VILLAGER HOME MAKEOVER SURPRISE! Minecraft Furniture Mod Fun w/ FGTEEV Duddy & Chase (Showcase)

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Subscribe to their channel :) (Incomprehensible speech) I can see myself- WOW! wow I never realized how handsome I was! baby gigling Look at that lil'(little) cute guy right there! This one is amazing! I L:ove this fun!! This is the best day ever!!! It's FGTeeV bliby bleep bilp blap blalblbll *fart noise* whats up FGTee-vers -yeah! It's FGTeeV Dud here FGTeeV Chase (Incomprehensible speech)What, Shaun? What? Why are you guys whispering!? Shaun, we-we're surprising villagers, right? Yeah! yeah You dont have to poop for an entire Villager yeah huh yeah all the villagers are sleeping in their houses you want to go surprise them with a surprise makeover Just gotta love minecraft do you block the door with a toilet all right come on follow me we're gonna surprise the first village you're ready one two one two three surprise I think the mailbox actually goes outside oh yeah all right we got to keep it down and close the door before the other villagers wake up you know what I'm saying all right so guys you guys even can look what I got you guys boom yeah it's a LED chair look boom now it's a half of capture every opportunity every one knows what I hope you guys know my all boom guys get you put the TV right here so they could see it across from the couch we better shut the door for a zombie comes yeah alright so cool so this look at that look you're going to sit here look I want to sit on the couch boom look I'm sitting on the couch and I'm just watching TV like yeah check out my LED couch I got kicked out the world haha alrighty some sit on this couch right I got an awesome cool little television view and all the villagers they're like so jealous you're done you can trade with them we're not trading with them bro because we are here to give them an awesome house huh haha in this model got some wooden table a stone table we got chairs we got some cabinets we've got a fridge a couch cooling pack we've got a toilet a sink on a bath shower there's so many cool things so I think you know what this place is missing my toilet where do they do there you know Oh business how about you hook them up with a toilet ok so I'm for a toy way we can never find it I'm not free tonight ok so how about this put the toilet right next to the sink excuse me sir sorry boom there's a little sink but how to make water coming out ok you can make love of things and water now go get the toy way and never get the toy for the villages have seen and I'm gonna get wife for them so they can like I'm gonna get right so so they can sleep enough right so maybe it's actually the wide if they didn't wake up and <street> second </street> each time you click the light it gets brighter right yeah cool now hold on you forgot the toilet bro happening ok when the motion not moving oh I wish you want to put some food in there yeah I they're gonna be changed because an apple cookies Oh some cookies you can actually put in there she's the freezer buddy camp Latinos because potatoes are not third of fridges ok you can do potatoes cause potatoes are not for fridges and that's why you can't put them in the freezer and that bright fish I . no I put one then this is why your fisherman no wait why did get guy oh no quick we gotta keep it nighttime so we get surprised the rest of the villagers in the neighborhood boom all right inspect night time but they're all fleeing back inside like this was the shortest day ever you're probably going crazy out there look at this guy he's not trying to get in dude i just realized these are curtains look you just click them if you want to close sweet I know so that's also you don't know that's gonna be the coolest house in the village right now to check this out watch out ready right next to the window there's a level shower so how do we go inside the shower we just do this now we do totally get like a dispenser and put it above there and then put water so it can come down oh yeah i don't know i mean i'm right now yeah yeah chase I might have to destroy your light yeah yeah only because i think the badass to go there excuse me sir we're trying to decorate your house yeah you're just gonna have to figure out you know what what you know what you know what is it Mary box you destroy the mailbox yeah you're not going away alright sorry about that villager he just wasn't getting out of my way and there's a bathtub oh snap oh no wait a sec excuse me excuse me to me sir excuse me Oh you're not gonna let me out now excuse me as i can tell you finish decorating my house now you're gonna let me out right now you're ready and watch this okay well I gotta check this because oh no this is the back of his house I do look at this his bath totally goes outside of his house alright so we have a little you know we're going to do we're just going to make a little quick addition onto his house that's it and then problem solved right you know what I'm saying yeah boom boom well you're kind of blocking his view all right so we're giving them an awesome house but he no longer get sunday light inside of it house but now that's okay because look to do it's got a bath we could probably even break that window in the current I we're going to break the window in the curtain I'm sorry you're right we're actually I don't know if we're making this guy's house worse now let me see it ah ok cool and then I got kicked out but the water is still in it so this sink actually like do anything no like it doesn't turn on now I how about that excuse me sir I gotta flush the toilet yeah ah man I can't flush the toilet oh yes thank you ok cool that final all right well that's a pretty gross look at all watching me wow guys oh my goodness guys can I get some privacy please these guys they don't respect anything look at this - all one haha look at this creepy villagers they're all watching people visit bathroom there's like a TV there's a fridge that can be eating they could be on their little LED new couch but no they're all sitting here watching him this it so watching me do that on the toy way that a bug zapper why goodness gracious these are the most we can anyone explain to me why these villages are so gross maybe not like a little scared oh let's let's let's look at these kids are watching me as if I've tamed them with an apple I can't even get out of here because he's like you're not leaving until I want to go to the bathroom making it sound like you're disgusting excuse me excuse me I that's it i'm gonna have to like break out is there another door entrance what excuse me excuse me ok there we go oh now we're in the back porch why so I wanted to stick now why is it zapped me is that the furniture mod yeah so tell everybody what is it you don't know I let's find out what do you think is this a mailbox that's a radio I so let's see what chase built here yeah I so looks like chase bill own electric fence and you put a bird bath in there yeah do you try to cook chickens no okay there's a bird back so what happens when a bird wants to go take a bath actually we should probably just look for a real bird you're installing are now quick we need a surprise for villagers stay stay dark i watch this let us on the spot a little bird right in the back me up birds not getting hurt so how can the bird doesn't get hurt from the electric fence now i know when i spawned a bird on the fence go in there look at all the bird got zapped let's see and what's gonna happen uh-huh the bird is totally getting killed look how the burger dude you see what I'm saying ok bring dude it's a bird bath but they can you take it back as you put an electric fence there I need you back haha he put electric fence right upper back oh this is from another youtube channel her bro we look like we're copying that's not a good thing chase loves watching you probably know who all right and I don't watch them so if you see anything else to happen in another Channel this is the copycat over here ok so i got a toilet by the door a glowing couch in an electric fence that kills all the birds or taking a bath yeah great great makeover thanks a lot are you ready to surprise another villager yeah all right let's go let's go quietly read it which how should we do I don't know I have to face her have to face somebody's house so did you do we have a deal you don't want to kill the kill the birds no okay fine to get over here get over here going to surprise the next village ready who's got the most villagers in their house we want to surprise a lot of people this is like a big absolute has a library yeah you're ready there's one right there come on come on but he still threw it on the porch oh no - ready to get a hot time no come out here little claw that's it thanks that's it boom somebody tell you're ready come on you're ready on the count of three let's surprise him once he gets ready to wait were you following me like what you see is us that bad ya got back at you dude are you ready yeah let's go on the other side maybe he will maybe you'll forget by the time we get over there alright are you ready the dude there's a Hello pic of it okay good oh there's another one in there why do we got a surprise him he's probably some serious probably calling the cops hey yeah you do look do you see the cops go back three we never introduced ourselves ready boom i am johnnie Emmett and chases the master builder like changes a lot because he say what I look so skinny and my grab it looks so skinny you are you ready to go inside yeah trying to count of three no don't put the winners baby you try to kill them what is that I'm going ok are you ready to go inside surprising with their new home makeover yeah everyone follow me tell me what - what I'm gonna give up to come on they're giving you can do you know how to spell your gene is come on don't like you yeah come on let's see if you can do it yeah come on what's next are now it's pani her it writes with our sudden shawnee oh hi honey ok bo I auntie ok no Danny ok changing with I think we will you say i had gone to spawn point of keys because they get hot dog this bumbling the witch-king because they don't know how to do it don't respond . with kids because they don't know how to do it yeah but you not to do it I do you ready we're going to surprise them you ready one two one two three - drown we are here to decorate yeah and I don't think they really care what are you doing putting monster spawners on their house oh the fireworks sorry so we never mind i am here to decorate your house so get ready you guys I know don't try to leave a hole no no hobbies so scared I find get ahead in there you're ready you're not coming back in this house it's a girl and you're gonna be jealous you know what they really need in this house they need and love it because they're always eaten raw food man that I see these people eat raw food all the time you need the oven and a microwave and you know what just for the heck of it let's give my toaster to mirror you're ready so let's put a toaster oh snap the toasters up high hello ok we have a floating toaster that's a bad idea however you know what let's pick a toaster on the floor and you know it with the microwave on the floor because we don't know let's do this the right way guys let's give them a really cool oh let's give them a coffee table your work will drink coffee like I probably drink coffee what what what nothing wait what did you say this is you spell chase wrong great job and get ready excuse me these villagers I swear like don't want their house to get decorated excuse me sir haha you just maybe break your house if you don't get out of the way it's gonna be a really great move move there we go ok and I suppose have to fix that block now I now skizzy I mean sir I know what you're thinking I'm inside of your head I me up quickly quickly yes okay we got that we got the coffee table you guys are gonna have a nice little air breeze now that you have all the hole in your wall I what we have a little toast here can we actually put bread in the toaster yeah Frankie all right you put the bread in the toaster because i'm gonna go ahead and I'm going to set up their microwave all right ready and microwave can you actually show them the microwave in the toaster thing yeah alright cool and then over here right next to the crafting table is probably a really good spot for their oven you should actually cook something in their oven - its fireworks are they still going on oh it's a lot of daytime I mean I think so merry Chris more villagers and had like the longest nap ever there like every time I wake up like it's still night time boohoo alright so do you kill the villager yeah great job weight room ok i just want to see what you're doing ok i'm putting bread in there yeah I let's see it oh snaps so how do we I think the button is like facing the wall always yeah um we don't have a fail here boom boom like that we hit the button I think there's anything actually have an excuse me can be sure i can see with your head but no it's not done is it ah dude I don't I think maybe just for looks how do we know when it's ready to be like strike it with Cole um no fine put something in the microwave what are you going to put in there i'm good . case and now we're cooking mi Suk that's good eating now you just deleted it ok what can I try I want to eat it you're right all right let's try i'm going to tell you if it's any good you're ready and wait I can't eat it could unite mommy I'm gonna wait till I get hungry and then i'm going to eat it but I look dude are burnt I thought red was / am just a bad light is always tries to try cooking something in the oven meanwhile i'm gonna give these people like me and I'm going to give them a little computer and some internet and hopefully they can go online and get some it gets a recipe since we've given them cooking cooking up proper Roger Carville each is what we call it is cooking oh no place up top and and feels already begun it's cooked yep you sure yeah so I'm like still not hungry and waiting here i'm just gonna like sit in this chair I'm just going to see I'm just going to sit until I get hungry let's just wait let me yeah I you know I can sing it you're gonna sit with me but what are we going to talk about while we sit here and just stared this delicious piece of state that we can eat I don't belong you got fish yeah no fair whoa 90 year ok ok you have two pieces that fake you now you can eating all right let's try I still can't eat what do you know not even hungry me well no it's daytime no this turned into a fail you make up yeah I did but now they're going to come back home with me I can't seem to be good oh wow they can't figure is your right there dude wow Mike here oh thank you i'm just trying to eat that piece of steak and I can't get it actually be our house now I just want to know like how come when i sit down not hungry and want to get up let's see i have hunger but then when I sit down like I'm no longer hungry when i get up in like uh i'm probably going to be hungry come in there they get I think if they move your seat you're ready I'm very sorry about this shapes but the villagers can't get in all right well anyways we hooked up this house we got some fool we're not even hungry I can only get out of here this village is only teleport I can't hear anything about fireworks it's sort of like a news is i'm pretty sure the cops are going to come to this village are I can't get the villager like is so creepy won't let me go alright villager you just I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry these things that got to go to hear that you know exactly yeah it's that sound of silence alright so we're done with this house we're closing the store always show them what else we did listen hear that a lot doorbell yeah other than the fact that i have many fans and bruises from straight fireworks i think i will enjoy my new cooking appliances I thought no more raw food for me some of these villagers they seem like really weird like watching me go to the bathroom the second set of villagers they weren't even surprised I had to kill to all of them because they weren't they weren't letting me leave their house to like please give me more fan that she'll just really really creepy stuff there's definitely more for the furniture mod I mean what else would be another cool thing go over your water slide it's like a little look at it there's like a little old age just going to grab like a bad one my blade I was joking yeah yeah just like a treat what what can this do you need to have water source underneath the block all we got that don't all i have to do is just put water right here where let's see you that's it yeah alright so water and then just get grass yeah I so where's grass and got grass and then boom and then I just simply put this here well look - okay and then just in a click it yeah haha all that's really cool go on her knees water house whistle cakes look at this guy's you can make it look at what this how we fill up our swimming pool yeah I don't do I just turn it off we click it oh you can't turn it off there's an ink cartridge for printer does the printer actually print out stuff yeah nice oh we gotta check that do this paper no way I put ink in it and then now won a paper or paper and then now what progress how do i print my friend piece of beef I want to print beef go print beef what's happening what what did you do did you just do that yeah what's happening it's gonna go up you're here it's printing a book yeah but I don't understand look at the ink level what's it doing it feeling that thing of self is going gasps so you can see you how does it know what we want to print the book about I borrow this book real quick yeah what's the book say how i read it alright so we can read it's a fake book I don't like fake books hmm those are fiction right yeah yeah I like nonfiction alright so envelope there's a mailbox what else there's a oven range and ocean you put that above the oven to prevent getting a smoky house a toy way a light a fire alarm does it work yeah like what do we put a fire alarm I you think it has to be on a ceiling right I pray there's no villagers here at home but i need to test this out really quick we're going to destroy their house get a little fire dirt okay well that doesn't seem to set off the alarm how about be easily about a fire charge easily a bold I works I hear you have to click effort to go I did you press it yeah so when you put it that was it are you that but it doesn't turn off my cell all because of the fun oh cool that's really cool so the fire alarm works all look chase this is what we were missing from the shower head oh we have to run back to the other village your house which one was it was it this one that guys like I had a crazy intruder look like now we were just here to help wonder you're up for your friends get a clouds alright cool back in the house q3 chase all right ready here we go in shower head ah litters he's finally taking a shower you're not dirty anymore little buddy yeah yeah oh wait wait wait no you're still a little dirty and go back in yeah you go back and mr. tre lawrence whatever your name is your new shower that's so cool you don't even have to have a water source i like that where do I close your eyes out with doors yeah that's a real cool what you know what you're so dirty you need to shower heads going on at the same time you know what so do you know if you're not gonna hop in the shower I'm gonna force you always in the back all right it's gonna take a long time for that bathtub to get filled up dude let me see your neck what you look all the way down to the floor chase chase look at the floor well uh huh you like a transparent met for some reason you don't have skin color under there alright so that's cool I'm glad we came back I'm glad we came back and it also if we forgot to give the guys soap quick he's gonna take a shower and not really be clean ok you ready and I already go I'm just going to leave it in there from boom all right little man let me know when that when the villager comes back and gets his self and what's this we have a kitchen counter a kick a blender all that's cool can you actually like blend stuff up with it no way well you can put a blender inside of a blender and blend it is that a joke I'd like to put melon in my smoothie oh that's so cool but you can't blend it's that kind of stinks yeah yeah super soapy water soapy water a candle a chopped oh my gosh i thought it said a chopped leg alright so oh there's a mirror do that in a wreath in a mantle place so it's for like Christmas we really quick you actually see your reflection that would be a pretty sick MA no way I didn't see myself wow I never realized how handsome I was killed right there Wow and now now let's put another mirror and see if it actually shows me ready whoa hey hey haha uh-huh who but it's cool that's also yeah baby i love this model that will do hope there's a cookie jar you can put a cookie in and then there's a washing machine and I like how there's like a Christmas tree or read in a mantelpiece but really quick before we go I just want to see what like a little chimney would do oh that's so awesome i I'm like well how many fireplaces this house had but we're going to get some Meyer well that was invisible for a second there alrighty well guys that was a little look at that mr. crane fishes my oh I which are you seriously the stereo yourself how conceited are you he's like wow I'm really good-looking dude you gotta shut that off because there we go and then the fire alarm is still on you're too noisy it's been going on the whole time if you have been getting annoyed by that all right well guys the mirror by by far the LED couch in the mirror is probably the sickest thing I like even the shower school anyways guys thanks so much for watching we'll check you guys later peace out a little bit up yeah exactly so he's a booster ok let's see how much is due to eat boom two bottles yeah that's right everybody know here junkie we know baby yeah
Channel: FGTeeV
Views: 63,508,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family gaming channel, minecraft gameplay, fgteev minecraft, skylander boy and girl minecraft, minecraft furniture mod, fgteev mod, fgteev minecraft mod showcase, fgteev chase, fgteev duddy minecraft, skylander boy and girl minecraft mod, funnel vision minecraft, fgteev, fgteev youtube, youtube fgteev, fgteev videos, fgteev games, fgteev playing, gaming, kid friendly gaming, kid friendly, family gaming, minecraft fgteev, fgteev minecraft furniture
Id: NuO-NtxgfS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 35sec (1655 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2016
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