Viktor Frankl on Why Idealists Are Real Realists

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you're extremely but I know I am speaking a marvelous accent without the slightest English now you know you won't believe it gray gray hair of my age I started taking flying lessons recently do you know what my flying instructor told me if you are starting here wish to get here say East heading for this and you have a crosswind you will drift and you will land here so you have to do what we Pilots call a crabbing he told me c-r-a-b crabbing you have to head for north of this air Airfield and you have to fly that way you see as if you had it in this direction if you are heading here above this Airfield then you will actually land here but if you had for here you are landing here this holds also for man I would say if you if we take man as he really is we make him worse but if we overestimate him foreign if we if we seem to be idealists and are overestimating overrating man and looking at him that high here above you know what happens we promote him to what he really can be so we have to be idealists in a way because then we'll wind up as the true the real realist and you know who has said this if we take man as he is we make him worse but if we take man as he should be we make him capable of becoming what he can be this was not my flight instructor this is what not me this was Gertie he said this verbally and now you will understand why you're in one of my writings once said this is the most app Maxim and motto for any psychotherapeutic activity so if you don't recognize a young man's will to meaning man search for meaning you make it worse you make him dull you make him frustrated you still add and contribute to his frustration while if you principles in this man if in this so-called criminal or juvenile delinquent or drug abuse and so forth there must be a what we call spark yeah a spark of search for meaning let's recognize this let's presuppose it and then you will elicit it from him and you will make him become what he in principle is capable of becoming
Channel: Levan Ramishvili
Views: 683,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Frankl, neurologist, psychiatrist, logotherapy, meaning, Holocaust, survivor, existential, analysis, Vienna, Austria, doctor, Goethe, flight, instructor, lesson, crosswind, drift, crabbing, north, direction, landing, overestimate, idealist, realist, promote, should, becoming, ad maximum, motto, therapy, recognize, will, search, dull, frustrate, frustration, spark, presuppose, elicit, principle, grey hair, youth
Id: loay2imHq5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 19sec (199 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 03 2017
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