David Lynch explains Transcendental Meditation

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Thanks for sharing, I’ve always been a bit curious about this. Does anyone here know a little more on TM or practices it?

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Waterfall_flow 📅︎︎ Aug 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

There's a subreddit for discussion of TM: /r/transcendental, but "how do I do it questions" are not allowed.

The experience ranges from "learning it this weekend" to 50+ years of experience.

I've been doing it for 47 years now (learned it a week after David Lynch did).


Disclaimer: co-moderator of /r/transcendental, for ban-free discussion of TM.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/saijanai 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
this is a donut it is very sweet and very good but if you've never tasted a donut you wouldn't really know how sweet and how good a donut is if you've never had that experience Transcendental Meditation is like that Transcendental Meditation gives an experience much sweeter than the sweetness of this donut it gives the experience of the sweetest nectar of life pure bliss consciousness as Mari she says those who don't know they don't know those who know they enjoy I hope this following documentary gives you some good news about the sweetness of life don't oh no fat all right um so David the Maharishi teaching in your life are we rolling we are rolling okay okay the Maharishi teaching in your life how did it all start can you tell us a story yes this here represents the surface of life surface and we see surfaces you know surfaces and about 300 years ago scientists they started wondering what was this this wood and what was this metal and what was what was it really so they start looking into matter so this side is matter and this side his mind mind and matter and the scientists well they discovered molecules deeper they went and they discovered these atoms and like I say they thought that was the smallest particle for a long time all these things we learn about in school they went deeper and they find inside the atoms these little electrons and neutrons and protons and they went deeper and deeper and deeper smaller and smaller particles smaller and smaller particles they found for forces on a deeper level the four became three and on a deeper level the three became two and then about 30 years ago modern science quantum physics discovered the unified field the unity of all the particles and all the forces of matter of creation not only did they discover the unified field but they found that everything that is a thing emerges from this field of no thing unmanifest it is unmanifest it is no - thing but all things come from it anything that is a thing has emerged from this field of unity its oneness the scientists know this exists but if they wanted to get there that if you can't get there it's unmanifest you can't walk into this field but any one of those scientists could practice a technique Transcendental Meditation which remember true happiness is not out there you're given a mantra a mantra a very specific sound vibration thought very specific it needs to be life-supporting at all deeper levels and that mantra that you're given that my rishi gives the key that opens the door the mantra turns the mind within turns the awareness within and you naturally dive why is it natural because each deeper level of mind and each deeper level of intellect has more happiness and the deeper levels of mind and deeper levels intellect correspond to deeper levels of matter at the borderline of intellect you transcend transcend is the key word it means to go beyond you're going beyond field of relativity duality experiencing ones pure unbounded infinite consciousness this consciousness has qualities infinite creativity intelligence energy love power and bliss dynamic peace always been there never had a beginning it is and it will be forever unbounded infinite eternal immutable immortal consciousness fullness any human being can experience this easily and effortlessly with Transcendental Meditation Transcendental Meditation is just a vehicle to get you here when you experience this level you enliven it and it grows in the individual so if you started with a ball of consciousness this big everyone has consciousness consciousness is the way to understand consciousness if you took it away you'd see what it really is you take it if there wasn't any consciousness we wouldn't exist and if we did exist we wouldn't know it it's the i am-ness of life it is life itself tied to consciousness is all this creativity intelligence energy love power bliss dynamic peace all positive light of unity all positive you experience this level and you enliven it and this ball of consciousness that you thought was just going to stay the same for the rest of your life starts expanding and these qualities expand so day by day you're growing creativity intelligence love energy and this Bala consciousness is now expanding and you're owning unconscious or subconscious more and more and more side effect of the growth of this consciousness is negativity starts to recede tension right all these things stress anxiety Saro depression anger hate fear all starts to go can't live in the light of this in schools when there's stressed anxiety horror stories depression so many people on pharmaceutical drugs suicides shootings stabbings you give a student this technique it's easy to do it's not concentration it's not contemplation concentration contemplation keep you right on the surface you're not transcending it's this field that does everything for the human being this field and you experience this field when you really get there and transcend this is transcendental consciousness it's you know there's so many names for this field the DAO kingdom of heaven all these names for this one field the absolute totality in Vedic language this field is called Atma and a means the self with a capital S know thyself get there know it by being it unfolded and what you're doing is unfolding your full potential as a human being your full potential of the beautiful human being is called enlightenment and people can unfold their enlightenment and then you are not angry anymore I told you that anger lifted away without trying poison to the artists poison to the environment poison to the human being lifts away without trying but it's not that you become numb and sleepy and don't want to work you get more energy more enjoyment of the doing and negativity lifting means that conduit of the flow of ideas the flow of creativity is not cramped by that negativity restricts that flow so you know and you can still have righteous anger being very strongly for something or against something beautiful but the kind of anger that it just bitter just like selfish kind of anger no one wants to be around this kind of person and the person's poisoning of themself the person can't work so good them that's mind control negativity is really mind control depression controls the mind now can't work anger controls the mind you can't work sorrow some people hold sorrow for years and you want to visit them and cheer them up but it doesn't do anything get them the chance to transcend and watch what happens sorrow will lift away they'll be back on the road you started 34 years ago to go deeper and deeper into that spiritual journey but it's lately only that you decided to go public about it more and more what was the ignition point or in your life or in the world that made you want to talk about it what happened yes this right here water the root piece creating group this one here I don't know other than this is the individual here and the same phenomenon happens with a group lots and lots of people square root of 1 percent of a population so like I said for France 750 or thousand do the thing a group quadratically more powerful than the same number scattered about and this is a thing in like this time my friend dr. John Hagelin says if you have two loudspeakers and they're separated you have one volume you put the two next to each other and you got the equivalent of four loudspeakers you put three you've got suddenly the nine it's called constructive interference it's a real thing a group close doing the program advanced techniques day by day just like when you want to get electricity to the people you build a power plant generate that electricity and they get it and you want that power plant to stay they got their computers running their TVs running the whole kitchens running and day by day by day you're generated electricity day by day by day you're generating dynamic peace beautiful thing human beings like a light bulb and we enjoy that light inside but we also radiate it we affect our environment everybody knows that you go into a room where there's been a bad argument the arguments over but you can feel that thing you go into a room filled with félicité bliss and the power of that is so beautiful to be in and this group radiates that's that side effect negativity ghosts enmity and the enemy goes without trying without trying Unified Field that's our big big big friend and this is the all the thing tied to peace it gets to the point where you couldn't hurt another human being it would be like hurting yourself this is the way it is supposed to be it's not the way it is but it would be so beautiful but the key is there this feeling it just grows and it's real it's much more real feeling than our world which is pretty much an absurd joke when you know somebody is blowing children's heads off in the name of peace it's a sadness it's the old way and now there's a there's there is a new way a new way to real peace and nothing to do with killing and so it's breech a point where you couldn't you just wouldn't ever think to hurt another human being and you travel in real peace you travel and you meet friends not enemies the light of unity destroys the enmity in an enemy destroys negativity there's no more enemy I hope you enjoyed this documentary thank you very much and I wish you all the very very best
Channel: Rodrigo Notari
Views: 809,580
Rating: 4.9362392 out of 5
Keywords: David Lynch (Film Director), Yoga, akasha, torus, energy, oneness, drawing, ressonance, meditation, meditate, mantra, united, nature, natural, breathing techniques, breathe, music, power, world, beauty, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (Author), Ohm (Unit Of Resistance), India, Temple, soul, body, mind, matter, Healing, Consciousness, Spirit, Earth, Truth, Ancient, History, Universe, Spirituality, Egypt, Knowledge, Sacred, cinema, director, lynchianism, tarantino, bliss, happiness, surface, creativity, psychomagic, peace
Id: Em3XplqnoF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 11 2015
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