[Vinesauce] Joel - Lego Island

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fine boys that's right we're doing big big gamer [ __ ] tonight I can pull some Lego stuff now for real though I love the Lego games they have a lot of heart and I something like we've never played like I never played lego island for example I played plenty of leg racers it happens to be one of my favorite games of all time and I also played out very obscure roller coasters that khun kon a game called a Legoland some people have played this but I have fond memories of this this game one of those games where I I could never beat so maybe tonight will change that so I don't know like a triple combo I'm not gonna tell you what the third game is here but it might be like erasers it might not be not telling but I am telling you this we're gonna start with Lego Island a beloved classic by many that I have never checked out I know there's a sequel to this game that a lot of people refer to as the original Lego DTA but I never play the original and I'm gonna see what it's all about so oh boy oh boy oh boy you know what takes the fun part about this dream is me smacking my pc nope the extra fun part will be you actually getting to see me install this thing on on this PC right now because again this thing is not going to run on Windows 7 and I will be the way a very [ __ ] last person just is tell you 7 so good damn it you ever have to upgrade well I'll tell you what I got a on the wire my headset cuz its snared itself in here so let me just go like a tornado here tornado please state you know tornado twister soon you'll have the windows destruction video available maybe at the end of this month so hey anyway let's get on screen and all that stuff in one mixer oh my god I have never seen this jams Oh God kids let me just get this right on screen their yard LEGO Island never played this let's install it the guys jumping up and down okay here we go welcome this is the Latian program all installed LEGO Island I'm sure this brings a lot of memories back for some people but not for me because I never played this but I'm just checking it out for like other people's nostalgia I guess again I played more Lego Racers that was more my kind of deal you know but and Lego Racers 2 on the gameboy advance more about that later in the string but whatever press the next button to start the installation you can press the cancel button now if you do not want to install the LEGO Island it's not [ __ ] you I want to go right in the Lego zone sure ready to install you're now ready to start Lego Island ruined installers for fun you know very yeah we gotta install directx come on him do I have this on oh well I already have it I suppose alright well [ __ ] here we go it's time to play Lego Island I have no idea well I have a bit of a an idea what this game is all about but generally not really but I'll tell you what I got Norton AntiVirus right now so Norton AntiVirus kept your PC virus free for the last 30 days would you like to stay that way get your fully licensed copy of Norton AntiVirus today with Symantec - personal contact 1-877-457-7309 we alright missed wow you got the Tetris I skipped in try skip this on introduce I I don't know what I'm doing this is little the first time I'm playing this a totally blind experience if you will okay it's got the monkey sound II the interest awesome well can I just exit the game and would redo it then huh over what I don't know my spork you'll earn your break whether you have a cure but go to the beach and come back and check your scar oh my history of the best scores ever played on LEGO Island part 1 it is the Bible well the best scores Oh jams are you feeling it are you feeling the LIA go right head back I just wanna exercise can see the intro again because a lot of people vices like teleporting all across the place God okay how do I actually exit out of this god bless like Windows 95 games that don't tell you exactly where you go are you the second ply harvest or something like that I mean the door that's the third book right oh oh we stay green complicated there I'm gonna go for now but I'll be back God what a game what a game now I know what this is so beloved by all what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this Abraham Lincoln Stonehenge George Washington man Lego games back back in the day were wild it ok thank thanks what what the [ __ ] was all that about well what oh this is gonna be an experience I've never seen this I'm like tripping balls tripping bricks configurate no no I'm just gonna launch it again okay we go don't press anything we want to see this intro does it have the the little bricks coming across down to form the Lego logo yes I haven't see this in years oh my god yes Oh wonderful oh yes oh yes oh yes [Music] titties I mean mindscape okay the graph is going to be just like this in the game right this is fantastic it's all coming back to me now getting that wand Lego piece in the bottom of that red old red old box of Legos I'm sorry it's it's Lego bricks there's no such thing as Legos oh my god this is fantastic god I hope this game has orange transparent chainsaw by the way this is tubular I love it hi this is fantastic it's this game hole like a free exploration on the Islander what I never played this and there's a sequel of this game to so well that guy is tripping balls yes it is this is fantastic wasn't that a base what a great game already does this came out a story thanks stop talking okay I get it I get it Pringles please it hurts too much he's like the mask is voice is so like animated good gravy let me turn up the let me turn up the volume a little bit for you guys cuz this is Santa it needs to be full blast alright okay I guess we just clicking and you can change flowers and red to blue depending upon who you are you'll see inside or out if you don't like what you see you can change it change please be sure to look around why is he so scary El Diablo what why what the [ __ ] is it is this some sort of like dark demon in this universe is he the villain it see the villain mr. Pringle sin rostro de la muerte el juego okay well anyway as I say so this is this game actually a story what what is the entire story is devolve it to like there's a bad guy who wants to throw Lego bricks all across the place and you got to pick up the pieces all right l-like Oh anyway I'm [ __ ] walking here [ __ ] you on the microphone forget about it pepper on high okay so that's mr. pizza who's this guy [Music] this voice I recognize it - what for kids hell voice is this some cartoon show it's Andy from Toy Story oh well alright what about this guy good or dead helping people making Lego Island sing well I think we need an exorcist on a cop right now huh I can remember anything I'm remembering this right now I just said the thing that impresses most people is my memory pretty good huh the Rickster he's got the [ __ ] Pixar face escapes our DreamWorks faces got the slanted kind of like okay well that's amazing well but this guy Saints Row 4 way that's already done [ __ ] are you from Minnesota a a Minnesota a Bremer oh yeah but I like to think that every citizen on LEGO Island has a friend in Laura brick why are you going to hell with right what about you mama what what slow down real people and Lego people work inside the same universe Mamma Mia when the question was explained to her again she replied you'll find her there every day we get subtitles on this game please okay well this this game is a brick full of hair it's really quite Joel it really isn't anyway as I was gonna say this game has some incredible cut seats but I wasn't ready for like this amount of craziness whoa all right let me start it down a little bit more okay turn it up I will not be taking any violence at all that one guy stuff so sorry anyway what's this oh it can play silent mode now nobody's happy then chances are you're not listening to radio in the headlines today brickster still in jail disaster at the beach parrot makes painters plunge on Nick and time saves nine building reaches an all-time high Legos in space more later damn you know when am I getting LEGO Island on a vinyl rip Gleeson well I guess we're just gonna play the game then huh it reminds me a lot of guitar warrior what he said leg ghosts did the game you say a leg goes [Music] what the [ __ ] he broke the rule all bets are off now huh okay well I guess we're free today well fine I'll sign the goddamn book all right I'm just trying to sporty in your neck take this grapefruit spoon and jam it in to find the exit okay Joey that's me I can't even do dollar signs come on information help me mr. Pringle no I'm good I'm good I'm very good can you speed on this game yes I'm okay with this the UI is a little clunky but I can't criticize a game like this how many exorcism is it is experiencing this very moment per second just ask my friends or click on the places on the map that you'd like to visit if you need me to tell you anymore just click on me okay I'm just gonna go I'm gonna click there yes stop by here and you'll be delivering pizzas in no time oh just sit back and sniff the pizza Phil they're snappy tunes on the jukebox can't you just a [ __ ] ladies and gentlemen start your engines please that is if you decide to come here here the LEGO Island racetrack of course where you build your own Formula One race car and compete in Lego laps neat good choice good buddy this is the gas station build your own car and take it for a spin or help rescue a stranded motorist your choice this isn't the first Lego a game was released right I think it was some geisha for this but this definitely predates like a racer because the it's a little stinker and in terms of like UI then then racers of course but and this game is going in every direction right now please God forgive me if I run over any Lego babies good choice good buddy this is the gas station okay thanks thanks let's explore this area on that's the information place okay I'm going around no I don't want that yes Jesus okay Windows Movie Maker looking ass is that a level or oh oh oh my whoa whoa sure as kids came about the third one oh my god what is this okay over here this is this is like a missed game is it like there's actual like I expected like GTA well what what what is this Oh green screen potential oh pretty blood okay party was a huge success and they wish to thank all that attended Oh in Papa wishes to remind all of the listeners at home that pizza is good cold too this game is bizarre and I love it I did not expect like island to be this honestly like did this and this is something else I did not expect this game to be this way it's at a point that click game this this stuff no it's not so I'm just [ __ ] around in the wrong menu some stuff okay I guess I gotta get to the top Tower you haven't started the game ah okay okay because I got our Sears mystified from this okay go back for jams you haven't started the game you're covered in blood friendly so how do I like start it hella game do I drag the guy on here that you wanted to see one of the seven wonders of later I want to know what God has cursed this this disorder man Gomorrah the skies are bleeding woman we're in the hell zone of course I'm a nervous wreck ya know kid I looked at it if you're not sorry about the pun I'm auditioning for the LEGO Island talent show I'm at my god soundtrack on violence do I walk around oh my god okay what was going on oh my sweet Jesus it is there stirred is this the game uh-huh let's make me nauseous to play it this is it one second [Music] this mouse look in this there is Oh cuz I was gonna do a joke here with you know do that we do that and we do this just a little bit of this you know you stop ha ha and then we just you know alright here we go time to kill are you guys sure this game installed the right I feel like haha this is the skiers game ever guys I don't know why the [ __ ] I use trying to WASD was here how do i okay is there mouse click here oh hello this games what in the almighty sweet hell is this game am i this this game meant to look like this I mean I know about the red sky I changed that I get that but it's meant to be this like cataclysmic LEGO Island welcome to hell / tropical jams I thought this is it the sequel I'm thinking of that has like the I've seen a screenshot of you like running around and jumping on skateboards and stuff like that but this is not the game I expected honestly like I that's a sequel okay and I'm guessing the sequel less regard that's the better game than this and you haven't even done anything yet but like still okay we can lost my memory for a while but what in God's green earth is this game [Music] I'll please you first I'm leaving I'm [ __ ] leaving I'm [ __ ] leaving I'm [ __ ] leaving I know the Lego games are wacky but this game is on a whole new level [Music] can I get a core in this I guess I gotta click on the let's go to the bank the bank is eats deep man deep ok ok can somebody set in check can you show me your face ok I'm gonna up you on this ok here's what you do turn off the screen and shine your screen up and you see yourself in it you can become my face well it's not very quiet at all oh my god oh my god no neat I'm gonna fix up the sky I don't have a blood sky when I'm playing this alright don't want a blood sky [Music] alright this hundred get in this game is pretty good though is this default this is what it's supposed to look like yeah before I turn into piss okay approximately no oh okay let me let me let me go back let me go back and worry don't worry it told me about the Z okay yeah okay but that's it that's it that's it that's what it's supposed to look like okay click the Sun damn it's a lot of passion people about Lego and Legoland seem play as the pizza guy yeah whatever whatever I get it I get it Thanks I love it pizza Roberts if you want to help out in delivering Lego Island tastiest comestibles click on the pizzeria someone will show you what to do on the other hand if you don't want to do that you should say hello that's always I think it's in my head or something like I hit my car but I'll hit my head in a car accident like years ago and I have this like demon in my head floating around and be like you know press this button don't worry the pain will be over soon hmm jams okay no man game well I see somebody painted all mama Papa what okay okay here's all the songs D call anywhere lease Lord Nelson Orchestra dope a dose let's show that what's this [Music] yo what is this [Music] what my guess our perfect gift for this from yesterday stream I have the perfect gift for this [Music] Wow what a strange spin well everybody I can't top this I want to remix this on the fly [Music] dude I can't do it again he's gonna play again over all the place once and everybody leaves they get [ __ ] this okay here I go again I know I know I'm in your way okay oh hi I know you no no I don't yes I do I have your mail here somewhere no no get out of my air I'm off working Wow no three more hours anyway the mail must be delivered oh yes it must my brother's a doctor you know your legal aisle is the best game ever it's like a fever dream of Lego proportions it's [ __ ] amazing this game we listen to the song I but I'm pre mixing it [Music] [Music] new Dwayne confirmed okay Jesus Christ this game is incredible are there more slaps in this game like like you know mama pizza break aleni there's more song sir what about I heard this one actually what about the what what about D call that's like a default YouTube song wait I can play this guys its brick 182 [Music] so here I am doing everything I can step in all that Lego pissing off dad I didn't like that song sorry alright my god this is Bennet doesn't that rip what about what about Kathleen [Music] [Music] [Music] or should a sketchy [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] gotta get down that brick mansion a teenager bridge all right this is this [ __ ] slab is it great sounds and smells good suck my brick bridge on my dick Thanks interesting that guy is happy okay no more speed metal drums I'm sorry I won't hear this one oh [ __ ] Oh I'm sorry I really want to do this guys I don't irritate here spiel girls but yeah what's this offbeat yo Lars Ulrich on the drums here [Music] satsang was that the song nothing more well I have I have a have a better song I have a better lyric intention for that hang on I know the perfect lyrics for this morning we got the drunk gonna go out and kill bricks it's a holiday in brick plan Ric Flair [Music] can't believe this stole like like Dead Kennedys but alright I sounded just like it it's not just like harlot in Cambodia okay hope this guy goes like it's some really Shamar Magog or like well everybody you wanna suck my breath like [Music] sorry I was just waiting to do that sorry no more music dopes [Music] one day my father come home and he stepped on the brick he said son what is this and then he stepped with his foot and said sea shanty three everybody my god I loved I seriously am in love with the soundtrack like LEGO Island like I'm laughing my ass off at this I don't know if this humor damn laughing it now translated for kids when this came out I mean I I don't know I I don't know but I got laughing my ass off at this it's it's hysterical I don't know yeah [ __ ] it now I got the stupid song in my head now you can do it brick by brick okay here we go I think I'm gonna build up preach today I think I'm gonna build it in a break I'll be lying I told birth to smile and we get on your wedding [Music] and nobody has [Music] take of my favorite people on a spring and [Music] I'm sorry no no more easy jokes [Music] see this is the problem you're like a hat little musically inclined you you you turn music into vomit screw this we're going back to brick by brick I'm gonna hear that again this is sleeping pill sleeping pill of a song go I don't remember anything that's all I remember it was this essentially you know I don't think so give me what I want [Music] [Music] [Music] break this song kicks ass as you'd have full cover of the song we go this one here so long [Music] [Music] smash birthday [Music] [Music] [Music] rock off my dick this song is gonna be the enemy holy [ __ ] I'm gonna wake up in the middle of the night like you know I'm just gonna wake up with my I sipping like open I'm like kicked me in the clip you know that's amazing I seriously the soundtrack joke society is fantastic I really love it it's it's it's it's great it's fantastic it's really good it's really really good I really like this [Laughter] something-something brick if you don't like it I'll kick you in the dick [ __ ] that's a can't just [ __ ] song man one more time [ __ ] one more time put it on don't damn it I bought this song [Music] if you think the finally ready for a play that would spaghetti sorry [Music] [Music] every colony or each day you look in you try the pepperoni make you nice and recording [Music] [Music] no more no more yeah so watch I want to get smithing good mythical morning I like those guys alright what I like like I like watching people eat livers ok I'm sorry last time and then let's move on let's move on let's move on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] next one [Music] come on do it mask I'm depressed me [Music] exactly summoning a demon from hell oh [ __ ] ever go guess what letter is C I think it's doing a why I think he's trying to be a B now guys buddy that sound effect plate when you like [Music] [Music] awesome you know I think there's a reason they don't play the same track in public there will be riots for days they just be looting and killing in celebration of brick by brick [ __ ] how can you like that party would go on for days okay you have no idea how much I want to go back and let's do brick by brick holy [ __ ] this song is banned in every country on earth even like Antarctica and Greenland you know okay anyway how do I go back oh I don't need to I think it's well listen this song and then let's move I'm good I'm good LEGO Island is is our real equator say super - super - we don't go - super - please come super - everything is so goddamn scary on like an island it's incredible oh I love that jukebox and I love those plentiful and children jello pain yo pizzas - I think I'll go listen to the jukebox and eat about ten more of these wheels I think he's dead he died he's no longer alive okay I can handle it you should be able to do this skateboarding is a lot like dancing lots of movement the coordination except if you fall while dancing it's not 20 bricks an hour No Oh I've acquired pizza now acquired pizza Wow I'm not real fast - holy [ __ ] Oh God nobody told me that island would be this I really felt like island would be like you know something else but but this [ __ ] nah man okay anyway let's get to the racetrack here whatever that might be you don't you remind me I gotcha - you like me dinosaur is it a dog holy [ __ ] what happened here violence that's that's gory as [ __ ] dude their heads fell out that's a racetrack right - okay hang on I think and do this what is that what is that Moo Papa when I saw you out there in the track I was really concerned something to drink that's why I always let let let go what did it we did it boys it was this what's this eh it says more jams do I want to go in here is that where the bad guy lives mister kill biggest we're delivering more pizzas I have a fear that those ghosts or whatever it was the what was the ghosts of the people who died on the the ambulance okay wait I'm stuck here how do I exit do I have to erase now click on this well I don't need to do this [ __ ] do I know I can ease go well I guess we're heading back to get more pizzas whoa what's going on this this game was not meant for humans Lego people only hey I'm sure oh I didn't want to go out right now you'll get the hang of it remember the first time you made the pizza still on the scene Neeta it's our goal in this game or is it just like do RIT I don't know can I interact with the puppy in the kitty there's an optional story mission oh so wait I'm done with this character thing you deliver one pizza and that's it No neat so we just head back snooping as usual I see so so let go LEGO Island is just like a free exploration Pizza quest game with a lot of weird sound track and batshit animations okay got it let's play ass let's bless her mama mama Luigi I'm a pizza delivery dude the dude at the food check it out what I don't like you pepper you freaked me out homework I hate homework mom I'm so glad you're back there are so many orders broccoli nice well she going to eat okay Nick you want my special number six no my special number five four three my special number two I need you for the rest of these okay it's up to you will you please take a number one special to Nick at the police station one with extra dip and a large soda to number nines okay interesting somebody said you can ride a helicopter in this game how do I do date how do I do date you gotta be pepper for the story ah okay well can I can I immediately go back to the the hub world only to manually go there every time okay hello sir okay bye click from anywhere click on a building and anything do a race first Kennedy I just gotta go to the racetrack and that's it - okay yeah this turns up 3d moon maker [ __ ] okay well let's head back hey what's this how many claws am i holding up [ __ ] is this guy's problem no pizza for this guy is your lurch against pizza that's out our feet are free the brickster I'm out of here I'm out of here I got a player okay tell what let's do a race s mama and let's place pepper and then release brickster into the world but it's too brickster the bad guy in this bit in this is Iowa yeah I guess he's bricks or one of those valence that really has has this arc to him there arguably he isn't the bad guy in the story like he's essentially the good guy in a world of evil you know like he's just evil by not by nature but he's forced to do the things that he's required to do he's basically Jesus Christ what's the fastest you've ever dream 250 man I'm I'm a little nostalgic looking at these these old lack of logo faces the only guy I miss is the the Alfred the Alfred mustache man how you start racing oh here we go here we go I'll bet you're ready to build your car right if not I'd exit by hitting that triangle over here I'm pretty busy so unless your heads falling off you're on your own I know you're smarter than me and I build zillions of cars so I know you can figure it out too now that's the switch to move the shelves to find your parts click them and drag them down to the wire frame your paints are over there and there when you're done click on the triangle sign and somebody will bring her out front for you to drive good luck little brick I'm out of here don't ask me why I don't ask me how but I got a cat stuck in a radiator he's cheating on his wife huh whoa look at these physics oh I thought I thought it's like Gary smart fist come on y'all this is impressive but it's fixed to our grid so it's not as impressive but well you can actually build your own stuff here though that's cool so getting at this part huh what what is that is it the wheel the wheel goes here No guess I need another wheel but how do I do that I'll see any wheels right now maybe oh you got to select more parts oh I see so you got ah okay and now I gotta find that's kind of like Lego Racers it's not essentially the same thing cuz yeah at the end of the day you're still like going on a pattern here but I mean they were trying they were trying appreciate that however it ain't no like let's see here and now I got to do this part how about we do this in yellow looking real real good okay we gotta find the other block there we go there we go you know uh anybody remember sis you know what I loved as a kid I loved buying cheapo candy with a lot of chocolate in it that had super tiny lego building things ie helicopters that was basically one one giant cube and like one flippy thing at the top and like one thing underneath it that would represent a tail like super tiny ones like hey here's a duck for you kinder eggs what I had back in there was a kinder egg kinder egg let go hang on no not kinder egg I'm talking [ __ ] you guys were saying kinder egg Lego I'm thinking of Milky Way Milky Way Lego is does this hat exist I wonder a milky ways to Sweden used to have Legos soon it's not another thing anymore keep mind this is like oh my [ __ ] god okay well I had a helicopter but can I switch the colors on this I want to have it in a different color I want to have it blue yeah that's that's my that's my finger looking like a real piece of crap yeah that's my vehicle man do we just start now what what's-her-face that that that's sing her maid Hey Hey You you I don't want to be your boyfriend hey let's go okay do we a start or some erase for you if you want to make any kind of changes later just come on in again you know customize why is he like this assembly is his name seriously building like he wasn't joking but unfortunately alright here we go we're racing boys we're gonna race don't wanna make you too nervous but I always smoke the competition they don't bait kids oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] whoa what the [ __ ] oh what's going on what the hell is this oh god what is happening what is this fresh hell I'm in a giant sewer with puzzle pieces and a giant scallop dad what the [ __ ] what is going on this is hell Dante's Inferno [Music] this makes no sense spaceships skeletons the music is gone reverse what is going on here comes the skeleton uh-huh ooh what is going on in this hall there's a fire truck in hell what's going to take just like vibrating its flesh this giant pizzas now what's that Senate John squid dr. giant octopus no nobody told me that f-zero X to exists Oh everything is so jiggly get now are back on track everybody but I got to do it on again I gotta do that again laughs - everybody laughs - come on oxygen go oh wow Jesus that's what if I failed me what if I fail this again again as I solve this only there's only two two laps shut up listen work for this giant skeleton cracking me up I'd like lap you all right [Music] guys I don't know about you guys but I really want to hear brick-by-brick again even though the soundtrack here is pretty good I'm just thinking about that damn song already you can do a brick by brick if you gotta take a poop if you gotta take a [ __ ] why don't you do it the break my break wait what I got seated I got feet and what the hell okay that wasn't cool so this obstacle snail out everything was like a great I lost a race now cool I got spooked my bones my bones please no excuse me it's coming through [Music] cool game ho game break-in it's good game I get I keep getting feet that in in LEGO Island you know [ __ ] you I kill them I'll be the laughingstock of this town why didn't I have a problem with this before three times three times with this damn skeleton okay survived this time new guy okay it's pure luck let's just wait bless his weight and let's go let's go let's go you can do a brick by brick we're deep stab RBD who love a bleep it school body beaded you can do with a school abandon sickness did that am I crazy or did that thing you say eat my something guys what did that say [Music] eat the top bus okay okay good good it said that because I I saw something else this game Mike you trying to like melt my brain down there guys I propose a thing tonight instead of playing multiple Lego games or just make this just into a series both batshit crazy Lego games they he's played lego games places and everything but that's to be a cut-off date because I guarantee some of these Lego games aren't as crazy as these games like Lego Star Wars 5 I'm sure it's like a legit game not at all like this the this craziness you did a mighty fine impression of a tree back there brilliant race good enough to place third place is an honorable position so I now present you with the yellow brick couldn't gradually listen not everyone is a winner all right I don't need your pee-pee brick all right third place ain't good enough all right that chord that court is the same chord as it's lonely at the top [ __ ] uh what's-his-name [ __ ] in the then around the world god I forgot the composer's name he made Toy Story Garen Randy Newman now Garry Newman he made cars Randy Newman have my big green new girl stole my car he stole my car he stole my car doctor Pringle stole my car cool all right we're gonna play us SS pepper and then why not release hello [Music] well this get this game has been an experience I never thought that the LEGO Island so this game is better than lego island 2 lego island 2 was a bit on disappointment compare this go up the Mount the first thing it is so this is where a tapman wrong way at this one thing I can complain about in bitching about this game the controls are horrible with the arrow keys all the other than that this game is fantastic it's a scary weird experience that I like you mouse I mean I guess but wait wait wait wait to go back to go back go back [Music] [Music] you have any dancing gifts on my desktop let's find out oh I just replaced damnit I want to hear the full song again unfortunately I don't really have any good dancing gifts but I do have this buff banjo no go inside my buff my buff banjos I mean what I can't go I've got two cars on the block already could you do it I would really appreciate it and like I always say you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours if you can do it just pick up that tow truck so they'll know you're working for me if you if you smash my brake I smash your brick okay Oh God can I say that I think building is the worst name ever give it to a character any any fictional a thing ever building I rather have build on it okay now that's which will move the shelves so you can choose your car parts or click them and drag them down you color them with your favorite colors and turn it around with this switch to advance work and when you're done click on the triangle sign and so you'll bring her out front gas her up and then take out will spin Oh God [Music] did you know unrelated but I was looking at voice actors the other day and didn't know I actually blew my mind and you know the guy you know that a 3d movie maker guy that the purple guy called Z you know you know the kids you wanna make a movie that guy you know that guy is it's the same voice actors g-man for half-life wake up and smell the ashes same [ __ ] guy I am not kidding look this up yeah so hey kids well you know well going to make your choice you out of it completely say the same guy I'm dead serious it's [ __ ] crazy learned it the other day hey kids up Z bad mouth okay said back here so a little shortcut here and it's really the brickster love again did he live here shut up oh damn it can I get some really radical guns he's been just kidding it's talking not me anyway back to building so you volunteered to build the helicopter if negative select the triangle and dismiss yourself helicopter you see just the facts one helicopter you seems to display your peace little building click-and-drag to the color choices are over here three select this the de copter will rotate for when complete select the triangle sign and you're on assignment yo let me let me tea posts out of here alright welcome to smooth jazz to build on all right all right I can dig all my 3d move maker the stuff oh this jazz is turning a little [Music] careful careful with those scales my friend careful careful there's any moment now it's going to turn into a slowly creep up Muraki listen to that [ __ ] okay let's see here uh I still got that ridiculous song stuck in my head the brick-by-brick stuff I'm dead serious I still have it in my head I don't know the lyrics fully yet but I'm gonna find out okay unless you're [ __ ] me is it no that's aside it's this one right okay and now I got to get this now I got a good this is you know what I always found a little funny with LEGO pieces I always found it funny that Legos nowadays this is all old boomer talking right but and I know you guys are gonna be like you're shut the [ __ ] up but hear me out when I go to the grocery store and I have to pass through the kids section all the Legos and all that like stuff it's always these like 5,000 pieces Lego things now I don't know about you guys but back let your mother go Legos were like yo here's a couple of bricks in a package make whatever [ __ ] you want and now it feels like you have to abide what but Lego gods want you to make maybe that's just me talking [ __ ] here but I remember going to the store and I bought these green Lego I said I can pull up a picture of this hang on a Lego straight grained pieces I don't know if this is true does anybody know what I'm talking about here it had this like straight piece that I would cobble together Street panels is that what it's called Lego Street panels I'm finding a picture this oh I think that's what the [ __ ] oh my god yeah yeah this stuff I remember this and you'd be a lots of [ __ ] on it yes what I'm talking about my poor mom had to buy all this crap for me man I really well I was a really privileged child to like get all this Lego stuff because this is pretty expensive man I tell you mmm let's about 100 years old and I have a little baby a little egg Joel walking around with like one eyeball going listen no Legos for him he'll play with toothpicks and dynamite all right that's cheaper okay y'all ready by the way y'all [ __ ] ready y'all ready for the best miss KY orange transparent chainsaw the weight or a transparent chainsaw bike now we're talking alright sorry [Music] whoo a mental Legoland I've always wanted to go to Legoland but you know me he's a real dumb question this but Legoland in America is the same thing yeah I mean I guess I guess at the last piece you know that can't be there it is no that's that's the rotors what you want is this then you want to slap on this little rotor thing no that's a different piece different piece all together there we go and now you want to get the other piece in no this I'm really good at following instructions guys here's the last piece here we go and I just need a light or the honky horn okay one last warning oh just the facts twin complete select the triangle sign and you're on assignment the switch will move the shelves that display your pieces for building click and drag the color choices are over here so like this and the copter will rotate by by Jesus okay oh here we go that's the piece you want you know I used to do with these these that were always the what do you call them these pieces were always meant to be like speaker stuff like that I would switch these around and I would add a big like javelin piece and I would make rocket launchers and put them our funniest story by the way with with you're not fully liking another friend down the street and you just kind of like you only play with him because he has the best LEGO pieces this kid had every [ __ ] Bionicle all of them the red Bionicle blue Bionicle and whatever and I went over to his place and I'm like yo can we play Bionicle and it's like and I'm a police it's like alright fine and I was like dude I can make god Bionicles I made this monster out of it and it was the best thing okay are we done we're done just the facts yeah shut up complete excellent job now go to the helicopter pad out front to your right by the jail and prepare for takeoff oh and one more thing keep an eye out for the Brixton good I'm always fascinated by how different voice actors sound from the characters which is a true testament to their craft and actor ship you know but it's so funny because you know when I got John st. John's voice acting for example like John st. John doesn't sound like Duke Nukem obviously but John st. John is such a such a goddamn professional he does excellent work but it was funny to hear like alright y'all here's your Duke Nukem voice voice lines I hope you enjoy them right you piece of [ __ ] bastard and rip up your anus Lee now will never stop me that's for sure mostly because it's always perfect weather on lego island which is good I suppose of course I wouldn't miss her I'd rather be jet skiing or racing or frogs good it's important and I'm good at it I guess it stopped at this guy okay I guess it's the helicopter pad outside right ladies Gold man oh yeah the launch pad it's over there by the jail ten-four neat by the jail huh all right I feel as I'm accidentally incoming here a horrible horrible accident that's how you spell it don't you what I heard you can't spell me too well hey this put brickster in rotor blades and activate oh Jesus Jesus he's a sumerian shape-shifting demon what the [ __ ] brickster brickster what the absolute [ __ ] hey boy you know hey condom boy copy this a demon here or your demon - wait a minute pieces yo I'm out here wait this is this is the helicopter new-new he fly he flying boys now he fly hmm Wow that is really really flying I used to leave hockey's invisible walls okay well interesting huh get some pizza and give it to the brickster that seems like an excellent idea let's do it [Music] there's no sound of the helicopter I mean that that's love cheap okay hey wait you're Pete's on your head yeah Burt has to pizza or your exotic Hungarian uncle paprika shut the hell up okay damn I feel a little salty after that roasted probably ran out of disk space they need to compress the music and all that I'm still amazed that like biblical sized mistakes and games that the left in for example here's some really ridiculous top of my head things that I cannot believe it passed through QA testing QA testing [ __ ] it yeah it's it's but yeah it's quality and assurance now what is it Q&A what was it called [ __ ] when you it's not Q&A that's easy Q and I call it control yeah this QA okay anyway so I don't you guys ever played mercenaries playground of destruction you know not that oh no you didn't game I'm talking about the one that came before it on the PlayStation 2 and Xbox on the PlayStation 2 version of that game the shotgun has no sound and it's the most bizarre thing ever the shotgun has no sound in it and I'm like it's my it's my disc fight no but they forgot to put the [ __ ] shotgun sound in nothing there's no sound as you did on that skateboard you'd be out of college by now hey save some energy I got work for you you [ __ ] you Luigi I'll take that it's time to dance yes hey yo can I can I get my pizza can you stop being so scary for a moment and just give me my pizza and to make the real you know what will be even nicer I got the bad feeling imagining knees all right got it pizza acquired all right whoa whoa whoa whoa what is going on this gave me a stranger and stranger buy the [ __ ] second okay huh did the brickster did this he don't do it did he do it God shut up get out of my head all right hmm Knicks pizza I'll take that yes Papa's famous jalapeno red pepper anchovy double garlic pizza the strongest pizza on the island you want a tip pepper okay here's a tip learn to read because the sign says don't feed the brickster oh no oh no what have I done what have I done oh oh no what have I done what have I done what am i doing what am i doing what have I done okay we can salvage this we get savage this situation read situation is beyond read whatever that color would be situation brown trickster has escaped no we must what's the matter with you [ __ ] it went behind the hill the mountain park what's happening I remember what it is okay so the brick star has stolen the helicopter is the power brick from our information mama just heard so win and I remember now that's where he went the last time he escaped by the residential area by that DreamWorks looking ass I north a skateboard perhaps what now dr. Pringles someone maybe like you exactly we'll meet you over there head out to the residential area we'll meet you at the other end of the tunnel hurry head west a plan okay you race over there and I mean the brickster watch his now I'm kind of like congealing with the animations here but what the [ __ ] is he doing animation me some nothing in this world like pepper what kind of animations you want yes I think everything is just completely batshit crazy in this you know this probably made sense us kids okay okay okay okay okay kakie eat infinite animation and here we go guys how close am I to beat in this game theoretically like not 100% in it just my nose is loose okay about 20 hours damn you're really close okay but why do I enjoy the chaos there goose is loose okay I love that seriously I might be joking around with this game but it has a lot of charm that I can't explain like I'm not saying this game holds up but I'm saying for what it is it's pretty damn enjoyable what it's hard to explain why I like this so much it just concentrated chaos all right there we go the effort put it yeah I guess it's just so much you know am I going the right way there's some funny moments in this game I like it all right hmm I still have that stupid song stuck in my head guys I'm serious I'm dead serious like I'm sad that I'm just like a seer [Music] I'm like what most at brick by brick and dude better to do a teeny bit ability to do am I going in the tunnel here it is I think I think I'm on the right way Rickster is that you know what if someone the other way oh no it's a police car police guy shut up but I'm not here before I'm a girl I'm a girl room but I cannot for the life of me figure out exactly where to go you gotta collect the bricks perhaps so I gotta go back into the race cave oh oh well at least you got here before too much damage we got most of the blockades down already here's the deal we've got to guess their bad ending to this game there it is I guess I guess doing a whoo ha ha I refuse to believe this an actual bad ending Barry the beat okay well oh oh Lord but what the hell is going on oh man we gotta catch him boys get him get him boys get him [ __ ] I don't know where he went did he go this way no I couldn't what if I just like go away man like this 400 IQ play oh [ __ ] oh I messed up guys I'm getting the bad end is he behind me now or okay what I thought was too narrow for him to like go there but alright what's his suck noise [Music] that's what is this bad ending consist of tell me I'm generally curious okay nothing is too narrow to fit in this game he asked true unless you can get through here can I collect this what's this hmm secret cave guess I can't do that yet oh Lord everyone is unhappy and the brickster question is life choices I've killed them all but it won't cost I'm gonna get him he's coming my way he's coming my way guess what buddy I got you I got you how do I stop the brickster how do I stop them turn a high jacket but how the [ __ ] [Music] I guess he's got to collect this pieces I guess scatter across the entire island [Music] yet you don't stop him just collect this real little things he drops it that could be anywhere on the island man oh God okay god damn it when do we have your name is they didn't drop the pieces anywhere he said just can I think the helicopter perhaps soon follow him and they'll drop him okay sorry I'm not I'm not really a pro lego island man I'm more to minesweeper myself Madden being too dumb for Lego Island yeah dude I know right Taha hold analyzed bad ending okay how do I actually do the bad ending is the up of the hill now or I can't tell her [Music] just wait you do the patenting right now all [ __ ] whoops oops oopsies he might be up here I'm not sure maybe some oversight on what this island looks like right now yeah whatever all right I wish you could walk on the grass man they literally [ __ ] told you to what to do it comes the hills all right listen how dare you how dare you duel is he over there now so he is sucking up all the stuff on the island that that makes the bed and I guess okay okay well all these controls men oh my god well bad and incoming boys the island is almost sucked up Joel I swear to god I'm gonna [ __ ] a break here oh this goes down into the cave [ __ ] you now you can do it brick by brick you guys remember when we laughed at the song all right drop your thing or whatever second save the island or something what's that a pun so we just stand behind them and he just drops pieces and that's that's it [ __ ] way to go there is stop sucking up my things no come back shed its go on boys at least sound Drake's pretty good my mortal enemy he's worse than any CBT wizard imaginable oh [Music] god we gotta get the brickster guys alright gamers welcome back to let's play Lego island part 257 tonight's the stream where we stop the brickster you quit that you just walk on it or I click on it as I might actually get the bad that ding here okay it's clicking art it was a tense boss fight I've ever had okay one how many kids started crying because of this and they couldn't finish it there's a one pro gamer like me you guys he sucked the jail out mommy mommy I don't like it guys I think the bad ending is in coming here oh is this it is it the bad ending great job pal and it was that suspected they are the pieces of the helicopters so we and the bad news is we're still missing four pieces we've got to cover this island like studs on a brick pepper check everywhere click on it when you find one this is hideout stop stop stop stop stop stop please [Music] what is this God forsaken editing in this game Oh God mad yes when we let go LEGO Island you guys remember the ending of this game it sure is a game isn't it yeah after you try to get all it all all the breaks shut up shut up good gravy okay fine a piece gotta find all the pieces meltdown incoming nuclear launch detected oh hey dude okay this game is so much better than the sequel so what's wrong with the sequel now what what what's what's much off with it it was fine I'm not sure they say if there's any more piece on on this this place I think I think we're done here we got explore more the island perhaps yeah I think to be one down here right it's very slow compared to this one what was lego island 2 for playstation or something like that I have vaguely remember it's from from that era all off consoles and I'll tell you what [ __ ] Lego games sucked by the way Lego Racers 2 like as a kid I always was like well oh there's a sequel to this well I can't wait to try it and then like why this is isn't at all like Lego Racers one again I remember it being too easy and it's like man I don't know yeah I know a shut up man wrong wait no right way I'm getting the pieces it's gather across the island puck right here while suddenly great soundtrack said it I can't save them anymore [Music] I'll call this part of the game is it longer than the actual game that bird must be pistol something here either man huh lego island lego rock raiders best I [Music] don't like this part I got to be honest this game was so good up until this part where you like hey find the pieces on this island that everything looks the same on and it's really married to navigate on enjoy [Music] Oh Oh [Music] follow the sound what do you think I'm doing [Music] maybe it's maybe it's over here maybe it's over here again closer now but I'm been here I've been here where's the sound coming from how the [ __ ] was I supposed to know that that was a piece it cooked I just part of the house okay let's get the other piece too [Music] elissa music is nice you can do it brick by brick and on a stick you can do it brick by brick [Music] sounds like Twilight Zone yeah you can do it click by click [Music] poorly constructed brickster pepper as our best and most proven builder quickly get to the police station and build our a helicopter I'll meet you there at the launching pad when you're done I think we have a plan okay okay whoa I'll get out of your way you're a better builder than I so go to it thanks beetle ding okay here we go boys we can do this I can win [Music] famila set up the the bricks didn't make it into the lego movie that really well made it my opinion on the smooth jazz though alright there we go and let's go start flying I guess brickster for smash batting if you do nothing on this next part I won't do the matter we'll stop for is one of cyanide in the pizza how about we put a bomb in the pizza and blows [ __ ] it how about we put the pizza on fire besides it's easy to use and it doesn't hurt how about c400 May and Laura will need the extra energy Pizza chuckle thing pepper pepper good luck fly right check your angle of projection aim in front of the brickster and and toss them donuts our way it'll I'll try and slow him down I'll try my very best now good luck red pepper I don't want to be spinning on any pizzas good luck miss spinning everywhere else on the game you behave up there and I'm proud of you pepper well this is something else so [Music] pizza for the [ __ ] you see is that him is that him right there oh this angle is that the bricks Turk I can't tell so him you see in the van okay oh there is there is a AAA another come come here come here so we got to make him a path into the jail I guess how the [ __ ] spam the god that pizzas then just eat pizza pizza [ __ ] guys bad ending oh [ __ ] a lot of pizzas guys bad ending incoming [Music] [Music] okay it's mine [Music] he did really contemplate his life choices but at what cost okay I wonder how many like six-year-old saw that ending able to reconstruct oh so many six yours is channeling their their tears right now alright yet who here cried we're cried and I'm all talking when you were six all talking right now but me mommy this game poo I regret we're gonna just Google the YouTube the the good ending here cuz I don't have the patience with Romulan pizzas out there but all right here we go home let go Island ending it here's the good ending if you let all the cops do to the brickster this happens so a slight slight different I guess [Music] the bridge turret top [Music] pepper pepper you little [ __ ] I [ __ ] lost because I wasn't gamer enough you don't need to pull that [ __ ] face right now pepper god damn and on behalf of the entire island I wish to congratulate your name here oh I'm sorry oh never mind the speech let the celebration [Music] Skelton I love this game I loved it this game is the ultimate this game was held with my gum tape and toothpicks nothing in a sense it was a [ __ ] mess but it was like glorious mess well there we go they ever go they ever go now there's just one more little little little thing I think we need to do here [Music] and on behalf of the entire island I wish to congratulate your name here oh I'm sorry oh never mind the speech let the celebration there's good sounds in Reverse birth we're gonna do there we go yeah we need I need I need a true ending for this all right a true ending all right a true ending and on behalf of the entire island I wish to congratulate your name here oh I'm sorry oh never mind the speech let the celebration [Music] [Music] [Music] don't tell me this doesn't fit because the [ __ ] does absolute chaos man timing to on the music so actually you know what you know what I want to hear before we end the stream I want to hear one more thing and you know what that is someone said there's a high quality rip of this where can I find that oh remastered here we go oh my gosh high quality quick budget [Music] [Music] bigger than a bike in the driver's seat when you're behind the way [Music] [Music] [Music] are you game boy at the riot girl clicked on the stick let's go for a world we're gonna cruise the island the song you should know when you block the road your pocket [Music] we thought so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I gotta wash this good mythical morning video where they eat a kidney because this has been Rick in a my recommended forever all right great though well that was the worst dream ever done almost like vial on everybody I'm sure I missed a lot of content I'm out of mana miss the secret secret stuff but I enjoyed it I really enjoyed the songs I really enjoyed the the the atmosphere of the game I loved the characters I hope I can stream like Al on to and hopefully it's just as good but here's a secret ending by the way see here the song [Music] budget [Music] another squeeze in like sixteen by nine on this windows like a cake [Music] [Music] I'm gonna go get a Pepsi booth um I'll be right back [Music] that's a dick [ __ ] [ __ ] no he's just a dragon look look look look look look eyeball eyeball snout leg leg [Music] all right I don't know what the [ __ ] you guys are being all look get him um assess it even listen listen I don't know what the [ __ ] you guys talking about look it even if he versus Lego dragon you know blow look what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] no more no more this man this please for the love of God okay thanks then we'll select Island everybody I I was that's a that was a treat that was a true treat and I thoroughly enjoyed it I can't believe this disaster of a stream turned entertaining but it's true you watch the credits okay hang on LEGO Island credits hit the credits but that was the last thing we'll do last thing we'll do we saw this already [Music] is that Mona Lisa [Music] it was Buffalo [Music] what is this ending my god Nationals and kids alike hate her 96 damn well everybody that was IRA maybe she maybe should call this segment maybe every Tuesday we'll do a new Lego game I'll do all Lego games chronologically guys quick quick quick names quick names spit ball spit ball ideas hmm tuna Tuesday everybody [ __ ] brick can't do that Lego can't do that [Music] Lego day this brick day guys for brick day next week we will be checking out but let's look at these chronological let's stop messing around let's look at these for real hang on Lego games released I want to see let's let's look at them on a chronological release ok if I click on like Island yeah that was released there like a racist which released 99 and then Lego Racers 2 was released ok anyway alright so here we go this was actually the second Lego game ever made something's in my room [ __ ] scary men [ __ ] was that all about scary man anyway uh Lego funk to build Lego Island right this is the first one let Lego loco lego chess little crater I've heard of like in the crater the racers so I guess next game on the list here we have to do is Lego loco and that would have to do lego chess which is gonna suck ass cuz I unruly play chess leg craters basically like gmod for kids back into them LEGO Friends now I'm curious what is this oh no oh no oh no oh no oh listen we don't need to create a song when we already have all right John a girl's band create music and dances to become number one pop stores all right everybody this is the let go girls with their song and the world and the two and a brick by brick [Music] [Music] that's gonna happen but alright anyway let's try it play all these Lego games man but there's one particular game that holds for me at least like the joke aside for me there's a specific game and that is Lego Racers on the n64 this is my favorite Lego game has always been there to me and I've always loved this game this will happen eventually but there's also another game that I really want to do and that's lego rock raiders which is basically Starcraft for kids essentially it's an RTS kind of like strategy mmm and they don't enjoy this one as much it's like a racist oh but you know there's also this game in particular that I actually owned to this very day I have a weird association with this game right because I my mom would buy this deli grocery store chicken and the six six-pack of coke and whenever think of lego bionicle i think of like me playing this game coming out in the year 2001 and me eating chicken and drinking coke and playing lego bionicle my gameboy advance and that was like the first game I got from Game Boy Advance so I dip Tzar I know but yeah but anyway this this game is actually not that good but I have a lot of fond memories for it so you know do you guys remember that Bionicle movie [ __ ] and I felt like being a bastard you know if I do every one of these Lego games every week could you imagine what a [ __ ] I'd be if I just end it with like okay guys and the final Lego game goes too you know but we're not gonna do that what we are gonna do is we're gonna check out something else next week and what is that well we'll see we'll see wasted roadblocks I'll tell you what though screw roadblocks I'd ever played roblox in my life but you know I did you know I did do plate alright I want to say some og [ __ ] you want to see some og [ __ ] I think this is it oh here we go you know for all blocks who is roblox are you kidding me are you ready oh you're ready for the original ladies and gentlemen Lockland oh hell yeah I heard they ruined blokland Oh cuz they were incorporating frenchmen so they changed the character models into like this and I don't know what the [ __ ] this is all about but this oh yes y'all everybody yeah we're gonna do one of these days we're gonna be playing block lamp with each other and then we'll pal around and do some stuff you know who knows but in all seriousness though like jokes aside and all that if I can actually review and talk about a LEGO Island here I'm sure I missed something some things in this game but I would say this this game is it's a really bizarre point-and-click fun ride and if I love this game now I said it grew up at this game right I had no I had no idea what this all about you know if I love it now I can't even imagine how much nostalgia I would have had for this game and growing up as a kid it even comes with a free comic but that this game was a through treat and I'm glad I can actually experience this game and you know what you know what the strange thing is to like I don't have no Stalder for this game but I have this like I have this like fake nostalgia now for something that I'd never played if that makes any sense because I just felt all those other memories coming back from the 90s like you know I saw the guy with the mustache I saw the the awk tane logo on the lego stuff and I'm like man this all coming together you know so it's a missing puzzle piece of a game I never played but Lego Island was actually a really fun game and I really enjoyed the music obviously I thought this gave us a lot of fun the characters were a lot of fun the voice acting was fun too so overall a very nice game bizarre game but you know it's a kid you probably want that you know but now I'm really curious about LEGO Island - guys I see the problem is is that the brickster is that him wait a minute those are not the same people correct fake brickster ruined ruined no I don't think that no that's his son oh it's his son okay well well everybody we're gonna be wait pepper was in more Gaines Island extreme stunts wow there's a whole list of these this games I hope they sure retained that brick-by-brick quality man before I go here and move on to the other game we're playing I want to see the secret ending LEGO Island secret cave okay I'm fighting a video here guys the mystery is revealed here go [Music] [Music] it was captain No with the door the door [Music] what a good video apparently there's no ending or the secret thing there it's just there for no reason interesting hmm gaming mysteries unfold that's our alternate ending all right I'm gonna can I'm gonna give him a link they stab a landing and chats here's the beta ending apparently I started I think that's like no mummy oh I'm not a brick [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my sweet god that's amazing luckily this is the real ending you know [Music] where this chaos this is but man I really wonder I wonder how many how much how many traumatized kids there is from that bad ending like regular bad ending from the game man if there's something that fascinates me it's bad anding in video game it's got a creepy tone to it really like you lose all your friends hate you now you [ __ ] up you might be 7 years older but you really got to take responsibility never play this game again Ethan asparagus learn about pain like well anyway how much Lego Lego Island not this game we're looking at but will they ever going I thoroughly enjoyed this game and I hope you had a lot of laughs because I sure did well boy well but anyway we're gonna move on to our game that slightly Lego influenced effect and then we played it yesterday it's the people's playground game so sit tight everybody we're gonna move with the games but kind of the same stuff you know kind of the same stuff in a way you know anyway be right back sit tight and more games coming up don't go nowhere [Music] ha
Channel: Vargskelethor Uncut: Full Joel Streams
Views: 317,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, joel, full, stream, unedited, playthrough, part, vargskelethor, lego, island, meme, racers, song, music, brickster, mixcraft, midi, animation, walkthrough, ending, bad, end, beta, voice, acting, brick by brick, cyka, blyat, russian
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 5sec (9305 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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