Can You Beat Fire Emblem Engage Without Taking Damage?

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can you beat Fire Emblem engaged without taking damage no you can't beat someone in the prologue but the prologue isn't Canon so what if we try this starting at chapter one could we beat the game let's find out the rules for this are if any blue unit or any unit that can be recruited on that chapter takes damage that will count as a game over condition and I will be forced to rewind with the time Crystal and in the first few chapters where I don't have the crystal I will have to reload my save I will also not be using the arena as I would technically be damaging my own units there will be no additional restrictions for this run so all DLC is allowed additionally I'll be trying to beat every map in the game to test the possibilities for this run a noteworthy thing is sometimes my units won't be at full HP because if they gain HP only level up it will not increase their current HP alright be sure to like And subscribe and let's begin on chapter one I place a layer in a picket and then thanks to William's personal skill Banda takes no damage from the corrupted on enemy phase a Lionel Dodges an attack and finishes off the corrupted with a counter attack I now continue to weaken with Vanda and finish off the disrupted with a layer eventually we gain mastering and masteropia makes this chapter much easier as it has a 20 avoid bonus and it results in a corrupted having extremely underwhelming hit rates additionally with marvelous able to run around the corrupted and with a few lucky misses I'm able to clear out the remaining enemies and I beat the map without taking damage on chapter 2 I can't do the intended move of attacking the ax fighter or the arch will damage me so I place a lyric in this figure and I pray for a Miss unfortunately she gets hit so I now reset fortunately on my next try I get a lucky Dodge I now use Vanda and Clan to take out an Archer and then I use lodestyle rush to finish off the ax fighter now Lumera moves in and I stack up as much avoid as I can and I fight her on enemy phase I avoid her attack and deal a significant chunk of her HP on a counter-attack and a weakened hoe with Clan and I finish her off through the lair on the second part of the map I move to finish off the ax fighter now a few enemies move in so I have to engage use low star rush to finish off the long spider I then use Vanda and Clan to take out the Archer I now bait out Lumera and I have to rely on a lucky Dodge to do so unfortunately due to the fact that I I used low star rush early I can't reliably take out lumero without taking damage fortunately Jager Chad Vanda lands a three percent crit and he saves me of reset to begin chapter 3 I used lotion rush and the sword fighter to kill him my other units now hide from the other enemies on the next enemy phase I must avoid this sword fighters attack or I will have to reset this was quite frustrating as every time I had to play this map I had to reset like five times I now steadily use breaks to take out the first wave of enemies without taking damage but the next wave of foes wouldn't be so easy there was just so many of them and most of them had overlapping range and I unfortunately ended up taking damage I now reset for literally an hour and eventually I find a strategy that works you see these flyers in my hour of resets I found that they can sometimes move along the outside of this wall and with my units in this position they would always do this I had to do this so I could fight just the sword fighter and then I had to dodge this attack and ideally crit as it would save me risking two additional chances to get hit from The Sword fighter and Archer on the next turn I finish off the two fires with the layer and the other with ettie I now dodged this Archer with that complete I just attacked the boss with fan and push around to get the kill then Alfred and ettie take out the sword fighter and I'll finish off the final enemy with the layer to beat the map without taking damage fortunately for chapter 4 we gain the help of the hero's bonus items and we also gained the very useful sigured wreck this map was the one that I was the most scared of going into this run as Louis and Chloe are quite far away from my other units and a large amount of units move towards them quickly to help them out I collect the Javelin in the village with a layer and I trade it over to saline and use warp Ragnarok to move her in the damage she deals is vital as the fire Mage could attack byway and Dewey on turn one so I had to take them out quickly my units at the bottom of the bat now move right to clear out the area to allow my upper units to retreat Louis and saily now take out the surge Mage and on the following enemy phase I have to dodge two attacks one from an Archer and one from a sword player they both hit but fortunately for this map we gained access to the time Crystal so I can rewind to save some time over resets the problem with this is that have no easy combats to engage in so I couldn't really break the RNG this unfortunately resulted in me resetting a few times but eventually sailing gets lucky and avoids the two attacks coming her way on the following turn my lower units take out the Lance Fighters and my upper units take out the Cavalier and flyer after another safe enemy phase my lower units cleanly finish off the enemies in their range and my units at the center of the map take out an armonite and they also weaken the Barbarian fortunately The Barbarians AI will never let him attack as long as he has a clear path towards the village I now finish off the Barbarian at 2 range and on the next turn I've run away from the armor knights so I can't take them both out in one turn unfortunately I can't easily run away thanks to the figure so I have to risk getting hit on enemy phase I luckily dodged this attack and then I swiftly run away in my current position I can quite easily safely engage the remaining enemies but I have to be careful with the boss because of his high durability and ability to counter-attack at range with a javelin fortunately he was quite easy to be I just used warp Ragnarok to prevent a counter-attack and I finish with clan on chapter 5 I have to remove Celica from saline because if she reaches Bond level free she will gain resonance and for this run I would be unable to use her because of the skills self-damage I begin the map by taking out two enemies in my range and then I have a safe enemy phase thanks to Louis on the subsequent turn I said Louis to damage one of the sword fighters and on the turn after that I use override to weaken two additional sword fighters allowing for me to easily deal with them with the initial pressure lifted I can now easily take out another group of enemies suddenly the enemies near the choke point begin to move I managed to safely deal with them but they stole me long enough that the thief escapes and I've refilled my emblem gauges on a few of my units and I break the door Louis now engages with so good and he moves all the way forward to the thunder mage and kills him on the next turn a few of my units take on the approaching enemies and Louis takes out a Cavalier the remaining approaching enemies are quite simple to deal with and I now reach the boss I can't quite take the boss so I have to retreat and I wait for an opportunity to strike I now get the opportunity and I blast him with all of my engage attacks and I finish him off with poeta and the map on chapter 6 I unequip them offering from Alia as I will need all the Firepower I can attain if I want to take out boss I begin the map by using a layer and you're not going to take out the fighter with the Makai ring my Zoe units take out the Longbow Archer for safety and then I one shot a sword fighter with Louis on the next turn I Retreat into the thickets at the top of the map with Elia and yunaka on the lower part of the map I take out the thunder mage that would be quite scary if left alive and the Archer and ax fighter were easy to finish off with these enemies dealt with I can now push up towards the center of the map but I have to be careful because this is a fog of warm up and any of my units could take damage if they're not careful but another problem with my face is I have to be proactive and push-up where I will be overrun by the large amount of enemies that rush you yunaka and Elia don't really place any problems and the upper enemies are quite trivial to deal with the lower units continue to push and I need to do this to regain my marf engage so I can cleanly deal with the boss that I uncover I lured them out into an open area and then I obliterate him with a combination of engage attacks I get the kill with saline to end the map with chapter 6 complete we unlock the DLC so I pick up the house leaders bracelet and the ax and Lance from the world since I couldn't think of a way to engage for Tennessee in chapter 7 without warp I decided to do the tiki Power log this map is quite hard to do without a second Archer to take on the dragons so I forged up a wormslide while I would later one shot them to begin the map I Retreat a little and on the following turn I Collapse onto the enemies of my range I steadily progressed was the first Phantom wyvern and because of that high attack range I had to use Warcraft Ragnarok and a second engage to safely deal with them and now bait out the Mage with Dimitri's Shield Gambit and on the next turn I take them out and I also take out a wyvern with Fallen star on the following turn I use another Fallen star to both take out a wyvern and to safely bait out the upper wyvern I decide to stay where the reinforcements spawn and I kill them as they appear with SGA the layer I one shot the weapons and the other units are spawned were quite easy to deal with the hardest way for this challenge was the fifth wave but with an override they were quite easy to deal with I also faced a slight issue when the upper right enemies begin to move so I head towards them and I finish them off swiftly then I regain my position of Spawn camping the reinforcements after finishing off the reinforcements I begin to move up and clear out the enemies in the top right of the map with that done I opened the door on the west the wyvern and the Cavs were easy to deal with and now I begin the re-warp duplication glitch to perform the this glitch you need a character that is about to level up you need to unequip their weapons and you need to use a range to move re-rope to the top of their inventory now you use rework and then you've rewinded the time Crystal this glitch replaces a unit's last a quick weapon with reward for this run this glitch gives me flexible use of Makaya and re-warp to make quite a few Maps much easier I now open the right door and I use Fallen star and sea to finish off the wyvern who comes out and now places Louis to block the choke point and the Cavaliers in front of him deal zero damage to him this allows me to safely check down Tiki with a longbow with this strategy I easily defeat Tiki and beat the map I now decide to do the saw in parallelog I begin the map by rushing to the right with Louis and I also have used this ammonite's great ax to kill him without taking damage next I move next to saline with a layer and I use rework to safely move towards the right side my abundance of units allows me to easily clean out this area of any dangers on the subsequent turn I face a slight problem with the sword fires as they're out of range of my non-fire units and one of them has an almost layer so they can actually damage Louis to combat them I use another free rope to reposition Vanda in the dispatch of one of them were Fallen star this makes him effectively invincible so when the next enemy pays the Flyers ignore him I now kill the flyer and then I move towards the center of the map overall a big problem I had with this map is the magma greater tiles as they had a huge impact on most of my units movement as they made moving up fast quite hard anyway I now push into the center of the map and I prepare to pay our Soren who is quite annoying thanks to boating's insane range to safely beat him out I use full and stuff for safety but I also need to set up for an impactful reward so I also put chlorium range also at least she Dodges the Baltic on the flowing turn I used walkthrough Valyrian range of a re-wop with saline this perfectly allows me to move right next to sorrow I take out his first HP bar with a crit from Chloe and I use low cell rush to finish off his final HP bar to end the map on the Veronica Power log I forget to record the first few turns but with the power of the timer pistol you can see roughly what happened on each turn the most know everything I did is I had to re-warp to the center of the map as I can't fight all the enemies at once anyway this allows me to block the choke point with Louis and the rest of my squad heads towards the top right I managed to safely reach the top right and then I used rewolf to move a few of my units in range to attack Veronica I take out her first HP well with lodestar rush her next HP bar was taken down with a combination of a houses unite and ETA with a steel bow and now decided to do the Camilla parallelog to begin the map we use a signed decoy to move in and I managed to safely reach an area where I can set up for a re-woplay and now we use re-warp and then they dance with Veronica to re-up again this allows me to reach the boss quickly I use Chloe to weaken her first HP bar and finish it off with vettiere and I'll use full solar Vander he lands her and finishes off Camilla with a few parallels complete I decide I should easily be able to progress the main story so I begin chapter 7. since I've done a lot of the DLC my units are quite over level for this map and progressing is quite easy I mainly just rely on my arches to shoot down the Flyers and Louis to safely engage the large group of enemies I don't really have any problems I just mostly rely on Louis to lead the charge and I eventually reached the point where I must Engage The Boss because everyone tendency is engage attack all for one I can't exactly beat her out or she will damage me with either Noble rapier's effective damage or the chain attack true damage so I have to reward up to move to water I then used dark Inferno blow away and citrine to take out her first HP bar in the rear ends the map with a load star rush now I do the Chrome power lock for this map I Forge a silver gray ax to get some additional value out of dark Inferno from Camilla to begin the map I split up some units and I send Chloe to the left I should take zero damage from the Cavaliers and I also send Dewey to the right as he takes little to no damage from the X Fighters on the next turn the fire reinforcements show up and my unit's on the right struggle to deal with them so I just take out a few of them and then I use regob to move them to a safe area fortunately my units on the left were able to handle the reinforcements just fine and I'll finish off the fluores on the right side and use Louis to handle the upper fires while on the left I bait out the archers they move towards me so I take them out unfortunately I stay safe thanks to this terrain with that done the rest of the map was quite easy I effortlessly split up the armor knights to take them down and my units to the right have an equally painless time I now weaken the crystals and prepare for a big reward play to attack chrom and Robin with stickers engage attack I send Louis to chip down Robin and then I use cataclysm to finish him off while simultaneously chipping down from his first HP bar next I ascended lapis to weaken him further with the third book of Worlds there this allows Chloe to move in and attack him without risking a counter-attack I then devastate his second HP bar with a dark Inferno this allows for any attack to end the map and I choose to use mercurius for the extra exp on the heck the Power log I yet again forget to record the first few turns fortunately this map is quite easy so it doesn't really matter the only problem I face is the vents I can poison Louis making him take damage from every attack that would hit him to remedy this I use anti-toxins and I am easily able to push out of the starting area I try to move up and set up for an easy rework to kill the boss but Hector is just far more durable than I expect and I just decide to take on the reinforcements and bait out a few enemies near Hector with bolting the reinforcements were trivial to deal with but I have to import the use of a big override to handle the units coming from the left with that done I just moved louisian range of an Archer near Hector and it causes him to move again I can't quite deal with him so I run all the way towards the top right of the map while gradually putting them members of the units around Hector this has the fortune side effect of forcing Hector to accumulate three stacks of poison significantly boosting my damage I deal huge damage with saline and then they take out a HP bulb with lapis after that I attack again with citrine for some chip and they end the map of a load star rush on chapter 8 I separate we will play on turn two I then use rewarp and attack ivy with cataclysm and then finish off her HP ball with Bowie now use dark Inferno to pick up the secret book on the Mage and then finish the map of a load star rush just before I attempt chapter 9 I reset for an urban bond rate chapter 9 features a slight problem of Jade needing to avoid damage so to do this I re-wop up to her and I take out the knights surrounding her on enemy phase a few enemies surround me so I employ the use of dark infono to take out multiple units in one turn on the following turn I managed to take down both zelkopf and kigetsu to prevent the reinforcements from spawning next I take out the Army Knights on the lower part of the map and after that I use bolting to bait out Ivy I now wait for her to approach and when she's in range I blast her with powerful attacks just before defeating her I pick up the spirit dust and then I enter with a dark Inferno I now decide to do the Anna parallelog because I vastly outscaled this map I don't really have any problems I just rushed down towards Anna and I don't open the chest and I easily defeat the boss the next power lock was equally simple I just used Reverb to take out any threatening enemies and then the rest of the map was a joke now the only map left to take on was chapter 10. I begin the map by placing yunaka into a pillar a impressive avoid made sure that she would not be here and on the other side of the map Louie and his impressive defense bait out the enemies to the right on the next turn I use cataclysm dark Inferno and houses unite to clear out all the enemies around rosada my units on the other side of the map Retreat a little and on the next turn they begin to unleash a powerful offense and with some engage attacks I easily clear out the enemies and now begin to engage Hortensia to do this I position my units to take out the enemies around Hortensia and begin Myself by attacking the overnight with saline citrine combined with Veronica does the same thing to the other armor knight I now use a longbow to shoot down a flyer the way and Van did now take out a flyer finally I sended Louis to kill the Archer and he counts as a way to save it I now easily overpower Hotel and I break the door to fight Warrior he's pretty easy I kill him and some sword fighters with cataclysm Isis home was quite scary so I have to use a signed decoy to force him to attack Louis now Hyacinth moves in my range and attacked with diamond to sail for some chain attacks with a crit raging Storm I managed to take out his first HP bar and I'll use a silver blade to deal heavy damage to Hyacinth and they give some free XP with my Wiki units and finish him off with Louis we now move on to chapter 11. this map features one minor problem of enemies with the Celica ring it allows them to have an extremely far movement range in addition to this they have the resonance skill which will force them to deal true damage meaning where units will take damage regardless of how high their red is to beat them a way to turn and get into position and then they use Camilla's excellent movement boost to snipe them with darkened burner I now use a sign decoy to protect the Amon as he gets Frozen from the Dropship with Makaya and now Rush him with Vanda to trigger Ivy kagetsu and zelkov to appear in addition to us regaining the valuable time Crystal to help with safety unfortunately this also spawns in the hounds and sethia Armani have quite High movement so I now have to rush towards the bottom of the map quickly to do this I use enemy face counter attacks that are somewhat safe when I use lucina's bonded Shield when I just end up on the bottom of the map I have some problems with the abundance of enemies that around that area I decided to use astrosome to bait out some of them allowing for me to pin their numbers while simultaneously advancing I now get a fortunate activation of bonded shield and I survive the enemy phase on this turn I take out the enemies blocking my escape and I escape with Villa to escape the map on chapter 12 I used Louis with raging Storm to move up quickly and my other units take out the enemies in their range on the following turn I continue my advance and I managed to take down the wolf Knight unfortunately Louis can't move up as the warrior can damage him so I have to wait at her I then move in with a dark Inferno and a smash of the warrior with Louis now some reinforcements show up but they aren't too hard to handle shortly after more reinforcements show up the fires who have great Lance has released a beat without taking damage but the wolf Knights are a little harder I wait for them to reach a little part of the map and I take out the Mage with Louis next up last one of the wolf Knights were under and I finished them off with a layer to beat the second wolf Knight I hit them with a dark Inferno and I finish with pandrea I now begin chapter 13. this is a fog of wall map which is quite a annoying for this ride I begin the map by taking out the enemies between elia's group and tomorrow's group I now hit cell and I uncover a sniper that is easy to take out but I also use a sign decoy to bait out the Longboat Archer hidden in the fog I tried to kill him but I don't really have a safe way to fight him so the best I can do is a little chip with a javelin and I'll use a torch on Chloe and push into the center of the map this uncovers the Barbarian going for the village so he's racing storm to send in Louis to land the houses United to safely take him out with that done sauron's assigned decoy and Louis massive defense helps me push towards the boss however I have a problem at the back of my Army a large amount of flies push me so I take out as many as I can and I use a sign decoy and Louis to distract the remaining survivors after taking them out the bosses start to move so I throw them into this open area and now attack them selkov will cover the two hidden enemies in the fog I follow up with an attack from Merin and I finish off their first HP well with Burnett I now unleash her powerful cataclysm to weaken both bosses and to kill the Mage Leah now finishes off the boss with a tomahawk the bravex box was much easier to deal with since they can't counter attack at two range and I finish them off with a grip from Louis chapter 14 is a pretty simple map I split my units up and then I kill the thieves on the right side of the map I rely on Louis to help push up as for my units on the left they get into some trouble and they have to retreat counterclockwise my units know right now clear away towards the chests I now have used Louie's High defense to push towards the left and I annihilate the unit I have baited out on the next player face reinforcements now show up but they are no match for Louis and now abuse astrosom's high range debate after hounds individually making them much easier to deal with the first I fight is money I decimate her first HP world with Ivy and her next HP well was taken down with saline and pandrea and now fights Zephyr first have weaken her with cataclysm and then either defeat her first HP bar with pugetsu a second HP bar was simple to beat with Ivy ovia was another simple boss and I defeat him with my Majors I now try to fight for tencia but she decides to not move but I have to wait out until she runs out of use as a fracture but because of lewin's true damage I can't fight her on enemy phase so I Retreat until I have an opportunity to strike I attack himself off to weaken her they finish her first HP well with saline I weaken the second HP world without us and especially if the HP file with pigetsu and now accidentally kill Hortensia with Veronica's book of Worlds because this is my first time using her I didn't know the damage could actually kill right chapter 15. this one starts with a slight problem you see Cedar he's under attack and he will take damage if we don't save him in order to save him I use bile of stance to send in Ivy and Pinette who each are able to take out one corrupted I now use cataclysm to restrict the movement of this corrupted with anima focus and on the subsequent turn I finish off the initial corrupted and I recruit cedar because I can't safely bait out the next group of enemies I use bolting to trigger them to move I now Retreat to this open area and I easily handle the group of enemies without issue the next room was slightly annoying as I had to intern with a unit that could take both magical damage and physical damage my best choice was kagetsu who I significantly buff this Rez with a pure water and geospair this allowed him to take no damage from the Mage but I still had to dodge the ACT fighter I now quite easily push towards the next room where I use Camilla's water dragon vein to clear out the marasma I now bait out the mediocre flame Lance user and on the following turn I decimate the enemies with a powerful cataclysm in the final room I bait up my foes with Louis who is fortunate enough to land the crit to take one of the enemies out I then weaken a few enemies with cataclysm then I move in I trick the snipers with Cory's engage skill and I have used the boss's low hit to easily defeat him now all that was left for me to do was to escape the map on chapter 16 I take out the worm with Rosado and saline well a few of my units handle the thieves I now carefully move towards the center of the map by using a flame dragon vein to restrict my enemies on enemy phase I use bonded Shield to safely bait out of Paladin and I kill him with a critical retaliation I now easily crush the upper enemies but I have to position carefully to not be in range of the L thunder mage Knights my units continue to move up but I get punished when reinforcements from behind show up am I used to the lower part of the battle are enabled to take out the great night and I unfortunately take damage I now try a different approach and I end up using Ivy to clear out a lance fighter this helps out just enough and I managed to safely handle the lower units unfortunately this comes at a cost of my upper units you have to retreat down while losing the flame dragon bainers cover now my unit's getting a tricky situation with powerful units and all sides to survive I used a flame dragon vein to slow the upper enemies and I just barely have enough Firepower to take out the enemies on the left the assigned decoy Louis handles the great knight on enemy phase and I accidentally risked cdog getting hit fortunately he gives a lucky Dodge to avoid damage now the map's pretty much done I easily take out the reinforcements I decimate the worm and then I make my way towards the bosses I beat out Marnie with boating and I take down her first HP bar with Ivy I now use bolting again and on enemy phase I finish off her final HP buff the beat move here I'm weaken with pentreo then I finish his first HP well with ivy with a dark Inferno a single swing from kagetsu's hand ax was more than enough to end the map on chapter 17 I managed to take out the four enemies in front of me then Gris moves in and I find him extremely frustrating to deal with with dark Corp he effectively had a massive movement range and none of my units without a dance could reach him without being arranged to take damage additionally if I was in range to attack him he had some backup behind him so I tried to run away and use Hector's res boost to bait him out but thanks to resonance's True damage he still don't damage luckily I managed to think a plan by sending in Pinette to use dark Inferno I could stay out of range of the halberdis while lowering his HP to 1 to deactivate resonance allowing for me to bait him out safely with Chloe fortunately with him out of the way the other enemies coming towards me were trivial to deal with so I begin to engage Monty's group I initiate this with the flame dragon vein and I continue to abuse its movement restriction as I decide to fight mavia first I defeat the Cavs around him with Louis and assigned decoy next I used gig 11 sword and pernet to take out a HP bar then I attack with houses unite and kagetsu to finish him off and are steadily thin the numbers around Marnie and with my magic users she's easy to finish off with those bosses down I use bolting to safely bait out the rest of the map I now Retreat to the bottom right and I try to safely wait out Zephyr I miscalculate and I almost take damage IV now attacks for Thunder for chip and with a gig 11 sword I end her first HP bar then I just use a houses unite and Chloe to finish off the second the other two bosses weren't going to be that easy so I had to reposition slightly and find the numbers on the enemies around them I eventually get a chance to unleash a huge dark Inferno to deal massive damage to both Veil and Hyacinth and I'll safely take out veil with Bluey with some racing storms outside unites and just plain old attacking Luis smashes his way through hyacin to end another chapter on chapter 18 I moved louisian Ranger the wyverns and I use a signed decoy to kill them on enemy phase with a wormslayer now a few enemies move towards my position so I have to take them out I use the flame dragon vein to restrict the movement of enemies coming to the right and then they use fracture to break the sniper allow Ivy to safely kill him then I dance Ivy and proceed to stack up speedtaker on the left side I rely on bondage Shield to stay safe for the next enemy phase on the next turn I use the second engage descending Hortensia to recruit Linden I kill some photos of Ivy to stack up speed taker I then use dark Inferno to collect the speed wing and in a dance Ivy and attack the boss she just barely is able to take out one HP bar on enemy phase the boss moves first but she has terrible hit rates and she Dodges IP now proceeds to kill her ending the map on chapter 19 I blocked this choke point with Louis who literally takes zero damage from all enemies so I quite easily beat most of the enemies in farm exp the only Troublesome enemy other than the bosses is this worm who I beat with fracture in a few attacks from Ivy when Mafia begins to move I bait him out with pandreo and a sign decoy I put them from the safety of blue range this ultimately results in him dying and now slowly kill every non-money enemy and I slow ship her down with my Majors because of three stacks of poison this was quite easy and I end the map of an attack from meron chapter 20. well this map I sent the net with sigured to crickgrass this causes him to move towards the top of the map but kogetsu was already there to defeat him I must one show him as he has Unholy stunts and he will damage me if I fail to one shot him this means I have to rely on the time Crystal until I get lucky enough that I quit him twice then I end the map with that chapter done I decide this would be a great time to do every single paralog I have access to so I begin makaya's parallel this map is very easy I just use astrosome to beat out Makaya and I take advantage of her awful physical durability to tear through her HP bars a final HP bar was a little harder to deal with but with two attacks from saline the Getsu can easily finish her off on Ike's paralog I handled the lower units with Louis the Eastern Indies with a flame dragon vein and I managed to take out the armor knights with ivy Ike moves towards me due to me attacking him with Astro storm I now bait him out with Ivy and because of his predictable AI he equips the hammer allowing for me to take down a HP bar on enemy phase with an attack a dance and another attack I defeat Ike for an easy win on by this power log avoiding damage is extremely easy as the enemies literally don't attack you I steadily progress off the map and I easily clear out the passive enemies to beat the worms I use houses unite to beat one and I use the combination of bolting and a wormslayer to beat the other I now entrap one of the mini bosses near Byler and my magic users make quick work of them I now try to use rework to kill by the quickly but this just fails so I have to rewind with some patience Wireless moves in my range and I take out three of his HP bars with Ivy I then observe his ruined with a from Bluey on Corwin's parallelog I re-up over to Corinth I now use a large amount of dancers to finish all of her HP bars with Ivy to end an easy map on Erica's parallelog I used two reworks to transport a squad down the map next they use Louis to open a way towards Erica and then I find out he has underwhelming hit rate against her so I have to use the time Crystal to land a few keys attacks on Erica I take out her first HP bar with a crit a second with an atrocity a third with a houses unite and her final one with another atrocity I significantly outscaled the Lucina paralog so it should not be a surprise that I use rework to easily beat her in one turn I yet again significantly outscaled the Lin parallel and yet again I re-wop him Louis now plays a weird version of special pass where he smashes Lin and then ends the map with a houses unite on the sigid parallelog I slowly move up and deal with the initial enemies so I can get in position to make an effective reworked play I Then push through this Mage with togetsu and iPhone Sega to ask for some attacks with Ivy to end the map on the leaf paralog I go collect the speed wing and I walk over to leaf and I kill him in one turn on voice parallelog I use a sign decoy on Louis to proactively push towards the right this goes well and I easily reach the right side of the map I now set up for a good re-warp and walks down I can say Divine pulse I land the lucky and trap to move Roy in my range I weaken him with Ivy but his holdout makes it hard to finish his first HP bar with a bile of dance I use her attention to finish off his first HP bar I then used Veronica's weapon that I can't pronounce to drop right HP to one then I finish him off with Andrea with another attack from IV I end the map for Pinette on telecast parallelog I save for a re-warp play I move directly towards her I weaken her with dark Inferno and I take out her first HP bar with Louis Louis attacks again with houses unite into an atrocity to end the map on chapter 21 we finally return to the main story but we use the strategies we've learned from the power logs to rework towards Bale I take out her first HP bar with houses unite then her next HP boss were easily with a few swings of a brave Lance on chapter 22 I quickly pushed down and take out the Warriors my Army now moves towards the Rings while Louis stalls the enemies coming to the left now I move a lyrion range of the first set of rings because I know this triggers the Griffins to move I try to use the signed decoy to weaken them on a counter-attack unfortunately the Griffins move in a weird order preventing Ivy from attacking I now managed to just barely take out the Griffins with a powerful dark Inferno and a lucky grit in the same turn I use fracture to safely finish of the world and then I use a large amount of obstructs to safely handle the reinforcements from the north with them defeated I abused Louie's exceptional defense to push into the center of the map I can't quite hold my ground so I Retreat until I find an opportunity to wipe them all out and now beta and Archer to trigger a large amount of units to move towards me I can't quite take them all out but with a signed decoy they all attack into Louis allowing for a safe enemy phase the final group of enemies was much harder than I expect and I have to leave a high priest alive for enemy Fades I expect to take damage here but seeing a break the high priest attacks Ivy and she easily Dodges I now easily clear out the reinforcements and collect the final few rings to end the map on chapter 23 I sailed for a turn to rework player to do this I carefully position my flyers and I use a Camilla engage to allow for a good first reward then I re-warp again I now use Louis to decimate the bosses with attacks from a killer Edge and brave runs during this Rampage I realized that I'll be just short of actions so I use full and star and Louis somehow doubles griss allowing him to take him down but one star now allows Louis to safely use raging storm on zapier to take out a HP bar then with one final threat I beat the chapter on chapter 24 I yet again positioned for an easy re-warp skip but I made a mistake and I almost get hit I now walk up to the boss and I easily one round them with ivy with a few dancers I easily beat them up on chapter 25 we use re-wop again and yet again Ivy demolishes the boss with very little effort now I do the math paralog I wonder how I do this one I just debuffed the boss I then initiate combat with ivy three times to end the map on the Allure parallelog we finally play a map that isn't defeat boss so we can't just warp skip it all this map I use Point engage skill to prevent the corrupted from escaping while I have Louis take on the enemies to the right and I mainly use Ivy to beat the units coming from the left with good use of four and I remember to clear out all the enemies except the boss and now wait for the boss to reach the upper part of the map while I regain emblem gauge with a few of my units I now take out the boss to spawn in the reinforcement on the left I managed to rely on Ivy to one round the wolf Knights and the helmet is full to the combined power of the rest of my squad on the following turn I continue to abuse Ivy's amazing offense to clear out the end well on the right Louis handles the foes on enemy phase now we use dark infono to weaken the approaching enemies allowing for me to kill all four of them and I wait for the southern enemies to approach and with good use of corn and Ivy I effortlessly handled the huge group of enemies and clear another easy map with that map down we gain the packed ring but who would I give it to in my heart I knew there was just one option it was ivy with that done it was time to head towards the final map I begin the map by re-ropping up to sombron and killing him with Ivy now someone transforms and on the second part of the map I used Louis to decimate the dark emblem with the silver blade and I use Ivy to take on the second dark emblem on the next turn I use Pinette and Louis with the Camilla and sigid emblems to finish off the bow Knight and I also use rework descend in Linden who can use Echo to take out both of the final dark emblems HP bars this drops his barrier allowing for Ivy to one round someone with engaged plus and with alacrity she can do this safely without risking a counter with a few attacks on sombron Ivy defeats him for an easy win to summarize the run the early game was quite challenging and required a lot of resets but around the time I I could quite easily trivialize the rest of the game if you enjoyed you can watch my no damage run of fell xenologue be sure to like And subscribe and bye
Channel: TeeGee
Views: 24,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FE, Fire Emblem, FE17, Engage, Maddening, Challenge, Skill, No, Damage, No Damage, Without Taking Damage, DLC
Id: xNIKF0Ot94c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 6sec (1866 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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