[Vinesauce] Joel - "Boring" PS2 Fishing Games: Top Angler

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you read that right or playing fishing games and I know it's like hey there's a picture of golf on screen but that's not important right now what it's important that is that we're going to play some fishing games tonight and why I guess we're partially influenced by a final fantasy fishing game and I figured why not give this John Wright try once again and Here I am playing fishing games oh god it's gonna be boring but hey who knows maybe these games are terribly terribly exciting I don't know I kind of like the fishing game in ocarina of time so who knows who knows Final Fantasy fishing ooh little boy oh boy anyway let's let's put this on screen so the first game we're going to play tonight and we're really doing this I'm not even kidding about this it's really happening we're going to play a game called top angler real bait bet bass fishing let's give it a try here we go are you excited oh I I am I am so excited oh you know it has been a while since I got this the red screen of death Mamma Mia okay I guess we're not catching in the fish today uh let me try that again what am I doing wrong oh well maybe streaming it it's 6:00 a.m. in the morning when I haven't slept all night as a bad idea but I seem to be doing pretty fine so far huh and well let's let's try this again that's kind of a scary screen isn't it let's try this again do this and then we change the discs and then we do another one of these hopefully it works it's seven yeah whatever oh do you work are you going to work is everything good oh I think we got it huh oh yes yes I'm so excited I'm so terribly excited for fishing it's unbelievable but now loading no man that loading screen before the the game is even like playing a cutscene I mean the fishing games I can't fix you know expect too much but uh oh oh it is during crating in the what was that about it okay we got some good english sims 3 maybe ok hi I never heard of this game company before but uh alright Oh Oh graphics here it comes so cool Oh oh that sound rack so special there comes that fate Wow motion blur rock music faith okay this is like how excited can you make fishing well top angler fishing the dirt uh but top angler Mamma Mia I love it all right well uh let's let's give it a shot and see what it's all about yeah I can't believe I'm doing this alright there we go oh no no no no it's my controller plugged in it is hang on uh why is it being like this hang on a controller pad and everything should be in so I come on okay here we go top angler alright please select mode okay English dude that sounds like a typical Japanese English narrator dude you know it's like that that's our like hmm that doesn't the tone is a little off any you know heavy machine-gun that's sort of like what all right anyway uh oh oh oh oh baby look at this now we can do Imperial or metric out with it why do you want reverse of scroll that is when I go right into it please select mode ah with torque you saw that out to please select course the place likes of course it's up a little uh hmm I don't let's see what less than normal is for now and like you must be too easy core to the high school k YZ YZ YZ here we go boys time to go fishing for another stage Oh huh huh huh let's look exciting I'm down for this like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what's going on whoops am I on the like a super-fast boat but I can just like it's got doodle across the the water whoo all right [Music] this is arcade mode I got hurry up what's this Cass I guess and over there oh so exciting fishing whoa cool okay how do i how do I like make this go down [Music] I'm not sure what I'm doing here but uh here's my bait oh here comes here comes that beat oh here we go do I rotate I'm not sure what I'm doing about it okay I'm going left my pressing left or right way he said like even the bolt I [Music] [Applause] got him oh they have names for him - okay I'm not even sure how I'm supposed to be playing this game I don't have a manual or innocent like so uh all right president right on the ground okay yeah there's a fissure right there here we go okay we're back now so we had a little bit of a problem with the server I was streaming on but it's fine now so let's continue anyway so I I wasted upon a time I think by not doing anything so uh I mean I thought this game was actually going to be kind of boring but it's kind of tense unfortunately I don't seem to be getting any fish here but uh okay so uh the game operates under the you know you cast oh here comes okay so you got a rotate you got a rotate its like mario party rules it's this stigmata in your hand oh this is like a big fish no come on oh is it going look at them oh damn Oh new record sighs damn holy [ __ ] that's like enough to feed like 15 generations of humans I got a big boy a big boy alright guys I'm having a lot of fun with this game this is not the point of the stream it was like just had a comm stream tonight and I'm like jumping up and down in my seat damn it expecting this we have like 15 seconds to do this but uh this game is actually fun what the hell get out of here eight seconds he'll get a quick fish me fishy oh dammit alright result alright well look at this look at this we got these state point three thousand all right do not pull a go fishing an ocarina of time well i i'm like i don't know i just had ocarina of time minigame the fishing stuff and i had the final fantasy you know fishing game and i thought well there's a lot of fishing is on a piece - that's kind of like it buried and obscure so why don't you give this a try oh nothing is metal as fishing huh alright let's go try move cast pony area zoom out okay I'm like where select I can go with different ones let's do the let's do I bration floating minnow here we go let's try that guy up so we get some good fish I don't know about this no fishies I don't think there's any coho oh look at this look at this I'm whistling at fish Oh what is that no no come here come here yeah yeah yeah you want it buddy come on Big Boy find it come on yeah ah ah maybe I'm using the wrong lure or something hang on let me try the shallow crank all right here we go I bought that guy but I won't be the guy with the laser eyes I don't like that it's not as big it's not a stick Chrissy serious hey buddy hey buggy get it get it yeah yeah okay slowly reality and say it looks realistic huh huh huh huh yeah come on I think he's birthed of me dammit okay it's not gonna get that guy I guess the other there we go he's thinking about it but it's like yeah well really hungry all right I'm gonna try this one more time I guess I'll go with good old laser eyes a buggy okay I guess I'm going with this guy again huh all right fine but if I just write hopefully Oh like notice me ah dude III can't do fishing for [ __ ] but I got such a good fish last okay we gotta really hurry up now I guess I guess would be the shad plug was he your boss Andrew humanizing low swimming I guess that's what we're going to do all right I probably should move out of this Bob we have 26 to go can Joel get that big bath yeah yeah yes please all right uh nine seconds ha ha ha oh please yes no no no it's gonna gain it this oh no I have the right door I next day goddamnit our hopefully hopefully official got last time it's enough to like get us into medium difficulty I suppose but damn it can't believe that all right during stage Oh am I am i fishing in the sewers why am i yeah I'm gonna get like radiated fish like trash fish all right why am i fishing in the park you get some hot dogs instead all right hopefully we can get get some good fish here that guy looks pretty big hey fish fish like nothing hey guys notice me no fishing fall off solid okay these guys are I don't want those a little bit less I guess I kind of like fish from booth or something like a hat all right come on okay I got to go a little bit more left how about over here and just like yeah woof okay that's too little oh man I suck at this game oh here come here I can't get the big voice how's that over here and then all right yeah yeah come here come here how do I like sink it can I do that I don't have the manner listen said so I can't really like see you what to do is that just like a trial and error process I think we'd like change the lure here he's not fighting ah damn I tried it should put all right how about this we chased lore and hopefully uh I had like a fish in my throat at the moment I will do octopus please all right come on I'm gonna see me come on come on yes right over here buddy buddy friend ah see this is exactly what I wanted I wanted to be bad at fishing games because uh that means like I it's just like a relaxing evening of fishing it's not meant to be intense even though this game is like Arcadius hell you know but uh come on come on right here little movement I've got such a great fish at the start - can't believe this okay I want to do I'm going to do a thing here in ten seconds I know this is going to go down but you just a total wild card here we go hopefully it works no I can't do this ah there's no fish either time is up uh reasonable time to get a hot dog instead all right whatever total point it's like piles wings I I do really go to one level but it's not enough boy let's see if I can qualify oh boy please select course it must be the easier for the hot with with it's ten thousand get out of here not easy at all alright here we go this is the run this is there on I'm feeling it listen that was just a practice run now now comes the big voices I'm gonna do it I feel it I can't do it you know it's all on the mines election point alright this is going to be the biggest this is going to be like Godzilla alright okay you guys see that guy over there yeah okay come here come here No [Music] yeah yeah okay boom up oh I got him I think we're coming in our earrings it on it oh I'm gonna deep-fry you oh that is a pretty big fish oh I feel better than last time not as not as big but uh alright you're gonna try to get as many fish as we can I guess I like this stage bad at the other ones though but there's no fish here [ __ ] alright go do that well there's a little fish to the left of me I know if I want to go for them but but uh alright we're gonna do it like a wild thing we're gonna go right over here alright oh please you're I fish whistling a fish again yeah if you want this yeah yummy yummy send your tummy [Music] come on come here yeah okay I think it's the wrong law reform I'm gonna try this I feel out enough time so check me out I'm another fish I'm realistic I have a beard a little goatee Rigo did I pass them with it okay we're gonna try that again how do we try something it's highly different do this one all right here we go okay did I get its tension I don't think I did okay well it's a good thing that we've got one fish at least but uh maybe shouldn't be settling out my my thing here so yeah this one goes deep maybe he'll see it maybe you know what I'm going back to the og I'm going back to the og pop tensile bait I don't know if it's gonna work but never go anyway screw it you're gonna notice this one I see this one it just goes on top here no okay turbo fish turbo fish here we go work work work oh I bet he's gonna see this too it knows it okay I guess not well I'm definitely learning a lot but my result again I'm scaring the fish by going so incredibly fast but uh all right well well if I can only get one fish ever how am I going to surpass 10,000 you know uh crap second-stage ours nah man this one select the casting point it's going to try something here gotta get lucky I guess I've around alright no fish over here it's okay just got to try going slow or something but uh see what we have over here I see a fish down there I think yeah curious hey friend okay we need we need a deeper oh wait there was something oh yeah you okay at least risk Dearman select lure he broke my [ __ ] alright I'm gonna get you now anything will do anything will do anything will do here coming up steamed fish no different one different one [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah yep fishing noises [Applause] if you're a play more fre as I said you'll be excellent at this game that's pretty big fish to try over here the the lure I have right now is okay for the stuff over but I here we go it's one more fish that's all I want I think the laser ice is down here actually area serious yeah no he's a hard one horde fish oh I'm making you at the fish sticks tonight come on yeah going on man call of duty ain't got nothing on this alright that's fine if I can go over here and and I'm getting ok at this there's one down here when I fell he'll see me he not yeah Oh another nice right oh this isn't intense come here come here [Music] okay other way other way yeah I'm going right I'm all right I'm going right oh god I'm getting blisters in the palm of my hand ah yeah come on damn it get in get in and here I thought let's not play a relaxing evening of games that are just kind of boring no this this is hardcore this is really hardcore okay that didn't quite work over there this is my level man this is my level let's see if I can get that fish guy all right yeah a little bit more right here right here yeah a little slowly 9 seconds come on buddy stop stop making that face eat me [ __ ] is his problem time well that's fine though that is fine because you solved look at this under par am I getting 5 pounds we can't do this we can't do if I get just get one big like bass on the next stage in the sewer city we should be able to pass easy got the pedal peel this game is fun I can't believe it but it's true all right well uh hey hardcore fishing are you ready all right I'm gonna more with fish we're gonna try out the new lure the paddle tail I don't know if this one is any good but let's give it a shot Oh what is this oh this one sinks on this is fantastic this one dapat paddle or best okay this one is fantastic and he is kind of like oh okay I like paddle or I like paddle lure a lot and I can just no no come here come on yeah oh what's this guy like a lute fish oh I'm making you into I'm putting some what's called bread pan on you so I can make you in the oven there's some potatoes isn't lemon and some a only oh god um yeah bull Gill huh okay well it worked okay it's not the exact fish I've wanted but hey it just goes to show that it works a blue bluegill zone I'm sorry I want some fish now I'm hungry we've got a small boy it's fine it's fine damn this game is fun it's really is I can't believe this man that's true alright we're going to go over here I know that's like silly but alright bluegill alright a little bit here come here come here yeah yeah oh oh he got it he got it we have one we have one this guy looks a little bit bigger though yeah yeah come here all the way all the way gone gone got him okay we'll see if he's bigger than last time I got to get a lot of blue gills in order past this though I'm still not over the limit I think you owe he's way bigger all right double the size all right I've got 75 seconds here should be able to do this go over here it's kind of a bad spot but any fish eats around all right mr. Nelson here I guess I'm gonna go over here perhaps in a trace River oh no no come here come here those are rock in the way god damn I don't wait okay okay the way I don't think the bluegills count at all I need that big ass they got fish whoa 30 seconds 30 seconds I can do it oh come here yes yes okay everyone he's a giant please work okay Oh yep no no no Derek no come on I'm so close where is he where is he no no no no damn it oh he's got me any points I failed Thomas doing so good too [Music] ok so now we know bluegills is trash don't go for bluegills at all alright last emphasis I know this is the this is the run this is the run I'm gonna feed you all fish alright don't worry we're not no listen we're not gonna have races for dinner like last time no no select Joel's getting with us all fish ok I'm back to this though but this one seems to be fairly ok at this level alright here we go I don't think there's anything here I think I saw fish but uh not that's what that's what we're eating the bait tonight Chet oh yeah come here come here come here buddy ok wait and try that again [Music] yeah yeah set up a bass okay good enough though good enough though it's good old red ice but yeah okay Gautham Gautham Gautham reel them in relevant rule them in yeah alright what if that adds anyway I hope so the red-eye back okay that's what they called it caps no it counts I'll switch over to the pedal another one another one it's all about weight at this point here yeah I'm just going left I'm going back yep yep yep oh this one is that real slippery wanted go get is it okay going good so far oh there's this ah I need a big one though like this is oh yes yes okay here we go oh yeah yep yep yep whoo you're you're being dinner tonight he's lookin ient who's this guy yeah okay it was medium but I he look bigger but all right one more one more oh yeah yeah you're your buddy right here yeah yeah yep [Music] okay so you got to control what you see the left side of the screen damn it all right so you got to go okay we're going to do paddle tail real quick and on the left side of the screen that's when you have your left analog stick and the other is of course the the real feature I mean the wrong spot I am in the wrong spot okay for it yes yes yes come here friend no no don't imagine me now okay okay I'm right here buddy are you blind I mean he's fish but that shouldn't matter okay here we go ten seconds can I perform a miracle no no I can't oh good please please [Music] your time is up I'm dumb no I'm a dump out my underwear on the sea and poison yeah alright 3,000 points hole with this stick baked on try that one out next this game is so intense I'm really I'm really having a lot of fun with this alright I want to I want to get I wanna get some shark bait second stage alright here we go select not as good as this one but let's try out the is a deep stick bait all right this one is better for some some stuff like this because well see how big this this entire river is or lake I just this one goes deep I don't think there's any fish over here though no no no we have a small boy there's a big boy no no other guys did I get that yes yes yes yes absolutely I'm on him gamers all right quick quick quick switch up all right well real slippy off come here come here come here no not that guy other guy [ __ ] I don't know nope I think there's any fish around it was right beer though he did not see me come on I really need to do well at this level how are these fish not seeing my baby come on oh you got to be kidding alright fine we're switching out we're going at middle we're going middle why do I care so much about this come here okay another mistake 70 seconds left I am doing horrible art a little bit more over here then alright this is going to work watch me go watch me go please please [Music] okay we're doing it over here last temp this is going to work it's going to be right there he is going to see it kind of yeah yeah yeah here we're gonna try that again he's right over there career come here yeah yeah yeah yeah this is impossible this level sucks I really do stay in the same spot too much I think okay that's one what a waste unless I get some monster fish on the next level uh we can't do this [Music] [Laughter] result wow that's sucked this is thought my level Stage two is just no no no all right try this one more time there we go all right this is a chat this is it here we go here we go third okay you think going deep on this level is going to be good I guess I can try but this is not a deep level at all this waste oh wait yes a fish over here though what is it so it better off yet bluegill that bluegill at bluegill I don't want you I guess we can just go with metal again try over here I hope there's nothing no there is okay I have an idea go and go deep stick bait over here okay check this out put the bicycle down here yes plan worked yeah what the hell okay got him we'll get him look at that [ __ ] whoa holy [ __ ] damn okay okay okay now we can win this okay we use okay there's a guy like slightly here that is a big boy all right and the fishies I would like a fish snail okay I'm still on out of the clear though I got to do better I got to do better okay a little bit left a little bit to the left to them I was a Johnny fish okay here we go going to be around here it's gonna notice me now notice me all right fifty seconds or so I gotta be pissed with me for doing this no bluegill no okay I want the other guy no bluegill [ __ ] off okay now move to this side oh this is bad this is bad see I really want that guy I hear that like honking of the city like this fields are like I should it be doing it here is oh my god this fish serious serious hey friend yes yes okay it's all about this now yeah can we do it oh I'm screwed please is it even possible it is no how many points that I have otherwise oh all right they'll even get fourth they awesome please please photo copying you if I only have it we just couple fishes on stage - OH alright last attempt I said that the fort but I really mean it this time like alright we're going to do it we are going to do it Harper fishing Friday you know it all right I don't know honestly any be that Bates can I perform a miracle Chet do you think so yeah yeah yeah yeah okay you see pretty big [Music] come on no is three thousand three thousand seems good all right so intense so intense unnecessarily intense pretty go I'm getting serious police just like by playing this game by the way serious blisters okay the nope got to move on alright maybe this guy will notice me maybe okay I don't like these guys but he seems alright let me get in here alright Hey Oh new record sighs okay I I retract my statement red eyes are great it's like a secret to the secret the saver here yeah yeah yeah you too you do yes [Music] come on I think I got him I think he's not really big no but it should be fine he sucks he's a tiny boy but points are points points are points I think I saw another one over here was that no my imagination yeah here he is serious yeah I want to go with with paddle tail on this one as well sinks a little bit so and that's exactly why yeah like like like tight he ignored me that is not good a lot about you though you like fish buddy okay you gotta try that again 35 seconds that's all about that magic Stage two if with you somehow clear out some fish on stage two we should be gravy yeah all the way all the way friends oh god damn the fish all right but it doesn't matter though we got what we wanted a stage one and that's that's that's all that matters it's all that matters really wanted that last one all right all right here what gets tough it gets a real tough here but I think I have this jet surely I'm up are you guys like bored by this because I it I'm like ecstatic I'm at it I'm having on time of my life I'm serious it's super fun Ike I might even play this off stream is already gone so like all right now I don't know if it's going to work but uh okay it's all about it's all about this stage okay nothing here got it quickly moved because it's stage two you sucks for me I love this a good spot but [ __ ] it here we go nothing here till I quickly move quickly move you only have so much time okay we have a fish over here the wheel he noticed me yes yes don't mind brake don't mind brake oh I got him I got him it's not a giant all but uh please big enough video okay got that we're up to 4000 points okay that's a guy over here I got weight home [Music] that look at the pierced okay oh it's close to the bowl to be fine okay Stage two has been conquered I can keep this pace off yeah there's no there's no loosen I'm gonna move to the completely other area here let's do let's do here over the yeah okay I got a big boy there's a fish over here maybe he'll see me maybe we'll see I don't know about that but they're close though which is good here we go here we go red eye red eye he okay okay we go on him we go on him make autumn imagine if fishing was this easy invest in real life surely this is a realistic game I mean damn I think I think I'm like I didn't need to be good at stage three in order to win at this point I mean we just get like really reeling them in alright oh yeah here we go here we go eat it yep fish a.i okay I got us attention at least okay there's no way it's gonna ignore this one straight yes yes yes no okay quick quick quick quick quick quick quick I couldn't get that guy but I can't get the red eyes right here right here friends it's literally in front of you I just impale this ice - but all right quickly quickly quickly yes okay this is it no I can you never get these guys okay well ever stage 2 stage 2 with whatever I got points on it and that's what matters result all right well how many points are we up to now we are 3,000 and in total though I don't know what we are in total but they all right it's going to get dangerous halfway there space 3 has to be amazing like that's the only way ok we're going to go deep we're going to go stick bait and let's go it's not fish here but uh I don't want no blue gills no no ok it's over here it's over here [Music] okay first sink it down a little bit yeah yeah yeah yeah all right come on okay we've gone and we got him he's not that big but it'll do hey it's 800 points Oh all right but we have to do so much better at this point we have to nail it there are no fish over here are we going to move straight now out of here little Gill I don't want you this is intense [Music] all right anything anything a bluegill I don't want you either here we have a minute wait a minute now there's a monster down here okay [Music] I'm going to get them I'm going to get them Jeb [Music] come on right we're not gonna break we're not gonna break we're not going to break I have this under control I am this under control yet it's going to be the big one my hands are on fire though but no get in get in please yeah okay we're still not out of clear yet I'll call my hands hurt so much yes please okay nope okay okay we're not going to break this line no no no no no no no no no no no you don't bad boy fish bad boy fish all my hand on the pull my hand amount of blisters forever oh yeah yeah get it get it get it oh yes I did it oh my hands are destroyed oh [Music] okay can we get a last one quick anything anything will do No okay okay it's fine though it's fine oh I think I did it result let the Air Force they often in total we have oh yeah yeah oh okay pork okay for a point yet yes I did it I did it I am fishing Pro 2002 oh I'm sweating oh okay please into your name [Music] uhh although I'll go back no not not we cool there we go please like for oh here we go here we go here we go new levels man schemes amazing alright stage the same stage so actually I guess it's just harder now who can I do it on my first trial what do you think yeah I think I can do it we're gonna try out the new one it's the this one straight on the bottom when I feel this one I feel this one alright here we go come on got to be something good in here they're friends okay we have a fish okay oh no break some break don't break don't break we got this we got this get in get in get in [Music] cool all right man I don't know Final Fantasy fishing ain't got nothing on this that's a really good fish - okay so let me explain how this line break works right so when it's getting read that you switch over to the other side and then you reel on the other side and when it's blue it's light and it gradually goes red it's a matter of like calculating when you're about to do it damn it okay you know what we're gonna switch out to let's do stick bait I like stick big it'll stick bait a lot so here we go hopefully there's something over here there's nothing at the most top part so oh yeah what about that guy got like the monster fish yeah yeah yeah eat it eat it you want it delicious I then worked out so well try this again immediately just do this I think I have the wrong lure for this kind of situation though I think there was a PlayStation 2 fishing rods like to help with this because this is quite hurting my hand obviously but a little bit anything will do anything will do okay we're switching over to mr. Pettle table I think I like a lot there are 50 seconds I think I can do this we'll see sink it a little bit keep going there's a fish over here points are points that's all I care about no Dan Menard any any else anyone else okay I'm gonna do a wild card I'm gonna fish right over here I don't know if there's anything here but uh nope all right stage one we only got one fish on I mean we have 15 seconds and see if I can do it anyway but yes maybe maybe no he missed it he missed it this is unbelievable come on man and what about that would have been coulda salvage it man oh ah a lot of tragedy result I got to get like 20,000 points you know art fish need glasses man here we go doing stage two I mean this game is really a really fun I was it was to call again top angler great game second stage okay it's raining now do something like this are you getting comfy on things anything in here so just pull out there we go that's a big one I think big read it I read I eat fish okay there's a good spot though this is a good spot let me just switch over a little bit again give this game out three out of nine oh [ __ ] those guys are you interested or oh yeah okay we got up we got up right away excellent spot excellent spot okay nice they often point it'll do I guess some of these how does it read I actually taste by I not our big fish connoisseur Connie Dewar could but I I know that I like salmon I like tuna but yeah is it kind of like they asked kind of like say yes yeah yeah yeah you're gonna stand and watch me alright put in a better bait let's do a stick it tastes okay and out of that it's summaries we don't wanna go fishing oh yeah yeah yeah what's wrong with this guy it's like not interested whatsoever less of him it's here we go when you're not going to get into line breaks either okay got this guy nice who is medium but it'll do alright here we go anything over here I want that guy whoa that's like our regular bass and I say bass I know okay hang on we're going to do it over here trust me this is going to work I'm going to drag it a little to the bottom now kind of get scared no no it's interested got two fishes neither gave a [ __ ] they're right over there come on vicious about 30 seconds that's ridiculous all right over here we have stuff you know I I just want a little bit more fish before we move on okay over here over here left em quick ah no I wasn't mining anyway it was just interested results all right not too good but maybe maybe we can have a miracle on the next level American get like a monster like whale you know here we go oh this seems like a new area seems like the city anymore trash City sorry change oh this is new this is new I'm not familiar with this okay here we go like casting point it's gonna wild-card it I've got a little guilt I don't like that one bit but I like that though no no no bluegill no I don't care it's not wasting my time no no no we're gonna go a little deeper with a stick bait hopefully we can get something good that's a big one you got to see that guy on the left on left I mean right sorry fish fish games make my brain hurt yeah god damnit bluegill kill no I don't care about you know get off how I stop [Music] could you please I guess we need this guy then what a waste what a waste he's throwing them in the trash when you're done one minute though might do it great he's scared of everybody else great job bluegill I want that guy oh hang on okay I know these guys will do please him especially him especially okay good good good good good [Music] other side the other side we're not going to get any line break it's going to get right in my hand yep yeah yeah get over here get over here that's more like it all right nice nice big boy all right I'm going to switch out and do something completely irrational and just kind of fish by the nuclear power plant but that's that's the advantage you know that's when you get the big fish because they're so we radiated okay the guy on the left here okay will we see me it did not let's try it a little bit more here this one over here though but I think it's a waste radical Oh hmmm okay ten seconds panic panic sets in do this real quick maybe maybe this is la chance come here yes yes yeah quick quick no panic yes three two wait yes yes holy [ __ ] medium okay it's medium but it's it's great great great is up cool result okay I don't know how many points I go off but uh little point eight thousand oh really I thought I did way better though I'm not gonna get hard mode right is that the lens flare please like Oh way dude fifteen thousand last attempt and now I move on to another fishing game I have legitimate blisters in my hand I'm going to take a photo when I'm done streaming and you're going to be like you weren't kidding select all right do a deep one over here seems to be a good spot alright I'm gonna switch over to a different than art arcade I'm not going to be playing arcade all this but okay already wasting too much time big boy please alright here we go yeah I got no no no no I want the guy at the big guy yes okay got it gone no line-breaks allowed yeah yeah yeah yeah okay go on I'm going my hat entire Palmas red right now big size mm over mm good start good start okay that in quite work out try over here you should call up Nintendo for those Mario Party gloves they had to give out as a Lawson settlement for blistered hands I should accept this is a Nintendo Oh and a fish they dwell quite deep here I guess and get this guy's this would seem like a giant but it'll do okay we're close to a line break and that's not good oh yeah oh yeah come on come on in and come on yeah yeah yeah yeah all right got him got him oh yeah how waste honestly I don't know Chet kind of prey now maybe there's something down here at the bottom that I can get if 58 seconds and we just wasted nuts I'm going to move on the left here we go I think I see something all yet here we go okay he's going my way it'll do it'll do it'll do better nothing and and it's really close to the boat anyway so you know it's just a little bit of a you know a cherry on top of the the cream so to say all right I wonder if hardmode into this you like accidentally catching haps and like you know bicycles alright now this oh wait quick quickly is there a possibility of me just rushing and hopefully getting one chubs on that from the story well that's what it is I suppose oh my god damn it I is up how many points with that total like 4,000 or something okay three all right now stage 2 has to be very very good or else I don't know if I can get on hard mode but uh here we go things we can do it later day I'm having I'm having fish for dinner it's an unacceptable stage selection point I'm just going to give this a feel see what we have the S fish around I'm going to do this when I switch to stick bait or here all right now let's see if I get some fishy oh he's a big boy he's a big boy he's a big boy fish no quick quick okay it'll do he seems he seems moderately big that couldn't be helped it couldn't be helped a little bit more a little more come on yeah there we go better I don't know about this small size crap yeah all right well I think there are more species around this area there is a big guy over here on mitten he might okay no no it's over here kind of I think my catches his attention hopefully you can look at that monster okay okay we gotta get that attention I need that fish I need that fish please please he's like over here now have a minute to do it we're gonna go away to go all right we got to try with your floating minnow serious serious serious this will do - okay can you bite it he's not biting all right we're going to try out going to try swallow this is slightly turning to a disaster but hopefully I can I can make what is that thing lemon into lemonade yeah all right do that that was such a big fish and I totally screwed it up too just curious what does he like a straight tail I guess man can we get a miracle can we get a miracle Haiti fish I'm going to pollute the see if I act of revenge they won't know what's coming ah [Music] well I gave it my all I saw that guy earlier Wow can't believe I didn't catch him alright I don't know if we can do this unless we get straight monsters you know like boom-boom-boom giant Johnny science you know I don't know man alright we're going back to the nuclear power plant hopefully this will work hopefully I can't guarantee it but third stage selecting point all right got a flamingo there is a pretty big guy here at the ball no no no no no no okay good we're going to switch over to beep right away quickly I mean I don't even know if I can do this but alright because pretty big ones over here at all he does not care yes he does yes he does okay yeah over here go ahead oh he's pretty big he's pretty big oh yeah oh absolutely I think I can do this you just gotta believe as long as I don't get blue get blue Gaels you know what's going on we're going to switch out over runaway wild card man what is that what is that I want you no no no come on you can do it okay what a disaster that was risky play it's not how big that guy is but uh he is not paying attention to me okay good got him though [ __ ] what hook off okay quick quick we all amend it to do this nope [Music] get in get in get in get in fish fish man medium a medium yeah all right quickly we have a minute I need a miracle I need the biggest fish on the planet Earth today I don't think we're going to get it I'm going to move out and do another wild card I'm going to do right over here that guy seems good let's give a [ __ ] yes no no 20 seconds 20 seconds here we go okay [Music] it'll do it'll do it'll do it'll do all [Music] right yeah oh well I did my best I did my best time is up exciting up results all right well we couldn't get it unfortunately the total was like 10,000 please 9,000 uh all right I got to cut my reeling time yeah but my hand hurts so much I'm serious al but uh please select course all right anyway I have conquered this one though but that Chris no Oh laughs anyway we're going to continue here and see what else we have available hopefully uh some other cool stuff select mom practice you can freely choose to Lake and CSUN oh really well I was in the this one before but please like let's do challenge the system that's five big base catch the 20 kilo bait what ten minutes you guys want to try this 20 kilos 10 minutes actually catch 10 bluegill you know I'm gonna try this out screw it let's go we're going to do this I know it now this is all wait this is all wait we should be able to do it I think so select casting kites damn is about fish without 10 minutes though but still damn they're going to annihilate my hands by the way but hey whatever I think I saw a tiny kind of little speck of fish the corner oh whoa whoa whoa hang on hang on hang on yet there is fish here there is fish here 20 kilo 50 and what am i doing all right [Music] bad start tell you that bad start wait will we hang on we're going to do it right over here damn see that guy it's a red eye red eye I'm going to get them get his attention please he ignore me so let's switch over to deep-six eight here we go don't you worry I'm going to feed us all but do you think I can get one fish that it weighs 20 kilos maybe ooh I don't know we're all right oh damn it all right I was such a good good start to wasting a minute already but okay he's a big boy here's a big boys always right here is right here - is it great okay going I'm going him oh he's big small small big okay you record nice nice all right we're not quite there yet but uh please notice me fish they were going to do a little bit more over here all right hopefully it will see me yes yes okay red eye red eye it is what it is and he just ignore me damn it no there is absolutely nothing here I think there's that guy but I'm gonna move area here all right hopefully I can get something over here now still that guy over there right try that up pressure so on man already wasting a lot of time all right I might give this challenge another try though but uh dammit my hand my hand hurts are you ever going no nothing here - gifts like no fish today I'm serious all right here here's my the big boys are I know it this is impossible come on all right here we're gonna here we go yes do you see me do you care he does not give a crap no is he don't give a crap okay yeah no don't break don't break yeah yeah get it get it get it get it okay go ahead and got him that's good that's good though Oh another smallmouth bass that's big size it'll do though record sighs so much for kilos all right I'm gonna get it down a little bit more all right here we go we have four minutes left hello fish No and hope they also give give a care all right over here Oh who's this who's this guy okay no no no no no library oh hi Rick okay we're doing good now we're doing good now should have done this at the start go yeah nice a halfway there though but we get like a ten kilo fish that will be wonderful is he gonna go bite yes he is buddy miss this I'm helo you can try again [Music] that was such a good opportunity doll we did they are good fish here though they're good fish that's a monster of it on the right side alright maybe yes yes you might you might I feel it I feel I can do this okay [Music] okay like two more two more maybe okay that guy aren't two kilos all right here we go red eye red eye red eye you hungry red eye hungry yeah yeah get in get in get in get in yeah come on okay got him got him nice medium it's almost a kilo in that counts okay we gotta have eight eight more kilos and we are gravy we are ready with eight more kilos can I get anything in here with us care of all the fish I did all right whoo okay this is good this is good it's excellent yeah yeah saw this dream really did not become what I expected it to do tonight it turn out like super exciting all right listen it's all about okay this one was crap a waste now I need those big fish yeah big boy oh no no no no I really needed that guy two minutes two minutes two minutes yeah okay take it [Music] okay no no no no library no library got him got him got him got him got him got him big boy fine yeah kilo all right we got six to go six To Go I think I can do this he's kind of small but I'll take him I guess if I can do it fast if I can do it real fast it should be fine all right here we go come here come here I got two minutes now we got two minutes let's do this all right crap crap crap all right five kilos let's go foster fish incoming I know it's coming I know it's around here somewhere just in the deep okay I think I see him I see him here we go here we go here is oh I got him I got him I got him I got him this is a big boy this is a big boy I need one more fish JEP I need one more fish can he do it can he do it eat it eat it you stopped paying attention [ __ ] [ __ ] okay okay [ __ ] new spot we got out we gotta move we gotta move gotta move now gotta move now and the fish down here quickly quickly if there anybody volunteering please okay move move move move move move move move come on come on please please any fish any fish we're so close we are so close we are so close we are so close we can't find anything radical decision quick click removing removing ruin we're moving right now hopefully there's something here okay there's a lot of fish over here fish confirmed all right one minute one minute okay we have something on the line yes we have something on the line don't lie break no my break yeah come on we can do it all right yeah okay okay pull okay how big is the hobbit how big is he medium is that enough ice at an off stage clear I did it holy [ __ ] my hand oh okay you think I shall have two minutes I didn't even pay attention I was not excited okay that's cleared how about catch five Big Bear best bet smallmouth bluegill ten blue gills you know oldest even more largemouth bass redeye bass a smell okay track 3 super big bass only 15 minutes oh I want to try this out catch 10 best without catching a bluegill uh-oh I love this okay I see okay my hand is destroyed right now you have no idea it hurts so much please like Molly all right it's practice let's let's see what this is about maybe I can get some advice select season and like weather changing future yeah sure let's go with that I am a sailor and I give you my blessing thank you man of the sea thank you see man all right all right here we go babbu mom all right now now I don't have any pressure at all yo would suck so much right now if we catch a monster fish and it's like it doesn't matter you know it's because it's practice look at this is a sewage plant like this is this is this is literally a trash zone why am i fishing here uh I'm seriously getting like nuclear fish I'm not even kidding about that what would you do this water pollution Jesus I'm going to try to get one fungi here I guess but there we go what is that what is that let's see what these guys like first of all let's do is take big what is that kind of fish okay over here I think that is a big boy that's bluegill no I hate that I don't want that at all should be over here oh here yeah bluegill stop it hey I'm in here you do whatever you want nope here I can just swing around I'm going to reel them in I'm going to play with the fish go left and right go get out of here get out of here please Paul thanks wanted that big-ass fish though where is he he like disappeared all right I guess he went over here I suppose but uh all right let's hope I can get him bluegill no bluegill no see I would I would do that bluegill challenge so easy you know they only get blue gills here the Big Bertha not he's not the guy I wanted but Oh Oh we'll see what let's see what what kind of fish he is he's just a regular one I think I never think it big honestly [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah come here come here come here buddy come here all right crap I thought it was way better that [ __ ] was like way better but no II like socks I think I see him I think I see him or do my eyes deceive me on around here somewhere no but gonna try this area instead it was really getting into a game ee called boring yeah I know oh I got him at him I mean he's a big boy Oh oh here it comes yeah I would have loved to get these fish otherwise but uh no no no no get over here and look at him he's huge oh don't lie break off select lured did you know biggie was like five kilos I think all right well I don't just going to go for the second bike though I know the fish I saw earlier was way bigger though I think I would like to see my records in the game oh okay you know what I'm gonna get this bluegill with minimal amount of effort and just like yeah get in yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it was it was like six kilos Pam could really done with that all right here we go uh I never believes I could get so into fishing games I'm serious I I'm have I'm having like the time of my life plane is it's like a 10 out of 10 for me right now III I'm loving this I think I'm slowly becoming like too old for video games because it's like when you start to appreciate fishing games on ironically on like oh I love serious serious okay this for a moment around here somewhere there is there is I'm scared the fish all right set the same guy I don't think so but I'll try anyway ah ooh buoy all right see what this guy he is pretty big but I don't think it's the same one I saw earlier I'm getting these big-ass fish confused alright he was seven kilos no way I didn't see that hang out what all blue gill please could you know all right here we go I don't know about this guy though he he he seems like a small northern whatever all right let's see let's see how big is he is this is crap whoo here we go the music in this game is pretty pretty jazzy and pretty good it's one behind me I think your experience I think that's him I think that's him oh maybe that is a big one notice me he's trying to get me I think come here come here yes I think that's him [Music] he's kind of drifting off of the side here hopefully it'll take notice close enough no okay I'm going to move to the side here hmm thank you told her I said him still I think I'm getting the wrong fish now bluegill okay oh hang on you can actually detach your your your thing right away if you want with a d-pad I set it on that earlier with the bluegill I just learned that so it's not the same fish but uh I know where it is now I think that's him I'm not sure still a bluegill bluegill you will not destroy this this fishing please told you fish in real life I I occasionally sometimes do it I'm I am NOT like an avid fisherman but III fish sometimes friends to stuff like that but uh I gotta say it again fishing it's a little bit more fun because it's like you constantly get fish a lot of times when you're fishing in real life you sure as hell don't get fish like this I guess small small guy more fry he'll do for a nice lunch I guess yeah I suppose [Music] I think the big monster guys have left me here you some net yeah I now all right nice yeah yeah yeah no no go this way off on my doing no come back immediately all right here we go here is here is no I think he skipped jet he can't see many more sure so I ain't those fish uh it's not to do practice mode but uh you guys remember that cartoon with that episode of Dexter's Lab with the dad and they're trying to like get the the right fishing time at like 4:00 a.m. that's me in this guy right now could this be it could this be it I don't know I don't know man black the I think that's him I think that might be him could stop moving out of the way all right come here come here you can do it yeah yeah yes the old line break don't you dare line breaking oh yeah oh yeah I think I have them walk ease of joint hang on okay how big is he whoa damn look at that super [ __ ] 7 kilo sighs damn okay I want to see my records holy crap that's like a whale man seven kilos holy crap top angler like mom all right let's see here uh where do I and load save and load I guess I've been saved in general but I want to see my records [Music] chernobyl tournament was this plane tournament again point to claim victory but check this one out new game this is the main game I think - all right Joel cool all right here we go here's top anglers Cup open all right this is this is the main game now anglers open it here we go all right same principle here I guess I don't know or I said the time limit door let's find out what this all about oh this one is just get the biggest fish you can wait we're moving displace the weight of the top five okay okay I guess way and if your sensor with the fish you have caught okay okay so we just have to find there's no time limit now kind of it's just uh it's just kind of trying to get the biggest one all right no there's nothing here hang on what's that what is that guys we need wanting to switch out to deeper stick bait all right now what can this be [Music] I like what I'm seeing though but uh no okay I like but I saw way bigger fish earlier you got song to write I got real Cthulhu fish you know what's a year okay there's something at least mmm the Aria serious here we all to get it on the wrong angle oh wait I want to see you that's all if you underneath the bridge or hey big boy hey big boy yeah yeah okay don't you line break don't you there oh don't love Rick oh I see one I think we got them I think we got them okay let's see how big is okay it's not a giant but he is ah that black all right well let's see we can go way bigger way bigger no way man [Music] a big fish over here wait some real big fish over here actually hang on okay area look at him that's a giant fish okay now hold on I'll skip hold it crap I got him I got him I going up don't lie break you yes yes oh my god Rick your time - oh my god what is this super Oh monster okay let's see here okay tall away um I think on a fish just a little bit more and see what else is in here - no I don't wanna quick did I accidentally quit no no no no no no no oh anglers cut up open it yeah nope it just policy yeah oh maybe it's a blessing in disguise chance maybe maybe maybe we're going to get a monster fish now maybe what we just have was nothing compared to what we can get now maybe I don't know let's sign up oh god damn it oh god damn it oh god damn it [Music] whatever now what's the monster fish oh I'm so upset I'm so upset [Music] I don't want it yeah I guess yeah I guess we can bike I guess this game is showing you that there's always bigger fish in the ocean I am come on I will not settle for anything less than a blue whale at this point please Kyle come on yes this is [ __ ] I'm so angry this is visit unbelievable fish there is serious area the Ariat Hey just a little here just a little bit of your art hair out we please fish fish how do I do this let him sink over here maybe he'll take notice you know what it is he is sick of the bank that's what it is here we go I lost them I've lost them I think just a little bit over here now he's definitely on the the right side now though so uh yeah hang on let me see if I can salvage this I'm just so upset that was the fish I can't okay here we go here we go here here it is here it is here it is here it is what what how is that possible oh okay okay I beast it again you know no no give me a different lawyer here actually let me do this and do this I can't salvage this I can't salvage it it's all in the mind at this point damn fish man tell you there we go stop the East it's about large at the bottom here maybe something I see something good [Music] we have fish though we have fish but uh I I have totally beat this this is total Forks man all right let's let's try the vibration straight tail on the paddle stick we'll save you now I guess we're going to think this a lot we think that unbought actually you know what to see you guys see that gang over there okay and then left on me right now okay well it is lower to get the lower but uh y'all get this this time sink it a little bit and here we go curious now if I can only get him to bite [Music] yeah yeah yes yes yes come on yes don't don't you line break don't you dare don't you dare this is my revenge against fish kind you learn oh oh look at how big is this guy superb hey four five ok ok it'll it'll do ok ok then Jen oh I was so afraid of getting another mist there but it's fine I really want to take a picture this is ridiculous I my hand hurts so much anyway let's go over here see maybe just watch after getting it just go out to dig a pond maybe maybe a movie alright here we go it's bigger than the last one really our dead dead zone dead zone area mmm who's this guy who's this guy at the bottom [Music] who's this guy who's this guy out a case not that big but you missed a lot in the tournament it seems all right let's see here while we go out here and it's an else anything else mmm I can't whistle today go down Oh get the crap out of me man fish fish fish gear well hi there we go you know I'll try one of these guys out I guess if you have redeye I can't really tell listen who oh dude did you see that did you see that guy there's a big one alright dude that's a giant look at him jeromy's look bigger than the left guy okay please [Music] okay okay oh my god what is that that's like that's like [ __ ] a white whale Holy Grail Kraken ma'am Dagon yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah big boy big boy [Music] around here somewhere he swung to the left so let him think so did I lose him no maybe a little bit too much wrong bait I don't think so there we go look at those car wheels car wheels makes big fish it confirmed various various darius so that more here here we go [Music] all right hold food this is gonna work around here somewhere here he is yes no no we missed you missed he missed kid now he's over here I think I want him turn around please please fish all right yeah your friend I'm so excited for fishing games um what's wrong with me all right here we go there's another one over there but [Music] it's lost interest I got to switch off lures now let's do this one [Music] I mean look at look at me the wrong lure again let's do bought them let's do this one me it's pretty close so screw it let it spin alright here we go okay surprise this guy isn't too bad a boat well [ __ ] well that doesn't matter because that was not the guy was out for so uh are you serious yes yes farts come on yeah he seen me [Music] right here friend [Music] especially not lures I want that guy spinner trick new thing I'm try this out but all right oh it spins Mamma Mia there you go it's a beyblade for you I'm sorry a fidget spinner so the kids do these days [Music] you don't like this one you like this one oh you don't like you want to dangle the key to front of you like a cat's alright let's do paddle tail again here we go well if I just like put a cheeseburger on the oh oh you like this one here okay don't you break don't you break don't you break yeah come on okay we got him how big is he oh sorry not what I wanted but hey still works alright so we got that you guys see something in the distance over there all this guy is alright okay going going going good don't break don't break don't break okay well got them right away got them right away okay look nice all right we got two more left we'll see here uh yep without that northern largemouth well what a what a big boy I think I saw something a giant on the side if I can confirm that what's the year no hang on I check this bad boy out what lurks in the ocean find out you guys see that guy Oh with this oh yeah yep might be not me but me yes okay this this is a big one he's a big boy yes get in get in get in get in get in oh yeah got him got him whoa okay now when you last monster one we need that we need that sweet last monster fish can find when that is yeah that seems adequate enough yeah he's good he's good no no no no no no no come here come here okay switching off lures straight they'll fit illimitable failure here I think okay no no no no check to check out what I must do now you're gonna like this okay well he's not that the guy wanted earlier but I don't know this this one seems like kind of waste all right that hitl do I guess small [ __ ] fish block yeah all right whatever can I put them out lie well I mean can I replace it I suppose let me try out that mmm ah the area is that's more of a fish at once no wild card let's try it totally different position maybe there's something some Gould over here well what did I tell you I see inside the fish now [Music] red eye hello boys no no not I want you know don't scare away the all right I guess as you see if I can replace other fish with this guy small boy bland yeah put them back put them back stuffy here uh yeah just automatically put them back that's good all right we need paddle tail oh oh oh oh oh I couldn't get it the area he's interested oh it's another guy they were both honored okay that's it that's it here we go the classic whoo-hoo-hoo oh they won't know what hit them one thing on the right though but yeah yeah I'll say let it work what else we can do how about we do uh I want them to do this one I'm really caught any with thief but uh let's go yeah yeah you like that [Music] I guess didn't oh boy I got something I got something oh that sweet fish metal that I like okay boy this seems pretty good I see what it's all about yeah he was I thought it was a little bit bigger than actually thought but uh all right how about this uh next fish and then I'm just going to weigh all of this in wow this is pleased maybe see that guy see that guy over there yeah how do you sit here for a while this wait underwater patience man [Music] patient is over you know I'm going back to stick thing all right what is this and I lured this guy up boss your fish did you guys see that guy hang on get a better angle on them hang on wait okay I'm going to go straight to it then good when adapt use paddle tail I don't know if it's on the floor oh okay and yeah no it's the other guy see that guy here yeah yeah no it Delos it that's the fish all right now I'm Way off with my lure here all right here we go [Music] that was $8.00 such a good fish [Music] well there is serious serious serious in the same direction just men power men power all right well he noticed no that not that fun look at me yes yes yes it's gonna be tough to do i we're sticking with paddle tail it might work if my work I'd known awfully well but around here all right yes yeah yum yum yummy yeah all right that's it we're going with they're going with vibration I'm gonna try this guy out but such a vibrant voice will this even work I mean he's too deep down so no way man [Music] hmm come on try the bottom once again let the spinner a little bit of a long shot but uh okay here we go [Music] I think I think you notices something Oh yeah I'm yummy promise I'm not here like put you on the grill I don't think the fishes catchable though he just does not think uh-uh no food for me today what's wrong haven't I tried you just go with the original I guess all right adapt this is going to work but I will do it anyway I suppose maybe there is a chance okay better idea no like how he's like [Music] toilet sink it maybe I'll paddle tail will do here this is a hard fish like he does not want to get caught and I'll stick bait it's the only thing I can do at this point all right please please knock you please what what's wrong with them oh do you think I should move on chef I don't think this guy's gonna get caught at all it just does not want to do it I can't I think he's broken man I'm a beard fish no get it all right try but huh he's only for a moment [Music] hello okay we have something we have something that'll tail and then if I can't get him with this then it's it's over so boota boota poopoo programmer kappa that was it there what's it it's got a bike ah okay here we go no no I'm gonna win I hope yes yes yes oh not again all right he's at the top now so we're gonna we're going to top and pencil bait this it's going to work chance this is going to work right here is right here Arius yummy check it out [Music] stop waiting [Music] so let's lure shallow prank and then we just hopefully you don't scare them away by doing this really quickly quickly go quickly go use vibration that I'm going to do that next but this might work this might work we'll see all right here we go here we go Oh God all right wait all right jet you got it I'm gonna get this big-ass Bertha fish all right [Music] give an American flag on them though a friend a friend please please why why is this fish so annoying okay I'm about to give up on them but not before we do this [Music] no way man he is staring me in the eyes okay that's it at this point I'd rather just take a shotgun and aim it at the water angle boom you know then you'd be like well I got short fish right now oh the ISO Cuevas stabbed me cute and now we do pencil bait please work - he's resting a little bit down here now but [Music] okay okay I probably could get them with a medium bait hang on I don't think real fishermen are this like hell-bent on one fish [Music] okay we need we need a sink there we need paddle tail I'm gonna be so happy when I get this guy you have no idea [Music] yes yes yes Oh Hogan is gettin gun oh [ __ ] one more try did he [ __ ] off like he not coming back did you say bye-bye not there here steering is no no no no no no no no no no yes yes yes yes come back come back come back it's only like five kilos oh but you know what I don't think it's worth it man yeah he's like not worth that I think at all oh he but I like him he's like my he's like my nemesis is what to do with a sight and just like me wanting vengeance you know all right all right here we go friend buddy yeah it's vengeance I want for vengeance I hope amount of gear gets a fishing spin-off in it oh I am on a time limit I am on time limit don't forget that could it be the last one Oh okay a little bit more here yeah I'm in eilat chat watch me go the moment to define a generation should okay now it's over here I think rightly I'm like around 40 seconds to do this but it's gonna be worth it man here we go get it known as me okay uh paddle tail deep stick legs aren't I was wrong I was using actually you think I still do it in 30 seconds I don't think so huh yes yes yes yes oh yeah oh man yeah cool how big is he is he good oh it sucked he sucked he sucks powerful waste it wasn't ways oh that's not my nemesis we got like 20 seconds to go I got confused oh damn it am I going to throw them back I'm gonna film in a trash bag and then put them back I'll teach them well I guess for the last last seconds here I can just do this I guess more oh wait wait yes all that this is [ __ ] I don't like this come on come on you can do it yes you're even a slight chance the final red eye I guess yeah Blair yeah whatever all right let's see let's see what would go out of here the fight can be continued beyond the limitation that Hawaii is three kills subtracted from the total weight as the penalty we're just on a finish all right there we go oh my hand is so blistery right now Guinness World Record baby second second [Applause] [Music] [Applause] god damn you really know this games getting so cool anymore well I want to learn hello god damn it god damn you Vincent he was I was 10 points a cut gamer I [Applause] will not settle for second place I will go back to this game one day and I will finish it by God but for now I I am I am done with my fishing fishing adventure my about 500 top angler well I had a lot of fun with top angler in fact I I never expected to have so much fun with this I seriously one of my favorite games of all time I think don't know why figure this would be boring it was seriously so much fun well anyway that is top angler for today yeah and I'm going to go check out some of the audio night so be a little home watching top angler and yeah anyway uh here's golf no but I'll be right back sit tight and are coming right up so don't go anywhere I took a shitty photo if you guys want to see the palm of my hand it I know this is like it sounds like total embellishment but uh it's way worse in real life I don't know why the cameras and picking up how truly awful this looks but uh yeah this is this is the palm of my hand at the moment and it [ __ ] hurts check this out ow it's just completely red and like the skin is like shredded so I'll rip rip Joe's hand you had a good run but ow so I I'm or your party the [ __ ] out of this I just have a permanent mark in my hand now god damn but yeah this game was intense and I loved every minute of it we're going to check out some of the orc now I never expect to do so much more your party [ __ ] the stigmata in the bottom of your hand when you're doing this but uh it is what it is anyway now I have a lawnmower outside my window but uh hang on let's check out the orc yes I'm here this right it's going to be real distracting chick in the orc now anyway let's see here from a spicy pepperoni I think I didn't show this yeah but here's an angry bird and goddamn a lawnmower ah it's pretty nice I like it a lot from let's see here from XD phonetically spelled not not what you think it is well I gotta like do a white background here but [ __ ] off Bobbsey please save me Joel no no no this place from creamy nut master what what a name I wish my boyfriend could cook and holy [ __ ] guys check out Joel Jolie Joel's ham and that ham better be the only meat he's given my daughter what's happening in this image what's happening well whatever's happening I'm confused about it but I like it from B K xx xx what Nani uh they're dual I'm making a raw backup smb1 really for you many of the elements are big yes and remotes ok I'm not showing all of them so you can check out the enemies as you play clothes monocular represent closing gameplays through you NES colors palettes you suck and it's called Joel's grand quest Mamma Mia and GPM sent it to apparently so looking forward to it I'll be completed but very nice from Joanie oh 10 here is a smiling spooky Donkey Kong from the Famicom bootlegs the other day I said not know what that's all about I play a bootleg and they use colored Donkey Kong in like a Charlie Brown ghost thing and I I thought so weird that I added a like a transparent google smile on him and he turned into this basically and it looks wonderful actually lovely use of shading here and the just looks excellent I ever liked the blue barrels it looks like sort of Mega Man esque sort of neon crap but very nice very cool thank you so much from shade sky here's me in the vine wave and before there you go do 90 2017 could you guys believe that 2020s approaching us in three years and then we're going to say remember the tents remember the tents remember the 20 ah remember then the the the new 80 From UNCLE stinko here is a large scale for mushroom creature die thing looks pretty scary I like it no seriously very nice and goddess up here's me as a mermaid because alright alright I guess it's appropriate since we have been fishing all night but uh still very nice from James x-15 get this hook out of my mouth Joel I don't know frogs dwelling rivers yeah yeah they do but did not I don't know I guess it's close enough I suppose from replicator here we go I don't even know this one this one wants vengeance damn you Gojira laser fish well I came in second and that's you know sometimes your best isn't good enough very nice from Jirachi reeling in the big boys no you can't spell it with an why you got to do a thief hell yeah I like it jobel cook no I meant to say cool thank you very much from toasty ghosty yeah fishin you gotta you gotta admit that game was pretty excited still still I should do a whole series that I we should have a like a name for it we should make every sort of how're ya FMB Friday spooky Saturday how about uh but what something related to pee and fishing like a whole sphere so we just play fishing game so every Tuesday how about to help you have your chat fishing no it's gotta be the same same name watery Wednesday's yeah tuna Tuesday fishing fishing I guess I don't know tuna to statuses sound too bad honestly tuna Tuesday to to Tuesday's fishing games every Tuesday I don't know I I do that for sure but uh yeah very nice from ferry boy there's that Sarah boy yeah you're mine big boy I can't believe I had so much fun playing a fishing game but I sure did I sure did very nice from Kroenke donk here's me fishing a nuclear trout I believe even looks bass fishing but whatever or I'm sorry bass bass I've been confusing these words I'm sorry my native negative Swedish Ness is coming up but anyway a very very nice I'd like to start styling off very cool they're cool some nickel baggy uh there's DPM is Zinni and bunch of on mushrooms and Rev design shrooms so here we go pretty nice and from 9:00 idiot fishing huh yes yes yes you know it was pretty nice I like I like the sort of grim fandom fandango ask sing with the eyes here was excellent game i'm going to play one day by the way very nice ian cherry evolutional man is making our play dwarf fortress from gray Fandango workers I suppose but I like it the fishings bad ass come on ant which here's me fishing and you know it well I don't have my I don't have my head that shaven these days I mean it's you know it's it's it's hair it's a haircut but still very nice and from from jetty knee all mama mia this one is a doozy I like it already hang on all right so let's let's examine this first panel super big and here's me like holding a fish and quit and the top angler that is that it's a life sometimes but they're always bigger fish in the ocean metaphorically and they're figuratively and literally I suppose but love and B are here very very nice that's great i beliee yeah you also did the divine Joel tiny hamster teeny and Ivan I don't know if you've heard me say this last time I showed that but I am I'm heavily contemplating added it in as a replacement for Brisco but when I said I was going to replace Brisco a lot of people are said like no don't do that so what we could do is we could just like I guess wait a while until uh I don't know I'm not that you ever are obligated to subscribe or anyone watching in fact I would say save your money not for me do it for cherry instead for god sakes but if we ever do hit the next school or whatever I never keep goals I don't know what even that is but it's like that limit when you get a new remote I'll see if I can keep Brisco and add tiny hands but yeah for now as you'll see but anyway very nice and from arcane 777 here's me fishing the Hydra of the sea it's pretty nice I like that a lot anyway chat I'm done for tonight I'll see who's live on my sauce and go host on but this is a fun stream I had a lot of fun with doing this I mean never expected today mean like I was sipping coffee in the middle of the night and I'm like oh I'm tired and hey look what happened I had a lot of fun anyway I must love something to host her but you guys check out the rest of team with their own line as well it's twitch.tv slash team slash mind sauce I'm going to start starting to prep for the charity next month and you know what's coming you know what's coming and I hope I hope you guys are getting excited for it I love doing the charity streams I love a lot of getting a lot of positivity and you know people donated for a great cause so I'm happy to do my part this this this year as well and hopefully we can raise a lot of money for our great cause but for now I'm done I enjoyed i'ma I'll see you guys around and thanks and you know big boy bye
Channel: Vargskelethor Uncut: Full Joel Streams
Views: 75,340
Rating: 4.9470816 out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, joel, full, stream, unedited, playthrough, part, fishing, top, angler, ps2, obscure, weird, fish, fun, bass, bass monster, sega, soundtrack, music, japanese, big, Top Angler - Real Bass Fishing
Id: _itWH5HJUso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 2sec (9182 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2017
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