like a actual useful like [ __ ] you download you know but uh hmm they got rid of yeah they did oh that's awful man that's awful anyway so I have a little bit of a challenge for myself what I want to do here tonight I want to go on download calm because you know you know you know how you know how we do I forgot I had fightcade open I'm sorry wait oops let's try out again Thanks I'm playing Committee fighting games off stream huh well anyway we're back on this so danlove calm I'll say this some people some people might argue with me about this that download calm is like I legit psych that is not bad but I'm just gonna disprove that right now well I mean theoretically what you could do is you could use like downloaded the most downloaded stuff but yeah it's when you go back in the archive and download like you know cool dot exe that's when you oh my god this is taking like forever Wow okay well hey it used to be good but [ __ ] now really yeah cool cool dot exe all right maybe should download a different browse or something oh my god my god how about that huh give me some Bing place yeah thanks all right I'll say this I'll say this which is a little bit of a shame but I think that okay what the [ __ ] is the update [ __ ] what is this yo accidentally click on like a like a Bing virus oh oh yeah this yeah give me that but they take clogged Telly's [ __ ] went into the sewers already huh uninstall okay first of all here's a little weird thing here's here's all this [ __ ] in Swedish right like hang adeney Bergy Bergy meet the bells moose and suddenly uninstall its like the one word that is universal they said all right maybe we can't even trash like that all right maybe that'll trick the Swedes maybe they can't even speak English and that's the one will distract them from you know [Music] [Laughter] these guys these guys come on what pal oh okay yeah yeah sure all right I'm sad I can't I'm sad there's no like scam software on okay look at all this do you guys know about fake fake VLC and fake winrar and stuff like that do you guys know about that let me pull this up it's really funny uh so there's this store somewhere this is store somewhere that sells software on my actual disks I think I've shown this some year but it's really funny hang on here here we go yeah there's a store out there that does this - three dollars three dollars oh my god alright anyway I've shown that before but yeah hmm not sure how legal that would be but probably should not do that but how ironic is it that if you if you would if you got a disc with utorrent on it then how are you gonna do download torrents of emailing or whatever but Chirag I'll get fake VLC absolutely yeah sure sure thing VLC updates checker yeah this has got to be some some real krappa whoa whoa whoa mama what the what the price yo I was making a joke about haha selling like software that's free whoa whoa whoa that's that's 50 crowns mama oh do not trust this send send 88 what how I stumble upon it what is this crap all right so check this out they're asking needed like send a phone message and I got a code back and through that code I can now download VLC oh that's dirty how about this just yeah Wow okay it's just a supplier credit card oh my god all these dudes and this is like front page of being a goddamn oh well that's rough man oh my god was I looking for again oh you have Firefox but Wow and when I watch these dudes pay to get that [ __ ] huh oh mama it's been really that terrible it's being really that terrible like seriously wow that's that's a lot of money too yeah yeah you know yeah it really is that huh I'm sure you guys are all laughing at me at my silly language right that's not an a that's not all mama teeth let me teach you some goddamn goddamn sweet talk all right listen so this is not static it's school da school done and then open of eben event but Addis - whoa come to God on together there Thanks all right anyway yeah sure you mean some lift yeah yeah yeah and then now that we have Firefox and finally go get on download.com and we can what's wrong with my nose tonight we can finally we can finally download some some Christmas trees scat all right thanks yeah yeah I'll get all that Thanks anyway what was I saying oh yeah I was trying out the the Scottish soda called autumn breeze ooh and it was really good well I look at Firefox it's all professional now huh but that's about to change let me tell you hang on let me just fix that on screen there we go all right mama ah yes CNET download all right well well well hmm wonder what we can search for today how long how long how about this how about this driver update there isn't gonna be waiting for that for now we're gonna download how about give me some suggestions give me some system of cubed fosters download how about sweet no cool spicy uh yeah it's cool what would cool again get us cool cursors perhaps I don't know cool cool Sudoku for two dollars though I don't know about that oh I don't know about that oh cool desk I'll get that I don't know what it is fell back to no I'll take it I guess secure download yeah I'm sure it's all secure fidgets spinner 3d background yeah I'm sure there's some virus makers out there that have totally capitalized on the the the coolest toy trends you know fidget spin dot exe you know all right well cool desk mama all right yeah yeah sure I'll get that cool disc oh I had a great idea oh I have a great idea you know we should do which a download YouTube alright although it's like download you this will install cool disc yeah oh this looks older than like dinosaur bones what is this error I don't care ignore a CIA if you ignore the promise like an ostrich situation never gonna really works flawlessly right yeah this works correctly on the I have done something bad at this computer that's for a moment I thought I thought my my computer was about to blow up and this was like the last battle music it scared the [ __ ] out of me thanks for thunder you give me a heart attack Wow ah alright cool desk is this even gonna run it's like so all this no no it's so only one even worked oh my god I I oh I got so scared a virtual desktop man let's get something more modern though I display share mouse soft expand okay well how about this how about this we search for YouTube but what will happen I'm sorry I'm serious I'm gonna download all of YouTube expired scams yeah it's like all the milk you know it's like you know I know YouTube is all a lot of these YouTube downloaders are just gonna be terrible and then we're gonna see if we can run it a secondhand mr. administrator perhaps it works no it just doesn't even work remotely cool desk uh-huh better desktop tool there there was a I remember a god what was that called there used to be this this this super cool and I mean that very ironically very cool a program back in the day where you could make your your actual desktop all 3d with the icons you could drag her and what's like I'm like a visualizer I guess it would call it but what was it called like like like a window to to time tube mate oh oh oh oh oh mama YouTube dot X see okay yeah yeah bump top before it bump top let me let me see if that's right for a second bump top really it was BOM table look at this oh my god here it is I used to you [ __ ] use this thing it's it's all very cool right you're like wow look at this I can have half life on my desktop and all that and you can drag it around and stuff like that until you actually you said and you're like no I'd rather just be using my actual a computer desktop like yeah anyway let's let's get this on screen here you status well yeah it's not it's not it's not bad it's not a scammer like yet nothing that [ __ ] download already but yeah what I when I use today I I just want to like put a bunch of like games on my desktop and kind of like play with them but well that's a contradiction right yeah you can play games but yeah it need to find the route the cause of slow Network yeah absolutely because this is this oh my god okay here we go put it up pop pop pop pop but taking forever never a YouTube dot yet see setup oh hell is this yeah I'll allow it by you [Music] mumble oh that can't be good yeah yeah hooked me up at YouTube when you scan software so smiley in it you know it's good alright come on is you're not you know I've been hiding at this point huh all right you know what you know what I want to search for uh raccoon eating grapes because that is my favorite of all in the name what the hell no it's not yep on the internet what are you talking about what the [ __ ] is this what is this garbage donate oh I I don't think we're gonna click on that oops donate link just this goes to porn [Laughter] uh there goes twitch anyway interesting so it seems that the the guy who donates to this go straight to like play ball exe and I've said this before but uh back in the day I'll tell the story because they love this but back in the day the worst web site on the planet would be xxx calm and I would used to do this thing where I would go into the the computer Hall right at school and I were just like frenetically like a little hacker like I'm talking Deus Ex I would just be like and he's xx comm xx to calm exercise calm nothing is as scary as this voice right now it's like a demon from Hell make a stop and there were just feel like 15 15 nipples on screen but uh alright but this is YouTube da da what what the hell so this I guess he's gonna donate to to dis porn site sure but all right hmm I gave me some comedy please please by all means I'm gonna be very suspicious of this I'm gonna search for something and I hope I don't get nudes on screen I don't like that no not one bit all right well it seems this program does not work at all so I believe we have downloaded some absolute to trash tonight hmm let's see what else is out there in terms of YouTube how about I download super YouTube download YouTube gotcha gotcha this one has one rating this one has a 4.5 rating if YouTube dot X is rated high I don't I'm not sure what this one is gonna be if oh oh you know this guy has it down I can't open it another night I can't open it and don't know how so no clue prose yeah constantly I I think I'll download this YouTube yeah I'll download YouTube today alright sticky notes now but it what is what is that like calendar thing on your desktop Raine lender I think it's called uh that wasn't it actually too bad but alright now I'm gonna get blasted with more Swedish ads no thank you no thank you no no gadgets and widgets frustrated with network performance yeah yeah yeah I'm rainmeter there we go there we go what's rain blender alright well download this sure for my computer go faster if I have this minimum night Oh widget oh it's not like oh wait works on my desk it's actually a widget thing okay okay sure sure I see why that person couldn't open it up rain lenders like the Highlander you know it rainmeter huh sure we get bumped op yes like that's a joke like we can just do it anyway you know it's not bad and I want to give bump top [ __ ] you know I I'm Jen a series like it's not bad alright the what was that YouTube spider okay which one looks the most suspicious to you guys download YouTube I'll try this one out I'll try this one out all right I wonder if this one is there is this the one we just tried terrible problem wait a minute pros terrible alright well well if this one is as we should try not only downloading YouTube we should download twitch and see what happens hmm they also check out the website everything is terrible calm I love that site there we go it's terrible there we go download netflix it's it and now I heard a story about this but is it true that you can you can actually get American Netflix in Europe if you like use a VPN or whatever oh my god this looks terrible and you can suddenly get all the shows you actually want to watch and not just like you know Swedish man buys butter the movie you can oh god that's oh no no no no no don't do that again please it's failing I don't know why I guess we're not downloading that one then YouTube spider to get YouTube spider I guess they ban you for that oh really organized look too terrible I give this a try I mean of course it's got like 24 votes though but does not work stupid alright I know I should avoid this one but I think we I think we already hit the magnum opus of these terrible YouTube downloaders right you know it says this is unrelated yeah this is unrealism ad don't you hate when when they do that in fact I'll give you an example of what just happened to me like Oh doesn't look too bad but alright I give you an example of oh it's frustrating sometimes these websites trick you alright so so when I edit YouTube videos I'll give an example of this to mp4 the actual what happened me the other day like unintentional windows destruction I know but check this out so I was doing this I was doing this and suddenly this kind of happened I'm like okay no okay this is actually not the right type for it this is it I think I was trying to download AAA YouTube thing like this and something terrible happened I'll give you an example I'm open up new link I'm gonna do uh cuz can't you can't take my my one true love video for me alright I love this video here we go raccoon eats grape this is little hands there we go and go Thanks all right so what I was doing I did this okay okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah please yeah yeah yeah I'll have him eating in the background oh my god you won't believe how sexy this online really start making a thousand a day the hottest Viking game is shocking the well I will always enjoy the sound of our [ __ ] in the background as I download ads anyway so I was doing this no III apologize this is the wrong website hang on well here's the right website its youtube to mp3 right this is the real trash website you'll see what I mean mp4 is reliable this one is not I'll show you an example hang on I think this might be it uh-huh the the this Russian man is whispering things to me I don't know how to react to it alright thanks thanks well this download now you know and I think I'm on the wrong website actually that website is fine yeah I think so too it's that one very specific one that I that I that I hate as I'm already getting blasted with ads here and I'm not even sure I can open these up cuz they might be awful links so let me just supply it okay you know you no no no stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop alright wait okay there we go Thanks no this is not the one it's one of these stupid websites that are so bad they oh no no I remember now are you check this out this is the trash this is the trash website the other one is fine actually you said but here's the thing what happened was I try to download this one video on YouTube dollar mp3 or whatever and they have a download limit they have a download limit so once you reach like ten minutes per day you are forced to like do another website right and what essentially happened was I went to this site and suddenly I'm greeted with I'm gonna sure make this is okay first oh but you'll see what I mean you'll see what I mean this one is real garbage I'm not sure using a shark is okay so it's just a croissant this is really nasty right so get this this download thing download and download hmm I guess I use this one Hey okay this is it's this raccoon eating grapes it's this is this the video absolutely find lyrics to popular oh yeah radio rage alright that was that was the whole punch on under that that thing uh as I said it's those like double double links you know it's like what I clicked on and suddenly it's this like who do I want this - yeah yeah yeah yeah it's like what one oh you're almost done am I am I now okay okay yeah YouTube spider radio rage can I listen to the radio now what's this music videos music fun tune tune fine play music Pandora music news billboard.com hype machine hmm music fun if I'm moment I thought this was this was like to ask cheeks together I'm like all can't show that but yeah that one side is terrible because it does that to you and yeah mmm not a fan of this site let me tell ya this black eye black hat yeah you're nothing but but oh look now it's a star comma interesting very interesting it seems that this computer is already infected with crap activate Windows now and then and then and then and then and I don't know I don't need no official stuff here alright let's let's see if twitch works twitch let's just see it blesses you what we get you know it's like a shot in the dark but yeah interesting Windows customer experience Improvement Program and about that I wonder if this actually like software out there that like tricks you into watching twitch on on super twitch that's right twitch please but will you work hard Facebook we download Facebook dot exe twitch and YouTube this is it working I can't tell go do it yes super twitch but exit out these other links as my browser is already lagging like crazy oh yeah well I can already tell you that that it's not supposed to be this slow you know it could it be could it be this little little bastard right here I had something to do with it now I really doubt it but still still in but what's this where do you come from improve my brain the science behind what what are used to say what does Jeremy say I'm in training daily for the past month and notice dramatic improvements in my everyday cognitive abilities and KJ I'm absolutely hooked on the brain games I remember things more easily and I think faster really no gets your brain Breyer hmm but Leslie since starting Lumosity I find that I'm alert the more alert and acquire new skills more easily a little do you know that that this is the dog talking Leslie this is not Leslie this is Leslie alright thanks now could I please get super twitch how many times have I clicked this guy's my god alright thanks timely oh oh whoa I only watched twitch origins oh oh there is like scammy twitch stuff - its mania oh no there is wait so like getting scammed on twitch ah well okay now now how of a meta ba-boom are we gonna get if I download a scam twitch program and I suddenly wash my own streams like through a service oh my god well let's give it a shot for this one works is its iOS but alright this might work but let's let's scroll down and see what else we can find here in the list twitch deception that's right all right uh all twitch viewer Oh No BRR jam streamer Explorer top games all right bird Jesus emoji keyboard Twitch heavier felt oh okay what the channel utilities all right I'm gonna filter this so it's only Windows by the way cuz I don't want to be downloading like it Mac stuff you know here we go that's better alright twit twitch ten edge twitch a video downloader yeah I'll get cool sure thing absolutely gain strength oh oh now we're getting into the [ __ ] vid downloader gamer station Chris Chris deal Kiwi streamer house interesting download now now I have to ask is there any poor soul out there who actually uses download calm because if they do ooh you know I gotta say love ya bye probably no no not anymore yeah here we go we saw something earlier that was like actually twitch related wasn't it yeah there we go you got a rumor Downton close down these tabs when I'm doing these streams because I I realize how how how energy consuming this is for the PC your dad uses it yeah all right here we go unofficial twitch apps maybe this one is really good twitch viewer for Windows 10 now let's try twitch 10z twitch edge twitch give it a short maybe it's actually good maybe it's actually good maybe I'm just making fun of it and suddenly boom it's good twitch 1000k sternal download site if it's external it actually leads to its website it might not be bad it might not be bad it might not be bad honestly I'll download this though alright well thanks Hulu it's not like a thing to watch Family Guy Family Guy on Hulu is it am I thinking on the wrong thing a 404 huh improve my brain well I'm rotting my brain downloading this so maybe I really should oh oh Oh what whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa where'd this come from attention speed problem-solving it's this with my brain everything will be just great here you know thanks I yeah I'm good thank you twitch 10 yeah that's what I downloaded annoy okay whoo let's go yeah let's go Hulu all right anyway Bob Wayne there's gotta be boot like shitty Netflix services like you know twitch is a bit of a stretch here but uh only for me yeah like you man I'm only doing this to download call me I really must show off how bad this website can be but yeah okay here we go this doesn't look too bad download delete tasks download but let me let me see if I can do this this might not be a bad thing you never know download uh uh look at that it works sort on the sort of right what let's see if it doesn't ask me for like credit card details as soon as we get done aah pop pop pop pop the where is it dollar folder oh oh oh demons huh Oh what are these noises no no no no no no no no wait a minute I try to download a youtube link yet I get ok okay I actually legitimately thought this was gonna be okay but as soon as I discovered it's an HTML link I mean it's a web web link let's see if this works kind of but it's but it's still not off but it fits the point is it in the conversion folder baby please the folder is empty oh how do I convert video conversion there we go that's what I want yes yeah okay well if that works maybe maybe this one is in total garbage we'll see we do downloader might not be so bad up up up up up I want to make sure this is actual invidious and not just like a goat taking a [ __ ] unrelated yeah okay is it it are we on the money are we on the money is this one good huh the file is already in use what's going on huh we have a problem this this video is not downloading and it doesn't seem to work guys it has failed to convert it it has failed to convert it well oh there it is there it is I think here it is here it is I think we have a chance I think this one works now oh I I get to listen to it was a with a visualizer but not oh I did it could oh it didn't get the video it only got the audio so if you ever want to listen to the audio of this this Roku eating grapes with some sweet lasers here you go is this what you see before you die I sure hope so I sure hope so and I had enough of that thank you and by the way by the way before you guys go like hey wait a minute this is AVI this this is not an mp3 file so million look iiiii specifically tried this all right I did not do this before so before you guys make fun of me for me stupid I tried my best all right just this one is just fantastic that's what it is however I think that there's maybe good intentions behind this program it's just badly those it so and before perhaps maybe but we're not gonna waste too much time with this in particular we're gonna go back on download so yeah and before you know I'm sure it works of that before though I'm sure anyway we're gonna download netflix because why not why not super netflix so we can do this all night honestly I mean it's already like 1:00 a.m. for me but no problem man no problem yes really want but Super Smash Land really well if it isn't Netflix super brows hmm new super mario forever 2015 I am I am - I'm too curious to see what the hell 16 million downloads has got to be good actually my Netflix all right but I'm gonna see what Netflix your browse is about Netflix app a browse very good alright but if you search your own name yeah I would like to download a vine sauce calm I think it would be very spicy all right here we go Netflix super browse here we go by the way I gotta ask how old is Netflix it's Netflix older than 2005 because I I had a question all right I'll give an example of what I mean here about am I gonna close this time has taken too much too much energy I'm a PC now but it's 2005 is it because I just saw something that I think it's peculiar on Netflix oh here we go mmm-hmm secret categories huh okay this is that got things for Chrome I don't use Chrome though I used I used to stanky old Firefox but I saw a thing here about Netflix that I thought was kind of interesting you know it we should be a because here we go here we go okay what is this get controller Nets like you via media center 2005 oh I said I thought Netflix 2005 SuperMario what is this what is this garbage all right I will download some Facebook stuff not even worry about it but all right chrome is better I think so no I know so play classic play on your Android device okay super utilities Pro just as a side super Internet TV yeah I get that super record professional I'll try that - I'll try that right now actually you know what here we go I don't know why this is so slow though but here we go oh this one is actually good this one is actually a speed fan it's a damn shame to even see daemon tools and speedfan on this side cuz these are actually good things you know but he ever guess that there's a tune ups we all know and love right yeah it's totally a wrestling stream come on guys oh damn it's alright I have I have something really important to show you guys by the way I'm just I'm just I'm just wanna I just want to get get dip my toe seen here tonight you know we're gonna download this su setup when it comes in a zip file it feels weird you know daemon tools is legit but always filled with spyware is it but but I've always downloaded that oh no oh no oh oh oh oh cancel yes oh how not the graphical design part one oh my god oh I'm gonna actually puke I'm actually gonna puke oh okay first offender low low quality JPEG that stretched out JPEG offender number two windows XP logo that's not in the same er salute okay third this goddamn font oh oh my god alright time travel machine here we go okay well who super utilities now full service for your PC oh yeah bring it on I want to I want to utilize my people okay help help me see see here here's the thing though here's the thing though you could criticize me like listen Joel this is like a old program no no Vista Windows sim super utilities no it's quite it's quite recent so on uninstaller plus whoa wait a minute oh look at that we're a security doctor spyware removal hmm I wonder mm-hmm so what this program does it's basically trying to be like you know what's the actual good program here oh god I haven't on actual PC it's that cleanup program but uh order online okay super logics oh ha oh damn a hundred thirty okay it's $99 now though but by now yeah sure you guys think I should do it see see cleaners the program I was thinking yes it's like a it's like a really crap version of CC cleaner essentially I'm just gonna have you in the background here kind of like pestering me that's what I like yeah I got get this it's like it's like Tesco brand value CC cleaner right all right it's cukoo cukoo cukoo cukoo cleaner it's got more CSUN it's good what No these ads are so scary they make me question a reality I think what you saw a ad for Robocop I'm not sure for justice one man one computer one toolbar I'm kidding 30,000 toolbars mama this is taking a long time how many I'm gonna get some glass of water something cuz this is taking forever right what the hell that I come back 200 what what's going on Oh be more nice oh don't go Stockholm I would like a demonic avocado please free software free software yes yes yes I know what's more Chris price the seller of this audio jokes oh my god could this could be any slower my god alright thanks man whoo-hoo yeah free this insurer as they say you know when it's free it's good yeah I know I'm not funny but wasn't oh mama Oh Christian television network huh country cannot listen to something in in France perhaps I would like to listen to give me clap TV VOD muted in 3 2 1 download full movies sure oh you know getting more increasingly paranoid that this is gonna show up with some major stuff on on the screen that I will not agree with if you know what I mean this looks Shady it's perfect it's a new hmm okay create your own movie collection okay free for your PC for your tablet and mobiles okay yo yo is that Leon that [ __ ] Leon and Chris and you're a large selection of tiles from Bollywood movies boom jackpot where's Aurora system dammit give me some yep please for all right good good good good download now okay but only because you were nice to me okay choose your plan Hana percent legal click the continue now wonderful Katie is download the software on its own but out 39 oh I see just me or does this feel a little Shady anything less than anything with like a crusty JPEG that says best value you know what you know what I don't give you [ __ ] you know what you know you listen look this is even in line yeah we're gonna do a background image can't can't I do this but there she is there she is they all know type here can we offer you Kate as typing hello my name is Kate can I offer you a 37 discount on an entire package $15 off health I have a virus hurry up Kate I'm dying over here Kate I'm authorized to offer your entire package no I have virus please please Kate no Kate Kate Kate virus now you are not a real person your scam oh I thought she was going to be like that's when she reacts like how dare you I'm a real person and I I am NOT I am NOT a scammer no I am Kate hmm interesting well I was gonna I was gonna get this yes there we got best value huh all right well I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do this right now god damn it Kate I am NOT a robot thank you all right well off to a good start I guess Platinum button yeah sure best value yeah yeah all right by the way I want to give a little in a lot eulogy eulogy to paint I'm sure you guys know this but paint is going to be all retired this year apparently in the next version which is an incredible shame paint that's always been with but with me during my childhood and it's it's actually making me kind of sad and yeah it's it's been on the news actually I'm not even kidding about that you can look it up but apparently Microsoft decided that no no people don't even use this crap anymore so they just download Photoshop illegally so you know so apparently they're they're doing that but apparently on the other hand they are also reacting to the out flash or backlash of people saying we want paint so apparently they're bringing it back after after the controversy you know but you know listen listen listen if if paint that's going away we are getting the night of beautiful images like this and I always I will not stand for it this is my battle cry paint will never die best value alright anyway but what's going on New Super Mario oh okay you got some games I got some games okay I'm down I'm down any day SuperMario forever you know you know what I love you know what I absolutely love I love the fact now listen I love Nintendo but but at the same time I want I hate them because why is it that Nintendo well we'll take down any remake or any sort of tribute to their games you know they'll diems DMCA whatever it's called on these these game developers but but [ __ ] like this no no let it stay up but you know I'm not Nintendo and you know I would never I would never you know criticize a game company that will not even allow you to play their games before you get a copyright strike you know I I would never do that no no no no by the way this is a good game but I would never download it from download com anyway let's see what else we have here YouTube red no no I don't think so either best value oh you know what I'm drinking right now Tropicana pure pre why not why not you know they're gonna aspire but with my with my juice package really hmm breakfast inspiration hmm yeah I will get bumped op don't worry about a chat but alright anyway uh so Tropicana is a place somewhere like a casino or something well sure I guess in a way we're ready for the Super Mario super fun time right now but wait a minute Google Play Music to merge with the red tube you might know that I read that wrong no scratch that no no no no no no no click that instead click that instead thanks be the church chert predictor not a bad idea not a bad idea did you know that the James King version of the Bible is available on Gameboy not even caring about that the the both old and new Testament is available Church scheduler church admin manage church or ministry on daily basis yeah it's got bad ratings - alright man baby okay well views we got on this one nothing oh this should be for what does that say this should be free seeing Jesus freely gave them the ability to make it I'm not saying anything okay I'm not saying anything it's not free apparently he asked a point though he has a point though you know I got a say anyway Super Mario forever is now downloaded let's check it out to see what it's all about oh wait wait a minute wait a wait a minute it's a maplestory mushroom it feels a little bootleg II all right sure I'll get it though well who's that maybe oh is that you may do you think this game uses stolen assets soft pain do soft end oh you know keep that in mind but visit that next oh my god Oh Oh Shaun Mario 2016 Mario forever I'll go with fun more oh my god bin what have I download what crap is this it's crunchy and give it that Michael nique all right I'm gonna skip this thank you there it is there it is here we go uh new super mario forever oh god what is this what is this oh oh please choose language I I'll choose this one no I'm not polish he he for real connector for real enjoyment no no no no no I'm already enjoying it hello there you're about to play new supermarket 2012 games made by one person this our family for free and everybody have a nice playing time I would like us off Oh God okay our gonna plate [Music] all right here it comes all my god [Music] everything please enter the talk did you see in the green pipes cool now choose it it too want to start a game and remember each one represents a say game slot have a nice playing time with Mario forever thanks toad I'm gonna go down this one I mean it's not terrible but it's like why I'm sorry what hello - a date hi oh it talks [Music] [Music] [Laughter] to my facebook [Laughter] I'm done I'm done I'm done Oh God what is this game what this is what is this gold mine we stumble upon okay honestly I mean it's not it's not terrible okay I'll give it that it's just you feel so off okay well here we go here's one one oh yeah get this one if you don't want to play a really terrible Mario this is it it's trying to imitate the new Super Mario Brothers look a little bit I mean it's for a free game you could do worse you know you got the little wall jumping mechanic the leaf stuff you know I don't think it's snap bad it's just very peculiar and in its execution you know but it's not run by the way he just immediately bolts off and goes you know [Music] and I was promised like 2017 edition dynomite what's up with this [Music] well what about these toads hello no I'm good boy this isn't as rare just came from checkpoint guess what if I told you this is this a switched exclusive it's coming up this year and you know depending how you guys react it'll be released or not it's nice I'm not saying the stream is just a marketing ploy set off by Nintendo I'm not saying that but I'm saying theoretically would you buy this please say yes hello welcome more you to new Mario forever 2012 more your time to learn something about wall jumping do you know what is wall jump I can tell you first off jump into wall next press opposite direction button and jump button try it on this wall behind us alright thanks man I think I got it down okay I can't stop playing this I'm really sorry but uh it's it's not a horrible game yeah what some vines wall I wasn't expecting this but can I can I do a ground pound no not really here we go first level Don all right thanks we're gonna move off from this game now but on the ground yeah all right I'm almost done I'm almost done with this we're gonna move on but it is kind of dick ting I'm sorry I think the highlight was a Princess Peach trying to like talk to us trying I mean all right thanks that's the end of that guy's problem problem hello what game do you belong to not sure but uh we have a pedo plane that you can never escape never escape less you know what you know what here's a great idea let's use one of our shitty admire programs to be download it - like it - get rid of this super utilities I have I have a job for you my friend where is it here we go do your thing do your thing Peck can't even do this huh fine I'll have to use a regular task manager my god man my god I can't believe this and it ended Oh what's this see this is a fan he created for fans have a nice plate have a nice playing time but I will oh it's over the deep the demon has escaped good who was a close one all right anyway let's see what else we have well you know what you know what you know I think we've spent a little too much time on download' calm let's check out the check out the other one what's the other one called oh yes so soft soft and wet here we go ask.com huh Sonique oh alright alright before we move on before we move on alright bomb top bump top you got I never know what's available anymore you know fine we'll just have to do it this way bomb now I don't even know where I guess one bomb top up top is little jet man that's fine here's bomb top woo a 3d physics experience it did it really look like this alright I remember seeing this for the first time I thought it was the most amazing thing ever you know I get to give you soft tonic there we go I don't know why what's costing more wait forever 2016 I was 12 so I don't know but as I said that game while not the best you know it tribes definitely try we've applied a couple of bar bootlegs back in the day that I didn't try so much but uh you know I'm not gonna talk about those you aborted the video playback and I did I'm sorry you bump top all right fine we'll check this out I'll check this out the bump technologies I can this this software isn't terrible but who knows maybe it did turn bad by the way uh you know got that yeah yeah yes it said 2015 and 2016 and touches in 12 yeah it's alright let's see bomb top works I mean I'm gonna uninstall bomb top because you know III do like my classic stank on the floor you know all right let's see what you're all about bump top it's been like 15 years oh here here we go look at this look at this whoa whoa here we go yeah I'm gonna skip this tutorial that's it oh thanks now the question is can I can I get my actual finger to be a let's see here super utility screen your solution no no no I I would like the theme to be this what I used to have so I would go here and I would do this and you know what you know what maximize it oh now we're doing a witness destruction in the future you know when we have 3d shitty animator that stops Wow here we go and I can like it angry at my icons like absolutely perfect it's like ice skating here comes that Super Mario forever 2015 oh hello youtuber dot exe hi doin no no [ __ ] facebook login no no no no no okay I've had enough a bit about you bump top bye bye it's not a bad program I I want to recommend it but if you are so bored that that you need a little bit of physics on your icons I guess I would recommend it but I used to use it back in the day and then I realized it's kind of harder then used to click on stuff so anyway we we we downloaded something else here I forgot about what was called what's it what's this oh here's a new thing you check this one out yet you know check this one out yeah watch it the future is here oh oh hello hello I am recording this through my actual piece into an emulated one hello oh god let's take a listen did it work open I'm scared I'm realistic where would oh that's kind of play if it works then I'm gonna be very surprised I think it does hello oh hello huh I am recording this through my actual piece into my most crispy hello oh god wow I I gotta say I'm a little surprised it worked it worked - Jules - Jules it's like when it's not enough I should for do that I'm gonna do something real quick can I change the the quality of this to make it real real good option in three file here we go yeah there we go 64 mono mixer or you know it's official software when it's a let's see here a mp3 recorder Mac yeah there's like indecisive I don't know all right mama hmm free launch bar hmm okay let's search for YouTube a hey this one works way better than down low calm I like it oh look at this it's already way better like me a blog for YouTube a dog breeder mp3 rocket frostwire 3 download a lot of free stuff unattractive awkward to use alright well well let's see here and I'm gonna do PC Oh we know that's still around damn man license free yeah yeah it's going the last one let's see your ab blog I think that it's the last one actually yeah this is the only one so let's see it what does that say again unattractive just like me let's see what else we have here I think it's the worst one actually I mean it's got a seven but you never know hopefully I get blasted with like video ads on this side huh this oh no we do we do we do for sure well what's this 5k player right you you you tried 4k you try it all that hdmi crap listen it's all it's all gone it's all out of the window oh alright mama 5ko well you guys are living in the past right five apps to enter VR today it's it's really that simple man I thought I had to like buy a HTC vive for like yeah you know eight hundred dollars or whatever but it's really that simple like it's that simple not actually show me show me blast was an ads yeah I'm ready I'm ready five apps to enter VR today well it's this simple guys we are we are this close they're this close on a shoestring budget to use the boom right going to the anime land okay yeah yeah I gotta say VR is pretty crispy give me the super value Decimus five apps to get a strip hmm 5k everybody 5k it the world the future is now alright listen whatever rid of a little baby we're only been living in boom it's out of the window it's time to enter VR I'm clicking but it's it's not letting me know no please no right there all right did I download this now there you go it's failed why why it failed again YouTube now here here we go here we go I got a download it through their crappy website that's what it is this is gonna fail - no this one works here we go all right sure absolutely oh okay yeah yeah Krusty quality right he's pointing at Denmark really you know this program is solid is it this program is solid alright sure yeah might be I'm not even kidding I like I'm I'm not even joking it might actually be like that not down low quality upgrade now okay it's real all right well not bad but not bad at all you know not all these software that that is that there's not meant to scam your in a fact out you know it's it's not bad listen if it is if it's ad free it has no harmful intentions and it does what it's supposed to do I have no problem downloading software however I think when you're downloading it on like a site like this then you you have a problem you know let's see we're going to hear uh YouTube once again hey we've got closed down all these little windows before we crash doesn't beat entirely now the question is we have all these little things here and there right but I'm I'm wondering what is the worst one what is the worst one like a knockdown low-mass you think that's what's bad no pagemaker oh not that one either videopad video editor nice wrestling you thank you man mass download huh music downloader okay video download helper I think that is a little suspicious just doesn't start downloads where it's perfectly Firefox all right all right video pad is actually legit legit great I'm happy that okay okay listen listen listen I love you all but you cannot tell me this one is legit okay first of all ooh that looks mm-hmm okay I'll give it a try see what it's about here we go yeah yeah it's legit this one is legit I love to see it I'd love to see it minecraft in 5k yeah absolutely you know okay actually this might might not be terrible this might be a minimalistic program you know I went into this making fun of this program but it might actually be a very legit not yeah this this one seems pretty good III was making fun of it because of its terrible icon on here but yeah this this one seems okay to uh it seems that download is more scamming than than then soft soft tonic which is horribly ironic but yeah it seems we the worship so far has been through download not through this so this site I I seriously like that yeah absolutely but I'm sure this one runs fine alright it's just this this way I'm doing it mm-hmm so uh it's a command-line you know it's just a command prompt so you can download through that but they're not bad not bad I think it needs Python and I don't have that on this this this computer so don't make fun of it don't make fun of it it is absolutely legit it's mean of legit so you guys remember go what was the call again last term we downloaded an anti-virus that was terrible but what's the call again Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa Tita Finn McDonald made me potatoes Provident so we have only scratched the surface of this thing all right there we go this thing I stumble upon last stream of this there's so much more beyond this that you guys don't even know about all right first of all project it's obviously a scale you know but I have not even begun to tell you what the [ __ ] this is about first of all first of all we're gonna download this because just out of nowhere how about we just do this yeah yeah that's cool okay my name oh yeah that's my phone number and I still got it okay so ProLiant what if I told you that this boot like antivirus scam has its own antivirus rap and you'll probably say shut up Joel no it doesn't well let me show you let me show you I found a link all right here we go you can find a link to this on their official site all right and here we go this is their official thing world's only antivirus with data recovery let's let's check out a link this is how you do antivirus so good it's so good it's it's it's quite unbelievable but yeah it's true they have a wrap I want to show that one more time actually all my actual computer because yeah it's not it's not quite that I want to hear the crispy version oh here here's the here's the good version I guess it would say here we go here we go here's what you've been waiting for - your security is my mojo it stalled me on your computer I gotta say that that brief little pause you might you might say that's just terrible line delivery no no no that that is just that is excellent rap flow all right listen firing angry boss I didn't know that Wario was my boss but sir [Music] smile happy I am Pro to complete securities my mojo he was never seen again now you might might be alike I was terrible but listen they have several several different versions of this rap on their site it's it's quite unbelievable but yes but the rabbit-hole goes a little deeper than this I I'm serious they not only did they do that but they uh they stole they stole the sign from a kid show I know it might be a little far for stretched and I know it might seem unbelievable but protiens the sign of this little superhero guy is from a kids show and let me let me show you this isn't just a little comparison here though you know it might be totally unintentional you know might be totally unintentional you know but let me just let me just give an example of this wait again so let's see it's PBS Kids it's called super okay I'm using I'm using this terrible terrible my way service which doesn't even work any time any time will do fine I'll just do it on my actual PC then screw it I like it when I search my way I get Elvis Presley instead alright thanks I'm gonna down yeah so my way is said no I'm it's not called much my way is the much oh my god I'm sorry guys my way is the browser it's called Super Why I apologize what am i doing Super Why alright now now okay here's Super Why it looks like this yeah now I know it seems stretched and and stuff but do you think there is a slight connect no no no [Music] hmm I'm really trying to see any similarities here but I got it listen I gotta be honest I gotta be honest it just a coincidence okay it's all a coincidence all right it's all just you know listen listen listen okay not everything in life is like that okay okay so I I think you should you should you should just shut up and and look look it's on intense it's no sir no semblance in the world you guys are being ridiculous you guys are being absolutely no this oh shut up yeah so mmm so this proto didn't stuff not only does it have its own rap but it's also a complete ripoff did I say that note unbelievable unbelievable listen I can prove Providence it's not the same he has an orange suit the other guy's green different different crash-proof sure I am proto bootleg is my motto you don't think it will go that deep would you well well call him now I'm not gonna call him here we go you know how unbelievable would it be this software was actually good you know I'm not saying I'm not saying that this program is inherently bad but I'm just saying tonight you know when I installed the really bad stuff maybe this can help me you don't know you don't know you don't know all right anyway done with that now we have an anti-virus on my computer which is great guy really need that after all that downloaded we've been doing we definitely needed it weird go though Ayana here we go I wonder if a scan it on my PC will something happen Ariel scan time they have they have Twitter - well whatever we're gonna focus on that we're gonna focus on best value here we go let me give me a 1 second here to check something out there we go and has a radio rage my way huh well no I'm not gonna call them I'm not gonna call them I did that once and nope no no so I I really will not do what sir sorry maybe some other time anyway anyway let's let's go on standard Google and see what we got Google oh let's see here in a second mmm all right well I won't say I'm gonna speed up things I can do here PC speed up yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I got that here we go straight to voice here we go alright soft talk okay we're back in the trash again though all right all right now I'm just gonna download as many as I can tonight other stuff and there we go let's see based on this alright could oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hang on excuse me warning based on our internal quality system aren't gotcha this software could be any potentially malicious or make up the unwatered bottle software they recommend for you alternatives but what it's softonic really saying no no no you better not man okay I guess okay there we go online Ubuntu did you guys know this Ubuntu Colo like its it's a soft drink I've never tried it but I do want to try it there we go tweaked a bit anyway sub tonic is getting seriously oh well northern secured that dad dad dad that means that means that means nothing actually because it's terrible okay totally legit listen if you're if you're certified by an order you might as well say it's like it doesn't even work I'm sorry Microsoft Partner everybody's a Microsoft Partner it doesn't mean anything that's like saying that's like saying it's like yeah you know I you know it's like give ashens Jeff excellence you know it doesn't mean anything but all right full speed on I'm sorry I sound like a like a ashtray in aniket it's my voice tweaked bit serious program works all right an excellent stream yeah I know I'm doing it right now it's sort of like randomly shuffling pages uh-huh registry keeps each application static it's easily cluttered with invalid entries of absolute you don't even have anymore that can be very misleading for your PC absolutely memory its mama programs have to settle for what's left haha pc speed-up fines issues that affect your computer's performance well what makes us stand out well make you stand out though PC speed up computer ok ok make sure there's enough memory for apps that need it ok see speed up monitors and improves your computer's performance for free you can all for free though like barbecuing use tweak bit and you can barbecue all what hmm I don't know this guy's like a car salesman like its look he's like I'll work hmm 48 speed issues uh well I don't know I don't know but I'll tell you this much anything that would randomly just shut down my browser I'll give it a try all right anyway let's keep on going here I do want to see what other speedy issues let's see okay okay let's count this down jet how many issues did we have this time because I'm curious now it's a kind of be there for each time we have 4141 speed issues right if we get another one do you think it'll be the same because this one guarantees is the best the best here we go here we go oh it's a web companion no I don't think so congratulations you have successfully installed PC speed up activate your install and get a free bonus free bonus well if it's free I'll take it listen I'll sit on any any any pyramid scheme meeting or anything like if it's free man okay but it didn't mean anything did it alright well okay bonus it's all about that speed-up let's see okay let me give me that give me that one - PC speed up yeah I'm sorry I know the screens like I'm just trying to get stuff that isn't like porn essentially I don't want I don't want to my eyes looking at that man no no Eric you can look at you can look at what can you look in the meantime nothing how about this you you imagine something good how about that all right sorry I'm still trying to like get the get these links but these this this computer is running so slow now but it is what it is try to turbo lies the your PC okay is there such a thing turbo lies my PC all right well yeah I know about PC speed up but that's not what I want though I mean the the how many of these these these programs do I have it PC speed up yeah yeah but that's like the one I have already right no no no no this one is different instant testing no no for an instant tester yeah okay hmm our satisfied customers this program is awesome it's worked fast and works well whenever I see junk piling up in computer slowing down I start the program with the select disability but who are you this is the quote of one of our customers and not of the models shown on the picture what and not off the model but why hanim well but but so so you but so this guy's unrelated he's just he's just a man he's just a random man but I I do I gotta say I admired the honesty that's 92 hmm why you know what it is you know what it is they put this handsome man - I it's eye candy you know it's like it's like didn't do like a like a woman with big breasts or nothing like that no they gave you a handsome man looking at you like you can trust me I'm not a part of this but I am nice to look at I am a handsome man I am a handsome boy hello and it's like install absolutely it is meant to to lure you in he say he is a nice man you know what they say sex sells hmm you know I figured it out I figured this out stunning revelation time listen I cracked the code who downloads PC optimizers who downloads him grandma how do you learn grandma grandma can't breathe grandma cannot read this part because her icer bad she won't know grandma is gonna see this man little older man and go mmm I'll take a bite out of that now you have now successfully got your own grandma in the in the cardboard box with the stick in it you yet you yank the rope and what you have your own grandma you you got her it's it's grandma bait it's grandma bait that's what it is and I gotta I gotta get him credit they thought this out and they did they did it in the most excellent way congratulations [Laughter] now I wonder all right thanks for downloading our product eyes no one can worry about it man program will be launched all right satisfied or you satisfied yes I am I am absolutely satisfied thank you so much he's not even part of the intellectual who is this man you know what let's play detective okay I don't wanna go on ask calm please I'm gonna go to Google in Australia here's the question here's the question I'm a better not have satisfied client in here maybe I'll get other pictures that I don't like but I will happily look at this and see hmm stock images huh iStockphoto hmm hmm could it be could it be that this this man is a stock model let's keep on scrolling Lala can't seem to find them but uh-oh malicious software ah where could it be now I'm good is that kreygasm i've bet it's in here somewhere I bet it's in here somewhere he's hiding that dad's off sneaking around hmm maybe I can get him here I'm gonna get him I'm gonna get you I don't get you like a fine I'm on Google I stalk well how much is how much is is is this sensual sensual man he is yeah yeah okay thanks yeah yeah thirty-three dollars 33 three dollars to to get a grandma well I gotta say I gotta say they they did an excellent job they paid $33 for him and they should have gone with this guy they should have gone with this guy would have been totally nailed on it right off the get-go I what a bit like he this is it should have been like yo download this crap it sprite work for me okay how about this guy oh come on you guys don't even know your business I guess it's not as attractive as as the other guy though he's East - East - it's too funny you know this guy this guy's okay it's given a thumbs up - so it costs less to is more of an economic grandma baked $12 and I half the price essentially oh my god this stock images are cracking what the [ __ ] is I want to buy one I would have actually buy one of these okay this like this is like a daddy zone like pick your favorite dad all right I like this man yeah you say he's a handsome man I like him it's like ah big bucks you gonna get the big bucks how about this guy like oh my god this is fantastic I've stumble upon a goldmine stock images look at this guy's like yep yep yep you're gonna get the spondoolie the moola okay you came to get fake doctors if you want you can have them say anything you want you can have them say anything you want okay I may say you get up before thousand resolution that's amazing looks like Vince McMahon what's he holding up we can make him say anything you want it listen for how much do you see for $33 we can make this man say anything all right now I wish this one was in can I get it get this in English please hang on all [Laughter] right now that is in Swedish no I I'm looking for for a a language here not a bunch of like dumb Swedish Jeff speak all right what are we looking for how about this how about this is thumbs up salad why not all right there we go there we go you don't want to sell a salad I can get I can get this man I can get this man absolutely absolutely there we go well he's got a lot of pictures okay ha food 5050 nine years if this is this is this a stock image photo site or is this just like something else I don't know I trust that guy stock images is this this is like a real job isn't it do you speak like a stock person hang on antivirus would that work it's started already like a thing for it okay no no no no we have like already stuff of I may say all right is it really this is it really this easy to it just scam people this is hang on dump stop dr. Tom stop doctor it's gotta be that Oh so this just follow it's like whoa excuse me yes I I would recommend a daily dosage of I would say it's very good for headache relief a little bit of a you know it helps everything I'm gonna prescribe you 20 cc's of work absolutely absolutely I do not like the idea is this the same man this is him in English here we go fake doctors fake doctors we have to be pretty pretty scared if I like if if I sign up for this job and I knew that like I'm gonna give a thumbs up I was like I'm a good doctor but these are all fake doctors you know if you're selling a product with fake doctors on it you know it's like terrible like look at this guy like look at this guy you think this guy is an actual doctor look at him oh my god yo yo you know we still stumble upon you know we a stumble upon guys an actual image of Dr Pepper himself actual image not even a joke here he is real-life version oh my god $12 though not too bad all right we're gonna we're gonna move on from this stock image crap but it is it is funny as hell agreement wait wait a minute what is this tag no no no no no no no whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa slow down slow down what what excuse me Oh [ __ ] click on I'm gonna click on a lot of click on it you guys can't stop me but first I'm gonna shut off this is easy or it is about oh thank god weeds we I didn't show this on screen oh mama okay okay hmm nah I don't like this let's just say that they wanted related texts or zoom no no no no mm-hmm listen listen I only like I only like men who look like this thank you all right okay now now I can move on here because this is getting a little repetitive but uh all right so if you want fake doctors or people like giving you thumbs up what if we just do this how about we just do this agreement have an agreement smart thumbs up business it's gonna be the last thing removal here is that about for you set a lot of time just you know doing nothing I kinda want to go down that path of here we go guys I found I found Mel Gibson on here I'm not even kidding look okay hello there we go oh dude this guy's dude this guy this guy right here look at him oh listen if I'm selling if I'm selling some some some garbage program I'm getting this guy Cassie yeah he looks like he knows it's [ __ ] it's like yep I I let's say you downloaded on your own time and is I not responsible but Oh was yeah he looks like bruce campbell a little bit doesn't he beautiful people well I mean I guess ecstatic excitement fun all right well I gotta say okay listen out of all the stock images I think this is gonna be the last one look if you're gonna have this how the hell is this how is this convincing in any way shape form this is literally I'm going I don't know I don't know it's a buncha [ __ ] [Music] speed up PC this even worked various finally now that took forever didn't my weird anecdotes going nowhere and I apologize but yeah starch scan all right everybody we what was the last thing at like 41 now if it's all 41 again all the programs before is is totally legit and I take back every bad thing I've said about PC speed ups and this and that's and you know solution alright a Stockholm yeah here we go 17 let's see if it hits on the same thing let's see if it hits on the same thing alright probably didn't doing its work yeah you never know you never know man Joel you zoomed in way too much hmm really yeah yes no no no yes I am sorry and I realize so like when we did this last time I I'm like halfway through the recording I'm like I'm not even showing the taskbar anymore like I bought about the hell am i doing anyway 17 no yeah they I got that got that okay warp yeah disk burning software doc Cillian do you think out of all these PC speed ups there's one out there that is actually good like out of all there's like there's a golden golden gem that you you wouldn't expect and it's actually really good computer performance update now I want to speed up my PC come on Cece cool it's easy clean the cinnamon count okay Cassie CCleaner is like everybody knows it's excellent yeah I gotta get all that what is it launch it start up yeah I want to launch all that startup services yeah disable to abort no no no no no no no no no there we go thumbnail server-- goes a little faster now because we this piece has been like hitting the real crap tonight ah would eat what any any any uh any particularly crappy uh okay this isn't even work I could clean up whatever you just improve your completed with warp did I share on LinkedIn yes absolutely when I have my resume and I'm gonna talk about how how on LinkedIn that's where people get jobs that like yeah yeah I'll go to a job interview like yo check my LinkedIn I used to work PC once no you did well you'll be the corporate man of fifteen McDonald's in work worldwide what LinkedIn all right whatever I think we're we're a little off a little off just a little bit speeder speeder man PC speed your own ads how many how make your time more valuable well I don't know I maybe if you put a handsome man in maybe I would maybe it would be worth my time but you know you didn't so yeah anyway uh I'm looking at my time here and I III think that we have to wrap this up in around 30 minutes grant 30 minutes before I want to move on to the next thing now keep in mind next week we are also assuming this I have Oh scary okay is it good okay let's speed it up speed speed speed up please oh but it's working good fifty-five items was 55 this time huh huh well popular downloads all right driver talent total yo todo I bless the rains down and Africa damn I want to play Vice City now huh anyway uh let's see here by the way I will say this this is a little funny now III hope this is like a like a like a mop thing but it looks more like a paint brush which if you if you mean clean I'm not sure that you're supposed to paint over your mistakes that's quite symbolic isn't it but it you okay and I'm we're gonna do a couple more here if we're gonna move on for real but uh yeah III am assuming this next week as well so if you're like I do more there is going to be more later but yeah tired of a slow PC I sure AM how did you know my god PC speed it up for free how many of these these speed ups do we have it's crusty oh my god furious well almost almost best application it does what it claims it will do speed it up it's great nice Roy Wayne us is so much faster is so much safer alright I guess progress it helps my computer thank you for this Reese all for you dark download now I want the free product yeah okay I thought I thought that said 999 dollars we have a video didn't I watch this one I think last time video you know watch a video no I think we downloaded this one mitten last time $1 man what was your problem prodigy and I'm trying to like improve my PC and you're like screaming all right sure no no but pro didn't I love you ma'am but now you're getting really annoying okay thank you for your welcome oh oh yeah yeah oh god uh help I made a terrible mistake oke just wants to help us about I always want to help us you know no don't get freaked out anything without command prompt is good news trust me all right you know improvident it's kind of helping us so it's like it's warning us not good enough yeah you should have listened now I don't worry about it okay well it's doing something oh oh it's like it's like a 4x3 stretched into a 16-mile look at this look at this how it works here here's Charles Wesley keener there is well ever since I first started using speed up from PC geek support there's been a vast improvement in the speed of my computer in fact it is not frozen up since I also liked a 24/7 tech support service I would have to say that this is the best program I have juiced I would have suggested the service to others it is a good a reliable program I would trust that man oh okay share on Facebook your Facebook is gone if you use this program but I'll relate it though all right so we have some spicy spicy command prompts that just popped up for no damn reason but okay in fact speed it up now come on speed it up I downloaded this crap guys I know you asked me saying like download more ram all this stream to listen I have 54m click okay okay I'll clean it up clean up don't worry about it no no no I'm good I'm good my PC geek there windows there she is there's there's Linda and Cox it's that it's that on uppercase I or is there my eyes to see zoom in zoom in oh my god Wow I mean they did this is not like a like a thing I'm unaware of like did the I it's like a temporary like up application web right Leaton de moon I wish I was from Bouldin all right whoa whoa this one dollar special ends in 17 hours [ __ ] guys okay I don't want to like ask for money but but one time I need I need mom's allowance I really need speed it up free free pc club back up other seems great TV commercial mr. disgusting guess I'm gonna I think everybody oh shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up create an account no no I'm good I just wanna I just want to download this right how it works yeah I know how it works its power with the magic yeah Blair black at cool calm please now can I get up my free invalid oh really now how about Gmail it's nothing more trustworthy oh look at that look at that it worked he didn't even check well is my favorite email what was that again oops it's that good it connecting to my piece oh oh damn it I I am and IIF we forgot we got duped out all these suite offers man yeah alright I'll do that again I think I forgot my password guys alright yeah we're gonna do we're gonna do this I'm gonna make an account anybody can use here ready oh my god alright it's gonna be so stupid my account oh I'm in the account off [ __ ] alright I'm gonna have to redo this then or am I already here is this a site door okay we're gonna make we're gonna make a shared account it's like a family PC everybody can join and Wrekin have a fun time here a free trial account I did no no okay that's it up no you wasted too much time on me all right here we go let's do one more speed speed up here before we gotta go tonight cuz I can go forever speed super PC now [ __ ] cans alright build a super PC arcane boost speed ah here we go ah once again it's like it never ends oh no I run this time slow down slow down friend who's this joseph joestar ex excellent Rothberg that whatever good not no well well well absolutely we can't go wrong with this one and loved by users really Ron yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah look at that it was future Don Discovery Channel what now it was not it was not featured on the Discovery Channel but then again the Discovery Channel doesn't really have that much like equality anymore does it it runs like ancient aliens it's not just the sister History Channel I apologize but PC world huh hmm well that's history by the way chat I want to run a remind you again by the way that if you if you didn't catch Park one of the stream solitaire blue screens this computer I am not even kidding about that if I click on this it it goes to [ __ ] and it's been happening consistent consistently to I'm not sure why it just kind of happens but no oh my god no it's all it there it's like Vista so oh here we go here's Colin it's Colin no yeah I want to run that yeah I wish boost speed regularly and has kept my pc clean and perfect condition gotcha all right ready sweet speeding up hard drive here here it comes no you idiot Oh Joel what have you done now I don't know I'm sorry I didn't know thank you speed alright here we go they all have this these different like you eyes but they literally do nothing you know Oh your PC condition is serious oh yeah I have dude yeah okay okay it's quite serious this is serious okay I need to repair all repair all for free can I do it for free please go buy that what okay well let's do one more but how's my desktop looking close at all sticky notes bumped up all right air collision disk space you know this whale is not helping is he all right thanks yeah yeah okay who's gonna close that down here are you still up yeah it's just that need attention there for sure oh now it's back to Bing there's no consistency here man like one moment it's like this one when it's that okay close close this window yeah I'm gonna order one more one more area I was Firefox my apologies and now it's back to what was my default thing I don't even know but anyway no no here here we go that's that's my that's my default thing I forgot about the radio rage my way all right one last speed up PC speed up best not not [ __ ] I'll see you over yet let's see which one isn't [ __ ] no [ __ ] it really works okay not cheap not crap not caca oh really not [ __ ] huh I think I just install this thing but I hid hmm yeah we should put the word real on it or free this is making my PC work better now I think so yeah I'll get that - yeah sure hmm all right I think I think it's faster now he bought [ __ ] anyway till at ease do you guys have relatives that have this on their PC IIIi try my absolutely I know this might come as a shock but relatives for me have used [ __ ] like this and they they swear by it that it works the best XCOM 2 mods all right I gotta say Escom is the worst thing in the world it's so bad that I can't even search for [ __ ] mom all right PC speed up we will get to the rants and we're at the end though but I want to get just one more just perfect it I want to get something good here we go not driver fix program here we go I know the spring is it's not visible but that's only my own so I'm looking at some stuff here that might not be so good here we go and don't don't worry guys I I have got an instructions how to set up the eye here we go I think we got one last one here I want to check out you need blue yeah yeah sure I'll get it oh god that's expensive all right I have I haven't you know a pro dents this no no that's when I got that come on download it for me it could it be the project is actually blocking this from getting downloaded oh that's not it didn't it didn't for a moment there I thought that but uh-hmm add speed no no speed up piece now don't worry about there we go yeah yeah okay I [Laughter] agree mmm-hmm this is guys guys listen listen I will not download stuff unless it's let's see Microsoft Partner Microsoft Partner more than 10 years yeah where the hell's that there it is beer disparity I'll thank God it's a Microsoft Partner for a moment there I thought everything was [ __ ] all right thanks oh that was a close one that was a wolf thanks Microsoft thanks yeah yeah yeah thanks yeah we're saved all right it's installing I hear noises in the background I don't like this guy ignore ya clean no no I gotta say it's just a bus kill for proteins be like listen listen I know I'm not particularly good at it but you listen here and you listen good I'm bad but this is even worse so stop alright here we go unit blue ten errors 14 issue so it went for 41 to like 217 to at 11,000 so what are we up to now what are we up to now okay fire virus has been clean guys it has been cleaned don't worry about it alright so we got 70 junk files 12 errors start start a repair here activate now how much this is go for how much does this go for free huh give me is it update in real-time please yes it does all right guys I'm gonna order you guys listen this a Bella Christmas package but watch the stream you just got to watch a stream and suddenly you will be awarded with 699 copies of speed up my pcs 2017 just put in your credit card right here it's it's all good you got system Tweaker for free everybody and for the low low price of almost almost this it's good and while you're waiting long enough I know I know you guys are are our anxious the edge of your seats I know I know and I will deliver I will do ever don't you worry let's get some screen again well just happen here and open that Union blue yeah close this down close it exit Thanks okay whoa error five that that's not a it's not a good number all right well well well everybody I think it's time to show something off that's right before I do that I got to make sure this this this [ __ ] is disconnected from my actual PC because this ain't no bonzi body anymore all right this ain't no no funny haha games anymore listen this is the real [ __ ] all right this thing was in the news lately and I mean like this is really bad this is the stuff that like PC optimizers and all that that's that's just like haha stuff this is like the actual [ __ ] now if you know familiar what a ransomware is it's when some virus or a trojan or whatever it's called it's so bad it locks up your PC and it demands bitcoins out of you it is one of the most horrific viruses ever but yeah it is it is a good old spicy Mamamia as they say and we're gonna go check it up here I don't you're probably like shaking at that your seats like oh is he really gonna do it I'm gonna do it I'm gonna thank again lorac for this help he is he is the some he has helped me tremendously with this stuff and yeah but anyway let me let me show you this there we go now if you don't know what you're doing about this I would if you are doing this on yourself and you don't know what you're doing you should probably not however III did this off stream to make sure that it works and here's how it looks here's how it looks again thanks to Lorax for this and again everybody don't worry the the network is not connected whatsoever here so this this can't hurt my actual PC but yeah alright here we go now I hope Saul attack and protect us listen what's this ransomware blows up my PC you know here's what we're gonna do we're gonna quickly go to games and hopefully just hopefully solitaire can save us or hopefully project or maybe Super Mario 2015 all right anyway lalala tt-to tah dah doo Roo Tata Tata Tata Tata hmm I wonder what could happen hmm I think I got to activate admin on this though wait i reaiiy got a guy's set up this thing they gotta extract first or whatever no my computer hurts try that again and extract this on the desktop here we go I think that's what it's supposed to do actually here we go here we go yeah I'll trust this software ah thank you pro Jin but I think this one is safe virgins help hmm I wonder what could go wrong see my pc clean Mario yeah so you're probably wondering why it was nothing nothing's happening well what if I told you it's supposed to be this way I know this might might be a little bit of a surprise but this this thing is a sneaky sneaky guy you see the way this ransomware works is that it pretends everything it's like half okay [Applause] but when you were started that's when that's when the [ __ ] hits the fan as they say I'll show I'll show you in a second wait I am proto this is my motto go on that's got to make sure that low rock is still awake lauric lauric you wake hang on give me a second all right well here we go so what do you think is gonna happen when we restart this PC hmm this is always supposed to be by the way let's find out let's reset it I should have gone with solid para hmm what could this mean my parent file system on see the time where one of your disk contains errors really and needs to be repaired really this process may take several hours to complete huh okay it is strongly recommended to let it complete warning do not turn off your PC really okay if you abort this process you could destroy all your data please insure your power cable is plugged in all right well let's just say this let's just say this this is fake this is all a scam you see you might think that your PC is now cleaning right well what it's actually supposed right what it's doing instead its encrypting your files and it's basically injecting the virus it's a fake check disk so uh you know I I told you not to do it I told you I told you yeah it's sneaky it's fake but this is the check disk this is like before your PC starts up this is you know before Emmons so you wouldn't just assume everything's okay right but the virus runs deep my friends this is where everything has gone to [ __ ] wow this is playing help me help me make this even better fantastic yeah yeah you're my friend [Applause] mojo based proto Hey let's do this too you know theoretically this raccoon eating grapes is a better antivirus than project thanks team anyway so yeah we're we're just kind of waiting for this thing to encrypt it this takes a while because this is an actual PC so yeah now's the time to like get a sandwich or something because you're just kind of waiting for this but yeah but this this PC is now doing it's it's slowly dying and yeah yeah download steam game for free that's what we should have been doing so uh we're just kind of waiting you're just kind of waiting oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah I was gonna say so I mean you guys want a disgusting story yeah you guys want aggro story so a couple days ago I wanted to tell you something well this is happening so a couple of basic all right I told a story about I had mold in my rice cooker III was cooking rice one day and I forgot I had rice in it so I left it for two days I opened it up and it's just that much of like blue little spots on it and I'm like oh I have a very bad mold figure phobia and I'm like oh god I gotta take care of this right and I said on stream I'm gonna take care of this after stream guys I'm gonna take a shotgun I'm gonna open up the lid just a little bit and peek in and be like ooh and just cleaned out super quick that was five days ago I opened up the I should put some like scary music of this what's more scary ransomware or a rice cooker machine I don't know so I open it up today and I know this sounds ridiculous but I think that thing stared back at me yeah yeah I think it's its sentient now I think it is I think it is a life-form it's just like the thing you know but yeah mole this airborne you guys know that game life the last of us sure so much I know about video games you know there's a guy named Joe Lynette well that's this is how it started all right listen that whole game I never played it but that that that's how it is the last time I starts me and a goddamn rice cooker that I didn't clean out and that's Stan in the world I'm sorry I try my best sorry sorry alright anyway well we're while we're waiting for this thing and trust me I don't know if this is gonna be worth it I mean it is sort of boards that I suppose used to show what happens but what is it gonna happen after the stream or rather this stream particular I'm gonna be playing one of cos ace ROM acts he has made a super mario 64 maker or super mario 64 level maker 64 problem act he also made of course as you know super wheelchair brothers 64 Casas is a genius he kaze I have trouble saying his name but yeah that's right we're gonna be playing mario 64 mario maker essentially it is incredible it's not even a external program it's inside the game itself so yeah oh my god this took way longer than I thought mama Metta I know it's a real meta nice guys I'd love and I downloaded my PC speed up 64 this is clearly not speeding up whatsoever I am really angry about this huh yet you should apply some solitaire huh well listen well this is doing let's play some games inside the stream huh see what we got here let's see here what what games is on my actual PC let's find out now that's a real destruction stream right well this is happening well this is happening i lurk minesweeper a long time ago but uh now I forgot guys help me I'm playing minesweeper that that's that's how bored I am alright now I want to prefer the classic minesweeper of course but uh all right all right now now ROM me down run me down like listen I'm an idiot I can barely you know think coherently but minesweeper you how months hyaboz sleep well probably do anything before I do anything we're gonna go into the classic do I not have classic minesweeper my god disgusting anyway start with corners now here's the thing he's not how you play minesweeper but what you got to do yes I play minesweeper and once you do this and that you win sorry you lost this game listen I I still don't know how to this day play minesweeper I know it's embarrassing but I think it basically uh well the point of this game and you know what I'm gonna do this so we have something to watch while India just waste the time what you have to do in minesweeper of course you have to avoid these mines and you have to put these flags where you think it is you know and you have to guess you have to guess like for example this there's no mines there might be a miner around here you know the question is which I never understood now if it's diagonal this is where it's gonna be a bomb right or here but it's more diagonal right hey no no not necessarily you don't guess oh yeah it's really easy when you understand absolutely I'm just being a complete idiot when it comes to mind sweeper nummis mean many moms are addicted to it including diagonally ah I see I see I see no mercy some of the bombs are touching that square either by the corners okay so okay I see I see help you know what why don't we well we actually have the actual website tell us minesweeper calm calm listen listen listen here's the thing listen I playing no grandma's minesweeper I ain't playing you're you're you're you're you're old-school minesweeper you know what I do I do rock and roll minesweeper I don't think because I well statement of the year I don't think when I do this you know what I do I do mine sweeper five-second star so boom boom boom boom we go one two three four we won we won and we used to put a bunch of flags and look our bull won again look at minesweeper 2017 wow I'm winning every game look at this boom that's how you win at mines minesweeper see that's all you need okay that's enough minesweeper I I will understand this game one one day but that is not today of course and what about actual games do we have on all my PC let's see your hearts I want to saw a temporal also blue skin my actual computer time window a shame wouldn't bother doing that I have a I I swear to God when my windows 7 is bundled with mahjong it's like you're watching a secret or arcade madness tonight you know it's like here here here's turtle alright alright Lestat listen I know you guys were chastising me me like you can't play minesweeper Joel like I I know you're an idiot but like not an actual idiot but here's the thing how many of you guys play mahjong yeah you do mimimi mimimi yeah yeah yeah yeah I used to all right I have absolutely no clue how to play mahjong I played several times on stream but I still have no idea but I think you know what you know I should invest the time into action learning mahjongg could you imagine the power the power of playing mahjong listen although all of us like shady Japanese games and arcade Manas we can have the power of of getting the secret treasure if we learn it you know match the tile sasayama Jong works is it like like tile blocked so is it behind the door mastered mahjongg by the way when I upload this on the full stream channel this part will be caught out you're gonna immediately you see the ransomware this is like the the ultimate filler is the ultimate filler on the tile before you know what you know while we watch while we do nothing while we watch essentially nothing happened on screen is what we're gonna do I was watching I was watching this this like Buddhist Zen master perform hadoukens and it was the most amazing thing I've ever seen let me show you seriously i this video is so cool here we go well III have a count I have a count on this don't worry don't worry but yeah check this up yeah don't eat oh you hylian hold up check over it's like that is cool and I agree it is pretty cool anyway back to this sorry for all this like filler stuff where girls know we're about yeah the this yeah yeah bleh using a fan no no no no no no no no no there's also uh there's also another clip I I think there's a there's Japanese like martial arts thing they show on TV and they bring in this guy from like from I think somewhere place in China and he does the same stuff but he's like violent this guy's like blowing out candles right but the other guy is like actually throwing like Hadoop ins how dense like he's he's actually hurting people before we do that let me see hang on uh hopefully I can find this a good luck finding this was you okay there we go can't I find this can I find this so I'm gonna know what I'm talking about here it's really a badass that guy I mean when I say hurting people I mean actually 40 got me more like he works it he can do it man I'm trying to find this video but I don't think we even have time enough to search for it because this this this video is all not ever the the ransomware is almost installed so yeah that's not the video all jokes anyway you can hear a second of that and you know what's up did it did it those [ __ ] tones need to do doo doo doo what if I told you that I that I discovered Rick Astley through that stupid like ancient mean and then I started like on ironically kind of enjoying his music like that guy's that guy's voice is it's not at all like it looks like it was so do Ballou talking like well it doesn't talk like that but what was I saw together forever never apart okay it's not that's more like a death metal singer now because I sing it but it basically restarted this career yeah good good for him good for him No he is a pretty good singer though but I'm sure you guys have seen Bill Hicks Bill Hicks rips on Rick Astley suck Satan's clock all right well are you ready 98 98 99 9 and a hundred what's gonna happen who is gonna lose I got the Oscar fever all right come on I wonder what's gonna happen Oh III started right back up huh okay okay this one takes less time though don't worry up don't worry about it I'm not gonna come out right let's go eat ha you guys see the trailer for disaster artist the new trailer I don't like it I don't think it's very good you know why because it graces there isn't doing the voice if you ever heard of the audiobook of all Greg doing the voice for Tommy it's it's absolutely flawless it's like it's really him and I'm just kind of I'm a little scared because uh this aster artists like it's a great book but unfortunately it's got in it which I'm not a big fan of Oh so we'll see we'll see however however however we'll see I'm optimistic let's see what happens oh mama Oh Oh mmm oops your important files are encrypted if you see this text then your files are no longer accessible really now okay because they have been encrypted Oh perhaps you're beat oh you are busy looking for a way to recover your files but don't waste your time nobody can recover your files without our decryption service really well we guarantee the we guarantee hmm that you can recover all your files safe then easily all you need to do is submit the payment and purchase the decryption key please follow the instructions sent three hundred three hundred dollars oh my god guys we could have bought so many stock images damn worth of bitcoins they're gonna send your Bitcoin wallets and personal installation key to email while Smith please enter it below my key is what is my key ah let's see here a correct key damn it no no I'm gonna I'm gonna ask I'm gonna say one one thing do you think do you think that if if you sent this Bitcoin [ __ ] to these guys do you think do you think they would decrypt your PC and let you have it back honest answers no really really no man you got you guys don't trust people do you you guys are trust them all huh zero percent come on we're really huh one guy trusts him well anyway anyway that is part two of the vista destruction streams there is support three to this next week lauric is working on something very special but I hope I hope part two here tonight has been enjoyable it was really fun to do I'm sorry for the little I am a little tired up and like you know it's kind of chilling out oh there's been okay and and it was alright but uh yeah it's really fun to do but yeah I'm gonna continue this next week but regardless when I move on here and and play something else actually play a video game and not just like destroy a PC but uh yeah next week it's gonna be something different so uh anyway I'll be right back sit tight and the actual games coming right up so see you then in a minute I don't know anyway I write back
Channel: Vargskelethor Uncut: Full Joel Streams
Views: 351,753
Rating: 4.9273987 out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, joel, full, stream, unedited, playthrough, part, vargskelethor, windows, destruction, protogent, vista, virus, toolbars, antivirus, worst, midi, bonzify, leurak, memes, memez, xp, windows 7, windows 10, proto, rap, seinfeld, mario forever, youtube exe, .exe, speed up, optimizer, tim allen, indian, scammer, scam
Id: SdPkpftGa1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 20sec (11000 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 15 2018
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