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and then we need some gold and then we need some crap let's get a little bit go and then what what cooking so much [Music] what's up FG Cheevers it's empty TV daddy here with my fairy got my little four-year-old up to TV chase and today we're continuing to mo creatures mod both creatures part two and look at look at me guys you ready you don't see this it's a scuba dirty how cool is that look five square square butt cheeks huh oh look at chases chest what is that Wow that's awesome daddy's chasing my tail yeah and now look at this behind me oh excuse me scuba daddy no skipper daddy scoopnet to get out of here and boom Oh or there's our little aquarium and boom there it is me no you let teleport to me oh come and find me sea life eggs check this out we have a turtle right we have a crocodile a fishy a shark cake or a jellyfish a crab a piranha a dolphin a piranha wait to piranhas a small fish in a medium fish let's just pick one of those piranhas here and as a bonus we also have a mod called the animal plus mod which has some more stuff but let's just go ahead let's start with this you're ready so I'm going to spawn my first ball on be a dolphin boom Wow look at them that's really cool oh whoa I hope he's not fierce [Music] dude why don't you hop in the water and see if you like tries to attack you Oh No okay okay if that one is not gonna oh no chase is going down do you need a potion of like water healing stuff what's that call potion um hold on man I'm gonna send it to your weakness strength leave it heart breathing here we go chase you ready to get down there I'm gonna send this potion to you you're ready and go get it cheese go get it so you can breathe are the potions down there for chase we can breathe in the water now let's take that piranha oh that thing's gonna get cheap it's not gonna get cheap chase hit that piranha see if it attacks you know I'm gonna yeah hit the little fishes what's happening down there I'll go I fell in the water no more people in the water who just hit me the fish just bit me wow those piranhas are dangerous let's look at a crab whoa dude look at the size of that crab is that oh it's floating that's why it's so big and oh no the fish I gave you the piranhas get to the top yeah retreat you got your potion chase you're still gonna post it ah I forgot to change my skin rate I have a little yellow spot my head no chase I'll not be in there right now check this out jellyfish boom look at that spongebob can go jellyfishing it almost looks like two pressure plates like a mommy pressure plate and a baby pressure plate okay do jellyfish sting us let's go touch one ow ow ow ow I can't quite okay jellyfish oh it's a fish is that creating poison wow so the jellyfish created poison let's go to checkout array whoa looks like a weird TV almost like the White House with a beacon out of it my goodness I went up there president I'm going to save the president mr. president whoa you got some food dude I'm actually gonna need some disease oh that's alright cuz we're right here Coolio's alright well I'm back in oh no I shouldn't have jumped in that's alright and we've done a ray how about a shark oh that jacket photo I can't Wow haha you can't get me shark wow that shock is dangerous no dude look at that thing hello Sharky Sharky malarkey that's what I said cod you fishy want to see what a fish he looks like who does this tart eat it let's put a lot of fish in there let's just pollute pollute the aquarium with fish oh the shark doesn't what will happen whoa the shot can do tricks the shark and a jellyfish are fighting oh that's you you're punching the shark that's my favorite shark get in the water Oh Jase you gotta run dude all right chase you want to look at a crocodile yeah all right guys were checking out a crocodile boom who's doing that what that crocodile has that big of a of a reach hey crack you know more people in the water dude a crab escaped a crab escaped no we can't let the crab get to the mainland hey he's trying to steal our stuff in the chest no back row home I gotta take care of this crab back crab no no crabby but what what is he doing there we're looking a lien crab on our hands oh yeah all right take this little mr. crabby he's just running he's like I just sent you to help nice crab what he's hiding him you're not a very good camouflage er you're not a good camouflage er yeah do what did I just get I got rock crab whoo you know what let's get a little furnace and let's get a little bit of coal right and then let's actually cook this crab let's let's see what it's like you know what I'm saying let's do it let's do it and furnace and then we need some gold and then we need some crab but let's get a little bit more Nicole here we go and then what what okay here we go alright we're cooking we're cooking so much food up in this kitchen if you wait watching this video in a superfight you miss them there it is I'm eating cooked crab there it is hey what's up should it I just wanna say don't interrupt me when I'm rapping this is like really good at it Oh real quick I just have to do parkour to get over the sensor yeah what's up dude why for you stay we're gonna try a small I'm gonna kind of stay here I'm gonna go try out a small fish in the medium fish what food I gave that papi Oh potatoes thanks thanks dude all right look check this out this is maybe that's a medium fish yeah look this is a small fish oh now we need it we need to send in more piranhas is there more piranhas I got rid of the piranhas let's see what the little fishies are and those fish eats though I got the hiccups man Wow can you scare me really quick SEC get rid of the hiccups scare me worked you're good scared dude what's up with this cord it's all like all no way no lose my piranhas oh no the piranhas are after me dude I'm gonna die oh good Wow alright it is time to eat some potatoes Thank You chase for giving me some potatoes and let's see all that's just tasty regenerate my hearts why don't you mow shame there we go good oh yeah take these mr. Schock hungry I am still hungry yeah well I'm just no oh yeah a little bit ready and come on last potato oh no don't you go down at me handle don't you go down on me hand leg boom chase check this out I'm gonna put all these guys back up and her oh I got a raw fish oh that's kind of cool I should cook him but I'm not going to cos he was my friend now these are some more things that are part of the animals plus mom we're gonna get back to the boat creatures I didn't forgive I just want to check these out since we're here in the aquarium spawning fish what does that fish look like oh wow that looks like a mole a mole a fish remember that thing we play the game let's see a penguin Oh what no get into wanna tease oh yeah I watch this all right boom sorry chief okay okay you know I think the Penguins they don't like the temperature the water so we're just gonna put wait will the Penguins eat the raw fish but still where's who me I'm gonna see if the Penguins will eat the raw fish you ready alright one two three here you go little penguin here here eat it go no what's the matter penguin you're not my craw fish I gotta cook it for you this penguin is very very very very picky this one get out of here penguin you water like a duck it's so confusing stop punching your dad oh thanks but right now I'm going to check out another crocodile all that crocodile looks the same Oh after puss none of those oh wow who's doing that dude the cocky that crocodile got out I didn't set the barrier the slick Jurassic Park oh yeah but I say get out my son in the water in the water no no get in the water Wow oh no dude this one is fierce this one is fierce whoa don't worry man I got this I got this oh okay he got you take this a little weird cave spiders I have you know the word I'm thinking of I can't think disguising as a crocodile whoa check this I just want to check out octopus huh nothing no octopus wow that's weird look daddy we have to go underwater nothing oh well you know what what if the octopus I get out of here huh thank you I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go down the ocean I just want to see back the puss was too big for that tank huh what happens if I punch the penguin luck put a penguin that quacks go figure alright so I didn't really quite get to see good it makes sense that the crocodile floats though but I didn't really get to see a good octopus here so I'm a little upset right now but that's how you know we stopped some more things to show how about this one a whit whoa oh wow dude you gotta lose some weight you don't even fit in the aquarium he's gonna dry out Wow looks like we're having whale for dinner tonight look at the size of that thing how much help does he have dude we gotta just punch him to the ocean he is 50 punch him to the ocean operation punch a whale operation destroy punch a whale just to save him I hopefully he doesn't die by the time he gets there go go no you died after I how about now how are we ready oh okay that one there we go can you make it dude punch him in punch him in there we go a little bit more punch it a little bit more you got this he's almost he's almost swimming what dude you know what I'm coming to help he could be stuck I'm not gonna lie how does he have that much high there we go and you're almost there buddy Free Willy huh who are gonna free Willy go go go yeah whoa no I didn't spawn another one oh my gosh the two whales are mating it's just nature that's what happens in nature but anyways it's not why I'm here I'm not here to teach you about animals a manta ray that's a looking cool one so how about an angler oh those are those cool fish that have the lights in front of them like this look at me um let you try it like I'm trying to it's that little light cuz it's tasty but I just can't get it cuz it's like all the way out there anyways the anglers are cool oh because look they almost provide light hi little angler in a good fishy aren't you he doesn't bite I'm surprised wait can you go away and I just want to see if he attacks you no no oh he's eating the penguin is he angular city I just ate the Penguins but a little bit alright piranhas this piranhas are they pretty much look the same and there's there should be two more left right a tortoise and a tropical fish and then that'll do let's eat well that's a trap guard that's alright in a tortoise look you know we can't let a couple tortoises just roam up here with the Penguins if you punch them do they attack I was gonna say good luck trying to catch me where are you where are you at but I'm gonna come to you because actually I want to show them what it looks like when you look at the tank from underneath here you enjoy it like someone at an aquarium so see now I can get a look at all the sea life that's going on in there sometimes I sound like shaggy Scoob hey Scoob get a load of this sea life robee robee boo hey now don't you do that okay oh man big game hello stop that weight really quick chase do you want to watch this chase ah like huh wait huh that's not coming cool hey he wants to come out this way come on come on you can come out you can come into the out now as oh it's a wow so look at that I could just let go up in there like me oh no oh no no wait I'm gonna be alive wait how'd I get here no stop it angular angolan angular teleport to me so teleport to you so yeah alrighty sir I'm gonna teleport to and whoopsie what's up Lex look Lex we have a little aquarium with a little aquarium that we made and it's got a crazy look at this look at this whale down there hey where's the wheel where's the wheely chases you kill the whale no where'd it go anyways up here we have all sorts of crazy animals look at look at this we have sharks and penguins and manta rays oh no oh they're gonna get it they're gonna give me the jelly fishes oh no oh though i'll get poisoned alright so matter okay TP block at 7-7 Mike Hale said it's heaven go inside of chases head I can hear what you're thinking Danny yes oh I thought it was in your head out knowing Hawaii okay is this mine I boom boom how about this boom boom boom oh no you gotta get out of this chest first I got this I got this and now I got all dude I'm a quick thing there's a lot of stuff you want me to get all this all right fine I got some potions I gots it all I need to get my arrows hey you didn't enchant my arrows I'm gonna take some of these and some of that I can't really get up here I can't look it up here hey we need to break this when you break this say hello hello anybody steps whose idea was this not steps okay we've made steps dude next up in this mod showcase I want to show you guys something it's over here you ready so first up let's go to this chest right here delicious there's nothing in this chest oh this is an empty chest you silly do for nugget oh my bad that was an empty chest well you know what in that case let's definitely just get the things out of my inventory that I don't need for this next part who's punching me don't slice me I'm your father another piece of cheese or turkey meat from Boar's Head and your body something to capsulize me I can't see I can't see very cool no but now I'm not a scuba dirty anymore all right so check this out right here we've got a little thing that says land creatures I don't know what that means and then I don't think so what is it I don't think that's create create create arrays or something Spanish so check create do raise stop seriously I got to show the next part of the mood is it's this part right if you click in this chest right we've got a rat buddy come on yeah jump all of this double the size of the hill and then let's go who made a piece of my sand missing that's just messed up right-click on this chest let's see we've got a that's a bad word we've got a rack we've got an HD double hockey stick rat we got a spawn deer got scorp a snake a turd a month in a pen a whiffer wait uh-uh no it burns up in her not yet a fox a kitty a wolf a bur a duck a bur thank you no chases taking stop get out of here what did you take a snail no no it's gonna whoa did the snails just turn into slimes what happened did you put salt on them all right anyways let's hop up here and let's check out oh no I need a parkour let's jump up here let's see let's see the first one first one that we have here elephant that might be too big let's see if will spawn in here you ready and elephant elephant come alive ah quickly oh he's a nice elephant okay you stay there Elly we'll be right back smellyellie and then you're ready yeah and you jump up here okay watch this next thing we'll show you watch a mouse oh no no chase you just knock me in the let's get a mouse car in there in the web wait hold on how do we do that can we do that oh look at the mouse caught in a spider web there's gonna be a tasty all right you know I know spiders not new but my spiders whose name is speed arrow I think yes be there oh he's so hungry ghosts Bolero they're coming Ethan I eat all you want alright let's see a turkey hi there just wait is that elephant making no cherries nah the turkey but little turkeys trying to leave just stay here - Thanksgiving buddy yes you are gumbo gumbo gumbo couple ah get back in Turkey get back here I'm stuck I'm sorry alright next up we have a snake oh oh no I look they don't attack though you know I need to go into game mode and let's see what attacks and what does it does a turkey attack me I don't think so you can't get revenge I've been eating your ancestors for years bro snake and wow the snake doesn't even bite me now this thing he poison in the fight of me oh wait how do I get out of this I'm trapped in here no all the snakes are ganging up on me they're like I know I'm stuck on there Geoffrey run and jump okay here we go I'm good right now are you so snake scorpion hey where are you that's it taste you want to see this alright hey chase wait we both died at the same time alright that's alright oh wait I'm setting my spawn point down their spawn point boom now I'll spawn here in case a little chase tries to kill me again no more all right next up is it dear Oh No the deers trying to get out come on scorpion get him fight fight fight what it's Bambi who's attacking me like that more deer more deer what if I enraged this scorpion-like attack I was slain by a snake dude the snake has a far reach he can get me from right here let's see what what is this thing right there ah whoa look at the size of that right that poor dear is like I can't find my mommy it's almost like a story that I've seen by Disney but I don't think it exists yet no it's not that it's probably not that are you ready and boom ah the snake you scanning me and then that's a smaller rat now hold on we have a couple a couple more let me put let me put some stuff back in this chest so I don't get confused we got a Fuchs a cootie a roof a burr a Duke oh no wait wait what's attacking me chase how the elephant escape dude did you let him out no you probably you have glass in your inventory you sure well I'm gonna go in here since I keep getting attacked by snakes let's see what an ant looks like oh that's cool are they fire ants too they attack me yeah yeah you know who step on you no look he's running from me else got squishy like a cockroach or an ant cuz they both they both squish pretty evenly leader this raccoon oh wow one of the eats with my garbage now don't let the raccoons out chain it up the pressure plate alright southern dude he's so defenseless oh there's Ravi oh we kind of saw Ravi's mrs. Kipling in the last episode oh wait what that's a boar look a baby boy in a big boar it's kind of like when you're bored I got nothing there I got no joke lined up for that one a spawn I never have jokes lined up they just flow and sometimes they don't flow correctly it's like invisible water or something stop killing your Poppa case alright let's go back through the door you know what I said I just got to get away from chase he just gives me too much spawn a duck alright so how much duck could a wood duck duck if a duck could duck a duck alright that's bad - all right I'm - I'm over I'm over - right now look she a maggot all right maggot attack this snail would be the slowest battle ever [Music] an ostrich oh he's standing on the pressure plate I forgot that they can do that that's how they'll oh wait an elephant can't fit out through a pressure plate we still have more to show so let's see a fox Wow wait everyone we need to hear what does the Fox say Bobby says that we finally know now we're confusing songs with too many answers to the question it's like a chicken now we know foxes sound like chicken now listen if I say it sounds like a chicken it sounds like a chicken you know I'm saying and we need to do time set zero and then we need to go back to our inventory let's take out some of these right here and let some of this one I have and a boom boom boom boom alright last ones we gotta go we gotta go at and a most oh we already see the moss what's a wood wolf chase if you kill to Papa one more time I kick you out the world okay alright and let's see what a wolf is a wolf there's a monster get four he's like I'm not even kidding he's an actual month Thank You chase alright chase you stand but get that one too ah this see he's like that was so scary I started foaming out of my mouth a bear you just yelled at me did you see him yell at me look no yogi he wants to go in with the snakes fine maybe he's a Polish he's a pierogi bear yeah you got it oh oh wow that's a cute go well that goat must be a Dairy Goat is that spot second cow all right let's check out our last one here a little kitty Oh kitty the little kitties is so cute there's so many kitties wow there's just like whoa look how many kitties there are there some Ocelot kitty some bear kitties and some yeah he was lying cuz you know think you know what I love that and I'm not lying when I say that what you say so those corny already cool guys I would like to tell you that's the end because we've been playing for so long but they're still kind of one more thing I want to show ya but I'm just wondering you know what maybe we'll make it part three cuz there that's what I'm saying it's like gonna be like an epic party because check this out if we go all the way down here this island here ready guys this is what I want maybe we'll do a part three it might be a short part three maybe I can find another mod to get mixed with a but check this out this is the island of forbid eNOS and there's a few things in this chest look at it oh wow that's just got epic I don't know if we're gonna do that right now because this just might be too much epicness for one video see that burp did you hear that burp did you hear like the vibrato in it I nailed it alright so wait what are you trying to do walk here I can do it faster than you ready boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom done ah I already beat you I beat you kid that was a race good try though yeah yeah I'm very proud of you awesome alright so guys seriously though I think we should call it a quit there call it a quit or quits what sounds better let's call it a quit let's just make up our own slang we're gonna call it a quit what do you guys want to say is the finale what do you want to tell them chase anything hello no he's speechless no he plays it 26 eight he plays it so much the dude ends up in another dimension where there's extra time in the world you know what I'm saying oh speaking of another dimension you want to see this really quick I'm just gonna give them a little a little look-see and visit this is a portal staff you ready so I'm gonna say peace out buta leap op balilla Bop oh no where am I going peace out [Music]
Channel: FGTeeV
Views: 52,718,632
Rating: 4.6768789 out of 5
Keywords: family gaming channel, minecraft gameplay, fgteev minecraft, skylander boy and girl minecraft, skylander boy minecraft, lightcore chase minecraft, chase minecraft, fgteev minecraft mod, fgteev, fgteev youtube, youtube fgteev, fgteevers, fgteev videos, fgteev games, fgteev playing, fgteev family, gaming, kid friendly gaming, kid friendly, family gaming, minecraft fgteev, chase plays minecraft, chase playing minecraft
Id: WOdc9icP2oI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2016
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