First Time Since I was a Baby Chicken - Super Metroid || GETTING READY FOR DREAD

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all right so um this is super metroid i'm playing this in anticipation for metroid dread metroid is my favorite franchise of all time it was one of the first super nintendo games i ever played when i was like i actually think i was like fourth maybe even three years old when i played this and i loved it and it i've said this is every time someone asks me about what a 10 10 game is i usually say super metroid well we'll see how well it's aged but um yeah i i love this game i haven't played it in 20 plus years so let's do this and i'll be playing metroid tomorrow oh yeah the last metroid is in captivity the galaxy is at peace oh yeah i'm not talking over the music come on hey cheeser i'm may sweeter and dread we'll see thank you legend for the prime thank you ultra for the four months thank you elliot for the three thank you thank you sam for the six thank you vissi for the three and thank you a route for the four i next fought the metroids on their homeworld sr388 i completely eradicated them except for a larva which after hatching followed me like a confused child [Music] i personally delivered it to the galactic research station at ceres so scientists could study its energy producing qualities [Music] the scientists findings were astounding they discovered that the powers of the metroid might be harnessed for the good of civilization i'm not sure what the difference is satisfied that all was well i left the station to seek a new bounty to hunt but i had hardly gone beyond the asteroid belt when i picked up a distress signal sirius station was under attack to answer your questions that are answered in the title no this is not a speedrun this is the first time i played this game in like 20 years um and i'm hyped i'm hyped look at the station yeah rancid this will be a somewhat fast playthrough most likely um just because i have watched the speedrun a million times um so but i haven't i haven't touched this game in ages x is the shoot button so it is a speed run yeah all right it's a speed run all right what's my escape going to be place your bets [Music] we lost a lot of momentum there oh that was bad steam rng guys i'm gonna die [Music] love the sound design in this game now here's what here's where the horror elements come in when you land on this planet like the atmosphere is so good it just feels like a completely dead planet with just like the smallest molecules running around is the remake on gba not good or something there is no remake of super metroid this is scary uh there we go i did homeboy yeah let's go for fast fast [Music] orb see i love this so the atmosphere is all like you're just on a dead planet nothing's live and then all of a sudden you pick up the first item and you got a security camera on you and these two heads are alive i know it's here somewhere maybe not maybe i'm crazy you oh thank you cake mike for the nine months all right little knowledge drop for you everyone razzes resident evil speedruns and resident evil in general on like oh man it's all half of its door loads how long did that take to pick up what like three to four seconds and then look one two three around two and a half to three seconds per door in this game per door except you don't notice it because it's not in your face like a brick to the face like resident evil is but there are a lot of load times and a lot of games that people don't even realize oops oh guys we're first boss fight first boss fight oh we can go in that door we can go on that door oh here it is this is it there it is can you even get this right now wall jumping is so hard in this game [Music] i don't understand how to do it actually oh i see okay oh you know what because i want you know what guys i might actually just to get the real experience i think i'm gonna play with super nintendo controller i have one here for the switch yeah how do i how do i turn this controller off [Music] home button yeah well let me hell yeah this is awesome thank you for joining me guys this is my favorite games of all time i i i love this game love truly one of my favorite games oh thank you detective pack yeah the new october design is available for purchase now so and then look i love this and then all of a sudden the whole planet is alive it's so cool like you arrive on this dead planet the music is just like super atmospheric and then you take one item and boom there are aliens everywhere thank you teaser for the 10 months thank you oh the climb the climb they make it look so easy by the way i i am if you don't know because i do this game is such a hard speed game it requires your life wall jumping is so hard and it's just a basic mechanic of the game it is actually like so difficult which i won't attempt it [Music] thank you cheeser [Music] [Music] by the way i don't i don't know everywhere to go in this game it is a [Music] it will be um quite the playthrough but for the most part i probably won't get super lost i i think i know the speedrun route and i'm going to try and do it i'm going to try into the speedrun route to the best of my ability but still explore and stuff but i think i know everywhere to go right away like i'm pretty sure you go down here now and i've always wanted to play this again truly i've always wanted to play this just to see what the mechanics are like and i'm using a switch snes controller [Music] well [Music] oh he's still alive it's a horror game [Music] i did yeah the dino game looks cool oh this is a jump that speed runners speeders make it look easy we i probably won't be able to do this ever [Music] i'm gonna try this ten times one [Music] [Music] man i love i love how the simplest thing in the speed run is so hard this is not the intended way by the way this is this is a speedrun strat all right [Music] most speedrun strats in this game requires like hundreds of hours of practice no joke [Music] down we know the strats i used to i used to love this room as a kid i'm dreading friday so hard i'm gonna be dreading out on friday i used to love this room still do this is one of my favorite progression rooms in any game ever like you see the four bosses the four main bosses and their little jewel it's so cool and then when you come in after killing a boss the jewel pops out revealing the the new level below i love this room it's so so cool and the haunting atmospheric music actually this is sitting here as a kid and just listening to this music oh how do i close the text down there i don't know thank you john for the 10 months thank you hi little shits no not sponsor but i'm pumped to play dread though oh [Music] i need to find the save room thank you lots of kills for the 27 months thank you oh where's the save room guys where's the save room [Music] i'm only doing one of these because replaying up to this point is dreadful okay the map oh there's the save room only one all right for every one out for everyone i make five gifted subs [Music] guys dread is on friday okay aka tomorrow and i can't freaking wait it might actually come out tonight [Music] [Music] yeah hell yeah thank you nerfin for the 19 months thank you thank you thank you all right oh and the thousand bits thank you cheeser yeah the music is amazing we don't need light yes we do love this this room's so cool thank you jesus oh yeah just a refill bruh you all right can we do can we do the trick i actually don't know how to do this [Music] i'm farming here we go here we go we're here no no this isn't frame perfect i do this in my sleep i'm only going to try the speedrun tricks a couple times each [Music] thank you cheeser for the thousand bits thank you i think you have to go into mock ball i think you have to go into mothball um when you're in midair mothball don't even know how to progress in this without without the mouth ball is wait wait so this is the intended thing to to do this oh it's oh oh okay it's a major sequence break okay we'll actually go to the normal thing thank you teaser for the 100 bits as well again i don't want to ruin my playthrough by doing speedrun stuff but these guys are little boys god you guys sequence break my life is that a good thing thank you cheeser for the extended sub to march holy he's going in he loves super metroid we're taking the missiles out oh look at those missiles um where's my loot bad luck on the loot oh wait wait wait wait wait it was awesome thank you my refill on get my refill on no supers oh my god [Music] no supers guys that's a reset um this song is from something i can't remember what it was or there there's a there's a game that has this song in it recent game can't remember what it is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] remember every time we play it i'm like guys this is the same song that plays during plant boy in super metroid [Music] oh he's angry [Music] no supers [Music] yeah hell yeah beep boop boop bop boop boop boop easy clappings super missiles confetti celebratory confetti i thought there was something around here maybe not oh fellas fellas please took a dodo oh oh down so [Music] [Music] yeah i wish i could turn it up what's up maybe i can i can't i can turn it up for you guys there we go how is that is that better damn it we don't have those i seen metroid dread got amazing ratings and that makes me so happy i remember when i was a kid i i love metroid and before metroid prime came out i was a turbo fan of this franchise and i was so let down that they made um they were making prime a first person game i couldn't believe it anyway the kid in me is like yeah a good metroid game that is um [Music] going back to the roots baby i'll never get in there [Music] oh oh boys do i have the map of this place i don't i hope i hope this is a freaking save room it's not oh oh no boost [Music] it's giving me the 8-bit willys so oops [Music] yeah god where do you live if you don't want me asking when's the last time i played through metroid probably 20 years ago if not more 21 baby it's new to me besides watching a billion hours of the speed run yeah three yeah we're doing it guys we're doing it i don't know if i can even progress though so is this a sequence break i thought this was intended if you could just make the jump [Music] same dunder i've watched a lot of metroid but all the same streamer little crate isn't there a secret oh isn't there a secret up here somewhere [Music] yeah yeah it's not like an actual like you just the game up sequence break sort of like okay you're going this way sure it means you're go it'd be like in resident remake you know how you go to the guard house and then you go back to the mansion and then you go to the cave it'd be like going from the mansion just directly to the cave and skipping the guard house a sequence break or but then going to the guard house later it depends sometimes sequence breaks like invalidate an entire part of the game this game however is really good it won't and because i'm going here it won't invalidate any other part of the game i'll still be fine how do you do quick create like i i know what i see i'll do what i see streamers do but i don't understand like i know they go to the edge here and then ball [Music] oh oh yeah i need super oh oh yeah oh this is why i need high jump boots i see [Music] [Music] i should collect some items [Music] woof thank you teaser for the thousand bits thank you thank you we got the suit oh okay the reason i'm not gonna i deserve no pats on the back for like wow you're good at super metro back holy and you haven't played in 20 years i have literally like like 500 hours watched of the speed run i know i know everything about the run for the most part so this is the first time i've held the controller in a while but i see how to do it oof thank you teaser thank you fall guy little crate well well jump right now you little i'll jump right now if you know everything you back you back in your little crate i can't wait for metroid holy [Applause] the trailer was sick nasty i have it up in my youtube if you want to see it was so good oh is this an e tank i think [Music] oh we need a lot of these i don't know how to do the wall jump really oh i'm getting better the wall jump is actually like a super intended mechanic of the game it's just the mechanics of this game are insanely hard which is why it's such a hard speed run i think okay we need high jump i think they're over here [Music] i think this is high jump boots i can't remember [Music] the ole you fail try again [Music] [Music] hi wait why did i stop why'd my movement speed get so shitty [Music] i see [Music] oh so you don't want a ball in midair yeah you guys could tell me i don't mind backseating for this game because or like i don't want to be told what where to go but if i'm trying to speed on trick go for it you can tell me [Music] [Music] i don't get it [Music] i'm [Music] uh you tapped okay [Music] this is what you're supposed to do here right i know i don't actually don't oh wait no you're supposed to have the you're supposed to have the other explosive [Music] yeah i'm gonna i don't wanna [Music] ah that that's it that's it that's the one [Music] aha okay [Music] damn it maybe i shouldn't do this i don't want to the game up i'll try it three more times [Music] [Music] oh you can do it while you jump through the door okay [Music] yeah yeah i'll try that that's much better [Music] thanks [Music] um [Music] is fun i don't all right i'll go play i'll go play normal one more try and i'll play normal [Music] wait am i stuck over here oh i i realize this is not how do you even do this [Music] can i go back oh i see you know what's funny i know the speed strat for everything for the most part but i don't know how to actually play the game hell yeah like i know how to get everywhere with the speed run i love ice beam i love the menu in this game this is so cool god i can't wait for dread holy [Music] okay cool i'm not stuck excellent [Music] we could freeze these bad boys now is anyone watching super metroid for the first time [Music] does this suit give me oh no it's not the right suit for that i'm go i'm getting out of here i'm getting out of here i'm not i'm not breaking the game this much [Music] wait can i wait do i have to do the same thing back in [Music] uh [Music] uh-oh [Music] [Music] um wait yeah can't i go from up here i need to find the rhythm for this go the other okay okay i'll just go the other way i'll just go the other way down yeah okay fps all right let's just go the inten intended way for right now get on frozen buddy i love how difficult this game is oh okay you bastard we're back we're back we did it okay we got ice beam early not trying to brag i need to get out of here [Music] thank you tyra for the 56 months thank you oh hi jump boots over here i know that i know that nice so we saved like two seconds by going to craig first oops there they are [Music] oh i know you're supposed to save like one guy or something here [Music] i'm so excited for oates i hope dred does really well for his channel [Music] i may think of running dread i've always wanted to run this metroid game if dread's a really really fun and good game i'll learn it oh oh my god please tell me this is uh i thought this was where you get i think i know where you get ah man i can't wait to get that i love that power up super speed is so cool in this game it's so cool it's one of the coolest power of power-ups in any game and it's not the f it's like oh yeah you run fast that's cool it's just how it sounds and how it looks it's so badass i love it okay okay let's just let's just let's just go play super metroid okay i i'm sorry that all i'm doing is like basically practicing a speed run right now i just love this game and i love the speed run and i i've always wanted to run this game but it's it's something i'll never learn i will never learn super metroid i said i would in the past or i wanted to try to but this game if you want to actually take it seriously which i'd like to at least take games i run semi seriously at least like you know top 10 top five top 20. um for this game even top 50 is like a life sentence yeah totally on difficulty skill for speedruns this is a 10. let's say let's say our e3 original is a is it is it a 7 or an 8 this is a 10. re3 is very difficult though i don't know if i'd say re3 is that low it's a pretty damn hard game but it doesn't take years oh yeah this is intended i said yeah when you come down when you get stuck down here god i love this game when you get stuck down here they they're like go get the go get freeze beam and go get high jump boots or you're never getting out of here essentially the are hanging there huh oh look this oats loves this perfect yeah the spirit for this is very entertaining i highly recommend it all categories i think one of these is like a trap oh i think one of these is fake i think it actually it might be later on oh my god this is brutal okay so now they want you to like if you don't have the oh this is the room this is the room oh this i remember this room 100 is pretty tough or it looks hard there it is we got it we got it thank you jbl for the give for that extending yourself to november thank you and thank you rad for the 10 months something around these parts oh i guess it's not this room okay they're all alive never mind nice okay i'm just gonna use the bathroom really quick hope you guys have been enjoying the playthrough so far um i'm loving this game as i as i do uh i'll be right back really quick just gonna refill my coffee and use the bathroom [Music] so do so do do [Music] do [Music] so okay pazzanos who's dancing all right i hope my superintendent controllers charge now and i can unplug it check it out guys using the super nano controller yeah we watch both of them [Music] the movie looks great uh oh this is the room this is the room here it is uh no that's okay [Music] yeah it looks like there's gonna be a lot going on in that movie i'm excited though i think the movie looks well movie looks okay um but i i think it'll be really entertaining which is all that matters with the movie wait a sec did i go everywhere up here oh wait i haven't been up here yet yeah smash oh we're back oh this room i ain't doing this this is something even the freaking pros mess up i'm gonna try this oh and i need i need shine spark if i want to actually do it the way i want to do it i need the shiny oh no oh [Music] oh you can get over here this way um well i need to go back to where i was i think ocean flags [Music] well there's a lot of things i could do now we go down here i didn't go in a few of these rooms [Music] go ahead [Music] oh god i know this room but i forget if i [Music] okay wait i thought it was gonna drop me through the world maybe it's this next room [Music] [Music] yeah i don't i don't know about the plot holes per se but i think um [Music] there's definitely going to be i don't know like you can already you can already tell the problem that movie is going to have it's just has the spider-man 3 syndrome you know it's there's just gonna be way too much going on at once that's it that is why the movie will get badly rated i'm predicting this i'm not saying it's factual or anything but that's why the movie will get badly rated and that's why it will do badly because it'll get badly right and then no one will want to see it [Music] brinster well well we could go we could go down and go get that um heat tank but i don't know [Music] um i'm not sure teaser i think it does come out at midnight but i only slept a few hours i may just play it tonight i i don't know [Music] 9 p.m est really [Music] that's actually when it comes out pretend my time [Music] you know what now i want to try this do we have the stuff to even make it now i think you just need this i don't know i don't oh 1am pei yikes well i can try this now this is the same thing as the other room right oh [Music] this one probably is a little harder i see [Music] oh [Music] i know where that takes me i did it no one's impressed anymore no it's okay guys okay oh it's okay oh it's okay you do it you do it once people are freaking out do it twice noob [Music] wait oh i see my chat's actually broken nevermind [Music] guys well i see theresa but i don't see any chat happening twitch busted um wait it's a save room uh i don't know why i can't see any chat i assume twitch is just broken right now oh no oh no go overall with the punches [Music] i'm lonely they're there you bach it says okay i still can't see chad on my end i see it through them [Music] so i'm gonna have to reopen chat [Music] [Music] so [Music] i see you guys [Music] he's crazy [Music] okay we can do this wait can we even do this oh [Music] i'm getting good at wall jumping look [Music] um [Music] [Applause] okay here we are the ultimate test [Music] wait can you even get up here uh [Music] i don't even know if i can get up here [Music] i don't think i can [Music] [Music] we're back here these guys are brutal [Music] uh yeah i still don't i could try and get rid of the the border there um i just forget how yeah i've played all the prime games [Music] once i save it i'll try and get rid of that border [Music] [Music] [Music] i don't [Music] guys i don't know [Music] [Music] i'm gonna go the actual right way [Music] bouncy bouncy bouncy all right we already did our piece in there [Music] i must go back [Music] i have no super missiles no missile drops oh my god all right we can go back now down here i think we can do everything oh yeah i love castlevania oh i'm not going this way the lights i'm sorry guys hmm whoa thank you and aura for the nine months we could go out here wait i don't think this is the suit that lets me go in water oh oh no all right how do i get rid of this um [Music] how do i get rid of this menu or the one at the bottom no it's not that bad for you just some viewers complained i mean i can actually get rid of it for you guys and i think about it [Music] there you go [Music] [Music] okay yeah that's fine [Music] wait one sec [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] there we go oh no i just realized something else don't hate me guys don't hate me one sec [Music] [Music] this might give it a one pixel stretch all right we can go in here [Music] i think there's something down here uh-oh i hope i don't need an orange one well i'll probably do okay leg aha this is the area i was looking for you guys ready to see an easy clap jump [Music] um [Music] i don't know how to oh wait you can just speed runners hate when you know this one trick never mind uh is the real strat freezing this guy [Music] [Music] this is a tough one oh watch it you're gonna love it all right should we just do this normally [Music] uh [Music] um we did it [Music] [Music] uh this area is hot how do runners get a bunch of them to spawn at once oh like this [Music] bastard [Music] bow oh this is where you get the best thing in the game [Music] i love this ability it's so it's my favorite abilities in any game ever it's so cool it's so cool um uh yeah screw attack is really cool yikes [Music] how do how do you charge it up what yeah what's short charging i i always thought it was just a double tap why am i getting stuck in here [Music] can you even sure charge in this [Music] [Music] this is something i need to see [Music] you're always holding and run for this right oh wait maybe you're not [Music] how many taps is it [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i see [Music] [Music] we got it once but and how do you try oh [Music] [Music] cool uh let's go finish with that room actually [Music] what about so many things in this game are so difficult it's so funny to me oh [Music] oh wait you can just jump back up [Music] [Music] thank you insignia for the 24 months thank you really appreciate it boys [Music] i just need to get uh the sound of it [Music] there we go well it's really hard to do the short charge like [Music] [Music] oh [Music] three three three three [Music] [Music] wave beam wave wave being away from which one can you not have on at the same time you choose between wave and spacer right oh you can have them all on oh yeah hell yeah yikes that sound effect i take back what i said about the sound design after hearing that [Music] i don't know how far i am because we keep sequence breaking so i i don't know [Music] i think i'm decently fair i've killed craig so far oops that works no this will kill me hmm i guess there's nowhere else to go in here maybe i can't remember yeah i'm not risking that thank you ken for the 28 months thank you thank you really appreciate it god oh okay i see by the way i if you're just getting here i can just explain really quick i i'm not like this isn't like a backseat central play through or anything um i've just i've watched so much of the speed run for this game that i know all the tricks and stuff like i i know them all by memory so when i see the area the room that's like oh i know the trick that's in here i just find it fun to try it just because speedrunner but yeah the last one i played this game was like 20 years ago [Music] [Music] thank you ken and thank you rotten again oh hell yeah yeah 25 yeah i'm 25. yeah 25 oh yeah sure [Music] life whoa oh please be an e-tank sure i hope that fills up my life get out get off me boys [Music] bam [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] oh that's the one thing i i don't understand how to do what what's the thing you kill ridley with the x special x or whatever x thing x factor yeah i don't know what that is i don't know how to do that [Music] i mean i know what it is i just don't oh is crocodile down here i think he is no maybe he's later he's one of my favorite enemies in the franchise rocco meyer bronco man [Music] you bastards [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] oh god it's the the weird mario monster [Music] super metroid secret if i've ever seen one okay oh this is this is the shine spark part but yeah i'm not gonna go in there [Music] oops oh no it's this room go back already done with that [Music] wow so this whole area is to get the speed booster i see who's not playing it again 2021 oats after dread that's good good for him good that that's awesome i'm i'm pumped for that [Music] and that's the smart thing to do for sure man i i i can't express how happy i am for oats and in the sense of like for for you guys to understand oh god as this can't no not be in the sense that i i wish everyone could have or be like happy and successful and stuff but in the twitch industry i've got gotten really lucky with like games that just are hype and people want to watch me play them like resident evil and a lot of just horror games like welcome to the game and and friday the 13th and i just had a lot of big releases that it's like i could just play them i have the time in my life it's a brand new game it's always fun for months and months and months and it and it just blows up your channel as you play for months and months a lot of people don't get that for those who don't know twitch streamers are bound by shackles to a certain franchise every streamer is even variety streamers variety streamers can't get away with doing this or sorry not this i mean like speedrunning or something like that every streamer is bound by something here he is and i i know a lot of people don't believe that but it's true it's a hundred thousand percent true like even the biggest streamers if if hassan dropped everything political and started speed running resident evil 1 his viewer count would dive bomb like it's ev everyone has the thing people want to watch them play um and yeah i'm so happy for oats getting his big game now that's so exciting i love this boss this is my favorite bosses in any game and not because of the boss fight it's just what he looks like i love what this boss looks like oh the boss fights pretty pathetic [Music] i love this i have a shirt with this boss on it [Music] oh pathetic he said oh [Music] [Music] ominous music i love this god this game's good man uh this it's moments like this i'm so hyped to see dread like these are such over these are such overlooked moments in the game just like all right we killed him but why is it still so spooky [Music] oh [Music] my favorite part he does nothing but crumble you'd think it's like phase two but no he just comes back and crumbles i love that [Music] wait do i not get okay if i shine spark across this area will i be stuck no all right i i am going to just do this because oops i don't know when the last time i saved is i don't want to use these but just in case of an emergency [Music] i don't i don't know how to do this i didn't do this as a kid i don't know how to go forward like i assume you just hold forward but then but it feels like jump makes it go off but how do i jump and do it though okay [Music] god this is so cool if you guys haven't seen this i love this it's just a mechanic in the game that's so badass which i've never done what [Music] so what now i have to run back i'm oh wait it's not as bad as i thought it would be okay okay i'm pressing it so [Music] why did it i want to do it in midair all right people are saying press r oh there we go there we go there we go the god that's so cool dude where am i [Music] isn't that god this game is so far ahead of its time or enough super nintendo is jam-packed with games that are like whoa i think supernova has some of the best games ever made that just blow your mind like the fact that it's on this console like final fantasy 6 and chrono trigger games that have that are so huge but so small at the same time like smalls and like they're on the soup like et nintendo super nintendo super metroid well actually et was on the atari to be fair i just tried to name a really shitty game [Music] oh [Music] oops [Music] yeah this game is amazing [Music] no i didn't grow up playing [Music] [Music] so [Music] hmm can you short charge here [Music] i'll just do it the easy way [Music] now this game is so cool there it is i was wondering where this is i actually had no clue all right i think we officially can't get soft lock somewhere mmm we hooking oh hell yeah well i hope i didn't miss anything where's the map oh i did miss something wait what's down again why can't i go down [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh my god my [Music] health um i beat metroid prime quite a few times um i may play them again i sort of want to run metroid dread though we'll see yo jay kendricks thank you for the five get the subs thank you thank you really appreciate it [Music] [Music] thank you thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] yikes oh muscles [Music] oh yeah i'm way more pumped for dread than prime 4 at this point time 4 feels like it's never going to come out help [Music] [Music] all right here we go here we go here we go [Music] here we go you guys ready are you guys ready you guys ready [Music] [Music] three [Music] three [Music] three [Music] three three three here we go doing wall jumping consistently this game is it is a basic mechanic of the game but good luck actually so hard to do [Music] i think i know what i'm doing wrong oh really wait why is the switch a handicap oh [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah we need it first try on that those wall jumps too yeah i bought the wireless one um for the switch i love it it's awesome oh it's so awesome it's so sick i love the supernatural controller although i will say one of the downsides to this game in my opinion are the controls they're pretty rough sometimes [Music] actually i think of it i know all the stuff down there is useless because you don't go there in any percent right i knew that going into that area i was that was the first thing in my mind i'm like all right kill crocome here and then i could just leave and i forgot all about it when i get down there [Music] [Music] bam [Music] here we go again [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] what you know what i thought this was a 10 to 10 game i'm starting to think otherwise guys this is i just wanted to be cool any short [Music] any short charge here all right i could cheese it just told her all right cheese time you guys like cheese oh over here let's get out of here i think we're done in this world well for now thank you jaken for the thousand bits again and the big old five gifted serps [Music] oh i can go see um i can go to fantoon now [Music] i'm gonna do ocean fly guys [Music] first try ocean fly first try hmm oh nice thank you oh pizza pie me on my [Music] right i shouldn't be going back this way but i just want to be cool [Music] thank you for the three months ago my favorite horror movie is the thing john carpenter's the thing hey there might have been another item in there [Music] beep beep [Music] [Music] rick here how could you i didn't even make it into the top hundred streamers list and he goes and does this [Music] no no okay [Music] [Music] bomb yeah you know people meme on xbc and like him or hate him or whatever uh the reason he is where he is it's not because he i mean it helps that he slams his feet on his keyboard and screams and hollers about everything gets in all the drama yadda yadda but the dude streams like he streams like the most of anyone like he streams insane hours oh here we go [Music] [Applause] let's do this animals [Music] watch they teach you how to play the game [Music] oh [Music] i've seen both of them [Music] i don't think we need to go down here but i'm going because i love metroid of the super variety [Music] okay even though it's public information by adding sub counts together for every streamer i will promo ban you if you write that [Music] i should perma-ban you for asking because it's the most socially awkward thing possible oh one second forgot to change this when i altered the layout you want to find out a streamer's income take their sub count times it by 2.5 [Music] hmm so is this [Music] oh this door is a hassle to get in if this is even how you get in oh gosh okay [Music] i guess not hey what [Music] it did yeah i love that the whole streamer leak thing it's crazy that people are so up in arms about it for two reasons it's not rocket science to figure out a streamer's subscription income which is what was leaked and for bigger and for people that get angry over how much some streamers make like the top point zero one percent guess what for those of you who are angry which is most likely no one here if it makes you angry and if it's such an easy job yada yada then go do it to those people i started my stream working full-time at a restaurant and streaming full-time at the same time so if it makes you mad go do it oh my god it's sickening how stupid people are oh man streamers make too much that's not fair i wish i could sit around do nothing but play games and make that money then go do it [Music] that easy [Music] let's see [Music] oh it's over there [Music] either that wasn't to you guys i mean if you if you were on social media yesterday people were up in arms with the streamer league but mainly referencing and this is because the internet works in mysterious ways basically referencing the top like top three streamers and then saying like this is how much streamers this is how much streamers make it's like no that's how much three people make on a website where there's hundreds of thousands if not millions of people doing that yeah avexie [Music] [Music] oh there's no way to justify being mad over it and if those same people watch sports and don't complain about those salaries holy just very stupid people that aren't happy with their own lives so they want to take away from others that's all it is [Music] oh god this way scares me i'm going to the wreck ship [Music] yeah that's basically what was going on yesterday uh valerie i can't wait vixie it's gonna be awesome i'm so glad i got good reviews which just means it's gonna sell well and i just want this i want this series to flourish and i want nintendo to see that there is a future with this franchise but it is nintendo i don't think numbers ever speak to them very well seeing as animal crossing sells like 23 million copies and they still haven't done dlc like are you actually kidding me oh my god oh yeah it's not a matter of like i try to be very open-minded and i try and be very considerate of all parties when talking about anything that involves like that anyone can sit at their home and think to themselves hey i i'm in this conversation like working a part-time job you know everyone's working with this kind of thing if you see someone get mad at at it like on the internet getting mad at how much streamers make or anything in that category there's there's no conversation we had they're outing themselves as being an awful person getting angry at something that doesn't affect their life whatsoever especially at a career path that anyone can do that's the beauty of twitch if if you want to do it then do it that's exactly what i did i booted up my damn stream with zero viewers and grinded away with zero to two viewers for months and then i worked my way up to like from five to twenty and i did that for over a year while working full-time everyone's excuses i was like i'm i got way too much going on oh my god i was i didn't have a second to myself when i started streaming [Music] i don't think i could do this but i'm gonna i'm gonna try gosh darn it [Music] okay i just i would love to get this it'd be so cool dude [Music] this is like the coolest trick in the game no i've been i've been streaming full time since october 2016 maybe oh i know the short charge buddy [Music] we're doing ocean fly we're doing ocean fly first try first try ocean fly the the people will be talking about this for years to come [Music] for years the people will be going on and on they'll be still saying did you see that stream did you see that stream [Music] and you want to you know the funniest part about the whole income thing and big stream and getting mad at big streamers for the top of the top like xqc and stuff that's their sub money okay they can make that money that's sub money which that the leak went from august 2019 to now they can make that like someone like xcc could make that number that you've seen in one sponsored stream [Music] so i would like to see those people's reactions when they hear that one one gambling sponsored gambling stream there you go oh did it mr zog that's awesome i loved the lone ranger that's really cool [Music] i don't know if i can do this guys i could try forever alone ranger [Music] oh here it is [Music] is there anything i'm doing wrong or or is this just doing [Music] everything [Music] wait i thought you start don't you start here i have those i got i've watched i've like like 500 hours watching the street run [Music] raquer am i doing this correctly like am i starting at the right place [Music] so it isn't short charging right here oh so you can do a chart charging from here and uh you have to be on the last possible frame uh it's whatever [Music] wait reverse slinky are you a runner knows everything about this run is is slinky right is this not can i not do it here like factually not do it here or [Music] [Music] i don't think i'll get this by the way i just want to try it for a little bit [Music] yeah i'm trying to do ocean fly where you spark here and then you jump over here shoot your gun and then fly [Music] no i don't think i'm gonna get it i i know how hard it is i know that i'm like hey watch me catch lightning in the bottle i know i know i just want to see if we can get a fluke thank you saf for the 22 months thank you thank you all the way left oh oh oh oh and then you you charge it here and then you go as fast as you can uh oh yeah okay [Music] i see i i see i see [Music] sorry guys i i i'm doing this from like memory i've i haven't played this game in like 20 years literally oh mechanics [Music] [Music] oops all right i'm gonna try this five more times okay and then we're just gonna go because like like it's me trying this is stupid it's it's it's a really really hard trick [Music] i'm just doing it for fun by the way i'm not [Music] i've always wanted to try these tricks but i've never ever i haven't booted this game up in years [Music] my so god i love how hard this game is it's so cool it's such a cool run you you run this game slinky right but oh yeah i should mention there's a ton of runners for this game i'm sorry if you're in chat like saying stuff to do and i don't know your name it's the curse of not living on unfortunately but it's very cool if there are runners here because this game is awesome [Music] oops oh okay cool cool yeah i watch a lot too but not enough clearly i actually haven't watched a run in like months i i haven't watched oats in quite a while i've just been too busy to watch twitch basically all right guys i may throw in the towel because we'll be here forever it's a very very very hard trick this would be like someone booting up re3 and being like i'm gonna one cycle worm like okay i'll come back later or actually better watch me do acid nemesis with the knife okay enjoy [Music] [Music] oh it all right i give up someone can link what i'm trying to do i won't do it no oh oh there's a streamer oats and goats he gets his first try every run haven't seen him mess it up ever [Music] [Music] can you can you still fly here [Music] okay good we'll just do this we'll do the easy version then or easy no [Music] we almost did it guys we almost did it [Music] ah you move so slow in water without the right suit [Music] how do i even [Music] listen to the sad trump they're the happy trumpets [Music] the sprite animations in this game are so good actually crazy like the graphics for for super nintendo the graphics in this game are insane for the sprite animations there's actually nutty it's nutty can i start from the previous room i actually don't know [Music] oh don't run off [Music] boom [Music] [Music] we're doing it [Music] we can fly [Music] [Music] okay wait i know it i know what i'm doing wrong here we go [Music] here we go all right i'm gonna try this five more times count them folks count them just five [Music] why why why why did i can't i jump [Music] this is epic music [Music] hey guys no i i don't want to spend too long on this okay i'll try it one more time [Music] rip oh you don't need to use your [Music] oh this is a lot harder than it looks [Music] let me get a running start suck [Music] [Music] no no no i'm going back [Music] no guys [Music] okay one more one more one more all right whoa that okay we're go we're getting it let's go back run sam fun fact my two dogs growing up were named samus and ridley every time we fall i gotta try it again [Music] feels bad man ridley just passed away last week actually actually i don't even think it's been a week [Music] sag [Music] it's okay hey wilson we're in every speed owner's favorite area it's not no power [Music] three three three four three three three three three [Music] [Music] erect i know we go down first but i wanted to go up to see if there's anything up here [Music] [Music] so [Music] god i'm afraid every run oh another trick i know this i don't even know how to do this though [Music] [Music] yeah this seems quite difficult [Music] hey legion [Music] we did it wait wait is this oh this is fantoon [Music] i'm actually a little afraid of this boss he's speedrunners don't like him fast fast okay guys we're gonna get fast fast place your bats [Music] oh no of course oh look at him doing his dance now i thought he was doing the thing dude i got missiles for days slow slow fast slow medium fire i'm gonna run our missiles [Music] wait don't kill me mantoon's a piece of maybe i shouldn't have around so much [Music] oh i shouldn't have around so much guys oh yeah i never realized until right now that you actually have to hit his eye [Music] fast fast slow slow mid slow mid ah it was the rng that was brutal luck brutal luck then we hit a really slow there too somewhere my favorite enemy or my favorite little friend in the game put me through put me through wow [Music] [Music] oh my god fix these wires holy [Music] it [Music] put me through [Music] saved we're in [Music] oh this room is hell on earth dude ow those spikes hurt [Music] oh this is where i'm dying ow pray for me this oh [Music] [Music] i would like some health oh god spikes this is brutal oh run this this is for a piece of item getting out of here or is it an energy tank it's a neat tank eh all right we have to skeeter [Music] focus everyone focused all right this is for an e tank this is all we need [Music] oh [Music] okay don't be scared oh thank you glorious that's not my streamer oh [Music] use rewind no no i can't cheat in my day that'd be called cheating oh oh oh we are low [Music] [Music] oh rewind time oh it's rewind time [Music] no it's rewind time stop it will oh my god this isn't me this is will smith it's rewind time oh my god will please [Music] i'm going this way [Music] this is the right way i want my suit all right this room's easy clappings oh he's just spit on me this room looks really hard in the run like it's so precise oh that didn't i thought that one shot him [Music] [Music] oh put me through put me through put me through put me through [Music] thank you rico the 28 months thank you thank you wait what i thought there was something over here yes i'm wrong get out of here robo put me through oh god i need help so bad this is brutal bro coming through [Music] [Music] missiles [Music] all right this is getting scary [Music] oh okay if we fall here it is definitely rewind time oh wait wait can't exactly remember where this is that's a nice robot oh we got a refill station here there is stuff up here oh build a man [Music] oh hell yeah [Music] i think is there a better one in there i know there's one closest all right we're refilling we're refilling we're refilling folks does no one hype where'd everybody go guys thank you donovan for the two months thank you [Music] refill time oh i should have checked the like to dislike ratio on uh on the re movie trailer i'm just gonna guess dislikes because leon doesn't look like leon and that's the only reason oh wow it's crazy that is surprising all right i think we're good rhyming up a storm here oh oh i know this room speed runners hate it speed runners hate it when i say speed runners i just mean oats and goats because he's the only runner i watch [Music] oh this is the oath strat all right i need to use this the speed run bathroom i'll be right back one sec make sure this guy doesn't hurt me oh yeah guys wait here and don't freak out while i'm gone do while i was at the bathroom they were serving you'll never believe it reese's big cups oh zelda are you still here i completely forgot people keep asking um people keep asking what i thought of the re movie one second here guys resident evil movie looks god here all right now people can stop asking there so foreign the coolest suit in the game you guys ready wait what's this oh robot robot man the dodge [Music] nice talk uh oh i remember this room baby i gotta know the trick to spark oh you can just press diagonal i did not know that [Music] i've been doing it wrong literally this entire time can you actually just press diagonal oh i'm actually an idiot that would have made things a lot easier yeah now i gotta go back and do ocean fly gravity suit let's go oh [Applause] look at how cool she look all right watch this guys you guys want to see ocean fly watch this time to fly [Music] i give up now if albies was here he'd be able to give me a little tipper but i don't know if he's going to come by he's actually this legendary runner um [Music] albies i haven't played this game in 20 years okay literally okay it feels great i the game is god dear we're going to sarah's it's oats's sidekick slash tumor [Music] uh thank you apo for that 22 months thank you ota stream would not be the same without aldi's it would not be the same imagine oh my god [Music] god boring oats with no albies how do you go diagonal a holder hey how do you get into your little ball how the hell do you how do you do the is it uh [Music] crystal flash why does this game have so many crazy mechanics you need less than 50 health that's insane there is so many insane things in this game [Music] let's go [Music] god this game is so good whoa whoa whoa watch your leg albies this isn't some strip club you can't just say holy thank you blitzball for the gift it's up [Music] she is holy crap murphy this isn't a burlesque show okay yes [Music] oh my god can you believe this [Music] hmm it's all right him um i actually don't know the way [Music] okay yeah we need to go to the cafeteria oh no we need to go to meridia that's right all right straight shot oh [Music] [Music] watch this watch this watch this taught me this one watch this guys [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh i think it's down here [Music] [Music] [Music] i think it's down this way let's do this oh yeah we have the gravity look at the gravity we're about to fight face legendary streamer oats and goats's least favorite mini boss hit my face with missiles man while i'm out of the hole oats does not like that boss very much daddy oh okay it's this area [Music] [Music] oops [Music] oh [Music] wait this is not the way this is not the way this is how you leave the area [Music] oh [Music] this game is for babies um i don't know about midnight but i i definitely will play it all day tomorrow are you are you doing 24 hour stream [Music] thank you john uh for the gifted sub to albies by the way thank you thank you thank you king ramallah for the nine months thank you apo again for the 22 and thank you blitzball thank you fellarinos it's over here [Music] thank you punk for the 19 months [Music] punk look at these little boys i like this area it's fun [Music] thank you punk um yeah i consider bloodborne definitely an october game i thought about running [Music] um bloodborne at one point but the glitches turned me off [Music] [Music] mm-hmm [Music] oh yeah i've beaten bloodborne twice i have my whole playthrough on youtube [Music] and the dlc i think it's like a 12 hour 14 hour video [Music] i didn't do the chalice dungeons though [Music] favorite weapon [Applause] [Music] the saw the classic [Music] the bone saw oh [Music] [Music] i thought you went up here [Music] uh i've only played final fantasy 7 remake and final fantasy 7 original on stream oh this is that 100 room oh wait no it's not wait this music is scary [Music] [Music] yeah i will hawk for sure oh wait is this no it's not [Music] this place is confusing i keep thinking i'm going the right way and i'm not [Music] [Music] here it is metroid the first metroid's in the game [Music] oh oats hates this guy [Music] oh hates this guy [Music] we got him oh fake metroids eh we don't like those we don't like those one bits [Music] [Music] this could take a while [Music] i have no clue how to do this legitimately [Music] oh wait you're going from the other side oh oh oh i'm saving the animals all right i'm about to show off a really easy trick in this game it's called the oats because a person named oats found it [Music] i am not even gonna attempt this wait why doesn't that open [Music] [Music] me [Music] what is the sex mastery [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh my word oh my word all right here we go one two [Music] here we go it's really hard not to press up when you're doing this [Music] oh [Music] this is called the the goats [Music] oh [Music] whoa dude if i fall here where's the save oh nice [Music] get blue suit i think i'm just gonna yolo it [Music] i'm just going to yellow it oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh sandwiches [Music] oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh hey get your hey stabbing with his wiener guys i don't get it i can't [Music] get your cars off here uh [Music] give me those oh he tried to scoop me he's trying to scoop me insta-kill insta-kill [Music] he's gotta almost be dead he's gotta come here [Music] paws off my wiener get your paws off my wiener i guess we'll collect ammo now [Music] uh-oh folks we're having a major malfunction here that doesn't work [Music] [Music] uh yeah i i just threw by trying to do the short charge over and over [Music] and now i'm facing the consequences i'm facing the freaking consequences now oh no no [Music] oh it yolo he has two health left right spoiler alert he didn't okay he liked me [Music] oh oh never mind i can't do it all right let's do this okay let's do this what i took my missile all right boy uh-oh oh look at the firepower look at the firepower come on longest dragnon fight ever don't you guys love dragnon [Music] this piece of [Music] dude this way takes forever when you don't nip them in the bud you know the dragnon is such a boss am i right pregnant [Music] oh get out of here you all right time to get the second coolest attack in the game space jump fly you fools [Applause] oh space dump mine if i do [Music] i forget where the suit is don't we get a suit here [Music] in space no one can hear you take a dump [Music] simple joke but very effective [Music] [Music] hey you just stole my joke [Music] thank you again peggy for the 13 months in jp with the gift it's up any joke stealers in chat spoiler alert yeah if you guys want to hear a joke super metroid 100 map completion oh i'm just kidding so [Music] is that jimbus of course i will [Music] so [Music] oh god what am i doing [Music] i think there's something here i have it on youtube also the new shirt from october is um is available just have an essay start merge or excel for october if you haven't seen it yet i know plasma's around here somewhere wait it's in a room that looks exactly like this maybe it's right here whoa [Music] i have no clue where the suit is that lets you get walk through lava i have absolutely no clue uh thank you kel sarah for the four months thank you yeah what what what area is it in you can tell me [Music] or like oh it's gravity suit nice so what suit did i skip then [Music] oh i thought because of my sequence breaking i may have skipped a suit [Music] all right well let's go beat ridley beep boop beep boop beep boop boop boop [Music] strats [Music] um i have my uh opinion on my youtube we watched and did a little analysis but yeah it looks alright i mean the fan service is crazy dude [Music] oh [Music] [Music] yeah well i yeah it makes sense to match up one or two but [Music] uh i feel like it's gonna be all over the place since he said the director said they happen at the same time in the movies so you're just gonna be going back and forth between [Music] i don't know if you're being sarcastic or not i i assume so [Applause] okay thank you monkey for the four months oh we're back here huh back in this hole oh wait [Music] [Music] oh yeah yeah [Music] yeah we're back here oh [Music] give me one second baby [Applause] beeps and boops okay so now we go back ocean fly first to try all right let's get out of here [Music] oh this is so much nicer having the gravity suit oh do you guys hear the oh do you guys hear that in the background oh did you guys hear that ocean fly do it i don't get what's the button to wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you know i'm going back i'm going back going back going back we did it all right where's brinster i think it's down here brinstar i'm just kidding calling everything the wrong name i'm having fun i'm having fun just like the re movies gonna have with our emotions wait this isn't the way i need to go to no not fair we already went this way yeah this game is huge and i'm not even exploring like everything to explore but basically because like i'm not trying to take my sweet time with this game because i've watched so many of the speed runs and 100 runs there's nothing that i'm gonna do in this game that's gonna be like oh oh my god this exists holy i'm just trying to have fun at the game i haven't played it since i was a kid and i i love this game and as i'm playing it right now man the game playing super metroid is so satisfying like i love the gameplay so much but i'm aware the controls have not aged the best but i play games with shitty controls all the time so it doesn't even faze me or bother me really but it's just such a fun game like all the environments in this game are so well done they're so varied i was watching some fusion the other day and some uh zero mission and i was watching uh san francisco and in terms of the uh level design i think this is far superior in my own opinion in my own opinion [Music] now i know what you're thinking you buck just kidding you're probably thinking like yeah we know bro super metro is the best metroid ever it's not only got the best level design has the best everything bach how about you acknowledge that you stupid little you stupid pizza next time i catch you talking about my metroid i'm gonna you're in the and i will break your little where the hell [Music] [Music] where the do i go [Music] back soup looking at a map in a game [Music] that's awesome os talk i can't wait to play i may play it tonight i'm not sure [Music] um [Music] look i know i know dodo what's everyone in chat's favorite metroid game including the prime including everything tell me tell me baby i just want to hear it you know what i want to hear and i want to hear it right now fusion zero mission metroid for nes fusion fusion [Music] you know the only thing i okay i know i should share things i like but i've tried to find the silver lining in every game even if it's dog fusion you know what i don't like in that game there's a there's like a heroic son like there's a heroic song that constantly plays in fusion and man it gets annoying [Music] it plays a lot in the first area i think but at first it's cool and then it's like you know what i'm sick of this [Music] wait oh there it is [Music] who's that man down there who's that man down there now that's a man all right mr rick here yeah well i was saying this earlier i'll say it again though um oh yeah all right why i always say that earlier and i hope you're doing well kalista um [Music] [Music] what was i gonna say what was i gonna say can't remember for the life of me [Music] thank you astm beat for the tier three i'm sorry i can't figure out how to get back to the area oh wait is it right here and thank you dante for the 45 months thank you oh here it is here it is i think yeah here it is here it is we found it dude one of the coolest tricks is in this part of the game i love it so much you [Music] you get the speed boost and then you take a you damage boost off one of these heads and then you shine spark upwards right here and it's so into cool mouth we go oh yeah i do have the cooking stream laptop i do [Music] [Music] now [Music] scary scary trumpets friends [Music] [Music] oh take me buddy take me where are we going wait we're going down [Music] they're invincible [Music] oh my god they take so much ammo holy they do look like meta knight oh this guy does a ton of damage holy holy jesus he he's swag stepping he picked he picked up my thing [Music] he's gonna kill me [Music] he's gonna kill me he just wrung out my wiener like it was made of [Music] [Music] plastic i'm going back down there but guess what spoiler alert i ain't going that way thank you dante for the 45 months i did did not same [Music] dude [Music] uh i'm near the end but um i should have more power-ups by now but i'm a fool oh my god [Music] these guys are tanky back here thank you lazy pug for the 11 months thank you [Music] oh [Music] oops oh [Music] i wanted to super boost um one second [Music] i need health before i fight this guy thank you dante for the 32 months thank you beep beep boop no i've never played that [Music] yeah the metroid rom hacks are really cool um i forget does this just go straight down to the boss i think it does [Music] don't kill me all right i need to get out of here [Music] oh god that still hurts i'm going up i'm going up um oh actually i don't think i can get up that way [Music] where is the closest grind spot oh i didn't even know you could do this wait what what even is this yeah this area is really cool yo blood rush [Music] um oh wait no not this way there's a grind spot over here though don't kill me boys yeah it's really cool i'm surprised how hard the enemies are down there and now we grind i could go get plasma i think it makes things a bit easier right it's i think it's way more powerful than um ice isn't it [Music] yeah maybe i can go get it it's just it's not very far away [Music] it's that bust today i didn't think i just i just didn't get it because i'm like ah i didn't think it was that busted but now that i'm down there and i'm shooting my freeze beam i'm like all right this is definitely not what you're supposed to use down here thank you zom for the 17 months thank you [Music] [Music] whatever let's go all right [Music] i could go get that e tank as well [Music] nice alex [Music] oh wow slinky i think yeah it's just right here how long did it take you alex nice [Music] hey hugo [Music] because it's coming out based on where you live uh let's [Music] back to the banger um i forget if there's anything over here oh yeah just this just the way out of this hellhole yeah for us he comes out or for where i live it comes out um can i not get out of here like this [Music] no [Music] i need to freeze one of these guys oh too soon [Music] hurry up crap man [Music] yes i ordered physical as well but i i might just cave i don't mind buying two copies of a metroid game honestly [Music] this part goes over oh it's this it's the glitch it's the glitch room wait is there anything down here you guys can tell me this is where you perform the glitch [Music] [Music] how do you actually get up here [Music] wait is there actually no way up [Music] isn't isn't this [Music] area yeah i see speedrunners fail this all the time isn't that area where plasma is can't remember [Music] this huh oh wait i needed boy to blobber this [Music] wait oh boy you know that's good [Music] oh [Music] here's the finest crew in starfleet [Music] look at him go oh god i don't want to this up all right i guess it's nowhere but down i'm feeling this is a debate okay oh i was wondering where this is thank god oh wait this isn't what i think it is oh yeah you can jump now oh yeah but this is actually really good though we [Music] [Music] boone [Music] all right now now we gotta go get plasma [Music] yes [Music] we holy oh [Music] i actually think this is the way maybe i was just headed this way like i wonder what's up here but i actually think this is it it is nice oh [Music] [Music] i wish it still made the beam green so it does change your beam but when you have ice on [Music] it just looks very similar or the same green though look at the green [Music] we're just missing um what's it called [Music] thing and x-ray it's either spacer plasma screw attack that's the one i don't think there's anything wrong not in this one where you going oh wow you obliterate stuff now [Music] oh all right it what's over here again see [Music] i got joint i must get to brinster [Music] [Music] oh wait is this the pipe i think it is time to go obliterate those pieces of pooper foreign [Music] foreign [Music] it's cool to see how many of you are [Music] is there a trick to this [Music] i'm running low [Music] [Music] oh is that kind of precise huh little oh [Music] wait oh that's map never mind i thought that was an ammo refill and stuff oh oh no i have none boys i got one all right we're back we're about to be in brinster i hope let's do this do [Music] [Music] that farm room is around here somewhere yes [Music] yeah super metroid and prime one are my favorites too and then probably after that corruption oh i'm in the minority [Music] the hell was that [Music] [Music] [Music] where's my supers [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my god there's one right here [Music] there's something over here nothing besides the way to go [Music] we're back we're back [Music] i am dracco thank you it's been awesome feels weird being seven hours into my stream and it's 6 p.m usually it's like it's like 1am by now [Music] bruh [Music] can't wait to play some dread [Music] i'm actually really enjoying this though [Music] no screw attack this screwing sucks all right we did it let's get out of here [Music] oh the mario movie's gonna sell well even if it gets terrible reviews i think people are gonna see it i mean that that cast though look at this chad look at him face tank there it is i don't even know it was over here thank god i'm so happy we went this way yahoo i love this attack oh my god i forgot other m existed other m i don't know it wasn't for me for a while you know what my favorite thing about dread is it feels like resident evil or like i haven't even played red but you know what i love as someone who hasn't played the game yet just based off the reviews like i don't hail reviews you guys know this but when something gets like rave reviews when when something gets like 99.9 people like it's sick then unless you're like super stuck in your own ways and super opinionated you're probably going to enjoy it in some way shape or form because everyone else does essentially this place difference a franchise you really like that doesn't ride true for everything but for me and my anecdotal experience in life every time a game has been well reviewed by everyone i've enjoyed it with that being said it's really cool that dread is going back to its roots like resident evil and and it worked and now nintendo will be like holy people like 2d triple a games oh okay cool because they were doing a lot of weird with this franchise for quite some time [Music] yeah whatever whoa yeah we'll see let's see have you been playing nickelodeon brawl [Music] oh what what oh we were supposed to i know this part right now was about to crash there look at these boulders oh i no young sky waka i may try running dread um but this game no because this game is a life sentence unfortunately true no big true if you ever want record in this game like even for the most god tier of gamer that's at least a year or two away i should have checked that room it was probably a save room and even then like saying a year or two away that's being really generous even then you might not even get into the top ten it's a very very very tough game oh that's cool wait jc oh my god this is here dude where am i [Music] yikes [Music] ah [Music] it's oh my god this game oh yeah oh my god i am so far away now [Music] super metroid has little tricks little tricks little tricks should i yeah let's use modern technology it i guess sure and with modern technology folks we still can't go that far back [Music] now [Music] oh we're here see wait [Music] yeah it's a really really really good game favorite game of all time very worthy opponent [Music] you picked a good favorite [Music] wait this is how i got down there oh boy i can't believe it puts you this far back that's sort of hilarious i i hope metroid dread i don't even care if someone spoils it for me i hope it has [Music] some unlockable stuff or post game content but metroid usually doesn't i don't think but for once i hope it does post game content is usually an awesome speed run [Music] thank you max hammer for the four months thank you other ram does [Music] bow down [Music] this is a lot easier with plasma oh wow oh [Music] wait [Music] [Music] you peace game super metroid's good they say oh yeah [Music] who else is hyped sora ruined smash sora killed smash brothers did you know there's at least one human out there at least statistically speaking from a professional that when sora was added to smash it went from their favorite game of all time to they broke the disc and they're never gonna play it ever again at least at least one person out there i remember when my brother uh my brother had um terminator 3 i think it was i forget the context of what provoked this next action but i watched him wait is this the wrong way [Music] it's like i need to refill my health yeah he he broke the disc he broke the disc for terminator 3. smashed it because kingdom hearts well for two things it's the final character in smash and kingdom heart people hate what people love and hate kingdom farts yeah what rookier said it's not the character i wanted kingdom hearts ruined smash i wanted gino from super mario rpg [Music] but they are this weeb where did i go wrong samus where did i go wrong [Music] hey hey wait oh wait it doesn't work like that i better not go the wrong way again oh yeah [Music] imagine if this is the right way i was gonna say imagine if this is the right way this little hidden area down here it is i rec i only know it is because i just recognized it from the run i think i recognize him around could be wrong but i'm never wrong [Music] yeah imagine dude if it was waluigi that would have been oh that would have been oh our prayers would have been answered waluigi in smash brothers first character to be a assist trophy and in the game [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh i know this trick look at oh it didn't work let me down [Music] i knew that trick i hope there's a farm spot my health is really low foreign [Music] oh yeah like when people added when they added like i don't know [Music] um insert random fire emblem character japan was like oh let's go and then when they added banjo what um no thank you when they added banjo everyone in japan's like who the is this [Music] and then meanwhile n.a is like oh my god oh my god banjo banjo drinks beers oh i like beer banjo banjo oh it dude [Music] false time let's go this boss is hard show my friend on cam oh it's ridley it's ridley he's got me where is he do the pogo thing he's doing it he hurts [Music] holy this is a hard boss that's not cool this game isn't supposed to have hard bosses so [Music] [Music] oops so [Music] i need my reserve tanks he ain't gonna be in rush hour too [Music] is there even anything else in here no you win weirdest sentence of the day award on twitch the baby metroid got loose now can we get some celebratory a wall of bach weirds for uh abracadabra with that sentence thank you urban for the 13 months it is the last time i played the game but i've watched a lot of the speed run [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] wait oh [Music] [Music] oh and now we use this as our escape i see [Applause] thank you memories for the 27 months thank you oh my god i went the secret way is that an actual way to go here whatever yeah i wish i uploaded my full analysis onto youtube one thing i always regret when i put up a youtube video quickly is i've i read a couple comments when i was at the bathroom and a lot of them are just saying a lot of stuff that i said about the other trailer we watched and then onward i'm just like ah like oh man you didn't notice alexia is there and oh sherry and stuff like oh well i i did just 10 minutes after i put this video [Music] all right now we gotta go back up to um [Music] we gotta go up yeah [Music] uh this is first snes [Music] super nintendo sega genesis [Music] oops thank you uh sonic colors hello sonic colors [Music] wait have i not been here whoops [Music] [Applause] bow [Music] [Music] yeah this song's a banger [Music] wait a second is this where the freaking light is what boss is next the last balls baby [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] like i was still with upgraded weapon that takes a lot of hits [Music] i don't remember where they are i love this oh [Music] we have to save i could start over yeah oh are they okay i have it's awesome best fart sounds someone has an upset tummy mother brain who gave her lactose thank you servies again thank you thank you oh there's a lot of metroid's around everybody no super if we don't drop if no supers drop we're gonna soft lock we need supers we need supers guys [Music] okay we got some supers got some supers we got supers we got some supers oh he's on me supers this area is way more annoying than i remembered oh my god dude oops [Music] yes [Music] oh my supers uh-oh all right i'm going for metroid skip all right i'm doing it i'm doing it [Music] okay we're going from there we're going for the metroid skip we're going for the metroid skip boop [Music] [Applause] me up metroid we're friends remember me it remembers me thank you everybody thank you i might do a metroid skip tutorial oh look at those missiles i will not kill the animals are you insane [Music] [Music] why don't i save there [Music] how do you get through this so [Music] yeah whatever i hope i didn't sort of my health for this but whatever [Music] okay uh it might sound like because of the supers who's that remind you of oh i have no supers oh because i have no supers i have no supers who's that guys i have no supers i have no supers guys we're oh yeah [Music] the french fries [Music] i have no shooters [Music] [Music] i have no shooters help [Music] help someone [Music] oh sad moment i used to boot up my save file who's with me guys boot up your save file and try and see if there's a different outcome to this a million times over as a kid and then finally come to the conclusion that there isn't because there was no internet back then [Music] [Music] no no no it's rewind time [Music] no we can't save her will we can't no well we can't save metroid it's rewind time no well please it's rewind time we can't well there's no way [Music] oh i love your bait your ultra instinct samus i love this it is a great send off to metroid but it is sad look at the power look at the power inside that metroid you're whipping mother brains dick off holy let's go [Music] let's go [Music] let's go [Music] oh nachos nachos nachos no no nachos nacho cheese wait we can't do it down here [Music] lag holy the leg no see this is why it's one of my favorite games ever because look escape theme what else do i need guys we're the animals animals go go go go go gotta save the animals gotta save the animals gotta save the animals gotta save them go okay go go guys go go okay i don't like that kid you can stay i like how that's just a little thing in the game like like who thought of putting that in the game [Music] the galaxy is at peace peace [Music] [Music] epic meat sauce right there [Music] this is a pb by the way guys pb i'm submitting this to the leaderboard [Music] 352. [Music] big pb [Music] big pb big baby let's go oh oh dude let's go [Music] now i won't be playing any i just want to play this one in dread no fusion the only fusion i want is master roshi and goku [Music] thank you endanger mouse for the four months let's let's go yeah [Music] other m that's what i'll be playing [Music] the dragon ball movie trailers out really the baby [Music] it looks terrible wait live action [Music] just judging from that thumbnail it looks a little all right guess the item percentage guys i'm gonna guess 69 or oh [Music] 40 69 69 [Music] and next mission is dread baby so close man i love this game so much as a kid i left this screen up forever once and i was like come on give me something give me something i think you have to don't you have to like turn the game off is there any way out of this is my kid brain remembering wrong or do you literally can't get out of this crazy unless [Music] oh [Music] all right my little review one of the best games of all time i'm gonna let nostalgia blind me and uh yep no one beats it no one beats wait what's that mean any horror games on here just kidding there's only one horror game for super nintendo and it is um clock tower yeah there's a good selection on here what the wait just a second guys i speed run this game by the way no jokers [Music] [Music] all right okay well that's it folks the next game is um the next game is holy i love the oh this is cool i don't even know this dude nintendo you're so sexy nintendo's so sexy ninten yikes yikes dude all right guys well that just about sums it up um i am dreading tomorrow holy moly i'm dreading tomorrow what do you guys think ah all right all right guys gentlemen where'd i go tomorrow we will be rolling around at the speed of sound all right thank you everyone for hanging out thank you thank you thank you for those for those who bought merchandise today thank you double thank you um i really hope you enjoy the design i can't wait to see the the pictures come flying in of everyone in their new new boktober merch oh yeah but um yeah i'm gonna look for somebody to give a big ol ray to you guys this has been awesome i hope you guys enjoyed the stream i can't wait to play dread tomorrow i wish i got early access like a lot of people on twitch it is it is a bit of a letdown as a streamer when you know the hype is dies a bit when you're not playing at the same time as everyone else really can't wait to play dread uh back for blood i'm gonna play a ton of i can't wait to play some of that um and maybe i'll speedrun dread i'm not sure but uh yeah guys thank you so much everyone for hanging out seriously uh just it means a lot that people came and watched like a thousand nine hundred of you were here to watch me play super metroid it was one of i've been playing games since i was three years old literally uh my mom told me that she like she had a ton of trouble with me when i was one and two and early and three because all i would do is try and escape the house and i would just be up to no good always until i found super nintendo first game i ever played was draken first game i ever loved was earthbound second game i ever loved was super metroid and yeah it was an enormous part of my childhood there's a reason i named my two dogs samus and ridley because i was in love with the game when i was younger but yeah it was really cool to fast forward a decade two decades three decades and play it with you guys and get to experience the love and magic again because it is truly a magical game it is an amazing game and whether or not it looks good to people nowadays if you haven't played as a kid it is a game that changed it defined a genre back in the day and in my opinion it still holds up to this day yeah it's annoying to go shoot random walls and try and find out what to do but you know i'll let it pass because it is a favorite of mine but i think super metroid's one of the best games ever made the atmosphere the enemies the pacing i just love the entire game um and you know what it's one game where i'll keep my roast into glasses on and uh yeah don't care let's hope metroid dread is just as good or better i can't wait to play it tomorrow i know i'm not known for metroid games but i hope you guys can find some satisfaction and watch me play them tomorrow i am super super
Channel: Bawkbasoup
Views: 20,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Metroid, Metroid Dread, Dread, Super Metroid Game, Metroid, New Metroid, Full Playthrough, Metroid Gameplay
Id: zf7abZut_BI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 317min 41sec (19061 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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